Does Melania Trump Have a Body Double from the Perspective of
Automatic Face Verification?
Khawla Mallat
1 a
, Fabiola Becerra-Riera
, Annette Morales-Gonz
2 b
, Heydi M
and Jean-Luc Dugelay
1 c
Digital Security Department, EURECOM Campus Sophia Tech, 450 route des Chappes F-06410 Sophia Antipolis, France
Advanced Technologies Application Center (CENATAV) 7A #21406 Siboney, Playa, P. C. 12200, Havana, Cuba
Information Verification, Automatic Face Verification, Conspiracy Theory, Image Quality.
With the growing number of users getting updated about current events through social media, the spread of
misinformation is increasing and thus endorsing conspiracy belief. During the last presidential election cam-
paign in the USA, the conspiracy theory claiming the existence of a body double that stands in for the former
first lady Melania Trump had made international news headlines. Fighting the spread of misinformation is
crucial as it is threatening the society by manipulating the public opinion. In this paper, we explore whether
automatic face verification can help in verifying widespread misinformation on social media, dealing partic-
ularly with the conspiracy theory related to Melania Trump replacement. We employed four different state-
of-the-art descriptors for face recognition to verify the integrity of the claim of the studied conspiracy theory.
In addition, we assessed the impact of different image quality metrics on the variation of the face verification
scores. Two sets of image quality metrics were considered: acquisition-related metrics and subject-related
This is not Melania! In October 2017, the hypothesis
of the existence of a body double of Melania TRUMP
appeared for the first time on social networks. Then
regularly, what is now referred to as ‘The Melania
Trump replacement conspiracy theory’
by mass me-
dia, reappears in the front of the stage, at least once a
year, with a peak during the last presidential election
campaign. Face is used by all of us as the main human
trait to recognize each other in daily life. This is why,
even if some other criteria have been used to demon-
strate that Melania is not Melania, like her attitude
and behavior or her body height, most arguments ad-
vanced by people are related to her facial appearance.
Algorithms based on artificial intelligence, im-
age/video processing and computer vision are de-
signed and used to fight against fake news that in-
clude doctored images (Mahfoudi et al., 2019) and/or
AI-based generated videos (i.e. deepfakes) (Dolhan-
sky et al., 2020). The issue addressed in this article
is different in the sense that the open question is not
about the integrity of the picture but about the physi-
cal presence of the real Melania or of a body double in
the scene recorded by the camera. So Biometrics (and
more particularly Automatic Face Recognition), more
than image forensic tools, is the appropriate technol-
ogy to address the problem.
There are two possibilities in case of the non-
existence of a body double of Melania: either peo-
ple are complotists in the sense that they are aware
that Melania has no double body but claim the con-
trary or, people are of good faith and consider by vi-
sual inspection that there are two different people on
photographs: Melania and a body double based on
some possible visual differences among faces. Visual
inspection by human is subjective and today less ac-
curate than a digital and objective inspection by ma-
chines for many tasks related to face analysis (Phillips
and O’Toole, 2014). This is why automatic face
verification may significantly help in the process for
forming a robust opinion concerning this supposed
conspiracy theory.
In this work, we use automatic face verification to
conduct an analysis of a group of images of Melania
Mallat, K., Becerra-Riera, F., Morales-González, A., Méndez-Vázquez, H. and Dugelay, J.
Does Melania Trump Have a Body Double from the Perspective of Automatic Face Verification?.
DOI: 10.5220/0010911100003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 737-744
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Trump, in order to try to determine if she has a body
double or not.
In this section, we present primarily the image sam-
ples of Melania Trump on which our study has been
based. Then, we introduce the state-of-the-art de-
scriptors of face recognition employed in this study
followed by the experimental protocol and results
that will help answering the question ‘Does Melania
Trump has a body double?’.
2.1 Face Samples
The presented study was driven by the interest of the
French metropole television M6 in the conspiracy the-
ory case related to Melania Trump
. The TV channel
provided us with a set of images of Melania Trump
collected from social media, mainly Twitter, collected
by a team of journalists working on the topic. These
images were labeled by the social media users as the
‘real’ Melania Trump or as the ‘body double’. The to-
tal number of the image samples of Melania Trump is
30. Considering the labels provided by the journalists,
16 images were labeled as the ‘real’ Melania Trump
and 14 as the ‘body double’ . Faces were detected us-
ing RetinaFace (Deng et al., 2020) and only faces of
Melania Trump were selected and then aligned. Fig-
ure 1 shows the preprocessed face images. At first
glance, one could see that there is an important dis-
crepancy between the two sets of images. First, the set
of the alleged ‘body double’ contains 6 out of 14 im-
ages in which Melania is wearing large dark glasses
which covers up the ocular area, while it is the case
for only 1 out of 16 images for the ‘real’ Melania.
In addition, one could see that the set of images of
the ‘real’ Melania contains images where Melania is
captured with a smiling face, open eyes and proper il-
lumination conditions, while the images contained in
the set of the alleged ‘body double’ of Melania seem
to be taken from video recordings, where Melania ap-
pears with blinking eyes, head down and low illumi-
nation conditions.
2.2 Face Recognition Models
In this study, we employ four state-of-the-art
face recognition descriptors that achieved more
than 99.3% of accuracy when evaluated on LFW
dataset (Huang et al., 2007). For each face descrip-
tor, feature embeddings are extracted from Melania’s
face images and compared against each other using
cosine similarity to perform the face verification task.
LightCNN (Wu et al., 2018). is an implementation
of CNN for face recognition designed to have fewer
trainable parameters than a vanilla CNN and to han-
dle noisy labels. This network introduces a new con-
cept of max-out activation in each convolutional layer
for feature filter selection. We use the pretrained net-
work with 29-layers on LFW dataset (Huang et al.,
2007) to obtain embeddings of 256-dimension from
face images.
MobileSqueezeNet (mob, 2019). is a lightweight
CNN released with Intel’s OpenVino framework and
model zoo, for face recognition in re-identification
scenarios. It is based on MobileNet V2 (Howard
et al., 2017) backbone, which consists of 3x3 in-
verted residual blocks with squeeze-excitation atten-
tion modules. After the backbone, the network ap-
plies global depthwise pooling and then uses 1x1
convolution to create the final 256-dimensional em-
bedding vector. We used the pretrained model
SphereFace (Liu et al., 2017). refers to angu-
larly distributed feature embeddings designed for face
recognition. In contrast to employing Euclidean mar-
gin to the CNN’s learned features, SphereFace pro-
poses to use an angular softmax (named A-Softmax)
to learn discriminative face features with a novel ge-
ometric interpretation. A-Softmax loss can be in-
terpreted as constraining learned features to be dis-
criminative on a hypersphere manifold, which intrin-
sically matches the prior that face images lie on a
manifold. We use the 512-dimensional SphereFace
embeddings extracted using the pretrained model on
CASIA-WebFace dataset (Yi et al., 2014).
ArcFace (Deng et al., 2019). is Additive Angular
Margin loss function, a new loss function for face
recognition designed to improve the discriminative
power of the learnt feature embeddings. The pro-
posed loss function aims to optimise the geodesic
distance margin by considering the correspondence
between the angle and arc in the normalised hyper-
sphere. We used a model pretrained on CASIA-
WebFace dataset (Yi et al., 2014) to extract embed-
dings of 512-dimension from face images.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Image samples of the
Melania Trump
Image samples of the alleged
body double
of Melania Trump
Figure 1: Preprocessed face images of the ‘real’ Melania and the alleged ‘body double’.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Genuines (Melania) Imposters (Melania) Genuines (Celebrities) Imposters( Celebrities)
Figure 2: Similarity score distribution of ‘real’ against ‘body double’ Melania Trump (a) Arcface (b) LightCNN (c) Mobi-
leSqueezeNet (d) SphereFace.
2.3 Experimental Protocol and Results
Assuming we have 2 identities for Melania Trump,
the first consists of the ‘real’ Melania and the second
consists of the alleged ‘body double’, we performed a
face verification experiment using an All-vs-All com-
parison scheme. For each identity, we performed the
face verification experiment by considering a differ-
ent reference face image at a time, each reference face
image was compared against all the remaining image
samples of the 2 identities, resulting in 224 genuine
trials and 422 imposter trials. Genuine pairs belong
to the same identity, while Impostors pairs correspond
to the comparison of one identity vs. the other, mean-
ing the ‘real’ Melania against the alleged ‘body dou-
ble’. We illustrate in Figure 2 the score distributions
of Genuines in green and of Impostors in red using the
four selected face descriptors. We also introduced the
score distributions of imposters and genuines deduced
from a dataset, collected from the web by the authors,
of female celebrities in their 50s similar in profile to
Melania Trump. This dataset contains 50 identities,
with 30 images per identity.
It can be seen that the genuine (in green) and the
imposter (in red) score distributions overlap substan-
tially, although, there is a slight difference between
the two score distributions. This difference might be
due to the discrepancy in image samples between the
set of ‘real’ Melania and the alleged ‘body double’
as depicted in section 2.1. However, we observe that
the genuine and the imposter similarity score distribu-
tions deduced from the celebrities dataset are almost
completely disjoint, as the dataset contains different
identities. In section 3, we evaluate the impact of
different factors that might affect the automatic face
Does Melania Trump Have a Body Double from the Perspective of Automatic Face Verification?
Table 1: Equal error rate (EER) and area under the curve (AUC) of the different face verification systems.
ArcFace LightCNN MobileSqueezeNet SphereFace
EER (%) AUC (%) EER (%) AUC (%) EER (%) AUC (%) EER (%) AUC (%)
Melania 39.3 66.2 37 68 38.8 66.2 39.3 65.5
Celebrities 0.27 99.2 0.22 99.2 0.20 99.4 0.43 98.7
verification score as an attempt to justify the slight
difference between the green and the red score dis-
tribution. In addition, one could see that the distri-
butions of genuine and imposter scores deduced from
the Melania data generally fall into the genuine score
distribution deduced from the celebrities dataset, with
a minor overlap with the imposters score distribution.
Table 1 reports the equal error rates (EER) and the
area under the curve (AUC) deduced from the face
verification experiment performed on Melania image
samples and on the celebrities dataset. We note that
for distinct identities, as it is the case for the celebri-
ties dataset, 0.02% of EER and 0.99% of AUC are
reported in average. However, when computed for
the Melania face verification experiment, the EER in-
creased to 0.38% and the AUC decreased to 0.66% in
average, implying that the 2 considered identities ( the
‘real’ Melania and the alleged ‘body double’ ) are ac-
tually the same. The results reported by the different
face recognition models, in figure 2 and table 1 are
highly comparable. The selection of 4 different state-
of-the-art face recognition models was motivated by
the need to validate our conclusions.
In this section, we suppose that Melania Trump does
not have a body double according to the significant
overlap between genuine and imposter score distri-
butions deduced from Melania image set, illustrated
in section 2.3. However, in this section, we attempt
to justify the difference between these two distribu-
tions highlighted hereabove. There are several factors
that could affect the utility of a face image for a spe-
cific task. In this section, since we are particularly
interested in face verification, we explored the im-
pact of key quality metrics (M
azquez et al.,
2012), (Mallat et al., 2019) which were considered
according to the particular conditions of our case of
study and that are subject and environmental/sensor-
To highlight the impact of a given quality met-
ric on the face verification performance, we sorted all
the 30 image samples of Melania Trump according to
their corresponding quality measure in an ascending
order. Feature embeddings were extracted from all the
images. Then, the affinity matrix of the cosine simi-
larity scores is computed between feature embeddings
of Melania Trump’s images in an All-vs-All compar-
ison scheme. Hereafter, only results obtained using
ArcFace feature embeddings will be reported as all
the four face descriptors depict the same behaviour.
3.1 Acquisition-related Image Quality
From simply looking at the image samples of Melania
Trump, one could see a prominent difference between
the ‘real’ and the alleged ‘body double’ sets mainly in
the image acquisition quality.
Brightness. (Zohra et al., 2017) Depending on the
acquisition conditions and the camera devices, im-
ages could often be affected by variations in terms of
illumination and color leveling (the degree of light-
ness or darkness of a color) which result in bright-
ness variations. Brightness is the perception caused
by the luminance of an object, a face in our case. Ma-
jor fluctuations of these measures could drastically
change the appearance of subjects causing different
skin color and shaded or extremely brighten zones
that could even partially occlude discriminative face
parts. Since brightness does not visually appear to be
homogeneous across the Melania Trump image set,
we decided to analyse how much it really affects the
performance of face verification.
Face Luminance. (M
azquez et al., 2012)
Face luminance deals with the distribution of light
across the face and it is measured in specific face re-
gions that are prominent for the face verification pro-
cess. The face image quality based on luminance,
was measured by averaging the normalized mean lu-
minance values for a set of triangles, representing key
face regions, that are more likely to be affected by
changes in illumination. Since illumination does not
appear to be homogeneously distributed across the
face, an assessment of the variation of face luminance
on the face verification score is conducted.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) (b) (c) (d)
image labeled as ‘real’ Melania image labeled as ‘body double’
Figure 3: Affinity matrix of cosine similarity between ArcFace embeddings of Melania Trump’s images, sorted according to:
(a) Brightness (b) Face luminance (c) Contrast (d) Exposure (e) Sharpness. Blue cells reflect a low similarity score (closer to
0) whereas green cells correspond to high similarity score (close to 1).
Exposure. (Shirvaikar, 2004) is the amount of light
that reaches the acquisition sensor and it can be con-
trolled using aperture and shutter settings. When the
face image is correctly exposed, the image provides
rich details in both dark shadow regions as well as
bright regions. The Melania Trump set of images con-
tain mainly underexposed images in which the dark
shadow regions lose fine details and appear as pure
block regions because of receiving too little light.
Contrast. (Gao et al., 2007) Low contrast images
are commonly due to poor illumination conditions
during the image acquisition, wrong setting of the
aperture and shutter speed. Low contrast face images
contain underexposed and overexposed regions that
result in loss of geometrical and color information of
facial attributes. Image contrast is defined as the sep-
aration between the darkest and brightest areas of the
image, and it can be computed as the difference in
color intensities.
Sharpness. (M
azquez et al., 2012) In
blurred images, the face regions (eyes, nose, mouth,
etc.) are usually not sufficiently clear or well delim-
ited due to the loss of visual information by confus-
ing and mixing shapes, textures and colors. To decide
to which extent more or less defined/sharp edges are
influencing the face verification process, we applied
an unsharp masking process to sharpen the original
face image and average the resulting pixel intensities
to obtain a sharpness quality score.
3.2 Subject-related Image Quality
The second main difference between the set of the
‘real’ and the alleged ‘body double’ is related to the
physical appearance of Melania herself. One could
see that the set of the ‘real’ Melania shows images of
her with the head straight and a glowy face, whilst for
the set of the alleged ‘body double’, Melania appears
either wearing sunglasses or with the eyes closed with
a varying head pose. Accordingly, 3 quality metrics
that are subject-related were selected to evaluate their
impact on face verification similarity score.
Occlusion by Sunglasses. (M
et al., 2012) Since several samples of the alleged
‘body double’ set show Melania wearing sunglasses,
our focus was drawn on the occlusion of the peri-
ocular region, which has been shown to be a very
discriminative region in face recognition, and its
impact on face verification performance. Therefore,
to measure the quality of a face image based on the
use of sunglasses, we first used a CNN classifier as
sunglasses detector, and then we employed the output
probability of the class representing “non sunglasses”
as final quality score: face images with higher ‘non
sunglasses’ probability are more likely to be good
quality images and vice versa.
Femininity. (Mallat et al., 2017) A main factor that
might have affected the face verification performance
Does Melania Trump Have a Body Double from the Perspective of Automatic Face Verification?
(a) (b) (c)
image labeled as ‘real’ Melania image labeled as ‘body double’
Figure 4: Affinity matrix of cosine similarity between ArcFace embeddings of Melania Trump’s images, sorted according to:
(a) Occlusion by sunglasses (b) Femininity (c) Head pose. Blue cells reflect a low similarity score (closer to 0) whereas green
cells correspond to high similarity score (close to 1).
can clearly observed in the Melania Trump images is
her physical appearance. In the set of the ‘real’ Mela-
nia, she appears with radiant face and make up on,
whilst in the alleged ‘body double’ set, Melania seems
to be wearing too little make up or no make up at
all, with a wearied face. Consequently, we propose to
quantify the femininity appearance of Melania Trump
on all the image samples and evaluate their impact
on face verification performance. For this purpose, a
gender estimation model (Antipov et al., 2016) was
employed to deliver a score representing the proba-
bility of being a male or a female. We consider the
femininity score as the probability of being a female.
Mallat et al. (Mallat et al., 2017) proved that the more
makeup is applied (up to a certain level), the higher
the femininity score is.
Head Pose. (M
azquez et al., 2012) The
complexity of dealing with multiple head rotations
under uncontrolled conditions has long been a bottle-
neck in face recognition. Different head poses usually
imply the occlusion or deformation of some face re-
gions, which can lead to the mismatch of two samples
of the same person just because they were captured
from different angles. It is worth noting that general
Melania postures are basically frontal and just a few
samples present some yaw or pitch variation, in par-
ticular for the alleged “body double” set.
3.3 Discussion
Figure 3 reports the affinity matrices of the cosine
similarity scores that highlight the impact of image
quality metrics that are related to the image acquisi-
tion: brightness, face luminance, sharpness, exposure
and contrast. Blue cells reflect a low similarity score
(closer to 0) whereas green cells correspond to high
similarity score (close to 1).
In Figures 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d, one could see that
images with low quality yield low similarity scores
and they correspond to image samples from the al-
leged ‘body double’, whilst high quality images de-
liver high similarity score and they are mostly asso-
ciated to image samples of ‘real’ Melania. For the
exposure quality metric, the lines of the affinity ma-
trix, in Figure 3c, that depict low similarity scores for
images with higher exposure correspond to specific
image samples in which Melania Trump appears ei-
ther with sunglasses or with the head down. Figure 3e
shows a small correlation between sharper images and
high similarity scores. However, we can deduce from
the matrix that there are different and more relevant
factors that are influencing the face verification per-
formance. The cross-shaped blue area that depict low
similarity scores from Figure 3e corresponds to the
comparison of four images of average sharpness but
considerably affected by illumination and using sun-
glasses; this is also the case of the two isolated sharp
images producing the blue lines that converge in the
bottom right corner of the matrix.
Figure 4 portrays the affinity matrices of the co-
sine similarity scores by sorting the image samples
in an ascending order according to occlusion by sun-
glasses, femininity and head pose quality metrics, in
order to highlight their impact on face verification
In Figures 4a and 4b, one could perceive that the
images with low quality scores yield low similarity
scores and correspond to the image samples of the
‘body double’, whereas the images with the highest
quality coincide with samples of the ‘real’ Melania
and they deliver relatively higher similarity scores.
The linear behaviour observed in Figure 4a is a confir-
mation that sunglasses have high impact on the vari-
ation of face verification scores when comparing the
set of ‘real’ Melania with the alleged ‘body double’.
The two crossed shaped blue areas, in Figure 4b, de-
picting low similarity scores for higher femininity val-
ues correspond to two samples of Melania wearing
sunglasses. However, Figure 4c shows the pose vari-
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
ation is barely influencing the face verification per-
formance: comparisons between good and bad qual-
ity samples output higher or lower similarity scores
alike. This behaviour is an indicator that the used face
descriptors are robust enough to the slight head pose
variation across Melania’s image samples.
Among the selected quality metrics, one could af-
firm that brightness, face luminance and occlusion by
sunglasses are the most relevant quality metrics af-
fecting the face verification performance, and to a
lesser degree with exposure, contrast and femininity.
Brightness, face luminance, exposure and contrast be-
ing all related to the illumination conditions during
the image acquisition depict the same behaviour of the
affinity matrix that could be seen in figures 3a, 3b, 3c
and 3d. The slight shift between the genuine and
imposter score distributions deduced from Melania
Trump image samples, observed in subsection 2.3, is
certainly due to the fact that the set of the ‘real’ Mela-
nia contains overall images of better quality compared
to the set of the alleged ‘body double’, and obvi-
ously not because of the existence of a Melania Trump
‘body double’.
This paper proposes a first attempt to explore whether
automatic face verification can help in fighting the
spread of conspiracy theories and if it could be used as
an information verification tool. A further extensive
study should be performed on a wider set of identities
and their associated body doubles. In this paper, dif-
ferent state-of-the-art descriptors of face recognition
were used to compare the ‘real’ Melania image set to
the the images of the alleged ‘body double’. Accord-
ing to the proposed study, the answer to the question
‘Does Melania Trump have a body double?’ is defi-
nitely a No. In the studied case, automatic face ver-
ification invalidates the polemical conspiracy theory
claiming the existence of a replacement of Melania
Trump during the presidency term of Donald Trump.
This disclaimer could only be reliable if we presume
that the provided face image samples were not priorly
manipulated. Recently, a new type of image manipu-
lation intended to trick the deep leaning based mod-
els into delivering an erroneous output. This type of
image manipulation, called adversarial attacks, is per-
formed by adding an adversarial perturbation that can
be imperceptible to the human eye (Bisogni et al.,
2021). It could be imagined, for instance, that a re-
placement of Melania Trump exists indeed and that
the associated image samples were manipulated in a
way that the replacement will be recognized as Mela-
nia Trump.
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