Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification
Ingrid Hrga
and Marina Ivasic-Kos
Faculty of Informatics, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Rovinjska 14, Pula, Croatia
Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Radmile Matejčić 2, Rijeka, Croatia
Keywords: Data Augmentation, Image Classification, Transfer Learning.
Abstract: Data augmentation encompasses a set of techniques to increase the size of a dataset artificially. Insufficient
training data means that the network will be susceptible to the problem of overfitting, leading to a poor
generalization capability of the network. Therefore, research efforts are focused on developing various
augmentation strategies. Simple affine transformations are commonly used to expand a set. However, more
advanced methods, such as information dropping or random mixing, are becoming increasingly popular. We
analyze different data augmentation techniques suitable for the image classification task in this paper. We
investigate how the choice of a particular approach affects the classification results depending on the size of
the training dataset, the type of transfer learning applied, and the task's difficulty, which we determine based
on the objectivity or subjectivity of the target attribute. Our results show that the choice of augmentation
method becomes crucial in the case of more challenging tasks, especially when using a pre-trained model as
a feature extractor. Moreover, the methods that showed above-average results on smaller sets may not be the
optimal choice on a larger set and vice versa.
Data augmentation has become an integral part of
almost every machine learning pipeline because
modern deep neural networks require many training
examples. Larger training sets enable them to
generalize better, i.e., successfully applying what has
been learned to new data, as the ultimate learning
goal. Although approaches based on unsupervised,
semi-supervised, or self-supervised learning are
increasingly being developed, most tasks are still
based on supervised learning, which requires training
samples of data and associated labels.
Various large data sets, such as ImageNet (Deng,
J. et al., 2009), of labeled images depicting everyday
scenes, have been collected and made available to the
public, which ultimately enabled advances in
computer vision. Still, such data sets often do not
meet the real-world needs of many domains with
specific data requirements. Moreover, collecting and
labeling new data is often difficult or impossible,
sometimes due to various restrictions, e.g., GDPR
(Regulation (EU) 2016/679) or because the labeling
process requires expert knowledge. And the lack of
data in sufficient quantity and quality sometimes sets
a barrier to greater adoption of deep models.
Even when there are no such constraints, large
amounts of data are needed to cover variations of
objects depicted in a scene. For example, in an image
recognition task, the problem of different lighting,
occlusion, size, or relationships is often present.
However, the human perception is much less
susceptible to such disturbances allowing them to
recognize a scene in just a fraction of a second (Fei-
Fei, L. et al., 2007; Hrga, I., & Ivašić-Kos, M., 2019).
In contrast, computers have only pixel values at their
disposal. Nonetheless, an image recognition system
should recognize objects correctly regardless of their
size, color, or where they are in the image. And with
a more extensive set of data, the likelihood that the
model will capture the necessary variation during
training also increases. Therefore, it is common for
more learning data to provide a better model (Shorten,
C., & Khoshgoftaar, T. M., 2019).
Hrga, I. and Ivasic-Kos, M.
Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification Results.
DOI: 10.5220/0010883800003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 660-667
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper analyzes different data augmentation
techniques suitable for the image classification task.
We investigate how the choice of a particular method
affects the classification results depending on the size
of the training set, the type of transfer learning
applied, and the difficulty of the task. Furthermore,
we determine the difficulty of the task based on the
objectivity or subjectivity of the target attribute.
The issue of subjectivity often comes to the fore
when dealing with images of people, often used in a
wide range of different systems, such as
identification, surveillance, or smart home systems,
and areas such as medicine, sports, or fashion.
Sometimes classification is facilitated because an
explicit part of the image can be referenced when
deciding on a label. However, in the case of more
subjective attributes, such as beauty, youth, or
emotional states, it is usually necessary to consider
multiple aspects of the image when making a
decision. It is not easy to reach a consensus even
among humans when it comes to such attributes.
The paper is structured as follows: after the
introductory part, we outline some of the most used
augmentation techniques for image classification in
the second section. In parallel, we provide an
overview of the related work. The third section
presents the methods employed in our research and
the experimental setup. The classification results are
shown in the fourth section, where we also interpret
the observed outcomes. Finally, in the last section, we
conclude and propose guidelines for future work.
Data augmentation encompasses a set of techniques
to increase the size of a data set artificially. However,
insufficient training data means the model will be
susceptible to overfitting, leading to a poor
generalization capability. Furthermore, because of
many degrees of freedom, the model can memorize
the training data instead of learning how to solve a
task. High-capacity neural networks with millions of
parameters, such as modern Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), are particularly prone to this
There are various ways to alleviate overfitting.
One is to constrain the model with regularization
techniques, such as dropout (Srivastava, N. et al.,
2014). Transfer learning is also one way to take
advantage of small learning set by using a pre-trained
network. However, it is common for more learning
data to give a better model (Shorten, C., &
Khoshgoftaar, T. M., 2019), so the first choice to
reduce overfitting is to collect additional data. When
it is impossible to collect new data, it is necessary to
use the existing data more effectively, e.g., by
applying some of the data augmentation techniques.
The data augmentation techniques commonly
used in computer vision can be categorized into those
that apply transformations to existing images and
those that create new images (Shorten, C., &
Khoshgoftaar, T. M., 2019). A special group consists
of augmentation methods derived from Neural
Architecture Search (NAS) to learn an optimal
augmentation policy. The following sections explain
selected methods in more detail.
2.1 Data Augmentation Techniques
That Transform Existing Images
Some of the popular choices in this group are
geometric or color transformations and information-
dropping techniques.
a) Simple geometric and color transformations
have become an integral part of most data processing
pipelines because they are effective (Perez, L., &
Wang, J., 2017), computationally rather simple, and
relatively safe to apply. In addition, if used in a
limited range, they generally do not affect the class
label. However, such transformations do not produce
a completely new image, so the diversity they add to
the data set is relatively small.
The standard set of operations involves, for
example, random cropping, scaling, translation, or
rotation. Color transformations that adjust brightness,
contrast, hue, or saturation are slightly less common,
while spatial transformations that deform objects are
rarer in applications. One of the earlier significant
applications of simple image augmentations is
(Krizhevsky, A. et al., 2012).
b) Information dropping techniques transform
images by removing some of the information they
contain. They can encompass simple operations, such
as adding noise, removing colors, or dropping color
channels, and various methods that involve masking
parts of the image, which have recently become
increasingly popular. The dropout technique for
regularization inspires those methods. Dropout
stochastically drops network units during training to
prevent co-adaptation while augmentation
approaches for information dropping act only on the
input layer to remove one or more image areas
(Shorten, C., & Khoshgoftaar, T. M., 2019).
Information dropping techniques contribute to the
increase in robustness (Chen, P. et al., 2020) because
Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification Results
the model is forced to take into consideration also the
context. Therefore, they are especially suitable for
tasks such as classification or object detection when
occlusion occurs (Chen, P. et al., 2020).
Cutout (DeVries, T., & Taylor, G. W., 2017)
masks a randomly selected square area of the image
with random values, while Random erasing (Zhong,
Z. et al., 2020) randomly masks a rectangular area of
the image. Different from them, Hide and seek
(Singh, K. K. et al., 2018) randomly selects multiple
parts to hide, and then the network is forced to search
for relevant information throughout the image.
Finally, a somewhat different approach takes Grid
Mask (Chen, P. et al., 2020). The method hides
evenly spaced square regions whose size can be
adjusted to help preserve important information
crucial for the final decision, making the task more
difficult but not impossible.
2.2 Data Augmentation Techniques
That Create New Images
The techniques that create new images can be divided
into those that involve learning (e.g., GANs) and
those without learning (e.g., mixing images).
a) Image mixing techniques have proven
successful in various tasks, although the resulting
images are less understandable to humans (Shorten,
C., & Khoshgoftaar, T. M., 2019) and is more
challenging to ensure the preservation of class labels.
In essence, they randomly select two or more images
of the same or different classes and then blend them
or cut and combine parts of different images into a
new one.
Sample pairing (Inoue, H., 2018) mixes two
randomly selected images by averaging their pixel
values, and the new image simply gets the class label
of the first image. The technique has been shown to
improve accuracy, especially in the case of a small
training set. Mixup (Zhang, H. et al., 2017) creates a
new image based on two images with different labels
and performs the linear interpolation of both of them.
Interpolation weights are randomly chosen from the
beta distribution. Finally, random image cropping and
patching (RICAP) (Takahashi, R. et al., 2019) creates
a new image by randomly taking four images, cutting
a patch from each one, and transferring it to the new
image. In addition to images, the method also mixes
class labels.
b) Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn
the distribution of a dataset. By sampling from the
learned distribution, new synthetic examples can be
generated that are very similar to the original dataset.
Numerous network variations have been proposed,
and in the context of data augmentation, GANs can
be used to generate new data based on a specific
dataset (Frid-Adar, M. et al., 2018) or to generate
transformed data directly (Antoniou, A. et al., 2017).
GANs can also be trained to transfer the style of one
image to another image (Isola, P. et al., 2017; Karras,
T. et al., 2019).
2.3 Data Augmentation Techniques
Inspired by Neural Architectural
A special group of augmentation techniques
automates finding the optimal data augmentation
policy. They are inspired by Neural architecture
search (NAS), where reinforcement learning and
evolution strategies have been employed to learn
optimal network topology for a given task (Cubuk, E.
D. et al., 2020). Similarly, learning an optimal
augmentation policy improves accuracy and
robustness (Cubuk, E. D. et al., 2020), although
additional steps increase complexity and
computational costs.
Smart augmentation (Lemley, J. et al., 2017) uses
two networks. The augmentation network learns to
generate augmented images by merging several
examples of the same class. Those examples are then
used to train a second, task-specific network.
Autoaugment (Cubuk, E. D. et al., 2019) uses
reinforcement learning to find an optimal
augmentation policy. For each image from a training
batch, a sub-policy determines the transformations to
apply and their settings. A search algorithm selects
among many sub-policies that will result in the best
validation accuracy for the selected data set.
RandAugment (Cubuk, E. D. et al., 2020) simplifies
automation of the augmentation process by reducing
the search space using a simple grid-search strategy.
In addition, two parameters can be used to adjust the
number of augmentations and their magnitude.
3.1 Dataset
We base our experiments on the CelebA (Liu, Z. et
al., 2015) dataset, consisting of more than 200k
images of celebrities. Every image is annotated with
40 attributes. Of these, we selected two attributes for
two different binary classification tasks.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
We chose "Mouth Slightly Open" as an example
of an objective attribute, i.e., with a clear
representation in the image, and "Attractive" as a
highly subjective attribute because it can hardly be
associated with just one part of the image. The
attributes are roughly equally represented in the
The set is already split into training, validation,
and test sets. We did not use all the training data as
this would significantly slow down the experiments,
for which a standard laptop with a single GPU was
used. Instead, we extracted three training subsets
from the original training set to compare the impact
of each augmentation technique with the change in
the data set size. The first training set consists of
50,000 images selected by random selection. From
them, we created two additional subsets of 10,000 and
1,000 images so that the smaller subset is always the
proper subset.
Figure 1: Augmentations used in our experiments. From the
top row to the bottom row: no augmentation, simple affine
transformations, more aggressive affine transformations,
information dropping, Mixup, RandAugment.
3.2 Augmentation Techniques
All image transformations were performed using the
Imgaug library (Jung, A. B. et al., 2020). The original
images have a resolution of 178x218 pixels. Since the
pre-trained CNN model requires inputs to be 224x224
pixels in size, all images were resized first. For the
experiments, we chose the following augmentations
and their settings (Figure 1):
1. Simple affine transformations (we refer to them
as AF(s)) with a limited range of settings and applied
in a deterministic order: scale (0.85, 1.15), translate
px (-20, 20), rotate (-15, 15), flip left-right with
probability p=0.5.
2. Affine transformations (AF) with more
aggressive settings. For each image, between 0 and 4
transformations were selected and applied in a
random order: scale (0.5, 1.5), translate px (-20, 20),
rotate (-25, 25), flip left-right with probability p=0.5.
Additionally, a fill color for the background is also
randomly chosen when needed. Although images in
the original dataset are cropped and aligned, the
background is still visible and shows strong
variability, predominantly in color.
3. As a representative of the information-dropping
technique (CUT), we used a variation of the Hide and
seek and Cutout. Every image was masked with a
randomly selected number of rectangles, from one to
five, filled with a color chosen from black, white, or
shades of gray. The size of rectangles varied between
0.1 and 0.4 relative to the image size.
4. Mixup (MIX) interpolates two images and their
labels by sampling from the mixup vicinal
distribution (Zhang, H. et al., 2017):
 (1)
𝑦′ 𝜆𝑦
, for 𝛼∈
where 𝑥
and 𝑥
are original images, 𝑦
and 𝑦
their respective labels, 𝑥′ and 𝑦′ are interpolated
image and label, 𝜆 is the interpolation weight, 𝛼 is a
mixup hyper-parameter, which controls the
interpolation strength. For mixup, we set 𝛼1.
5. RandAugment (RND) is applied with a group
of settings suggested by the authors (Cubuk, E. D. et
al., 2020). Parameter 𝑛 represents the number of
transformations applied to an image, and 𝑚
represents the magnitude for all the transformations,
with 𝑚0 being the weakest. We set 𝑛2, and
𝑚9. When needed, the background is filled with
medium gray.
3.3 Classification
We used MobileNet v3 small (Howard, A. et al.,
2019) for the classification task. The network was
pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, so we adapted
the classification layer to the binary classification
task. We chose a smaller CNN network because the
paper aims not to achieve the highest classification
Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification Results
accuracy but to compare augmentation techniques
under controlled settings. Moreover, although various
architectures have specialized for facial analysis
(Schroff, Kalenichenko & Philbin, 2015; Han et al.,
2017; Jang, Gunes, & Patras, 2019), we opted for a
general-purpose network to leave more room to spot
differences between augmentation methods.
Since ImageNet contains images of people, we did
not train the models from scratch but used transfer
learning in two ways. First, we trained only the
classifier layer on the CelebA set when the model was
used as a feature extractor. Then, we fine-tuned the
entire model on the CelebA dataset in the second
case. We used Adam optimizer (Kingma, D. P., & Ba,
J., 2014) with a learning rate of 0.0005 in the first and
0.00002 in the second case. We trained the models for
20 epochs on datasets consisting of 1,000, 10,000,
and 50,000 examples, with five different
augmentation techniques and without augmentation.
For every attribute combination, dataset size, type of
transfer learning, and augmentation technique, we
chose the model with the highest validation accuracy,
resulting in 72 models. We tested on the entire
original test set and calculated the accuracy and F1
for each model. We consider classification with the
"Mouth Slightly Open" attribute as the target class to
be an easier task.
The classification results are shown in Table 1. It can
be observed that generally better results were
achieved with the “Mouth Slightly Open” (MSO)
attribute as the target class than with “Attractive”
(ATT). The maximum accuracy and F1 scores were
achieved on the 50k dataset and fine-tuning. In the
case of MSO, the scores are 92.96% and 92.79%,
respectively, while for ATT, the scores are 82.15%
and 82.39%. Also, the entire range of accuracy or F1
values in the case of MSO is larger, which indicates
that the size of the dataset contributed more
significantly to the result of MSO than of ATT. For
instance, the difference in percentage points between
the total achieved minimum and maximum accuracy
for MSO is 25.28, while for ATT, it is only 5.88.
If taking into account the size of the training set
and the type of transfer learning, then the difference
between the best and the worst augmentation results
in the case of MSO and feature extraction (FE) is
larger for the largest set (4.21 points difference in F1
and 3.61 in accuracy). At the same time, fine-tuning
(FT) is the smallest for the largest set (0.88 points in
both accuracy and F1). Similar can be observed for
the ATT attribute, although with a smaller range of
values. That was expected because the influence of
the pre-training set is significant in the case of feature
Suppose standardizing the results by considering
the target attribute, transfer type, and dataset size to
track how the relationship between individual
augmentation techniques changes with a change in
dataset size. It can be observed that this relationship
remains fairly constant for the combination of ATT
and FE. AF(s) lags behind other techniques, while
RND scores above average. For the combination of
ATT and FT, there is a greater change in the
relationship between individual augmentation
techniques. This change is more significant at the
transition from a set size of 1k to 10k than 10k to 50k.
In the case of the smallest set, AF stands out, and with
the larges set, CUT and NOAUG produced the
highest scores. It is noticeable that CUT and MIX
improved and gained more importance with the
increase in data set size.
In the case of MSO and FE, the situation is
unclear. The results are quite uneven, and there is no
single best option, as it varies with data set size and
transfer learning type, except that AF(s) still
produced the worst results. Although the relationship
between individual techniques is somewhat similar to
that found in ATT, when fine-tuning (FT), the
augmentation techniques showed a change that
differs from what was observed in ATT.
It is interesting to note that the best results in the
case of MSO and FE are those achieved without
augmentation. FT is the opposite, where the best
results were achieved by somewhat more aggressive
affine transformations (AF) and a variant of the
information dropping technique (CUT). It is even
more noticeable how MIX improved from the worst
result on the smallest set to the best on the largest set.
In general, MIX improves with increasing set
size and has shown the largest regularization effect
among the tested techniques. With fine-tuning of
other hyperparameters, MIX could bring additional
Although the relationship between individual
augmentations changes with the change in dataset
size, this change expressed in accuracy or F1 scores
becomes smaller as the dataset increases, especially
with fine-tuning. Increasing the size above 10k for
MSO had virtually no significant impact on the
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Accuracy and F1scores for the selected augmentation techniques for combinations of transfer learning type and
training dataset size. Best scores are marked with *.
“Mouth Slightly Open”
Augmentation FE 1k FE 10k FE 50k
FT 1k FT 10k FT 50k FE 1k FE 10k FE 50k FT 1k FT 10k FT 50k
AF(S) 0.6768 0.7038 0.7070 0.8295 0.9057 0.9228 0.6638 0.6898 0.6879 0.8099 0.9021 0.9217
AF *0.7007 0.7264 0.7397 *0.8458 *0.9154 0.9272 0.6708 0.7083 0.7226 0.8302 *0.9128 0.9251
CUT 0.6887 0.7186 0.7318 0.8430 0.9104 0.9263 0.6815 0.6870 0.7190 *0.8319 0.9072 0.9243
MIX 0.6938 0.7210 0.7350 0.8279 0.9121 *0.9296 0.6697 0.6982 0.7097 0.8210 0.9082 *0.9279
NOAUG 0.6977 *0.7337 *0.7432 0.8401 0.9067 0.9208 *0.6825 *0.7123 0.7300 0.8288 0.9035 0.9191
RND 0.6961 0.7285 0.7383 0.8406 0.9094 0.9227 0.6865 0.7023 *0.7245 0.8272 0.9067 0.9209
Accuracy F1
Augmentation FE 1k FE 10k FE 50k
FT 1k FT 10k FT 50k FE 1k FE 10k FE 50k FT 1k FT 10k FT 50k
AF(S) 0.7626 0.7688 0.7688 0.7869 0.8036 0.8162 0.7651 0.7710 0.7803 0.7883 0.7954 0.8126
AF 0.7686 0.7780 0.7780 *0.7935 0.8111 0.8203 0.7736 0.7869 0.7865 *0.7979 0.8112 0.8192
CUT *0.7688 0.7790 0.7790 0.7839 *0.8115 0.8193 0.7743 0.7867 *0.7901 0.7884 0.8133 *0.8239
MIX 0.7635 0.7769 0.7769 0.7793 0.8068 0.8207 0.7676 0.7774 0.7853 0.7793 *0.8142 0.8191
NOAUG 0.7672 0.7786 0.7786 0.7820 0.8078 *0.8215 0.7730 0.7850 0.7883 0.7837 0.8105 0.8237
RND 0.7662 *0.7813 *0.7813 0.7913 0.8099 0.8196 *0.7759 *0.7884 0.7900 0.7939 0.8140 0.8212
Figure 2: Standardized F1 scores. The top row shows the classification results with the target attributes "Mouth Slightly
Open" (left) and "Attractive" (right) expressed in F1 values standardized by the target attribute. The bottom row shows F1
scores normalized by attribute and transfer learning type.
Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification Results
For comparison, Table 2 shows the results of
selected state-of-the-art models tested on the CelebA
dataset. These models specialize in various facial
analysis tasks, and each of them uses certain
architecture specifics, e.g., (Sharma & Foroosh,
2020) proposed special slim modules to achieve
computational efficiency. Some models (Han et al.,
2017; Jang, Gunes, & Patras, 2019) use additional
sets of facial images for training, while others (Rudd,
Günther, & Boult, 2016; Hand, & Chellappa, 2017)
use multitask learning to take advantage of all
available attributes at the same time. In addition,
some models use image augmentation extensively
(Jang, Gunes, & Patras, 2019), while others do not use
it at all (Rudd, Günther, & Boult, 2016). It can be
observed that the results achieved in our experiments
are still comparable. However, a general-purpose
network was used without any special adjustments. It
was trained on a subset of the CelebA training set,
while others are trained on the entire CelebA training
Table 2: Accuracy on the CelebA test set of selected models
specialized for facial analysis. For comparison, our best
results were achieved on the 50k dataset with fine-tuning
and CUT augmentation for ATT and MIX for MSO
LNet + ANet (Liu et al., 2015) 0.8100 0.9200
Moon (Rudd, Günther, & Boult,
0.8167 0.9354
MCNN + AUX (Hand, &
Chellappa, 2017)
0.8306 0.9374
Han et al., 2017
0.8500 0.9400
Face-SSD (Jang, Gunes, &
Patras, 2019
0.8130 0.9190
Slim-CNN (Sharma & Foroosh,
0.8285 0.9379
Our (FT 50k CUT/MIX) 0.8239 0.9279
* All results are from original papers.
Facial image analysis is often performed
automatically in systems used in various application
domains, so it is important to be aware of all the
factors influencing the outcome.
In this paper, we analyzed the influence of
augmentation techniques on the results of face image
classification by comparing five augmentation
techniques with training without image augmentation
on datasets of three sizes and using two variants of
transfer learning. In addition, we took into account
the objectivity or subjectivity of the target attribute.
The results show that simple affine
transformations applied with a small magnitude did
not prove useful enough. At the same time, mixing
images gained importance with the increase of dataset
size, especially with fine-tuning. Mixing images also
showed the strongest regularization effect. However,
due to the uniformity of the scenes and the lack of
typical problems, such as occlusion, the information
dropping technique has not come to the fore enough,
so similar research should also be conducted on
images of more complex scenes.
Noticeably, with the change in training set size,
especially with fine-tuning, the relationship between
individual augmentation techniques changes,
indicating that those that showed above-average
results on smaller sets may not be the optimal choice
on a larger set and vice versa.
Also, there is a noticeable difference in the results
concerning the target attribute. In the case of an easier
task, there is less variation of the classification scores
than in the case of a more subjective target attribute,
suggesting that the augmentations should be chosen
more carefully in the latter case.
However, in total, with the increase in the set size,
the difference in the achieved accuracy or F1 scores
between the best and worst augmentation techniques
decreases, especially with fine-tuning.
The experiments showed that the augmentation
techniques should be chosen carefully and require
additional research. Therefore, we intend to expand
the study to different models and images of various
scenes. Moreover, we want to analyze whether the
classifier "looks" at the image changes due to the
chosen augmentation technique.
Croatian Science Foundation supported this research
under the project IP-2016-06-8345, "Automatic
recognition of actions and activities in multimedia
content from the sports domain" (RAASS), and the
University of Rijeka under the project number 18-
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Effect of Data Augmentation Methods on Face Image Classification Results