Suitability Analysis as a Recommendation System for Housing Search
Jaskaran Singh Puri and Pedro Cabral
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide,
1070-312 Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Suitability Analysis, Spatial Analysis, ArcGIS, GIS, Remote Sensing.
Abstract: The metropolitan cities are facing a huge skewness of service distribution that is given in different parts of
the same city. Given the rapid increase in immigration, the quality-of-life factors are often left out while
performing housing searches. This paper explores the ideal sub-regions in Delhi, India, for living based on
different lifestyle profiles. Using suitability analysis, it is possible to personalize a geographical area for
housing. Five such factors, namely, rental budget, commute time, green landscape, pollution, and food
accessibility were considered. Four different user profiles (18-65) and their importance to each of the factors
were simulated. The range of each variable was standardized using transformations. Data was obtained from
data-hubs like Kaggle, OSM, and GEE. The analysis was supported by ArcGIS Pro to get district-level
features and suitability modelling. The commute variable is a derived variable from the cost surface raster
and AQI values from the weather stations were used. Four different suitability maps are generated using multi-
criteria evaluation. This automated approach can be useful for customers and agents to find or consult housing
for immigrants by making it personalized and providing insights to better explain consumer behaviour based
on spatial attributes, hence making spatially intelligent tools.
India, one of the fastest developing economies in the
world has a QoL (Quality of Life index) of 103 while
Switzerland maintains the highest QoL of 188 as per
Numbeo’s report of 2022. To add on, India faces the
burden of population and service centres to develop
for the people. Although with the advancement of
technology we (India) have been able to make major
improvements for the digital infrastructure and
collect enormous data, through spatial tools like
satellites or drones and aspatial tools like payment
systems, socio-economic surveys, or the generic tools
on the internet. However, with all the data we have,
we still struggle to address the QoL index which at its
root means improving housing indicators, crime rates,
and healthcare, among other statistics. We focus on
the very first indicator ie. housing and sustainability,
for eg, with some of the major Indian cities like Delhi,
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, and Pune
have become the major hubs for opportunities across
fields, it has also led to a huge inflow of people to just
a few of these cities. As a result, finding a sustainable
place to live in when moving to a different city for the
long term (Maclennan, 2012) has become of utmost
importance as it eventually will impact the country’s
QoL index. Most of the search tools that we use to
find accommodation on websites are generally
limited to budget and other accommodation
characteristics like area, beds, bathroom, WiFi, etc.
As a result of which, we often find ourselves looking
for better places to live in in the long run. It was
observed in a housing market study in London (Rae,
2016) that there exists a spatial mismatch between
search extent and housing characteristics which
explores an interesting result of what people are
searching for, in some cases, is likely to be found
outside their search extent.
A weighted suitability analysis to study the
growth of urban development was done by (Jain,
2007) for a city in India where variables like Land
Use and road accessibility are explored, as a result of
which the suitability maps matched with those of
urban expansion maps. Another suitability analysis
for educational land use using environmental was
done in Tehran by (Javadian, 2011) where factors like
access to schools, the slope of the area, and vicinity
to service centers were done. GIS-based studies
Puri, J. and Cabral, P.
Suitability Analysis as a Recommendation System for Housing Search.
DOI: 10.5220/0011014700003185
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2022), pages 91-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-571-5; ISSN: 2184-500X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
specifically for housing search (Xavier, 2012) were
also carried out. This study used classification as a
method to find the optimal value for the variables,
unfortunately, home-based variables like rental
pricing or dynamic variables like traffic changes were
not considered for this study. Moreover, the study
does not rely on user-weights hence not making
personalised decisions for the common people. A
house counselling study (Johnson, 2005) was also
carried out where the census data was used as the
primary source and was only intended for
organisations to provide counselling and provided
generic overall suitable areas-based house features.
This study aims to bridge the gap between aspatial
and spatial data, supported by GIS tools. It essentially
allows us to answer a simple question “What’s the
best place to do something?”. One such methodology
that enables us to perform this experiment is called
suitability analysis. The basic premise of which is to
help us find the best-suited decision based on some
requirements, rather than just giving the perfect
One such critical advancement in the field of GIS
has been that of AHP or Analytical Hierarchy
Processes. AHP (Saaty, 2008) is an evaluation
procedure based on weighted qualitative and
quantitative factors. Majorly impacting site selection
and land suitability use cases across the industry.
(Bathrellos, 2017) was able to extend the core values
of AHP methodology to improve the urbanization
locations based on natural hazards and was able to
produce maps of suitable areas for development.
Due to the ever-changing landscape features of
any place, it was important for this study to consider
features that are generic to any place on earth. The
factors studied for this experiment capture both the
lifestyle aspects and age of a person, as also used by
(Sun, 2009) for land suitability in China. To carry out
a real-world simulation, we also assume four different
user profiles across the age range of 18-65. In our
experiment, we rely on ArcGIS Pro to carry out all
the important data transformation and
implementation of different algorithms.
This experiment will also address an important
hypothesis that “Spatial features do not affect the
lifestyle of an individual”. This can be observed in
our results by visualizing the different suitability
maps for the four user profiles. If we see similar
regions are recommended to all the users, irrespective
of their weights, that would mean we failed to reject
our hypothesis.
In the following section, the study area and its
related problems are discussed. Then the
methodology to experiment is presented. Finally,
results and relevant discussion is done for the various
simulations carried out for different users.
1.1 Study Area
Situated in the north-central part of India and on the
west bank of the Yamuna River, the capital of India,
Delhi due to its importance and rapid urbanization
was chosen as our study area, shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Map of Delhi, India is divided into 9 districts.
Spread over 1400 sqkm, Delhi, divide into 9 high-
level districts and further sub-divide into 32 divisions
as seen in Figure 1, is a highly populated area with a
population density of about 11,000 people per sqkm.
The landscape is mostly plain with over 33% of the
population residing in rental accommodation. The
city is one of the fastest-growing IT-hub in the
country and hence attracts millions of people to
migrate in the hope of a better future.
Delhi happens to be a good study area for our
experiment as it has a complex transportation system
of roads and metros that affects commute time and at
the same time is a great place for recreational
activities, work, and education. The city can support
people of almost all age groups as per their needs,
however, due to its large area, it can be hard to judge
as to what sub-region will suit a specific individual’s
In this section, we will discuss the steps carried out to
execute this suitability analysis. It is important to first
set up a suitability modelling architecture that should
contain our goal and model criteria. The goal is the
outcome we would like to get from the model, as in
our case would be the top n divisions from the 32 that
suit a user’s lifestyle. On the other hand, criteria
GISTAM 2022 - 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
would be the different factors that we are considering
as an input to the model. In our experiment, we’ve
decided on five such relevant factors rental budget,
commute time, green landscape, pollution, and
restaurant quality.
The reason for choosing these variables is to
enable a generic modelling scenario since the nature
of data presented here can be accessible for other
cities. With almost every country/city having a
dedicated website for housing search, food delivery
apps, weather monitoring platforms, the data for
rental budget, food accessibility and pollution is
accessible. On the other hand, the world-wide
coverage of Sentinel-2 and OSM-like data hubs will
allow free and open access to data for green landscape
and commute time calculation.
2.1 User Profiling
From a successful example of suitability analysis
(Albacete, 2012), where the experiment was being
simulated for multiple profiles, it was decided to
extend this approach for our experiment as well but
with an addition of user-specific weights. To run this
simulation for different users and test our hypothesis,
we created four different user profiles from the age
group 18-65 and their relevant weights or importance
for each of the five factors. The following table 1
shows the user profiling in detail.
Table 1: User Profiles with variables and weight
Profile/ Age Variable Weight In %
A / 18
Commute Time 10
Rental Budget 60
Pollution 10
Green Landsca
e 5
Restaurant Qualit
B / 25
Commute Time 30
Rental Budget 10
Pollution 5
Green Landscape 5
Restaurant Qualit
C / 40
Commute Time 55
Rental Bud
et 5
Pollution 15
Green Landscape 15
Restaurant Quality 10
D / 65
Commute Time
Rental Budget
Green Landscape 15
Restaurant Quality 1
2.2 Variable Definition
With the different variables that we have, the scale of
one form of data will rarely match the scale of other
variables. To address this, we use three different
transformation types small variable, large variable,
and user-specific variable.
Small Variable: When we have a negative
correlation between suitability and our variable i.e. if
the variable magnitude increases, the suitability
Rental Budget (RA): Scaled Range is 0 100
Formula Used: 100 {input}
Example: If Input = 75, RA = 100 – 75 = 25
Commute Time (CT): Scaled Range is 0 1
Formula Used: 1 {input}
Example: If Input = 0.75, CT = 1 – 0.75 = 0.25
Pollution (PL): Scaled Range is 0 1
Formula Used: 1 {input}
Example: If Input = 0.25, RA = 1 – 0.25 = 0.75
Large Variable: When we have a positive
correlation between suitability and our variable i.e., if
the variable value increases, the suitability increases.
Restaurant Quality (RQ): Range 0 5
Formula Used: {input} 0
Example: If Input = 3, RQ = 3
User-Specific Variable: This is a special case when
we don’t want a variable to be on any of the extremes.
The ideal value is in the middle of a given range
Green Landscape (GL): Range 0 1
Formula Used:
{input} > 0.5, 1 – {input}
{input} < 0.5, {input} – 0
Example: If Input = 0.6, GL = 0.4
2.3 Data Collection
Typically, a GIS application uses raster or vector
data, mostly obtained from satellites, drones, or
digitization of maps. The selection of data for this
study was based on their recency, accuracy, and
trusted open data providers.
For easier interpretation, we’ve divided the data
sources between Primary and Derived data. Primary
data refers to sources from which the data was used
as is, while derived data was extracted after a few
steps of processing.
Primary Data:
Rental Budget data was acquired from Kaggle
which is a high-quality open data hub. Using the
Suitability Analysis as a Recommendation System for Housing Search
lat/long feature of this data it was possible to use
it for spatial analysis
Pollution data was acquired from Central
Pollution Control Board for the AQI recorded
across different weather stations in the city
Restaurant Quality data was also acquired from
Kaggle which consisted of all restaurants in the
city with their respective coordinates and food
Green landscape data was acquired from Sentinel-
2A raster imagery obtained from Google Earth
Engine (GEE)
The vector data for city-level districts, the road
network, and building polygons were obtained
from the OSM data-hub
LULC map from ESRI 2020 was also used as an
input to distance analysis
Derived Data:
Commute Time data wasn’t directly available in
the open hub. However, using OSM building
vector polygons, and LUCL map the traffic
intensity for each division was estimated
2.4 Data Preparation Structure
A summarized view has been displayed on the
previous page, Figure 2. for data preparation of our
Figure 2: Showing a summarized view of how all variables
were prepared.
2.4.1 Rental Budget Variable
The accommodation budget is usually a very
important factor when choosing a new place to stay.
However, the pricing range can vary unevenly in
different areas of the city. Usually, rents are cheaper
in the outskirts of the city while it increases by a
factor of ‘x's as we move closer to the inner city.
Figure 3: Sub-divisions with mean rental pricing.
We observe a similar trend in the pricing of houses
across Delhi as shown in Figure 3.
As we can observe the dark red areas have higher
mean pricing of accommodations and the ones farther
away from the city are comparatively cheaper. For
this variable, we had a total of 17,790 rental points.
All the prices have been normalized between 0 to 1
and further on have been reclassified into 10 bins for
better standardization of data. Using the “Calculate
Field” option in ArcGIS Pro, a new field “raster_cost”
was created to store the reclassified values, finally
summarized by the division polygons using the mean
2.4.2 Green Landscape Variable
In modern cities, it is often hard to find such
landscapes especially due to the increase in
population and continuous deforestation. Greenery
has now become a luxury and has become an
important factor for the older age groups while
moving to a new place.
This kind of data is made available using raster
imagery of Sentinel-2A. Using the Google Earth
Engine (GEE) platform, which is a highly scalable
tool for geospatial analysis, the NDVI index was
calculated using our input shapefile of the entire city.
NDVI index is a mathematical combination of the
Red (B4) and NIR (B8) of Sentinel-2 to estimate the
amount of green density for a specific area. The
GISTAM 2022 - 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
following formula was used for the calculation of this
NDVI values for each of our 32 sub-division
polygons are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Mean NDVI across sub-divisions.
2.4.3 Pollution Variable
The air quality index or AQI has now become an
important metric when evaluating the lifestyle of an
area, especially in developing countries where
urbanization is at its peak, the metro cities are the
highest impacted areas in the country. For our study
area, the AQI since the last few years has been
averaging between 300-400 which falls in the
“Severe” category.
For our study, we use 38 weather stations spread
across the city. Each station recorded its AQI values
as seen in Figure 5. To get division-level statistics
from station points, the addresses were geocoded
using ESRI’s Geocoding Database.
Figure 5: Locations of weather stations overlayed mean
AQI. Not all sub-divisions have AQI value.
2.4.4 Restaurant Quality Variable
Food accessibility and quality is yet another generic
assessment metric for realizing social life. This data
was initially collected from a local food delivery app
at a national level. Due to the raw nature of this data,
it was required to first clean the data for missing
values and normalization. Some restaurants did not
have any values for the delivery ratings and hence
were first imputed using spatial average i.e. for each
restaurant having missing values, they were imputed
with the mean of rating of restaurants in the proximity
of 10kms.
Further on, we had two rating variables initially,
food rating and delivery rating, both of which are on
a different scale. Another important factor was the
pricing of the food as well. Taking into account these
3 variables, the following variable with a custom
formula was developed:
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 AVG(Food Rating + Delivery Rating)/Cost
Using this formula, whenever we have low pricing
for the food and a higher overall rating of food and
delivery, we get a higher value and vice-versa.
Finally, this new variable was scaled from 0 – 1. The
final result can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Sub-division level restaurant quality.
2.4.5 Commute Time Variable
Travel or commute time as other factors are yet
another important metric for our experiment. Due to
certain land types and urban development, some parts
of the city are the hardest to commute through. Traffic
data however isn’t something that is preserved by any
governmental or commercial organizations. The
following sources of data are explained in detail:
OSM Data: Open Street Maps (India, North-East
Region 2021) provide us essentially the polygon
level data of various land types, as in our case
that’d be buildings and roads for our study area.
Suitability Analysis as a Recommendation System for Housing Search
Using building polygons count we can assume
that a certain sub-division that has 0 buildings will
comparatively have minimum traffic congestion.
LULC Data: The LULC map generated by ESRI
in 2020 for the entire globe. However, at a coarser
resolution, we still get an approximate idea if a
certain area is motorable or not. At a sub-division
level, this resolution of the raster image is enough.
The classes were reclassified to signify the
difficulty of the terrain type.
The following figures show the division level results
from the OSM data source, Figure 7.
Figure 7: Green divisions signify low building polygons
and red division shows a high cluster of buildings.
This data however does not represent any traffic or
commute difficulty over at a road level. It is neither
possible to say if, for example, it is harder nor easier
to travel from one polygon to another. To account for
this, we need data that is much more granular as
compared to a district level. As mentioned before,
LULC maps from ESRI combined with OSM road
maps can be used to infer such details. First, we re-
classify the land classes by their difficulty to
commute through. For example, the urban area is
easier to commute to than the water class. A complete
list of classes and their commute weights is
mentioned in Table 2.
Table 2: LULC and Commute Ranking.
Class Name Commute Complexity
Built Area 2
Shrub 3
Baren 3
Crops 4
Flooded Veg. 5
Grass 6
Tree 7
Water 8
To combine the two outputs, LULC commute map
and building density, a raster algebra operation was
performed with a 40% weightage given to LULC
maps due to low-resolution uncertainties, and 60%
weightage was given to the OSM based building
density. The following operation was done:
0.4 𝑥 𝐿𝑈𝐿𝐶
  0.6 𝑥 𝐵𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
To obtain the cost of commute at a road level we used
the “Path Distance Allocation” tool from ArcGIS Pro
with OSM road maps and the weighted raster as
inputs. As a result of which the following output of
roads signifying their complexity to commute in
Figure 8 is shown. These values were however
summarised at a sub-district level to maintain
consistency across all variables.
Figure 8: OSM road network represented as a weighted
layer of commute toughness.
Once all the variables were prepared, we used ArcGIS
Pro’s in-built Suitability Modeller. Different
suitability analyses models for every profile were
built due to the change in weights for different
An important pattern that we can observe from the
four suitability maps is how the direction of
recommended locations starts to move towards the
south of the city as the weight of rental budget
variables starts to reduce. The inter and intra district
analysis of Delhi from 2011-2020 (M. Sharma, 2022)
also show similar spatial trends in terms of the quality
of life in the northern part of the city as compared to
the south. The liveable housing conditions that
include the availability of basic amenities are more
accessible in the northern sub-districts of the capital.
As per the reports, it was also observed that the north,
GISTAM 2022 - 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
north-west, and central part of the city had the most
liveable housing conditions.
The southern districts, however, have a lower
percentage of liveable houses due to the difference in
the income-class groups, population density, and
patches of slums around these areas. The following
figures 9, 10, 11, and 12 show the most suitable
locations for the profiles A, B, C, and D to stay in.
Figure 9: Most suitable locations for Profile A.
Figure 10: Most suitable locations for Profile B.
Figure 11: Most suitable locations for Profile C.
Figure 12: Most suitable locations for Profile D.
In this study, we explored how suitability models can
also help us with social problems like finding the best
lifestyle-suited locations to live within a city.
Using GIS tools and methodologies, several data
points across five different variables were collected,
and by assuming a few user profiles we were able to
test our hypothesis that these variables play a vital
role in selecting optimal locations for different users.
GIS processing was supported by ArcGis Pro for
different geoprocessing tasks. However, a more
exhaustive analysis could have been done by bringing
in lifestyle variables from social media such as user-
interests per division through geotagged tweets or
other online data hubs, as done by (Zucca, 2008) by
including non-spatial data of social functions for their
suitability study.
As a limitation to the study, there is a presence of
geographical bias (as seen in the Modifiable Area
Unit Problem) in the study as most of the variables
are summarized to a broader geographical. This was
due to the lack of availability of data at a building
level. However, the need of using spatial tools for
real-estate and housing search platforms still
represents a strong use case for improving their
recommendation and search engines.
This study was supported by national funds through
FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under
the project UIDB/04152/2020 - Centro de
Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC).
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GISTAM 2022 - 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management