Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
Aryana Collins Jackson
, Yann Gl
, Elisabetta Bevacqua
, Pierre De Loor
and Ronan Querrec
ENIB, Lab-STICC UMR 6285 CNRS, Brest, France
Situational Leadership, Medicine, Speech, Virtual Agent, Embodied Conversational Agent.
In emergency medical procedures, positive and trusting interactions between followers and leaders are im-
perative. That interaction is even more important when a virtual agent assumes the leader role and a human
assumes the follower role. In order to manage the human-computer interaction, situational leadership is em-
ployed to match the human follower to an appropriate leadership style embodied by the agent. Situational
leadership was used to create 33 utterances indicative of the four different leadership styles. A participant
evaluation was then carried out in order to examine (1) whether perceptions of leader trust and motivation vary
dependent on both readiness level and utterance syntax and (2) whether follower ability and willingness are
affected by the leader’s speech. We found that general perceptions of leadership behavior influenced follower
performance and that the leader’s speech influences followers’ ability. Finally, we demonstrate how the results
of this study are implemented in a virtual agent system.
The field of embodied conversational agents (ECAs)
largely involves creating virtual agents that can com-
municate effectively with humans. The end goal is of-
ten to create an agent that converses and behaves like
a human in order to complete a task. Previous work
has devised virtual ECAs for companionship (Mon-
tenegro et al., 2019), for diagnostics (Philip et al.,
2020), and for liaising with expert staff (Bickmore
et al., 2015). However, sometimes a virtual agent
must accomplish a goal that involves more than face-
to-face communication. In cases such as these, the
end goal may involve tasks that require human-agent
cooperation (Lala et al., 2015; Ramchurn et al., 2015).
One domain that involves cooperation regardless
of whether agents or humans are included is medicine.
In a variety of tasks, cooperation is key to ensur-
ing efficiency and patient safety (Araszewski et al.,
2014). In emergency medicine, that cooperation is
especially important as the patient is in a precari-
ous state. Emergency medicine is complicated even
further if the caregivers are not professional medical
providers. Such a situation might occur during a re-
mote expedition in which the humans present are not
trained medical doctors and may not have an adequate
amount of experience in medicine.
For situations like these, we propose a virtual
medical assistant that guides a caregiver through a
procedure by communicating with the caregiver in or-
der to complete the procedure successfully. A suc-
cessful procedure includes maintaining patient safety
and lowering caregiver stress while working effi-
ciently (Manser, 2009).
When guiding human beings during a stressful sit-
uation, communication is key. The agent system must
choose its words wisely in order to guide the human
through each step of the procedure. The human care-
giver must be motivated by the agent and given an
appropriate amount of instruction. We aim to accom-
plish this by using situational leadership, a manage-
ment model in which leader communication depends
on follower readiness (Hersey et al., 1988). In this
scenario, the follower is the human caregiver who fol-
lows the direction from the agent, the leader. Follower
readiness is defined by a combination of either low or
high ability (or competence) and low or high willing-
ness (or confidence). The leadership communication
and behavior is chosen based on the follower readi-
ness profile, described in the next section.
While our agent utilises multi-modal behavior
(Collins Jackson et al., 2019; Collins Jackson et al.,
2020), verbal interaction is the main modality. In this
work, we investigate how situational leadership can
Jackson, A., Glémarec, Y., Bevacqua, E., De Loor, P. and Querrec, R.
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant.
DOI: 10.5220/0010914500003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 1, pages 106-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: The follower readiness levels (denoted with R) and their corresponding leadership styles.
Follower readiness level Leadership style
(R1) Low ability and low willingness (Directing) high task and low relationship behavior
(R2) Low to some ability and high willingness (Coaching) high task and high relationship behavior
(R3) Some to high ability and variable willingness (Supporting) low task and high relationship behavior
(R4) High ability and high willingness (Delegating) low task and low relationship behavior
be conveyed through semantics and syntax, how dif-
fering semantics and syntax are perceived by human
beings, and how these perceptions manifest in terms
of caregiver performance during a medical procedure.
The rest of this section describes situational lead-
ership, how communication works in a medical envi-
ronment, how agent communication has been handled
in the past, and how all of these things come together
in our work to create personalized speech for a virtual
medical assistant.
1.1 Situational Leadership
The follower’s general readiness to complete the pro-
cedure is defined by readiness level which is com-
posed of ability (task competence) and willingness
(confidence and interest in completing a task). Readi-
ness level is determined by (1) a number of behav-
iors that are exhibited during the procedure that dic-
tate their ability and willingness and (2) their perfor-
mance in terms of ability and willingness in the past
(Hersey et al., 1988; Bosse et al., 2017; Collins Jack-
son et al., 2021a). Leadership style and communica-
tion then consists of either low or high task behav-
ior (telling what, when, how, and where to do a task)
and low or high relationship behavior (motivating and
offering support) (Hersey et al., 1988). Table 1 ex-
presses how follower readiness level relates to leader-
ship style.
For situational leadership to work, the leader must
help the followers progress through each readiness
level (R1-R4). This means that the communication
coming from the leader needs to instill further com-
petence and confidence in the follower in order for
them to move onto the next readiness level. Low rela-
tionship behavior is designated for followers with low
ability and low willingness as they may not be inter-
ested in being encouraged. However, the leader per-
forms high relationship behavior for followers with
high ability and low to some willingness because their
confidence needs to match their high ability level in
order for them to progress (Hersey et al., 1988).
1.2 Communication in a Medical
Because this work involves a virtual agent assuming
the role of an emergency room leader, communica-
tion from the agent cannot be unstructured as that can
raise safety concerns (Bickmore et al., 2018). How-
ever, communication and speech in particular in situa-
tional leadership has not been studied before. This re-
search addresses that gap by studying how differences
in syntax and vocabulary can express the differences
between each leadership style and how those speech
differences affect followers’ behavior.
Even though speech specifically has not been ex-
plored before, situational leadership has been used
in supervisor-student relationships (Lerstrom, 2008),
in manager-employee relationships (Thompson and
Glasø, 2018), and in clinical supervision (Bedford
and Gehlert, 2013). The consensus is that situational
leadership provides an excellent framework for han-
dling relationships between leaders and followers, al-
though it requires that leaders be fully equipped to
deal with a variety of different followers and situa-
Exploring leadership speech in the context of a
virtual medical assistant begins with examining hu-
man leadership in the emergency room. The leader
during a medical emergency is the coordinator or the
surgeon, the individual who coordinates procedural
tasks (Moher et al., 1992; Forster et al., 2005). A
successful medical leader is one who interacts in a
respectful and helpful way with the members of the
team and also directs the team towards the best out-
come for the task (Hjortdahl et al., 2009; Moss et al.,
2002). The caregivers must have trust in the leader
to make the right decisions and ensure that all pro-
cesses are completed efficiently and correctly (Kulms
and Kopp, 2016).
There are several taxonomies that provide guide-
lines for leader behavior in the emergency room, such
as the Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS)
(Yule et al., 2008), the Anesthesiologists Non-
Technical Skills (ANTS) (Flin et al., 2010), and the
Surgeons’ Leadership Inventory (SLI) (Henrickson
et al., 2013). Elements of these taxonomies were
brought together under situational leadership in or-
der to demonstrate how communication and other
non-technical skills in the emergency room can be
personalized depending on follower readiness level
(Collins Jackson et al., 2020).
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
1.3 Agent Communication
In regards to agent-specific communication, virtual
agents have been introduced in medicine in the form
of a hospital companion (Montenegro et al., 2019),
which provided companionship, information to pa-
tients, as well a diagnostic tool (Philip et al., 2020),
in which an agents conversed with a human in order
to make a mental health diagnosis. In these systems,
agents acted as information sources, and their speech
was scripted and/or followed a set string of questions.
The agents’ communication styles did not vary ac-
cording to the profile of the humans they conversed
with. Other work that involves virtual agents co-
operating with humans to accomplish tasks includes
games in which an agent and a human must work as a
team to win a game of basketball (Lala et al., 2015).
In this work, the researchers found that communica-
tion was hugely important, even more important than
agent competence.
The prior work that is closest to our own is that
of agents helping humans work during crises. In a
simulation of a disaster situation, a planning agent
proposed courses of action to first responders (Ram-
churn et al., 2015). The agent uses natural language
for simply structured orders to the human responders.
Their study revealed several things that make coop-
eration between agents and humans more effective,
particularly when the agents are leading the group:
(1) adaptivity, meaning that the agent adapts to the
needs of the responders; (2) interaction simplicity,
meaning that the agent communicates as simply as
possible; and (3) flexible autonomy, meaning that the
agent allows the responders to control the situation.
If we were to classify the kind of leadership that this
agent exhibits, it would be delegating leadership. This
agent system also takes into account responders’ pref-
erences, similar to how work in situational leadership
might take into account follower profiles.
Intelligent tutoring systems take these principles
of adaptivity, interaction simplicity, and flexible au-
tonomy into account to guide a human through a pro-
cess and/or teach them something. In these cases, the
agent assumes a role of authority. For these situa-
tions to work well, the human needs to trust the agent
enough to successfully lead him or her through a se-
ries of steps (Kulms and Kopp, 2016). Sometimes,
embodied tutors take into account the prior knowl-
edge of the user as well as the actions taken by the
user throughout the learning experience (Griol et al.,
2019) as well as various information states for the
agent (Chetty and White, 2019). When the situations
are stressful for the humans, adaptivity, simple inter-
actions, and autonomy can lead to more human trust
of the agent and therefore more efficiency and success
(Kulms and Kopp, 2016).
An agent’s personalized content and conversations
have been found to improve user engagement, im-
prove the quality of speech, provide timely feedback
during the interaction, provide adaptive training, and
allow for self-reflection (Kocaballi et al., 2019). Real-
time adaptation allows an agent to display believable
and socially-appropriate behavior.
This research is especially important as it paves
the way for agents to communicate in a wider vari-
ety of virtual environments and contexts and explores
how agents and humans can communicate for a spe-
cific purpose. In each of these examples, the agent
communication was hugely important as the commu-
nication must facilitate the end goal, whatever that
may be.
1.4 A Virtual Medical Assistant
For a virtual assistant agent that guides a human care-
giver through a medical procedure, communication
must be adaptive, simple, and allow for autonomy
when possible. The caregiver may not be experienced
in medicine, they may not have experience with the
current procedure, and they may not have the confi-
dence necessary to perform certain tasks. The agent
must be able to guide followers of any style success-
fully, which means that the agent’s communication
may need to change depending on the individual care-
giver. Agent speech must be simple enough to be un-
derstood by different kinds of people, and it must be
straightforward in nature. Finally, the agent system
must allow for caregiver autonomy whenever possi-
ble in order to allow caregivers to take control of the
Situational leadership lends itself very well to a
system that is adaptive, communicates simply, and
allows for autonomy. In situational leadership, the
leader’s communication style varies according to the
follower’s readiness level. Communication from the
agent to the caregiver is simple and straightforward.
When the follower has demonstrated an ability to self-
lead (readiness levels R3 and R4), the agent is able to
take a step back and allow the caregiver some auton-
The virtual agent embodying leadership styles ex-
ists within a SAIBA-compliant system (Vilhj
et al., 2007). Our current agent framework involves
text-to-speech, without an emphasis on intonation.
Therefore it is important that all perceptions be de-
termined from text only and without intonation taken
into account, hence the reason that only speech in
written form was used (although intonation is the sub-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ject of future work). More on our agent framework is
discussed in section 4.
Despite various studies on the effects of situa-
tional leadership, there is a gap in the state of the art
in terms of what low-level leader behavior like speech
looks like from different leadership styles. In previous
work, we explored whether leadership style could be
detected from a corpus of leader speech (Collins Jack-
son et al., 2021b). This past work informed how we
created our evaluation (this is further discussed in sec-
tion 2).
This research explores and ultimately defines dif-
ferent styles of leadership speech in the emergency
room and allows a virtual agent to use and adapt such
speech. Therefore the work presented here provides
novel contributions to the fields of human behavior,
healthcare, and intelligent virtual agents.
Our research questions include:
1. Does readiness level influence the perception of
task and/or relationship behavior?
2. Does readiness level influence a follower’s ability
and/or willingness?
3. Is there any correlation between the perception of
a leader’s task and/or relationship behavior and
the follower’s ability and/or willingness?
4. Do various characteristics of a sentence influence
a follower’s ability and/or willingness?
5. Does a follower’s performance with regard to abil-
ity and/or willingness improve when the follower
is matched with the appropriate leadership style?
In this paper, we first detail the user evaluation we
conducted in order to explore the research questions
above, we analyze the results of that evaluation, we
detail how our findings are implemented in our agent
framework, and we discuss the conclusions we draw
from this work.
Our evaluation consisted of multiple sentences from
each leadership style evaluated by participants with
regards to four different questions asking about their
perception of the leader’s task behavior, the leader’s
relationship behavior, their own ability, and their own
willingness. In this section, we thoroughly explain
how the sentences included were chosen, the de-
sign of the experiment, and how participants were re-
cruited and who they are.
2.1 Sentence Selection
In this work, we do not delve deeply into speech
acts, but it is worth briefly mentioning them as they
explain what the goal of each of the sentences in-
cluded in this experiment aim to do. When design-
ing agent speech, speech acts are a way of organiz-
ing agent speech so that the speech performs the in-
tended effect on the listener. The intended effect on
the listener is also called the communication inten-
tion (Vilhj
almsson et al., 2007). This work involves
an agent leading a human being through a procedure
by giving orders to both novices and experts, and
so the communication intentions are limited to mo-
tivating the human to perform an action with speech
acts directing in which orders are given and report-
ing in which information about the procedure is stated
(Bunt, 2009).
A single context was chosen so that the sentence
content itself did not affect responses. We also wanted
to choose something that participants generally would
feel capable of doing. Therefore, we envisioned a
scenario in which the agent needed to motivate the
caregiver to disinfect the patient’s abdomen. The base
sentence is a detailed imperative sentence: “Take the
antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by ap-
plying it with the cotton balls available to your left.
As mentioned in the introduction, our previous
work involved exploring the semantics and syntax
of medical leader utterances in each leadership style
(Collins Jackson et al., 2021b). In that work, a corpus
of medical leaders’ utterances were assigned leader-
ship style by four annotators. The results imply that
there are certain rules that dictate speech in each lead-
ership style. The results in our previous work sug-
gested that while indicators of task behavior were
more universal, indicators of relationship behavior
were not and should be tailored to individuals’ pref-
These guidelines formed thirty-three sentences
that each aimed to have the receiver of that sentence
disinfect the patient’s abdomen. Of these sentences,
thirteen used the guidelines for directing speech,
twelve used the guidelines for coaching, two used the
guidelines for supporting, and six used the guidelines
for delegating. These sentences are described by var-
ious attributes:
Leadership style: which leadership style’s guide-
lines were used to create the sentence;
Mood: the sentence’s mood (imperative,
imperative-let in which an imperative begins with
the word “Let” (Collins Jackson et al., 2021b),
interrogative, indicative);
Keywords: any relevant keywords that are
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
present in the sentence (“can”, “could”, “would”,
“please”, “I need”, “I want”, “I’d like”, “we”,
“help”, “I see”, and “It looks like”);
Detail level: the level of detail of the instruction
(low, moderate, and high);
Context given: whether an explanation for why
the task must be done is present (yes or no).
Some examples of the sentences we used include
the following, with a complete list available in Ap-
pendix A:
I need you to prepare the patient by disinfecting
the abdomen (directing);
Could you prepare the patient by disinfecting the
abdomen, please? (coaching);
Do you need any help in preparing the patient?
The patient needs to be prepared before the pro-
cedure begins (delegating).
The complete list of these sentences is available in
Appendix A.
2.2 Experiment Design
The experiment was conducted as an online survey
using Google forms. Each participant was assigned
a random readiness level from the list in Table 1 and
asked to imagine that they are on a remote site with
another human being who has suddenly fallen ill and
a third person who is their boss. The participant and
their boss must work together to save the patient. The
boss is experienced in medicine and has chosen a
medical procedure to perform. Participants were told
that the boss was also a human being so as to limit the
effect that speech from a virtual agent would have. In
future work, we test whether the findings from this
study hold up during a medical procedure led by a
virtual agent.
The participants filled out some demographic in-
formation (age, gender, native language, and English
level) before moving onto the questions. Each partic-
ipant answered four questions for each sentence. The
questions were in a random order for each participant,
and the sentences were randomized for each question.
The four questions and possible responses (on a five-
point Likert scale) were:
1. Indicate to what extent (from strongly disagree
to strongly agree) you agree that your boss is
pushing you to do the job (What is the partici-
pant’s perception of the leader’s relationship be-
2. Indicate to what extent (from strongly disagree to
strongly agree) you agree that your boss trusts you
to do the job (What is the participant’s perception
of the leader’s task behavior?);
3. Indicate to what extent (from very incapable to
very capable) you believe you are capable of com-
pleting this task (What is the participant’s percep-
tion of their own ability?);
4. Indicate to what extent (from very uncommitted to
very committed) you are committed to completing
this task (What is the participant’s perception of
their own willingness?)
2.3 Participants
Participants were recruited through our institution as
well as social media and were each entered into a
drawing for five 10-euro prizes if they participated.
Eighty-eight people total responded to the sur-
vey between October 13th and 26th, 2021. However,
one participant responded to every question and ev-
ery sentence with the same response, so their answers
were removed, leaving us with 87 participants.
Participants ranged from 17 to 63 years old (mean
= 32.41, SD = 13.30), 43 of which were women, 44
of which were men, and one of which preferred not
to report their gender. Over 55% (48) of the par-
ticipants spoke English as a native language, with
French (24 participants), Arabic (5 participants), Ger-
man (3 participants), Dutch (2 participants), Spanish
(2 participants), Italian (1 participant), Polish (1 par-
ticipant), and Ukrainian (1 participant) making up the
rest. Fifty participants responded that they spoke En-
glish as a native language (the discrepancy between
the number of participants who selected English as
their native language and the number who reported
that they speak English at a native level may be ex-
plained by participants who had sufficient English ex-
posure and therefore determined their English level to
be native as well). Regarding the English level of the
rest of the participants, 14 self-reported that they were
fluent, 20 reported that they were high-conversational,
and 3 reported that they were low-conversational. As
mentioned, readiness levels were randomly assigned
to participants: 22 were assigned to R1, 20 to R2, 25
to R3, and 20 to R4.
In this section, we present the findings from the user
evaluation with respect to the research questions in
section 1.4.
Note that we chose not to standardize participant
responses. Only four participants’ responses ranged
from neutral to strongly agree, very capable, or very
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
committed, and twelve participants’ responses ranged
from somewhat disagree, somewhat capable, or some-
what capable to strongly agree, very capable, or very
committed. Given that there were only four partici-
pants who did not select any response indicating dis-
agreement, incapability, or lack of commitment, we
decided not to standardize the responses of every par-
3.1 Influence of Readiness Level on
Perception of Task and Relationship
To address research question 1, we isolated the data to
include only responses to one question at a time. We
fit a linear mixed effects model with response as the
outcome variable, with a fixed factor of sentence, and
a random factor of readiness level.
One-way ANOVAs revealed that there was not a
statistically significant difference in response to Q1
(ANOVA, p-value = 0.31) or Q2 (ANOVA, p-value =
0.11) between readiness levels, indicating that readi-
ness level had no significant effect on participants’
perceptions of task and relationship behavior.
Regarding Q2, there was a statistically signifi-
cant interaction (ANOVA, p-value < 0.001) between
readiness level and sentence as well, meaning that
the extent to which the participants felt that the boss
trusted them to do the task depended on the combina-
tion of the sentence and the readiness level, but readi-
ness level alone did not affect the extent to which par-
ticipants felt that the boss trusted them.
There were statistically significant effects of gen-
der (p-value = 0.01) and native language (p-value
< 0.001) on the perception of relationship behavior.
There were also statistically significant effects of gen-
der (p-value < 0.001), age (p-value < 0.001), and
native language (p-value < 0.001) on the perception
of task behavior. These effects are explored further
in subsequent sections, but due to the low number of
participants in some categories, we cannot adequately
explore these effects with our data.
3.2 Influence of Readiness Level on
Ability and Willingness
To address research question 2, we performing the
same linear mixed-effects model for Q3 and Q4.
There is no statistically significant difference in re-
sponse to Q3 between readiness levels (ANOVA, p-
value = 0.06), indicating that readiness level had no
significant effect on participants’ perception of their
own ability levels. However, there was a statisti-
cally significant interaction (p-value < 0.001) be-
tween readiness level and sentence.
There was also no statistically significant dif-
ference in response to Q4 between readiness levels
(ANOVA, p-value = 0.891), meaning that readiness
level had no significant effect on participants’ will-
ingness to complete the task.
There were, however, statistically significant ef-
fects of gender (p-value < 0.001), age (p-value <
0.001), native language (p-value < 0.001), and En-
glish level (p-value < 0.001) on the perception of re-
lationship behavior.
There were also statistically significant effects of
gender (ANOVA, p-value < 0.001), age (ANOVA, p-
value < 0.001), native language (ANOVA, p-value <
0.001), and English level (ANOVA, p-value = 0.01)
on the perception of task behavior. Again, these ef-
fects are explored further in subsequent sections to
find out how participants of different demographics
respond differently.
3.3 Correlation between Perception of
Task Behavior and Ability
To address research question 3, we evaluate whether
the responses to certain questions are correlated.
A Kendall correlation (Akoglu, 2018) revealed that
there is a moderate positive correlation between the
responses to Q2 and Q3 (Kendall τ-b = 0.21, p-value
< 0.001). We can interpret this to mean that a partic-
ipant’s perception of task behavior is moderately cor-
related with their perception of their own ability to do
the task. It is possible that perception of the leader’s
task behavior can influence someone’s perception of
their own ability.
Among participants who were assigned readiness
level R1, the correlation is slightly higher (Kendall
τ-b = 0.21, p-value < 0.001), the correlation for R2
participants is higher again (Kendall τ-b = 0.31, p-
value < 0.001), the correlation for R3 participants
was moderate (Kendall τ-b = 0.25, p-value < 0.001),
and the correlation for R4 participants was very weak
(Kendall τ-b = 0.07, p-value = 0.04). This indicates
that task behavior only affects followers’ ability when
they are in readiness levels R1, R2, or R3.
3.4 Correlation between Perception of
Relationship Behavior and
Again addressing research question 3, we investigate
the relationship between the responses to Q1 and Q4
using Kendall’s correlation once again. There was
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
significant evidence to suggest that there was little as-
sociation between responses to Q1 and Q4 (Kendall
τ-b = 0.07, p-value < 0.001). This suggests that par-
ticipants’ perception of relationship behavior is only
weakly correlated with their own willingness to do the
Among participants who were assigned readiness
level R1, the correlation is insignificant although
likely nonexistent (Kendall τ-b = 0.05, p-value =
0.10), the correlation for R2 participants is slightly
higher (Kendall τ-b = 0.13, p-value < 0.001), the
correlation for R3 participants was insignificant again
(Kendall τ-b = 0.02, p-value = 0.45), and the correla-
tion for R4 participants was very weak (Kendall τ-b
= 0.09, p-value = 0.01). This indicates that relation-
ship behavior only minimally affects followers’ will-
3.5 Influence of Sentence
Characteristics on Ability
To investigate research question 4, we isolated the
data to include only responses to Q3 and to each readi-
ness level in order to understand the variables affect-
ing followers’ ability in each level. Note that there
were singularities between Context given: Yes and
Detail level: Moderate, hence the NAs in Table 2.
3.5.1 R1
With the data limited to participants assigned readi-
ness level 1, a simple multiple regression model was
fitted with the dependent variable Response and the
independent variables leadership style, mood, key-
words, detail level, and context given. The majority
of variables were found to be insignificant, as shown
in Table 2. The best-performing model (adjusted R
0.15) contained the attributes context given: no and
mood: imperative, with sentences with no context
given increasing the base response by 1.18 (p-value
< 0.001) and imperative sentences increasing the base
response by 1.18 (p-value < 0.001).
When demographic information from participants
was added, the model’s performance marginally in-
creased (adjusted R
= 0.30). Interestingly, native
English speakers rated ability lower and German na-
tive speakers rated ability higher. Because of the low
numbers of participants with certain native languages,
the differences of English perception between peo-
ple from different countries cannot be thoroughly re-
ported on with our data but warrants further explo-
Gender had the largest impact on participants’ per-
ceptions of their own ability. When the non-normal
response data was analyzed with a Wilcoxon test, we
found that men reported their perceived ability sig-
nificantly higher than women did (p-value = 0.047),
although this may not translate to actual performance,
only perception.
3.5.2 R2
Like the R1 data, many of the variables were insignif-
icant (see Table 2). The best-performing multiple lin-
ear regression model fitted with data limited to partic-
ipants assigned readiness level 2 (adjusted R
= 0.33)
included the attributes Detail level: moderate, which
increased the participants’ perceptions of their ability
by 1.02 (p < 0.001), and Detail level: high, which
increased the participants’ perceptions of their abil-
ity by 1.95 (p < 0.001). The model improved again
when demographic information was added (adjusted
= 0.40), but no one variable stood out as having a
large effect on its own. Again, because of the small
number of participants in our study, it is very difficult
to point to a certain native language or age range that
leads to significant results.
3.5.3 R3 and R4
The multiple linear regression models fitted with data
limited to participants assigned readiness levels 3 and
4 did not perform well, and this is likely expected due
to the fact that R3 and R4 followers already have high
ability. The best-performing models had low values
for R
(0.06 and 0.02 respectively). That said, abil-
ity did increase for R3 participants when the detail
level was moderate or high, as shown in Table 2. The
model for R4 participants was the only one that was
insignificant itself.
3.6 Influence of Sentence
Characteristics on Willingness
To continue to investigate research question 4, we
perform the same steps we did in section 3.5 but
analysing the responses to Q4 instead of Q3. As
shown in this section, unfortunately the variables had
far less impact on willingness than they did on ability.
The best-performing models had adjusted R
of less than 0.04. Demographic information failed to
have a significant effect.
That said, there were some interesting findings re-
gardless. For R3 participants, interrogative sentences
beginning with Can and Could marginally increased
participants’ willingness to complete the task by 0.21
(p-value = 0.049) and 0.24 (p-value = 0.03) respec-
tively. Also, indicative sentences beginning with It
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Linear regression results when the Likert response to Q3 (evaluating participants’ perceptions of their own ability) is
the dependent variable. Data from each readiness level was examined separately. Singularities in the data led to NAs.
R1 R2 R3 R4
Adjusted R
: 0.14 Adjusted R
: 0.33 Adjusted R
: 0.05 Adjusted R
: 0.01
F(12, 713) = 11.08, F(13, 646) = 25.71, F(13, 811) = 4.25, F(13, 646) = 1.64,
p-value < 0.001 p-value < 0.001 p-value < 0.001 p-value 0.07
Coef. p-value Coef. p-value Coef. p-value Coef. p-value
(Intercept) 1.60 <0.001 1.49 <0.001 2.15 <0.001 2.22 <0.001
Mood: Imperative-Let 0.35 0.33 0.61 0.06 -0.19 0.56 0.03 0.94
Mood: Indicative -0.06 0.80 -0.11 0.62 -0.12 0.59 -0.10 0.71
Mood: Interrogative 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.34 -0.12 0.73 -0.17 0.69
Detail level: Moderate 0.32 0.07 0.96 <0.001 0.55 0.00 0.38 0.06
Detail.level: High 1.27 <0.001 1.90 <0.001 0.63 <0.001 0.087 0.67
Context given: No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Context given: Yes NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Can -0.57 0.10 -0.16 0.61 0.02 0.95 0.26 0.53
Please 0.10 0.49 0.12 0.35 0.08 0.52 0.07 0.67
Could -0.60 0.08 -0.16 0.61 0.04 0.90 0.26 0.53
Would -0.42 0.22 -0.20 0.53 0.14 0.66 0.21 0.61
I need 0.00 1.00 0.22 0.33 0.05 0.81 0.22 0.43
I’d like -0.02 0.92 0.17 0.45 0.19 0.39 0.25 0.38
It looks like -0.05 0.88 -0.03 0.92 -0.12 0.67 -0.42 0.23
We 0.11 0.49 0.20 0.18 -0.01 0.95 0.01 0.96
looks like had a significant negative effect of -0.72 (p-
value = 0.01).
3.7 Influence of Matching Leadership
Style on Ability
To investigate research question 5, we limited the data
to only responses to Q3 and fit a linear mixed-effects
model again with a match variable which was yes
if the participant’s readiness level and the sentence’s
leadership style matched. We found that there was
a significant difference between followers matched
with the correct leadership style and those who were
not (ANOVA, p-value = 0.01). Using a Wilcoxon test,
followers matched with the correct leadership style
perceived their ability to be significantly higher than
those who were not matched with the correct leader-
ship style (p-value = 0.01).
3.8 Influence of Matching Leadership
Style on Willingness
Again to investigate research question 5, we per-
formed the same steps that were done in section 3.7
but including only responses to Q4. There was no sig-
nificant difference in perceived willingness between
followers who were matched with the correct leader-
ship style and those who were not (p-value = 0.52).
This mirrors our results from section 3.6 in which we
found that there were few attributes that contributed
to followers’ willingness.
Using the results from section 3, we have compiled a
list of rules, determined by the results of our evalua-
tion, that should be used when creating agent speech
in each leadership. The goal is to increase followers’
ability and willingness in each readiness level. Keep
in mind that leadership style is matched to readiness
level, so the rules listed under Directing leadership are
tailored to followers with readiness level R1, etc. As
discussed in section 3, there are not many conclusions
to be drawn in terms of increasing followers’ willing-
ness. This is the subject of future work. Our findings
along with those are shown in Table 3.
The agent framework is built within Mascaret, a
metamodel for an informed intelligent virtual envi-
ronment in which an embodied virtual human can in-
teract with a user (Querrec et al., 2018). Within Mas-
caret, procedures such as medical procedures can be
formalized and simulated, action by action, in the vir-
tual environment. The procedure actions are speci-
fied as states and tools are specified as available re-
sources within the environment. The user can follow
the procedure in the virtual environment, and they can
interact with virtual humans who provide assistance.
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
Table 3: A list of guidelines for speech in each leadership style from our evaluation.
Directing Coaching Supporting Delegating
Task behav-
high high high low
Mood Imperatives without “let”, In-
dicatives, Interrogatives
Indicatives, Interrog-
no no yes yes
Detail given high moderate-high moderate-high low-moderate
Keywords “We need to, “I want you to”,
“Carry on with”, “I need”,
“can”, “could”, “would”
“please”, “can”,
“could”, “would”
“can”, “could”,
“would”, “please”
“I see that”, “It looks
Virtual humans in Mascaret are embodied conversa-
tional agents compliant with the SAIBA framework
almsson et al., 2007). Their high-level commu-
nication intentions are translated in multimodal be-
havioral signals which are transformed in animation.
Since Mascaret knows everything about a proce-
dure, it can provide information about all the actions
a user does in the virtual environment during the un-
folding procedure. We query Mascaret at each user
action in order to detect mistakes or accuracy, and we
use such insight to compute the user’s level of readi-
ness (Collins Jackson et al., 2022). From the user’s
level of readiness, we determine the virtual assistant’s
leadership style (Collins Jackson et al., 2021a).
The virtual assistant must communicate with the
user throughout the procedure, for example when a
new action needs to be performed or when a mistake
has been made. We use its computed leadership style
to determine the style of speech using the rules we
have established in Table 3.
To create agent speech, an intent planner generates
the agent’s communicative intentions and then codes
them in FML (functional markup language), a behav-
ior planner translates communication intentions (what
the agent wants the human follower to do) into ver-
bal signals, and a behavior realizer transforms these
signals into animation. Our work on agent speech is
therefore centered on the intent planner.
Communication intentions are created from the
medical procedure stored inside Mascaret. Because
Mascaret holds all information about objects and ac-
tions that are inside the procedure and objects within
the environment, any number of communication in-
tentions stemming from the procedure can be created.
Follower readiness level is calculated from vari-
ous behaviors (Collins Jackson et al., 2022). Every
action that a follower completes perfectly and any er-
rors that may have occurred are used to calculate the
follower’s readiness level continuously throughout
the procedure in real time. Inside the intent planner,
readiness level is updated and stored, and leadership
style is calculated from readiness level (Collins Jack-
son et al., 2021a). Depending on the leadership style,
the communication intention is transformed into a
communication action. This communication action,
the sentence uttered by the agent, should take a num-
ber of different forms based on the speech rules we
have established in Table 3.
To accomplish agent speech that communicates
the same communication intention but differs in style
depending on leadership style, we identify a number
of structures based on our speech rules’ characteris-
tics, and each characteristic is put into a list. Items
are randomly pulled from these lists to create a sen-
tence that the agent will speak.
As an example, consider a sentence that is created
for the agent using directing leadership. Within the
pseudocode below, actionToDo represents the next
action that must be done within the procedure and
sentence represents the natural content of the com-
munication action.
Using our findings on leadership speech, directing
leadership can take the form of imperatives, interrog-
atives, and indicatives. Therefore, the list of possible
moods for directing leadership are:
List<string> LS1Moods = new List<string>
{"imperative", "interrogative", "indicative"};
There is no list for imperative sentences because
actionToDo begins with an infinitive verb (e.g.,
“Open”, “Check”, etc.) and therefore contains an im-
perative by default. The lists of possible beginning
structures for interrogative and indicative sentences
List<string> Interrogatives = new List<string>
{"Can you", "Could you", "Would you"};
List<string> Indicatives = new List<string>
{"I need you to", "I’d like you to",
"I want you to", "We need to"};
Actions can be expressed as simply actionToDo,
which expresses the basic action that needs to be
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
done; actionToDo.Activity.Description, which
expresses the action in addition to any resources that
are necessary, and therefore gives the listener more
detail; or actionToDo.Description, which pro-
vides the action, the resources, and more detail re-
garding how the action should be completed. These
variables contain text that is scripted and associated
with each activity and resource within Mascaret. A
sentence would be created like this:
mood = LS1Moods[rnd.Next(0,
if(mood == "imperative"):
sentence = actionToDo.Description);
elseif(mood == "interrogative"):
sentence = Interrogatives
[rnd.Next(0, Interrogatives.Count)] +
actionToDo.Description) + "?";
sentence = Indicatives
[rnd.Next(0, Indicatives.Count)] +
actionToDo.Description) + ".";
Some example example sentences that would be
created under directing leadership include:
I need you to place the yellow electrode, which is
on the table, on the patient’s torso.
Place the yellow electrode, which is on the table,
on the patient’s torso.
Can you place the yellow electrode, which is on
the table, on the patient’s torso?
Note that unstructured dialogue between the care-
giver and the agent is not possible. If the caregiver
asks a question, the agent is able to respond, but the
agent’s speech is limited to only the actions and re-
sources within the procedure. To ensure additional
safety, the caregiver can decline the agent’s help at
any time. When the caregiver feels competent with-
out the agent’s assistance, they can decline the agent’s
guidance during the procedure as a whole. In these
situations, the agent will only act as a conduit of com-
munication from the team of medical experts.
In this paper, we analyze the results of an evalu-
ation which argue that style of speech should dif-
fer between leadership styles to yield the highest-
performing and most-willing followers in each readi-
ness level. While situational leadership has been stud-
ied and implemented before, low-level behavior such
as verbal communication in situational leadership is
something that needed more research. Furthermore,
situational leadership has not been implemented in a
virtual agent system for use in a virtual agent leading
a group of humans. This work confirms that utilis-
ing characteristics such as mood, detail level, context
given, and keywords can lead to higher ability on the
follower’s part.
Future work may involve investigating more thor-
oughly the difference between men and women’s abil-
ity and reactions to a virtual agent leader’s speech as
well as the differences between people with different
native languages, English levels, and ages. We dis-
covered that there were often significant differences
between men and women’s perception of their own
ability. However, it is unclear whether that translates
to an actual difference in ability. A future experiment
in which followers of different readiness levels and
demographics perform a procedure will allow us to
analyze their true ability and willingness and deter-
mine how a virtual medical assistant can effectively
lead a human follower through a medical procedure.
This work has been carried out within the French
project VR-MARS which is funded by the National
Agency for Research (ANR).
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: The complete list of sentences used in the user evaluation and their leadership styles.
1 I need you to prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen. Directing
2 I need you to take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left.
3 I want you to prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen. Directing
4 I want you to take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left.
5 I’d like you to prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen. Directing
6 I’d like you to take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left.
7 Prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen, please. Directing
8 Take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the cotton balls
available to your left, please.
9 Take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the cotton balls
available to your left.
10 We need to prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen. Directing
11 We need to take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left.
12 We will prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen. Directing
13 We will take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the cotton
balls available to your left.
14 Can you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen, please? Coaching
15 Can you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen? Coaching
16 Can you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the cotton
balls available to your left, please?
17 Can you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the cotton
balls available to your left?
18 Could you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen, please? Coaching
19 Could you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen? Coaching
20 Could you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left, please?
21 Could you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left?
22 Would you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen, please? Coaching
23 Would you prepare the patient by disinfecting the abdomen? Coaching
24 Would you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left, please?
25 Would you take the antiseptic solution, and disinfect the abdomen by applying it with the
cotton balls available to your left?
26 Do you need any help in preparing the patient? Supporting
27 Let me know if you need any help preparing the patient. Supporting
28 I see that the patient needs to be prepared. Delegating
29 It looks like the patient needs to be prepared. Delegating
30 The next step is to prepare the patient. Delegating
31 The patient needs to be prepared before the procedure begins. Delegating
32 We are going to begin the procedure soon, and the patient needs to be prepared. Delegating
33 We are going to prepare the patient. Delegating
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant