FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
Vladislav Kolev, Gerhard Weiss
and Gerasimos Spanakis
Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University,
Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Natural Language Processing, Fake News, Emotion Classification, Emotion Analysis, Sentiment Analysis,
Transformers, RoBERTa.
Detecting false information in the form of fake news has become a bigger challenge than anticipated. There
are multiple promising ways of approaching such a problem, ranging from source-based detection, linguistic
feature extraction, and sentiment analysis of articles. While analyzing the sentiment of text has produced some
promising results, this paper explores a rather more fine-grained strategy of classifying news as fake or real,
based solely on the emotion profile of an article’s title. A RoBERTa model was first trained to perform Emo-
tion Classification, achieving test accuracy of about 90%. Six basic emotions were used for the task, based on
the prominent psychologist Paul Ekman - fear, joy, anger, sadness, disgust and surprise. A seventh emotional
category was also added to represent neutral text. Model performance was also validated by comparing classi-
fication results to other state-of-the-art models, developed by other groups. The model was then used to make
inference on the emotion profile of news titles, returning a probability vector, which describes the emotion that
the title conveys. Having the emotion probability vectors for each article’s title, another Binary Random Forest
classifier model was trained to evaluate news as either fake or real, based solely on their emotion profile. The
model achieved up to 88% accuracy on the Kaggle Fake and Real News Dataset, showing there is a connection
present between the emotion profile of news titles and if the article is fake or real.
It does not come as a surprise that the spread of false
information is one of the major issues in our society
nowadays. Fake news have a single “first and fore-
most” goal - gain attention. This is usually done by
using a specific type of trigger keywords or phrasing
that aims at invoking a strong emotional response in
the reader. As a result, fake news may be more “emo-
tionally saturated” or simply have a different emotion
profile, compared to real news. Analyzing the emo-
tion saturation per text may enable one to determine
exactly what patterns of emotion are mostly associ-
ated with fake news. Assuming most real news aim
at informing the general public in a somewhat neu-
tral manner, fake news would rely on more emotion-
ally saturated content, which would trigger a limbic
response in the reader. Based on this assumption, a
technique for identifying news as fake or at least sus-
picious could be developed.
There is already research on Sentiment Analysis
of fake news which shows promising results. Do-
ing Emotional Analysis is taking things one step fur-
ther and obtaining more granular results. Using state-
of-the-art techniques in Natural Language Processing
(NLP), an Emotion Classification RoBERTa model
was built, which was trained to classify a piece of
text as one of the following emotions: happiness,
anger, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, neutral. The
first six “basic emotions” are based on the work of
the psychologist Paul Ekman and his taxonomy (Ek-
man, 1992). Additionally, neutral was added as a sev-
enth emotion category. The model was trained on text
annotated with emotions - it learned to classify text,
based on the dominant emotion. Furthermore, the nu-
meric probability output of all seven emotions per text
was also taken into account and put into an “emotion
probability vector” - such a vector represents the emo-
tional arousal of the text, which would allow for an
emotion profile to be created. The model was then
used on news for emotion classification. Finally, a
Random Forest Binary Classifier was used for fake
and real news recognition, based on the emotion prob-
ability vector values per article’s title.
Kolev, V., Weiss, G. and Spanakis, G.
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010873900003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 429-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Summarizing it into steps, it looks as follows:
1. Combine data from datasets into one balanced
dataset, which would match short corpus of text
to one of the six basic emotions by Paul Ekman
and the neutral category/emotion in addition.
2. Fine-tune and test RoBERTa base model from the
HuggingFace library on this dataset for classifica-
tion and generate a probability distribution over
all emotions per instance of text
3. Use already fine-tuned RoBERTa for inference
over the Fake and Real News Dataset - this means
associating the title of each article with its domi-
nant emotion and its emotion probability distribu-
4. Train a Binary Random Forest classifier using
the emotion probability distribution data that was
generated per article as independent variables and
the fake/real label as a dependent variable
5. Perform Experiments with different emotions and
compare prediction accuracy and F1 score results
Three main Research Questions (RQ) were ex-
plored in this paper:
RQ1 - How well does a RoBERTa model perform
Emotion Classification, compared to other meth-
ods used by other research groups?
RQ2 - Do fake news have a different emotion pro-
file compared to real news and is such potential
difference statistically significant?
RQ3 - Can Emotion Classification of news text be
used to improve fake news detection?
There are multiple techniques developed to detect
fake news, explored by numerous groups. For ex-
ample, detecting rumors in microblog posts using
propagation structure via kernel learning (Ma et al.,
2017), early detection of fake news on social me-
dia through propagation path classification with recur-
rent and convolutional networks (Liu and Wu, 2018)
and fake news detection on twitter using propagation
structures (Meyers et al., 2020). Furthermore, other
groups like (Zhang and Ghorbani, 2020) have done
extensive analysis of fake news as a phenomenon and
reviewed existing techniques to identify them. (Shu
et al., 2017) explored fake news detection on so-
cial media specifically. The team conducted a sur-
vey where they present a comprehensive review of
detecting fake news on social media, including fake
news characterizations on psychology and social the-
ories, existing algorithms from a data mining perspec-
tive, evaluation metrics and representative datasets.
This includes an extensive problem definition, possi-
ble Feature Extraction and model construction tech-
niques. Their motivation is to facilitate further re-
search into this area, since social media became an
incubator for the spread of misinformation.
erez-Rosas et al., 2017) tested an automatic fake
news detection approach, using an SVM classifier
and five-fold cross-validation, with accuracy, preci-
sion, recall, and F1 measures. The team managed to
achieve results that are comparable to human ability
to spot fake content, producing over 90% accuracy for
fake news recognition in domains such as politics and
(Ruchansky et al., 2017) devised a more general
and complex model called CSI (Capture, Response,
Score) that takes into account the text, the response
an article receives and the users who source it. The
first module, Capture, captures the abstract tempo-
ral behavior of user encounters with articles, as well
as temporal textual and user features, to measure re-
sponse as well as the text. The second component,
Score, estimates a source suspiciousness score for ev-
ery user, which is then combined with the first module
by Integrate to produce a predicted label for each ar-
ticle. The team achieved an accuracy of 89.2% for a
Twitter dataset and 95.3% for the Weibo dataset.
In the field of Affective Computing, both Senti-
ment analysis and Emotion Analysis are crucial. Due
to the more complex nature of the latter problem,
more work has been done on Sentiment analysis in
the past. This is starting to change. There already
are multiple projects and research groups focused on
identifying the underlying emotions within a corpus
of text. However, not much research has been done on
Emotion Analysis of Text with respect to fake news
recognition, profiling and classification.
(Demszky et al., 2020) created GoEmotions - one
of the largest fine-grained and manually annotated
datasets, labeled for 27 emotions. Furthermore, they
tested a BERT transformer model on it, achieving a
macro-averaged F1 score of 0.46 % for all 27 emo-
tions and macro-averaged F1 score of 0.64 % using
Ekman’s emotion taxonomy, which is also used in this
paper. A baseline RoBERTa model was built for the
sake of comparing results to the BERT model of Dem-
szky et al. This is described in sections below.
(Ghanem et al., 2020) argued that the emotion pro-
file of set of fake news (propaganda, hoax, clickbait,
and satire) would be different, compared to real news.
The team used a set of different emotions to eval-
uate a piece of text, one of which is the set of six
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
emotions also used in this paper - namely Paul Ek-
man’s proposed six basic emotions. They proposed
an emotionally-infused (EIN) LSTM neural network
to detect fake news on Twitter and in news articles.
The model utilizes both emotional features and text
features to classify a piece of text as one of the fol-
lowing categories: propaganda, hoax, clickbait, satire
and real news. The model achieved up to 81% accu-
racy detecting on news Articles, 65% on Twitter posts
and up to 96 % accuracy on a dataset focused specif-
ically on clickbait (Stop Clickbait). They compared
their EIN model against different baselines, showing
that emotionally-infusing an LSTM model does pro-
duce better overall results. They also tested a separate
model, which was trained only on emotional features
(similar to the model being proposed in this paper).
They achieved up to 50% and 52% accuracy on news
articles and Twitter posts respectively.
(Paschen, 2019) analyzed the differences in the
emotional framing of the message content in fake and
real news. What their group found is that there is a
significant difference between the overall emotional
sentiment portrayed in the titles and that fake news are
substantially more negative with regard to the emo-
tion dimensions disgust and anger compared to real
news articles. Furthermore, real news were found to
be more “joyful” than fake news. What they also
showed is that article titles are a good differentiator
on emotions between Fake and real news. These re-
sults coincide with some of the results for this paper,
even though different datasets were used for training.
3.1 Emotion Classification Dataset
Data from four datasets was randomized and sampled
to create one balanced dataset for the RoBERTa Emo-
tion Classification. Each emotion is represented with
about 2000 samples, forming the final dataset with
14 958 samples overall. What all datasets have in
common is that each contains a small piece of text,
no more than 100 characters, where each instance is
annotated with the dominant emotion describing it.
The main dataset used is the HuggingFace Emotion
Dataset by (Saravia et al., 2018), which consists of
English Twitter messages. It contains text, associ-
ated with the following 6 emotions - fear, joy, sad-
ness, anger, surprise and love. As already mentioned,
this paper focuses on the 6 basic emotions, described
by the psychologist Paul Ekman, therefore only the
first five emotions were taken into account. Addi-
tionally, the combined data collected from the other
three datasets is associated with the disgust emotion,
neutral emotion as well as the surprise emotion. The
reason behind this is because disgust is missing from
the HuggingFace dataset in the first place and also
there were not enough instances for surprise either.
Therefore, data from the ISEAR (International Sur-
vey on Emotion Antecedents and Reactions) (Scherer
and Wallbott, 1990), DailyDialogue (Li et al., 2017)
and Emotion Stimulus (Ghazi et al., 2015) datasets
was collected in order to have a balanced dataset with
all 6 basic emotions plus the neutral emotion. Please
refer to Figure 4 for an overview of the Emotion Dis-
tribution of the final combined dataset.
3.2 Fake and Real News Dataset
The Fake and Real News Dataset, created by (Ahmed
et al., 2018), was used for training and testing the
Random Forest classifier. The dataset consists of ar-
ticles and contains information about the Title, Text,
Subject and Date, where each instance is labeled as
either 0 (Fake) or 1 (Real). Real news were col-
lected from to represent truthful infor-
mation. Fake news were collected from -
the articles stem from websites that Politifact (a fact-
checking organization in the USA) identified as unre-
liable and spreading false information. Table 1 shows
some common statistics for this dataset, as well as for
the Emotion Classification Dataset.
Table 1: Dataset Statistics.
Fake and Real
News Dataset
Training Size 11966 35918
Validation Size 1496 -
Test Size 1496 8980
Avg token length 20 21
Balanced Yes Yes
This paper is primarily focused on a model that was
named FOREAL - Fake Or Real Emotion Analyzer.
The model is a combination of a RoBERTa model
that performs Emotion Analysis and a Binary Ran-
dom Forest classifier model that classifies articles as
either fake or real, based on the emotion analysis done
by RoBERTa. Figure 2 represents the model diagram.
The Methods section describes the different compo-
nents of the model architecture and the other baseline
models used to perform experiments.
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
Figure 1: Transformer model architecture ((Vaswani et al.,
Since the RoBERTa model used for this paper is
heavily based on the BERT model, a short general de-
scription of how BERT and RoBERTa work algorith-
mically is added in the next two sub-sections.
4.1 The BERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from
Transformers) Model
The initial BERT model was proposed by (Devlin
et al., 2018) and is a language representation model
that relies on pre-training and fine-tuning a Trans-
former model (Fig. 1). Transformers utilize the
concept of self-attention, originally described by
(Vaswani et al., 2017), which takes input sequence
and decides at each step which other parts of the se-
quence are important. BERT model architecture is a
multi-layer bidirectional Transformer encoder based
on the original implementation described in (Vaswani
et al., 2017) (2017) and released in the tensor2tensor
BERT takes two concatenated sequences as in-
put, where each sequence consists of more than one
text sentence. Both segments are taken at once as
input and are delimited with special tokens - [CLS]
Sequence 1 [SEP] Sequence 2 [EOS]. Furthermore,
concepts of Masked Language Model (MLM) and
Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) are used during pre-
training. MLM is a process of randomly masking
some percentage of the input tokens, and then pre-
dicting those masked tokens. NSP on the other hand
is about understanding the relationship between two
sentences, which is not directly captured by language
modeling. It is a binary task that predicts whether or
not a sentence B follows sentence A. This means that
each training example consists of a text pair (segment
A, segment B). The starting point is always the first
segment A. In 50% of the cases, the second segment
B is the actual segment that follows segment A. While
in the other 50% of the cases, BERT randomly selects
a segment from the whole corpus. Going in-depth into
the mechanics and workings of BERT and Transform-
ers is not the aim of this paper.
BERT uses a Byte-Pair Encoding approach and
so does the RoBERTa model. What this means, as
the name suggests, is that encoding is done on a byte
level, instead of on unicode characters. The input em-
beddings are the sum of the token embeddings, the
segmentation embeddings and the position embed-
4.2 RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized
BERT Approach) Model
RoBERTa stands for Robustly Optimized BERT ap-
proach and is a model proposed by (Liu et al.,
2019). Both BERT and RoBERTa models rely on
the Transformer model architecture, Fig. 1 as a ba-
sis, with slight differences in pre-training and fine-
tuning. Compared to the BERT model, the team be-
hind RoBERTa had three major improvements over
the BERT model which go as follows: RoBERTa is
trained with dynamic masking , FULL-SENTENCES
without NSP (Next-Sentence Prediction) loss, large
mini-batches and a larger byte-level BPE (Byte-Pair
Encoding). Furthermore, RoBERTa is pre-trained on
more data, longer sequences and with bigger batch
sizes. Other than that, the RoBERTa base model re-
sembles the BERT base model architecture of 12 en-
coder layers, 768 hidden and embedding size and 12
attention heads.
Embedding for RoBERTa is also the same as for
BERT, however, the RoBERTa vocabulary is much
larger and therefore the model is utilizing more pa-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Diagram of how the REAL and Random Forest models work to form the entire FOREAL model.
4.3 Fake or Real Emotion Analyzer
The FOREAL model is simply the combination of a
RoBERTa Emotion Analyzer (REAL) and a Random
Forest Fake News Classifier working together. Please
refer to Fig. 2 for a visual depiction of how the en-
tire FOREAL model works. The following two sub-
sections explain how those models work:
4.3.1 RoBERTa Model for Emotion Analysis
The RoBERTa base model used for this paper was
fine-tuned on a combination of datasets, which had
a block of text classified as one of the following six
basic emotions - joy, anger, fear, sadness, surprise or
disgust. Another ”neutral” emotional category was
added in order to represent text which is not emo-
tionally infused. Data from all datasets was random-
ized and combined into the Emotion Classification
What was used is a ”roberta-base” model from
the HuggingFace library, which is already pre-trained
and could be fine-tuned for the Emotion Classifica-
tion task. Even though the model is initially trained
on cased text, all experiments done in this paper are
with non-capitalized text due to the nature of the train-
ing data. Obtaining cased training data of better qual-
ity could also be an important factor for future im-
provements of the model. Gradient clipping tech-
nique was added to avoid having the gradients explod-
ing. Dropout layer was added for Regularization sake
and a fully-connected output layer with a SoftMax
function so that a probabilistic output of all emotion
classes would be produced. For more information on
the hyperparameters, please see Table 2
The REAL model was trained over 10 epochs,
where the model with both lowest validation loss and
highest validation accuracy was chosen in the end.
20% of the data was used for testing, where this data
was further split into 10% for the validation set and
10% for the test set. Once the emotion classifier
model was trained and tested on the data, the same
model was used for inference on the Fake and Real
News Dataset. The emotion classifier evaluates all ar-
ticles to return an emotion probability vector, which
represents the probability of each emotion, based on
the news title - this would also be referred to as emo-
tion profile in this paper. The highest probability
value is chosen in order to associate news with a sin-
gle dominant emotion as well. Next step is applying a
Binary Classifier on the dataset with fake news, which
now also contains the emotion data per instance - this
process is described in the next section.
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
Table 2: Hyperparameters for both Pretraining and Finetun-
ing the RoBERTa-base model.
Hyperparam Pretraining Finetuning
Dropout 0.1 0.3
Gradient Clipping 0.0 1.0
Batch Size 8k 16
Weight Decay 0.01 0.01
Learning Rate De-
Linear Linear
Warmup Steps 24k 0
Learning Rate - 2e-5
Max Epochs - 10
Peak Learning Rate 6e-4 -
Number of Layers 12 -
Hidden size 768 -
FFN inner hidden
3072 -
Attention heads 12 -
Attention head size 64 -
Attention Dropout 0.1 -
Max Steps 500k -
Adam ε 1e-6 -
Adam β
0.9 -
Adam β
0.98 -
4.3.2 Binary Classification - Random Forest
A Random Forest algorithm was used for Binary
Classification with 100 estimators and using ”gini im-
purity” approach for measuring the quality of a split.
Random Forest is a supervised learning algorithm,
which builds numerous Decision Trees by using Boot-
strap Aggregating techniques, also called Bagging,
developed by (Breiman, 1996). Furthermore, 10-fold
Cross-Validation was applied for evaluation purposes
primarily. Even though Random Forest already ap-
plies the concept of Bagging, Cross-Validation is also
useful in the sense that Bagging does sampling with
replacement, whereas Cross-Validation is doing splits
on the data at hand only. The model is trained on the
emotion profile probability values for each article’s ti-
tle and classifies it as either fake or real. 20% of the
data was used for testing.
Multiple other Binary Classifiers were tested and
Random Forest was chosen because of the better over-
all accuracy and F1 results.
A typical Random Forest algorithm was used,
which builds many individual Decision Trees dur-
ing training. For the fake vs real news binary clas-
sification, the process could be described as follows
(adapted from (Ronaghan, 2018)):
(1 f
| {z }
is the frequency
of label i at a node
and N is the number
of unique labels
Importance of
Node j
= w
| {z }
Weighted number
of samples w
times impurity C
for node j
le ft( j)
le ft( j)
| {z }
child node from
left split on node j
right( j)
right( j)
| {z }
child node from
right split on node j
f i
Importance of
feature i
j:node jsplitson f eaturei
norm f i
| {z }
f i
jall f eatures
f i
RF fi
| {z }
Importance of
feature i
calculated from
all trees
norm f i
4.4 Baseline Models
4.4.1 Baseline Fake or Real Sentiment Analyzer
A second RoBERTa model was built for Sentiment
Analysis (FORSAL), classifying articles as either
negative, neutral or positive. This model was used
as a baseline for comparing the results of the emotion
classifier model to the sentiment classifier. Data from
the same datasets was used for this model, having col-
lected samples for all 7 motions (joy, fear, sadness,
anger, disgust, surprise, neutral). Emotions were con-
verted to sentiment as follows:
1. anger, fear, disgust, sadness - Negative
2. neutral, surprise - Neutral
3. joy - Positive
Furthermore, the resulted dataset was balanced,
having the same size of approximately 2000 instances
per sentiment, as for the Emotion Classification task.
Other than that, the same hyperparameters were used
for this model, as for the emotion classifier RoBERTa
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.4.2 REAL Model Trained on GoEmotions and
The REAL model was fine-tuned on two other
datasets for validation purposes. The model was
trained on the GoEmotions dataset by (Demszky
et al., 2020), using Ekman’s emotion taxonomy. It
was also trained on the ISEAR dataset separately.
Results were then compared to the results obtained
by (Demszky et al., 2020) in order to check how
well the RoBERTa model performs Emotion Classi-
fication, compared to other groups and approaches
4.4.3 Baseline Fake News RoBERTa (FNR)
Finally, a baseline FNR model was used, which was
trained and tested directly on the Fake and Real News
Dataset. This model does not implement any specific
emotional aspect, like all other models. The FNR
model was directly trained on the news titles text data.
Same hyperparameters were used for this model, as
for the emotion classifier RoBERTa model.
Multiple experiments were performed with both the
REAL model for Emotion Classification and the FO-
REAL model for fake news detection and profiling. A
10-fold Cross-Validation was performed for the un-
derlying Random Forest Classifier model only - this
means that all FOREAL results are averaged over 10
iterations. Cross-Validation was not performed for
any of the RoBERTa models in any of the experiments
due to time constraints related to fine-tuning.
Furthermore, performance was compared to dif-
ferent baseline models and approaches by other
groups. Accuracy, F1 score for Binary Classification
and macro-averaged F1 score for Multiclass Classifi-
cation were used as evaluation metrics:
Accuracy =
|T P| + |T N|
|T P| + |T N| + |FP| + |FN|
F1 = 2 ×
Precision × Recall
Precision + Recall
Number of Classes
The experiments can be described as follows:
5.1 Baseline BERT and REAL Model
Performance Comparison
Emotion Classification performance of REAL was
compared to the BERT model by the group of (Dem-
szky et al., 2020). The models were trained and sepa-
rately tested on both the ISEAR and the GoEmotions
(by (Demszky et al., 2020)) datasets.
5.2 REAL Emotion Classification
As described above, the REAL model was fine-tuned
on different sets of emotions, in order to compare per-
formance. This was done in order to determine if
adding emotions and making classification more fine-
grained would also improve performance. Four ex-
periments were performed:
Four emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness
Five emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, disgust
Six emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, surprise,
Seven emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, sur-
prise, disgust, neutral
5.3 FOREAL Fake/Real News
Classification Experiments
The performance of the FOREAL model was tested
in terms of classifying news as either fake or real.
Same as for the previous experiment with the REAL
model, 4 experiments were performed with different
sets of emotions in order to check if a more granu-
lar approach would improve fake/real news classifica-
tion. First the Fake and Real News Dataset was emo-
tionally assessed - this means that each article’s title
was processed by FOREAL and its emotion profile
was inferred, based on the sets of emotions described
in the previous sub-section. Thus an emotion profile
per article was induced. Furthermore, fake/real news
classification was performed, based on this emotion
profile data alone.
5.4 Compare Baseline FORSAL and
FOREAL Performance
The FORSAL model was compared to the FOREAL
model in order to determine if Emotion Analysis
would improve fake news recognition, compared to
Sentiment Analysis. Both underlying RoBERTa mod-
els were trained with the same hyperparameters and
on the same data. The underlying Random Forest
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
Classifier was cross-validated, using 10-fold cross-
validation for both the FORSAL and FOREAL mod-
5.5 Compare Baseline FNR and
FOREAL Performance
The baseline FNR model was compared to the FO-
REAL model in order to determine how well the
Emotional Analysis approach would perform, com-
pared to a RoBERTa model that is trained on the text
title data directly. Both underlying RoBERTa models
were trained with the same hyperparameters, however
the FNR model was trained over 3 epochs only, since
more training was not needed.
5.6 Statistically Significant Difference
between Fake News Emotions and
Real News Emotions
A non-parametric Mann-Whitney U Test was done for
each of the seven emotions across real and fake news -
the reason behind this is that the sample data per emo-
tion does not follow a normal distribution and sample
size may vary. Furthermore, Chi-Square Test of Inde-
pendence was considered and ruled out as a possible
test to be performed, due to the input percentage form
of the data. As per (McHugh, 2013), the data in the
cells should be frequencies or counts of cases rather
than percentages or some other transformation of the
6.1 Baseline BERT Compared to REAL
Table 3 shows the macro-averaged F1 score for the
baseline BERT model, compared to the REAL model
on both ISEAR and GoEmotions datasets. As could
be observed, RoBERTa achieved slightly better re-
sults on the ISEAR dataset (0.74) and slightly worse
on GoEmotions (0.59), compared to BERT (0.70 and
0.64 respectively).
6.2 REAL Emotion Classification
The REAL Emotion Classification results for differ-
ent sets of emotions achieved results around the 90%
mark, which is a good indicator of how well the model
connects emotions to text. Adding more emotions
Table 3: Baseline comparison between REAL model and
the Demszky et al BERT model, tested on both GoEmo-
tions and ISEAR datasets. The macro-averaged F1 score
was measured.
Model F1 GoEmotions F1 ISEAR
REAL 59% 74%
BERT (Dem-
szky et al)
64% 70%
does not necessarily improve or worsen the Emotion
Classification per se, nonetheless RoBERTa does a
good overall job of classifying emotions. The results
can be found in Table 4.
Table 4: REAL Test Set accuracy on classifying emotions.
Model Accuracy F1
4 Emotions 93.6% 94%
5 Emotions 95.9% 96%
6 Emotions 91.5% 91%
7 Emotions 89.04% 89%
6.3 FOREAL Model - Emotion
Classification and Fake News
Testing the whole FOREAL model on a different set
of emotions shows that the more granular the ap-
proach is i.e. more emotions to describe the text are
included, the better the result is. This goes for both
classification accuracy and the F1 metric, which is
a combination of precision and recall. Results vary
from 70.1% accuracy for a model with only 4 emo-
tions to about 87.5% for a model with 7 emotions.
Since both standard deviation values for accuracy and
F1 are small, what can be concluded is that the results
are closely spread to the mean. Please refer to Table
5 for results of the experiments.
6.4 FOREAL and FORSAL for Fake
News Detection
Comparing the FOREAL (Emotion Analyzer) to the
baseline FORSAL (Sentiment Analyzer), Table 6
shows that the FOREAL is better at classifying Fake
and real news, achieving accuracy of about 87.5%,
while the FORSAL model achieved an accuracy of
6.5 FOREAL and Baseline FNR for
Fake News Detection
Finally, the baseline FNR model was tested against
the FOREAL model on classifying fake and real
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: FOREAL Test Set Results on Classifying Fake and Real News.
Averaged SD
Model Accuracy Macro F1 Accuracy Macro F1
4 Emotions 70.01% 67.6% 0.64% 0.45%
5 Emotions 74.0% 67.8% 0.38% 0.67%
6 Emotions 84.9% 84.8% 0.47% 0.57%
7 Emotions 87.5% 86.8% 0.36% 0.34%
Table 6: FOREAL and FORSAL test set results on classifying Fake and real news. This is a baseline comparison, showing a
more granular approach with different emotions produces better accuracy, compared to sentiment analysis alone.
Averaged SD
Model Accuracy Macro F1 Accuracy Macro F1
FORSAL (baseline) 80.4% 79.04% 0.88% 0.84%
FOREAL (7 Emotions) 87.5% 86.8% 0.36 % 0.34%
news. FNR achieved impressive accuracy of about
99.9%, while the FOREAL model achieved an accu-
racy of about 88% - clearly the FNR model performs
much better than the FOREAL model. However, it is
difficult to interpret the reason behind such high per-
centage accuracy, making it a black-box model. Fur-
thermore, such high accuracy percentage is very sus-
picious, hinting at possible overfitting. This is why
the model was tested on a separate fake news dataset,
Getting Real about Fake News, (Risdal, 2016), which
was obtained from Kaggle. Not surprisingly, FNR
achieved no more than 55.2% accuracy, which clearly
points to overfitting. On the other hand, having the
FOREAL model trained only on emotion data clearly
shows results, based solely on emotion profiles of
text. Results in Table 7 are for a single sample code
execution and were not cross-validated due to time
Table 7: Baseline comparison between FNR and FOREAL.
Clearly FNR has much higher accuracy, but it was shown
it is indeed overfitting, when comparing results to another
fake news dataset. Furthermore, it is difficult to explain
based on what has the FNR learned to do the classifica-
tion. Results shown in the table are not cross-validated due
to time and computational complexity limitations for fine-
tuning the FNR model.
Model Accuracy F1
FNR (baseline) 99.9% 100%
FOREAL (7 Emotions) 87.5% 86.8%
6.6 Statistically Significant Difference of
Emotions across Real and Fake
Results for all emotions produced a p value way be-
low the σ value of 0.05, essentially approaching 0.
Therefore the difference for each emotion across real
Figure 3: Comparing both emotion distributions for Real
and Fake Articles, as inferred by the REAL model.
news instances and fake news instances is statisti-
cally significant. What this means is that for example
the emotion disgust is expressed statistically different
across all fake news, compared to real news.
Furthermore, Fig. 3 shows the emotion distribu-
tions for real news and fake news respectively. Here
only the dominant emotion is taken into account.
What could be observed is that the majority of fake
news are associated with the disgust emotion, whereas
real news are associated with neutral, anger.
6.7 Limitations
There are certain aspects about how some of the ex-
periments were performed, which can be considered
limitations for the results obtained. One such limit-
ing factor was the time constraint related to exper-
iments done with the RoBERTa models - as men-
tioned above, none of the RoBERTa results were
cross-validated, because the process of fine-tuning is
very time-consuming due to computational complex-
ity. While those experiments were indeed performed
multiple times, producing almost identical results, not
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
a proper 10-fold cross-validation was done.
Additionally, another limitation that should be
considered has to do with the experiments done com-
paring different number of emotions for both emotion
classification and fake news classification. They were
performed with specific sets of emotions, namely:
Four emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness
Five emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, disgust
Six emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, surprise,
Seven emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness, sur-
prise, disgust, neutral
Randomizing and using different set of emotions
for each category would probably produce different
results (for example having surprise, disgust, anger
and fear for the ”Four emotions” scenario). Due to
time constraints again, only the aforementioned sce-
narios were tested.
Emotion Classification done with the REAL model
achieves promising results, maintaining about a 90%
accuracy on the sets of emotions that were tested -
from 4 to 7 emotions. Furthermore, compared to re-
sults by other groups, such as (Demszky et al., 2020),
REAL performs either as well as other state-of-the-art
models or even better (Table 3). This points to the ro-
bustness of the REAL model as an Emotion Classifier,
therefore answering RQ1.
Additionally, fake news have shown to have a dif-
ferent emotion profile for the dataset used, compared
to real news. Most of fake news are associated with
disgust and are less emotionally versatile, whereas
real news were shown to be more neutral, angry but
also joyful (Figure 3).The significance of this differ-
ence was statistically confirmed by performing the
Mann-Whitney U Test, which answers RQ2.
Furthermore, fake news classification results for
the FOREAL model show that every time an emotion
is added, both accuracy and F1 increase. This indi-
cates that emotions and their intensities can serve as a
good predictor for fake news detection.
In addition, the experiment done with the FOR-
SAL baseline model and the FOREAL model shows
that Emotion Analysis improves the task of fake/real
news classification, compared to Sentiment Analysis
when it comes to both.
While the results of the FNR fake news Classifi-
cation model may seem to be undermining the per-
formance of the FOREAL model at first, one might
argue this is actually not the case. As mentioned in
the previous section, the FNR was tested on a com-
pletely separate fake news dataset, showing 55.2%
accuracy. Also, FNR is more of a black box, where
the choices and reasons behind the classifications are
not easy to understand and explain. This could also
lead to a biased model or a model that is overfitted on
the data and the noise present in the dataset. On the
other hand, the FOREAL model is solely trained to
classify real and fake news, based on emotion intensi-
ties, which makes it easier to explain the decisions it
is making.
Last but not least, the emotion profile of real news
is much different and more versatile, compared to
fake news. The dominant emotions in real news seem
to be neutral and anger, whereas for fake news it is
mainly disgust. This also makes sense from a ”real-
world” perspective, since it is expected that real news
are more neutral and not mainly associated with neg-
ative emotions - for example, big part of the real news
are associated with joy as well (about 4000 instances).
However, this could not be said about fake news with
less than 400 joy instances. This also matches the re-
sults by Paschen et al, described in the Related Work
What all those results point to is a strong con-
nection between the emotion profile of an article’s ti-
tle and if this article is considered fake or real news
7.1 Future Work
Needless to say, a lot more research is needed in or-
der explore the connection between the emotion of
text and whether or not this piece of text is consid-
ered fake news. For example, the work here was
done with the title of the news article, whereas the
actual body of the article can be explored as well in
further research. Additionally, different sets of emo-
tions from different datasets can be used as a predic-
tor, which are not necessarily based on Paul Ekman’s
taxonomy. Another aspect would be to test different
state-of-the-art NLP models for emotion analysis (in-
stead of RoBERTa) and compare performance. Dif-
ferent transformer, LSTM neural network or Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) models can be ex-
plored for this purpose. Apart from this notion, the
field would greatly benefit from newer and more ro-
bust datasets with respect to fake news. Much exper-
tise and effort is required to identify and distinguish
between fake and real news, even more so to make a
robust dataset collection of such. However, building a
better ”lie detector” for news may depend on it.
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Figure 4: Distribution of emotions in the Emotion Dataset.
The dataset is a combination of the Huggingface Emotion
Dataset, ISEAR, DailyDialogue and the Emotion Stimulus
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
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text that is less than 100 tokens long.
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news titles are less than 100 tokens long.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence