Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a
Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID Patients
Andreas Hausberger, Barbara Tappeiner
, Ren
e Baranyi
and Thomas Grechenig
Institute of Information Systems Engineering, Research Group for Industrial Software (INSO), TU Wien, Austria
Long COVID, Patient Journey, Mobile Application, Survey, User Centered Design.
A significant part of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 has been experiencing COVID-like symp-
toms for weeks and months after the initial disease. These patients have been called “Long COVID patients”.
Currently, guidelines are being published that inform about these symptoms and may deliver a basis for medi-
cal diagnoses. In this paper, the possibility of a Long COVID patient support app is being discussed. To gain
insight into the needs and requirements of patients with Long COVID, a questionnaire was conducted with
193 participants from a self help-group in Austria. The results show that Long COVID has a profound nega-
tive impact on the daily lives of people who are suffering from the disease. Also, the results show a demand
for more support and indicate the role that a Long COVID symptom tracking app could play in this context.
Concerning digital support, ten crucial features of a potential Long COVID support app were identified by
analyzing the answers to the questionnaire. Apart from health and symptom tracking features, sharing of data
with medical professionals, appointment management, and news features were considered important features
to support patients suffering from Long COVID throughout their journey to get better.
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pan-
demic has fundamentally impacted and changed
many aspects of our society. Due to the disease’s high
contagiousness, many countries have engaged in re-
peated lockdown periods and tried to enforce social
distancing. Despite these efforts, millions of peo-
ple worldwide and hundreds of thousands of people
in Austria have contracted COVID-19. While many
of these patients have recovered fully, a significant
portion suffers from COVID-19 symptoms long af-
ter they were declared as cured. As of November
2021, over 1 million people in Austria have con-
tracted COVID-19, while over 12 000 people have
died from the disease. Globally, there are 258 mil-
lion recorded cases of COVID-19, and over 5 million
deaths (Dong, Ensheng and Du, Hongru and Gardner,
Lauren, 2020).
The persistence of COVID-19 symptoms after
the patients have recovered from COVID-19 is com-
monly referred to as Long COVID. These symptoms
include (among others) fatigue, shortness of breath,
chest pain, memory and concentration problems, and
dizziness (Venkatesan, Priya, 2021). Determining
the incidence of Long COVID is difficult, since cur-
rently there exists no single definition with interna-
tional recognition. Despite this, some studies assume
that around 10% of COVID-19 patients develop Long
COVID symptoms after recovering from COVID-19
(Mahase, Elisabeth, 2020).
Independent of how the COVID-19 pandemic pro-
gresses internationally, the problem of Long COVID
is getting more and more relevant and still has many
unknown factors. One drawback people with long
covid experience is often sharp declines in their qual-
ities of life, and their inability to perform daily tasks
reliably (Nabavi, Nikki, 2020).
Unrelated to COVID, a trend among healthcare
professionals and researchers has emerged to combine
all relevant data generated over a patient’s treatment
for a disease. This concept of mapping data onto a Pa-
tient Journey, and therefore combining various inputs
and data points from multiple healthcare providers
and patients has become increasingly important over
the last years (Georghiou, 2021). The Patient Jour-
ney model has primarily been used within health-
care facilities to provide their patients with infor-
mation and prevent the impact of conflicting or out-
dated information. For instance, services to improve
the Patient Journey are used with peri-operative pa-
tients (Willems, Stijn J and Coppieters, Michel W and
Pronk, Yvette and Diks, Miranda JF and van der Hei-
Hausberger, A., Tappeiner, B., Baranyi, R. and Grechenig, T.
Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0010972300003123
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2022) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 769-776
ISBN: 978-989-758-552-4; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
jden, Klaas WAP and Rooker, Servan and Scholten-
Peeters, Gwendolyne GM, 2021) or with stroke pa-
tients (Davoody, Nadia and Koch, Sabine and Krakau,
Ingvar and H
agglund, Maria, 2016).
Patient Journey apps are applications that provide
their users with information about their illness and
their treatment. These apps may allow users to track
their health progress and keep in touch with health-
care providers. In general, Patient Journey apps are
designed for calls to action at relevant points of time
and accompany them on their “health journey”, be-
sides being a central information point regarding their
situation. Ideally, a Patient Journey app’s first goal is
to support patients at all times, not just when inter-
facing with medical professionals (Timmers, Thomas
and Janssen, Loes and Kool, Rudolf B and Kremer,
Jan AM, 2020).
The emergence of personal computer devices with
health data recording capabilities (e.g., smartwatches,
phones, fitness tracking wristbands) has opened new
ways of generating, interpreting, and collecting health
data. Major phone companies, such as Apple (Apple,
2021), Google (Google, 2021), and Samsung (Sam-
sung, 2021), provide first-party applications, which
aim to be a central and secure storage for all kinds
of personal health data. Modern Patient Journey ap-
plications are expected to integrate with the patients’
phones, and as a result, can use a plethora of useful
health data. The data that is recorded using users’
phones may not be reliable enough to support medical
decisions (and few, if any, widely available health de-
vices are classified as medical devices), but the sheer
amount of acceptable health data recordings might
provide benefits for the patients and their medical
supporters nonetheless (Klasnja, Predrag and Pratt,
Wanda, 2012).
Due to the relative uncertainty among researchers
and medical professionals, the risk of misdiagnosis
for patients with Long COVID is large. Since many
of the symptoms of Long COVID have a cognitive as-
pect (e.g., fatigue or diminished concentration), some
patients have been diagnosed with depression or other
psychological disorders (Nabavi, Nikki, 2020). In the
authors’ opinion, a Long COVID app should ideally
help patients record their daily symptoms, and there-
fore support them in managing their illnesses.
Additionally, a Long COVID app should be able
to record reliable data, which should be helpful to
doctors and other healthcare professionals.
From a more broad perspective, using the ubiquity
of smartphones to provide patients of Long COVID
with a support app seems patently worthwhile. In
addition to supporting patients by letting them track
their symptoms and receive useful information, such
an app could also aid medical treatment, e.g., by hav-
ing an option to share patient data.
As knowledge of the disease itself is still devel-
oping, and medical guidelines are currently being
published, the risk of misdiagnosis is ever-present
(Raveendran, 2021). One possible solution is en-
abling the patients to systematically record their daily
health and create a reliable basis of data. Using this
data, the quality of medical decisions may be im-
This paper covers a user centered approach for the
requirements analysis of a Long COVID Patient Jour-
ney App (the ”Long COVID Diary”) and the proposal
of expected features. As the amount of available re-
search for Long COVID is still comparatively small,
an exploratory approach to requirements analysis has
been taken, as this information is currently missing
from state-of-the-art research. To that end, a specific
questionnaire was created to gather information on
what a possible Long COVID support app should do.
The following sections are structured as follows:
Section 3 contains related work, section 2 describes
the methodology that was used to gather feedback
from long COVID patients as well as their corre-
sponding requirements, which are outlined in section
4. This publication concludes with a discussion and
possible future work in section 5.
Tho get to know the current state of long COVID pa-
tients and requirements for a supporting app a ques-
tionnaire was conducted in German using Google
Forms together with a public participation link. The
questionnaire was conducted among Long COVID
Austria, an Austrian self-help group for patients suf-
fering of Long COVID (Long COVID Austria, 2021).
An English version of the questionnaire can be pro-
vided by the authors on request.
The questionnaire is divided into four sections,
with the first section being an introductory text to
inform the participants of the aim and setting. The
second section, Health Questionnaire (in German:
Gesundheits-Fragebogen) contains translated items
from the CHSS’ Living With Long COVID question-
naire (CHSS - Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, 2021).
The third section contains questions and research
items about potential app features and the partici-
pant’s general technical ability. Finally, in the fourth
section, relevant demographic items are included.
The questionnaire was conducted over five weeks
via Google Forms. After the initial contact with a
group administrator, the link for participating in the
COVID-ex 2022 - Special Session on "COVID-19 epidemic data mining and EXploration"
study was shared among members of said group (e.g.,
in a private Facebook group). Until the end of the con-
duction period, no further contact was made with the
participants, nor was access to the Facebook group
granted to the researcher. The influx of results was
monitored sporadically, and no systematic trends re-
garding the participation frequency were observed.
After getting back the results, they were analyzed and
discussed for preparing a possible future implemen-
tation of the app based on the needs of long COVID
In current state-of-the-art solutions, no similar appli-
cation covering Long COVID aspects was found. In
particular, no app publicly in development or avail-
able aims to offer health diary functionality to pa-
tients. Instead, most COVID-related apps that were
identified, put their focus on patients with COVID-19,
rather than patients with Long COVID.
Collado-Borrell et al. (Collado-Borrell et al.,
2020) identified 114 apps related to COVID-19. 62
(54,4%) were developed for Android, 52 (45,6%) for
iOS, and 50 (43,9%) for both operating systems. Most
of these apps were developed in Europe, followed by
Asia and North America. The most used languages
are English, Spanish and Chinese. Most of these apps
were developed in the name of governments or com-
panies related to the health sector. In addition to these
findings, Ramakrishnan et al., (Ramakrishnan et al.,
2020) also published similar findings.
Perhaps most prominently, a research app co-
created by researchers from the University of Leeds
is currently being used by 27 hospitals in the UK
(University of Leeds, 2021). This app uses the York-
shire Rehabilitation Scale to track individual health
progressions (Sivan et al., 2021).
When looking at the broader field of health-
care, several state-of-the-art projects that aim to offer
health diary functionality become apparent. For men-
tal health diary apps, several key traits for success-
ful app development were identified by Goodwin et
al. (Goodwin et al., 2016). The researchers identified
readily available information, easily usable diary fea-
tures, and graphic representation of results as the most
requested features among their sample. In a study by
Yoo and Suh (Yoo and Suh, 2021), a self-care health
diary app for recipients of a heart transplant was de-
veloped, and tested among a small number of patients.
The patients who participated in this study responded
highly positive to the app, but reported the wish for
better usability. In a literature overview by Lee et al.
(Lee et al., 2018), a sizable number of mobile health-
care apps (including both medical and non-medical
applications) were compared. The researchers state
that while many of these apps could show success
within their study, few apps would then be further de-
The questionnaire - given to a group of patients of
Long COVID (who would later be the main target
group for a Long COVID app) - should both pro-
vide insight into the needs of this patient group as
well as specific requirements for and identification of
relevant app features. Furthermore, conducting this
exploratory survey among patients of Long COVID
should deliver valuable insights into whether a Long
COVID-related app is desired by its most likely target
group and could support their recovery.
The questionnaire contains both a medical as well
as an app-related section. The medical section pro-
vides insight into how patients with Long COVID
deal with the illness and its symptoms on a day-to-
day basis. The app-related section is used to gauge
interest in suggested features, as well as for allowing
participants to suggest app features themselves. Ad-
ditionally, this section should give a broad overview
of the technical abilities of the target group.
The questionnaire was written and conducted in
German, and constructed using Google Forms. It is
comprised of four sections:
1. Health: General questions about the participants’
health and impact of Long COVID on their daily
2. Feature Suggestion: Items about which features
a Long COVID support app should implement in
order to be useful.
3. Technical Skill: Items that aim to assess the tech-
nical ability and willingness to regularly use a
smartphone app.
4. Demographics: Items about age and gender of
The questionnaire mainly uses choice items, with
an option to add a freeform answer wherever sensible.
Before starting, the participants were briefed about
the goals and length of the questionnaire. The link
was shared among participants in their (private) Face-
book group.
Overall, 193 participants took part of the study.
Rudimentary statistical checks did not indicate any
reason to exclude a participant. Therefore, the ques-
tionnaire was concluded with an n=193 participants
Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID Patients
sample. As mentioned earlier, the questionnaire was
conducted solely with members of Long COVID Aus-
tria. The sample is majority female, with 86% of
participants identifying as women. The majority of
participants are between 25 and 55 years old, with
80% stating their age within this range. While more
women than men are assumed to suffer from Long
COVID (Daniel Ayoubkhani , 2021), the sample
likely skews more female than the general population
of patients with Long COVID. The sample also likely
skews younger than the general population since Long
COVID Austria is primarily organized online.
4.1 Symptoms of Long COVID
In the sample, approximately 77% of participants
have been suffering from Long COVID for longer
than four months, with another 19% suffering for two
to four months.
The most common symptoms experienced are (in
decreasing order of frequency): Fatigue, lack of focus
or brain fog, tachycardia, headaches, and difficulties
breathing. Other symptoms include loss of sense of
smell or taste and various physiological and psycho-
logical symptoms.
Close to 90% of participants reported fatigue, and
79% of participants reported lack of focus as a symp-
tom. These two symptoms are by far the most com-
mon among the sample. Notably, around 11% of par-
ticipants reported a loss of sense of taste, which is a
salient symptom of COVID-19.
Self-reported symptoms were manifold and in-
cluded reports of debilitating weakness, insomnia,
and gastrointestinal distress. These symptoms were
clustered into either “physiological” or “psychologi-
cal” to allow better representation. For more informa-
tion, see Figure 1.
Most participants report daily fluctuation in their
perception of symptoms, with 64% stating that their
symptoms varied “day to day”.
The impact of COVID-19 and Long COVID on
the perceived health of the participants is significant:
97% of the participates indicated that they believe, be-
fore getting sick with COVID-19, the state of their
health seemed as either Very Good or Good. After
the disease, and while dealing with Long COVID, al-
most as many (93%) report that their health has de-
clined. More notably, every participant noted a de-
terioration in their health (by reporting a better state
for Item 4 than for Item 5). See Figure 2 for more
information and the appendix for the exact phrasing
used for both items. Well above 80% of participants
report that the disease has impacted their social life,
work life, and mental health negatively. More than
Figure 1: Reported Symptoms (Multiple Choice + Freeform
Figure 2: Reported State of Health Before (left) and After
COVID-19 (right).
60% state that their relationships have been affected
by Long COVID. For more information, see Figure 4.
4.2 App Features & Technical Ability
Overall, the sample has shown a high level of self-
reported tech literacy. Over 80% of participants state
that they mostly or fully agree with the statement “I
am competent with technology, and am knowledge-
able regarding my phone”. Over 85% of participants
report that they use between two and ten different mo-
bile applications every day. Participants were asked
which potential features they would deem “impor-
tant” for a Long COVID support app. An up-to-
date overview of support offers for patients with Long
COVID was chosen by about 87% of participants. En-
tering data of various symptoms associated with Long
COVID was chosen the second-most often: Entry of
fatigue was the most common among this subset, with
80% of participants choosing this answer. The follow-
ing symptoms were chosen less often: Daily health at
75%, breathing performance at 52%, and blood oxy-
genation at 50%. The feature of an overview of ap-
pointments and events was also chosen quite often
(66% for user-defined appointments and 55% for ex-
ternal events). For more information, see Fig. 3.
COVID-ex 2022 - Special Session on "COVID-19 epidemic data mining and EXploration"
Figure 3: Potential features that were deemed important.
Figure 4: Reported Impact of Long COVID in Different
Areas of Life.
4.3 Requirements
Due to its sample size and straightforwardness, the
questionnaire results provide a rich basis for informed
decision-making in regard to application prototype
design. All participants’ reported deterioration of
personal health is a strong signal to the public to
take health care for patients with Long COVID se-
riously. Furthermore, it signals the need for an app
to accompany patients when dealing with the illness.
Also, since the majority of participants report that
their symptoms vary over time, keeping track of these
symptoms is likely to be important as well. The par-
ticipants all report a high level of interest in a pro-
posed Long COVID mobile application. It stands to
reason that the self-reported level of interest is not
directly applicable to the expected usage of the app.
However, a general level of interest further indicates
the need for such an app.
All in all, the findings justify the further planning
and development of a Long COVID Support app, the
”Long Covid Diary”. When looking at the results of
the questionnaire, some general insights for the devel-
opment of the app prototype can be gained:
Many participants have a high demand for an app
that lets them track their symptoms.
The participants in the sample state their motiva-
tion for regular use
Due to the prevalence of neurological and psy-
chosomatic symptoms (e.g., fatigue, lack of focus,
etc.), the app has to rely on the users self-reporting
their daily state. In the authors’ opinions, there is
no easily measurable metric available.
Based on these results, a set of app features and re-
quirements have been compiled, which are described
in more detail within the following table (see 1). The
table provides the feature ID (abbreviated with FE),
the feature name, its description, as well as a link to
the results of the questionnaire and their justifications
to include it in the list.
Features FE02, FE03, and FE04 were mentioned
overwhelmingly often in the questionnaire items
about app features, whereas in FE01, the entry of
blood oxygen values was chosen less frequently than
the other features (about 50%). However, several
health organizations recommend the continued mon-
itoring of blood oxygen levels using pulse oxime-
ters (e.g., (Healthwise Staff, 2020)). More recently,
the use of pulse oximeters by patients without medi-
cal supervision has been criticized (Greenhalgh et al.,
2021). Despite this, the feature should be included
in a prototype in the authors’ opinion to enhance the
self-monitored symptoms with data collection from
Feature FE02, the input of data to track symptoms
regularly, was mentioned by around 80% of partic-
ipants. Since many of the symptoms experienced
by people with Long COVID are neurological and
psychological, direct measurement is often hard or
impossible. Therefore, the app should rely on self-
report-style questionnaires. Ideally, these question-
naires should be clinically tested, usable and easy to
fill in a short period.
Feature FE03, an overview of COVID-related ap-
pointments, has no direct impact on health data
recording. However, its inclusion is warranted, as the
feature’s usefulness may increase the frequency and
duration of app usage and, therefore, increase the mo-
tivation for recording health data.
Similarly, Feature FE04, which was mentioned the
most often in the questionnaire (at about 87%), has no
direct impact on health data recording but of course
on the support of patients of this new disease. Also,
being presented with up-to-date news may again in-
crease the frequency of app usage. Feature FE05, a
dashboard, is included not for its own sake but as a
tool to convey information to the user quickly. A mix
of information and prompts to participate are included
in the dashboard, which should be the first view pre-
sented to the user. Daily questionnaires, such as a
daily fatigue questionnaire, could be shown promi-
nently on the dashboard. Also, statistics about symp-
Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID Patients
Table 1: Requirements.
ID Feature Name Description Link to questionnaire
FE01 Reading and entering
blood oxygen values
This will allow users the entry of blood
oxygen values. Blood oxygenation is
used as a measure of pulmonary health
and is recommended by several health
The feature was mentioned by about
50% of participants in the question-
naire. Blood oxygenation is assumed
to be a valuable metric of pulmonary
FE02 Reading and enter-
ing questionnaires
about Long COVID
This will allow the entry of various
health symptoms using short question-
naires. The questionnaires will be partly
based on clinical questionnaires and in-
clude freeform items to track diverse
The feature was mentioned by about
80% of participants in the question-
FE03 Reading and entering
appointments related
to Long COVID
The app will allow the entry and display
of Long COVID-related appointments
and activities. Integration with the sys-
tem calendar is also possible. Users
may enter appointments using an in-app
form and save these appointments in
their phones’ calendars.
The feature was mentioned by about
70% of participants in the question-
FE04 Presentation of cur-
rent news related to
This feature will include an overview of
recent news gathered by various sources.
The app will preview a portion of the
news items. After that, a web link to the
news source will be given.
The feature was mentioned by almost
90% of participants in the question-
FE05 A dashboard -type
feature to serve as a
general overview
The dashboard will be the main view on
opening the app by default. Here, an
overview of current status and activities
will be displayed.
While not mentioned explicitly in the
questionnaire results, an overview of
current activities is a good app design
practice based on the authors’ opin-
FE06 Food intake tracking Tracking eaten meals throughout a more
extended period appears to be an obvi-
ous feature for a Long COVID support
app. The addition of a simple food in-
take tracking feature allows for a multi-
faceted view of the users’ health.
Food tracking functionality was men-
tioned sporadically as a free-form an-
FE07 Entry of other biomet-
ric data: Pulse, blood
pressure, etc.
Similarly to FE06, the addition of other
health-related data (some of which are
readily available using fitness tracking
devices, e.g., a smartwatch with an in-
tegrated pulse meter) may allow for
a more broad picture of users’ daily
The tracking of biometric data, as
well as general fitness and movement
data was suggested in the free-form
answer fields of the questionnaire.
FE08 Entry of physiologic
and psychological
The entry of various symptoms, such
as headaches, shortness of breath, panic
episodes, mainly using quick question-
naires may benefit the understanding of
disease progression for both the users
and potentially researchers.
Several symptom tracking features
were suggested in the free-form an-
swer fields of the questionnaire.
FE09 Contact data of doc-
tors and medical pro-
As a Long COVID support app be-
comes important in users’ lives, a way to
quickly call or message their healthcare
providers appears to be a good fit for the
The ability to contact healthcare
providers was mentioned in the con-
text of FE04. Patients expect to be
able to contact their doctors and/or
FE10 Share data The ability to share data is an important
feature to connect the data collected by
patients with medical workers.
The ability to share data, both with
healthcare professionals as well as
other people was suggested by the
majority of participants.
COVID-ex 2022 - Special Session on "COVID-19 epidemic data mining and EXploration"
tom data from the recent past should help users to gain
awareness and oversight about their symptoms. Fea-
tures FE06-FE10 were mentioned somewhat less but
were added after internal discussion and comparison
with other apps to round off the feature set.
To the authors’ opinions, the features described
here are important, because they allow the tracking
and displaying of health data. Since most participants
stated that they would be willing to share the data
gathered by a Long COVID support app in some
form, the secure storage and export of said data ap-
pear to be equally important. Therefore, the inclusion
of a feature set to export the data in a generally
readable data format (e.g., PDF or CSV) is pursued.
For an overview of the the identified features, see
Table 1. The feature-list refers to the results of the
questionnaire, which were clustered and condensed.
The conduction and analysis of the questionnaire has
provided useful information and insight into a group
of patients whose impact on the health system will
only increase in the coming months. At the time
of writing, no clear outlook for patients with Long
COVID is available. Diagnoses and treatment options
are likely to shift and be subject to discussion.
In this context, the development of a mobile appli-
cation that accurately collects health data is strongly
recommended. The app should be reliable in its data
collection to provide information not only for the pa-
tients but also for medical professionals. Further-
more, a Long COVID app could become a valuable
tool for people monitoring their symptoms. As men-
tioned in previous sections, diagnosing Long COVID
is still difficult, and misdiagnoses are a burden for pa-
tients and a problem for healthcare systems. Giving
patients the ability to track their symptoms regularly
might make a difference in improving diagnostic ac-
curacy and, therefore, treating Long COVID.
When looking at the features that were deemed
important, it becomes clear, that a successful Long
COVID support app should do more than simply track
users’ symptoms and daily health status. Participants
who participated in the presented questionnaire ap-
pear to request features that provide up-to-date infor-
mation, appointments, and activities. Supporting peo-
ple with Long COVID means more than simply moni-
toring their health but also assisting them in their daily
lives in various ways.
The inclusion and participation of users from
the first step in the design and development process
is necessary to support the above mentioned goals.
Apart from strictly feature-based deliberations, im-
plementing an app prototype should also focus on
straightforward, modern design and ease of use prin-
ciples. Ideally, a Long COVID support app should
conform to the platform’s UI guidelines whenever
possible. The user centered approach in all develop-
ment stages increases the usability and, again, may
increase the frequency of use of the app.
While providing valuable insight regarding the de-
sign of an app prototype, the questionnaire and its
result are limited by its methodology. One obvi-
ous criticism is the selection of the sample and the
lack of control of participant access. All participants
were members of the Long COVID Austria Facebook
group. Based on this, the base level of personal inter-
est in dealing with Long COVID can be assumed to be
higher than in the general population (of people deal-
ing with Long COVID). This might impact the results
of the technical portion of the questionnaire, in which
features and expected app usage were stated. But pre-
cisely because of the app being specifically designed
for Long COVID patients, this user group is the main
target of future users.
After initial design, a prototype should be handed
out to get further feedback on the implementation of
the proposed requirements for a Long COVID appli-
In terms of future work apart from the implemen-
tation a larger scale evaluation should be conducted
afterwards. Within that setting also gamification (mo-
tivational) aspects could be covered as well, to see if
those elements support the motivation and use of the
application by long COVID patients.
The questionnaire and results presented in this pa-
per are the first important step towards developing a
Long COVID support app, tentatively named Long
COVID Diary. The authors think, based on the given
results, that such an application is absolutely neces-
sary and should be developed based on the here pre-
sented findings. The here presented research provides
valuable insight into the requirements of patients with
Long COVID and are considered a good starting point
for further research and development. Design ap-
proaches will be discussed to provide and test the pro-
posed feature-set with the user group following the
user-centered design approach.
The authors would like to thank all participants
answering the provided questionnaire. Without their
Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID Patients
help and input, this research would not have
been possible.
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COVID-ex 2022 - Special Session on "COVID-19 epidemic data mining and EXploration"