Age Bias in Finger Vein Biometric Research
Joanne L. Hall
1 a
, Jomin John
, Jessica Liebig
2 b
and Anju Skariah
School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Health and Biosecurity, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Brisbane, Australia
Finger Vein Biometrics, Vein Patterns, Datasets, Age Bias.
Finger vein biometrics have been implemented for authentication in a variety of contexts and places. Vein
patterns are unique, easy to capture and resistant to surface wear and tear. However, there has been a lack
of research on the effectiveness and stability of vein patterns in the elderly population (aged 60 years and
above). A lack of inclusivity, has in the past ostracised senior citizens, from accessing basic amenities, such
as pension payments and healthcare services. A lack of inclusion of the elderly in finger vein biometric
research could result in the exclusion of elderly people from goods and services which use finger vein biometric
authentication. As the global population ages, ensuring the usability of biometric technologies for the elderly
is both a social and economic imperative.
We live in a world where biometrics are commonly
used as an authentication method. From fingerprint
authentication in our mobile devices to national iden-
tification documents (Wagh et al., 2020), biometric
authentication is ingrained in the daily lives of many
The finger vein biometric is a physiological bio-
metric that has been gaining popularity (Yang et al.,
2018). The intricate pattern of blood vessels pre-
sented underneath the epidermis of the skin, is what
we refer to as the vein pattern. This is a highly distinc-
tive pattern and can be used to uniquely identify indi-
viduals, including identical twins (Dev and Khanam,
Finger vein biometric capture is non-invasive,
making it ideal in the current pandemic climate.
Typically, the pattern is captured shining infra-red
light through a finger (Y
uksel et al., 2010). The
haemoglobin in the blood absorbs the light, mak-
ing the pattern appear darker and easier to capture
uksel et al., 2010). Veins lie under the skin, so
cannot be easily destroyed or manipulated (Dev and
Khanam, 2017). While these advantages make the fin-
ger vein biometric ideal for identification and authen-
tication, there is limited research on how ageing im-
pacts the need to re-enroll and how the current recog-
nition and capture methods perform with the elderly
Age as a barrier in accessing biometric authen-
tication is not a new concept. The roll-out of the
Unique ID program in India saw the exclusion of the
elderly population due to difficulty of enrolment. Due
to lower elasticity of the skin in many older people,
fingerprints were not able to be successfully captured.
The Unique ID is now used as a primary form of iden-
tification across India, creating challenges for the el-
derly to access banking services and pension schemes
(Rebera and Guihen, 2012). There is an upward trend
in the percentage of the population above the age of
60 United Nations (2019), so elderly users need to be
considered when designing many technologies.
Recent years have seen the adoption of finger
vein recognition in commercial applications across
the globe. By 2011, 70% of the financial institutions
in Japan were using finger vein biometric authentica-
tion systems for identification and authentication of
customers (Wang et al., 2011). The finger vein au-
thentication device designed by Hitachi, is contact-
less and is used across most ATMs in Japan for au-
Finger vein authentication systems have also been
successfully implemented in Poland (Hitachi, 2013).
The Polish bank, Bank BPH (Bank Przemysłowo-
Handlowy) has employed approximately 1800 fin-
ger vein authentication systems across their branches.
Hall, J., John, J., Liebig, J. and Skariah, A.
Age Bias in Finger Vein Biometric Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0010876700003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 472-477
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The new technology replaces traditional means of au-
thentication: identity documents, passwords and PINs
(Hitachi, 2013). Now clients, need only declare their
identity, and are authenticated by the device.
Turkey uses finger vein authentication, with de-
vices implemented in hospitals and healthcare set-
tings (Hitachi Global, 2014b). The Hitachi finger vein
scanner has been implemented in the form of Wi-Fi
scanners to allow for convenient mobile authentica-
tion of patients. In addition to this, the system is used
as a means to manage payments and health insurance
benefits (Hitachi Global, 2014b).
In the United Kingdom, the bank Barclays uses
finger vein recognition systems for customer authen-
tication. This technology was made available to their
corporate banking clients in 2015, to tackle iden-
tity fraud that was impacting UK businesses (Hitachi
Global, 2014a).
While advantageous, the widespread adoption of
finger vein recognition systems may prove to be a bur-
den for the elderly population. This paper explores
the research gap: the elderly population has not been
included in the implementation and study of finger
vein biometric authentication.
This section discusses the medical conditions that im-
pact the performance of finger vein recognition sys-
tems. The feature extraction method of finger vein
biometric systems are affected by vascular diseases
that manifest as a change in the pattern of the finger
vein. The elderly population are especially vulnera-
ble to vascular disease (Rodgers et al., 2019), which
may create an impact on the stability of a finger vein
biometric in the elderly population.
Diseases of the veins, such as vein thrombosis,
are caused by blood clots forming in the vein (CDC,
2020). This could affect the positioning and size of
the vein pattern used in finger vein recognition sys-
tems. If a blood clot is formed in the finger after a
person is enrolled, then they may fail at authentica-
tion, i.e., a false rejection. The elderly are particularly
susceptible to vein thrombosis, with almost 60% of
vein thrombosis incidents occurring in people above
the age of 70. The individual risk of incurring throm-
bosis is up to 15% for 90 year olds (Engbers et al.,
2010). When the events of vein thrombosis are com-
pared between the elderly and the younger popula-
tion, it becomes clear that aging is a prominent risk
factor for vein biometric authentication failure.
Connective tissue diseases, such as mixed con-
nective tissue disease (MCTD) or systemic sclerosis
(SSc), lead to the abnormal growth of connective tis-
sue (MedlinePlus, 2021). Diseases like SSc create
arterial and venous abnormalities, along with micro-
circulation, impacting the blood flow, resulting in de-
fective circulation in fingers (Allanore et al., 2007).
Reduction in blood flow, conduces to a subsequent
reduction in available haemoglobin to absorb light,
impacting the performance of finger vein recognition
systems and increasing the possibility of false rejec-
tion (Kono et al., 2015). A study that compared the
recognition of finger vein authentication systems of
research participants suffering from connective tis-
sue disease against healthy research participants con-
firmed the higher rates of false rejection (Kono et al.,
2015). SSc usually appears in adults within the 40-50
age group. Late onset SSc manifests itself in the el-
derly population above the age of 60 (Rimar, 2020).
Thus, the elderly population are more vulnerable to
connective tissue diseases, and could be adversely im-
pacted due to the possibility of false rejection.
Injuries such as cuts and bruises can also nega-
tively impact finger vein recognition rates, as they
might be mistaken as veins (mofiria Corporation,
2020). This is a cause of concern for the elderly, as
wounds tend to heal at slower rates when compared
to the younger population (University of Pittsburgh,
Ageing brings with it an increased risk of vascu-
lar diseases, connective tissue disorders coupled by
a slower rate of wound healing. Aging could have
an adverse impact on successful recognition rates in
finger vein authentication systems, resulting in false
rejection of the elderly trying to authenticate them-
Finger vein biometric authentication has been
proved to be useful, however the impact of the adop-
tion on the elderly population is yet to be investigated.
The world has seen a increase in the use of finger vein
biometric for authentication in banking and health-
care. A system that potentially excludes a population
demographic that comprises almost 20% of the adult
population in 2020 (United Nations, 2019). Any dif-
ficulty in authentication could potentially lock the el-
derly out of accessing financial resources and critical
The failure of the Unique ID program in India to
include the elderly population, emphasises the neces-
sity of assessing the performance of finger vein recog-
nition systems with elderly people.
Age Bias in Finger Vein Biometric Research
There are several public finger vein databases that
have been used for the study of finger vein recogni-
tion systems. For a comprehensive evaluation of the
performance of any means of biometric authentica-
tion, the availability of datasets that reflect the user
demographic is a requirement. Making datasets avail-
able to the research community supports researchers
to ensure the ease of use and accuracy of the system.
However, most of the available datasets do not cap-
ture the finger vein biometrics of elderly people. This
section has conducted a investigation into the inclu-
sion of the elderly in publicly available finger vein
3.1 Survey of Existing Literature on
Finger Vein Recognition
This paper investigates the existing research on finger
vein biometrics over the past decade. A major chal-
lenge that finger vein biometric research faces is the
unavailability of a large dataset. The lack of testing
in the elderly population has contributed a possible
bias against the senior population. The existing liter-
ature does not provide sufficient evidence to guaran-
tee the applicability of their findings beyond the age
of 60. This is concerning, as recommendations are
made about the suitability of their applications in real
life scenarios, without taking into account the unavail-
ability of data on performance in the elderly popula-
tion (Liu and Song, 2012a). While there have been
assumptions, that the experiments conducted on sub-
jects below the age of 60 could model the behaviour
of vein patterns in the older population (Damak et al.,
2017), there is no concrete evidence that suggests age
based extrapolation is valid.
3.2 Methodology
We searched for publicly available databases and re-
search studies of finger vein biometrics. We limited
our research to papers that have been published in
English within the last decade. Anything published
before the year 2011 has not been considered in this
The publications and databases included in this
paper have been found by using the following key-
words in Google Scholar : “finger vein authentica-
tion”, “age bias in finger vein biometric research”,
“age bias in biometrics”, “finger vein recognition”.
Many of the databases do not have detailed in-
formation on the demographics of their research par-
ticipants. In these cases, world population statistics
(United Nations, 2019) are used to estimate the num-
ber of people above the age of 60.
For the databases published between the years of
2011 and 2014, we use the population statistics of
2010, where people aged above 60 are 16% of the
adult population. Where no age detail is given, we
estimate that 16% of the research participants are
60 and above.
For databases published between the years of
2015 and 2019, we use the population statistics of
2015, where people who are 60 and above com-
prise 17% of the adult population. Where no age
detail is given, we estimate that 17% of the re-
search participants are 60 and above.
3.3 Evaluation of Finger Vein Databases
Table 1 collates publicly available finger vein
databases and the different studies that have analysed
them. The total number of research participants for
each dataset is compared with the number of research
participants above the age of 60. Most datasets have
completely excluded the elderly population as shown
in the table.
Most datasets do not describe in detail the age dis-
tribution of the research participants. In those cases
an estimate was made, see section 3.2. Estimated
numbers are labeled with an asterisk (*). It is im-
portant to note that amongst the databases consid-
ered in this paper (see Table 1) , the databases MM-
CBNU 6000, PLUSVeinFV3 and PROTECT are the
only databases that state the inclusion of research par-
ticipants above the age of 60.
Overall, an estimated 6% of the total test popula-
tion are adults above the age of 60. Thus, compared
with 19% of the global adult population (United Na-
tions, 2019) the available data is insufficient to sub-
stantiate that the elderly population are accounted for.
Extrapolating results from such a biased sample is
likely to draw biased conclusions.
In conclusion, very few people above the age of 60
have participated in finger vein research studies. The
longevity and stability of vein patterns cannot be
assumed. Medical conditions like vein thrombosis
and connective tissue diseases can impact the perfor-
mance of finger vein recognition systems, which can
lead to false rejection. The roll-out of finger vein sys-
tems for recognition and authentication could exclude
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Public Finger Vein Databases, tabulated the number of research participants aged over 60 years.
* indicates estimated numbers.
S No Database name Total number
of research
No of re-
search partici-
pants 60+
Published works that used the database Comments
1 MMCBNU 6000 100 3 (Lu et al., 2013), (Yang et al., 2014a),(Shaheed
et al., 2018)
2 SDUMLAHMT 106 0 (Yin et al., 2011), (Shaheed et al., 2018), (Yang
et al., 2014a), (Lu et al., 2018)
3 THUFVFDT 220 0* (Wenming et al., 2014), (Yang et al., 2014b),
(Yang et al., 2014a), (Shaheed et al., 2018)
The study was conducted in China, where the retirement age for is
60. The participants in the study were the staff and students of the
university, thus, none of the participants are above the age of 60.
4 HKPUFV 156 2* (Kumar and Zhou, 2011), (Yang et al., 2014a),
(Shaheed et al., 2018), (Lu et al., 2018)
93% of the participants were younger than 30 years. In 2010, adults
in the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the adult world popula-
tion. (United Nations, 2019).
5 UTFV 60 2* (Ton and Veldhuis, 2013), (Yang et al., 2014a),
(Vanoni et al., 2014)
82% of the participants are in the age range of 19–30. In 2010, adults
in the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the world adult popula-
tion (United Nations, 2019).
6 VERA 110 20* (Tome et al., 2015),(Vanoni et al., 2014),(Sha-
heed et al., 2018),(Tome et al., 2014)
The participants are aged between 18 and 60. The database was pub-
lished in 2015. In 2015, adults in the 60+ age bracket account for
17.71% of the adult world population (United Nations, 2019).
7 FVUSM 123 0 (Mohd Asaari et al., 2014), (Shaheed et al.,
8 PLUSVein-FV3 60 11* (Kauba et al., 2018) The participants are aged betwean 18-79 year. In 2015, adults in the
60+ age bracket account for 17.71% of the adult world population
(United Nations, 2019).
9 PROTECT multimodal
47 9* (University of Reading, 2017) The participants are aged between 21-76 years. In 2015, adults in the
60+ age bracket account for 17.71% of the adult world population
(United Nations, 2019).
10 KTDeaduk-FV 30 5* (Lee et al., 2011) In 2010, adults in the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the adult
world population(United Nations, 2019).
11 CFVD 13 0 (Zhang et al., 2013)
12 S-EMB-Laser-FV 100 0 (Liu and Song, 2012b)
13 Gjøvik University Col-
lege, Norway -1
41 1* (Raghavendra et al., 2014) 90% of participants are between the ages of 20-35. In 2010, adults in
the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the adult world population
(United Nations, 2019).
14 Wuhan University,
106 18* (Yang et al., 2012) The participants are between the ages of 19-60. In 2010, adults in
the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the total world population
(United Nations, 2019).
15 Shandong. Univ 34 0 (Xi et al., 2013)
16 USM 51 0 (Rosdi et al., 2011)
17 Civil Aviation Univer-
sity of China
100 17* (Yang and Shi, 2014) In 2010, adults in the 60+ age bracket account for 16.2% of the adult
world population (United Nations, 2019).
18 Gjøvik University-2 125 0 (Raghavendra and Busch, 2015)
Total 1582 88*
Age Bias in Finger Vein Biometric Research
a large part of the dependant population from access-
ing basic amenities, including banking and health ser-
4.1 Recommendations for Future
There is an upwards trend in the proportion of the
world’s population that are over the age of 60 (United
Nations, 2019). Thus, there is merit in observing
the way finger vein biometric authentication behaves
when implemented amongst the elderly. This includes
the ease of enrollment and the success rate of authen-
tication, including False Accept Rate (FAR) and False
Reject Rate (FRR). Therefore, research on finger vein
biometric systems needs to include elderly partici-
pants to ensure that ground-breaking technology does
not exclude a significant portion of the population.
We would like to acknowledge the support of RMIT
University and CSIRO, that was crucial to the suc-
cessful completion of this paper.
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Age Bias in Finger Vein Biometric Research