Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring of Cultural
an Hinostroza
and Jimmy Tarrillo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Ingenier
ıa y Tecnolog
ıa, Lima, Peru
Heritage, WSN, BLE, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, GPRS.
Cultural heritage assets represent the history and unique identity for every nation in the world, so their pro-
tection and conservation are mandatory tasks. However, although such assets are usually exhibited in special
museum rooms, sometimes the environmental conditions may be modified, putting the materials at risk. These
facts can be more severe in warehouses, where environmental conditions can vary even more. Most of the mea-
surement sites are located in spaces that make it difficult or do not allow the handling of commercial devices
for measuring multiple environmental parameters, either due to their size, energy consumption or because
they cannot be connected to the internet, so there is no timely availability of information on the environmental
condition in which they are found. This work presents the design and implementation of a wireless sensors
network based on Bluetooth Low Energy and ZigBee, able to measure temperature, moisture, light intensity
and irradiance, and particulate matter 2.5 and 10, in the different spaces where objects of cultural heritage are
found. These measurements are sent to a web platform through the use of Wi-Fi or GPRS technology.
Due to the great impact of environmental factors on
the deterioration of materials, the monitoring of these
factors is essential for making risk management de-
cisions and for establishing preventive conservation
strategies for heritage assets (Morales, 2000). Envi-
ronmental data collection equipments can have two
forms of storage, real and remote. While local stor-
age (in the device itself) uses robust and consolidated
technologies, viewing or downloading the collected
information requires the presence of the people in
charge and, in emergency cases (for example, during
lockdowns) it is not possible to access information to
take conservation decisions. Instead, remote storage
devices allow data to be sent to a cloud, from which it
can be accessed from anywhere in the world. This re-
quires relatively new connectivity technologies since
they depend on the physical and technological infras-
tructure of the place. In addition, they depends on
the presence of networks that allow access to remote
servers since they require Internet connectivity like
Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable.
The collection of information on environmental
parameters is essential for decision-making in preven-
tive conservation. There are some limitations in this
regard that includes: infrastructure that makes it diffi-
cult to install monitoring equipment with low auton-
omy or that requires electrical wiring since constant
labor will be needed to be able to give it the respec-
tive maintenance; limited number of personnel trained
in-situ to manage the information collected; the loca-
tion of the assets to be monitored (both geographi-
cally and inside the building itself) as this can bring
connectivity limitations; the huge diversity of the her-
itage that implies the need to use different sensors that
allow measuring different environmental parameters
corresponding to the most relevant for each type of
material. All of these facts make it impossible for re-
searchers to know the environmental conditions of the
places where they save or conserve the heritage.
In the literature we can find some environmental
monitoring systems developed for heritage conserva-
tion. In (Tse et al., 2018) the authors developed a
remote particulate matter measurement system for the
care of collections in museums and sensors send mea-
sured data directly to an AWS EC2 server over Wi-Fi.
As we can see, they do not include more sensors in
their system and since the sensors send data directly
to server, the autonomy of the system is low. In (Al-
suhly and Khattab, 2018; Tse et al., 2020) the authors
present the design of a WSN with a complete sen-
Hinostroza, A. and Tarrillo, J.
Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring of Cultural Heritage.
DOI: 10.5220/0010916700003118
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2022), pages 171-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-551-7; ISSN: 2184-4380
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sors set including temperature, humidity, light, accel-
eration and presence by using IR sensor. In this sys-
tem, a Raspberry Pi gateway establishes the connec-
tion among the nodes and the server through Wi-Fi.
The results show that the lifetime is approximately 9.8
days with the use of three 600 mAh batteries since the
use of a high-power system like Raspberry. The sys-
tems in (Shah and Mishra, 2016; Peralta et al., 2010)
works with a local server where the data is saved con-
tinuously. This implementation difficult to achieve a
timely conservation work. The works in (Al-Habal
and Khattab, 2019; Eltresy et al., 2019; Zhang and
Ye, 2011; Viani et al., 2014) shows the use of WSN
by using IEEE 802.15.4 standard communication like
ZigBee or ISM bands. These implementations were
performed until a first stage of prototyping, so if these
systems were used in real places for a long time, they
would not work properly.
Therefore, the proposal of this work is based on
the basic requirements that monitoring devices must
have in the context of heritage conservation. These
requirements include long autonomy for low main-
tenance; Wide set of sensors and remote data avail-
ability that do not depend on the physical and tech-
nological infrastructure of the place. Thus, this work
presents the design and implementation of a wireless
sensor network based on peripheral and central nodes.
In addition, to improve usability, we proposed the de-
velopment of modular hardware and an easy-to-use
online platform.
This paper is divided as follows: in Section II we
described some considerations that were made dur-
ing the design process; in Section III we describe the
methods and tools used to accomplish the objectives
of this work; in Section IV is focus on the results and
finally, we present the conclusions in Section V.
In order to develop the whole proposed system (hard-
ware and software), in this Section we describe the
considerations used to achieve the objectives of this
2.1 Long Autonomy
In order to achieve low maintenance on the hardware,
it is necessary for it to remain operational for a long
time depending on the sample rate of the environmen-
tal parameter measurements. Since the devices are
battery powered, this consideration is the most impor-
2.2 Wide Sensors Set
Given the huge diversity of the heritage, it implies the
need to use different sensors that allow measuring dif-
ferent environmental parameters corresponding to the
most relevant for each type of material. The most rel-
evant environmental parameters are temperature, rela-
tive humidity, illuminance, irradiance and particulate
matter. So the devices should be capable of measure
all these parameters.
2.3 Remote Data Availability
This consideration implies the use of Internet connec-
tivity. Due to the geography location and the infras-
tructure of the building where the heritage is found,
the Internet connectivity must remain constant or at
least, it must be available when data needs to be up-
loaded. Due to this consideration, it is important to
the develop a system capable of guaranteeing the In-
ternet connection in the devices.
The project starts from the recognition of the needs of
a group of museums and archaeological sites, from
which the most relevant parameters are known ac-
cording to the researchers or those responsible for
maintaining a collection. Then, the required sensors
are acquired and it is decided to build networks of
environmental monitoring systems (nodes) capable of
working with a specific type of connectivity. Each
network has a central node and several peripheral
nodes; the peripheral nodes send information to the
central node through a local wireless network (BLE or
ZigBee). The central node is responsible for sending
it to a online platform using WiFi or GPRS. The nodes
can include sensors for temperature, relative humid-
ity, iluminance, irradiance and particulate matter. The
hardware of the proposed system allows the coupling
and decoupling of various sensors, as well as wire-
less communication modules, in such a way that the
monitoring systems developed can be adapted to dif-
ferent needs and realities. We divided the methodol-
ogy in hardware and software development and it is
described following the schematic shown in Figure 1.
3.1 Hardware Development
In this section we will describe the design and imple-
mentation of the system’s hardware. The hardware
includes electrical, mechanical, electronics compo-
nents, sensors ICs, wireless modules and batteries.
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Figure 1: System Schematic Diagram.
The modular hardware proposed allows to have a
single physical device with two functionalities within
the wireless sensor network (WSN): central node and
peripheral node. Also, if a device is used as a periph-
eral node, it may have one or more sensors included.
It allows the user to have a versatile and more simpli-
fied device to use, since they can choose the compo-
nents (sensors and wireless modules) that they want
to have in a certain application. The use of Board-
to-board (B2B) connectors were used in order to per-
form this feature in the hardware. The mainboard is
where the sensors and wireless module can be cou-
pled and decoupled from. It is mainly based on an AT-
mega1284P 8-bit microcontroller, a M24M01 EEP-
ROM memory from ST, an external TPL5110 timer
and a FTDI UART-to-USB bridge IC with micro-USB
The table 1 presents the list of sensors and wire-
less modules used for this application. The sensors
were chosen by considering low power consumption,
reduced size and high accuracy. The wireless modules
where chosen by considering the range, RF power and
communication protocol. ZigBee was chosen as long
range alternative for BLE, so it is used in places where
a long range WSN is needed.
The devices are powered by 1600 mAh Li-Ion bat-
teries in 2S1P configuration. Even though all devices
have batteries, the devices meant to be used as central
node need to be plugged into the wall due to the high
consume they require. However, if the wall power
fails, these devices will remain alive up to three hours.
3.2 Software Development
The system software consists of the online platform
and the firmware that has been programmed on the
microcontroller. The firmware is unique for all the
twenty devices developed since, being modular hard-
ware, it must contain the operating algorithm for
both the central and peripheral nodes. Although, the
firmware is different when using ZigBee or BLE due
to the incompatible I/O pins.
The online platform was implemented by using
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the architecture di-
agram is presented in Figure 2. The platform was de-
signed for HTTP connections with the devices over
the Internet and the users can access by using a PC or
mobile phones. The platform back-end is capable of
storing data and allow many connections from users
and devices. The platform front-end was designed by
using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Figure 2: Architecture diagram of the online platform in
A total of 20 environmental monitoring nodes have
been developed, from which various networks can be
set up depending on the requirements of a specific lo-
cation. From these, 10 nodes have direct connection
capability to the Internet, in such a way that up to 10
networks could be made, each one with a peripheral
node. These systems have already been preliminarily
evaluated and the possibility of receiving data on en-
vironmental parameters remotely has been confirmed.
During the system testing, we structured the devices
as shown in Figure 3, where we can find six networks:
5 BLE networks with 3 nodes each one; and 1 ZigBee
Network with 5 peripheral nodes.
The dimensions of the devices are
155.5x53.8x38.8 mm (Figure 4) . The system
has an autonomy of 5 months using 30 minutes of
sampling rate. Each node (peripheral and central) has
sensors to measure temperature, relative humidity,
illuminance and irradiance; and up to 5 central nodes
Figure 3: Networks Structure during testing.
Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring of Cultural Heritage
Table 1: List of sensors and wireless modules.
Type Part number Manufacturer Description
SHT40 Sensirion Temperature and RH sensor
OPT3001 TI Iluminance sensor
OPT3002 TI Irradiance sensor
SPS30 Sensirion PM sensor
Wireless module
RN4020 Microchip BLE module
E18-MS1-PCB Ebyte ZigBee module
ESP32 Espressif WiFi module
Figure 4: Hardware designed.
have the capacity to measure particulate matter. Each
sensor is physically removable from the mainboard
of each node due to the adaptive firmware that was
programmed. The wireless modules (such as BLE,
ZigBee, Wi-Fi, or GPRS) can also be physically
removed from the main board, but in this case the
firmware is different when using BLE or ZigBee due
to incompatible I/O pins. The range of each wireless
technology results in 35 meters for BLE and 60
meters for ZigBee.
Non-volatile EEPROM memory can store up to
6500 samples. A sample consists of the measurement
of each sensor that the device has and the timestamp
in which it was measured. In order to access these
data, the device must be connected to the platform
trough an USB connection. The Online Platform has
been structured in four sections that include a central-
ized map, the visualization of the latest data from each
node (including the option to change sampling and
sending data rate), the retrieval of historical data and
a dynamic menu that allows physical connection to
each device via USB. This platform is exclusive only
for the researches with a username and password. The
Figure 5 shows data measured in two warehouses in a
museum in Lima, Peru. This Figure also shows how
can the user choose the sampling and sending data
rate. The Figure 6 shows historical data measured in-
side a laboratory. In this section, the user can choose
the environmental parameter from an specific device
in a specific network.
Figure 5: Online platform: latest data section.
Figure 6: Online platform: historical data section.
In this paper, we present the design and implementa-
tion of a modular WSN system for heritage conser-
vation. The system is battery powered and has long
autonomy depending on the sampling rate the user
choose for its application. The wide sensors set and
the modular hardware allow measuring different envi-
ronmental parameters corresponding to the most rele-
vant for each type of material. The use of Wi-Fi and
GPRS allows the use of this system in remote geo-
graphical locations and places with low technological
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
resources. Finally, the easy-to-use online platform al-
lows the visualisation and handling of latest and his-
torical data of each node in network.
This work has been funded by the CONCYTEC
World Bank Project ”Improvement and Expansion
of the Services of the National System of Science
Technology and Technological Innovation” 8682-PE,
through its executor entity PROCIENCIA [contract
number 035-2019].
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Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring of Cultural Heritage