An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in
Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology
Dionisia Laranjeiro
, Maria João Antunes
and Paula Santos
CIDTFF, Dep. Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Digimedia, Dep. Communication and Arts, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Digital Platform, Preschool, Family-school Communication, Parental Involvement, Design-based Research.
Abstract: Parental involvement in preschool education has an impact on children's learning, development and adaptation
to school, and can be promoted through digital technologies. This research aimed to develop and test a digital
platform, with functionalities for communication and content sharing between parents and educators and, at
the same time, to assess the impact of using the platform in three participating institutions. The methodology
used was Design-Based Research. Parents and educators were involved in all phases: preliminary study,
development and evaluation. The results allow us to conclude that the most important functionalities are the
sharing of activities carried out with children in kindergarten and a private messaging service. In terms of
local impact, the intervention had different results in each kindergarten, associated with previous practices of
using technologies for parental involvement and the roles assumed by the users within the platform.
The importance of parental involvement in children's
learning is widely recognized and documented, being
positively associated with better school outcomes,
better behaviour, higher learning expectations, and
higher academic aspirations (Henderson & Mapp,
2002). Parental involvement has a significant effect
on a child's adjustment to school and learning success,
regardless of other factors such as the child's social
class, gender or ethnic group (Desforges &
Abouchaar, 2003). Furthermore, promoting parental
involvement is positively associated with better
outcomes for ethnic minority students (Jeynes, 2021).
At preschool age, it is associated with general
development, social and cognitive development,
preparation for school and the development of
literacy skills (Skwarchuk et al, 2014) and math skills
(Susperreguy et al, 2020). It is in preschool education
that children benefit most from parental involvement
in learning, whether at home or in kindergarten
(Reynolds & Shlafer, 2010). Kindergarten is an
inviting environment for parents to participate. They
feel effective in the help they can provide and are
motivated to give their children a good start in
schooling (Stevenson & Baker, 1987). For this age
group, the concept of parental involvement can be
divided into three dimensions: involvement at home -
active learning with the family; involvement in
School/Institution parents’ participation in
kindergarten activities; school-family
communication contacts between parents and
educator about the child's development (Fantuzzo et
al, 2013). The importance of parental involvement is
recognized in government guidelines for preschool
education in several countries (EACEA / Eurydice /
Eurostat, 2014).
Children at these ages learn essentially in the
restricted and immediate environments in which they
live the family and kindergarten (Bronfenbrenner,
1979). Portugal has curricular guidelines for pre-
school education that give autonomy to kindergarten
teachers, in their pedagogical activity and choice of
methodology (Silva et al, 2016). Factors such as the
individual characteristics of the children, the size of
the group or the diversity of ages will influence the
group's functioning, the pedagogical options, the
projects developed and, finally, individual learning.
All these variables make it difficult for parents to
know what their children learn in kindergarten, which
Laranjeiro, D., Antunes, M. and Santos, P.
An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology.
DOI: 10.5220/0010937100003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 29-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
may reduce their active participation in this process.
Good communication between kindergarten-family
contexts can improve the knowledge of both about the
child, influencing learning (Epstein, 2018). For
kindergarten, communication with families is
important to gather information about children and
build an adequate curriculum, a stimulating
environment and meaningful learning (Silva et al,
2016). For parents, the knowledge they have of what
their children learn in kindergarten allows them to
more easily think and carry out activities and games
together, creating quality moments while
encouraging the child to build knowledge.
Currently, as the Internet and digital tools are part
of families' lives, a technological platform can be
adopted as a means of communication and content
sharing between parents and educators, increasing the
possibilities of collaboration and reducing barriers to
parental involvement, such as lack of time and
availability (Hornby & Lafaele, 2018).
In addition, several studies indicate contributions
of digital technologies in children's learning, in terms
of language development, mathematics, knowledge
of the world, multiliteracies, creativity, arts,
motivation and collaborative learning (Herodotou,
2018; Burnett, 2010). The widespread access to
mobile devices and educational apps by pre-schoolers
has brought them new opportunities and ways of
understanding, acquiring knowledge, and expressing
themselves (Laranjeiro, 2021), although parents and
educators struggle to identify apps with real
educational value (Papadakis & Kalogiannakis, 2017;
Vaiopoulou et al, 2021). Thus, a digital platform can
also serve to share interactive educational content for
learning activities with children.
The current Covid-19 pandemic has led countries
around the world to close schools and implement
distance learning solutions to reduce contamination.
This situation has shown the need to improve
communication between parents and teachers by
digital means, and provide educational content
online, for all ages (OECD, 2020).
With access to appropriate technological devices
and digital content, parents can promote their
children's learning at home. Using social web tools
and private communication platforms, parents and
educators can share information about their
educational practices. Educators can form virtual
groups that encourage parents to participate in
kindergarten, and in their children's learning.
Children can be involved in these dynamics, to
acquire knowledge and develop skills, such as
communication and collaboration with adults and
other children.
This research aimed to plan, develop and evaluate a
multimedia platform, to answer the question: what
features and contents should a multimedia platform
have to promote parental involvement in the learning
of children who attend kindergarten?
From this research question, two types of answers
were expected: 1) a general contribution to the theory
- Design principles that can be applied in educational
interventions in similar contexts; 2) a local
contribution, related to the impact of using the
platform on the parental involvement of a group of
participants. The research team collaborated with the
technological team of a multimedia company. Four
kindergarten classrooms, four educators and 94
parents participated, collaborating in all phases of the
project: definition of the platform; prototype testing
and use; final evaluation of the platform (as a
technological product) and evaluation of the
intervention (impact of use).
Ethical and privacy issues were assured during the
research. Participants received information about the
project, goals, expected results and their intended
participation. They gave informed consent and
volunteer to participate. Data collection respected
GDPR and ensured anonymity and
pseudonymization. The treated data were presented to
interested participants, guaranteeing accuracy and
The Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology
was adopted, taking into account the characterization
of the problem, the objectives, the research question,
the context and participants in the study. DBR is used
in the development of interventions to solve a
complex educational problem and, at the same time,
improve knowledge about the development process
and characteristics of the intervention (Plomp, 2013).
The intervention can include technological
prototypes, content and environments that use
technology, with a potential impact on teaching and
learning. The development process is iterative,
consisting of cycles of analysis, design, evaluation,
until reaching a satisfactory approximation of an ideal
intervention. Anderson and Shattuck (2012) add that
the DBR is developed in a real educational context,
therefore, the results are used to improve local
practices and evaluated to inform theory. The context
must be carefully characterized, as the Design
Principles that emerge must reflect the conditions of
the intervention (Nieveen & Folmer, 2013). The
intervention should include collaboration between
researchers, professors, users and experts, who work
together to better align the research process and
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
results with the needs and expectations of society
(Grunau & Gössling, 2020), which is a condition for
Research and Responsible Innovation (RRI). DBR
combines qualitative and quantitative techniques for
data triangulation and validation of results, at
different stages of development (Nieveen & Folmer,
2013), although there is a greater tendency to use
qualitative techniques to understand the complexity
of real situations (Ross et al., 2008).
For all these reasons, the DBR methodology was
chosen for the development of this project. The
platform was built to modify a specific situation,
which was to increase parental involvement in
learning using technology. There was a continuous
collaboration of researchers with the technological
team, kindergarten teachers and parents, who were
involved in all phases of the project. The development
of the platform was interactive and iterative, that is,
the platform was used and evaluated in context,
corrected, modified and enhanced to improve the
intervention, in three development cycles. A
combination of qualitative and quantitative
techniques was used for data collection and analysis
at different stages.
For this study, Plomp's (2013) DBR
operationalization model was adapted as follows:
Preliminary study, consisted of characterizing
the context; literature review of projects that
used technologies for parental involvement;
search of existing platforms, surveying the
needs of educators and parents;
Iterative development of the platform, in three
cycles of analysis, design, formative
evaluation, until reaching the final product:
First cycle - functional specifications, paper
prototype, usability tests and evaluation;
Second cycle - functional prototype, pilot
implementation in kindergartens for use by
educators and parents, intermediate evaluation;
Third cycle final product, use in
kindergartens until the end of the school year;
Final evaluation of the platform's impact on
parental involvement in children's learning,
practical results of the intervention and
contributions to theory with Design Principles
and suggestions for future studies.
Table 1 shows the combination of data collection
techniques used in each phase, according to different
Table 1: Data collection in each phase.
Characterize the context;
survey of
arents' needs
Characterize the context;
of educators' needs
Survey existing platforms Web search
Test paper prototype with
UI-UX tests
Understand parental
Questionnaire (parents),
Monitor participation in
the platfor
Database of posts
Monitor accesses and
visits to the platform
Automated collection by
analytics software
Support /feedback from
Email, meetings, research
Involve children in the
dynamization of the
Participant observation
Analyse content published
on the
Database of posts
Analyse accesses and
visits over time
Automated collection by
tics software
Educators' perception
about the use of the
Parents' perception about
the use of the platform
Focus Group
3.1 Preliminary Study
The Parent questionnaires (n = 59), interviews with
educators (Ed1, Ed2, Ed3, Ed4), platforms available
on the market (n = 12) and the literature review
helped to understand the most important features, the
perceived advantages and potential constraints on the
use of the platform. The analysed data helped to
characterize the context. Parents mentioned using the
Internet (100%), daily (88%), on the computer (96%)
and mobile phone (96%). Their children also
accessed technology at home, especially the tablet
(76%) and the computer (71%). Parents used
technology to do activities with their children (85%).
The educators also used the internet on a daily basis,
for personal matters and teaching activities with the
children (“Search (web)… around a topic we are
working on” Ed1) and allowed the children to use the
computer independently (“Inside the classroom, we
have several areas and one of the areas is the
An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology
computer. They can go there to play and work.” Ed3).
From this part of the study, it was concluded that the
group had good technological affinity, a favourable
condition for the planned intervention. Regarding
features, on a scale of importance from 1 to 5, the
features most valued by parents were: news and
events schedule (both with an average of 4.52), photo
and video gallery (average of 4.48) and a private
messaging service with the educator (average 4.25).
These were also the features most commonly
found on existing platforms on the market. The
educators agreed with the parents about the most
important features, but considered that the platform
should also gather the parents' contacts, the children's
history (“the entire history of the child, whether in
terms of health or in terms of evolution, records,
assessments we do Ed2) and function as a social
tool to encourage parents to share suggestions for
activities and links to digital educational resources
(“it would be fun to be something more interactive.
We (educators) could post the activities we do with
the children and they (parents) could comment.”
Ed4). The existing platforms, which were more suited
to the kindergarten context, focused on disseminating
information about the institutions' activities, but did
not provide strategies or suggestions to parents, who
could contribute more actively to their children's
learning. Both parents and educators pointed out that
an advantage would be the platform providing
information to parents, helping to start conversations
with children about what they learn. These aspects are
highlighted in the literature: a digital platform can
inform parents about what their children are learning,
guide parents in creating new learning opportunities
at home, and involve parents in distance activities
with kindergarten (Grant, 2011). Also, as advantages,
parents considered that the most important thing is
access to updated information about activities carried
out in kindergarten. The educators mentioned the
automation of communication and the promotion of
parental feedback. These advantages are also the most
reported in the literature (Knauf, 2016). Regarding
constraints, parents expressed a general concern with
the protection of personal information, in particular,
the sharing of photographs where children were
identified. Educators indicated the lack of time to
update information on the platform. An in-depth
presentation of the preliminary study is available in
Laranjeiro, Antunes & Santos (2017).
3.2 Development
This phase was divided into three cycles of
development. In the first cycle, the functional
specifications were defined, and a paper prototype
was drawn up for a first formative evaluation with
users. A paper prototype is a simulation of the main
pages of the platform, which serves to test usability at
an early stage of development, when it is easier to
introduce changes and improve the user experience
(Nielsen, 2003).
The platform was planned to have a group area,
for communication and information sharing between
the educator and parents of children in the same
classroom; a personal area, for private
communication between educator and parent (1:1); an
institutional area, with unidirectional communication
from kindergarten to parents. Public areas were
excluded, respecting the apprehension shown by
parents and educators in the preliminary study.
A paper prototype, representing the three areas of
the platform, was created and submitted to user
interface and user experience (UI-UX) tests with
parents and educators (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Paper prototype.
At this stage, the topics to be evaluated were the
relevance of the content, the consistency of the design
and the expected practicality, that is, whether the
product was expected to be used in the context for
which it was created (Nieveen & Folmer, 2013). The
tests were carried out by the researcher with four
educators and four parents, and they followed the
same procedures. Individually, users looked at the
first screen and described what they saw. Then, they
“walked-through” the screens, performing tasks
requested by the researcher (e.g., “see if you have
new messages”), while users “thought aloud”,
commenting on the tasks they were doing. At the end,
an interview was carried out to understand the
attitudes and expectations regarding the future use of
the platform. The evaluation with users allowed to
verify the general understanding of the project by
both profiles and to identify some improvements and
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
changes to the initial prototype: create new areas (edit
profile, personal page, meals), merge different areas
into one (events and agenda; documentation and
information); simplify the field of writing comments,
present contents in chronological order (links, agenda
and activities). From the interviews it emerged that
users valued the platform. The educators intended to
use it daily to share activities with parents, while
parents assumed a weekly use, more oriented towards
communication with the educator than to sharing
information with other parents, or to carrying out
educational activities with their children.
In the second development cycle, a functional
prototype was developed for use/testing in
kindergartens (Figure 2). It included the following
Personal area: Child history - sharing
information about the child between parents
and educator (1:1); Favourites - save posts;
Notifications - inform when there are new
posts; Edit profile;
Group area: Activities - sharing suggestions for
activities, sharing activities done in the
classroom; Events - sharing of educational
events; Educational links - sharing of
educational sites and digital resources;
Kindergarten area: institutional news shared by
the educator.
Figure 2: Functional prototype.
In Laranjeiro, Antunes & Santos (2018), all
procedures and test results with users are presented,
as well as the structure and functionalities defined for
the platform.
The pilot began, with meetings in kindergartens
(KG1, KG2, KG3), to present the platform and
understand the practices of parental involvement
prior to the intervention. The fourth kindergarten
classroom dropped out because the educator was on
maternity leave.
From the interviews with the educators, it was
concluded that they were all active in parental
involvement, but had different technological
strategies. Ed1 used email and created a weekly
digital newsletter, which was posted online and
shared with her classroom parents. Ed2 used multiple
digital media for parental involvement: a private
Facebook® group, email, Messenger®, a cloud
service for sharing photos and Skype® for video
calling. Ed3 only used email occasionally.
Parents answered a questionnaire (n=45), with the
three dimensions of parental involvement
involvement at kindergarten, involvement at home,
communication with the educator. It also questioned
about the use of technology for parental involvement.
It was concluded that parents essentially valued the
dimensions of communication with the educator and
involvement at home. Digital technologies were most
used in parental involvement at home (Figure 3).
Thus, the platform, which was designed to facilitate
these aspects, was well positioned to be adopted by
Figure 3: Participants’ parental involvement chart.
During the pilot, the researcher followed the
evolution of the platform's use. Visits and accesses
were monitored through a web statistics program.
User posts collected on the platform were analysed
using content analysis to systematize qualitative data
according to the frequency of occurrence of certain
terms and text meanings (Bardin, 2004). Feedback
received through periodic contacts with educators (e-
mails, phone calls and meetings) and parents (e-
mails) allowed to fix bugs in the platform and identify
improvements that were implemented in the last
development cycle, such as online security measures
and the inclusion of image galleries.
An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology
The pilot implementation ended with interviews
with educators (Ed1, Ed2, Ed3) and two focus groups
with parents (n = 15; n = 5) to obtain more in-depth
information about their use of the platform.
3.3 Evaluation
The final evaluation aimed to verify the practical use
and effectiveness of the intervention, that is, whether
the platform was used in the context for which it was
developed and served to achieve the expected results
(Plomp, 2013) - to promote parental involvement in
the learning of children in kindergarten. In the final
evaluation, web statistics, the content published on
the platform and the content of interviews and focus
groups were analysed.
Communication and interaction were different in
the three kindergartens. There were also considerable
differences in the two profiles (parents and
educators). In KG1, there was a high amount of
communication in all directions (between parents,
parent-educator), initiated by the educator or parents
(proactive), or in response to comments (reactive).
Parents shared events and proactively created photo
albums. In KG2, there was no communication
between parents, only between parents and educator,
always initiated by the educator, with parents
replying to comments. In KG3, there was
communication in all directions, but reduced. Parents
proactively shared links to articles on education and
parenting and replied to comments from each other
and from the educator.
The educators were the main drivers of the
platform. They posted 46 activities, 23 links, 15
events and responded to nine comments from parents
(e.g., "He has been very attentive to the world. So
attentive he even needs a magnifying glass." - Ed1 ").
Parents took on different roles - 40 remained
observers (no participation), 31 responded to
messages/posts (reactive participation), 10 started
new conversation topics (proactive participation).
The web access statistics were high (4,935 visits in
ten months), which seems to indicate that the parents
took a passive role on the platform, perhaps because
their goal was just to visualize information, or
because they needed time to become familiar with a
new social tool (Wenger et al., 2002).
The areas with the highest number of publications
were: Activities (48), where educators shared
activities carried out with the children, encouraged
parents to participate in kindergarten and to publish
on the platform; Links (34) where users essentially
shared videos, links to photographs and educational
articles; Events (18), where they shared kindergarten
events, leisure events and educational events.
Parents' comments had varied content: they added
information about the child (36 comments), (e.g.: “he
is very stubborn, he never wants help.”), they added
information about activities at home (10 comments)
(e.g.: "He's been reading this story a lot... Why do you
have such big ears? It's to hear you better!"),
Feedback (25 comments), greeting (22 comments),
general information (7 comments), technical
questions (8 comments). Some comments denoted
great enthusiasm and satisfaction (6 comments) (e.g.,
“Sooooo gooooood!!! Mom loves your kisses too :)
Good job!!!”); and complicity with the educator (13
comments) (e.g., “Love is in the air (Ed3) - “It's
normal it's spring… And on top of that the educator
is always fostering marriages”). Comments about the
child and comments about activities at home or
kindergarten have the greatest influence on learning,
as they provide information about the contexts, which
educators and parents can use in learning (Lopez &
Caspe, 2014). The other types of comments are also
important to maintain active and positive
communication and establish a climate of trust for
long-term relationships (Moll et al., 1992). It can be
concluded that the platform promoted parental
involvement, in the dimension school-family
communication, because it generated communication
and content sharing about children's learning between
parents and educators.
The interviews and focus groups made it possible
to know the perception of educators and parents about
the use of the platform. Some results are summarized.
The parents' reasons for accessing the platform were
the sharing of activities carried out in kindergarten,
interesting games proposed by the educators and the
insistence of the educators. The features considered
most useful were those that promoted group sharing -
educational links, events, activities, photo gallery.
Regarding the inclusion of children in the project, six
mothers said they used the platform with their
children, to show photos and talk about the activities,
which means that the platform generated parental
involvement, in the dimension involvement at home
(e.g.: "yes, we talked informally, how was it, if she
liked it, if she didn't… the conversation flowed and
that was good”).
Both profiles suggested improvements for the
future, in particular, the possibility to manage
notifications and better usability on mobile devices.
The perceived advantages of the platform were the
immediate sharing of information about the daily
lives of children in kindergarten, promoting more
continuously online school-family communication
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(“I think they (parents) end up having a more
trustworthy portrait of what our day-to-day is. I think
that's where it contributed the most.” Ed1). The
constraints mentioned were the lack of time and
excess work that the educators already had, the
dynamization being centred on the educators, some
technical difficulties and, in the case of JI2, the fact
that they already use other communication tools.
This research proposed to achieve two types of
contributions: a general contribution - Design
Principles of the intervention and the platform; and a
local contribution - the impact of using the platform
on the involvement of parents participating in a local
intervention. The information generated in the three
phases of the research, the participation of three
kindergartens, educators and parents with different
parental involvement strategies and different
technological uses, the triangulation with theoretical
studies and other existing platforms, allowed the
creation of guidelines for the design of a
technological intervention in similar contexts. The
most relevant features and content for the platform
are summarized, as well as other indications that
stood out for the success of the intervention.
The most valued features are those that allow the
sharing of activities carried out with children in
kindergarten, whether it is a chronology of posts or an
image gallery. Others were also used, mainly the
sharing of events and links. Another feature often
mentioned as necessary was notification of new
content. In terms of content, parents mainly wanted to
see their children's activities and know how they
spend their day, but the platform must have the
flexibility to integrate different interests and types of
The dynamization depends essentially on the
educators. They played an important role in e-
moderating, releasing new content, encouraging
participation and replying to comments from parents.
If educators do not assume this role, participation may
be residual. The educator must be able to set aside
time for this task. It is essential that the platform is
easy to use, with quick content insertion (for example,
uploading multiple images at the same time), and
without many mandatory fields. Parents can take on
different roles - passive observers, reactive or
proactive participants. This is because their interests
are also different. Some parents just want to receive
information about their children, others want to
communicate with the educator, a smaller group likes
to share content with other parents. The group itself
and its previous relationship can influence
participation, and for this reason, the platform must
be prepared for different types of communication
(one-way, two-way and multi-directional). Due to
lack of time, the institutional area was not updated by
educators, although it was always considered
important, so it seems that an administrative profile
could be useful to update information, such as
cafeteria menus, events and kindergarten news.
Mobile access seems to be a condition for more
frequent use, so the platform must be optimized for
these devices. The privacy and security of
information must be guaranteed and explained so that
parents feel safe to join and participate in the
Regarding the local impact, the three cases (KG1,
KG2 and KG3) had different results, which may be
explained by the different strategies of parental
involvement with technology that each educator had
Before the pilot implementation, the KG1
educator was already using technologies for parental
involvement, in particular, a weekly newsletter
created by her. However, creating the newsletter was
a lot of work and the educator wanted a more
automatic way to communicate with parents and
receive feedback, so there was a good predisposition
to use the platform. In this group, during the pilot,
there was an intensive use of the platform, which
fulfilled its functions as a tool for parental
involvement, in the dimensions of school-family
communication and parental involvement at home.
At KG2, the parents and the educator were already
using various digital communication tools regularly.
For this reason, they made many suggestions in the
preliminary study to define the platform. However,
during the pilot implementation, the educator shared
publications on the platform, but the parents did not
participate, and continued to use the tools they
already used before. In this group, an experience was
carried out, including the children in the
dynamization of the platform. Children shared their
drawings and videos, which resulted in the parents'
punctual and intense use of the platform to see and
comment their child’s activities. In this dynamization,
the platform promoted parental involvement at home
and school-family communication, briefly fulfilling
its function, but was not adopted in the long term.
In KG3, there were no previous habits of using
technologies for parental involvement, only
occasionally email. The educator made a great effort
An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology
to dynamize the platform and obtained little
participation from parents, which generated
frustration and a residual participation at the end of
the pilot. However, at the beginning of the new school
year, the institution contacted the researcher, as the
parents wanted to use the platform again. Five new
virtual rooms were created for the institution, not only
for the kindergarten, but also for the day care centre.
In this kindergarten, the platform did not have a major
impact on parental involvement during the pilot
implementation, but it did have an impact as a way to
raise awareness of the need to use technology for
these purposes. Thus, the intervention came to change
an educational situation with a technological product,
which is the purpose of DBR.
The limitations found in this research are typical
of the methodology. DBR involves several people
with different profiles and rhythms – researchers,
technological team and users (Kelly et al., 2008). The
research required time to collect and analyse data at
various stages. The technological team had reduced
availability, due to the reconciliation of several
projects simultaneously. Educators and parents were
conditioned by schedules, school calendars, and
personal availability. These restrictions limited
technological development, which may have
influenced the results.
DBR is long, due to its cyclical and iterative
character (Anderson & Shattuck, 2012). As
technology evolves rapidly, DBR can take a long time
to respond, so cycles should be brief. The pilot period
was short, for users who needed time to adapt to the
platform (Wenger et al., 2002). The case of KG3 is an
example of this need. A study on the evolution of the
use of the platform in consecutive years in this
kindergarten would be interesting.
Another limitation is the difficulty in generalizing
the results. It is not possible to use representative
samples of reality in software development, as it
would be necessary to analyse large amounts of data
generated between development cycles. Even with
small samples it is difficult due to the variety and
amount of data generated and triangulated in all
phases (The Design-Based Research Collective,
2003). Thus, the products are tested in small groups
and launched on the market. Later, with continued use
and new data, they evolve into optimized versions.
For the future, it will be necessary to make some
changes to the platform, to resolve the constraints on
its use, in order to be adopted in other kindergartens,
where it can contribute to parental involvement.
This article reports research developed with financial
support of FCT Foundation for Science and
Technology and the European Social Fund (ESF)
under the III Community Support Framework
(SFRH/BDE/95701/2013). This publication is
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An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology