Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding
Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
Minh Hieu Vu, Joshua (Shuki) Wyman and John Grundy
Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Monash University, Australia
Human Computer Interaction, Accessibility, Human Aspects, Disability Simulation, Software Engineering.
End users with disabilities face many limitations with online accessibility. Efforts to tackle the problems of
testing for these problems have not yet been sufficient. In this paper we describe an evaluation of Funkify,
an augmented reality tool to simulate diverse end users’ experiences and challenges when interacting with
software. The research evaluates the tool’s effectiveness for software engineers use in emulating four diverse
end user challenges using a heuristics-based evaluation and cognitive walk-throughs on three target websites.
Our results show that the tool successfully simulates the target personas’ challenges varying extent, with some
noticeable limitations. We provide suggestions for extensions to Funkify as well as AR tools in general.
An estimated 1 in 6 Australians lives with a disabil-
ity(Green et al., 2021). In an online world that de-
mands ever greater online access to services since the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s imperative that
websites be conscious and accommodating of these
diverse end users. Unfortunately, the problem is per-
vasive. Almost all of the top 1,000 free Android apps
have been shown to have many severe accessibility
issues (Alshayban et al., 2020). The top 100 banking
websites in the US have approximately 6 accessibility
violations each on average (Wentz et al., 2019).
Research into accessibility has traditionally fo-
cused on the development of tools to automate issue
identification and verify compliance with accessibil-
ity guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG) (Abascal et al., 2019). However,
the issue continues to be severe. The US saw 3,500
website accessibility lawsuits filed in 2020, and the
rate has risen 64% in the first half of 2021(Alc
2021; Lazar, 2019). A possible underlying cause of
this trend is a lack of understanding amongst software
engineers for people different from themselves. De-
velopers may lack the insight to fully grasp how dif-
ferent types of end users would be interacting with
their system, making it very difficult to design and
build suitably accessible products (Bi et al., 2022).
In this paper we evaluate the suitability of an Aug-
mented Reality (AR) approach to providing develop-
ers with an experience of how diverse end users in-
teract with their system. In contrast with the body
of prior research, rather than highlight suggested
changes or accessibility improvements, the aim is to
elicit a lasting empathetic response from the devel-
oper and a deeper understanding of their users’ needs.
To do this, we used a browser plugin to mimic a vari-
ety of diverse end user challenges. Funkify is a pub-
licly available extension for Google Chrome that of-
fers a range of simulators for vision, motor, and cog-
nition impairment as well as dyslexia(Funkify, 2021).
The extension breaks users down into personas, with
each representing a class of challenged end users.
Some available personas are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Examples of Funkify Personas.
We evaluated Funkify Premium, which is avail-
able on a subscription basis and provides access to 4
Vu, M., Wyman, J. and Grundy, J.
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0010989900003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 50-61
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
additional personas, the ability to manually adjust the
sensitivity of each of the personas, and the ability to
define new personas using a combination of any of
the simulators. The free version of Funkify limits the
colour-blindness simulator to a single type of colour
blindness, whereas Premium allows the user to select
between 7 different types of colour blindness to fil-
ter the screen for. Similar levels of customisation are
available for each of the personas.
Section 2 outlines key related work to date in help-
ing address accessibility challenges. Section 3 de-
scribes our research methodology, and Section 4 our
study design details. Section 5 presents the details of
our Funkify evaluation, and Section 6 discusses key
findings and makes a number of recommendations for
enhancement of the tool.
Humans are different and many have diverse chal-
lenges when making use of software solutions
(Grundy, 2021). Some of these are related to physical
and mental challenges of the users and software not
designed taking these into account will suffer accessi-
bility problems (Rutter et al., 2007; Harper and Chen,
2012). Currently software engineers lack tools and
techniques for adequately modelling end users with
diverse challenges that impact accessibility.
Alshayban et al. (Alshayban et al., 2020) devel-
oped an automated accessibility evaluation tool that
they used to evaluate 1135 free Android applications
and conducted a follow-up survey of Android devel-
opers. They found that accessibility issues are preva-
lent and pervasive throughout all categories of apps,
and that these issues are not limited to affecting a sin-
gle type of user disability. Although they surveyed a
relatively small sample of 66 developers, it was found
that the respondents lacked awareness of accessibil-
ity issues or training to address them. It’s notewor-
thy that the minimum amount of development experi-
ence among respondents was 0.25 years, a very short
amount of time that may raise questions about the
ability to generalise this result. An interesting ob-
servation was that no existing accessibility analysis
tools are prioritising issues by severity or importance,
leading developers to either overlook critical flaws or
be overwhelmed with the quantity and variety. They
identified accessibility issues within half of the tem-
plates provided directly by Android Studio. Develop-
ers view these templates as a trustworthy foundation
and build their apps around them, thereby propagat-
ing the issues. This raises the question of whether
a similar phenomenon may be occurring in the web-
site space, for example with front-end component li-
braries or popular website templates.
Bai et al. (Bai et al., 2019) investigated and com-
pared six accessibility testing methods for software
development teams. They evaluated these methods
in terms of their usefulness, satisfaction, ease of use
and ease of learning to determine the methods that
would yield the best engagement for the participants,
investigated how different software roles and devel-
opment phases would affect the choice of appropri-
ate testing methods. The sample size of participants
was relatively small (53 participants) with 74% were
male, and it would be interesting to see how this fact
relates to the empathy of developers towards end-
users. A notable observation was that there are no set
rules to determine the types of issues a testing method
best identifies, which made it difficult to choose a
method and resulted in developers neglecting testing
entirely. The de facto method for the participants was
WCAG walk-through. However, the assessment of
this method yielded the lowest result in terms of satis-
faction and ease of use with a hostile attitude in many
responses. This poses a question of whether enforc-
ing use of a specific testing method is appropriate to
engage the developers. The research highlights how
different software roles prefer different methods.
Schulz and Fuglerud (Schulz and Fuglerud, 2012)
introduced methods to create personas more compre-
hensively. They presented the potential barriers, pro-
posed multiple techniques, and discussed the appli-
cation in their studies. A notable observation made
was that if personas are simply recycled or imitated,
then the empathy and engagement from developers is
lost. Also, personas are not complete replacements
of true end users, and misconceptions are possible
when personas are developed without prior real in-
teractions. Schulz and Fuglerud provided in-depth
details to some commonly known methods and con-
ducted research on real-world use cases. They made
suggestions for persona creators to be mindful when
using different Assistive Technology versions, and
aim at creating personas with the same learning at-
titudes as focus groups.
Several design approaches have been developed
specifically for visually impaired and blind users, en-
compassing a range of sight related accessibility chal-
lenges (Sierra and Togores, 2012; Jacko and Sears,
1998). Dyslexia is another accessibility challenge
faced by a range of users but with limited research on
solutions to date (Wery and Diliberto, 2017). A num-
ber of recent works have looked to to help software
engineers take better account of diverse end users dur-
ing development. This includes use of enhanced per-
sonas capturing user differences that allow software
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
engineers to more easily examine accessibility con-
siderations at all stages of development without re-
quiring the overhead of finding many varied live users
(Li et al., 2021). It also includes work extending
modelling languages documenting different end user
accessibility-related and other human-centric related
challenges (Jim et al., 2021). Recent work has in-
vestigated how to support users with mild cognitive
impairments (Jamieson et al., 2020).
Some work has investigated use of augmented
reality-based interfaces to aid improved accessibility
in software development. Biswas et al. (Biswas et al.,
2012) discussed different user modelling approaches
in regard to designing inclusive interfaces for elderly
and disabled people. They proposed a simulator to ad-
dress the limitations of existing modelling techniques
in predicting likely interaction patterns and estimat-
ing the time needed to complete an action for users
with disabilities. Stearns at al. (Stearns et al., 2018)
design and evaluate an AR-based magnification aid
for sight challenged end users to improve accessibil-
ity. Such approaches aim to fill the gaps in limited
existing user modelling techniques by breaking inter-
actions up into smaller components and combining
different approaches in each component, while con-
sidering the needs of challenged people with visual or
mobility impairments. In Biswas et al., roughly 30%
of situations had more than 50% relative error. This
raises the question of whether these case studies are
sufficient to determine the validity of such simulators.
In this work we wanted to answer the following re-
search questions:
RQ1: Can a browser-based augmented reality
simulation tool such as Funkify personas give soft-
ware engineers a useful experience of diverse end user
web accessibility challenges?
RQ2: How comparable are Funkify’s simulations
to documented experiences of web accessibility chal-
RQ3: What extensions to tools such as Funkify
would enhance their usability for more human-centric
software engineering?
3.1 Our Approach
The research was divided into three major steps.
Identification of a range of exemplar websites re-
quiring diverse end user accessibility.
Identification of a range of Funkify personas rep-
resenting diverse end users with quite different ac-
cessibility challenges.
Evaluation of Funkify Premium personas on sev-
eral representative websites.
Identification of needed improvements to the cur-
rent state of Funkify.
The range and number of personas and websites eval-
uated were chosen with regards to a diverse, repre-
sentative set of digital services needed by many in the
community and relatively common end user accessi-
bility challenges.
3.2 Funkify Persona Selection
Personas are fictional profiles of characters, created
to represent different types of users with the aim to
provide a perspective, or observations about differ-
ent challenges or experiences diverse users face, ulti-
mately building empathy from developers and design-
ers towards their end users (Pruitt and Grudin, 2003).
In our research, these personas represent users with a
disability or multiple disabilities that affects the users’
experience while interacting with software, whether
they be visual, motor and/or cognitive impairments.
Our set of target personas were selected on the ba-
sis of (i) covering a wide range of user’s challenges,
and (ii) relatively common disabilities that would
have the most effect on users’ experience and would
be difficult to simulate effectively and thoroughly
with an augmented reality tool such as Funkify. From
the 10 personas that Funkify provides, 4 personas
were selected to conduct our evaluation, consisting of:
Blurred Vision: Blurred vision can have a negative
effect on a persons’ entire line of sight or partially
affect one’s vision. It could include peripheral vi-
sion, or how a person sees to the left or right of their
field of vision, it can also be possible to experience
blurred vision in one eye only. It is often caused
by refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness),
abrasions to the cornea, age-related macular degener-
ation, migraine, trauma or injuries to the eye, infec-
tious retinitis (Zhou et al., 2020).
A person with blurred vision can have their func-
tional status and overall well-being severely im-
pacted, according to P. Lee et al. They stated that
blurred vision can have a substantially greater impact
in role limitations due to physical health problems
than that of hypertension or type II diabetes. It is also
stated to be of significantly worse impact on energy
than type I diabetes mellitus, on social function than
indigestion, and on physical functioning than trouble
urinating(Lee et al., 1997).
Dyslexia: Dyslexia is considered as a language-based
learning difference that affects the organization in the
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
brain which controls the ability to process the way
language is heard, read, spelled, or spoken. Dyslexia
can also have negative effects on a person’s working
memory, attention, and organization. Davis’s research
reported 37 common traits of a dyslexic that spans
across vision, speech, hearing, writing, motor, math
and time management, cognition, behaviour, person-
ality... Davis stated that people with dyslexia exhibit
about 10 of the common traits and behaviours and
these characteristics vary inconsistently(Davis, 2004).
According to Davis, some notable traits and charac-
teristics of people with dyslexia include:
Reading or writing shows repetitions, additions,
transpositions, omissions, substitutions, and re-
versals in letters, numbers and/or words.
Complains of feeling or seeing non-existent
movement while reading, writing, or copying.
Extended hearing: hear things that are not said or
apparent to others; easily distracted by sound.
Difficulties with fine and/or gross motor skills and
Poor memory for sequences, facts and informa-
tion that has not been experienced.
Extremely disorderly or compulsively orderly.
Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically
with confusion, time pressure, emotional stress,
or poor health.
Tremor: Tremor is characterised by shaking move-
ments in a part of the body caused by involuntary
muscle contractions. One of the most common neu-
rological diseases, tremor can occur on its own or in
conjunction with another neurological disease such as
Parkinson’s, MS, or stroke. For Parkinson’s alone, 1
in every 100 Australians over the age of 60 lives with
the disease (Dorsey et al., 2007). Tremors are classi-
fied as either rest or action, with action further sub-
divided to give 7 types of tremors, each with their
own typical frequency and amplitude.(Sirisena and
Williams, 2009). Designing apps to support people
with tremor has been shown to be challenging (Zhong
et al., 2015).
Tunnel Vision: Tunnel vision is a colloquial name
for peripheral vision loss, a narrowing of the field of
view to the extent that the individual can only see di-
rectly ahead.(tun, 2019) It is most commonly seen in
patients with retinitis pigmentosa or glaucoma, with
glaucoma alone affecting over 300,000 Australians.
Limited work to date has been done on design guide-
lines and support for users suffering from tunnel vi-
sion (Kamikubo et al., 2018).
3.3 Target Websites
To perform the evaluation on the selected personas, a
set of target websites were chosen. Our approach to
choosing these websites were to cover a wide range
of topics, layouts, content of the sites (content-heavy
news sites, websites with a lot of interactions, pic-
tures...) The websites were chosen to also differ in
user needs when using them, spanning from recre-
ational purposes to daily fundamental needs. In the
end, a set of 3 such target websites were selected:
Commonwealth NetBank: Commonwealth Bank of
Australia (CBA) is one of the most popular banks
in the country and has an online system to support
all the fundamental banking tasks like checking your
balance, making a transaction, finding an ATM or
branch, and so on. These are tasks that most people
do almost every day, and can have direct detrimental
effects on a person who is unable to do them effec-
tively and accurately.
Reddit: Reddit is a social news platform with a large
user community, covering a wide range of topics and
subjects. Its website is very content-heavy consist-
ing of mainly text and pictures with a lot of interac-
tions between interactions. Reddit was selected to as-
sess the experiences of diverse end users on a content-
heavy site where most of the interactions and content
are casual using a lot of colloquial language.
Amazon: Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce
website with more than 1.5 million transactions every
day. Amazon was selected to evaluate how one of the
largest and most visited websites in the world design
their platform in regard to accessibility for diverse end
4.1 Method
We conducted a heuristics evaluation of our selected
personas using Funkify Premium applying a set of
evaluation criteria, including:
What range of diverse end user challenges does
Funkify support? How do such challenges mani-
fest in the browser?
How well does the tool work with our selected
websites when performing tasks?
How is the AR environment produced by the tool
for developers comparable to the documented ex-
periences of end users with these challenges?
Does the modification of website interaction ap-
pear to be based on actual evidence or literature?
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
Do Funkify personas provide a software devel-
oper a good idea of how someone using the web-
site with this challenge would find the experience?
Can the software developer “empathise” with this
target end user’s accessibility-related challenges?
Can users with multiple accessibility-related chal-
lenges be addressed, and how feasible and effi-
cient does the tool address users with such multi-
ple challenges?
What new challenges (combination of challenges)
are we able to add to the tool? What challenges
are not possible to add?
To support the evaluation of this set of criteria, we
conducted cognitive walk-throughs with each per-
sona on all the target websites. From the results of
the cognitive walk-throughs, we assessed how effec-
tive the persona’s challenges manifest in the browser
with Funkify, what the notable limitations of the tool
for a persona/target website are, and how the per-
sonas challenges relate to real users’ experience based
on existing accessibility studies and literature on the
disabilities. From these we identified opportunities
for improvement in Funkify’s augmented reality ap-
proach for better supporting software engineers in de-
signing and building interfaces for diverse end users.
4.2 Cognitive Walk-through
Cognitive walk-through is a method primarily used in
usability evaluation to look for usability issues in in-
teractive systems, with a focus on task completion for
novice users (Blackmon et al., 2002). Its emphasis is
on studying how easy it is for new or infrequent users
to learn a system. It was first used as a tool to eval-
uate systems such as ATMs or interactive exhibits in
museums where users will generally have little to no
prior experience or training. Due to its ease of use
and feasibility, the method’s usage has been extended
to complex software systems including CAD and soft-
ware development tools.(Rieman et al., 1995)
Cognitive walk-throughs were conducted, one for
each selected persona and website combination. We
chose a set of tasks for each website and conducted
the walk-throughs. Our approach to selecting these
tasks for each target website was to select those that
were the most basic and relevant for all the web-
sites (e.g., logging on, registering) and the most ma-
jor tasks for each site (e.g., make a transaction). A
series of 4-6 major tasks were chosen for each of the
target websites. The next step was to define a goal
or success criteria for each of the tasks to determine
how effective can the task be done in the augmented
environment created using Funkify for each of the
personas. After finalising the tasks and their respec-
tive definition of success, we would then conduct the
walk-throughs for each of the personas on all the tar-
get websites and tasks.
Each persona was be assessed as to how it affects
the tasks’ feasibility, whether the task could still be
done with the Funkify filter active at different inten-
sity settings or if it proved to be impossible to com-
plete the task when Funkify is active, based on the
defined success criteria. The results of each task and
target website from the walk-throughs could then be
generalised into the feasibility and effectiveness of the
Funkify persona in terms of how well it achieves the
simulation of the persona’s challenges and what the
major limitations of the tool are or in general the lim-
itations of augmented reality tools in simulating di-
verse end users’ experience.
The evaluators of the websites and Funkify per-
sonas were software engineering students with real-
world software practitioner experience. Each has ex-
pertise in software engineering processes and tools,
UX/UI design, web and app development, but no par-
ticular training in designing for accessibility.
4.3 Websites
All of the target websites have similar tasks for log-
ging on and registering a new user where the def-
inition of success is straightforward and consistent
among all websites. Key tasks which differ across the
websites are as follows:
Commonwealth NetBank Tasks:
Make a Transaction: this is the most common and
fundamental task to be completed on a banking web-
site. The definition of success was to be able make
a transaction for the correct amount of money from
a specific account to the correct recipient. The
user would need to navigate to the transaction page,
choose the correct ‘To’ and ‘From’ accounts and in-
put the correct amount to complete the task.
Find a Branch or ATM: Commonwealth NetBank
provides a feature to show a map of ATM or branches
nearby or to selected set of filter options. How this
task is considered as done can vary between use cases,
so we chose to define success for this task to be able
to navigate around the map effectively and be able to
find a specific CBA branch on the map.
Reddit Tasks:
Join and Navigate Subreddits: Reddit is a social news
platform where each subreddit represents a commu-
nity that focuses on a specific category or topic. It
was difficult to define a tangible success criterion for
navigating through the subreddits, so we focused on
joining a subreddit while assessing how the Funkify
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
filters affect the experience of navigating through sub-
Read Comments on Posts: comments are a large pro-
portion of all content and interactions on Reddit posts.
Users need to successfully read comments, navigate
through all comments and replies, and be able to fol-
low and understand comment threads.
Post on Subreddit: A Reddit post can be simple as a
sentence or it can consist of pictures, links, various
font options... We decided to assess the task’s com-
pletion on the user’s accessibility and effectiveness in
using these additional options when posting.
Post Comments: this task involves composing a com-
ment relating to a post and is relatively simple, so a
definition of success is not required.
Amazon Tasks:
Find a Product (Example - an HDMI Cable): Being
an e-commerce site, Amazon’s most fundamental task
would be to find a product. The definition of success
was to be able to search for a product (an HDMI ca-
ble was selected for this task) and effectively compare
all the search results (in terms of descriptions, prices,
Buy a Product: conventionally buying a product on
Amazon involves selecting the product, comparing
and choosing the products’ options if any, adding it
to the user’s cart, and checking out with the required
user billing details. For this research, we define this
task as completed when user has selected the right
product, read its descriptions effectively, compared
between product’s options, and add it to their cart.
For each persona we describe how Funkify attempts
to simulate the underlying accessibility issue, report
key findings from the cognitive walk-throughs [RQ1],
and discuss the extent to which the experience pro-
vided by Funkify mirrors the documented experiences
of diverse end users with these challenges [RQ2]. No-
tably, Funkify only augments the browser window un-
derneath the title bar, so any changes to the url or open
tabs are not concealed. A limitation of the tool is that
it only applies to the view within the page so all the
other components in the browser UI are not affected
such as tabs’ names, browser menu, settings. This is
of course not consistent with the real-world experi-
ence of a person with blurred vision.
5.1 Blurred Vision Augmentation
Blurred vision is the most common sight challenge,
but varies in level. Funkify applies a blur filter to the
entire window, with intensity being able to be varyied
on a 0-10 scale. Figure 2 shows the persona and Fig-
ure 3 how this manifests for the CommBank website
ATM locator page.
Figure 2: Blurry Bianca UI.
Figure 3: NetBank ATM search dropdown.
While there were isolated instances like Figure 3
of components such as drop-down selections appear-
ing as normal on top of the filter, overall the simulator
performed consistently well. It immersed the user in
the persona and allowed them to identify areas where
the site design led to user frustration.
Figure 4: Reddit with Blurry Bianca filter, 2.5 intensity.
For content-heavy websites like Amazon and Red-
dit (Figure 4), the visual strain made browsing partic-
ularly difficult and tiring. However, fatigue was also
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
experienced when navigating NetBank, with lower in-
formation density. Amazon, with many busy pages,
description blocks and copious amounts of small,
clickable, text was very taxing to navigate. Product
titles and costs, as the top elements of Amazon’s ty-
pographic hierarchy, are the only readable parts of the
page at 1.5 intensity. Even Amazon’s captcha posed
a difficulty. Although the registration process allows
the user to select an audio challenge, the explanation
of what is required is shown in unreadably small font.
Figure 5: NetBank login colour highlights the most impor-
tant interactions.
As navigation was tiring, accessible and bold de-
sign choices stood out for their ease of use. The use
of contrasting and vibrant colours drew the user’s fo-
cus more easily, and was used to good effect by Net-
Bank’s yellow log in button as shown in Figure 5. It
also highlighted the benefit of iconography and logos
as opposed to reliance on text. Reddit’s login modal
has the Google and Apple logos alongside their login
options. The text became unreadable at 1.8 intensity,
whereas the logos remained recognisable until 3.0, re-
ducing the cognitive strain.
The experience produced by the tool was very
comparable to that of a short-sighted person when not
using prescription glasses. A noticeable takeaway is
that for most of the evaluated websites and tasks, it
is almost impossible to read any content or text on
the screen when the intensity reaches 3.0, so a large
portion of the intensity spectrum will yield the same
results when using this augmentation. And the char-
acteristic of the blur filter is the same for all the web-
sites and all the intensity levels (a blur effect to the en-
tire screen) which might not be the experience for all
users with blurred vision (partial blurred vision, left
or right blurred vision, short-sightedness compared to
age-related causes...).
5.2 Tunnel Vision Augmentation
The Tunnel Toby Funkify persona, shown in figure
6, shrinks the visible area in the browser window to
either a circle or rectangle centered at the current po-
sition of the user’s mouse. The remainder of the win-
dow is covered by an opaque black filter. A sensitivity
slider from 0-10 is provided to change the amount of
vision loss desired. We evaluated the circular option
intended to simulate peripheral vision loss.
Figure 6: Tunnel Toby UI.
Evaluating this simulator was found to be a very
confronting and intensely uncomfortable experience.
Although solely isolated to the browser window, and
with the user able to stop at any time, prolonged ex-
posure to this persona repeatedly led the evaluators to
spikes of anxiety and claustrophobia. On unfamiliar
sites navigation times were dramatically slowed due
to the need to systematically scan each page, build-
ing a mental picture of the structure and ensuring key
details were not overlooked.
Figure 7: NetBank login button placement.
To compensate, there was a noted reliance on es-
tablished UI norms. For example, assuming a button
to login would be in the top right corner of the win-
dow (shown in Figure 7). Similarly, visual identifiers
of page structure helped with maintaining an under-
standing of position. As shown in Figure 8, Red-
dit displays its nested comment hierarchy with par-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 8: Reddit hierarchy lines.
allel vertical lines signifying the level of indentation,
where clicking on a line navigates the user to the par-
ent comment of that level. Without such a visual aid it
would be extremely difficult to follow conversations.
This confusion manifested when evaluating Ama-
zon’s product search. Products were arranged incon-
sistently, alternating between a single product per row
and three separate products side-by-side. Advertise-
ments and sponsored products were interlaced at un-
predictable intervals. Product images were larger than
the visible circle, and product names were long and
technical in nature. All of these factors combined to
make comparisons between products difficult.
Figure 9: Tunnel Toby sensitivity 10.
A number of bugs were identified with Funkify’s
tunnel vision augmentation. When using the persona,
the mouse could not enter the Reddit login modal and
lagged significantly when Reddit posts were opened.
Scrolling on a page moved the visible area in tandem,
as opposed to it sticking to the mouse position. This
resulted in most scrolling occurring with an entirely
black screen, only refreshing on mouse move.
Funkify provides a 0-10 slider for amount of vi-
sion loss, however this scale is quite a narrow range.
0 is no vision loss at all, but 0.1 is already signifi-
cant impairment. 10, demonstrated in Figure 9 is al-
most complete vision loss. To better reflect reality
this range should be much wider, with lower numbers
just showing some darkening around the edges of the
screen and gradually decreasing the vision.
5.3 Dyslexia Augmentation
Funkify attempts a simulation of dyslexia by scram-
bling text on the web page. Scrambling is localised to
a word with the exact characters swapping at random.
Figure 10 illustrates this persona.
Figure 10: Dyslexia Dani UI.
It was found that content-heavy sites such as Ama-
zon are difficult to read, and small site elements esca-
late the challenge. It became difficult to ascertain and
remember product names when trying to find a prod-
uct that had been seen previously. Evaluating Reddit
(Figure 11) exposed a set of challenges around com-
prehending slang and internet colloquialisms, which
proved to be barriers to entering the conversation.
Figure 11: Browsing Reddit with Dyslexia Dani.
The simulator only changes page text, and there-
fore it does not scramble any text in images, branding,
tooltips, and certain buttons. It fails to work on Red-
dit’s login modal and seems to not scramble two-digit
numbers, even when they appear as text. Additionally
text typed into websites remains unaltered. Figure 13
shows the ATM search stage of a NetBank evalua-
tion, where neither the input text or dropdown list are
scrambled. These limitations cumulatively limit the
immersive experience of the simulator, as in Figure
12 where the focal point of the screen is text embed-
ded in an image.
With each letter generally not moving far rela-
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
Figure 12: Amazon home page - banner unaffected by
dyslexia filter.
Figure 13: Dropdown item and form inputs do not scramble.
tive to their correct position; words with 2 or less
characters stay the same during the simulation. The
tool’s capability is only limited to the visual aspects of
dyslexia, so it is not comprehensible enough to gener-
alize the whole set of challenges a dyslexic person ex-
periences. The tool is not able to cover other aspects
related to the persona including hearing, writing, mo-
tor, especially behavioral traits. It is not clear that all
people with dyslexia experience reading in this man-
ner, and some have simulated dyslexia by removing
lines from normal lettering (Bai et al., 2019).
5.4 Tremor Augmentation
The Trembling Trevor Funkify persona simulates
tremor by moving the mouse involuntarily and unpre-
dictably in all directions. As the mouse continues to
move without user input it would be classified as a
resting tremor, as is commonly seen in Parkinson’s
disease. The amount of tremor is adjustable on a 0-10
scale. Figure 14 shows the persona from Funkify.
While using the persona, accurately selecting
small targets posed a significant challenge. This was
most prevalent in the Amazon walk-through, due to
the abundance of clickable text. When searching for
products the filter options are inaccessibly small, as is
the breadcrumb navigation in the user profile section.
Critically, signing out of an account necessitates
clicking on a small piece of text at the bottom of a
dropdown menu, as shown in Fig. 15. It requires fine
motor control to accurately click the correct button,
Figure 14: Trembling Trevor UI.
Figure 15: Amazon sign out button.
with the additional frustration that unintended move-
ments that cause the cursor to move outside of the box
results in the dropdown menu collapsing.
Figure 16: NetBank registration form radio buttons.
Figure 17: Amazon profile page.
Similarly, when applying to register for NetBank
(Figure 16), the user is prompted to select between ra-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
dio button options, which were basically unclickable
with this Funkify persona enabled. The most accessi-
ble pages had large, separated buttons, like on Ama-
zon’s user profile page shown in Figure 17.
The sensitivity adjustment is a 10-point sliding
scale of an ill-defined “amount of trembling”. Al-
though probably sufficient to emulate the experience
of navigating with a tremor, this could be broken
down into frequency and amplitude to better align
with the medical literature. An advanced feature set
could also break it down by tremor type.
Cognitive walk-throughs with Funkify provided both
valuable insights into accessibility issues on the eval-
uated sites and also a lasting impression on the eval-
uators of the constraints experienced by end-users
who live with the examined disabilities. The lessons
learned were applicable beyond the local scope of one
website, and the tool elicited the desired empathetic
response above and beyond accessibility issue iden-
tification. We recommend its use in further research
that can explore this relationship further and to iden-
tify whether it can lead to improved long-term im-
proved accessibility outcomes.
Funkify as it currently exists is a straightforward
and easy to use extension that offers flexibility and
customisation across a wide range of disabilities. Per-
sonas are toggled with a single button click and any
combination of existing simulators can be combined
into a new persona. Having all of the functionality
neatly packaged in a single plugin allows Funkify to
add value if included in future projects that use per-
sonas to model diverse end users. However, a number
of potential limitations were found, and a number of
extensions to Funkify identified that would enhance
its suitability as a basis for future research [RQ3].
6.1 Expanded Personas
Prior research on the use of personas to understand
end users includes more biographical and emotional
context than Funkify currently allows. Other work
has proposed personas that are tailored to the needs
of the development team and express the background,
goals, and frustrations of the modelled end user to
specific problem domains (Li et al., 2021). We
propose that another button be created underneath
”About this simulator” for each Funkify persona,
where the user will be able to read and edit more
of the human aspects of the persona. This ability to
enrich Funkify personas by defining more contextual
data would improve the quality and utility of the per-
sonas for testing purposes, and simultaneously pro-
vide a mechanism by which to instantly simulate the
perspective of the previously text-based persona.
6.2 Sharing Capability
As a Chrome extension, any custom personas or
changes to sensitivity settings are localised to a single
account. To facilitate repeatable testing and consis-
tency amongst team members, support is needed for
sharing personas with other Funkify users. This could
be combined with extending persona human aspects
to provide richer, more contextual personas.
6.3 Predefined Intensities
At present, Funkify Premium always allows the user
to adjust the simulator intensity. However as we move
to richer personas we may, for consistency, want to
specify the exact desired values and disable the ability
of users to deviate from it. Therefore we suggest that
the screen to make or edit a new persona should con-
tain a field for whether the intensity values are locked.
It will always be possible to return to the edit screen to
unlock them, but this feature would prevent accidental
miscalibration. If this implementation is not possible,
we would suggest a button in the persona window that
would return all values to a preset default.
6.4 Broader Range of Intensities
A finding of our cognitive walk-throughs was that the
range of intensity options provided for each persona
was too narrow, often resulting in the user solely util-
ising the lower end of the spectrum. For example the
minimum amount of vision loss (0.1) for the Tunnel
Toby persona shown in Figure 9 is already quite ad-
vanced peripheral vision loss whereas the circle size
in upper half of the range (> 5) is too small to be
useful. The sensitivity range should be re-calibrated
to allow the minimums to represent a far more gentle
form of the disability.
6.5 Combining Personas
Funkify provides a limited ability to define new per-
sonas and some target end users have multiple chal-
lenges that would be good to be able simulate con-
currently. As Funkify uses different approaches to its
augmented reality-based simulations, this may be dif-
ficult if not impossible for some multiple challenge
personas. This may require a more sophisticated aug-
mented reality-based approach.
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Website Usage Challenges
6.6 New Simulators
Finally, we would add new simulators to Funkify tar-
geting aspects of dyscalculia, hearing impairment,
and developmental disabilities including autism.
While these conditions may not be able to be repli-
cated precisely, we would implement targeted parts
of their documented end user experience from other
studies and medical literature. As above, we would
aim to leverage Funkify’s ability to combine simula-
tors in order to scaffold a more holistic persona from
constituent symptom personas.
6.7 Limitations and Future Work
One major limitation in this research was limiting our
evaluation to Funkify. This opens further potential re-
search paths and questions as to whether all of the per-
sonas provided by Funkify yield the same evaluation
results as other comparable tools, or if there are better
performing tools compared to Funkify to simulate di-
verse end users’ experience for some challenges. Al-
though our selection approach was to cover the widest
range of personas and websites possible, there are of
course many other widely used websites and tasks that
could be evaluated with Funkify’s augmentation ap-
proaches. The small number of people doing the cog-
nitive walk-through-based evaluations is also a limi-
tation. This can result in the lack of integrity between
each cognitive walk-throughs as members would have
had some prior experience with the target websites
and tasks. With the evaluation only done internally
by research team members with experience in soft-
ware engineering, UI/UX and web development, this
may not reflect actual experience of target end users.
However a major aim of our work was to see how
software engineers perceived the augmented browser-
based interfaces, and whether they could help iden-
tify key usability challenges for such target end users.
We also wanted to see if software engineers could
gain a more empathetic understanding of these target
end users by using Funkify’s persona and augmented
browser-based interface approach.
Another limitation in our study was the lack of
real end user involvement. This can be overcome
in the future by conducting user studies with actual
visual-impaired users. It would also help to over-
come the limitation of possible bias in current partic-
ipants since they were from a software engineering
background. A comparison of task completion be-
tween real versus simulated user groups may reveal
further interesting insights. However, we did com-
pare Funkify’s augmented interfaces to the impacts of
different user challenges reported in prior studies and
medical literature. Further studies into evaluating a
wide range of users at different levels/manifestations
of the disabilities are also necessary to assess the im-
pact on their web usage and study different UI solu-
tions required to cater to different range of users with
the same disabilities (e.g., different levels of tunnel
vision, different manifestations of dyslexia).
The effect on software developers and designers
after using tools such as Funkify on their design pro-
cess is an important area to study. Some studies have
shown having able-bodied people experience disabil-
ity simulators can reinforce negative stereotypes and
attitudes to these challenged people.(Nario-Redmond
et al., 2017). It would be interesting to see how de-
velopers assess their existing UI designs using the
Funkify personas, and how this might influence their
designs to better accommodate more diverse chal-
lenged end users and empathise better with them af-
ter experience with these tools. A notable perspec-
tive raised by Huynh et al. was the use of personas
of developers with their own challenges(Huynh et al.,
2021), and how they would diagnose and fix UI prob-
lems differently to other developers. Future research
could focus on using these different software engineer
personas to evaluate Funkify.
We conducted a heuristics-based evaluation of
Funkify, an augmented reality-based simulator, to as-
sertain its suitability as a tool to simulate diverse chal-
lenged end users’ web experience. Four user per-
sonas (Dyslexia, Blurred Vision, Tremor, and Tun-
nel Vision) were selected to carry cognitive walk-
throughs on three target websites (Amazon, Reddit,
Commonwealth NetBank). We found the evaluated
personas provided an overall good representation of
users’ challenges. There are notable limitations relat-
ing to specific components of the web page (modals,
drop-downs...) where the tool might fail to apply the
persona filter. Future work can investigate the other
personas Funkify provides as well as other similar
tools on a wider range of target websites. It would
be good to compare the assessment of real users with
target challenges to those of developers using Funkify
simulations to see if the same problematic accessibil-
ity issues are detected. We also want to evaluate the
simulation environment created by these tools as to
their effect on eliciting developers’ greater empathy
towards diverse end users.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Grundy is supported by ARC Laureate Fellowship
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