Health-related Internet Use among Older People in Norway
Ali Acilar
Department of Information Systems, University of Agder, Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand, Norway
Keywords: Health-related Internet Use, Health, Internet, Older People, Aging, Aging Population, Digital Divide, Digital
Inclusion, Norway.
Abstract: Like in many developed countries, the aging population presents a major challenge for Norway. Life
expectancy in the Norwegian population has increased, and the proportion of older people is expected to
increase. Since the use of internet-based technologies in healthcare is increasing, it is very important for older
adults to use the internet in order to benefit from these technologies. The main aim of this study is to explore
health-related internet use among older people in Norway by using national survey results of ICT usage in
households. Survey results show that general internet use and health-related internet use have been increased
among older Norwegian population. The most common purpose for health-related internet use among older
people was seeking health-related information and the least common purpose was other health services online.
Even though the rate of internet use among older people in Norway is higher than in many developed countries,
the results show that there exist age-based differences in health-related internet use.
Today’s modern societies are facing a significant
transformation that is mainly characterized by two
developments: an aging population and technological
developments (Bujnowska-Fedak and Kurpas, 2015;
König et al., 2018). In 2020, there were estimated to
be 727 million people aged 65 and older worldwide
and it is projected that this number will more than
double by 2050, reaching over 1,5 billion people (UN,
2020). Populations around the world are steadily
aging. In recent decades, average life expectancy has
increased worldwide, and older adults have begun to
comprise a growing proportion of the population,
particularly in developed countries. According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), it is projected
that 22% of the world population will be over 60 years
in 2050 (It was 12% in 2015). In many developed
countries, an increasingly older population is more
prominent. For example, 30% of the population is
already over 60 years old in Japan (WHO, 2018). This
demographic change presents significant challenges
for governments and societies (Bloom et al., 2015;
Olphert and Damodaran, 2013).
In addition to worldwide aging populations, many
services started to be provided digitally, in parallel
with the developments in technology over the past
decades (Rønning and Sølvberg, 2017). Information
and communication technologies (ICTs), especially
the internet, have become an integral part of modern
life and present a significant impact on many aspects
of daily life. Today, the internet has become an
invaluable medium for the health sector in providing
health information and healthcare services.
Technological developments using the internet
promises to deliver healthcare services without time
and space restrictions (Merkel and Hess, 2020). These
developments in technology and population introduce
new challenges to societies, such as the digital divide;
some people risk being excluded from fully
participating in the digital society (Rønning and
Sølvberg, 2017). In many countries around the world,
certain groups in the population lag behind others in
terms of accessing and using ICT, such as older
adults, disabled people, and women. Older people are
the most challenging group in society in this context
because of their low adoption pace (Gerd and
Christian, 2005). As societies become digitalized,
older people are particularly vulnerable (Kania-
Lundholm and Torres, 2015).
Digital inclusion, enabling everyone to have
access and capability to use the internet and
Acilar, A.
Health-related Internet Use among Older People in Norway.
DOI: 10.5220/0010994800003188
In Proceedings of the 8th Inter national Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2022), pages 196-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-566-1; ISSN: 2184-4984
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
associated digital technologies, has wide-ranging
benefits to the individual, the economy, and society
(Olphert and Damodaran, 2013). Lower rates of
computer and internet use among older people have
critical social consequences (McDonough, 2016).
Being digitally disengaged has essential social,
health, and economic disadvantages (Siren and
Knudsen, 2017). As healthcare systems increasingly
depend on internet-based technologies to assist and
support healthcare delivery, it is very important to
engage older adults in using these technologies
(Nguyen et al., 2017). The main aim of this study is
to explore health-related internet use among older
people in Norway, one of the highly digitalized
European countries.
2.1 Characteristics of Aging and Older
Aging is a natural, inevitable, and normal process in
human lifespans. There is no consensus in the
definition of “old”, “old age” or “older adult” (Fox
and Connolly, 2018). While the United Nations (UN)
defines older people as those aged 60 years or more,
in most developed countries older people are
commonly defined as those aged 65 years or more
(Eurostat, 2020). Even though chronological age is
frequently used, the threshold where ‘old’ begins
varies contextually and culturally (Rockmann et al.,
Older age is an important level of life and can
affect the person and people around them in
significant ways. Older people may have
considerably different needs and wants because of the
life stage they have reached (Gregor et al., 2002).
Some of the common health conditions related to
aging include hearing loss, cataracts, and refractive
errors, back and neck pain and osteoarthritis, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, depression,
and dementia (WHO, 2018). Chronological age and
perceived age have an important role in determining
one’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours (Lagacé et al.,
2016). Ageing is correlated with a decline in sensory,
perceptual, motor and cognitive abilities (Chen,
2013). Older people can suffer variety of impairments
such as reduced vision, hearing, memory, and
mobility, and these impairments can lead to difficulty
in learning and sometimes hinder the use of new
technologies (Chen, 2013).
The aging process can be different from person to
person. While some older people have physical and
mental capacities similar to younger people, some
people experience significant declines in physical and
mental capacities at much younger ages (WHO,
2018). Online older people are not a monolithic
group, and they have different health attitudes and
behaviours (McMillan and Macias, 2008). Today,
there are some radical changes that are influencing
the lives of older people in direct and indirect ways,
such as globalization, technological developments
(e.g., in transport and communication), urbanization,
migration, and changing gender norms (WHO, 2018).
2.2 Older People and Health-Related
Internet Use
The internet has become an important source of
health information and e-health channel (Bujnowska-
Fedak et al., 2019; Kummervold and Wynn, 2012).
The internet is an invaluable tool for enabling access
to health information, communication, attract the
attention of the public, and disseminating health
information (Paige et al., 2017). As an essential
source of health information, the internet provides
worldwide accessible resources on topics ranging
from specific diseases and treatment options to
healthcare providers and insurance plans, healthy
lifestyle choices and health products (Zulman et al.,
2011). Information seeking is the most common
activity in health-related internet use (Ghenai et al.,
2020; Hone et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2014). In 2019,
Google received more than one billion health-related
searches (About 70.000 searches every minute and 7
per cent of Google’s daily searches) worldwide in a
day (Murphy, 2019).
Today, physicians have less control over health-
related information that is transmitted to patients
(Tonsaker et al., 2014). People take a more active
approach to managing their health with digital access
to health information (Hall et al., 2015). Before the
internet, people relied on other health information
such as books, newspapers, magazines, and
information given by their doctors, family, and
friends (Kummervold and Wynn, 2012), but today the
internet has become the main source for health-
related information. The internet offers an enormous
quantity of online news and information on diseases,
treatment, and prevention in multiple formats ranging
from text articles to videos and podcasts (Crabb et al.,
2012). The internet provides an opportunity for
patients to explore sensitive conditions with privacy
and online support networks that patients can share
their personal health and illness experiences which
might not be provided by physicians (Hone et al.,
2016; Tonsaker et al., 2014). The internet offers
Health-related Internet Use among Older People in Norway
various ways to share and disseminate health-related
information, ranging from static websites to blogs,
social media sites, and video sharing sites.
Studies show that age, gender, education level,
income and health condition are the most important
common predictors of health-related internet use
(Alvarez-Galvez et al., 2020; Calixte et al., 2020;
Merkel and Hess, 2020; Nguyen et al., 2017). Older
individuals are less likely to use the internet for
health-related purposes (Calixte et al., 2020; Merkel
and Hess, 2020; Nguyen et al., 2017). Females are
more likely than males to use the internet for health-
related reasons (Alvarez-Galvez et al., 2020;
Escoffery, 2018). Education levels are positively
associated with health-related internet use (Alvarez-
Galvez et al., 2020; Calixte et al., 2020; Merkel and
Hess, 2020; Nguyen et al., 2017). People with low
socioeconomic status are less likely to use the internet
for health-related reasons (Calixte et al., 2020;
Merkel and Hess, 2020). People who live in rural
areas are less likely to have access to and use the
internet for health-related use (Bujnowska-Fedak et
al., 2019; Merkel and Hess, 2020; Nguyen et al.,
2017). Individuals with chronic health conditions
(diseases) or a significant number of health problems
are more likely to use the internet for health-related
reasons (Alvarez-Galvez et al., 2020). There are some
studies that also reported racial/ethnic disparities in
health-related internet use (Calixte et al., 2020;
Gordon and Hornbrook, 2018; Nguyen et al., 2017).
In addition to having an information source about
health, the internet can be used for an alternative
medium to face-to-face healthcare services for older
adults (Berner et al., 2015). The internet not only
provides users with a platform for information
exchange but also helps promote healthcare, such as
service delivery, in-home monitoring, interactive
communication, and support (Wong et al., 2014).
Computers and the internet can become powerful
assistive technologies for older people, helping them
to maintain and enhance their level of independence,
maintain their psychological well-being, social
connectedness, and sense of worth in the face of
declining health or limited capabilities, as well as also
offering new opportunities to improve their quality of
life (Lee et al., 2014; Olphert and Damodaran, 2013).
The internet and e-health services have significant
potential to support efficient and effective care for
older people (Bujnowska-Fedak and Mastalerz-
Migas, 2015). Accessing health information and
health-management tools by using the internet can
have a positive impact on the many dimensions of
healthy aging (Cresci et al., 2012). Also, living in
remote areas or far from a hospital, healthcare
centers, and towns can become less of a problem for
older internet users (Berner et al., 2015). Since
healthcare systems increasingly rely on internet-
based technologies, it is crucial to engage older
individuals in using the internet and these
technologies (Nguyen et al., 2017).
Since it is possible to carry out an increasingly
diverse array of tasks online, older adults who have
health problems and feel socially isolated are
especially likely to benefit from using internet
technology, especially when they lack family, friends,
and health and social service providers who can help
with these tasks (Choi and DiNitto, 2013).
As the internet is a main source for health-related
information, healthcare providers, governments and
other healthcare-related parties are concerned that it
is important to be accessed by everyone. In particular,
older people with less internet experience face the
risk of being excluded as healthcare becomes more
dependent on the internet (Merkel and Hess, 2020).
Even though the internet has an important potential in
supporting their health with providing information,
communication, assistance, and services, studies
show that older adults are less likely to use the
internet, both overall and for health-related purposes
(Calixte et al., 2020; Choi and DiNitto, 2013; Gordon
and Hornbrook, 2018; Merkel and Hess, 2020; Miller
and Bell, 2012; Zulman et al., 2011). Studies show
that age is an important factor for technology
adoption and health-related internet use. Age is one
of the important demographic variables in digital
divide research and has been included in many studies
about digital inequalities (Acilar, 2021).
There are various reasons why older people have
less health-related internet use compared to the
younger generations, such as inexperience with
technology or physical limitations, preferring
traditional sources of health information, and distrust
of the internet as a source of health information
(Zulman et al., 2011). (Bujnowska-Fedak and
Mastalerz-Migas, 2015) found that the factors
influencing the use of the internet among older people
for health purposes included age, higher education,
living with family, and mobile phone use. (Sheng and
Simpson, 2015) explored internet use among seniors
for health purposes and found that demographics,
trust in health information websites, perceived
usefulness of the internet, and internal locus of
control each significantly impact seniors’ use of the
internet to seek health information. Besides, (Merkel
and Hess, 2020) found that young age, high
education, high social class, and living in an urban
area were positively associated with a high
ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
probability of using internet-based health and social
Older people are more likely to develop one or
more physical disabilities that could affect their use
of computers and the internet, such as visual
problems, motor problems, or musculoskeletal
problems (Olphert and Damodaran, 2013). Factors
related to the aging process can be important barriers
to older adults using the internet for health-related
activities (Choi, 2011). For seniors, internet search
and understanding health information can be difficult
and demanding (Miller and Bell, 2012) with the
declining cognitive ability that comes with age. Age-
related changes in visual, perceptual, motor and
cognitive abilities make it more difficult for older
adults to learn and use new technologies (Xie, 2003).
Chung et al., (2011) found that too much information
was the prime barrier to using online health
information by older adult internet users. Too much
health information on the internet can be confusing
for older people.
Trust is an important predictor of health-related
internet use among older adults. Zulman et al. (2011),
Miller and Bell (2012), and Marinescu (2017)
reported that older individuals are less trusting the
internet as a health resource, and that older adults’
distrust can hinder their optimal usage of the internet
for their health. Instead of the internet, traditional
sources of health information, such as physicians and
pharmacists, may be preferred by older people (Miller
and Bell, 2012).
Even though older people in particular could
benefit from eHealth, they often show resistance and
anxiety towards new technologies (Rockmann and
Gewald, 2015). Choi and DiNitto (2013) found that
symptoms of anxiety and depression were negatively
associated with internet use among older adults, and
having a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s
disease significantly lowered the odds of internet use.
“Feeling too old” is also recognized as a barrier to
using the internet as people become older (Morris,
This research was based on two data sources: the
Norwegian Statistics Bureau, Statistics Norway
(SSB) and European Statistical Office (Eurostat). The
statistics were drawn from Statistics Norway ICT
Usage in Households database and Eurostat ICT
Usage in Households and Individuals database. In
addition, Statistics Norway population projections
were used. In this study, descriptive methodology and
simple statistical analysis were used to explore
health-related internet use among older people in
Norway. Health-related internet use among older
people in Norway was explored among different age
groups and between genders. In addition, Norway and
EU statistics were presented in comparison.
3.1 The Aging Population in Norway
As in other developed countries, Norway has an aging
population, and the increase in life expectancy of
Norwegian people is projected to continue. Life
expectancy at birth is expected to rise from around
81,2 years for men and 84,7 years for women in 2020,
to 89 and 91 years in 2060, according to Statistics
Norway. The Norwegian population was 5.391.369 in
2021 (January) and projected to be 6.001.759 in 2050.
67,4% population growth is expected between 2020
and 2060 in the over 60 age group, an increase from
about 1,25 million (23,3%) to 2,09 million people
(34,4%). In the same period, a decrease is projected
for the under 30 age group, from 1,96 million (36,5%)
in 2020 to 1,86 million (30,6%) in 2060. The age
structure of the Norwegian population is changing
with the aging population. The proportion of older
people in the general Norwegian population is
increasing. This aging trend in the population
underlines the need to focus on older people’s
inclusion in the information society.
In 2021, there were 965.742 people (17,9%) aged
65 and over in Norway. According to Norway’s
population projections by Statistics Norway, there
will be more older people (65+ years) than children
and teenagers (0-19 years) living in Norway in
approximately ten years. In 2050, it is projected that
there will be about 1,5 million people (26,2%) aged
65 years and over.
3.2 Internet Use among Older People
in Norway
Norway is among the most digitalized countries in
Europe, according to the Digital Economy and
Society Index (DESI) reports in 2021. In 2020,
Norway was ranked as 13rd in the United Nation’s E-
Government Development Index and 18th in E-
Participation Index out of 193 countries. The rate of
Internet users in Norway rose from 79% in 2006 to
99% in 2021 among those aged 16-79 years in the
population (Statistics Norway). The majority of the
Norwegian population is well equipped with today’s
technologies such as smartphones, computers and
tablets to use digital platforms (Rønning and
Sølvberg, 2017).
Health-related Internet Use among Older People in Norway
The rate of internet use among older people in
Norway is much higher than in other European
countries. According to the results of 2021 ICT usage
in households survey in Norway, the rate of internet
use (in the last 3 months) is 97% among 65-74 years
old and 92% among 75-79 years old, while 99% of
those aged 55-64 and 100% of those aged 16-54 years
are internet users. The rate of internet use has
increased from 28% among 65-74 years old and 16%
among 75-79 years old in 2006 to 97% and 92%
respectively in 2021. Eurostat estimated the rate of
internet use (in the last 3 months) in 2021 among 65-
74 years old as 64% in the EU.
Older Norwegians actively use the internet for
various purposes. According to results of 2021 ICT
usage in households survey in Norway, older adults
(aged 65-74 and 75-79) reported that they used the
internet for e-mail (92% and 84%), finding
information about goods and services (82% and
72%), banking (91% and 82%), making calls or
videocalls (58% and 44%) and participation in social
networks (69% and 53%).
3.3 Health-related Internet Use among
Older People in Norway
The survey on ICT usage in households by Statistics
Norway includes four variables about health-related
internet use: “seeking health-related information”,
“making an appointment with a medical doctor”,
“getting access to personal health record” and “other
health services online”. Norwegian national statistics
are available for “seeking health-related information”
from 2005 (except for 2012 and 2014), for “making
an appointment with a medical doctorfor 2016, 2018
and 2020. Internet use statistics for variables “getting
access to personal health record” and “other health
services online” are collected from 2020.
Internet use for seeking health-related information
among older people in Norway has increased
significantly, from 6 percent in 2005 to 52% in 2020
among 65-74 years old and 38% among 75-79 years
old and increased even more in 2021. Internet use for
seeking health-related information was reported as
62% among 65-74 years old and 55% among 75-79
years old in 2021.
Health-related internet use in the Norwegian
population is higher than in the European Union for
all age groups (Table 1). In general, the rate of
internet use for health purposes in Norway is less
among the youngest (16-24 years) and the oldest
people (75-79 years) compared to middle age groups.
In 2020, 65-74 years old people reported using the
internet for seeking health-related information (52%),
getting access to their personal health record (36%),
making an appointment with a medical doctor (33%)
and using other health services online (23%). These
rates are even lower for those aged 75-79, seeking
health-related information (38%), getting access to
personal health record (23%), making an appointment
with a medical doctor (25%) and using other health
services online (16%) (Statistics Norway).
Table 2 and Figure 1 presents health-related
internet use by age. As shown in the table, for all age
groups and genders, the most common purpose for
health-related internet use was seeking health-related
information, and the least common purpose was other
health services online. Among 65-74 years old, the
rates of internet use among females were higher than
males for seeking health-related information and
other health services online. Health-related internet
use among the 75-79 years old was less than those
aged 65-74. Among the 75-79 years old, the rates of
health-related internet use for men were higher than
for women for seeking health-related information,
getting access to personal health record and other
health services online.
Table 1: Health-related internet use in Norway and the EU, 2020, by age (%)
16-24 years
25-34 years
35-44 years
45-54 years
55-64 years
65-74 years
75-79 years
Used the internet to seek for health-
related information
Used the internet to get access to
personal health record
Used the internet to make an
appointment with a medical doctor
Used the internet to use other health
services online
Data source: Statistics Norway and Eurostat
ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 2: Health-related internet use in Norway, 2020, by age and gender (%).
16-24 years
25-34 years
35-44 years
45-54 years
55-64 years
65-74 years
75-79 years
Used the internet to seek for
health-related information
Used the internet to get access to
personal health record
Used the internet to make an
appointment with a medical doctor
Used the internet to use other
health services online
Data source: Statistics Norway
Figure 1: Health-related internet use by age (%), 2020. Data
source: Statistics Norway
Like in other developed countries, Norway has an
aging population, and life expectancy is projected to
increase further in the coming decades. The aging
trend in the Norwegian population is an important
threat to achieving a completely inclusive digital
society, as an increasing number of public and private
services are being provided digitally.
This study has attempted to explore health-related
internet use among older people in Norway using
national ICT usage in households survey results.
Survey results indicate an increased internet use
among older adults in Norway. Even though the rates
of internet use and health-related internet use among
older Norwegians are higher than in many developed
countries, the age-based divide is still apparent.
Internet use among older people (65+) is less than
younger generations.
The most common purpose for health-related
internet use was seeking health-related information,
and the least common purpose was other health
services online. There are also some differences
observed between genders in terms of health-related
internet use.
This study highlights the digital gap in health-
related internet use among older people in Norway,
an increasingly digitalized and aging country. The
digital divide is not just a problem for developing
countries but also for developed nations. In order not
to be excluded from increasingly digital health
services, necessary measures should be taken into
consideration to bridge the digital gap among older
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected
our lives all over the world, and older people are
among the most dramatically affected by the
coronavirus. The pandemic has highlighted the
importance of information technologies in our lives,
especially during lockdowns. There is a need to
research how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected
older people in terms of using the internet for general
purposes and health-related use. Future research
should continue to explore affecting factors in health-
related internet use among older people and how to
increase it. Comparative studies between different
countries can also be considered in future research.
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