Exploring Enterprise Operating Indicator Data by
Hierarchical Forecasting and Root Cause Analysis
Yue Pang
, Jing Pan
, Xiaogang Li
, Jianbin Zheng
, Tan Sun
and Qinxin Li
China UnionPay Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201201, China
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Keywords: Time Series, Hierarchical Forecasting, Root Cause Analysis.
Abstract: Enterprise operating indicators analysis is essential for the decision maker to grasp the situation of enterprise
operation. In this work, time series prediction and root cause analysis algorithms are adopted to form a multi-
dimensional analysis method, which is used to accurately and rapidly locate enterprise operational anomaly.
The method is conducted on real operating indicator data from a financial technology company, and the
experimental results validate the effectiveness of multi-dimensional analysis method.
Analysing enterprise operating indicators can
facilitate the operational optimization of enterprise to
some extent. In terms of time domain, enterprise
operating indicators usually exist in the form of a
collection of time series with a hierarchical structure.
As shown in Figure 1, the total indicator can be
disaggregated in multiple dimensions. In this
hierarchy, the high-level time series is obtained by
aggregating the low-level ones which belongs to the
specific dimension.
Unlike the common single time series
prediction, hierarchical enterprise operating indicator
prediction need to satisfy the aggregation consistency
constraint between levels: the upper-level forecast is
equal to the sum of the corresponding low-level ones.
The forecasts of hierarchical time series are essential
to the elaborate management and planning for
enterprise. In this hierarchy, the decision maker likely
focus on the high-level forecasts and their root cause
analysis. In addition, multi-level drilling analysis of
anomaly enterprise operating indicator is another
important issue for enterprises management. Its main
purpose is to detect anomaly nodes in hierarchy from
top to bottom. Solving the above issues is beneficial
for decision maker to accurately and quickly find out
the operational problems.
In this paper, hierarchical prediction and root-
cause positioning algorithm are combined to form a
multi-dimensional analysis method on hierarchical
time series, which is applied in planning and
monitoring for enterprise operating indicator. The
specific contributions are summarized below:
Figure 1: The hierarchical structure of enterprise operating indicators.
Pang, Y., Pan, J., Li, X., Zheng, J., Sun, T. and Li, Q.
Exploring Enterprise Operating Indicator Data by Hierarchical Forecasting and Root Cause Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0010900500003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 716-721
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(1) In the aspect of accuracy and efficiency, a suitable
time series prediction method is adopted for anomaly
(2) Based on these prediction, the idea of root-cause
analysis method is applied in quantifying the effect of
the low-level anomaly nodes in the two-level
hierarchy. Experimental results validate the
effectiveness of root cause analysis method on
Enterprise operating indicator data. This work is
beneficial for monitoring the company's operating
indicators, and provides alert.
The related works mainly include hierarchical
forecasting and root cause analysis.
2.1 Hierarchical Forecasting
Classical forecasting, namely single time series
forecasting, is also called base forecasting (BASE)
(Hyndman et al., 2011). Compared to classical base
forecasts, hierarchical forecasts meet aggregation
consistency, but always at the cost of prediction
accuracy. The mainstream hierarchical time series
forecasting methods include bottom-up, top-down,
and optimal combination (Athanasopoulos et al.,
2020). In terms of computational efficiency, the top-
down predictions have the highest efficiency.
2.2 Root Cause Analysis
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are important
monitoring metrics for enterprise operating, which
can be divided into sequences according to multiple
dimensions. For example, page click-through rate is
an important KPI for monitoring service performance
of some internet enterprises, whose dimensions are
usually operator and accessing region. When the
overall value of KPI (root node) is abnormal, how to
trace its cause at various dimensions (child node) is
the key to maintaining good enterprise operation. To
this, some related work has been carried out.
Adtributor is proposed to locate cause by computing
its explanatory power and surprise, assuming that the
disaggregation is in one dimension (Bhagwan et al.
2014). HotSpot is proposed to determine cause when
the relationships between the indicator with
dimensional combination and its child nodes meet the
condition of ripple effect (Sun et al. 2018). Squeeze
is proposed to locate anomaly in a generic and robust
way, based on novel searching strategy and
computation of generalized potential score (Li et al.
The existing root-cause analysis method is mainly
applied in the field of advertising system, industrial
maintenance and so on. However, the research on the
enterprise operating in the field of financial payment
is scarce. Besides, a simple forecasting model based
on time series analysis is mainly adopted in the
existing methods, assuming that the forecast value is
accurate. At this situation, considering the
characteristics of real enterprise operating indicator
data, the appropriate hierarchical forecasting method
is adopted for anomaly detection, and then is
combined with adtributor to quantify the effect of
multi-dimensional indicators to identify anomalies.
Enterprise operating indicator data usually have
characteristics of periodicity and seasonal pattern. In
view of these features, this paper combines the top-
down hierarchical forecasting and adtributor to form
a multi-dimensional analysis method for forecasting
and anomaly location on hierarchical time series. The
architecture of multi-dimensional analysis method is
shown in Figure 2. Firstly, the forecasts at various
level in hierarchy are obtained via modelling
historical data. Then, anomaly detection is conducted
with the forecast value at top level. Finally, locate
anomalous causes at lower level by calculating the
effect of the anomalous lower-level nodes in
To clearly introduce the method, a toy example
of hierarchical enterprise operating indicator data is
shown in Table 1. The total enterprise operating
indictor time series is aggregated into series with
multiple dimensions.
Table 1: Toy example of enterprise operating indicator.
Top High Bottom
total Dimension
0101 25 10 15 1 1 1 6
0102 27 11 16 1 1 2 7
1230 48 28 19 2 2 4 2
1231 50 30 20 3 3 5 2
Exploring Enterprise Operating Indicator Data by Hierarchical Forecasting and Root Cause Analysis
Figure 2: Multi-dimensional analysis on enterprise operating indicator.
3.1 Hierarchical Forecasting
In time series forecasting, hierarchical forecasting
method is applied in enterprise operating indicator
data, in order to meet their intrinsic aggregation
(1) Base forecasting
In order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency,
LightGBM (Ke et al. 2017) is adopted in time series
forecasting. The relevant experiments are shown in
section 4.3.1. LightGBM is an efficient gradient
boosting decision tree framework, which is widely
used in machine learning tasks. Its basic idea is to
combine several weak regression trees to build a
strong tree by boosting (Freund et al. 1996).
where x denotes training data, n denotes the number
of decision trees, and y denotes output of the model.
Especially, in order to ensure high training efficiency,
LightGBM uses histogram algorithm and leaf-wise
strategy with depth limit to greatly reduce memory
consumption. The historical time series are regard as
the training data. Besides, the multi-order delay, the
time whether it is a weekend and that whether it is a
holiday as the additional features, are also feed into
this model.
(2) Top-down based forecast allocation
The LightGBM model are respectively adopted in
predicting total series at top level, series at middle
level and bottom level. The proportion of forecast
allocation at all these levels are then obtained
according to the above predictions (Lapide et al.
2006). Then, based on the top-down strategy, the
forecasts at middle and bottom levels are updated via
multiplying the proportion by the prediction of total
time series at future time.
3.2 Root Cause Analysis
(1) Forecast based anomaly detection
In pervious part, the 95% confidence interval of the
forecast value are also computed. When real value
falls outside the confidence interval, the series at one
timestamp is remarked as anomaly.
(2) Quantification of anomalous effect
In this part, adtributor algorithm is used to identify the
time series under various dimensions at the anomalous
timestamps. Adtributor translates multi-dimensional
root cause identification problem into multiple one-
dimensional root cause location problems, and then
collects a set of anomaly elements under different
dimensions. The multi-dimensional analysis of
enterprise operating indicator can be naturally regarded
as drilling analysis of one-dimensional root cause at
multiple stages. Therefore, adtributor is suitable for
identifying the anomalous causes.
Based on adtributor, the anomalies are detected by
computing the explanatory power value of anomalous
time series at different level in hierarchy. The relevant
formula of explanatory power is as follows:
where i and j are the i-th dimension and the j-th of
sub-indicator. 𝑦
and 𝑦
are the predicted and the
real values of sub-indicator. y and y are the predicted
and the real value of indicator. The proportion of
fluctuations of the sub-indicator in indicator is likely
larger when the explanatory power value of sub-
indictor is larger.
In the drilling process, according to (2), the sub-
indicators’ explanatory power is obtained by using
their predicted and real values. All of the anomalous
sub-indicators can be located by comparing with the
predefined thresholds. Then, sort them in descending
order, and obtain the final results.
Hierarchical Forecasting
LightGBM based time
series forecasting
Top-down based forecast
Hierarchical forecasting
Root Cause Analysis
Forecast based root cause
Anomaly Detection
Quantification of
abnormal effect
Anomaly Root Cause
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
4.1 Data
We use the enterprise operating indicator data from a
financial technology company. Based on the relevant
business scenario, the data contains a hierarchical
structure with three levels: 1 series at top level, 2
series at middle level and 74 series at bottom level.
These levels’ dimensions are headquarter, type of
bank card and administration division, respectively.
The time length of all series is from January 1st, 2019
to July 31st, 2021. The observations are respectively
daily transaction count and transaction amount,
denoted by “count” and “amount”. The given
anomalous timestamp is April 18th, 2021. The related
events take place at that time, which results in the
decline of transaction count since that time. Due to
the data privacy, both of original data and results have
been processed in this paper.
4.2 Experimental Setup
The data during January 1st, 2019 to August 31st,
2020 is used for training, and that during September
1st, 2020 to July 31st, 2021 for testing. The predicted
values with 10 days are obtained by the forecasting
method at a time. Considering data privacy issues, we
use mean average absolute error (MAPE) as the
metric, which is commonly for evaluating time series
forecasting model (Wijaya et al., 2015). It can be
calculated as follows:
where N represents the size of test data. 𝑦
and 𝑦
real and forecasted values.
4.3 Experimental Results
The time series analysis of data is plotted in Figure
3. Obviously, the data have the seasonal pattern, and
tend to descend since mid-April due to the related
events. The decline also occurs nearby spring festival.
4.3.1 Comparison of Forecasting Methods
As described above, indicator varies with a certain
periodicity and scale. The time series forecasting
method with the common machine learning model are
choose as baselines. The statistical model SARIMA
(Box et al. 1976) is not considered here, due to its
expensive time cost. Thus in contrast experiment,
Lasso Regression(Tibshirani et al. 2011), XGBoost
(Chen et al. 2016) and LightGBM are compared in
terms of prediction accuracy. The data without
anomalies are used, whose time period is from 2019
and 2020. The contrast results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: The comparison of prediction accuracy obtained
by different forecasting methods.
Count Amount
Lasso Regression 4.49% 6.05%
XGBoost 3.85% 5.33%
LightGBM 3.51% 4.95%
In this table, we can see that LightGBM model
performs best on amount indicator and count
indicator. This means that LightGBM model with
historical data can obtain future trend.
In the following experiments, count indicator is
taken as example. From the perspective of anomaly
detection, regression and LightGBM model are
compared, whose results are plotted in Figure 4. From
this figure, we can see that LightGBM can detect the
anomalies since mid-April, while regression leave out
them. That illustrates that LightGBM has better
performance in anomaly detection.
Figure 3: Time series analysis plot of enterprise operating indicator data.
Exploring Enterprise Operating Indicator Data by Hierarchical Forecasting and Root Cause Analysis
The detection result based on Re
The detection result based on Li
Figure 4: The comparison of results by Regression and LightGBM on data since mid-April.
In consideration of the lagging effect of related
events that take place in mid-April, we evaluate the
performance of the LightGBM model on data in last-
May, by computing the corresponding forecast,
confidence interval and MAPE. The results are shown
in Table 3.
Table 3: Accuracy of LightGBM for total indicator.
Time Forecast Real Lower
0517 1.58 1.46 1.43 1.74 8.74%
0518 1.49 1.29 1.33 1.64 15.35%
0519 1.47 1.21 1.32 1.62 20.99%
0520 1.38 1.19 1.23 1.53 15.47%
From the tables, we can see that for the time on
last-May, some outliers can still be identified via
LightGBM, whose real values fall outside the
confidence interval. This is because LightGBM
model itself has the ability of noise resistance to some
degree, so that the model can still accurately capture
future pattern, even if there are noises in data. To sum
up, LightGBM is the most appropriate forecasting
model for enterprise operating indicator.
4.3.2 Root Cause Analysis
According to the description in section 3, after
detecting abnormal time of total indicator, the top-
down based forecast allocation is adopted to predicate
the sub-indicators during that time. The following
step is to apply root cause analysis algorithm to locate
anomalous indicators with the top several of
anomalous contributions. The results are shown in
Table 4 and Table 5. The effect represents the
explanatory power.
Table 4: Anomalous indicators at dimension of type of bank
Number Type of Bank Card MAPE Effect
1 A
18.57% 0.97
2 A
16.59% 0.03
In Table 4, we can see that the effect of the
indicator at dimension A
is higher. That means
indicator at dimension
is probably the anomalous
cause. Next, the cause location is conducted for the
indicators at dimension of administrative division. In
Table 5, we can find out the most five possible cause
with larger effect.
Table 5: Anomalous indicators at dimension of
administrative division.
Number Administrative
MAPE Effect
1 A
24.98% 0.12
2 A
20.41% 0.12
3 A
17.22% 0.08
4 A
18.96% 0.05
5 A
19.56% 0.05
Through the validation from the identified
branches respectively in
, A
, A
, A
, it is found that the results of the root cause
analysis model are in accordance with those derived
from expert experiences. These prove the
effectiveness of that the multi-dimensional analysis
method for root cause location.
In conclusion, the multi-dimensional analysis
method shows the good performance on hierarchical
forecasting and anomaly location on enterprise
operating indicator data, by effectively integrating the
suitable prediction model and quantification model
concerning the effect of sub- indicator on indicator.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
In order to strengthen the monitoring and analysis of
enterprise management and planning, this paper
introduces a multi-dimensional analysis method for
forecasting and anomaly locating hierarchical time
series, which is applied in real enterprise operating
indicators data. The suitable prediction model and
anomaly location model are adopted to automatically
identify anomalies from top to down in hierarchy.
Experimental results show that the multi-dimensional
analysis method has good performance on accuracy
of prediction and anomaly location. In future wok, we
will study on detecting of anomalous indicators with
more fine-grained indicator data.
This work was supported by the National Key
Research and Development Program of China
(2021YFC3300600), the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (92046024).
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Exploring Enterprise Operating Indicator Data by Hierarchical Forecasting and Root Cause Analysis