Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving Simulator
Muhammad Ammar Khan
, Khawaja Ghulam Alamdar
, Aiman Junaid
and Muhammad Farhan
DSSE-Dhanani School of Science & Engineering, Habib University, Pakistan
Autonomous Cars, Self Driving, Udacity Simulator, Zero-bias Steering Angle.
Autonomous or self-driving systems require rigorous training before making it to the roads. Deep learning is
at the forefront of the training, testing, and validation of such systems. Self-driving simulators play a vital role
in this process not only due to the data-intensiveness of the deep learning algorithm but also due to several
parameters involved in the system. The data generated from self-driving car simulators have an inherent
problem of large zero-bias due to the discrete nature of computation arising from computer input devices. In
this paper, we analyze this problem and propose filtering to make the steering angles in the dataset smoother
and to remove random fluctuations that make our model learn better. After such processing, the test run on
simulators showed promising results using a significantly small dataset and a relatively shallow network.
With the growing field of autonomous learning, self-
driving cars are emerging as a center of focus for au-
tomobile industries. The current trend of the auto-
motive industry combined with research by the major
tech companies e.g., Apple, Ford, NVIDIA, proves
that self-driving cars are the future (Greenblatt, 2016).
Google is one of the leaders in self-driving cars, based
on its strong foundation in artificial intelligence. It al-
ready tested two self-driving cars on the road in June
2015. The current development is that Google vehi-
cles have accumulated more than 3.2 million km of
tests, becoming the closest to the actual use. Tesla is
another company that has made significant progress
in this field. It was the first company to devote self-
driving technology to production. Followed by the
Tesla models series, its “auto-pilot” technology has
made breakthroughs in recent years. There are sev-
eral other Car and Internet companies like Zenuity, es-
tablished by the collaboration of Sweden, Volvo, and
Autoliv, committed to the security of self-driving cars
and have devoted their research towards this growing
field (Coelingh et al., 2018).
One of the major aspect in success of self-driving
cars hinges on learning human sub-cognitive skills.
Behavioral cloning is a method through which it is
done and in recent years, several deep learning-based
behavioral cloning approaches have been developed
in the context of self-driving cars. Training such deep
networks requires a large dataset which is difficult
to gather. Moreover, extensive testing in a real set-
ting is very hard since a lot of conditions are needed
to be validated by the model i.e., different weathers,
climates, and topographies, which makes it hard for
the researchers to collect dataset for such scenarios
and also test it physically (Hars, 2010). The research
groups trying to build their autonomous car proto-
types run into the same problems, however, this could
pave the way for more productive research including
new sensor setups (i.e. LiDARS) and command and
control systems.
Another challenge in the development of au-
tonomous vehicles is that every day, test fleets around
the world create petabytes of data. Multiple teams
working simultaneously must process, sample, and
utilize this data. Additional design iterations may be
generated by every update during the development cy-
cle. Therefore, simulation remains the best method to
tackle these challenges. Moreover, with the simula-
tor, the benefits and drawbacks of various algorithms
could be thoroughly examined conveniently and with-
out imposing risk to any life in case of model failure
Khan, M., Alamdar, K., Junaid, A. and Farhan, M.
Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving Simulator Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0010839900003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Sharma et al., 2020).
To aid the current research on self-driving cars,
it is necessary to make simulation test-beds for the
trained models which proves to be faster, less expen-
sive, and much more insightful than a regular and
physical prototype. Developing a real-time simula-
tion environment for automatic cars however poses
interesting computing challenges that will enhance re-
search on efficient algorithm building as well.
In this paper, we analyze the inherent problem
with the simulator datasets and propose the method-
ology to deal with it. Utilizing the processed dataset
with the existing architectures for end-to-end learn-
ing yields better results. The rest of the paper is or-
ganized as follows. Section 2 highlights the problem
with the simulator datasets and presents a literature
review on existing techniques to solve the problem.
Section 3 discusses in detail the rationale of the prob-
lem and presents the proposed methodology to solve
it. Section 4 discusses the obtained results and Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper.
When driving a car, we usually experience a straight
road that is being followed for a longer period and
thus, the driver conditionally takes a turn, enabling
the steering wheel to rotate in either direction. This
phenomenon causes the car to usually stay at zero
turn and therefore, during data collection, we get
highly zero biased data, which affects the learning
process. Therefore, the procured dataset needs few
pre-processing steps in order to minimize its negative
A very simple approach to deal with the over-
represented zero steering angles uses a threshold
which results in elimination of excess zero steering
angles (Upamanyu and I., 2021; Tripathi et al., 2019;
Sokipriala, 2021). Different thresholds are experi-
mented and one that performs the best is selected. A
possible problem in this approach is that there is a
very large bias in simulator datasets which means a
significant reduction in dataset. Lokhande et al. elim-
inated 15000 out of 20000 of its data-set. (Lokhande
et al., 2021). Samak et all eliminated seventy per-
cent of the zero-steering data. (Samak et al., 2021)
Due to significant reduction in dataset, most of the
authors that used this thresholding method have used
data-augmentation to increase their dataset.
Data augmentation techniques without threshold-
ing method are also used to tackle the issue of zero
bias. Since more turns are desired to be present within
the data, we can simply flip the images with turns
and multiply the steering angle by -1. This would
also ensure that we get same amount of left and right
turns(Koci´c et al., 2019; Bojarski et al., 2018). Fur-
thermore, the images of road turns can be further aug-
mented by adding shadows, dark-spots, or adjusting
brightness to avoid over-fitting of the model while
reusing the same images thus allowing larger dataset
with turns and not just zero angles.
Another method used for eliminating zero bias
is using probabilistic dropping of over-represented
steering angles. In this approach bins of steering an-
gles are created and the average number of samples
per bin is computed. Then a keep probability is cre-
ated for each bin. Keep probability is 1 for bins that
have less samples than the average number of sam-
ples and for others it is number of samples for each
bin divided by average samples per bin(Farag and
Saleh, 2017). This way the over-represented steer-
ing angles are dropped proportionally with their over-
representation. This is a contrasting approach to the
data augmentation approach. A major advantage here
is that the dataset does not increase which makes
learning faster as unnecessary over-represented an-
gles that make learning hard for the model are de-
A unique technique was also used where during
the dataset collection mode of the simulator, the driver
forcefully kept the car on the edge of the road which
enabled the dataset to be generated with fewer steep
angles and a smooth steering trend overall. This also
minimized the zero bias as mostly the car was taking
small turns instead of being kept in its steady state
(Koci´c et al., 2019). However, this would negatively
impact the overall learning as the model would be
over-fitted on taking turns only at the edge of road
and thus, it would rarely run at the center of the road
and this creates a higher chance of the car getting off
the road.
Each of the above-stated methods have different
disadvantages. In the following Section, we dis-
cuss the inherent problem that causes zero bias in the
dataset that is not addressed by the methods used in
In the first subsection we discuss the problem inher-
ent in self driving simulator datasets and the reason
why the earlier described methods from the literature
are unable to cater to them. The subsequent section
focuses on the methodologies to tackle the problem.
Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving Simulator Datasets
(a) Challenge Dataset (b) Simulator Dataset
Figure 1: Udacity Dataset Steering Angle Histogram.
(a) Reality (b) Simulator
Figure 2: Driving a Car in Reality vs Simulator.
3.1 The Issues with the Simulator
There are two datasets for Udacity self driving cars:
one is the Udacity Challenge Dataset, that comprises
real life driving images, and the second is the Udacity
simulator dataset where data is collected while driv-
ing in the simulator. When the histogram of steering
angles for the two datasets is plotted, the zero-bias
problem seems a bit more exaggerated in the simula-
tor dataset. However, when we increase the quantiza-
tion bins of the histogram, the unique issue with the
simulator dataset is quite visible as shown in Figure
There is a huge zero bias in the simulator dataset
which suggests there must be another reason for it in
the simulator dataset. The zero bias in Udacity chal-
lenge dataset is because of majority of turns being
very mild, whereas the zero bias in simulator dataset
is because of how the data is collected. While driving
on a real road, the driver adjusts the steering angle
continuously and swiftly as shown in Figure 2a. Here
the steering wheel is not rotated drastically but makes
small swift changes. However, driving in a simulator
pressing the turn right/left keys discretely creates a lot
of zero bias as shown in Figure 2b.
As can be seen in the Figure 3, the road has a right
turn. In the simulator the driver presses the turning
keys 4 times in total and the car seems to be correctly
navigating the turn. This is causing the corruption of
our dataset. e.g., if we collect 20 images, they will
all be of a right turn. However, a majority of the cor-
responding steering angles collected will be 0. This
means that the correlation between images and steer-
ing angle is corrupted. Now even if we augment the
images, or drop the images probabilistically to de-
crease zero bias, this problem will be inherent in our
data where many images that are visibly turning right,
will have zero steering angle.
The problem with the simulator dataset was iden-
tified by (Farag and Saleh, 2017) as well but the ac-
tual problem that causes some data points to make the
learning harder for the model was not discussed. They
created a subroutine to display those frames from the
dataset on which the model does not perform well.
These data-points were found to be miss-labelled and
were manually corrected. Despite this technique be-
ing tedious, it helped improve the results to some ex-
tent. It is apparent that the problem faced by them was
because of the zero bias problems with the simulator
dataset as can be seen in Figure 3.
In Figure 4 a lot of random fluctuations to 0 can
be seen. Although the two techniques of data aug-
mentation and probabilistic dropping work well to re-
duce zero bias in Udacity challenge dataset, they fail
to address the main problem in the Udacity simulator
dataset as stated above. Apart from this, another issue
is the frame sequence preservation. Both the prepro-
cessing methods disrupt the temporal frame sequence
of the data. A growing number of papers have used
LSTMs recently to capture the temporal information
in the data as well since it consists of frames of a tem-
poral video. They have also shown that LSTMs out-
performs its non-LSTM counterpart models. So there
is a need for preserving temporal sequence of data
while addressing the zero bias problem in simulator
3.2 Filtering to Smoothen Steering
We propose smoothing the steering angles as an al-
ternative to data augmentation and probabilistic drop-
ping of data to remove zero bias. We achieve this by
Figure 3: Discrete Turns in Simulator Dataset Creates Zero
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
a moving average filter that acts as a low pass filter
and removes the high fluctuations of angles. We have
used a filter with n length and all filter coefficients as
Figure 4: Affect of Moving Average Filter.
Since we are changing y-labels (steering angles),
when we change our length of filter the input is not
constant hence we can not compare the loss of differ-
ent models with filters of different n. So we had to
analytically observe how well the car is driving using
the Simulator.
Figure 5: Steering Angle Histogram After Moving Average
As can be seen in the histogram in Figure 5, the
steering angle distribution becomes unbiased. How-
ever, our samples still have very few right turns which
could be improved by having larger dataset.
As can be seen in Section 4, the results from the
averaging filters were acceptable so we also explored
a Gaussian filter with weighted coefficients. It de-
creases the impact of neighbouring steering angles on
the computation of the current steering angle. Gaus-
sian filters have been used in preprocessing of self-
driving datasets (Kim and Canny, 2017), but they are
only used to remove sensor noise and mild driver
steering angle fluctuations and did not target the zero
bias issue in simulator datasets that is addressed in
this paper.
The coefficients of simple averaging filter and
Gaussian filter coefficients, for a variance of 10 and
length of 40, are shown in Figure 6. The length as
well as the variance of the Gaussian filter was varied
to observe the performance on the Udacity Simulator
and the results are summarized in Section 4.
(a) Averaging Filter (b) Gaussian Filter
Figure 6: Simple Averaging vs Gaussian Filter Coefficients
for n = 1/40, Variance = 10.
3.3 NVIDIA Architecture
Here we outline the network architecture, used to test
the proposed filtering methodology, which is a minor
revision of the architecture released by NVIDIA for
self-driving cars as shown in Figure 7. The network
consists of 9 layers, including a normalization layer,
5 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers.
The input image is split into YUV planes and passed
to the network. Here we omit the first layer of the
actual network which performs image normalization
because our preprocessing method already normal-
izes the images before feeding it into the architecture.
The five convolutional layers were designed to per-
form feature extraction. We use strided convolutions
in the first three convolutional layers with a 2×2 stride
and a 5×5 kernel and a non-strided convolution with
a 3×3 kernel size in the last two convolutional layers.
The five convolutional layers were followed by
three fully connected layers which then output the
steering angles. In order to reduce over-fitting,
dropout (0.2) layer was used. Adam optimizer was
Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving Simulator Datasets
Figure 7: NVIDIA Architecture (Bojarski et al., 2018).
used for optimization which requires little or no tun-
ing as the learning rate is adaptive(Bojarski et al.,
3.4 Post-processing
Since the dataset was initially zero biased, the applied
filter reduced the proportional gain of the steering an-
gles, causing the car to take accurate but smaller turns.
As a result, the model’s output needed to be tuned so
that the predicted value could be given an appropriate
gain and bias to make it as effective as it was in its
original state.
The results were obtained after such post-
processing as the simulator variables were tuned to
make the car steer near perfectly. Different filters re-
quired unique tuning. The equation below maps the
acceleration of the car based on steering angle and
speed of the car.
T = 1.0 (SA)
Here, T is throttle, SA is steering angle, S is speed,
and SL is speed limit. Since the filter was applied
onto the steering angles and is an irreversible opera-
tion, simple manual tuning could be done to attenu-
ate and bias the prediction from the model towards a
much better result. Therefore, the Steering angle was
calculated using following equation:
SA = (predict(image) M) + B,
where predict(image) function sends the captured im-
age to the model and outputs the steering angle, M is
an attenuating constant, and B is a bias. This equa-
tion can be manually tuned to get better results as by
default, M is 1 and B is 0.
Since the input to different lengths of averaging filters
are different, we can not effectively compare losses
between them to determine which works best. The
losses only give us the idea that which filtered data,
the particular value of n, is being learned well by
model. The losses at different values of n filter length
are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Loss with Different Filter lengths.
Analytically, we ran all the models on Udacity
Simulator to observe which filter worked the best.
We observed the simulations for the averaging filter
length n between 10 and 100. The simulations were
run multiple times for each n, and average was taken
to calculate the average time a car stays on track with-
out crashing. The results are summarized in the Fig-
ure 9.
Figure 9: Performance of Car on Udacity Simulator with
Different Filter Lengths.
Then we evaluated the performance of our Gaus-
sian filter preprocessing method. Performance on the
Udacity simulator was observed for different param-
eters (length and variance) and the length of 40 and
variance of 10 were found optimal where the car took
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
multiple laps smoothly over the track. These results
were obtained with a dataset of just 3500 images and
was ran on the NVIDIA architecture for 10 epochs.
This makes the performance even more commend-
In this paper we analyzed the inherent problem of zero
bias with self driving simulator datasets that was not
adequately addressed before. We proposed filtering
strategies for solving the issue and the results were
found to be acceptable. The zero bias issue can be
further reduced by creating input devices that has less
latency and more frequent feedback from its sensor.
With such devices, our proposed solution could fur-
ther enhance the performance of the model as it par-
ticipates in making the dataset more unbiased com-
pared to its earlier form and therefore, assisting in
simulator based training of such applications.
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Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving Simulator Datasets