Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System
based on Attack Scenario Comparison
Masahito Kumazaki
, Hirokazu Hasegawa
, Yukiko Yamaguchi
, Hajime Shimada
and Hiroki Takakura
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Information Security Office, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Information Technology Center, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Targeted Cyber Attack, Cyber Attack Scenario, Attack Stage.
In the current organizational network consisting of multiple branch sites, there is a difference in security
between sites, making it difficult to protect against targeted attacks. Therefore, it is important to detect and
respond to attacks early, but it is also difficult to achieve this with the current network management. In order
to solve this problem, we previously proposed a response support system for multiple sites. This system has
two functions. First, it provides recommendations for an incident response by using information of incidents
similar to the one. Second function estimates correlations among incidents and targets of cyber attack. To
enable recommendations, we also proposed a method for evaluating the similarity of incidents and conducted
experiments to investigate its effectiveness. We were able to correctly estimate the similarity of attacks when
their attack stages were the same, but not when they were different. The result indicates the necessity to
conduct similarity estimation for the same stage of attacks even if their current stages differ. By investigating
stage transitions of attacks, we have to make alignment among their stages. In this paper, we propose a method
to expect the attack methods and a system to generate information divided by attack stages. We also confirmed
the effectiveness of proposed method by conducting experiments using a simulated cyber attack.
The rapid increase in targeted attacks, which cause
serious damage, has caused social issues in today’s
society. A targeted attack is a cyber attack targeting
a specific individual or organization. It is difficult to
protect an organization from this attack because it is
specialized for the target using methods such as pre-
liminary investigation.
Due to the internationalization of companies and
the development of communication technology, an or-
ganizational network often becomes large, consisting
of multiple branch sites around the globe. While such
a network has advantages such as work efficiency, one
of the crucial disadvantages is the difficulty in main-
taining the security of all sites at a satisfactory level.
For the reason above, some targeted attacks have
intruded from overseas sites with weak security, pen-
etrated into the organization network with lateral
movement and finally stole confidential information
from the head office. Although quick response plays
a key role in mitigating the damage caused by such
attacks, the conventional network management in or-
ganizations cannot afford to take such response due to
the following two reasons.
First, an incident response heavily relies on the
administrator’s skills at each site. As a general se-
curity manager, a security engineers who is assigned
to a head office manages the security level of the en-
tire organization network. Due to the budget limita-
tion, however, only network engineers are usually as-
signed as site administrators in order to manage site’s
network including security. At the initial stage of an
incident, not a general security manager but a site ad-
ministrator usually recognizes its occurrence. In this
case, the administrator needs to report the occurrence
to the general manager and handle the incident un-
der the instruction of the manager. Because of the
different skill levels among site administrators, it is
difficult to maintain quality on the correctness of the
Kumazaki, M., Hasegawa, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Shimada, H. and Takakura, H.
Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System based on Attack Scenario Comparison.
DOI: 10.5220/0010918200003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 587-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
report and the effectiveness of the incident response.
Second, it is difficult to make a correlation among
incidents and use the knowledge of these incidents.
At the stage of the lateral movement, several incidents
occur simultaneously at many sites. The general se-
curity manager collects reports from the sites, inves-
tigates the correlation among the incidents and makes
a decision on whether a critical cyber attack has oc-
curred or not. However, the lack of uniform quality
among reports, large distance, and time-zone differ-
ence among sites make the manager’s work difficult.
To solve these problems, we previously proposed
an incident response support system for multi-site net-
works(M. Kumazaki, H. Hasegawa, Y. Yamaguchi,
H. Shimada, and H. Takakura, 2021a). In this sys-
tem, both the security manager and the site admin-
istrator can obtain countermeasure recommendations
against the incident, an estimation of the correla-
tion of incidents across sites, and an identification
of the attacker’s objective, e.g., target device. To
enable recommendation of incident countermeasures,
we also proposed a method of evaluating the similar-
ity of incidents that occur at multiple sites(M. Ku-
mazaki, H. Hasegawa, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Shimada,
and H. Takakura, 2021b). In this previous study,
we compared similar cyber attacks regardless of their
progress and evaluated their similarity. The result
indicated the limitation of the conventional system.
When different stages of the incidents are observed at
the affected sites, this system did not correctly evalu-
ate the correlation of incidents among the sites.
We found that we could evaluate the similarity
among incidents with more precision if we divide the
information about a series of attacks into each attack
stage and compare the part of the same stages of the
incidents. In this paper, we propose an attack method
expectation method for estimating the attack meth-
ods and their execution times on the basis of the logs
caused by a cyber attack. This method uses a table
that summarizes attack methods, the logs caused by
those methods, and the importance of those logs. It
also compares this table with logs caused by a cy-
ber attack and calculates the probability of each attack
We also propose a cyber attack stage tracing sys-
tem to extract logs caused by a cyber attack and di-
vide these logs into attack stages using the proposed
method. The system collects logs for a certain period
and extracts those caused by the cyber attack. The
system expects used attack methods from the logs by
the proposed method, and identifies the attack stage
of the attack. We examined the effectiveness of the
proposed method by conducting experiments using a
simulated cyber attack.
Our conventional system uses communication behav-
ior and various logs as evaluation indicators of inci-
dent similarity. These have also been used for detec-
tion methods of cyber attacks, and many studies have
been conducted on them. As for attack detection us-
ing communication behavior, a method for detecting
attacks using HTTP requests has been proposed(Y.
Kanemoto, K. Aoki, M. Iwamura, J. Miyoshi, D.
Kotani, H. Takakura, and Y. Okabe, 2019). This
method extracts the attack code from the HTTP re-
quest, and executes it in the sandbox. Finally, it com-
pares the execution result and actual HTTP response
to determine the success or failure of the attack. As
a system to detect cyber attacks using various logs,
there is Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM). This system not only centralizes the manage-
ment of various logs, but also enables early detection
of incidents by correlating and analyzing them. To en-
able detection of a wider range of cyber attacks, there
are methods of extending the capabilities of SIEM(I.
Kotenko and A. Chechulin, 2012; B. D. Bryant and H.
Saiedian, 2017). These methods can detect cyber at-
tacks, but depend on the skills of the administrators in
terms of response. As mentioned in Section 1, attack
detection alone is insufficient because of the variation
in skills among site administrators, and it is desirable
to provide response support as well.
There have been several systems proposed fo-
cused on information sharing within an organization,
such as our conventional system (M. Colajanni, D.
Gozzi, and M.Marchetti, 2008; C. Wagner, A. Du-
launoy, G. Wagener, and A. Iklody, 2016). The pur-
pose of these systems is to share threat information
within an organization. However, they share the mal-
ware information collected by honey pots or threat in-
formation collected by the administrators themselves.
If administrators lack skills, they may not be able to
effectively use the shared information well or col-
lect information to register in the system. Our con-
ventional system solves these problems by collecting
threat information itself and sharing countermeasure
recommendations instead of threat information.
Our proposed system focuses on the attack stages
of a cyber attack to evaluate the similarity of inci-
dents more accurately. Our conventional system uses
this similarity to make recommendations to site ad-
ministrators and enables early resolution of incidents.
Many studies have been conducted to mitigate dam-
age and resolve incidents early by focusing on the at-
tack stages. Pivarn
a et al. propose a method for
detecting cyber attacks in their early stage and pre-
dicting how the attacks proceed by using Bayesian
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
network algorithms(M. Pivarn
a, P. Sokol, and T.
s, 2020). This method collects alerts of an in-
trusion detection system and predicts the correlation
among these alerts. It builds a Bayesian network
based on the results of the prediction and identifies
the alerts caused by a certain cyber attack. In this way,
the method enables detection of the early stage of an
attack and prediction of subsequent attack activities.
Saulius et al. proposed a method of detecting cyber
attacks in the early stage by using a set of 31 logical
filters(S. Japertas, and T. Baksys, 2018). This method
is based on the Cyber Kill Chain(E. M. Hutchins, M.
J. Cloppert, R. M. Amin, and others, 2011), and in-
serts an avoidance of the attack between the 4th stage
(Exploitation) and the 5th stage (Installation) to miti-
gate the damage of the attack. This method filters the
communications that occurred before the 4th stage of
the kill chain by using multiple logical filters and de-
tects attacks from the filtering results. These methods
detect and predict attacks, but do not proposed coun-
termeasures. As we described in Section 1, the dif-
ferent skill levels among site administrators makes it
difficult to maintain the effectiveness of the incident
response. For early response to attacks, it is necessary
to provide extensive support that includes collecting
incident information and proposing countermeasures.
We have proposed an incident response support sys-
tem for multi-located networks. To manage an orga-
nization’s network, a site administrator is assigned to
each branch site, and a general security manager is as-
signed to the head office. We also assume that the log
server at the head office centrally manages the logs of
all devices in the organization.
The system provides recommendations for an in-
cident response by using information of similar inci-
dents. When an incident occurs and the site adminis-
trator registers the incident data (shown in Table 1) to
the system, the system searches for similar incidents
among the stored information. If the most similar in-
cident is found, the system will share its recommen-
dation (e.g., resolution methods and response status)
to the site administrator who registered the informa-
tion of the incident.
The incident data consist of the items shown in
Table1. “Incident ID”, “Sub system ID”, “Progress
status” are given by the system. The site administrator
registers “Device IP”, “Occurrence time”, and “Sus-
picious information”. The system searches for sim-
ilar incidents in the organization’s incident database
Table 1: Contents of incident data.
Item (type) Example
Incident ID (int) 153
Sub system ID (int) 5
Device IP (str)
Occurrence time (date) 2020/05/10 18:10:55
Information (list)
application A]
Similar Incident IDs (int) [110,86]
and results (list)
[[Stop Application A,
Progress status (int) 1
by using this information. If the system finds similar
incidents, it shares its “Countermeasures and results”.
To verify the effectiveness of the Current Incident
Similarity Estimator, one of modules in our conven-
tional system, in evaluating the similarity among on-
going incidents, we conducted an experiment using
simulated cyber attacks(M. Kumazaki, H. Hasegawa,
Y. Yamaguchi, H. Shimada, and H. Takakura, 2021b).
We executed multiple simulated attacks with different
attack stages and captured their communications in
the experimental environment. We estimated the sim-
ilarity of each attack using these communications as
suspicious information. As a result, we were able to
correctly estimate the similarity of attacks when their
attack stages were the same, but not when they were
The previous results indicate the necessity to execute
similarity estimation for the same stage of attacks
even if their current stages differ. By investigating
the stage transitions of attacks, we have to make align
their stages. In this paper, we propose a method to
expect the attack methods and their execution times.
We assume that expected attack methods are used for
identifying attack stages, and their execution times are
used to more accurately evaluate the similarity among
incidents. In addition, we propose a cyber attack stage
tracing system. The system collects information re-
lated to an incident and divides it into each attack
stage. We assume that this system will be used as
a sub-system of the Current Incident Similarity Esti-
mator of our conventional system.
Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System based on Attack Scenario Comparison
Audit: …, 20xx/04/12 01:22:35
Access: …, 20xx/04/12 01:24:50
System: …, 20xx/04/17 13:53:20
Mail: …, 20xx/04/17 15:41:43
Communication: …, 20xx/04/20 11:32:07
Audit: …, 20xx/04/20 19:17:18
System: …, 20xx/04/25 22:06:36
Attack log
Communication: …
Audit: …, 20xx/04/12 01:22:35
Access: …, 20xx/04/12 01:24:50
Attack log1
Audit: …, 20xx/04/20 19:17:18
System: …, 20xx/04/25 22:06:36
Attack log2
Attack flow
Method 1 : 0.1
Method 2 : 0.3
Targeted: 0.9
Figure 1: Flow of attack-method expectation.
4.1 Attack-method Expectation
To describe the proposed expectation method, we de-
fine two terms: Attack log and Attack scenario table.
When a cyber attack occurs, various types of logs are
caused depending on the attack method (e.g., termi-
nal system logs indicating execution of a suspicious
application and file server logs indicating access to
unauthorized files). We define an Attack log as a set
of this information recorded in multiple logs and ar-
ranged in a chronological order.
The Attack scenario table is a table of methods
used by cyber attacks and information about them.
The attack methods used for expectation are defined
by general cyber attack frameworks such as MITRE
ATT&CK(B. E. Strom, A. Applebaum, D. P. Miller,
K. C. Nickels, A. G. Pennington, and C. B. Thomas,
2018). For each method, the table summarizes ele-
ments caused by that method (e.g., system log) and
the importance of each element. We define impor-
tance having the following three levels, “low” for
elements that are recorded even in normal business
and those that are often seen in other attack methods,
“high” for those that are specific to that method, and
“middle” for those that are neither. It is assumed that
a general security manager will prepare this table be-
fore the system goes live, and that he/she can change
it as needed.
The proposed method uses the Attack log and the
Attack scenario table to expect the attack methods
used for a cyber attack and the execution time of these
methods. To do this, this method repeats the follow-
ing cycle (Figure 1).
1. The method checks whether the element of each
attack method exists in an Attack log (Figure 1 -
a), and calculates the possibility of occurrence us-
ing the importance of each element in the Attack
scenario table. For each method, there are ele-
ments of that method in the Attack log. If there
are them, it adds the probability of the method in
accordance with the importance of the element.
For the attack method with the highest probability,
if its probability exceeds a certain threshold, the
proposed method expects that the attack method
was used when the element was confirmed (Figure
1 - b).
2. It creates an Attack flow and Remaining logs (Fig-
ure 1 - c). The Attack flow is a summary of the
attack methods, their related logs, and their ex-
ecution times. It checks whether the probability
of the attack method with the highest probability
exceeds a certain threshold. If the probability ex-
ceeds that threshold, it adds the information of the
attack method to the Attack flow. The Remaining
logs are the logs removed from the Attack log that
are related to this attack method. It repeats this
cycle using these Remaining logs. If the probabil-
ity is below the threshold, it deletes the received
If there is more than one attack method with
the highest probability that cannot occur in par-
allel, then the proposed method treats them dis-
jointly and outputs a distinct Attack flow for each
If there are no remaining logs left in the cycle, it
stops this cycle and outputs the Attack flow at this
point. Therefore, we can obtain the information about
attack methods and their execution time.
4.2 Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System
4.2.1 Outline
The proposed system collects information related to
an incident and divides it into each attack stage. The
system can be used as a sub-system of our conven-
tional system’s Current Incident Similarity Estimator.
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Attack flow(s)
+ Phases
Log server
(+ device IP)
Method + Elements
Figure 2: Proposed system’s configuration.
Incident data
Various logs
Attack logs
Attack flow
Attack flow + Phases
Attack logs
+ Phases
Attack logs
Figure 3: Proposed system’s process flow.
The proposed system first receives the Incident
data from the conventional system’s Current Incident
Manager. Next, it collects and narrows down the in-
formation necessary to identify the attack method. Fi-
nally, it estimates the attack method, execution time,
and the attack stage. The system consists of four mod-
ules shown in the Figure 2 to achieve this. Figure 3
shows the process flow when information is input.
4.2.2 Log Collection Module
This module receives the Incident data from the Cur-
rent Incident Manager. When the module receives
such information, it accesses the log server and col-
lects various logs including each terminal logs, e.g.,
communication logs, mail logs, terminal’s system log,
etc. As we described, the log server collects all logs
recorded in the organization. This module searches
and collects all server’s logs and communication logs.
If the Incident data includes the occurrence time, the
module collects logs from that time to the current
time. If not, it collects logs for a certain period of
time predefined by the general security manager. If
the Incident data includes the Device IP, which is the
IP address of the device where the incident occurred,
the module additionally collects logs about the device
from system logs, audit logs, etc.
This module also receives a timestamp from the
Identification module (explained in Sec.4.2.5). The
module uses the timestamp instead of the occurrence
time received from the Current Incident Manager, and
collect logs from the timestamp to the current time.
Finally, this module sends the collected logs to the
Attack Extraction module (Figure 3 - (i)).
4.2.3 Attack Extraction Module
This module extracts Attack log from various logs re-
ceived from the Log Collection module. It removes
logs of legitimate activities from those the Log Col-
lection Module sends. We give examples of removing
logs as follows.
Mail log and communication log
The module removes them based on the whitelist,
which is created by using the results of threat in-
telligence on domain information obtained from
DNS (Domain Name System) logs and email ad-
Terminal’s system log and server’s access log
We assume that an ongoing investigation by the
organization can create a whitelist of logs that oc-
cur routinely in these logs. This module removes
logs on the basis of this white list.
It sends the remainder as the Attack log to the
Method Expectation module (Figure 3 - (ii)).
4.2.4 Method Expectation Module
The Method Expectation module expects the meth-
ods used for an attack and their execution times from
the Attack log sent from the Attack Extraction mod-
ule. The details of the proposed expectation method
were described in the Section 4.1. This module sends
the flow created by this iteration to the Identification
module (Figure 3 - (iii)).
4.2.5 Identification Module
The Identification module identifies the attack stage
from the Attack flow received from the Method Ex-
pectation module. This module determines the at-
tack stage and its period from the attack method
recorded in the Attack flow and checks the first at-
tack stage of the Attack flow. This module fo-
cuses on the following four stages defined by the
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
(IPA) (Information-technology Promotion Agency,
Japan, 2013): initial compromise stage, attacking
infrastructure building stage, penetration/exploration
stage, and mission execution stage, which may leave
Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System based on Attack Scenario Comparison
Organizationʼs network
Victim B
Mail server
Victim A
File server
Figure 4: Experimental network.
records in the attack target organization. If the first at-
tack stage is other than the initial compromise stage,
it is possible that information about the attack exists
in logs prior to this time. For additional investigation,
this module sends the timestamp a certain time before
the beginning of the Attack flow to the Log Collection
module only once. This certain time is decided by the
general security manager. The module then outputs
the Attack flow and the attack stage together (Figure
3 - (iv)).
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed expecta-
tion method for the attack method (Section 4.1), we
executed a simulated cyber attack in an experimen-
tal environment, and created an Attack flow using the
proposed method with the logs caused by this attack
as the Attack log.
5.1 Environment
Figure 4 shows the experimental network. In this net-
work, there were two LANs and one attacker terminal.
In reality, an attacker attacks via the Internet, but in
this experiment, we simulated the attack over the In-
ternet with the configuration shown in Figure 6. The
network with the IP address of was as-
sumed to be the Internet. One of LANs was assumed
to be an organization’s network and consisting of two
employee terminals and a file server. These employee
terminals were attacked by the Attacker in this experi-
ment, so we call the employee terminal with the IP ad-
dress of as Victim A and the other ter-
minal as Victim B. The file server has an employee di-
rectory that can be accessed by both employees. The
other LAN is a server segment for the organization,
and there is one mail server in this network that has
employee mail accounts, and employees sign in to the
mail server with their own terminals.
In this network, each terminal or server recorded
the system log and authentication log of the employee
terminal, the access log of the file server, and au-
thentication log and sending/receiving log of the mail
server. The routers also recorded the communication
between the LAN and outside.
5.2 Experimental Operation
Table 2 shows the series of attack activities executed
in the experiment. In the initial compromise stage,
a targeted attack email with a Remote Access Tool
(RAT) was sent to the mail server, and the Victim A
ran the RAT. The Attacker escalated the system priv-
ilege of the Victim A and placed the RAT on the file
server. The Victim B downloaded the RAT from the
file server and ran it. The Attacker escalated the sys-
tem privilege of the Victim B and stole the confiden-
tial information.
To acquire the logs recorded by these attack activ-
ities, we collected system and audit logs of victims,
server’s logs, and communication logs of the router.
We manually created an Attack log from the collected
logs, executed the proposed method for the Attack
log, and confirmed the results. Regarding the method
of calculating the probability of occurrence, the per-
centage of the highest elements is 60%, that of the
next highest elements is 30%, and that of the lowest
elements is 10% of each attack method. If the element
of attack method was in the Attack log, the score of
that method was added.
5.3 Result and Consideration
The Attack log obtained from attack activities de-
scribed in Section 5.2 is listed shown in Table 3. We
expected the attack method and its execution time by
using the proposed method (Figure 5). First, we cal-
culated the possibility of occurrence of each attack
method using the logs with log numbers 1 to 9 as the
Attack log. As a result, the possibility of distribu-
tion of attack tools by RAT and privilege escalation by
tools was 100%, which was the highest. The log num-
bers related to these attack methods were 3,4,8, and 9,
and when they were removed, we obtain two Remain-
ing logs, one with log numbers 1 and 2 and the other
with log numbers 5, 6, and 7. From these Remaining
logs, we again calculated the possibility of occurrence
of each attack method. When the log numbers 1 and 2
were used as the Attack log, the possibility of internal
infection/initial infiltration by sending an email with
a link to a malicious site was the highest. When the
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Attack scenario in the experiment.
Attack stage Method Execution content
Initial compromise Targeted attack mail
Distributing and run RAT
in the Victim A
Attacking infrastructure building
Escalation of privilege
Escalating the system privilege
of the Victim A
Distribution tools
Distributing and execute a tool
to obtain credentials
Network search Searching the file server
Malware placement
to file server
Placing RAT in the file server
and run it on the Victim B
Attacking infrastructure building
Escalation of privilege
Escalating the system privilege
of the Victim B
Distribution tools
Distributing and execute a tool
to obtain credentials
Mission execution Upload information
Uploading the confidential
information file in the Victim B
Table 3: Attack log in the experiment.
Log-ID Content
1 Receiving mail
Sustainable communication between
Attacker and Victim A
3 Download file with Victim A
Escalation of privilege
in Victim A
Searching for virtual volumes
on Victim A
6 Access to file server
Regular communication between
Attacker and Victim B
Escalation of privilege
in Victim B
9 Download file with Victim B
log numbers 5, 6, and 7 were used as the Attack log,
the possibility of the occurrence of the search of the
shared folder and placement of malware in the shared
folder became the highest. As a result, the Attack flow
as shown in Figure 5 was obtained.
From the obtained Attack flow, the proposed
method could expect execution time correctly when
the Attack log did not contain any noisy data. How-
ever, there were parts where the attack methods were
judged to be different from the actual methods. The
experimental results determined that the first attack
method in the Attack flow was a “Targeted attack
email with a link to a malicious site”, but in fact it was
a “Targeted attack email with a RAT”. This was due to
the fact that there were fewer elements recorded than
those in the Attack scenario table. For this reason,
the attack methods with fewer elements in the Attack
1, Receiving a mail
2, A accessing to attacker
9, B downloading tools from attacker
Attack log
? Distribution
Method of Attack flow
Distribution Escalation ? Escalation
3 4
1, Receiving mail
2, A accessing attacker
5, Searching virtual volume in A
6, A accessing file server
7, B accessing attacker
Remaining logs
Targeted Attack Email
Method of Attack flow
Distribution Escalation Network Search
3 4
Malware Placement to file server
Figure 5: Expectation flow in the experiment.
scenario table tended to have a higher probability of
From the result, the proposed method needs to be
improved in terms of expecting the attack method.
However, it can expect the execution time of the at-
tack method and can be used to identify the stage of
the attack. To improve the method, we will conduct
the same experiment with another attack scenario us-
ing a different attack method and check the recorded
logs to create a more accurate Attack scenario ta-
ble. We will also implement this method on logs with
noisy data to determine the effect of such data.
Cyber Attack Stage Tracing System based on Attack Scenario Comparison
We proposed a cyber attack stage tracing system and
an attack method expectation method. The proposed
system receives information from the site administra-
tor about the terminal where the incident is occurring
then collects information from the log server in the or-
ganization and extracts the logs related to the attack.
After that, the system expects the attack method and
execution time from the extracted logs by using the
proposed method, and determines the stage of the at-
We conducted an experiment to examine the ef-
fectiveness of the proposed method. We simulated an
attack in an experimental environment and executed
the proposed method using the obtained log as the
Attack log. We found that the expectation of the at-
tack method was wrong in some points, which needs
to be improved. However, it was able to expect the
execution time sufficiently. We will conduct similar
experiments with attack scenarios using other attack
methods. This will enable us to create a more accu-
rate Attack scenario table. Since we did not confirm
the effect of noisy data in the Attack log in this exper-
iment, we will confirm this effect in future work.
We also need to study the details of how to extract
the Attack log from various logs. We will study how
to determine the stage of an attack from the Attack
flow without relying too much on the expected attack
Part of this work is supported by the Cabinet Office
(CAO), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Pro-
motion Program (SIP), “Cyber Physical Security for
IoT Society” (funding agency: NEDO).
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy