The Influence of Studying from Home, Stress Level, and Ability to
Use Technology toward Learning Achievement during the COVID-19
Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Dewi Nusraningrum
, Tri Mayang Mekar
and Fauziah Sh. Ahmad
Department of Management, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jl. Meruya Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Business, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Keywords: COVID19, Studying from Home (SFH), Ability to Use Technology, Stress Level, Learning Achievement.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused drastic changes to all aspects of life, including studying from home,
the ability to use technology, and learning achievement in Indonesia. This study aims to analyse the effects
of studying from home, the ability to use technology, and the level of stress on student learning achievement
in Indonesia during the pandemic, where all students must learn from home. Data collection was conducted
by issuing an online survey to 107 college students aged 18 to 55 in Indonesia. The data processing found
that studying from home had a significant influence on stress levels and the ability to use technology.
However, studying from home does not directly influence learning achievement, while stress and the ability
to use technology do not directly correlate with each other. Interestingly, the indirect effects of studying
from home on learning achievement are significant when stress and the ability to use technology mediate
the relationships. This indicates that, although the pandemic is stressful for students as it forces them to
isolate themselves at home and to miss out on face-to-face learning on campus, it has enhanced their ability
to use technology and thus positively reinforced learning achievement. The result indicates that, in terms of
learning achievement, students work “better under pressure” with their enhanced ability to use technology
resulting in improved learning achievements. Consequently, the increasing ability to use technology when
learning from home, the obstacles in knowledge transfer can run smoothly, and this hopefully reduces
students’ stress levels in the long term.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on
various sectors (Nurhayati et al., 2021). In order to
prevent transmission in schools, including
universities, the government of Indonesia has made
policies related to the prevention and handling of
COVID-19, including the Circular Letter No. 2 of
2020 on the Prevention and Handling of COVID-19
in the Kemendikbud Environment, Circular Letter
No. 3 of 2020, The Prevention of COVID-19 in the
Education Unit; Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 on the
Implementation of Education Policy in the
Emergency Period of the Spread of Coronavirus
Disease (COVID-19), which contains directions on
learning from home; and Circular Letter No. 15 of
2020, Guidelines for the Implementation of Studying
from Home in the emergency period of the spread of
COVID-19. Several problems arise in the teaching
and learning process, particularly relating to the use
of technology, stress levels, and achievements of
learning outcomes with changes from face-to-face
learning to distance learning through the use of
virtual networks (Allsopp et al., 2019). Another
concern is that limited Internet availability can be a
disadvantage for teachers and students (Prodjo,
2020). Limited ownership of computers/laptops and
problems with Internet access cause uneven access
to online learning.
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing uncertainty
around the world (Yin, 2018), so organizations need
Nusraningrum, D., Mekar, T. and Ahmad, F.
The Influence of Studying from Home, Stress Level, and Ability to Use Technology toward Learning Achievement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010899200003206
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2022), pages 57-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-567-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to develop innovative solutions in the face of
uncertainty (Teece & Leih, 2016). The use of
technology and the ability to use it can solve some
of the problems caused or exacerbated by the
pandemic (Yoo et al., 2010). As the locus of
innovation moves beyond the confines of a single
design hierarchy and the network evolves,
knowledge management and virtual teams need to be
coupled with new tools that can handle
heterogeneity and the dissemination of knowledge,
i.e., digitization to generate new experiences, new
processes, and new organizational forms using
technology (Yoo, 2012). The number of cases of
COVID-19 infection in Indonesia is existing, which
explains why studying from home continues.
Studying from home forces students and lecturers to
adopt new norms of learning, from face-to-face in
the classroom to online interaction, which is done
synchronously or asynchronously through the
learning media of YouTube, Google Meet, Zoom,
WhatsApp, and many other applications and
platforms. This requires reliable Internet access and
support, so that the teaching and learning process
becomes smoother.
Previous research mentioned that more electronic
learning resources available in foreign languages,
students’ ability to use technology causes less
inhibition of online learning, in addition to
communication, which takes a long time when
interacting online (Putri, 2020). Other research has
found that online learning improves students’ skills,
knowledge, and academic performance, but there is
no character development (Waruwu, 2020).
Learning from home can also contribute to mental
disorders as a result of major disasters having a
wider and longer impact compared to physical
injuries; attention to mental health is much less, both
in terms of procurement of personnel for planning
and resources (Allsopp et al., 2019). Students’
mental health, related to stress in relation to the
COVID-19 pandemic, affects their learning
achievement. Another research also found that the
learning process greatly influenced students’
learning achievement (Riswanto & Aryani,
2020).This research is particularly important
considering that the COVID-19 pandemic is still an
issue in Indonesia. The research results may shed
light on the situation to allow stakeholders to make
effective teaching and learning policies to address
pandemic-related issues and obstacles, especially for
higher education providers and students. Thus, this
research aims to analyze the influence of studying
from home, the ability to use technology, and stress
levels on students’ learning achievement during the
COVID-19 pandemic. This is a current gap in the
research that we want to find answers for. The
remainder of this article is structured as follows:
Section 2 contains theories that support the research
variables, and the research hypotheses; Section 3
gives the results of the research, in accordance with
the methodology used; Section 4 contains a
discussion of the research results; and Section 5
gives the study’s conclusions.
2.1 Studying from Home (SFH)
On 24 March 2020, a Circular Letter of the Minister
of Education 4/2020 was issued concerning the
Implementation of Education Policy in the
Emergency Period of the Spread of COVID-19. It
covered the home studying process, the basic spirit
of online studying, the focus of studying from home,
the activities and tasks of learning from home, as
well as the role of teachers in providing feedback.
The role of teachers is very important for managing
learning and ranges from planning, organizing,
actuating, and evaluating in order to improve the
effectiveness of the teaching and learning process
during the COVID-19 pandemic (Saifulloh &
Darwis, 2020). The quality of the information
system, the speed of the media response, and the
security of the system makes students satisfied with
studying online (Faoziah & Sembiring, 2017,
Pawirosumarto, 2016). All of these are part of the
organization’s service orientation, including
organizational policies, procedures, and practices
that encourage and maintain, employees’ good
behavior [Liang et al., 2020; Haniar et al., 2021].
The policy of learning from home opens up
opportunities for students to develop their potential
in terms of regulating themselves while also being a
way to protect themselves from COVID-19 (Huang
et al., 2020). China was the first country to
implement a school closure strategy to contain the
spread of the COVID-19 virus. Studying from home
has a number of aspects, including online learning,
online communication, online administration
services, online facilities, online assessment, online
troubleshooting, and available online guides.
2.2 Stress Level
The COVID-19 outbreak resulted in a psychological
crisis (Xiang et al., 2020) and psychological changes
such as depression, anxiety, and a feeling of
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
insecurity due to the fear of contracting it; this was
true for ordinary citizens as well as health workers
(Zhang, 2020). Isolation and quarantine experiences
lead to significant changes in terms of stress levels,
confusion, anger, and anxiety. Anxiety can occur
because a person has low self-esteem and therefore
lower performance (Nusraningrum, 2012). People
outside the quarantine area are afraid of contracting
COVID-19 because of limited or incorrect knowledge
(Brooks, 2020). Outbreaks of infections, such as
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), similar to
the COVID-19 pandemic, have given health workers
psychological burdens such as anxiety, depression,
panic attacks, and psychotic symptoms (Lai, 2019).
Stress levels have several indicators such as
flexibility, fair treatment, sufficient time to complete
tasks, sufficient equipment support, lack of conflict,
and good motivation.
2.3 Ability to Use Technology
The use of technology in modern learning systems is
inevitable, but there are still many students in
Indonesia who do not have the skills to use
technology adequately (Putri et al., 2020), and
became part of modern life (Nusraningrum et al,
2019). The use of modern technology and equipment
can improve students’ interactive learning, help
them to transfer knowledge more effectively, and is
easy, comfortable, and fast (Raja & Nagasubramani,
2020). The use of technology became an absolute
necessity when home learning policies were put in
place around the world to prevent the transmission
of COVID-19. This encouraged lecturers and
students to become proficient at using computers
and have a positive attitude, which are important
factors in their success (Gressard & Loyd, 1986,
Putri et al., 2020, Waruwu, 2020). Barriers to the use
of technology include the lack of time, lack of
access, lack of resources, lack of expertise, and lack
of support (Butler & Sellbom, 2002) as well as
incompatible hardware or software between school
and home, poor Internet connectivity, and outdated
software. The ability to use technology has several
indicators, such as the ability to use online
applications, the ability to conduct learning
processes with technology, the ability to solve online
technology problems, and the ability to develop
creativity using technology and media.
2.4 Learning Achievement
Education develops an understanding of vision and
motivation to behave in accordance with objectives
(Nusraningrum, 2018). The Learning outcomes are
measurable achievements based on students’ ability
to comprehend learning stimuli and demonstrate
related knowledge, skills, and abilities. Internal
conditions interact with surface conditions during
the learning and interaction process, resulting in
learning achievement (Syaiful, 2012). There is a
useful and significant correlation, both direct and
indirect, between learning creativity, the use of
instructional media, and learning achievement
(Tirtarahardja & La Sulo, 2012). The results of
teachers’ assessment of students, based on research,
has a significant correlation with improved student
achievement (Wayne & Youngs, 2003). Outside
influences such as the teacher, family, and
classmates do not affect students’ learning
achievements, so teachers must create new learning
innovations to increase students’ motivation to
achieve (Fitriwati, 2018). Learning achievement is a
result of changes in behavior based on a person’s
ability (Nusraningrum, 2017). Student learning
achievement indicators cover the following: learning
evaluation in accordance with ability can help
students complete a given task, the resulting task
quality, and evaluations in accordance with the
applicable regulations.
Hypothesis 1 (H1): Studying from home
significantly affects stress
Hypothesis 2 (H2): Studying from home
significantly affects the ability
to use technology.
Hypothesis 3 (H3): Stress level significantly affect
learning achievement.
Hypothesis 4 (H4): The ability to use technology
significantly affects learning
Hypothesis 5 (H5): Studying from home
significantly affects learning
Hypothesis 6 (H6): The ability to use technology
significantly affects stress
Hypothesis 7 (H7): Stress significantly affects the
ability to use technology.
This research was causal and quantitative and done
through field experiments. The data were collected
The Influence of Studying from Home, Stress Level, and Ability to Use Technology toward Learning Achievement during the COVID-19
Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
through an online survey. Survey instruments are
typically in the form of self-administered
questionnaires (Sugiyono, 2019). The hypotheses
were tested by analysing the data via a statistical
approach. This study is cross-sectional and the data
were gathered just once over a period of weeks. The
data were collected using a questionnaire with a
purposive sampling technique. The population are
students in higher education who have studied at
home. The data collection was from December 2020
to March 2021. The number of samples was decided
based on the theory of (Hair et al., 2017), i.e., the
number of indicators multiplied by 10 for a total of
200. The data were analysed using Structural
Equation Modelling and Partial Least Squares 3.0
The majority of respondents were women (59.8%)
and that most lived in Jakarta (48%). The largest age
bracket was 18–25 years old (69.16%), and the
majority are still in semester 5 (8.88%) with a
bachelor’s degree. The type of college was generally
private (98.1%) and 71% of respondents had been
studying from home for over 12 months.
The results of the frequency distribution average
value of the studying from home variable of 3.25,
which demonstrates that the respondents’ attitude
toward studying from home was neutral in general.
It can be said that the indicator with the lowest value
for the studying from home variable was “absorb the
material being taught properly like learning in class”
with a value of 2.56 and the highest was for
“assessment of learning achievement is still carried
out during SFH” and “the management provides
teaching and learning SOPs during SFH” with a
value of 3.64. This indicates that assessment and
standard operating procedures are seen by the
respondents as the main indicators of studying from
The result of the frequency distribution average
value of stress variable is 3.16, which demonstrates
that the respondents value their stress is neutral in
general. It can be said that the indicator producing
the lowest value for the stress variable is “avoid
stress because the burden placed on it still feels fair
and reasonable, the same as before SFH” with a
value of 2.52 and the highest indicator are “no stress
at SFH because you don’t have personal problems
with your family” with a value of 3.60. This
indicates that “no stress at SFH because you do not
have personal problems with your family” is seen by
the respondents as the primary indicator of stress.
The average value of the ability to use
technology variable is 3.64, which demonstrates that
the respondents value their ability to use technology
in general. The indicator with the lowest value for
the ability to use technology variable is “have
learning experience with online applications prior to
SFH” with a value of 3.43 and the highest is “stay
creative by using various media/supporting
technology for the success of the learning process”
with a value of 3.71. This indicates that “stay
creative by using various media/supporting
technology for the success of the learning process”
is seen by the respondents as the primary indicator
of ability to use technology.
The average value of the learning achievement
variable is 3.48, which demonstrates that the
respondents place neutral value on their learning
achievement in general. The indicator with the
lowest value for learning achievement variable is
“still be able to complete tasks of the same quality
before SFH” with a value of 3.40 and the highest is
“the results of evaluating online learning activities
that have been carried out are in accordance with the
provisions of the campus” with a value of 3.59. This
indicates that “the results of evaluating online
learning activities that have been carried out are in
accordance with the provisions of the campus” is
seen by the respondents as the primary indicator of
learning achievement.
Figure 1: Path Analysis Outer Loadings Output 1.
It can be seen from Figure 1 that all variables
indicators have outer loadings above 0.5, except for
SFH3, SFH4, SFH5, SFH7, and SS1. Indicators that
have outer loadings lower than 0.5 will be
eliminated. In the second output of Figure 2, all of
the indicators have outer loadings higher than 0.5.
This means that all of the indicators are valid.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Figure 2: Path Analysis Outer Loadings Output 2.
Based on the output of the discriminant validity test
of the modified model of each of the indicator’s
outer loadings on the associated constructs exceeds
its cross-loadings. Thus, it can be concluded that
studying from home, stress, the ability to use
technology, and learning achievement constructs
have no discriminant validity problem.
Table 1 demonstrates that each variable had
Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values
higher than 0.6, with ability to use technology values
the highest and stress values the lowest.
Table 1: Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability.
Studying from Home 0.732 0.741
Stress level 0.688 0.702
Ability to Use Technology 0.851 0.867
Learning Achievement 0.713 0.744
The relationship between constructs according to
the R
value is as follows:
a) The R
value of the stress variable was 0.731.
This means that 73.1% of the stress variable
was contributed by studying from home.
b) The R
value of ability to use technology was
0.811. This means that 81.1% of the ability to
use technology variable was contributed by
studying from home.
c) The R
value of learning achievement was
0.803. This means that 80.3% of the learning
achievement variable was contributed by
studying from home.
Table 2: Hypothesis testing.
t-statistic p-value
Direct Effect
studying from home →
0.126 2.321 0.021
stress learning
0.031 2.421 0.013
studying from home →
learning achievement
0.041 1.764 0.083
studying from home →
ability to use technology
0.443 2.521 0.014
ability to use technology
→ learning achievement
0.019 2.316 0.019
stress ability to use
0.041 1.432 0.156
ability to use technology
→ stress
0.132 1.023 0.431
Indirect Effect
studying from home →
0.126 2.321 0.021
stress learning
0.031 2.421 0.013
studying from home →
stress ability to use
technology learning
0.008 2.391 0.016
studying from home →
ability to use technology
stress learning
0.268 2.761 0.006
In this study, out of the seven hypotheses there were
four significant hypotheses and three insignificant
hypotheses. The standard error used was 0.05 or 5%;
when the value is below 0.05, it expresses
significance. Indirect effect testing or intervening
hypothesis on stress level, and the ability to use
technology on learning achievement have a positive
and significant relationship.
1) The effect of studying from home on students’
stress level was proven to be positive and
significant. This finding reinforces the results
of previous studies found that studying from
home during the COVID-19 pandemic allowed
students to manage themselves to avoid
contracting COVID-19 (Huang, et al., 2020),
and that studying from home affected stress
levels. Studying from home gives students
experience of isolation and quarantine, which
causes confusion, anger, and anxiety about
contracting COVID-19, often due to incorrect
knowledge (Arifa, 2020).
The Influence of Studying from Home, Stress Level, and Ability to Use Technology toward Learning Achievement during the COVID-19
Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
2) Similarly, the effect of studying from home on
the ability to use technology was also found to
be positive and significant. Studying from
home encourages lecturers and students to be
more proficient at using information and
communication-technology and these also
enhance teaching and learning processes
(Chizmar et al., 1986). Stated that the use of
technology became an absolute necessity when
home learning policies were accepted around
the world to prevent the transmission of
COVID-19 (Huang et al., 2020).
3) The effect of stress level on learning
achievement was proven to be positive and
significant, and our findings reinforced the
results of previous studies. Stress responses
such as confusion, anxiety, and anger while in
quarantine situations due to COVID-19 have
been significantly beneficial in terms of
generating creativity and learning achievement
(Tirtarahardja & La Sulo, 2012). This
correlation was useful for improving learning
achievement (Wayne & Youngs, 2003). The
experiences of isolation and quarantine cause
significant changes in the stress levels of
learners and teachers due to confusion, anger,
anxiety, and fear of contracting the disease.
Nonetheless, the experience has caused
learners to take charge of their education and
be more responsible for their learning process,
including the usage of instructional media
either directly or indirectly related to learning
4) The positive effect of ability to use technology
on learning achievement has been proven to be
significant and this finding is in line with the
results of previous studies. The use of modern
technology can improve students’ interactions
and allow them to explore more interesting
areas as well as to transfer their knowledge
more effectively. It can also make their work
easy, comfortable, and faster (Raja &
Nagasubramani, 2020), resulting in higher
learning achievement (Syaiful, 2012). An
increasingly connected world with
unpredictable possibilities (Robbins et al.,
2021) requires students to improve their ability
to use technology to lower their stress levels
and attain higher learning achievement.
5) The effect of studying from home on learning
achievement was proven to be positive and
significant, which reinforced the results of
previous studies. Studying from home is an
opportunity for students to increase their
potential and self-motivation and at the same
time protect themselves from COVID-19
(Robbins et al., 2021). This significantly
increases learning creativity and both directly
and indirectly correlates with learning
achievement (Tirtarahardja & La Sulo, 2012);
based on earlier research, it has a significant
correlation with improved student achievement
(Wayne & Youngs, 2003).
6) The effect of ability to use technology on stress
level was proven to be positive and significant;
this finding reinforces the results of previous
studies. The use of technology in modern
learning systems can improve student
interaction, help them to transfer knowledge
more effectively, and is easy, convenient, and
fast (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2020). So, when
students have to be isolated because of
studying from home, the ability to use
information technology can mitigate the stress
related to confusion, anger, and anxiety about
contracting COVID-19 (Arifa, 2020).
7) The effect of stress on the ability to use
technology was proven to be positive and
significant; this reinforces the results of
previous studies. Stress caused by isolation at
home can prompt students to develop the
ability to use technology to overcome problems
that arise when learning from home (Chizmar
& Williams, 2001). This encourages lecturers
and students to become proficient at using
computers; the positive attitude and reliability
of lecturers in terms of the use of computers is
a success factor for teaching (Gressard & Loyd,
1986; Putri et al., 2020; Waruwu, 2020).
The effect of studying from home on stress level,
ability to use technology, and learning achievement
is positive and significant, indicating that the
COVID-19 pandemic has forced students to cope
with isolation and embrace the new norms of a
virtual learning environment. Similarly, the ability to
use technology must be strengthened in order for the
learning process to run smoothly. Apparently,
despite the stressful situation, the data indicate that
students manage to handle the technological
challenges and improve their learning achievement.
When students are under pressure to learn from
home, they manage to cope and improve their ability
to use the technology. The business environment is
volatile and constantly changing due to the COVID-
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
19 pandemic. Changes are happening very quickly,
especially in terms of digital use, and more activities
are done at home, which requires new ways of
thinking, creativity, and appropriate innovations to
adapt to new situations. This is crucial for students
and educational institutions to maximize their
improvement and output.
Future areas of research that we recommend are:
1) Lecturers must be creative in terms of online
teaching and delivery so that students can
embrace the learning process and absorb
knowledge effectively. Although virtual, the
learning experience must still be enjoyable and
meaningful. The stresses related to learning
from home can be mitigated through coping
mechanisms as well as a user-friendly
environment. The evaluation of learning should
be adjusted to the conditions so that students
can still excel.
2) With the change from face-to-face learning to
remote learning, the quality of experience for
stakeholders, i.e., students, should not change
under any circumstances.
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