Software Design and Modeling Practices in an Online Software
Engineering Course: The Learners’ Perspective
Mahum Adil
, Ilenia Fronza
and Claus Pahl
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy
Global Software Engineering (GSE), GSE Education, Scrum, Software Modeling, Software Design.
Background. Global Software Engineering (GSE) education is an established practice in academia. Several
methods and tools support communication and programming activities, but earlier development stages, such
as software design and modeling practices, are less explored.
Aim. The goal of this work is to analyze the learners’ perspective during an online Software Engineering
course. In particular, we focus on planning/organization activities and socio-technical challenges during the
software design and modeling process.
Method. We used a mixed-method approach to collect data from 30 undergraduate students enrolled in an on-
line Software Engineering course. We combined questionnaires and interviews to analyze four GSE elements
(i.e., communication practices, team collaboration, task allocation and distribution, and usage of collaboration
tools). Moreover, we analyzed the socio-technical challenges faced by the teams.
Results. Brainstorming is the most common practice used for planning software design and modeling activ-
ities. According to students, the usage of variant design notation is among the technical challenges. Despite
the challenges, students would prefer to continue working in distributed teams.
Conclusions. The result shares the lessons learned that can be helpful to build best practices for managing
software design and modeling activities in GSE project-based courses. It includes the need to define standard
architectural terminologies, standard list of collaboration tools, early identification of architectural artifact
dependencies, frequent design reviews, and face-to-face kick-off meetings.
In the past two decades, software development has
evolved from small co-located development teams to
large geographically distributed teams (
Smite et al.,
2010). In today’s global economy, many software
companies operate in a distributed environment to
counter the concerns related to the cost of project
development, acquire high-skilled resources, and in-
crease global production to satisfy the foreign mar-
ket (Ebert et al., 2016). This paradigm shift in the
software development process is widespread after the
COVID-19 pandemic (Sako, 2021), and Global Soft-
ware Engineering (GSE) is a common practice to or-
ganize software engineering activities in geograph-
ically distributed development teams (Shafiq et al.,
2020). In academia, many researchers promoted
GSE education through practical projects to provide
the knowledge and real-time experience of working
in distributed environments (Fortaleza et al., 2012;
Fronza et al., 2022). Consequently, GSE education
provides software engineering students with knowl-
edge, skills, and understanding of working in collab-
orative settings (Bass et al., 2015) and is continuously
evolving to prepare future software engineers to work
in distributed environments. This widespread adop-
tion in academia and the software industry led to sev-
eral research works to support distributed software de-
velopment (Dikert et al., 2016). Most courses pre-
sented in the literature focus on the code-centric de-
velopment activities (Bosni
c and
Cavrak, 2019) and
address various communication (language and cul-
ture difference) and coordination (time-zone differ-
ence) challenges in the GSE environment (Saleem
et al., 2019). However, it is unclear within academic
and software industry how collaboration technologies
are used for software design and modeling practices
(Capilla et al., 2016).
The goal of this work is to analyze the learn-
ers’ perspective during an online Software Engi-
Adil, M., Fronza, I. and Pahl, C.
Software Design and Modeling Practices in an Online Software Engineering Course: The Learners’ Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0010978000003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 667-674
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
neering course. In particular, we focus on plan-
ning/organization activities and socio-technical chal-
lenges during the software design and modeling pro-
cess. We used a mixed-method approach, combining
interviews and questionnaires to collect data on four
GSE elements (i.e., communication practices, team
collaboration, task allocation and distribution, and us-
age of collaboration tools). The results show that
students appreciated working in a distributed envi-
ronment, whereas confirmed common socio-technical
challenges while working in a distributed environ-
ment. We share the lessons learned from this experi-
ence to enhance the planning and organization of soft-
ware design and modeling process in GSE education.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section
2, we provide background information on distributed
software development and software design in GSE
settings. In Section 3, we define our research ob-
jective, and in Section 4, we describe the research
methodology. In Section 5, we discuss in detail the re-
search finding, then in Section 6, we share the lessons
learned from this study. In Section 7, we discuss the
limitations. Section 8 concludes the paper and sug-
gests possible directions for future work.
Researchers and practitioners have been studying
GSE well over the decade. Beecham et al. (Beecham
et al., 2013) identified various socio-cultural chal-
lenges related to communication, coordination, and
management in a geographically distributed environ-
ment. These challenges focus most on the human as-
pect of distributed software development, such as di-
versity and inclusion, communication, team building,
and social relation (Hoda et al., 2017). Various stud-
ies discussed the importance of GSE to manage the
software development process, remote communica-
tion, and associated effects on collaboration between
distributed teams (Colomo-Palacios et al., 2014). Var-
ious agile frameworks are used in the education and
industry sectors to manage the software development
process in a distributed environment. Distributed ag-
ile development has emerged in academia to man-
age the collaboration of geographically distant teams
working on a project (Jalali and Wohlin, 2012).
There are three main approaches for GSE educa-
tion in academia, starting from a project-based collab-
oration between multiple universities, to open source
projects with industrial clients or serious-game based
simulation (Vizca
ıno et al., 2019) to give students
hands-on practice of GSE scenarios (Beecham et al.,
2017). Geographically distributed project-oriented
Software Engineering (SE) courses provide opportu-
nity for undergraduate students to work on a project
in teams and learn resilience to tackle socio-technical
challenges. Cavrak et al. (
Cavrak et al., 2019) stud-
ied team resilience in agile teams, by analyzing the
product and process quality of student teams working
in distributed environments. A set of practices were
suggested to mitigate stress within a team, including
cautious team organization to balance contributing
and non-contributing members, continuous aware-
ness, and the introduction of possible challenges (e.g.,
changing requirements). Kropp et al. (Kropp et al.,
2016) discussed agile collaboration and coordina-
tion practices in software engineering courses. The
authors emphasized the importance of collaboration
tools to enhance SE education in a collaborative envi-
ronment. Teaching software engineering courses in
a distributed environment comes with several chal-
lenges (Hoda et al., 2017). To address these chal-
lenges, many researchers and practitioners proposed
strategies and recommendations on how to counter di-
versity and inclusion (Olayinka and Stannett, 2020),
communication (Vallon et al., 2018), team building
(Iftikhar et al., 2017), and social relation (Clear and
Beecham, 2019). Thus, research in the GSE educa-
tion field focused on team coordination and manage-
ment; however, software design and modeling activ-
ities in a distributed environment have not been dis-
cussed in depth.
Software Design in GSE Education. Software de-
sign is a continuous discovery process and requires
a software architect to discover requirements, con-
text, design decisions, and project element concerns
(Capilla et al., 2016). This information helps to de-
sign model formation by progressing through a small
design coalition to a consensus team model (Jolak
et al., 2020). In GSE settings, software design and
modeling require a careful selection of practices to
support knowledge sharing and architectural plans
across all teams. There are limited proposed collabo-
ration tools to manage software architecture activities
in a GSE setting. Portillo et al. (Portillo-Rodr
et al., 2012) conducted a systematic mapping study to
get an overview of the available collaboration tools
and their features in various phases of GSE-based
projects: most of the extracted tools for software
modeling were solution proposals that support Aware-
ness (i.e., visual and session awareness) design fea-
ture. Jain and Suman (Jain and Suman, 2015) pre-
sented a systematic literature review to discuss the
technical and non-technical challenges for GSE-based
projects. The authors shared the best practices to ad-
dress the challenges; moreover, they highlighted the
need for collaboration tools for software modeling
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and design, to support conflict resolution and con-
currency in distributed teams. Capilla et al. (Capilla
et al., 2016) presented a 10 year review of research on
software architecture knowledge management. The
results found no systematic architectural knowledge
management approach used with the available tools to
capture stable design decisions. Another systematic
literature review (Sievi-Korte et al., 2019) found lim-
ited research available on how software development
and management is done during the design phase in
distributed environments.
The goal of this work is to analyze the learners’
perspective during an online Software Engineering
course. In particular, we explore four GSE ele-
ments, i.e., communication practices, team collabo-
ration, task allocation and distribution, and usage of
collaboration tools for software design and modeling.
The scope of the research is divided into the following
research questions:
RQ1 - Planning and Organisation. How are soft-
ware design and modeling activities planned and
organised in an online course by distributed
RQ2 - Operational Support. What are the technical
challenges faced in modeling, team coordination,
and communication support that affect the design
process in distributed teams?
RQ3 - Project Management. How are the chal-
lenges addressed in an online course to improve
the distributed team management for software de-
sign and modeling process?
Course Design. The context of this study is a on-
line Software Engineering course offered in a fourth
semester bachelor degree in Computer Science and
Engineering at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano,
Italy. Students were grouped in 9 distributed teams of
3-4 members. Each team was asked to provide a soft-
ware design specification report for two projects, i.e.,
two different case studies: web-based applications
for car rental systems and university project manage-
ment systems. A set of guidelines was given in each
project regarding the different types of Unified Mod-
eling Language (UML) diagrams. The first project
lasted four weeks, while the second project was six
weeks long. The estimated development effort was
10-12 person-months.
The course instructor acted as customer and soft-
ware architect to provide guidance and administer the
progress of the projects. A Scrum-based process was
implemented to monitor progress weekly, and to fos-
ter discussion on issues relating to project backlog,
in-progress, completed, and arising problems. The
instructor organized weekly sprint meetings in 9 sep-
arate video-conference rooms for project discussion.
The final evaluation of the course projects was based
on the expert assessment by the course instructor. Ta-
ble 1 shows adopted Scrum and GSE practices in the
online course to investigate planning and organiza-
tion, operational support, and project management of
software design and modeling process in a distributed
Table 1: Scrum and GSE practices in the online course.
Scrum Practices GSE Practices
Frequent synchronous
communication (sprint
planning meeting, weekly
Scrum meeting)
Distributed software
communication practices,
weekly meeting with
software architect (course
List of tools for
synchronous /
asynchronous com-
Frequent integration of
design diagrams, backlog
List of tools for com-
munication and soft-
ware design
Continuous communi-
cation, weekly Scrum
meeting, frequent delivery
of design diagrams
Distributed software
Participants. A total of 30 undergraduate students
(27 male, 3 female) were enrolled in the course. All
the students had a similar background: they were all
second-year bachelor students who majored in Com-
puter Science and Engineering and, by regulation of
the University, all of them passed the courses of math
and introduction to programming, mandatory to be
admitted to the second-year study programme. Even
though all students reside in the same country, there
were certain language and cultural differences which
were out of the defined scope in our study.
Data Collection. Figure 1 shows the mixed-method
approach we used for data collection and analy-
sis. Table 2 shows the mapping between question-
naires/interviews and the three RQs.
In our two-stage data collection process, we com-
bined a quantitative and qualitative method at the
Software Design and Modeling Practices in an Online Software Engineering Course: The Learners’ Perspective
Figure 1: Mixed-method approach for data collection and analysis.
Table 2: Quantitative and qualitative data collection mapped to RQs.
RQ Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis
Group Questionnaire Individual Questionnaire Group Interview
RQ1 Did your team agree on a sequence
of steps to take design decisions? If
yes, define them and If no, why?
What method your team
used to do brainstorming
for requirement analysis
while designing diagrams?
How much time (in hours) your
team spent to understand and
discuss the project specification?
How much time (in hours) your
team spent on design diagrams?
RQ2 What communication tool(s) or
other tools did you use for
discussion and management in
your team? [Text]
Do you think that your team faced
any informal communication chal-
lenges during project? [Likert
What software design tool(s)
did you use in your project?
Do you think that your team faced
any technical challenges while de-
signing diagrams? [Likert Scale]
RQ3 What were the challenge(s) in
your team while designing dia-
grams and managing the project
work given in the list? (you
can choose more than one): -
availability of tools - handling
of tools - technical constraints
- team coordination - other?
which? [please comment, if ap-
How frequent did your team dis-
agree on the design decisions?
[Likert Scale]
Were you always aware or were in-
formed of changes in the design
diagrams? (e.g., if changes were
made by somebody else) [Likert
What were the key
strategies used for ad-
dressing the observed
and/or reported chal-
group level, which was then augmented with a quan-
titative analysis at the individual level to analyze the
students’ perspective of working in a distributed envi-
ronment. At the group level, first, we shared a ques-
tionnaire with the 9 teams to collect information on
the collaboration tools used and possible related chal-
lenges. Then, we conducted semi-structured inter-
views with the 9 teams to clarify the results collected
from the initial questionnaire.
The duration of each interview was 10 minutes, in
which we asked ve main open-ended questions. At
the individual level, we shared a questionnaire (us-
ing an online form) with the 30 students to collect
their feedback on working in a distributed environ-
ment. We received 20 responses on team commu-
nication and coordination practices, possible socio-
technical challenges, and their effect in the distributed
environment. During data collection, we considered
the following four main GSE elements: communica-
tion practices, team collaboration, task allocation and
distribution, and usage of collaboration tools.
Data Analysis. We transcribed and analyzed all the
interviews using thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke,
2012) for qualitative coding. We executed the six
steps suggested by Braun and Clarke (Braun and
Clarke, 2012), i.e., we transcribed the group inter-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
views into a written document, extracted initial codes,
finalized codes and grouped them into themes, and
provided analysis concerning themes and research
questions. Three main categories of themes emerged
from the analysis: 1) technology dependence - screen
sharing, 2) scaling Scrum practices - dividing into
sub-teams, 3) importance of expert opinion - weekly
feedback from expert.
In this section, we describe our results against the re-
search questions of the study.
RQ1: How Are Software Design and Modeling
Activities Planned and Organized in an Online
Course by Distributed Teams? In group interviews,
five teams mentioned technology dependence, i.e.,
they used the screen sharing feature to plan and design
diagrams collectively. Four teams used scaling Scrum
practice, i.e., they divided tasks among sub-teams to
enhance coordination and communication. Through
the individual questionnaire, we identified the prac-
tices used by the teams to plan and support the soft-
ware design process (Table 3): brainstorming is the
most common practice reported by students: At the
start of each project our team first did a brainstorm-
ing session to elicit functional and non-functional re-
quirements, and then after defining all the require-
ments, we started designing the UML diagrams.
Table 3: Common design modeling practices.
Design Modeling Practices %
Initial brainstorming 65%
Task allocation 25%
Division of team into sub-team 10%
The results show that 55% of the students spent
4-5 hours per week for team collaboration and un-
derstanding project specifications so that the design
diagrams remain consistent throughout the project.
Moreover, 60% of students spent more than 10 hours
per week defining the UML diagrams.
RQ2: What Are the Technical Challenges Faced
in Modeling, Team Coordination and Communi-
cation Support That Affect the Design Process in
Distributed Teams? As shown in Table 4, 68%
of students reported communication challenges while
working in the distributed team: Scheduling meetings
in time slots available for everyone was challenging.
Also, to work without tools like pen and paper to
sketch ideas resulted in a communication gap.
To collaborate within teams, students used various
collaboration tools (Table 5) for project management
Table 4: Team communication and technical challenges.
Communication challenges %
Unable to share idea 30%
Arranging team meeting 30%
Audio distortion 8%
Technical challenges %
Variant design notation 30%
Live editing not supported 20%
Internet connectivity 20%
Limited access as free user 15%
and development. According to the students, the effi-
cient user interface was the main reason for choosing
the tools. However, while using collaboration tools
85% of the students faced technical challenges (Table
4) that were mainly related to limited support of com-
mercial collaboration tool as a free user or internet
connectivity issue causing voice distortion. The tech-
nical challenges we faced were mainly related to the
automated tool used for design diagrams. Although
the tool we used was efficient but it lacked some flexi-
bility regarding the graphical adjustments.
Table 5: Common team collaboration tools.
Goal Tool names
Communication WhatsApp, Telegram, Mi-
crosoft Teams
Software Design LucidChart,
RQ3: How Are the Challenges Addressed in an
Online Course to Improve the Distributed Team
Management for Software Design and Modeling
Process? During the group interviews, five teams
shared the importance of expert opinion to address
any issue/challenge in the design process. Based on
collective results, 65% of students faced disagree-
ment within the team while developing UML dia-
grams, whereas 35% students rarely disagreed on the
design decisions. The results show that the most com-
mon challenges were the different understanding of
the course guidelines for building UML diagrams or
different interpretations of the requirements, which
led to communication challenges within the teams:
We had disagreements because of different interpre-
tations of the case studies. Sometimes there were am-
biguities in the statement of the problem which could
lead us to have different interpretations which there-
fore lead us to disagreement in the design phase.
Based on the results, we identified design and model-
ing activities as relevant factors for the success of the
Software Design and Modeling Practices in an Online Software Engineering Course: The Learners’ Perspective
distributed teams. Students prefer working in the dis-
tributed environment; however, they suggested a bal-
anced approach in which initial face-to-face meetings
serve to gain a better understanding of the project and
explore the expertise of each member for efficient and
well-structured task allocation and distribution.
We present the following Lessons Learned (LL) to
build best practices for managing software design and
modeling activities for online course projects.
LL1. Define Standard Terminologies for the
Project. During the interview, some teams observed
that sometimes they used variant terms for the same
subject in design diagrams, which caused inconsis-
tency in the software architecture diagrams and com-
munication gaps within teams. The lack of consen-
sus on the standard terms to be used in the project
is indeed a well-known issue in GSE (Peixoto et al.,
2018). Therefore, educators and researchers need to
use standard terminologies to manifest a clear un-
derstanding for students to articulate terms related to
software modeling and design artifacts.
LL2. Define the Standard List of Collabora-
tion Tools to Use. The instructor provided a list of
possible collaboration tools for project management,
team communication, and design diagram. Thus,
each group chose a different set of collaboration
tools. However, many studies reported that standard
tools provide better support and interaction in a dis-
tributed environment (Sarma and Hoek, 2002; Lanu-
bile, 2003). Based on the collected interview data, Ta-
ble 6 suggests a list of collaboration tools for software
design and modeling in a distributed environment.
LL3. Early Identification of Architectural Arti-
fact Dependencies. During our interviews, some
teams mentioned that they worked in sub-teams; this
affected their entire architectural plan because the
modules were tightly coupled, and communication
with other sub-teams was needed. While working
in a distributed environment, it is crucial to plan
subsystem and architectural dependencies to define
clear responsibilities for the team: Bosch and Bosch-
Sijtsema (Bosch and Bosch Sijtsema, 2010) discussed
an architecture-centric framework to reduce architec-
tural artifact dependencies within teams. This shows
the importance of letting students identify dependen-
cies early in the project to increase cohesion and effi-
ciency in software design and modeling.
LL4. Frequent Design Reviews. In a distributed
environment, it is crucial to keep the team synchro-
nized and aware of all the design change decisions
(Cusumano, 2008). In this study, students reported
being aware of the changes done within the project
whereas, there was variance in the diagrams in respect
to the initial discussion. This shows the importance
of communication and frequent design reviews within
the team to facilitate coherent design diagrams.
LL5. Introduce Face-to-Face Kick-off Meetings.
Based on the results, many students prefer working
in a distributed environment; however, they reported
challenges in eliciting project specification and pri-
oritization as they could not transfer ideas in video-
conference meetings. Students suggested having a
kick-off meeting in the start of the project so that
all members can meet, do brainstorming to explore
project specifications, and allocate the initial tasks
based on each member’s expertise. This will be then
followed up with weekly progress online meetings to
discuss project backlog. In a recent study by Smite et
al. (Smite et al., 2021) on working in a distributed
environment, many practitioners also supported the
idea to reinforce face-to-face team meetings to in-
crease team cohesion, problem-solving, and knowl-
edge sharing process. Moreover, it will be helpful to
achieve lesson learned LL3 to capture emerging as-
pects at early stage of software design process.
We acknowledge that the number of participants (i.e.,
30 students) might represent a possible limitation to
the validity of the results of this study. Furthermore,
the individual questionnaire received 20 responses,
which again might affect the results. Moreover, we
used thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2012) to
evaluate qualitative results, which could suffer from
issues related to data transparency. To limit this prob-
lem, while extracting results, we validated all the an-
swers against each question to build consistency be-
tween the research questions and reported answers.
Using a mixed-method approach to collect data
helped us to increase validity. To avoid any potential
bias, the third author (i.e., the course instructor) was
not involved in the interviews. Furthermore, we fol-
lowed the validity analysis and threat guidelines pro-
vided by Wohlin et al. (Wohlin et al., 2012) to miti-
gate research bias. Possible threats to construct valid-
ity is related to how empirical evidence was used to
report research findings. To mitigate threats to con-
struct validity, we created an anonymous question-
naire to ensure data confidentiality and avoid evalu-
ation apprehension. To increase external validity, the
materials of the research study can be used by other
researchers within the Software Engineering field in-
volved in software modeling and design practices to
have a broader perspective for distributed environ-
ment in academia.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 6: Suggested tools for software design and modeling in GSE projects.
Type Name Features Drawbacks
Project man-
Jira Features for agile teams, such as Scrum board, Kan-
ban board, roadmaps, agile reports, project tracking and
management. Mobile application supported
Free access up to 10
Software de-
sign diagram Web-based application to create flowcharts, network di-
agrams, UML diagrams, ER models, etc.
The web application
lags if worked for
long hours
Team com-
Integration with the Office 360 suite, teams and channel
creation, chat function, document storage, screen shar-
ing, group video and audio call, support desktop/mobile
No unified search bar
for available prod-
GSE project-based courses teach development prac-
tices in a distributed environment. In this work, we
analyzed planning and organization activities of soft-
ware design and modeling process in an online Soft-
ware Engineering course. We addressed the socio-
technical challenges students faced in modeling soft-
ware design diagrams within distributed teams.
We used a mixed-method approach to assess four
GSE elements communication practices, team col-
laboration, task allocation and distribution, and us-
age of collaboration tools. The results indicate that
most teams used initial brainstorming as design mod-
eling practice although most teams reported that they
faced difficulty to share idea in distributed environ-
ment. Furthermore, most teams shared that the vari-
ant design notations in each design tools caused dif-
ficulty in project management and design develop-
ment. However, there was no major effect reported
by teams, in fact most teams supported the idea of
working in distributed environment.
Instructors can benefit from the presented empiri-
cal evidence to explore emerging aspects of software
design and modeling activities that could be of value
in GSE project-based courses and apply our lessons
learned to their contexts. In the future, we plan to
study planning and organization practices used for
software design and modeling in the industrial sector.
This will provide a comparative analysis of both sec-
tors to propose solutions to enhance software design
practices for the distributed environment.
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