A Safer Approach to Build Recommendation Systems on Unidentifiable
Kishor Datta Gupta
, Akib Sadmanee
2 a
and Nafiz Sadman
2 b
University of Memphis, TN, U.S.A.
Silicon Orchard Ltd, Bangladesh
Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Behavior Modeling, Human Activity Recognition,
Recommendation Systems, Privacy, Security.
In recent years, data security has been one of the biggest concerns, and individuals have grown increasingly
worried about the security of their personal information. Personalization typically necessitates the collection of
individual data for analysis, exposing customers to privacy concerns. Companies create an illusion of safety
to make people feel safe using a mainstream word, “encryption”. Though encryption protects personal data
from an external breach, the companies can still exploit personal data collected from users as they own the
encryption keys. We present a naive yet secure approach for recommending movies to consumers without
collecting any personally identifiable information. Our proposed approach can assist a movie recommendation
system understand user preferences using the user’s movie watch-time and watch history only. We conducted a
comprehensive and comparative study on the performance of three deep reinforcement learning architectures,
namely DQN, DDQN, and D3QN, on the same task. We observed that D3QN outperformed the other two
architectures and achieved a precision of 0.880, recall of 0.805, and F1 score of 0.830. The results show that we
can build a competitive movie recommendation system using unidentifiable data.
Personalized recommendations typically need the com-
pilation of individual data for analysis, making users
vulnerable to privacy infringement problems. Recent
research exhibits that the user’s personal data are most
beneficial for recommendation systems (Wang et al.,
2018). However, data security is a serious concern
in recent times, and people, in general, have become
more conscious about their personal data. (Jeckmans
et al., 2013) studied several privacy issues in existing
recommendation systems, which includes breach of
information. The data can be traded to third parties
without any user consent. Another privacy issue is that
cyber-attacks can expose platforms and users’ data,
which is a pretty common occurrence. (Shyong et al.,
2006) discussed exposure and bias in recommendation
systems in three domains: the risk factor that comes
with recommendation systems, bias in recommenda-
tion systems due to personalized attacks, or shilling
attacks, and the issues in peer-to-peer recommenda-
tion systems. The authors address how recommenda-
tion systems are crucial for consumers and businesses
to assist the decision-making process. However, the
amount of personal data used for this purpose is alarm-
Despite such “bad news”, there are several ways a
user can now protect their privacy. Users need aware-
ness about their situation. Browsers can digitally in-
form this, and consent can be taken from users. This
also includes having a privacy policy in place to let
the user be fully disclosed about the results of shar-
ing their private data. Therefore, users can willingly
opt-out from sharing data. Anonymization (Jeckmans
et al., 2013) is another smart win-win approach for
both users and businesses, where any identifiable in-
formation is anonymized while retaining only required
information. A simple solution would be to use incog-
nito mode provided by some browsers such as Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
There are algorithmic improvements (Ciss
ee and
Albayrak, 2007; Chen and Williams, 2010) that can
also counter such privacy issues. For example, (Zhan
et al., 2010) mention two approaches to preserve pri-
vacy: Homomorphic encryption, which computes the
Gupta, K., Sadmanee, A. and Sadman, N.
A Safer Approach to Build Recommendation Systems on Unidentifiable Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0010868000003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 589-596
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
multiplicative homomorphism, where the two cipher-
texts multiplication equals the encryption of the mul-
tiplication of the plain texts, and Scalar Product ap-
proach, where the information from two parties can
be protected, and the computation of similarities can
be accurately computed. However, current methods to
recommend user content/product/items are unsuitable
due to the constraints mentioned above. The provider
can not track user choices as users can opt out from
provider tracking systems. Furthermore, the provider
can not use similar user data to suggest content to new
users as users are now more conscious about sharing
their demographic, economic, or educational informa-
tion. These restrictions make it hard to recommend
appropriate content to the user. Moreover, the process
suffers from a cold-start problem.
Companies these days collect and sell large
amounts of user data without the consideration of user
privacy. It is claimed that the data is used for a per-
sonalized recommendation system. In this paper, we
propose a safer approach to utilizing deep reinforce-
ment learning algorithms that can understand human
preferences and devise a movie recommendation sys-
tem without collecting any identifiable user data.
Non-personal data, in its most basic form, is any
set of data that does not contain personally identifi-
able information like names and contact addresses
It is believed to be impossible to build a personal-
ized recommendation system without the use of any
identifiable personal data. However, we experimented
with only two unidentifiable features from custom-
made non-personal session data using three deep re-
inforcement learning algorithms, namely: Deep Q
Network (DQN)(Mnih et al., 2015), Double DQN
(DDQN)(Van Hasselt et al., 2016), and Dueling Dou-
ble DQN(D3QN)(Wang et al., 2016), which results in
high accuracy and a high F1 score. Thus it proves that
it is indeed possible to build a competitive recommen-
dation system using just unidentifiable non-personal
The main contribution of our paper encompasses
a comprehensive and comparative study of deep rein-
forcement learning algorithms for devising a movie
recommendation system using unidentifiable data and
inaugurating a new paradigm of recommendation sys-
tems that respect user privacy.
The organization of our paper is as follows. Section
II provides a brief overview of the technical foundation
of our findings. Section III contains a thorough review
of the literature. Section IV discusses the methodology
and the setup of our experiments and the generation
of our dataset. Section V presents and analyzes the
outcomes of the three deep reinforcement methods.
Finally, our article concludes with prospective future
work and limitations of the existing version in section
In this section, we will briefly touch technical literature
involved in this paper.
2.1 Session-based Recommender
Session-based recommender systems tend to capture
short-term but dynamic user preferences based on user
interactions on a particular session. These interactions
include clicks, purchases, cart histories, etc.
2.2 Unidentifiable Data
Unidentifiable data, also interchangeably used as non-
personal data, is defined by the absence of identifiers
within a data. Typical identifiers are name, address,
contact numbers, locations, passwords, etc. Data with-
out such kinds of identifiers are often less valuable and
unsaleable. Hackers cannot misuse non-personal data
to blackmail and leverage personal ill motives.
2.3 Q-learning
Q-learning is another approach to solve reinforcement
learning problems that analyses and improves the qual-
ity of the action taken by an agent to transit into another
state. It lets agents learn to act optimally in Markovian
domains by experiencing the decisions. Q-learning
can be formulated by Equation 1, where
is the learn-
ing rate that controls the agent’s time to adapt to the
random changes in the environment. Moreover, the
equation presents the temporal difference in the Q-
values, which helps to capture the random changes in
the environment. (Sutton and Barto, 2011; Watkins
and Dayan, 1992).
, A
) = Q(S
, A
) + α[R
+ γmaxQ(S
, a) Q(S
, A
2.4 Deep Q-learning
Deep Q-learning (DQN) is a derivative of Q-learning
in deep reinforcement learning, which uses a neural
network layer to approximate the Q-value function.
Deep Q-learning works best when the action space be-
comes larger, and computations become sparse. Deep
Q network, also commonly known as Deep Q learning,
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
is a deep neural-based Q learning approach to solving
RL problems. Deep Q learning helps deal with many
action spaces and states by inferring Q-values with
neural networks.
2.5 Double Deep Q-learning
The idea of Double Deep Q-learning (DDQN) origi-
nates from the motivation to counter the overestimation
of action spaces by the DQN algorithm. It is done by
decoupling the selection of action evaluation.
2.6 Dueling Double Deep Q-learning
In the dueling variant of the DQN, namely D3QN, an
intermediate layer in the Q-Network estimates the state
value and the state-dependent advantage function. One
may use the predicted Q-Value as the state value with
which the advantage estimate is added and then de-
meaned. This state-independent and state-dependent
factorization supports disentangling learning over ac-
tions and provides better results.
The recommendation system is a well-defined problem
in Computer Science. Previously matrix factorization
(Salakhutdinov et al., 2007; Koren et al., 2009) was a
generic method to build recommendation systems. The
fundamental goal of matrix factorization is to factorize
a user-item rating matrix into two low-rank matrices,
each of which reflects a user’s or item’s latent compo-
nents. It is unsuitable for a session-based recommenda-
tion system since the user preference is supplied only
by a few affirmative clicks. Then Markov chains were
introduced to anticipate users’ next behavior. (Shani
et al., 2005) used Markov decision processes (MDPs)
to solve the sequential optimization problem of rec-
ommendation generation. The authors in the paper
(Chen et al., 2018b) proposed to frame the recommen-
dation problem as one of (model-based) reinforcement
learning. The two main innovations were: 1) a model
and objective for learning the environment and reward
models; 2) a cascaded DQN framework for reasoning
about a combinatorial number of actions (i.e., which
subset of items to recommend user). Another work
(Yu, 2018) introduced a sample efficiency issue of re-
inforcement learning, which is the learning of the RL
agent on sample data. The author discussed possible
ways to reduce the sample cost of the domain.
(Belacel et al., 2020) predicts recommendations
based on a user’s previous interests. Though their
main contribution lies in the introduction of k Clos-
est resemblance classifier for Content Based Filtering
recommender systems, it is a fact that the algorithm
is based on a user’s identifiable data. (Yodogawa and
Kuwabara, 2020) simulates a round-table negotiations
for recommending an item to the users. While the idea
is brilliant, its complexity is rather unclear as the pro-
gram runs until all the negotiators agree on a product.
(Argente et al., 2017) took a rather unique approach
to the privacy issue. They focus on raising awareness
among people about public exposure of data. A hy-
brid neural-network and higher order Markov model
(Chen and Lin, 2019) is proposed by the author to
build recommender systems based on temporal data.
They used user information, set of items used, time,
and ratings. The authors in the paper (Ikemoto and
Kuwabara, 2019) proposes a method for improving
knowledge about items in a database for use in an in-
teractive recommender system. The proposed method
is integrated into a recommender system and is trig-
gered when the system detects a problem with the item
database based on user feedback about recommended
items. The proposed method collects information from
a user through interactions that are similar to those of
a recommendation process. Another work (Walter
et al., 2007) take a different approach to build a rec-
ommendation system using graphs where each nodes
are termed as agents. Each agents aim is to recom-
mend an item to the other on basis of preference. Thus
each agent forms a ’relation of trust’ with each other.
This trust-based recommendation system performs op-
timally. However, each agent can be identified due to
the personal information it holds.
There are several applications (Rohde et al., 2018;
Mahmood et al., 2008; Nawrocka et al., 2018) of re-
inforcement learning in recommendation systems de-
ployed on social sites, medical websites, e-commerce
sites, travel sites, etc. Apart from traditional rein-
forcement learning approaches (i.e, Markov-decision
process) (Sutton and Barto, 2011)), there are deep
learning implementations that accounts for the dy-
namic nature of environment in applications (Chen
et al., 2018a; Huang et al., 2021). (Xin et al., 2020)
proposed two frameworks, namely Self-Supervised
Q learning (SQN) and Self-Supervised Actor-Critic
(SAC). The frameworks are based on an approach that
augments standard recommendation models with two
output layers. One layer is for self-supervised learning,
and the other one is for RL. The last layer drives the
supervised layer to emphasize certain rewards, and the
self-supervised layer with cross-entropy loss provides
strong gradient signals for parameter updates. (Zhao
et al., 2018) introduced a novel concept of integrating
negative feedback (what a user does not like) in rec-
A Safer Approach to Build Recommendation Systems on Unidentifiable Data
ommender systems using deep reinforcement learning.
While they devised separate states and reward func-
tions for negative feedback, our approach considers
the negative feedback within the pattern of recognizing
preference priorities. Recommender systems installed
in various sites usually keep backlogs. (Chen et al.,
2019) in their paper described how logs from recom-
mender systems in YouTube could be leveraged, and
the bias can be addressed using top-K-off policy cor-
rection algorithm from YouTube. Some effort has
already been put to improve the reliability of group
recommendations (Rossi and Cervone, 2016; Alabdul-
rahman et al., 2019; Rossi et al., 2017). However, they
don’t solve the issue with data security
(Wang et al., 2019) in their paper discussed many
folds of session-based recommender systems encapsu-
lating diverse datasets used and the challenges faced
by such systems. Session-based recommender sys-
tems learn from the interactions of users on sessions.
They discussed recommender systems based on anony-
mous data and mentioned that session-based recom-
mendation systems are mostly dependent on user data
in the session, and their particular interactions like
purchases and assumed data are orderly. However, de-
spite attempting to address privacy issues in collecting
user data, none of the research considers an alternate
route to constructing efficient recommendation sys-
tems that will not collect identifiable user data. The
”privacy-preserving” techniques consider building ro-
bust databases (Liu et al., 2021) for users that will
cut off data leakage, or smart data encryptions (Zhan
et al., 2010; Park et al., 2020). Nevertheless, some
identifiable data is still collected. We aim to make a
change to the existing practices by offering consumers
with useful suggestions by ”not collecting” user infor-
mation rather than ”protecting” the information after
it has been collected.
4.1 Hypothesis
A watch-time based movie recommendation system
is the system of predicting a user-preferred movie
based on his/her current sequential movie interaction
data. Here we formulate the movie recommendation
based on the movie watch-time problem. Let a movie
watching sequence S be
, x
, ..., x
, x
of a user
, where
(1 i n)
is a recent movie watched
. We train a RL agent
to recommend a user-
preferred genre
based on
. A sequential model
maximizes the reward function
of an agent
on the outcome
O(s, a)
from taking action
on a state
s taken by A.
Our hypothesis states that a RL agent can learn to
recommend a set of movies to a user based on only
the user’s movie watch-time. Here we formulate our
hypothesis to solve the movie recommendation based
on the movie watch-time problem. Let, a domain
specific dataset D have n classes where
, ...
are subsets of D representing data points for class
1,2,...,n respectively. The agent A for the RL algorithm
can learn to recommend a set of data from D on the
basis of time spent on
, ...
only. Our reward
can be formulated as:
R(A) =
2, for optimal action
1, for 2
d most pre f erred action
1, otherwise
4.2 Algorithms
We applied three different well-known deep reinforce-
ment learning algorithms to our dataset. On top of
each algorithm, a sequential model is constructed with
3 Dense layers to process our movie watch time and
output an action, i.e., the recommendation. These al-
gorithms are DQN, DDQN, and D3QN. We use the
hubber loss (L) function to learn from the penalty in-
curred by the estimation procedure. The hubber loss is
formulated using the following equation:
(a) =
, for |a| δ
δ), otherwise
This function is quadratic for values smaller than a
certain threshold and linear for values larger than the
threshold with equal values and slopes of the different
sections at the two points where —a— = δ .
The process of integrating these algorithms into our
task is shown in Algorithm 1. We created our environ-
ment using open source OpenAI Gym
. A sequential
model processes the environment, and upon that, the
algorithms are applied. The reward mechanism is com-
puted to guide the agent in taking the right course of
action. We provide the agent a range for movie watch
time that can be considered optimal states.
4.3 Experimental Setup
A reinforcement learning setup is broken into com-
ponents for interpretability (Sutton and Barto, 2011).
These are environment and observation, states, agent
and its actions, and rewards. Each term is explained
according to our task-specific setup.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Environment of our reinforcement learning problem. The goal of the agent is to recommend correct list of movies.
The action taken by the agent is evaluated by the deep reinforcement learning which aims to maximize the reward.
Algorithm 1: Our approach to constructing the recommender
Initialize an environment
Action space = Three discrete values according to
three classes
Observation space = List of possible timestamps
from our dataset D
Initialize a sequential model with three dense layers
with ReLU activation on the first two and Linear on
the output
for number of epocs do
for each steps do
Train a deep reinforcement learning agent (al-
gorithm) with the sequential model
Check action with reward mechanism from
Step Function
Record and update action and reward history
end for
end for
4.4 Environment and Observation
The environment consists of the dataset used for this
experiment and the Deep Reinforcement learning algo-
rithms that are built to maximize the reward function.
The observation will be the output (recommendation)
predicted by the algorithms.
A state contains a particular movie watch
time from D.
A program that has some set of actions it
can take to change the states.
The actions of an agent are to select grid
arrangements or states that will be very close to
the user preference.
The reward function is dependent on the
algorithm we will use. In general, the agent earns
a reward after each state transition.
Figure 1 demonstrates our learning environment,
which contains an agent that recommends one or more
movie genres, a deep reinforcement learning algorithm
that corrects the agent’s output by looking at the action,
reward, and state from the training data. The goal of
this algorithm is to maximize compensation achieved
by the agent and minimize the loss function. The
selected action is then fed to the agent to teach the
correct course of action.
4.5 Dataset
There are handful of publicly available datasets on
movie recommendation systems on the Internet
. How-
ever, they consist of user-identifiable features, i.e. user
id, ratings, clicks, etc. We aim to use an unidentifiable
and unsaleable dataset to assert our hypothesis, but
no such standard real datasets nor their features suited
our purpose. There are also few state-of-the-art movie
recommendation models (Kim and Suh, 2019). How-
ever, they are trained on identifiable features, which
A Safer Approach to Build Recommendation Systems on Unidentifiable Data
(a) DQN (b) DDQN (c) D3QN
Figure 2: Comparative analysis of Reward graphs generated from three deep reinforcement learning algortihm.
contradicts our purpose of research. Therefore, for this
research, we manually constructed our dataset with
the help of 20 human annotators. Each annotator was
asked to watch 50 movies each from three genres from
an anonymous streaming site. An annotator will watch
150 movies and 3000 movies from all the annotators in
total. These genres were History, Action, and Comedy.
We record the watch time of an annotator watching a
particular movie. The watch time is started when the
annotator starts the movie and ends when the annotator
closes the movie. For reference, we call our dataset
Session Specific Movie Data or SSMD in short. Table
1 summarizes the data statistics of SSMD.
Table 1: Session Specific Movie Data Statistics.
Genre No. of
Average High Low
Action 1000
105.296 149.965
1000 50.936 69.993 31.002
29.990 10.016
In this experiment, we aim to architect an agent
that can understand human preference, specifically,
one or more movie genres, for our problem statement.
We would also like to see if this can be done without
using any identifiable data. Therefore, we construct
our dataset with the movie watch time and the genres
only. This alone cannot identify the user, nor can it
interpret anything specific about the movies. Precisely,
this is unsaleable data. However, in our Methodology,
we show that our agent can capture human preferences
and recommend movies based solely on the watch
times. There are a few features that we also took into
consideration like movie watching frequency. Though
the feature may seem intriguing, our main focus is the
data generated through a single activity session. It is
highly unlikely that a person would watch the same
movie twice in a single session. Therefore, we rejected
that idea and went with only the movie watch-time and
In this section, we experiment with our aforementioned
deep reinforcement learning algorithms on the dataset
that we created. For each algorithm, we record the
precision, recall, and F-1 scores. These scores are
computed against a set of truth values from a survey
conducted among CS university graduates. The stu-
dents were given a case study consisting of a movie
watch pattern and then asked what movies they would
recommend based on three criteria: Action, History,
and Comedy. Answers with the most common criteria
were chosen. The goal of our reinforcement learning
agent is to learn the correct preference as best as pos-
sible. The three deep learning approaches we utilized
to evaluate our suggested technique were constrained
in terms of parameter tweaking and data. However, in
our study, we demonstrated that the technique is feasi-
ble and accessible to researchers exploring other areas
with the same notion utilizing different cutting-edge
recommender systems. Figure 2 shows a compara-
tive analysis of the three deep reinforcement learning
algorithms. The reward graphs in Figure 1(a)DQN,
(b)DDQN, and (c)D3QN algorithms respectively show
that after an initial jump in reward, over the rest of
the 47 iterations, the reward remains steady. As the
algorithms start by assigning random rewards, we can
notice rises and falls in the early stage of training. As
the training progresses, the reward becomes more and
more steady. However, in Figure 2(b), the DDQN
algorithm starts to rise after 40 iterations. The algo-
rithm could not get past the initial random rewards for
the first 25 iterations while the other two algorithms,
namely DQN and D3QN, got past that point at an
early stage of the training, at the first five iterations
to be precise. From the analysis, we can assert that
the agent learns to take the correct course of action for
our recommendation problem. In table II, we present
a comparative study between 3 deep RL networks,
namely, DQN, DDQN, and D3QN. We observe that
D3QN has the highest precision, recall, and f1 score
among the three algorithms. D3QN is the upgraded
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Comparative analysis between DQN, DDQN, D3QN.
Movie recommended by Agent
Action History Comedy Action History Comedy Action History Comedy
10 3 2 9 3 3 9 4 2
Human Prefered
Action History Comedy
8 4 3
Precision Recall F-1 Precision Recall F-1 Precision Recall F-1
0.789 0.703 0.734 0.500 0.444 0.716 0.880 0.805 0.830
version of DDQN. Intuitively the D3QN algorithm can
determine valuable states without learning the effect
of each action at each state. This allows D3QN to
perform well on the specific task of recommending
movies based on limited data. It is transparent from
the performance of the three deep learning algorithms
that our research meets the study goal of developing a
safer recommendation system that does not require any
identifying data. Though in this research we proved
that movie recommendation is doable with the user’s
non-personal data, it is also open to researchers who
dwell in other domains of recommendation systems.
In this research, we propose a safer approach to use
deep reinforcement learning algorithms that can under-
stand human preference for movies without the need
for any identifiable data from the user. Among the
three algorithms used in our experiments, D3QN out-
performs DQN and DDQN by a significant margin by
achieving a precision of 0.880, recall of 0.805, and F1
score of 0.830. Therefore, we conclude that D3QN is
by far the best algorithm to be used in recommender
systems for unidentifiable data with a single feature.
This research might pave the way for safer and more
secure recommendation systems. Though the study
is based on a small movie dataset, it has the potential
to affect other recommendation systems as well. Our
experiments prove that the approach works even if
there are just two independent, distinct features that
are not private data. Future work of this research in-
cludes but is not limited to comparing with existing
recommendation systems and conducting applicability
of our algorithms in commercial sites.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence