A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with
Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing
Thomas Lor
, Florian Wohner and Stephan Krenn
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Multiparty Computation, Verifiable Computing, End-to-End Security, Authenticity.
The digitization trend in the manufacturing industry is gaining pace and novel cloud based market places will
play an important role in the transformation. However, existing market platforms are centrally organized and
can not provide the required level of data privacy and trustworthiness needed for the manufacturing industry.
In this work we study the security and privacy aspects for the case of a market platform for outsourcing in
manufacturing. We show that the requirements identified together with relevant stakeholder are challenging
and sometimes also contradicting on the first sight. To address this challenge we combined different crypto-
graphic building blocks into a novel framework for more secure but transparent decentralized data markets. In
particular the framework combines secure multiparty computation with zero-knowledge proof of knowledge
methods and blockchain to enable flexible sealed-bid auctions which are also publicly verifiable. For eval-
uation a proof-of-concept was developed and benchmarking results show that the framework can efficiently
address all requirements established.
Emerging needs for novel secure data spaces are driv-
ing current developments in cloud computing and the
Internet of Things. One such domain is manufactur-
ing, where the sharing economy is expected to have
a significant impact in multiple dimensions, rang-
ing from reduced costs, over increased innovative-
ness and competitiveness, to considerable environ-
mental benefits. However, mutual distrust and data
sovereignty is of special concern in the manufactur-
ing industry, e.g., related to corporate secrets and cus-
tomer data.
Control over data is still hampered in large infras-
tructures and the trend to centralization is alarming
for a prosper economy. By connecting production fa-
cilities to the cloud, many security and compliance
approaches relying on a pure contractual basis (ser-
vice level agreements, SLA) must be reconsidered,
especially with respect to the existing oligopoly in
the cloud market. A clear understanding of emerg-
ing security and privacy issues is needed, and security
paradigms based on cryptography rather than SLAs
have to be considered in order to guarantee confiden-
tiality and data sovereignty in the cloud.
Contributions. In this work, we propose a net-
worked, decentralized architecture for end-to-end ver-
ifiable yet privacy-preserving auctions, in order to
support future manufacturing clouds and market-
places. Our platform combines different technologies
in a new way to provide adequate protection of busi-
ness secrets as well as transparency and end-to-end
On the technical side, this is achieved by a com-
bination of secure multi-party computation and zero-
knowledge proofs of knowledge that also incorporates
the edge of the network to achieve the main proper-
ties envisaged by the different stakeholders. The plat-
form not only allows for determining the lowest bid,
but also advanced price-finding mechanisms based on
price-ratio methods. Our solution minimizes the nec-
essary mutual trust, not only between different bid-
ders but also towards the auctioneer. We implemented
a proof of concept of our approach, integrating and
extending a number of existing tools and frameworks,
e.g., for MPC and zkSNARKs. The performed bench-
marking demonstrates the practicality for realistic sets
of parameters for use cases encountered in our use
Outline. The remainder of the paper is structured in
the following way. We provide a detailed overview of
Lorünser, T., Wohner, F. and Krenn, S.
A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing.
DOI: 10.5220/0011006700003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 637-647
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
related work and the state of the art in Section 2. In
Section 3 we present the new architecture and explain
how it addresses the requirements of our use case.
Our framework is then described in Section 4. The
evaluation results of our proof-of-concept implemen-
tation are reported in Section 5. Finally, we briefly
conclude and discuss possible future extensions in
Section 6.
MPC can be considered the most practical approach
for generic computation on encrypted data. This
means that virtually any function can be computed in
an MPC system in principle, however, due to the over-
head introduced by MPC protocols they are slower
than a classical computer by orders of magnitudes.
Nevertheless, the first realization of a real application
was demonstrated in an auction held for the Danish
sugar beets market in 2009 (Bogetoft and et al., 2009).
This was the first large-scale and practical applica-
tion of multiparty computation and enabled farmers
to get a fair market clearing price. They used a local
setup with three computers in the same room and ran
a semi-honest MPC protocol to calculate the clear-
ing price. About 4000 values for prices were sup-
ported at most and 1229 bidders participated in the
auction. The inputs from the individual bidders were
encoded by verifiable secret sharing and the compu-
tation lasted for half an hour.
The basic problem of this setting is the lack of
scalability of the MPC protocols itself. The chosen
setup with 3 nodes prevents the bidders from directly
participating in the computation but requires them to
first encode their inputs for the MPC nodes. The im-
proved security in this setting is evident, but to further
increase the trustworthiness of the system, and to de-
crease the trust assumptions in the MPC nodes, some
form of public verifiability would be desirable.
To cope with this issue new research combined the
mechanisms with blockchain and (non-interactive)
zero-knowledge proof (NIZK) techniques. The
blockchain is an ideal candidate to be used for stor-
age of relevant audit data in an accessible manner,
however, because all data written to the blockchain is
visible to every party additional machinery is required
to maintain confidentiality and privacy. NIZKs enable
parties to publish proofs about statements without re-
vealing secrets per se (witnesses) and are therefore an
ideal tool to integrate blockchain with the confiden-
tiality preserving MPC functionality.
anchez (S
anchez, 2017) proposed Raziel, a sys-
tem that combines MPC and NIZK to guarantee the
privacy, correctness and verifiability of smart con-
tracts. The idea underlying Raziel is a smart con-
tract which in addition to the standard properties also
guarantees correctness of auctions. The validity of the
generated NIZKs can also be verified by third parties,
thereby achieving publicly verifiability.
Another approach to verifiable auctions has been
presented in (Galal and Youssef, 2018) and a soft-
ware prototype can be found on GitHub
. The solu-
tion combined homomorphic commitments and NIZK
together with a verifiable comparison protocol to
achieve a secure FPSBA. The system is verifiable
and privacy preserving against outsiders, however, a
trusted auctioneer is still required because he learns
all bids.
Furthermore, Blass and Kerschbaum (Blass and
Kerschbaum, 2018) presented Strain, a protocol to
implement sealed-bid auctions on top of blockchains
that protects the bid privacy against fully malicious
parties. In a nutshell, the protocol works as fol-
lows: bids are encrypted bitwise and are stored on
the blockchain. Bidders then to run interactive zero-
knowledge protocols generating proofs of relations
between bids, thereby realizing auctions in a peer-
to-peer fashion. Albeit being scalable by the peer-
to-peer nature, the protocol still needs a semi-trusted
auctioneer as arbiter and requires all parties to be on-
line during all auction phases. It also leaks the full
order of all bids compared to the winning bid as re-
quired by auctions.
Kosba et al. (Kosba and et al., 2016) presented
Hawk, a framework to establish privacy preserving
smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Hawk is
intended to protect transaction data on chain by lever-
aging zero-knowledge proof techniques. The goal
was an easy-to-use framework providing a compiler
managing the cryptographic tasks. Up to our knowl-
edge, the Hawk framework has still not been released
yet. However, it is considered that the approach can-
not be efficiently integrated with MPC.
In another work (Galal and Youssef, 2019), Galal
and Youssef utilized Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-
interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK) to
realize privacy friendly auctions on a blockchain.
However, their solution makes use of a trusted auc-
tioneer who learns the bids. This is contrary to our
goals; however, the approach contains interesting as-
pects and by realizing the auctioneer in a distributed
fashion using MPC, the concept resembles the core
ideas of our approach. Additionally, cryptocurrencies
have been used to incentivize fairness and correctness,
and avoid deviations from the MPC or NIZK protocol.
In these systems money has to be escrowed in deposits
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
which are only returned if the behave honestly. This
in effect encourages parties to strictly follow the pro-
tocols to avoid the financial penalty. Protocols in this
direction have been proposed in (Andrychowicz and
et al., 2014; Bentov and Kumaresan, 2014; Kumare-
san et al., 2016; Kumaresan and Bentov, 2016).
Baum (Baum et al., 2014) proposed publicly au-
ditable MPC; however, this work is mainly of theo-
retical interest and never really implemented. It also
integrates with SPDZ but is likely to be too expensive
for practical applications, as the idea is basically to
make each computational step verifiable by adding a
zero-knowledge proof.
A key requirement in a cloud manufacturing is to op-
timally match supply and demand, i.e., available man-
ufacturing resources and customers’ needs. In the
following we thus present a verifiable and privacy-
preserving marketplace for manufacturing resources.
In our scenario, we consider a marketplace provider,
at which owners of manufacturing sites can sign up
as producers and register their machines as well as
meta information such as configurations, quality lev-
els, etc, cf. also Figure 1. Customers (or buyers) can
now put orders, and producers can provide bids to
win the order. Leveraging multi-party computation
to ensure confidentiality, blockchain to immutably
store encrypted bids and results, and zero-knowledge
proofs to ensure integrity and verifiability, the market-
place will then match the bids against the order, and
announce the winning bid. The precise data flow will
be described in Section 4.
3.1 Security Requirements
In the following, we introduce the security and pri-
vacy requirements to a marketplace for cloud manu-
facturing applications, which were derived in collab-
oration with industry partners. On a high level, we
found an environment which is aware of their assets
but is currently not sure how they could leverage the
data they own because of concerns regarding the in-
sufficient protection of business critical information,
and the risk of a potentially colluding harmful envi-
ronment during auctions. More precisely, the require-
ments are as follows.
Confidentiality. Confidentiality of the producers’
bids is of utmost importance through all phases of the
auction. In particular, the bids do not only need to
be protected from unauthorized access through com-
petitors, but also from the platform provider. This is
because of the risk of this central entity colluding with
certain producers, thereby fully undermining the price
finding mechanisms.
Furthermore, our interviews with industry also
showed, that production and shop floor data can be
business critical. That is, competitors should not gain
any information about a producer’s current capacity
utilization, machinery status, or process information
on production lines.
Integrity. Besides the requirement of correctness in
the case of exclusively honest entities, it is necessary
that the integrity of an auction’s result can also be
guaranteed in the case of a malicious operator of the
marketplace. This even needs to hold in the case that
the provider is colluding with other entities in the sys-
tem, including producers and buyers, in order to en-
sure that no party can manipulate the outcome of the
auction in their own interest.
Availability. While this is often not considered in the
design of cryptographic protocols, it turned out to be
of high importance to our partners. On the one hand,
producers demand assurance that they will not miss
opportunities. On the other hand, related to integrity,
producers also need to be guaranteed that they cannot
be excluded from an auction; that is, whenever a pro-
ducer places an offer, it shall also be guaranteed that
this offer was indeed considered.
Anonymity and Pseudonymity. In addition to con-
fidentiality of bids, producers may wish to even hide
the information whether or not they placed an offer
for a given auction, as this might already reveal sensi-
tive information about the current utilization or con-
dition of a production line. Depending on the spe-
cific business model of the marketplace, this require-
ment, however, needs to be balanced against the mar-
ketplace provider’s needs.
Fairness. Another important aspect for the clients
was fairness in terms of fair conditions. This can also
be interpreted as an open and transparent way of com-
putation and selection of the winning offer. However,
the evaluation criteria for matching and ranking need
to be clear and traceable. The goal is to establish a fair
comparison of offers on an comprehensible algorithm
to establish fair market prices.
Transparency. Finally, transparency requires that all
participants in the system are able to trace progress
and activities on a high level. Our partners were also
interested in historical data in case they were offline
for certain times and could not participate in auctions.
However, all this functionality needs to be achieved
without compromising any of the previous goals, es-
pecially those related to confidentiality and privacy.
A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing
Figure 1: Use case of cloud manufacturing and marketplace.
3.2 Auction Mechanism
Auctions are considered a good mechanism to achieve
fair market prices for goods. The underlying idea
is that every bidder in an auction bids the real value
which leads to a real market price. This market mech-
anism can be undermined in various ways by ma-
licious parties, especially in centralized online plat-
forms. As summarized in (Galal and Youssef, 2018)
there are four main types of auctions which are of
practical interest and two of which work on hidden
First-price sealed-bid auctions (FPSBA), where
bidders submit their bids in sealed envelopes to the
auctioneer, which opens them to determine the bidder
with the highest bid. Second-price sealed-bid auc-
tions (Vickrey auctions) are similar to FPSBA with
the exception that the winner pays the second highest
bid instead.
Additionally to the traditional approaches various
other price finding mechanisms are relevant in the in-
dustry. In the requirements assessment for a manu-
facturing marketplace, it became clear that it is not
only the price which is relevant for selection of the
best offer, but also other parameters. Currently deliv-
ery options, logistic costs, quality requirements and
other parameters are also part of the decision process
to select the best offer.
In that sense, it is essential to have a very flexi-
ble mechanism for ranking offers. At the heart of our
matching mechanism is thus the idea of a matching
score, which allows to address additional targets and
be more versatile in configuration. In this mechanism,
the buyer can define different criteria and priorities
among them, which should be taken into considera-
tion. This starts from basic capabilities of the pro-
duction facilities and can be arbitrarily extended for
additional topics as mentioned above. These param-
eters are defined as part of the tender and distributed
along with it. The matching is then based on capa-
bilities of a producer, which are immutably registered
on a blockchain when signing up as producers or reg-
istering equipment. In essence, this leads to a case
where the price has to be combined with a matching
score to rank results.
Specifically interesting are price finding methods
based on linear interpolation. The so called price ra-
tio methods are often used to compare offers which
are not comparable otherwise. In this approach, a
score R for a given bid is computed as:
R = ω
+ ω
, (1)
where for simplicity we only consider a single crite-
rion here. In this equation, L means the level of fulfill-
ment of this criterion by an offer, which corresponds
to the matching score, and L
is the best level pos-
sible. The actual price for a certain offer is then given
in P, with P
being the lowest in the auction. The
and ω
are weights for the respective ratios on ful-
fillment grade and pricing, which are defined by the
buyer and can be either public and known to the pro-
ducers as part of the tender or also kept secret, de-
pending on the preferences of the buyer. By inspect-
ing the method it gets clear that not all values can be
computed at the edge, i.e., on the client side, as in
particular the ratio
of the prices requires the min-
imum over all offers.
From this analysis it becomes evident that sim-
ple price ranking is not enough for winner estimation
and the many possible options require a flexible com-
puting system which goes beyond oblivious sorting
of bids. In fact, each buyer would like to define his
specific matching criteria and also decide on a rank-
ing mechanism to fulfill his needs. This turned out
to make the overall system architecture more chal-
lenging and rendered many smart contract based ap-
proaches from the literature inadequate. On the other
hand, the MPC solutions available can cope with the
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
degree of flexibility required but do not provide means
for public verifiability as needed for our architecture.
The proposed framework is designed to address the
security objectives defined in Section 3.1, especially
bringing together typically contradicting goals of pri-
vacy and verifiability in a single solution. It has a
decentralized architecture and follows data minimiza-
tion principles.
By the use of secure multiparty computation the
platform itself is operated in a way that the provider
does not learn sensitive data and by making every step
of the of the tendering process verifiable the trustwor-
thiness is achieved. For end-to-end verifiability, pub-
licly verifiable zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge
are generated for all computations, even for the MPC
steps. Finally, to trace all interactions and proofs we
use a distributed ledgers which serves as a trust an-
chor and immutable append-only data base.
4.1 Data Flow
In the following we detail the data flow in our plat-
form. To ease understanding, Figure 2 provides a
high-level overview, where we omit setup steps for
the sake of clarity.
Setup Phase. The following setup steps are necessary
to operate the system.
1. On the one hand, ZKSetup is used to generate the
common reference string (CRS) needed for the
NIZKs. On input the security parameter and a
circuit, this algorithm outputs the CRS which is
assumed to be implicit input to all further algo-
rithms and parties. It is important to note that the
system is specifically designed in a way that this
step is only needed once and does not need to be
invoked again if different ranking mechanisms are
used, as they are all supported by the specifically
designed circuit with built-in flexibility. In prac-
tice this setup algorithm can be run in dedicated
setup ceremony, including, e.g., secure hardware
elements or dedicated MPC-based ceremonies.
2. On the other hand, RegUser is a protocol which
is run by the user and the platform to register with
the platform. It is used to generate necessary iden-
tities and credentials to authenticate the user and
set up the necessary permissions on the ledger.
Auction Phase. After the setup is complete the fol-
lowing steps are conducted in the protocol for a par-
ticular auction.
1. RegEqm. A client registers equipment (machine)
for usage in the system. On input machine param-
eters, this algorithm outputs a commitment to the
machine parameters which is then stored on the
ledger. The registration of new equipment has to
be done before a producer can participate in an
2. ITT. A buyer sends a request for quotation with
relevant parameters to all parties by storing them
to the blockchain.
3. Match. Based on the tender information received,
the producers compute a matching score for their
machines. Based on the score a local matching
decision is done to decide whether or not to par-
ticipate in the auction. If the producer does not
participate, the local process is aborted.
4. ComInput. If the producer is participating in
the bidding, it computes a NIZK for the match-
ing score and a commitment to the bid. The
bid commitment and the proof are stored in the
5. Input. In this step the producers (i.e., bidders)
send their bids together and matching scores to
the MPC system in a secret-shared fashion.
6. CkInput. The MPC system retrieves the cor-
responding commitments and proofs from the
blockchain and verifies them in the encrypted do-
main. This is done by recomputing the com-
mitments on the shares (for bids and matching
scores) at each node and comparing the recon-
structed commitments with the plaintext ones.
Additionally, each node verifies the proof for the
local matching score individually. If either of the
checks fails, the system complains about the pro-
7. Compute. The MPC system calculates a ranking
based on scores and bids according to the ranking
function defined by the buyer.
8. ZKProof. The MPC system generates a NIZK for
the winning bid, proving that it is the best ranked
result according the predefined ranking function.
It does so by each node computing the proof on
its share of the result.
9. Reveal. To reveal the result in a verifiable form,
the winning bid is reconstructed from the encod-
ings as well as the final proof enabling the ver-
ification of the winner calculation. The data is
recorded in the blockchain and finalizes a particu-
lar auction.
There are many variations possible in practice but
this will only result in subtle changes, e.g., if the win-
ning producer and/or bid has to be kept secret.
A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing
Figure 2: Sequence diagram for an auction.
4.2 Protocols
Different protocols have been used, extended and
integrated to achieve all desired properties for our
framework. At the core we combine multiparty com-
putation with non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs
of knowledge (NIZK) to achieve confidentiality and
public verifiability that the same time. Regarding
MPC we do not rely on any specific protocol but only
require a method which is based on secret sharing.
However, because we aim at public verifiability the
correctness of the computation is going to hold even if
all nodes are corrupt. Therefore, depending on the in-
dividual assumptions made for the MPC deployment,
it can be sufficient to rely on passively secure proto-
To achieve verifiability, the system is based on
adaptive zk-SNARKs as introduced in (Veeningen,
2017). Working with commitments to track different
steps in the process is essential to guarantee privacy
of sensitive data. However, the protocol is not guaran-
teeing any authenticity which is essential to track the
flow from end to end. Therefore, we leverage ideas
from ADSNARK (Backes and et al., 2014) and use
signatures on the commitments to assure the authen-
ticity of the data right from the source. In our use
case both can be used, standard signatures but also
group signatures or delegated signatures (Krenn and
unser, 2021), if a certain degree of anonymity is
still required, e.g., if it should not be visible which
subsidiary of a larger organization the resources be-
long to.
An important requirement was to reduce the num-
ber of times the setup procedures of the zk-SNARKs
have to be executed. Ideally, it has only to be done
once when initializing the platform, and can then be
reused for all subsequent auctions. Therefore, we use
case a hybrid approach that turned out to be very ef-
ficient. On the one hand we use the idea of subrou-
tines (sub-qaps), which are basically predefined sub-
routines at setup time but can be connected during
proof generation by means of intermediate commit-
ments, to establish the required circuit. This con-
cept is very flexible with only little overhead, i.e., the
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
additional commitments increase the proof size and
verification time for each subroutine defined. To en-
able even more freedom in the configuration of rank-
ing algorithms we integrate the ideas of universal cir-
cuits as presented with MIRAGE (Kosba and et al.,
2020). Altogether, at setup time we generate a proof
circuitry which comprises both, static elements and
freely re-configurable components to get the best of
both worlds. Starting from a common pattern of auc-
tion markets, we can now instantiate the right build-
ing blocks to support a wide range of auction systems
with extensive configuration options. To that end,
this approach is somehow similar to partially recon-
figurable hardware.
4.3 Security
In the following we will informally discuss the
achieved security goals, a more formal treatment is
planned as future work. Moreover, we also give some
design rational and explain several architectural deci-
Confidentiality. The privacy of sensitive information
is protected in our framework by two main primitives.
On the one hand, MPC is used to compute the winner
of the auction in a privacy preserving way and sensi-
tive data is protected by the input privacy provided by
On the other hand, to enable transparency we are
recording inputs at different stages in the blockchain.
To achieve confidentiality there we use commitments
which are also hiding input. Given that sensitive in-
puts are never handled in cleartext in the system we
achieve strong cryptographic protection, which also
results in the discussed properties of bid privacy and
posterior privacy.
In our marketplace, we even apply a decentral-
ized matching which allows for local computation of a
matching score and therefore follows data minimiza-
tion principles. Alternatives would be a producer-
based matching or a platform-side matching, which
both would lead to problems: For the former, it would
be required to share sensitive information about avail-
able capacities and process information with potential
competitors, which directly violates the requirements.
For the latter, either the platform would learn sensitive
information or the matching would have to be done in
the encrypted domain.
Integrity and Correctness. In essence, the basic
idea of the framework is to preserve the integrity and
authenticity of data in the system and to prove the
correctness of each computation in between. How-
ever, instead of directly signing the input to the sys-
tem, only commitments are signed and also put in
a blockchain, which guarantees that producers are
bound to their bids and bids.
In our case we use the extractable commitments
presented in (Veeningen, 2017). In the original work
these particular commitments were used with a ded-
icated key to distinguish between input from differ-
ent parties, but this key is produced in the initial setup
phase and has to be distributed to parties, which opens
up many attack vectors in practical implementations.
We rely on locally generated private keys used to sign
the commitments, which never leave the local area
and are registered with the platform or the blockchain.
This would also allow for the use of group signatures
for even more flexibility in the management of edge
components without sacrificing the security.
After the tender is initiated and all bidders
recorded the required data to participate in the auc-
tion, the MPC computation is started. The input
is comprised of the private bid, the private match-
ing score as well as the data also recorded on the
blockchain, i.e., the commitments on initial machine
parameters and the matching score, thereby guaran-
teeing confidentiality while still binding bidders to all
input values. Finally, the MPC network not only out-
puts the winning bid, but also a NIZK proving its op-
timality, thereby guaranteeing the correctness of the
final result.
It is worth noting that the performed local match-
ing introduces another problem with the integrity of
data: As the matching score is relevant to calculate
the ranking on the platform, it has to be assured that
the score was computed correctly. Therefore, the bid-
der is required to generate a proof on the score before
sending it to the MPC system. We do so by forcing
the bidder to commit not only to the bid but also to the
matching score and additionally to generate a NIZK
which is then stored in the blockchain, letting every-
body to also verify the local pre-processing.
Finally, it is important to note that with this ap-
proach we are basically tweaking the security model
of MPC for the overall system. Because the cor-
rectness of the computation is publicly verifiable by
means of NIZKs, the integrity of the computation can
even be assured if all MPC nodes maliciously devi-
ate from the protocol specification. Even more, in
our setting malicious behaviour can be attributed to
the right stakeholder, i.e., it is not possible to blame
the platform for malicious input from bidders or vice
versa. This is achieved by letting the MPC system
check all inputs for consistency with the information
in the blockchain before it computes a result. Only
if all inputs are consistent with the stored commit-
ments and the matching score is computed correctly,
the MPC system will incorporate the bid in the auc-
A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing
tion, and only then it will be able to compute a proof
for the winning bid.
As a result, the full auction flow is accompanied
with NIZKs and every participant can verify the cor-
rectness of the auction from end-to-end. Even if pri-
vacy is compromised by an adversary which compro-
mises enough MPC nodes to recover the bids, he will
not be able to influence the winning bid or market
Availability. The availability of the system is pro-
vided by a blockchain component which provides the
properties to serve as robust and immutable public ap-
pend only log. Depending on the deployment of the
MPC system, also robustness properties such as fair-
ness or guaranteed output delivery can be achieved.
Additionally, as the system is non-interactive, client-
side computations cannot be interrupted or blocked
by individual participants, resulting in a highly avail-
able decentralized architecture. Although the plat-
form server is currently needed to run auctions it
would also be possible to remove this single point of
Anonymity and Pseudonymity. For the given use
case it is not desired to build a completely open and
permissionless infrastructure. The clients in this sys-
tem are part of an ecosystem which requires some
level of assurance for producers and buyers. There-
fore, we only provide pseudonymity for certain steps
in the auction. The pseudonyms are maintained at the
platform which mainly prevents the buyers from by-
passing the business model of the brokerage role of
the platform. The only relevant issue for producers
might be that one can determine whether or not a spe-
cific producer has submitted a bit for a given auction.
This leakage can be easily abolished by always par-
ticipating in the auction protocol but with a bid.
Fairness. In our prototype, the tender information
was identified as public and could thus be put into the
blockchain, which also serves as a broadcast chan-
nel in this step, so that all participants are reliably in-
formed about new opportunities as well as the detailed
evaluation and ranking criteria of an auction.
Although for certain buyers it would be preferred
to not reveal the details of the ranking mechanism
(e.g., the weights in Eq. (1)), in all auctions will the
matching mechanism be transparent and consistent
for all producers.
Transparency. By logging every step into the
blockchain in a privacy-preserving way and also prov-
ing that all computations are correct, we achieve pub-
lic verifiability. Every user of the system will thus be
able to verify all auctions based on the public data
stored in the blockchain without compromising the
privacy of individual inputs, thereby achieving the re-
quirement of transparency.
In order to evaluate the efficiency and practicability
of our framework, a proof-of-concept prototype has
been implemented in Python, which has been used
to study and benchmark different use cases. The ba-
sis for the implementation was existing work on PyS-
, qaptools
and MPyC
, which have been inte-
grated and extended with novel functionality, notably
Universal Circuits. The new framework seamlessly
integrates the steps along the data flow.
All measurement results presented in this work
have been measured in a local setup on a single Intel
NUC computer equipped with an Intel(R) Core(TM)
i5-8259U CPU running at 2.30GHz maximum fre-
Winning Bid Computation. The basic operation in
winner determination is finding the maximum of the
ranked bids. The computation depends on inputs of
all bidders as well as the buyer and is therefore done
by the MPC system. We present measured comput-
ing times for computing the basic result for different
numbers of parties without any additional proofs in
Table 1. Note that the system we used to take the
measurements only had four CPU cores, so not all
of the increase in time between the settings with four
and five parties is attributable to the inherent compu-
tational overhead.
Table 1: Computation time (s) with increasing number of
nodes under 3 minutes.
#bids 3 parties 4 parties 5 parties
10 0.9 1.3 3.4
100 10.9 16 35
1000 115.3 176.8 -
The given measurements hold under the unreal-
istic assumption of no network latency. We there-
fore also performed measurements assuming differ-
ent network delays, as shown in Table 2, which sug-
gests that for our use cases the latency of the net-
work has a higher effect on the overall efficiency than
the selected MPC framework, see also (Lor
unser and
Wohner, 2020).
Winning Bid Proof Generation. For our use cases,
the generic approach of proving the correctness of ev-
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Computation time (s) with increasing network la-
tency between 3 parties.
#bids 0 ms 2 ms 20 ms
10 0.9 1.1 4
100 10.9 11.4 36.6
1000 115.3 124.1 386.1
ery computational step turned out to be unnecessarily
inefficient. Alternatively, the size of the equation sys-
tem used in the zkSNARK, i.e., the quadratic arith-
metic program (QAP), can be significantly reduced
by generating a single proof at the end of the compu-
tation, showing the optimality of the announced win-
ning bid with respect to the defined ranking function.
The proof can be defined as simple as shown in the
following listing, where matching holds the match-
ing score of all bidders and prices_rec are a list of
all reciprocals of the prices submitted. The weights
defined by the buyer are w_l and w_p, cf. also Eq. (1).
res is the output truth value which is 1 if and only if
no bid is ranked better than the winner.
1 res = 1
2 for l , p _ r e c in zi p ( matchings ,
3 pr i c es _rec ) :
4 score = w_l * l + w _p * p_ m in * p_rec
5 re s *= ( score >= s_min )
6 res = a u ct i on . g et _pu b li c _ o u t p u t ( res )
This type of proof turned out to be very efficient and
the measurements in Table 3 show that all steps in
proof generation are extremely practical and are even
far below the times needed by the MPC system to
compute the winner.
Table 3: Performance comparison. Times are in seconds.
#bids t
QAP size t
veri f
10 0.4 226 0.3 0.02
100 3.6 2206 2.1 0.6
1000 22.3 22006 18.7 6.6
10000 186 220006 160 65
The same performance can be achieved if the win-
ning bid is not the very best but among a predefined
threshold or at a particular place, i.e., like in the Vick-
rey auction. This variation can be achieved by count-
ing the number of bids above a threshold and option-
ally also below, which results in the same running
time as above.
Fixpoint Operations. To work with the quotient
method as shown above, division and fixpoint oper-
ations are needed. Implementing this within the MPC
component would have had a significant impact on
the performance and drastically limited the number
of bids which can be handled in reasonable time. We
therefore compute the reciprocal in the pre-processing
step at the producer and send it (together with the bid)
as input to the MPC system. To ensure end-to-end
verification, we then also have to generate a proof that
the reciprocal was computed correctly, but this intro-
duces only minimal overhead. In our implementation
clients submit the price in integer and fixpoint repre-
sentation together with the reciprocal and the result-
ing error term. This results in a very simple and ef-
ficient proof computed on the producer side and even
less work for the MPC phase, because computation
of reciprocals would consume substantial resources.
The additional check necessary to prove consistency
of fixpoint representation with price value is shown in
the listing below, where the res is 1 if and only if the
multiplication of the price p_fxp with the reciprocal
p_rec corrected by the error term p_err equals 1 and
the error term given by the representation is within the
allowed bound.
1 res = (( p _ f x p * p_rec + p_err ) == 1)
2 res *= ( s _ e r r * fxp m u l _ <= s_fxp )
zkSNARKs. As discussed in Section 3 a marketplace
for outsourcing manufacturing tasks requires a very
flexible way to compare offers and match producers.
zkSNARKs lack in this respect, because they require
the circuits to be proved to be fixed during the setup
phase. We circumvent this downside by integrating
two mechanisms: subroutines and reconfigurable cir-
Subroutines. On the one hand, we use the properties
of adaptive zkSNARKs to also enable subroutines, as
already introduced in (Veeningen, 2017). Subroutines
are built by committing to their input and output and
therefore interconnect these modules to a larger cir-
cuit. This approach also provides the first level of
reconfiguration and reuse. Existing circuits can be
reused without any additional setup call and rewired
at runtime by using the according commitments as
wiring mechanism to enforce correctness of signals
along the computation chain. Figure 3 shows the main
structure used in our framework which the blocks be-
ing subroutines.
Figure 3: Internal structure of the proof generation.
Reconfigurable Circuits. Additionally to the de-
scribed subroutines we also incorporated universal
A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing
circuits. They are general purpose computing blocks
which can be reconfigured at runtime without calling
setup routines. The concept has been inspired by MI-
RAGE (Kosba and et al., 2020) but integrated with the
subroutine mechanism, which is well suited for this.
In particular, to assure consistent use of signals within
the universal circuit the necessary additional permu-
tation and consistency check was realized as subrou-
tine. A dedicated subroutine was designed which does
all checks and was compared to the integrated ap-
proach of MIRAGE. For our implementation we re-
quired only a simplified version of the first opcode
presented in the paper, because we did not need any
binary operations. The most interesting part four our
work was to understand the impact of the size of the
universal circuit on the proof generation time and to
compare the performance of the original approach in
mirage to our new way of integrating the permutation
and consistency checks.
Permutation and consistency check are performed
on public input li and private input zi which is part
of interface commitment for the universal circuit. Af-
ter calculation of sorted indices si the permutation
check scores p1 and p2 are calculated. Additionally,
the consistency checking score s is also calculated
and both necessary conditions for a successful check
are combined into the proof, i.e., assert p1 = p2 and
s = 0, which assures intermediary signals connect-
ing gates are consisten, which assures intermediary
signals connecting gates are consistent.
1 p1 = 1
2 p2 = 1
3 for i in r a n g e ( len ( zi ) ) :
4 p1 *= r2 - ( zi [ i ]+ r1 * l1 [ i ] )
5 p2 *= r2 - ( zi [ si [ i ] ] + r1 * l1 [ si [ 0 ] ] )
6 res = ( p1 == p2 )
7 s = 0
8 for i in r a n g e (1 , l en ( z1 ) ) :
9 s +=
10 (1 - ( l1 [ si [ i ] ] - l1 [ si [i -1 ] ] ) ) *
11 ( z1 [ si [ i ]] - z1 [ si [ i -1]])
12 res *= ( s == 0)
Generally, the use of commitments to intermedi-
ary results in circuits increases the size of the proof
as well as proofing time. The overhead in size is not
an issue for our use case and verification runtime is
typically not a problem at all for marketplaces. The
advantage of not requiring to call setup phase and
generation of additional CRS components is by far
more important in real world applications than the in-
creased size or running time experienced. In Table 4
we show the measured times universal circuit com-
posed of different amount of gates, ranging from 10
gates up to 10000 gates. The implemented opcode for
our configuration consumes 35 equations in the QAP
(20 equations for the logic and 15 equations for the
consistency check) if directly combined in one sub-
routine. The overhead of 21 equations is required for
a minimal benchmarking setup.
Table 4: Performance for universal circuit with integrated
consistency checks. Times are in seconds.
#gates t
Qap size t
veri f
10 0.5 371 0.7 0.02
100 2.5 3521 2.2 0.02
1000 32 35021 38 0.1
10000 307 350021 378 0.9
To further reduce the time for proof generation,
we introduced a second approach for the integration
of the consistency checking mechanism. In particular
we realized the permutation and consistency check as
separate subroutines. This means that during config-
uration of the universal circuit a commitment to the
secret values is generated. This commitment is then
used together with the public configuration values l
to perform the permutation and consistency check in
a standalone sub-QAP. The measurement results for
this variant is shown in Table 5. There can be seen
that the size for the logical part can be significantly re-
duced by about 40% which directly results in reduced
proving times. Interestingly, the size of the QAP
needed to do permutation and consistency checking
is in the same order as the pure uc for our opcode and
leads to similar proving times. This is very convenient
because it naturally supports parallelization and leads
to a reduced overall time although in total about 10%
more equations have to be processed.
Table 5: Performance for uc usage with external consis-
tency check. Times are in seconds.
#gates uc-Qap t
check-Qap t
100 2004 0.8 1804 1.2
1000 20004 18 18004 19
10000 200004 160 180004 180
Overall Complexity. When considering static scor-
ing functions, the overall complexity of an auction is
not dominated by the runtimes given in Table 2 and
Table 3. When aiming for a general marketplace sup-
porting flexible scoring functions, also the runtimes
presented in Table 5 are to be considered, where the
number of gates per bid strongly depends on the com-
plexity of the scoring function and auctioning logic.
For the case of a FPSBA with the scoring function
defined in Eq. (1), two gates per bid are required.
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In this work we showed that simple cryptographi-
cally secured sealed bid auctions are not suitable for
complex application scenarios like markets places in
the manufacturing domain. From the requirements
established together with relevant stakeholders, we
identified many challenging and partially contradict-
ing objectives which motivated the design of a new
architecture and framework. We combined differ-
ent cryptographic protocols into a framework which
can be used to build advanced data markets with
a new level of flexibility, security and trustworthi-
ness. The framework enables secure and privacy-
preserving price finding for outsourcing tasks in the
production industry, but also beyond (Schuetz and
et al., 2021). For increased trustworthiness it enables
every participant to publicly verify all steps in the auc-
tion also in a privacy-friendly way. As core crypto-
graphic tools we combined secure multiparty compu-
tation with zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge and
enable a seamless experience for the designer of the
system. To assess the practical performance we im-
plemented a proof of concept and tested various sce-
narios. As our main result we were able to show
that many requirements given could be achieved with
our approach in a single framework and with prac-
tical performance. Furthermore, we also showed that
the proposed framework is suitable to realize complex
use cases in a proof of concept implementation.
In the future, it would be interesting to enable a
feedback mechanism for buyers in the form of a rat-
ing system, which, however, must not countervail the
privacy requirements of producers. Additionally, it
would be interesting to see how to extend our con-
cepts to more generic data processing tasks, e.g.,
statistics or optimization, and how to transfer it to
other domains.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 890456 (SlotMa-
chine) and No 830929 (CyberSec4Europe), and the
Austrian Research Promotion Agency under the Pro-
duction of the Future project FlexProd (871395).
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A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing