An Online Controlled Experiment Design to Support the
Transformation of Digital Learning towards
Adaptive Learning Platforms
Nathalie Rzepka
, Katharina Simbeck
, Hans-Georg Müller
and Niels Pinkwart
University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Treskowallee 8, 10318 Berlin, Germany
Department of German Studies, University of Potsdam, Am neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
Department of Computer Science, Humboldt University of Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Online Controlled Experiments, Adaptive Learning Systems, Digital Learning Environment, Learning System
Abstract: Digital learning platforms are more and more used in blended classroom scenarios in Germany. However, as
learning processes are different among students, adaptive learning platforms can offer personalized learning,
e.g. by individual feedback and corrections, task sequencing, or recommendations. As digital learning plat-
forms are already used in classroom settings, we propose the transformation of these platforms into adaptive
learning environments. To measure the effectiveness and improvements achieved through the adaptions an
online-controlled experiment design is created. Our result is a process that consists of the target definition,
development of the prediction model, definition of the adaptions, building the experiment architecture, the
experimental period, and the hypothesis testing. As an example, we apply this design exemplarily to an online
learning platform for German spelling and grammar. In this way, we contribute to the research field by bridg-
ing the gap between adaptive learning technology and the process of transformations and experiment designs.
Digital learning platforms offer many opportunities to
optimize learning processes. Since the COVID-19
pandemic, they have also increasingly become part of
the educational landscape and are used as a
supporting medium in school lessons. A great relief
for teachers, for example, is the automatic correction
and the subsequent immediate feedback for users.
However, traditional digital learning platforms are
not yet personalized - even though it is known that
students learn differently. Adaptive learning
platforms offer personalized adaptations to provide
each user with the optimal learning platform. This can
be expressed through personalized feedback,
appropriate difficulty levels, recommendations, or
other individualized interventions. Since there are
already existing digital learning platforms, it makes
sense to consider how these can be transformed into
adaptive learning platforms. It is further useful to
investigate how effective the built-in adaptations are
and by how much they improve the learning success.
For this aim, we propose an online controlled
experiment design to transform a traditional learning
platform into an adaptive learning platform. We
present this design exemplarily on the platform, a platform which is used in
German school lessons and serves the acquisition of
spelling and grammar competences.
We proceed as follows. First, we describe online
controlled experiments and A/B-testing. After that,
we introduce adaptive learning platforms and their
architecture. In section 3, we define the phases of an
online controlled experiment on how an adaptive
learning platform can be designed, implemented, and
evaluated from a digital learning environment. We
exemplify each phase with the transformation of the platform. After that, we discuss
and classify our results.
2.1 Online Controlled Experiments and
A/B Testing
Learning analytics in education often defines
interventions based on machine learning (ML) based
Rzepka, N., Simbeck, K., Müller, H. and Pinkwart, N.
An Online Controlled Experiment Design to Support the Transformation of Digital Learning towards Adaptive Learning Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0010984000003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 139-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
prediction outcomes. However, these interventions
need to be reviewed for effectiveness. Controlled
experiments are the best scientific design, to ensure
the causal relationship between intervention and
changes in user behavior (Kohavi et al. 2007). A/B-
tests are used on large sites such as amazon, google
or Bing to calculate the effect of user interface (UI)
changes of apps and websites, algorithms, or other
adjustments (Kohavi and Longbotham 2017). In a
simple case, A/B-tests consist of control (default
version, A) and treatment (changed version, B). Users
are randomly assigned to one of these versions and
their actions on the website or app are logged. A
previously defined overall evaluation criterion (OEC)
is a quantitative measure of the change’s objective. At
the end, after the experimentation period, a
hypothesis test is done to find out if the difference in
OEC between the two variants is statistically
significant (Kohavi et al. 2007). This enables data-
driven decision-making in web-facing industries.
2.1.1 Randomization Unit
The randomization or experimentation unit is the item
on which observations are made, in most cases this is
the user (Kohavi et al. 2007). The users are randomly
assigned to one variant, but the assignment is
persistent. Further, the entities should be distributed
equally, which means in the case of an A/B-test that
the users are split up by 50%. While the distribution
should be equally, best practice is to have a treatment
ramp-up before (Kohavi et al. 2007). This starts with
a lower percentage for the treatment which is
gradually increased. Each phase runs for few hours
which offers the opportunity to check for problems
and errors, before it is shown to a wide range of users.
There are different designs of randomised trial, for
example student-level random assignment, teacher-
level random assignment or school-level random
assignment. When choosing the randomisation
design, there are theoretical and practical reasons,
which are summarised by Wijekumar et al. (2012).
Choosing the teacher-level or school-level has the
advantage that users in a school class belong to the
same control group. This is particularly useful if the
experiment is carried out in class - otherwise the
teacher would have to divide the class. Statistical
power plays a role in the decision between teacher-
level and school-level, as the analysis of which has
shown that within-school random assignments are
more efficient than school-leveled random
assignments (Campbell et al. 2004). The disadvantage
of choosing teacher-level or school-level assignments
is a reduction in effective sample size, considering that
observations withinside the cluster have a tendency to
be correlated (Campbell et al. 2004).
2.1.2 Overall Evaluation Criterion
The OEC defines the goal of the experiment and must
be defined in advance (Kohavi et al. 2007). It can also
be referred to as a response variable, dependent
variable, or evaluation metric. The definition of the
OEC is of rather great importance, as the rejection of
the null hypothesis is based on the comparison
between the OEC of the two variants. As the
experimentation period is in most cases only few
weeks, the OEC must be measurable in the short-term
while being predictive in the long-term. Deng and Shi
differentiate between three types of metrics that can
be used as OECs (Deng and Shi 2016): business
report driven metrics, simple heuristic based metrics
and user behavior-driven metrics. Business report
driven metrics are based on long-term goals and are
associated with the business performance, such as
revenue per user (Deng and Shi 2016). Simple
heuristic-based metrics are describing the interaction
of the user on the website, for example, an activity
counter. User behavior-driven metrics are based on a
behavior model, for example for satisfaction or
frustration. Whatever type of metric is chosen in the
end, there are two important characteristics for
metrics: directionality and sensitivity (Deng and Shi
2016). Directionality describes that the interpretation
of the metric must have a clear direction, for example,
the bigger the OEC the better and vice versa.
Sensitivity means that the metric should be sensitive
for the changes made in the variant (Deng and Shi
2.1.3 Architecture
There are three important architecture components of
A/B-tests: randomization algorithm, assignment
method and data path (Kohavi and Longbotham
2017). The randomization algorithm is the function
that maps the user persistently to one variant. As
stated above, the distribution between the variants
should be equal. In the second step, the assignment
method allocates the user to the mapped variant. This
can be either by redirecting the user to a new
webpage, by traffic splitting, or client-sided by
dynamically adjusting the web page according to the
variant changes (Kohavi and Longbotham 2017). The
data path describes the component which collects the
user interaction (e.g., the clickstream data) and
aggregates and processes it afterwards. Another tool
which should be built-in is a diagnostics system,
which graphs the numbers of randomization units in
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
each variant, metric means and further effect to
inform researchers about the progress during the
experimentation period (Kohavi and Longbotham
2.1.4 Hypothesis Testing
The analysis of an A/B-test is straightforward
statistics with hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis
) states that the OECs for the variants are not
different. The treatment is accepted as being
significant if H
is rejected. The confidence level
should be 95%, which means that there is type 1 error
in 5% of the cases. Although the power is not
measured separately, it should be checked to be
between 80%-95%. The standard error should be
small and can be decreased by increasing the sample
size and lower the variability of the OEC. The
variability of the OEC can be reduced by triggering:
it is often the case, that the tested component is not
entered by all users. For instance, if the variant is
implemented in the purchase process of a website, but
not all users who are logging in are purchasing
something. These users need to be excluded from the
sample to reduce variability.
2.1.5 Limitations
There are some limitations which need to be
considered when implementing A/B-tests (Kohavi et
al. 2007). While the OEC can be a data-driven basis
to either reject or accept the null hypothesis, it does
not explain why the hypothesis should be accepted or
rejected. Furthermore, an effect can only be measured
during the experimentation period. The period should
be chosen carefully, as effects are not registered if the
period is too short. If the webpage also has
experienced users, there is an effect of newness, as
the users must get used to the changes first (in case
they are assigned to the variant). As the variant is
mostly a prototype, it should be considered that errors
in the prototype effect the OEC massively. Also,
performance issues of the variant are known to impact
the OEC (Kohavi et al. 2007). This issue can be faced
by A/A-tests, where the randomization algorithms
and assignment methods are tested before
implementing the treatment variant (Kohavi et al.
2007; Kohavi and Longbotham 2017). In education
there are also ethical concerns: if users are assigned
to a variant that works poorer, they are treated
differently than the others which is unfair. Users can
also find out differences on the app or webpage if they
compare it to what is shown to other users.
2.2 Adaptive Learning Environments
Adaptive learning environments offer individualized
learning by adjusting to its users and their learning
process. Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger (2003)
define learning environments as adaptive if they are
capable of “monitoring the activities of its users,
interpreting these on the basis of domain-specific
models; inferring user requirements and preferences
out of the interpreted activities, appropriately
representing these in associated models; and, finally,
acting upon the available knowledge on its users and
the subject matter at hand, to dynamically facilitate
the learning process”. There are different categories
of adaptive learning environments: adaptive
interaction, adaptive course delivery, content
discovery and assembly, and adaptive collaboration
support (Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger 2003).
While adaptive interaction offers different options on
the system’s interface such as font size, color
schemes, or restructured interactive tasks, adaptive
course delivery fits the course content to user
characteristics. Content discovery and assembly
focuses on providing suitable learning material from
distributed repositories. Adaptive collaboration
support is meant to support communication processes
between multiple persons. An adaptive learning
environment typically consists of three components:
domain model, learner model, and the tutoring model,
sometimes referred to as adaptive model (Paramythis
and Loidl-Reisinger 2003; Meier 2019). The domain
model describes the learning content and their
relationship to one another. It should represent the
course being offered and involves all information
about the learning objects. The learner model, also
user model, contains all information about the learner,
to be able to support the adaptation of the system
(Brusilovsky and Millán 2007). Here, a feature-based
approach is most common, less popular are
stereotype-based techniques of user modeling.
Brusilovsky and Millán propose the user’s
knowledge, interest, goals, background, individual
traits, or context of work as the most important
features (Brusilovsky and Millán 2007). The tutoring
or adaptive model describes which and when
adaptations are being offered, for example in terms of
learning paths or recommendations.
When designing an adaptive learning
environment, there are four approaches that can be
distinguished from each other: macro-adaptive
approach, aptitude-treatment, micro-adaptive
approach, and constructivist-collaborative approach
(Beldagli and Adiguzel 2010). These approaches
describe in which way and on which basis the
An Online Controlled Experiment Design to Support the Transformation of Digital Learning towards Adaptive Learning Platforms
platform or environment is adapted. In macro-
adaptive approaches, the student’s profile is
considered, for example prior exercises, intellectual
abilities, or cognitive and learning. Here the
presentation of content or language of presentations
are adapted. The aptitude-treatment approaches offer
different types of instructions or different types of
media for different students. The micro-adaptive
approach is based on on-task measurements. Here the
users’ behavior is monitored during the learning
process and based on the stored information, the
instructional design is adapted. It can be divided in
two phases: the diagnostic process, during which
learner characteristics and aptitude is assessed and the
second phase, the prescriptive process, where the
content is adapted, for example by task sequencing.
The constructivist-collaborative approach includes
collaborative technologies and focuses on the
learning and sharing knowledge with others.
Both adaptive learning environments and online
controlled experiments have already been researched
in different contexts. However, to support the
implementation of adaptive learning environments,
the further development of an existing learning
platform towards an adaptive platform can be useful.
In this development process, different interventions
can be tested for their effectiveness in order to find
the best solution. We therefore link the two research
fields of adaptive learning and online controlled
experiments in our work to bridge the gap between
technology and process and to propose a systematic
approach to further development and evaluation.
The aim of this paper is to introduce an experiment
design to systematically conceptualize, implement
and evaluate the transformation of a digital learning
platform into an adaptive learning platform using the environment as an example.
The individual phases are described both in general
terms and exemplarily for the online platform
The online platform has existed
since 2011 and contains exercises on various areas of
spelling and grammar. These include, among others,
capitalization, comma placement, separated and
combined spelling, as well as sounds and letters. So
far, the platform has been used by more than 1 million
users who have completed a total of 10,4 million
exercises. Most of the users are students who are
registered on the platform as part of their school
lessons and receive exercises as homework. The
advantage for teachers is that the exercises are
automatically corrected, and error corrections are
directly displayed to the students. Furthermore, the
platform offers evaluations for teachers so that they
can quickly get an overview. The platform is
therefore primarily used to accompany lessons, with
grading and the teaching of the subject matter
continuing to take place in face-to-face lessons.
Teachers can select tasks depending on the
competence area, for example "Capitalization of time
indications as adverbs and nouns". Each of the tasks
consist of 10 sentences on the selected spelling
problem. A special feature of the platform is the
dynamic task process: if a mistake is made while
working on the 10 sentences, the task expands
automatically by adding more sentences that convey
exactly the same thing as the incorrect sentence (a
different version of the sentence). This forces a user
to repeat the problem, which was obviously not
understood, more often. While dynamic adaptation
offers the advantage that weak points receive special
focus, it can also increase frustration if sentences are
repeatedly added that the student is unable to
successfully complete the assignment.
For each user, the registration process provides
demographic data, such as gender, region, and state, as
well as grade level and type of school. Furthermore,
there is learning process data, since the actions that a
user performs on the platform are stored. Thus, it is
possible to see which exercises the user has done and
when, and what mistakes he or she has made. Further
data available are details about the exercises, for
example the exact solutions and the task difficulty.
The platform offers a high didactic potential, as it
already includes the immediate feedback, the
automatic correction and evaluation via dashboards, as
well as the dynamic adjustment of the task structure
(i.e., repetitions in case of wrong answers). However,
the experience (task sequencing, feedback) is the same
for all users, although some tasks might be more
difficult for some users than for others. Thus, one
approach to personalization is task selection and order.
3.2 Description of the Phases
The process of transformation and evaluation through
A/B-testing consists of six phases:
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(1) Target definition
(2) Development of the prediction model
(3) Definition of the adaptions
(4) Building the experiment architecture
(5) Experimental period
(6) Hypothesis testing
3.2.1 Target Definition
The analysis of the platform is at the beginning of the
process and serves to get an overview of the platform,
its users and usage. The number and type of users
must be determined, as well as the average count of
users per day. It is also important to find out in which
context a platform is used (e.g., in the context of
school lessons, at university and as an exercise
platform shown to children by their parents).
Furthermore, it should be assessed what data is stored
when the platform is used and what data is already
available. This could be behavioral data,
demographic data, or data about the tasks (e.g., their
difficulty) in addition to clickstream data. Finally, it
must be clarified which implementation options are
available for adaptive models.
For the transformation of a digital learning
platform and the evaluation through A/B-testing, the
randomization unit and the OEC should be defined.
In many cases, the randomization unit is the user,
however, other entities are possible too. Furthermore,
it should be discussed if the randomization is student-
leveled, teacher-leveld or school-leveled.
There are various metrics that can be defined as
OEC, for example by the number of correctly solved
tasks, the ratio of correctly solved tasks, the number
of tasks solved (as a measure of stamina), or
interaction with the platform (opening tips or
explanations). Another option is to use competency
models such as the Rasch model to calculate a
competency for each person and measure how
quickly and how far it has changed.
In the example of, the users
are the randomization unit. Randomisation takes
place at the student-level. Since the user does the
tasks at home as homework in the typical scenario,
the group differences do not influence the school
lessons. At the same time, the student-level
randomisation assignment prevents intracluster
correlation, which would reduce the effective sample
size (Campbell et al. 2004).
The goal of the adaptations on the online learning
platform is to improve the
aptitude of the students, which can be assessed by
implementing the Rasch model (Boone 2020). The
Rasch model belongs to the Item Response Theory
models. Besides the analysis of competencies, it can
also be used for surveys or assessments (Khine 2020).
Instead of the Rasch model, one could also simply
count the number of correct exercises per user.
However, using the Rasch model has the advantage
that the model includes the difficulty of the task, and
maps task difficulty and person competence on the
same scale (Boone 2020). The adaptive system thus
calculates the person competence for each user using
the Rasch model and continuously updates the value
as the user solves new tasks. Thus, the competence of
individuals in the intervention group should have
increased more than that of the control group after the
experimental period:
3.2.2 Development of the Prediction Model
Following the target formulation, the prediction
model must be defined in more detail. For this
purpose, it is determined which variable y is to be
predicted. Furthermore, feature engineering and
feature selection are used to determine which data in
the model are used for prediction. Finally, several ML
algorithms are tested and evaluated to find out the
best one for the use case. The implementation of
prediction models in the education domain are
described in more detail by Xing and Du (2019) or
Dalipi et al. (2018).
In this example, the probability that the next
exercise will be answered correctly is to be predicted.
This model is trained with existing data that has been
stored over the last few years. The data includes
demographic data, learning process data, and data
about the upcoming task, as described above.
3.2.3 Definition of the Adaptions
The results of the prediction model are then used to
offer suitable adaptions. A first step is to choose the
adaption category defined by Paramythis and Loidl-
Reisinger (2003), explained in section 2. After that,
interventions must be defined and then be determined
which interventions will be applied to which
predictions. Interventions are classified by Wong and
Li (2018) into four different categories: direct
message, actionable feedback, categorization of
students, and course redesign. Depending on the
prediction model and learning platform, different
interventions can be considered. It is important here
to consult with educational designers and pedagogues
to define interventions in a pedagogically sound way.
In the example of,
interventions based on the solution probability for the
An Online Controlled Experiment Design to Support the Transformation of Digital Learning towards Adaptive Learning Platforms
next set of exercises are defined. These are of the type
adaptive course delivery, as the courses’ content and
presentation are adjusted. There are different types of
interventions that can be tested in the experiment:
A describes the status quo, no intervention takes
place. B summarizes the interventions that show the
user the result of the prediction in different ways. A
distinction is made between a verbal display, which
translates the solution probability into a statement,
and the percentage display. C describe pedagogical
interventions that are used when solution
probabilities are low. For example, showing the rule
that must be used to solve the task or display on an
example sentence. D is an intervention of the task
order. Here, the order of the sentence is adjusted and
only sentences with a certain probability of being
solved are displayed. This is to maintain motivation
as most sentences are solved successfully.
3.2.4 Building the Experiment Architecture
Once the goals have been formulated, the predictive
model and interventions are developed, the
experiment architecture needs to be prepared. Here
the approaches of Beldagli and Adiguzel (2010) can
be used (section 2). After that, the implementation of
a randomization algorithm, of the assignment method
and the data path follows. Depending on the number
of interventions n the randomization algorithm
divides the randomization unit into n groups and the
assignment method maps the result of the
randomization algorithm to one variant. Furthermore,
it should be implemented that every interaction of the
platform which is needed to calculate the OEC is
stored in a database. Before the adaptions are
implemented, an A/A-test should also be carried out
to check the experiment setup. In the end, the
experimental period is defined in whole weeks to
avoid differences between weekdays and weekends.
Regarding the example of the platform, we implement a
randomization algorithm that uses the user ID to map
the user to one of the variants. The assignment of
users to the variant is done by redirecting them at the
beginning of a session to the mapped variant.
Implementing the data path includes storing every
interaction of the user to be able to calculate the OECs
later. We set the experimental period at eight weeks.
In 2021, an average of 11,000 people per day were
active on the platform. In 2019, before the pandemic,
the average was 1,000 people per day. If we assume a
decrease to 5,000 people per day in 2022 (because all
classes take place back at school and there are no
school closures due to the pandemic), eight weeks
still gives us 280,000 sessions to evaluate.
3.2.5 Experimental Period
In this phase, the A/B-test is carried out. It starts with
a treatment ramp-up as described in section 2. During
the experimental period, the process is observed by a
diagnostic system to continuously check the
Figure 1: Experimental Architecture.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1 shows the architectural design of the
online controlled experiment. To avoid changing the
source code of the platform too much, the new
components are implemented as services. The user
first calls up the frontend as usual. There are then two
interfaces, one to the randomization service and one
to the prediction service. The randomization service
first identifies the user as a randomization unit by
means of the user ID. The randomization algorithm
then maps the entity to the variant. The assignment
method forwards the entity to the appropriate
implementation. This randomization service is tested
within the framework of A/A tests. The prediction
service consists of a prediction model and the activity
"predict y". The prediction model was trained and
tested in advance with data from the database. The
model is used to predict the user's solution
probability. Both services described above have an
interface to the variants. Depending on the prediction
result and variant, the user is shown a suitable
intervention. All user interactions with the platform,
including the results of the practice sets, are stored in
the database. The database is also used by a
diagnostics service that monitors the equal
distribution of users during the test. The whole
process starts with a treatment ramp-up and then leads
to an equally distributed A/B-test.
3.2.6 Hypothesis Testing
After the experimental period the OEC is calculated
for each variant and the hypothesis test is carried out.
It is defined by:
: OEC does not differ between the variants
: OEC differs between variants
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑋 =
𝐵, 𝐶, 𝐷, 𝑛
Depending on the actual n at the end of the
experimental period the test statistics are described
and executed. The result of the hypothesis test leads
to either accept or reject H
We have proposed a design for an online controlled
experiment that supports the transformation and
evaluation of a learning platform into an adaptive
learning platform.
For this purpose, the process phases presented in
section 3 were run through as an example using the platform. The adaptive learning
environment presented uses predictive models and
subsequent interventions to individualize the user's
learning process. The development is evaluated
through an online controlled experiment (A/B-
testing) and subsequent hypothesis tests to examine
the effect of the interventions. The next steps are the
exact implementation of the defined predictive model
and interventions according to Figure 1, and the
measurement of effectiveness afterwards through
hypothesis tests.
Our work encourages the redesign of learning
platforms towards adaptive learning environments
instead of developing them from scratch. In this way,
transfer to real-world applications becomes easier and
more practical. In addition, evaluating different
interventions as part of the transformation process
provides the opportunity for data-driven decision-
making when implementing adaptations in learning
There are several limitations for the transferability
to other applications and for the execution of the
experiment. One limitation is the imprecise runtime
of the experiment. The decision about the runtime of
the A/B test often depends on external factors. The
longer the A/B test runs, the more likely it is that the
long-term goals of improving competence can be
measured. This also depends on the competency
being measured: the variability of spelling
competencies is very slow, where, on the other hand,
there are rapid progresses in competency in other
fields. Here, an exchange with pedagogues and
educational designers is appropriate to determine an
adequate duration for the experiment.
The number of interventions must also always
consider how many users are expected for the test.
When implementing in smaller settings than, the number of interventions
may need to be adjusted to have enough users per
intervention. Furthermore, prediction models are only
possible as an implementation if data are already
available to train them accordingly in advance. We
also recommend that the models and interventions in
the experiment be additionally validated for fairness
to ensure that automated decisions are not detrimental
to subgroups.
Further research is planned to specifically address
the implementation of the experiment and prediction
model as services, so that existing platforms can be
extended without having to deal with a legacy
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