Constructing High Quality Bilingual Corpus
using Parallel Data from the Web
Sai Man Cheok
, Lap Man Hoi
, Su-Kit Tang
1,2 a
and Rita Tse
School of Applied Sciences, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao SAR, China
Engineering Research Centre of Applied Technology on Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence of
Ministry of Education, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao SAR, China
Keywords: Machine Translation, CNN Modelling, Bilingual Corpus, Parallel Data.
Abstract: Natural language machine translation system requires a high-quality bilingual corpus to support its efficient
translation operation at high accuracy rate. In this paper, we propose a bilingual corpus construction method
using parallel data from the Web. It acts as a stimulus to significantly speed up the construction. In our
proposal, there are 4 phases. Parallel data is first pre-processed and refined into three sets of data for training
the CNN model. Using the well-trained model, future parallel data can be selected, classified and added to
the bilingual corpus. The training result showed that the test accuracy reached 98.46%. Furthermore, the result
on precision, recall and f1-score is greater than 0.9, which outperforms RNN and LSTM models.
Machine learning technology has been applied into
many different areas, solving many difficult problems
(Lin, 2021) (Chan, 2021) (Chan, 2021). Natural
language processing (NLP) is also one of the areas
that is commonly based on machine translation
technology, which requires a high-quality bilingual
corpus for efficient and accurate automatic translation
(Tse, 2020) (Zin, 2021) (Cheong, 2018). The quality
of bilingual corpus relies on the quality of datasets
used when constructing. In corpus construction, data
is generally sourced from paper articles, electronic
documents, and the Web. As they are not
standardized in an easily readable or pre-defined
format, the processing of the sourcing data becomes
complicated and time-consuming. The digitalization
and proofreading of data on paper materials require
significant post-processing workload. If data is
collected manually, significant effort on editing work
is needed. Even though it is collected electronically,
the data may contain bias or errors. Proofreading is
unavoidable. Therefore, web crawling becomes an
efficient and effective method for collecting data for
bilingual corpus. To ensure the data quality, crawled
data are required to be processed appropriately before
storing into the corpus.
In this paper, we propose a method to construct a
high-quality bilingual corpus for machine translation
systems using parallel data (articles in at least two
different languages) from the Web. Assuming
Chinese and Portuguese are the languages to be used,
there are 4 phases, which are 1) data collection, 2)
data pre-processing (cleaning, segmentation and
alignment), 3) model training and 4) classification, in
the construction. Figure 1 depicts the four phases in
the construction of the bilingual corpus.
In phase 1, for data collection, a web crawler is
commonly used to automatically crawl parallel data.
There are a number of web crawling architectures
available, which are hybrid crawler, focused crawlers
and parallel crawlers (Cheok, 2021) (Sharma, 2015)
(Cho, 2002) (Chakrabarti, 1999) (Pappas, 2012).
They crawl webpages automatically from tree-
structural websites for some particular information by
following embedded hypertext links in pages, which
are then stored in a repository for further querying.
In phase 2, three pre-processing steps are
included, which are cleaning, segmentation and
alignment. The cleaning is usually done by removing
unnecessary or unexpected alphabets or text, and by
matching regular expression between bilingual
sentences. Regular expressions are logical formulas,
used by rules for filtering. To improve the cleaning
Cheok, S., Hoi, L., Tang, S. and Tse, R.
Constructing High Quality Bilingual Corpus using Parallel Data from the Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0010997000003194
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2022), pages 127-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-564-7; ISSN: 2184-4976
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Four Phases in the Bilingual Corpus Construction.
efficiency and accuracy, regular expression is
normally employed which removes unnecessary
alphabets or text (such as tags, comments, errors,
duplicates, etc.) in web pages. Moreover, to ensure
the automation of data crawling effectively, bilingual
alignment is needed. There are two common methods
used in bilingual alignment, which are length-based
and vocabulary-based (Li, 2010). The length-based
method is based on simple length information. No
vocabulary information is needed. Therefore, it runs
fast and requires minimum storage. Vocabulary-
based method is based on the vocabulary in text to
achieve high accuracy rate, even though it is complex
and slow.
In phase 3, feature engineering creates a
segmentation model to represent the words and
sentences using computer-recognized patterns in
vector format for processing. Existing representation
models such as Bag of Word (TF-IDF algorithm)
(Zhao, 2018), and Word vectors (one-hot algorithm,
word2vec algorithm, etc.) (Uchida, 2018) are
commonly used. After extracting corpus features, the
CNN model is selected and developed for training
due to its two-dimensional structure of input data.
Finally, in phase 4, trained CNN model will be
used for classification, selecting high quality parallel
data to build the bilingual corpus. The training result
showed that the test accuracy reaches a 98.46%. The
result on precision, recall and f1-score is greater than
0.9, which outperforms RNN and LSTM models.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. The construction of bilingual corpus will be
introduced in Chapter 2. It starts with data acquisition
(Phase 1 and Phase 2), followed by the training of
CNN model using three sets of data (Phase 3) in
Chapter 3. Once the training is done, in Chapter 4, the
Classification model will be developed, for selecting
high quality parallel data to build the bilingual corpus
(Phase 4). In Chapter 5, the training performance will
be revealed and discussed. The CNN model over
other models will be evaluated too. Finally, the
remarks of this paper will be given.
Parallel data is essential in the construction of
bilingual corpus for machine translation systems. To
ensure the quality of data is high, three sets of parallel
data for model training are required.
2.1 Data Collection
In phase 1, collecting a large amount of parallel data
is complicated and time-consuming, even it is
automatic crawling from the Web. To achieve it
efficiently, a web crawler for parallel data that can
ensure the consistency and accuracy of the bilingual
data is highly recommended (Cheok, 2021). As it is
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
out of scope of this paper, the crawling and
processing of parallel data will not be given. In
particular, as the quality of parallel data is
significantly crucial to the translation quality,
bilingual official websites are highly recommended.
2.2 Data Pre-processing
In phase 2, crawled parallel data are required to go
through three pre-processing steps, which are
Cleaning, Segmentation and Alignment. Cleaning
removes unnecessary characters in the data.
Segmentation divides data into individual segments,
such as sentences. Alignment is the step to cross
check the quality of corresponding data in other
languages by comparing to the one translated from
translation engine.
2.2.1 Cleaning
Crawled parallel data from websites is first refined by
filtering out unnecessary elements, such as HTML
tags and characters, punctuations and spaces in text,
URLs and image links, etc. It happens as those
elements may not appear in both lingual sentences.
They even do not contribute to any meaning of the
text content. For instance, the HTML characters of
Chinese text apparently do not appear in Portuguese
text. If sentence pairs are placed in the training set,
the accuracy of the model training will be reduced,
lowering the accuracy of the final corpus. Thus, in the
corpus cleaning process, all unnecessary elements
will be deleted, ensuring the quality of parallel data in
the training set.
2.2.2 Segmentation
The Portuguese text content in an article can usually
be divided into sentences by punctuation, such as
period, exclamation mark, question mark and
semicolon, etc. Divided sentences are then stored in
pairs as a training set in the bilingual corpus. For
some Latin languages, such as Portuguese,
some exceptional cases are expected. One of the
common examples is about the period punctuation
(“.”), which does not always end a sentence. It may
be an abbreviation or numbering symbol. Therefore,
the punctuation period cannot be treated as an ending
of a sentence in segmentation. On the other hand, in
Chinese, punctuations such as period, exclamation
mark, question mark and semicolon, etc., will be
straightforward to serve for the word segmentation,
dividing the text content into a number of sentences.
It is noteworthy that, depending on the languages,
special segmentation application is needed.
2.2.3 Alignment
After segmentation, data alignment is conducted
which ensures the quality of parallel data, achieving
a certain acceptance level. Original Chinese sentences
translated into Portuguese by a third-party translation
engine will be compared with the original Portuguese
sentence. It is declared that translating Portuguese
sentences using 3
party translation engine for
comparison instead of translating Chinese sentences
is also accepted. The similarity test to be conducted
(Ristad, 1998) will measure the distance value in
transforming one string (the source) into another (the
target) based on the minimal number of deletions,
insertions, or substitutions required. If the similarity is
greater than or equal to 60%, it will be stored as a high-
quality bilingual corpus. This provides a buffering to
balance against translation difference between
translation methods (literal translation and sense-for-
sense translation) in translation engines (Baker, 2001).
Otherwise, it is stored in the pending corpus for
subsequent processing. Figure 2 outlines the workflow
of data alignment on segmented sentences.
After phase 2, three sets of parallel data will be
created, which are the training set, validation set and
test set. The training set is designed for training the
Classification model so that future parallel data can
be categorized accurately in the bilingual corpus. The
training set goes through the feature extraction and
classification in CNN model for configuration. Once
the model is configured, it will be sent to training. In
the training, the validation set is used to validate the
result of the training. It ensures that the model can
accurately and correctly categorize parallel data.
Figure 2: The Workflow of Data Alignment.
If the training result is accepted, the test set will be
used in the Classification model for categorization. In
this model, Chinese is the key in model training and the
construction of the high-reliable bilingual corpus.
Once the Classification model is ready, future parallel
data crawled (the fourth set of data) can be categorized.
Constructing High Quality Bilingual Corpus using Parallel Data from the Web
In Phase 3, one of the parallel data sets, called training
set, will be further processed by extracting the
features from text content. Together with another two
sets of data, the CNN model is developed for training.
Once the training is done with satisfactory result, the
Classification model in Phase 4 will be done.
3.1 Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is a process to further manipulate
the training set for improving the accuracy and
efficiency of learning and recognition in Classification
model. In this paper, Chinese word segmentation is
employed (Zhang, 2002), which provides three
particular functions, which are new word discovery,
Batch segmentation and Intelligent filtering.
New word discovery. New words are excavated
from the Chinese text for compilation of professional
dictionaries. Editing and labelling are introduced into
the word segmentation dictionary for improving the
accuracy of the word segmentation system and
adapting to new language changes.
Batch segmentation. Automatic recognition of
new words, such as names, place names, and
organization names, new word tagging, and part-of-
speech tagging, can be achieved efficiently.
Intelligent filtering. Intelligently filtering and
reviewing the semantics of the text content in
sentences using the most complete built-in word
database in China, identifying multiple variants,
traditional and simplified characters, and precise
semantic disambiguation can be achieved efficiently.
As the segmentation method only supports
Chinese language in segmentation, other languages
may need to employ other particular segmentation
3.2 CNN Model
The CNN model is crucial for the accuracy of
Classification result. To achieve it, Feature extraction
will first be conducted, which processes the training
set with the following steps.
1. Splits a sentence into multiple words;
2. Maps each word into a low-dimensional space
through the word2vec embedding method;
3. Represent the text expressed by the word
vector in one-dimensional;
4. Extract the maximum value of each feature
vector to represent the feature after
convolution with different heights of
convolution kernels.
After Feature extraction, several parameters in
training engine are required to be considered for
configuring the CNN model for best result. After
every round of training experiment against the
validation set, the CNN model will be sent to the
verification process, called Model quality
assessment, which tests about the model for the
classification quality using the test set. If it is not
accepted (result ranged below 90%), the model
parameters will be revised for another round of
experiment. If the result reaches above 90%, the
model is done. The training result of the model can be
seen in next section.
The trained CNN model will be brought to Phase 4 as
the Classification model if the training result is
accepted. In the training, three types of hardware
configurations have been used, which includes one
server-graded computer with four GPUs, one high-
end computer with one GPU and one low-end
personal computer with one GPU. Table 1
summarized the configuration used in the model
Table 1: Hardware Configuration for the Model Training.
Dell XPS Normal PC
Intel Core
Intel Core
A100 80
GTX 1650
GTX 960
512 GB
1.92 TB
512GB M.2
In software configuration, the same environment
was setup, which included TensorFlow software of
version 1.14.0, running in Window 10 version
2004(OS Build 19041.867), on the same data sets. For
each configuration, the CNN model was trained until
the result is accepted. After certain rounds of training
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
with parameter adjustment, a high accuracy result is
obtained, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of Training on CNN Model.
CNN model
Training Loss 0.038 0.044 0.062
98.44% 96.74% 96.88%
Validation Loss 0.039 0.04 0.046
99.20% 98.86% 99.00%
Training Time 0:03:51 0:06:36 0:08:22
As can be seen in Table 2, the result showed the
CNN model works efficiently in the three machines.
It takes minimum amount of time in training by
NVIDIA DGX machine as it is more computing
power. Besides, it is noteworthy that losses and
accuracies of the CNN model for three machines are
different, due to the randomness of weight
initialization in neural network algorithm.
Moreover, RNN model and LSTM model are
configured for comparison. Similar parameters on the
same sets of data have been configured for training.
In particular, the convolution kernel size and
convolution kernel number in CNN model are set to
be 5 and 256 respectively, and the number of hidden
layers of RNN model and LSTM model is set to 2.
It is found that the training time required for
NVIDIA DGX, Dell XPS and PC on RNN model was
about 18 hours, 30 hours and 48 hours respectively
while the training time required for LSTM model is
about 42 hours, 61 hours and 98 hours respectively.
Table 3 summarized the training using RNN model
for each configuration and Table 4 summarized the
training using LSTM model for each configuration.
Table 3: Summary of Training on RNN Model.
RNN model
Training Loss 0.0033 0.0068 0.098
100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Validation Loss 0.12 0.098 0.046
98.13% 97.86% 97.57%
Training Time 18:14:23 30:06:48 48:36:19
Table 4: Summary of Training on LSTM Model.
LSTM model
Training Loss 0.057 0.072 0.082
96.75% 96.38% 95.81%
Validation Loss 0.08 0.092 0.072
96.70% 96.23% 97.31%
Training Time 42:28:11 61:33:15 98:29:50
The result of training on three models showed that
they both achieved high training accuracy and
validation accuracy at very low training and
validation losses. Apparently, the amount of training
time for CNN is much lower than the other models.
The CNN model outperforms both RNN and LSTM
models in Classification for all configurations.
With the high accuracy rate achieved in the
training, the three models are further tested using the
test set. The result showed that CNN model still
outperforms RNN and LSTM models in terms of
accuracy rate, precision, recall and f1-score. Table 5
summarized the result of the test on three models.
Table 5: Testing Result on CNN, RNN and LSTM Models.
98.46% 97.90% 96.22%
Precision 0.98 0.98 0.96
Recall 0.98 0.98 0.97
F1-score 0.98 0.98 0.97
In this paper, the construction of bilingual corpus
using parallel data collected from the Web for
machines learning systems has been proposed. Using
the data after pre-processing, high quality data sets
can be prepared for training the CNN model. Using
the well-trained model, future parallel data can be
selected, classified and added to the bilingual corpus.
Training has been conducted to define and evaluate
the CNN model. The result showed that CNN
outperforms RNN and LSTM in terms of accuracy.
Constructing High Quality Bilingual Corpus using Parallel Data from the Web
This work was supported in part by the research grant
(No.: RP/ESCA-04/2020) offered by Macao
Polytechnic Institute.
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