Attention-based Gender Recognition on Masked Faces
Vincenzo Carletti, Antonio Greco, Alessia Saggese and Mario Vento
Dept. of Information Eng., Electrical Eng. and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), University of Salerno, Italy
Gender Recognition, Attention Mechanism, Masked Faces.
Gender recognition from face images can be profitably used in several vertical markets, such as targeted
advertising and cognitive robotics. However, in the last years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the unreliability
of such systems when dealing with faces covered by a mask has emerged. In this paper, we propose a novel
architecture based on attention layers and trained with a domain specific data augmentation technique for
reliable gender recognition of masked faces. The proposed method has been experimentally evaluated on a
huge dataset, namely VGGFace2-M, a masked version of the well known VGGFace2 dataset, and the achieved
results confirm an improvement of around 4% with respect to traditional gender recognition algorithms, while
preserving the performance on unmasked faces.
Face analysis, such as gender (Ng et al., 2015) and
ethnicity recognition (Greco et al., 2020a) or age esti-
mation (Carletti et al., 2020), attracted a growing in-
terest of the scientific community in the last decade.
Indeed, the above tasks can be considered as the base
for a huge amount of different applications, such as
targeted advertising (Greco et al., 2020b), forensic
search for video surveillance or social robots (Foggia
et al., 2019). Among the different face analysis tasks,
in this paper we will focus on the gender recognition
In the last years plenty of methods have been
proposed for gender recognition from face images,
which adopt color, shape and texture features (Zhang
et al., 2016) (Azzopardi et al., 2016a) (Azzopardi
et al., 2017) (Carletti et al., 2020), trainable fea-
tures (Azzopardi et al., 2016b) (Simanjuntak and Az-
zopardi, 2019) (Azzopardi et al., 2018a), a combina-
tion of handcrafted and trainable features (Azzopardi
et al., 2018b), single convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) (Levi and Hassner, 2015) (Antipov et al.,
2017) (Greco et al., 2020), multi-task CNNs (Ran-
jan et al., 2017) (Dehghan et al., 2017) (Gurnani
et al., 2019) or ensemble of CNNs (Afifi and Ab-
delhamed, 2019) (Antipov et al., 2016). These ap-
proaches achieve over 95% of accuracy on facial im-
ages collected in controlled environments, but their
performance decrease in presence of strong varia-
tions (pose, blur, noise, partial occlusions and so on).
To further investigate the effect of image corruptions
over gender recognition algorithms, a framework has
been recently proposed and made publicly available
(Carletti et al., 2020).
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has made
the gender recognition problem even more difficult,
since the masks occlude part of the faces. A deep
analysis, involving seven different deep architecture
devised for gender recognition, has been conducted
in (Greco et al., 2021), where it was demonstrated
that the performance drop for this specific problem
is about 10%. Even if this is not dramatic, like in
the case of emotion recognition, for which the accu-
racy drop is instead about 50%, some effort is still
required, aiming at improving the performance of
gender recognition algorithms in presence of masked
faces, but mostly important without degrading the
performance in case of unmasked faces.
The problem of occlusions, also including scarves
or glasses, is among the main challenges of face anal-
ysis tasks, and in recent years several solutions have
been proposed for solving this problem, especially in
face recognition tasks. One of the first approaches for
dealing with occlusions has been proposed in (Min
et al., 2011): the face ROI is firstly split into two
horizontal half and, for each part, the presence of
scarf/sunglasses is detected by Gabor wavelets, let-
ting the model processing only the non-occluded fa-
cial regions with a SVM classifier. In 2019 and in
2020, an increasing number of face detection and
recognition and expression analysis algorithm have
Carletti, V., Greco, A., Saggese, A. and Vento, M.
Attention-based Gender Recognition on Masked Faces.
DOI: 10.5220/0010978700003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
been proposed for dealing with occlusions, due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. A common trend has been to
introduce in the architectures visual attention mecha-
nisms (Li et al., 2019)(Xu et al., 2020)(Yuan, 2020).
The attention tries to emulate a cognitive process
adopted by the human brain when it focuses only on
some areas of the image most promising for the ex-
traction of the salient features concerning the problem
to be solved. To emulate this behaviour, the attention
mechanism associates different weights to the differ-
ent features extracted by the network.
Another commonly adopted strategy has been the
use of augmentation techniques for improving age
and gender recognition algorithms in presence of oc-
cluded faces (Hsu et al., 2021). The authors introduce
three occlusion techniques, namely blackout, random
brightness and blur, designed to simulate different
challenges that could be experienced in real-world ap-
plications. Anyway, even if interesting, these policies
are not domain dependent and, thus, can not really
solve the issue related to the presence of the mask
covering the face. The idea could be instead to aug-
ment the training set with some domain specific poli-
cies, such as faces covered by a mask, obtained by
adding synthetic occlusions to the image.
Starting from the above considerations, in this pa-
per we propose a reliable gender recognition algo-
rithm, based on the attention mechanism and trained
with a domain specific data augmentation technique,
able to achieve a remarkable accuracy both in pres-
ence and in absence of masks occluding the faces.
According to our knowledge, this is the first time that
domain specific techniques data augmentation and at-
tention mechanisms are used together to improve per-
formance over masked faces of gender recognition al-
The method is based on the standard processing
pipeline for these types of systems: face detection and
gender recognition. The architecture of the proposed
approach is depicted in Figure 1.
In the face detection step we localize the face in
the whole image and crop the region that must be
given as input to the classifier. The most popular face
detectors recently demonstrated a great accuracy (Li
et al., 2021), but they are not so effective on faces cov-
ered by a mask, since the common datasets adopted
for face detection do not include masked faces. There-
fore, for our method we trained our own face detector
based on MobileNetv2-SSD (Sandler et al., 2018), by
using all the images available in the training sets of
WiderFace (Yang et al., 2016) and MAFA (Ge et al.,
2017); the evaluation of the accuracy of this module
is out of the scope of this paper, but it has been able
to locate and crop all the masked and unmasked faces
in the dataset we used to train, validate and test our
In the gender recognition step we apply our CNN
on the face image, resized to 224×224. The proposed
CNN is a custom version of ResNet50 (He et al.,
2016), in which we have modified the Residual Unit
(RU) to add an attention module. In particular, we
adopt the visual attention mechanism (Liu and Mi-
lanova, 2018) to emulate the way in which the human
brain works: humans are able to dynamically locate
the region of interest and analyze the scene by selec-
tively processing subsets of the visual input. In the
visual attention mechanisms, the main idea is to as-
sociate different weights to the different features ex-
tracted by the network, with the aim to focus not on
the whole image but instead only on some areas of
the image, namely the most promising ones. For our
problem at hands, the reason why we propose to in-
troduce attention layer is to use the whole face when
available, while only the top part of the face when it
is covered by a mask.
To this aim, we followed the method proposed in
(Hu et al., 2018), namely we weigh the output feature
block of the RU with weights computed by an addi-
tional attention module (see Figure 1). There are dif-
ferent visual attention mechanisms, but we selected
the ones that use or combine channel and spatial at-
tention, that are suited for our purposes. In partic-
ular, we chose three of them, widely adopted in the
scientific literature, namely the Convolutional Block
Attention Module (CBAM) (Woo et al., 2018), the
spatial and channel Squeeze and Excitation (scSE)
(Roy et al., 2018) and the Efficient Channel Attention
(ECA) (Wang et al., 2020).
CBAM infers, given an initial feature map, the at-
tention weights along the channel and spatial dimen-
sions separately. The computed attention maps are
then multiplied with the input feature map to refine
the features. scSE still uses both channel and spatial
dimensions, but concurrently; indeed, scSE computes
spatial and channel-wise attention maps by concur-
rently recalibrating the input spatially and channel-
wise. This module is an extended version of the
well known SE attention module, which is the base
of SENet architecture (Hu et al., 2018). It is impor-
tant to highlight that both CBAM and scSE compute
spatial attention using a 2D convolution of kernel size
K × K. Differently, ECA investigates a 1D convolu-
tion with adaptive kernel size to replace the fully con-
nected layers in the channel attention module.
Attention-based Gender Recognition on Masked Faces
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed method. Face detection is performed with a custom detector based on MobileNet-SSD
and trained with masked and unmasked faces. Gender recognition is carried out with a modified version of ResNet50, in
which the Residual Unit is extended with an attention module; this change allows to dynamically focus on the visible portion
of the face.
In this Section we will detail the dataset used in our
experiments (see Subsection 3.1), the training proce-
dure (see Subsection 3.2) and finally the achieved re-
sults (see Subsection 3.3) and a visual explanation of
the experimental findings (see Subsection 3.4).
3.1 Dataset
We conducted our experimentation over the
VGGFace2-M dataset, that we recently proposed
in (Greco et al., 2021). As well as the original
VGGFace2 (Cao et al., 2018) dataset, it contains
over 3 millions of face images belonging to 9, 131
different subjects, annotated with gender.
Basically, it includes the same face images of
the original dataset, but covered with a synthetically
added mask. It has been produced by using the ap-
proach proposed in (yuan Wang et al., 2020): the dlib
face detector (Kazemi and Sullivan, 2014) has been
applied and 68 facial landmarks have been identified
on each face. Thus, the following four points have
been used to determine the position and the shape
of the mask on the face, namely the nose point, the
chin bottom point, the chin right point and the chin
left point. The left part of the mask is built by using
Figure 2: Images from the VGGFace2-M dataset.
the chin left point, the chin bottom point and the nose
point. The right part is obtained symmetrically with
the chin right point. The two parts are then merged, by
obtaining a mask whose height is equal to the distance
between the nose point and the bottom chin point and
whose width is equal to the sum of the widths of the
two parts. The mask is finally rotated of the angle be-
tween the nose point and the extremity of one of the
eyes. Some example of masked faces belonging to the
VGGFace2-M dataset are reported in Figure 2.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.2 Training Procedure
The proposed architecture has been trained through a
SGD optimizer (Liu et al., 2020). The weights have
been pre-trained over the ImageNet dataset and a fine
tuning of all the layers has been performed. The net-
work has been trained for 70 epochs with batches of
128 samples and a learning rate starting from 0.005
with a decay of factor equal to 5 every 20 epochs. The
adopted loss function is the categorical cross-entropy,
with a regularization weight decay of 0.005.
Different types of general purpose data augmen-
tation strategies commonly adopted for face analysis
tasks are applied: random rotation (±10
), shear (up
to 10%), cropping (up to 5% variation over the origi-
nal face region), horizontal flipping (with 50% proba-
bility), change of brightness (up to ±20% of the avail-
able range) and contrast(up to ±50% of the maximum
value). The chosen ranges have been experimentally
chosen in order to reproduce conditions that are likely
to occur in real scenarios. Also, a domain specific
data augmentation technique has been performed: in-
deed, masked faces from the VGGFace2-M dataset
have been included in the dataset for training.
3.3 Overall Results
The obtained results are summarized in Table 1,
where we report the results in terms of accuracy
on the test set of both the datasets VGGFace2 and
VGGFace2-M. The drop over masked faces with re-
spect to unmasked face is also in the table (Drop), to-
gether with the average accuracy value (Avg).
Also, as we can see from column Training set, two
different policies have been considered for training:
VGGFace2-M: only the masked version of VG-
GFace2 dataset, namely VGGFace2-M, without
any unmasked face, has been used for training. In
this case, we suppose that any subject is wearing
a mask. Anyway, we also evaluated the perfor-
mance over unmasked faces.
VGGFace2-UM: the union of the two datasets,
namely VGGFace2 and VGGFace2-M, have been
used for training.
We also include in the table results achieved by
the baseline solution, namely the model with the best
performance over both VGGFace2 and VGGFace2-
M, as reported in (Greco et al., 2021). It is a VGG-
16 CNN trained for gender recognition over the VG-
GFace2 dataset. We can note that this result is among
the best ones on VGGFace2 (97.60%), but also, as ex-
pected, the worst one on masked faces (92.99%), with
a performance drop of 4.61%.
In average, the best result is obtained when
ResNet50+CBAM model is trained on VGGFace2-
UM, achieving the best average accuracy of 97.23%
and the best performance over unmasked faces of
97.61%, with a drop of 0.76% (vs 4.61% of the base-
line solution). It is important to highlight that the
accuracy achieved over the unmasked VGGFace2 is
also higher than the VGG baseline network trained
over the unmasked training set. Even if this ar-
chitecture does not achieve the best result over
masked faces, it is very close to it, being 96.85% vs
97.02% the accuracy achieved by the same architec-
ture (ResNet50+CBAM) trained with VGGFace2-M.
Also, it is important to note that all the architec-
tures based on attention layers achieve better results
than the baseline solution. This achievement further
confirms that the attention mechanism allows to si-
multaneously and reliably manage both masked and
unmasked faces, reaching state of the art accuracy
when dealing with unmasked faces but reporting only
a very slight drop in the performance (lower than 1%)
also over masked faces. Therefore, it can be consid-
ered definitively a viable solution for the problem at
Figure 3: Examples of the proposed system in action. M
and F in the image indicate Male and Female, respectively.
For each face, the presence of the mask is represented with
a green bounding box, while the absence is indicated with a
red rectangle.
3.4 Explainability of the Results
In this section we aim to explain the results obtained
by the proposed network through the visualization of
the discriminative features learned by the CNN. To
this purpose, we computed the class activation maps
(Zhou et al., 2016) to identify the region of the face
mostly used by the CNNs for recognizing the gen-
der. The class activation map is a heat map computed
for every pixel of the image, in which the ”hot” pix-
els, coloured with red gradations, represent regions
of the image mostly used by the CNN to extract dis-
criminative features for the classification. We used
Grad-CAM (Selvaraju et al., 2017) to compute the
Attention-based Gender Recognition on Masked Faces
Table 1: Accuracy achieved over both VGGFace2 and VGGFace2-M by varying the specific model considered and the training
set. In bold we report the best result, namely the best accuracy over VGGFace2 and VGGFace2-M, the minimum drop and
the highest average accuracy.
Model Training set
Accuracy (%)
VGGFace2 VGGFace2-M Drop Avg.
VGG VGGFace2 97.60 92.99 4.61 95.30
VGG VGGFace2-M 95.72 96.37 -0.66 96.05
ResNet50+ECA VGGFace2-M 96.58 96.87 -0.29 96.73
ResNet50+CBAM VGGFace2-M 96.81 97.02 -0.21 96.92
ResNet50+scSE VGGFace2-M 96.76 96.96 -0.20 96.86
ResNet50+ECA VGGFace2-UM 97.54 96.77 0.78 97.15
ResNet50+CBAM VGGFace2-UM 97.61 96.85 0.76 97.23
ResNet50+scSE VGGFace2-UM 97.54 96.78 0.76 97.16
(a) Reference (b) VGG-U (c) VGG-M (d) CBAM-M (e) CBAM-UM
Figure 4: Class activation maps computed on (a) male and female unmasked and masked reference faces for (b) VGG16
trained on VGGFace2, (c) VGG16 trained on VGGFace2-M, (d) ResNet50+CBAM trained on VGGFace2-M and (e)
ResNet50+CBAM trained on VGGFace2-UM.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
class activation maps of the two versions of VGG
and ResNet50+CBAM and reported some examples
in Figure 4.
It is evident that the two versions of VGG do
not use the whole part of the face visible in pres-
ence of mask; the version trained with VGGFace2-M
not only suffer of the above mentioned problem, but
also uses very small parts of the face even when it is
completely visible. On the other hand, the proposed
ResNet50+CBAM is able to focus the attention on the
whole region of the face that is visible; in presence of
mask, it uses the region of the eyes and the upper part
of the nose, while on unmasked faces the CNN takes
advantage of the features of the whole face to perform
the classification. It is particularly evident on the ver-
sion trained with VGGFace2-UM, while the other fo-
cuses more on the upper part of the face, being trained
only with masked faces.
State of the art algorithms for gender recognition from
face images, even if very reliable, suffer a perfor-
mance drop in presence of occlusions covering the
face. This has a great impact especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic, when wearing a mask became
mandatory in several countries all around the world.
Starting from this assumption, in this paper we have
presented a novel algorithm exploiting the attention
mechanism and a domain specific data augmentation
policy able to achieve on average a 4% improve-
ment with respect to traditional state of the art gen-
der recognition algorithm, while preserving the per-
formance over unmasked faces. It is due to the capa-
bility of the network, demonstrated through a visual
investigation with class activation maps, to adaptively
select the discriminative region of interests, namely
the visible parts of the face.
Future works include the extension of this work to
real masked faces and to other face analysis tasks that
still suffer from the presence of the mask, such as age
estimation or ethnicity recognition.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications