Improving Social Emotion Prediction with Reader Comments Integration
Abdullah Alsaedi
, Phillip Brooker
, Floriana Grasso
and Stuart Thomason
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, U.K.
Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool, U.K.
Social Emotion Prediction, Emotion Analysis.
Social emotion prediction is concerned with the prediction of the reader’s emotion when exposed to a text.
In this paper, we propose a comment integration method for social emotion prediction. The basic intuition
is that enriching social media posts with related comments can enhance the models’ ability to capture the
conversation context, and hence improve the performance of social emotion prediction. We developed three
models that use the comment integration method with different approaches: word-based, topic-based, and
deep learning-based. Results show that our proposed models outperform popular models in terms of accuracy
and F1-score.
In recent years, social media platforms have pro-
vided an open environment for data scientists to ex-
plore and analyze users behavior (Ruths and Pfeffer,
2014). Many studies have been conducted on social
media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit,
etc. that aim to identify the sentiment of users toward
a certain event, company, or product (Fan and Gor-
don, 2014). Research into sentiment analysis has pro-
gressed rapidly in recent years, with some remarkable
results. However, traditionally, most of the proposals
made in this field use a too coarse-grained approach in
which emotions are classified as positive, negative, or
neutral. Some recent research has emerged attempt-
ing to integrate this with emotion analysis, to obtain a
deeper understanding of the text based on predefined
emotion models (Lerner and Keltner, 2000).
Unlike sentiment analysis, the analysis of emotion
can be conducted for both subjective and objective
text (Rao et al., 2012). Emotion analysis also deals
with text from different perspectives: the writer’s per-
spective, which represents the expressed emotion in
the text; and the reader’s perspective, which shows
the emotions the text provokes in its readers (Lin
et al., 2007). However, most existing work focuses
on identifying the emotion from the writer’s perspec-
tive (Guan et al., 2019).
Social emotion prediction is the consensus term to
designate work on reader’s emotion prediction, that is
research concerned with the problem of predicting the
emotion provoked to the reader after being exposed to
the text. Predicting the social emotion is a challeng-
ing task as the reader’s emotion is not declared in the
text, but it is triggered by reading the text, and it is
likely influenced by many factors, such as the read-
ers’ personal background and experiences.
One common way to approach the problem is to
understand whether there is a relationship between
reader’s and writer’s emotion, for instance by estab-
lishing if the reader experiences the same emotion
that the writer is portraying in the text. This can be
done by considering, as a single unit, a piece of text
and any comments to that text. For example, in social
media, one would consider posts followed by their re-
lated comments. The assumption is that the readers
who wrote comments can be assumed to have been
affected by the content of the post. Consequently, the
written emotions in the comments could reflect the
readers’ emotion at reading the text. Previous stud-
ies show indeed a correlation between the emotions
of the reader and writer of a comment (Yang et al.,
2009; Liu et al., 2013).
Such comments integration approach was found
to be effective for short-text topic modeling (Alvarez-
Melis and Saveski, 2016) based on underlying as-
sumptions on topic consistency between posts and
comments. As the social emotion can be related to
the topic of the post, the assumption is that the con-
tent of the comments could be informative and useful
for social emotion prediction models to learn from,
even without knowing the emotions experienced by
Alsaedi, A., Brooker, P., Grasso, F. and Thomason, S.
Improving Social Emotion Prediction with Reader Comments Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0010837000003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 285-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the writers of the comments.
In this paper we propose three models for social
emotion prediction using the comment integration ap-
proach. We integrate each post with its corresponding
comments as a whole document, then train our mod-
els on these integrated documents of posts and com-
ments. We report on experiments that show that, even
with a basic architecture, by integrating the comments
we can outperform established social emotion predic-
tion models.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explores related works. Section 3 presents our
comments integration models. Section 4 discusses the
experiments and analysis, and Section 5 presents the
conclusion of our work.
In this section, we summarize related work in two
areas: social emotion prediction and bi-perspective
emotion analysis.
2.1 Social Emotion Prediction
A shared task on Affective Text, proposed at the
2007 SemEval workshop (Strapparava and Mihalcea,
2007), served as starting point for the development
of several systems for social emotion prediction us-
ing various approaches, such as word-based methods,
topic-based methods, and deep learning-based meth-
ods (Alsaedi et al., 2021). In this section we sum-
marise the more relevant ones to the scope of this pa-
Word-based systems assume that all words, even
neutral ones, can be associated with a likelihood to
provoke emotions (Strapparava and Mihalcea, 2008).
SWAT (Katz et al., 2007), one of the top-performing
word-based systems, uses a bag-of-words (BOW)
model trained to label news headlines with social
emotions. It utilizes Roget’s Thesaurus for synonym
and antonym expansion and scores each word to de-
termine the average score for the headline. Another
interesting approach is the one presented in (Chau-
martin, 2007). The authors propose UPAR7, a rule-
based system, depends on a syntactic parser that
utilises resources from WordNet, SentiWordNet, and
WordNet-Affect for social emotion prediction.
Topic-based systems suggest that social emotion
should be linked to topics rather than words (Bao
et al., 2009). Therefore, topic-based systems such as
Emotion-Topic Model (ETM)(Bao et al., 2009)(Bao
et al., 2011), Affective Topic Model (ATM) (Rao
et al., 2014b), Sentiment Latent Topic Model (SLTM)
(Rao et al., 2014a), etc. benefit from the machin-
ery of topic modeling techniques and introduce an
intermediate emotion layer to popular topic mod-
els such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei
et al., 2003). Similarly, Multi-label Supervised Topic
Model (MSTM) (Rao et al., 2014a) utilizes the Super-
vised Topic Model (STM) (Blei and McAuliffe, 2010)
that extended to model multi-labels rather than single
label to be suitable for social emotion prediction.
State-of-the-art systems usually depend on deep
learning-based methods, such as neural networks and
word-embeddings, to obtain better understanding of
sequences and overcome the data sparsity problem
that occurs with other approaches. For example, in
(Guan et al., 2019), a hierarchical model based on
long short-term memory (LSTM) was proposed. The
model utilizes the attention mechanism and attempts
to capture the semantics of long texts using three dif-
ferent levels of embeddings: words, sentences and
documents. Similarly, TESAN (Wang and Wang,
2020) combines semantic and topical features and
feeds them into a unified deep learning model. The
model consists of a neural topic model that learns
the topical embeddings of documents, and a topic-
enhanced self-attention mechanism to generate the
document vector from the semantic and topical fea-
tures. Both features are integrated in a final gate,
achieving an improvement in performance.
2.2 Bi-perspective Emotion Analysis
Another set of works which are relevant to our re-
search focus on the analysis of reader’s emotion when
compared and contrasted to the writer’s emotion.
In (Yang et al., 2009) the readers’ emotion from
Yahoo!Kimo news, the Taiwan branch of Yahoo!, was
analyzed in comparison to the writers’ emotion from
the Yahoo!Kimo blog corpus. The authors built a
reader’s emotion classifier trained on the news corpus,
and applied it to the blog corpus, then analyzed the
new corpus, annotated with both perspectives. They
found that the valence, which is the degree of pleas-
antness, reveals that in blog topics, readers’ and writ-
ers’ emotions tend to agree on their polarities. How-
ever, the degree of influence is affected by the topic.
Tang and Chen (Tang and Chen, 2011) used
data from the micro-blogging platform Plurk
( that provides emo-
tion tagging from both perspectives for posts and
their corresponding comments. Users in Plurk have
the ability to tag their own posts with emotion, hence
self reporting the writer’s emotion. Users replying
to a post can also tagged their own replied, hence
self reporting the reader’s emotion. When analysing
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
both perspectives, they conclude that predicting the
reader’s emotion is clearly more challenging than
predicting the writer’s emotion. The authors extended
their work (Tang and Chen, 2012) by studying the
emotion transition between writer and reader in the
Plurk platform, and analyzed the linguistic features
that signal the change of emotions between the two.
They also proposed models to predict the transition
and they suggested sentiment word mining as a useful
tool for prediction performance.
In (Liu et al., 2013), the authors studied the rela-
tionship between news and their comments, again on
thee Yahoo!Kimo News. As the reader’s emotion is
provided by Yahoo!Kimo News, they manually anno-
tated the comments with the writer’s emotion. When
comparing, the news reader’s emotion and the com-
ments writer’s emotion, they found that both sets of
emotions are strongly correlated in term of valence,
but interestingly, not in fine-grained emotions such as
happiness, anger, sadness, etc.
In (Buechel and Hahn, 2017), the authors exam-
ined the data annotation process for writer’s emotion
and reader’s emotion, and they interestingly propose a
third perspective in the process of analysis, that is the
emotion from the point of view ”of the text itself”.
They conducted experiments on two English corpora
and suggest that the quality of the writer’s emotion an-
notation was the highest. The work is notable and it
is accompanied by a dataset, EmoBank, a large-scale
bi-perspective emotion annotated corpus of 10k sen-
tences, covering different genres.
Another important dataset is GoodNewsEveryone
(Bostan et al., 2019), a corpus of English news head-
lines annotated with writer’s emotion, writer’s emo-
tion intensity, reader’s emotion and semantic roles ac-
cording to the FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) semantic
frame. The dataset consists of 5000 English headlines
annotated via crowdsourcing.
In this section we present our models for social emo-
tion prediction. We use for all models the comment
integration approach, and we merge texts with the
comments attached to that text in one single docu-
ment. We conducted a number of experiments by
varying different features, and we report the combina-
tion of features producing the best results for each of
the three basic approaches: word-based, topic-based
and deep learning based.
3.1 Comments Integration Word-based
Word-based methods aim to detect the emotion in
content through finding the reader’s emotional trigger,
as it is noticed that any words, even the neutral ones,
can provoke emotions. Our simplest model combine
posts and their comments and used a basic Na
Bayes classifier trained on the BOW representation of
the documents resulting from the combination. A so-
cial emotion for the post is then attached to the whole
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed
word-based model.
Figure 1: Architecture of the comments integration word-
based model.
Results will be discussed in Section 4, but we
anticipate here that, compared to the Na
model trained on posts content only, our model im-
proved the performance in terms of accuracy, preci-
sion and recall. The model also achieved a significant
improvement compared to other popular models, in-
cluding topic-based models.
3.2 Comments Integration Topic-based
In this model we used the merged document of post
and related comments as an input to an LDA model to
extract the topics distribution for each document. We
used EmoLex (Mohammad and Turney, 2013), which
is an emotion lexicon annotated with classes from
Plutchick’s emotion model (Plutchik, 1980). EmoLex
was used to extract the emotion-word frequency in
each document in order to produce a vector of emo-
tion frequency. Both the LDA output and the emotion
frequency vector were then used as an input to a max-
imum entropy classifier. Figure 2 shows the architec-
ture of the proposed topic-based model.
Improving Social Emotion Prediction with Reader Comments Integration
Figure 2: Architecture of the comments integration topic-
based model.
3.3 Comments Integration Deep
Learning-based Model
The deep learning model utilizes a Term Fre-
quency–Inverse Document Frequency (TF-
IDF)(Salton and Buckley, 1988) representation
that gives more importance to words that are more
relevant to the document. We found that the use of
a TF-IDF representation of the merged document
of posts and comments improved the performance
significantly. The model consists of a multi-layer
neural network with one hidden layer and a softmax
activation in the output layer. Figure 3 shows the
architecture of the proposed deep learning-based
4.1 Dataset
The evaluation was conducted using FacebookR
(Krebs et al., 2018), a dataset of Facebook posts with
their social emotion and comments. Facebook intro-
duced the ”reactions” feature in 2016 to enable its
users to express their emotion toward posts, represent-
ing their social emotion. The reactions set includes
Like, Love, Care, HAHA, Wow, Sad and Angry.
FacebookR is scraped from customer service
pages of popular supermarkets from the United States
and the United Kingdom. To the best of our knowl-
Figure 3: Architecture of the comments integration deep
learning-based model.
edge, this is the only available English dataset that
provides comments as well as posts with the social
emotion labels. The dataset consists of over 70,000
posts. Of these, we considered those that excluded the
”like” reaction. As pointed out in (Krebs et al., 2018),
the like reaction makes the dataset very imbalanced
and inaccurate, as Facebook users tend to use ”like”
for any positive emotion or, sometimes, to show that
they have read the post. The resulting dataset when
excluding the ”like” reaction consists of 8103 posts.
As manual labeling for social emotion is challeng-
ing and usually produces low quality labels, Face-
bookR is scraped from real data that is annotated by
Facebook users themselves. Also, based on statistical
analysis conducted by the dataset publishers, user la-
beling seems consistent and the reactions that appear
together tend to agree in a high degree. We use the
dataset to predict the top social emotion for posts. Ta-
ble 1 shows the number of posts with the reaction of
the top number of votes in the dataset.
Table 1: The number of posts with their top social emotion.
Top reaction Number of posts
ANGRY 2276
HAHA 2253
LOVE 1648
WOW 1237
SAD 686
There are on average six comments for each post
and among 8103 posts only 150 are without any com-
ment. Table 2 shows the comments statistics for Face-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
bookR and Table 3 shows the documents length be-
fore and after merging the posts with their comments.
Table 2: Comments statistics for FacebookR posts.
Measure Number of comments
mean 6.31
std 37.56
min 1
max 2605
Table 3: Number of words in posts versus posts merged with
their comments.
Number of words Posts
Posts merged
with comments
mean 111.66 274.62
std 125.23 624.15
min 1 2
max 2093 38004
4.2 Baselines
We compare our models with the following popular
models from the literature:
SVM: Support vector machine classifier.
NB: Naive Bayes classifier.
SWAT: One of the best performing models pro-
posed in SemEval-2007 task 14, which depends
on scoring the document words.
ET (Bao et al., 2011): A straightforward model
that depends on a Naive Bayes classifier to learn
the word-emotion associations.
ETM: The first topic-based model that introduced
an emotion layer to LDA for social emotion pre-
ATM: A topic-based model that generates social
emotion lexicon and predicts unlabelled docu-
MSTM: A supervised topic model that learns the
association of word and topic, then predicts the
emotions from each topic.
SLTM: A topic-based model that associates words
and emotions to topics to predict the social emo-
tion from unseen documents.
In addition, we perform a comparison with the fol-
lowing deep learning models:
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997): A
long short-term memory model, which is a popu-
lar type of recurrent neural network, usually used
for learning from ordered sequences such as sen-
AttBiLSTM (Wang and Yang, 2020): A widely-
used bidirectional long short-term memory net-
work with an attention mechanism.
4.3 Experimental Design
We arbitrarily set the number of topics K to 20 for
the following models: ETM, ATM, MSTM, SLTM
and our topic-based model. For LSTM, AttBiLSTM,
and our deep learning model we used the Adam op-
timizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) for training with a
learning rate of 0.001, batch size 100, 20 epochs, and
early stopping on validation loss to prevent overfitting
OBERG and LJUNG, 1995). Both LSTM and At-
tBiLSTM consist of one layer with 32 units, and use
a pre-trained glove (Pennington et al., 2014) word-
embedding with 200-dimensions trained on a Twitter
dataset as the language on Twitter and Facebook share
similar characteristics.
4.4 Evaluation Metrics
We use Acc@1 as a metric for model evaluation in
our experiments, as it has been proved to represent
the correct prediction for the social emotion with the
highest number of ratings and is considered the most
important metric according to (Bao et al., 2009; Bao
et al., 2011).
To determine Acc@1, the correctly predicted doc-
uments are counted against the whole number of doc-
uments as follows:
1 if e
= EM
0 otherwise
Acc@1 =
Put simply, if there are many reactions for a post,
we will consider the reaction with the top ratings as
the social emotion of that post. If two or more reac-
tions have the same number of ratings we will con-
sider either of them.
4.5 Prediction Performance
Here we evaluate our models’ ability to predict each
social emotion by measuring the precision, recall, and
F1-score. Table 4 shows the evaluation for our word-
based model, topic-based model, and deep learning-
based model.
We can notice that the models performances vary
depending on the predicted emotion. As the dataset
is unbalanced, the prediction for some emotions is af-
fected negatively, such as the SAD and WOW emo-
tions, especially for the topic-based and the deep
Improving Social Emotion Prediction with Reader Comments Integration
Table 4: Evaluation of the proposed models.
Model Emotion Precision Recall F1
ANGRY 0.47 0.83 0.60
HAHA 0.56 0.55 0.56
LOVE 0.74 0.60 0.66
SAD 0.15 0.02 0.03
WOW 0.32 0.07 0.11
ANGRY 0.45 0.67 0.54
HAHA 0.45 0.62 0.52
LOVE 0.59 0.56 0.58
SAD 0.00 0.00 0.00
WOW 0.19 0.01 0.02
ANGRY 0.50 0.77 0.61
HAHA 0.51 0.75 0.61
LOVE 0.82 0.61 0.70
SAD 0.00 0.00 0.00
WOW 0.33 0.00 0.01
learning-based models. Interestingly, the F1 for the
LOVE emotion was always the highest, even though
the number of training samples for the ANGRY and
HAHA are higher which needs further investigation.
4.6 Comparison with Baselines
In this subsection we compare our social emotion pre-
diction models to the baselines mentioned in 4.2. All
models were evaluated on the FacebookR dataset and
two evaluation metrics have been used in the compari-
son: Accuracy of the top social emotion (Acc@1), and
F1-score. We focus on comparing models with sim-
ilar methods and divide the models into word-based
models, topic-based models, and deep learning-based
models. Table 5 summarises the performance of all
The table shows that our proposed models per-
form best among models with the same method in
term of accuracy, and also in F1 except for the topic-
based models, where ETM is better and achieved a
comparable accuracy to our topic-based model. Our
deep learning model outperforms all of other models
in terms of accuracy and F1. The word-based model
outperforms SWAT and ET both in accuracy and F1.
However, the ET model performs much better than
SWAT, which has a very low F1. Interestingly, the
performance of our word-based model was better than
all of the topic-based models, including our model,
and that might be related to the topics distribution the
extent of overlapping topics in our dataset.
When comparing the topic-based models we can
see that their performances vary significantly. ATM,
SLTM, and MSTM accuracies are low compared to
ETM and our model. However, with regard to F1
score, the differences between them are much bigger
since ATM, SLTM, and MSTM have very low F1.
Deep learning models provide a relatively close
accuracy for F1. There are no significant differences
between the accuracy and F1 score, which sometimes
appears in some of the word-based and topic-based
models. However, our deep learning-based model
boosts the accuracy by 10% compared to the LSTM
model. The F1 score also increased by 0.08. The
AttBiLSTM model improved the performance by 2%
over the LSTM model the F1 score raised by 0.02.
All of the deep learning models were learning
quickly before suffering from overfitting after the first
few epochs. We tried to avoid that by applying the
early stopping technique to force the training to stop
when there was no improvement. Figure 4 presents
the accuracy of all deep learning models over 20
epochs. It is noteworthy that the models’ accuracy
began to reduce after the first few epochs, which is a
sign of overfitting.
Figure 4: Accuracy of deep-based models with different
number of epochs.
In this paper, we have proposed a comment integra-
tion method for social emotion prediction. We de-
veloped word-based, topic-based, and deep learning-
based models that use our proposed methods and
compared them to popular social emotion prediction
methods. Experiments show that models that use
the comments integration method outperform popu-
lar models in terms of Acc@1 and F1. We found
that merging social media comments with their re-
lated posts added valuable data about the readers’
emotions and enhanced the ability to predict the social
emotion for posts. In the future, we will utilize the
comment integration methods to improve the models
from two aspects. On the one hand, we will develop
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: A summary of models’ performances in terms of accuracy and F1.
Method Model Accuracy F1
SVM 48.41 0.44
NB 50.08 0.46
SWAT 18.73 0.06
ET 43.41 0.34
Our Word-based model 52.59 0.48
ETM 46.21 0.44
ATM 21.16 0.06
SLTM 27.43 0.22
MSTM 19.40 0.06
Our Topic-based model 48.12 0.42
Deep Learning-based
LSTM 45.34 0.41
AttBiLSTM 47.22 0.43
Our Deep learning-based model 55.55 0.49
more advanced models that depend on deep learning-
based methods and neural topic models. On the other
hand, we will attempt to improve the prediction per-
formance for emotions with low precision and recall.
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