Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of
Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
Rasa Guzelyte
and Dave Cliff
Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UB, U.K.
Agent-Based Model, Betting Exchange, Opinion Dynamics, Track-racing, Narrative Economics.
We present first results from a new agent-based model (ABM) of a sports-betting exchange (such as those op-
erated by BetFair, BetDdaq, and SMarkets, among other companies) in which each agent holds a dynamically-
varying opinion about some uncertain future event (such as which competitor will win a particular horse race)
and in which all agents interact with the betting exchange to find counterparties holding an opposing view
with whom they can then enter into a bet with. We extend methods from Opinion Dynamics (OD) research to
give each agent an opinion at any particular time which is influenced partially by local interactions with other
agents (as is common in the OD literature), partially by globally available information (as published to all by
the betting exchange) and partially by the progressive reduction in uncertainty in the system (i.e., eventually
all agents know which horse has won the race). Our work here is motivated by the prize-winning ICAART2021
paper of Lomas & Cliff, who integrated OD methods with ABMs of financial markets to explore issues in Nar-
rative Economics, an approach recently proposed and popularised by Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller, but here
we explore a significantly different type of market: a betting market (which has strong similarities to a finan-
cial market for tradeable derivative contracts such as futures or options). The novel contributions of this paper
are centred on the extension of OD methods to situations in which there is a mix of local and global influence,
and in which uncertainty progressively reduces to zero. We present results from our initial proof-of-concept
implementation. The Python source-code for our ABM is freely available on Github for other researchers to
replicate and extend the work reported here.
In recent years Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller has in-
troduced and popularised the concept of Narrative
Economics (Shiller, 2017; Shiller, 2019), where eco-
nomic phenomena that would otherwise be hard to
explain using the tools of traditional economics are
explained instead with reference to the narratives, the
stories, that economic agents believe and tell them-
selves and each other about the nature of the eco-
nomic system that they are acting within: inter alia,
Shiller uses this to shed insightful light on the other-
wise hard-to-understand stratospheric rise in value of
cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
At ICAART2021 the prize for Best Paper was
awarded to Lomas & Cliff for their work on a novel
agent-based model (ABM) of narrative economics
in a contemporary electronic financial market (Lo-
mas, 2020; Lomas and Cliff, 2021) which took meth-
ods developed in the research literature on Opin-
ion Dynamics (OD) and integrated them with long-
established agent-based models of trader-agents in-
teracting within an accurate model of a contempo-
rary electronic financial exchange such as Nasdaq or
NYSE. Lomas & Cliff argued that Shiller’s concept
of a narrative can be nothing more than an opinion
put into words, thereby justifying the link with OD
research; their study of opinionated agents trading in
a financial market enabled empirical ABM studies of
narrative economics, because the opinions held by the
trader-agents affected the prices that they quoted in
the market; by deliberately injecting positive or neg-
ative narratives/opinions into the population and al-
lowing them to spread via specific OD models, the
effects of such changes in narrative on the subsequent
dynamics of prices in the markets could be studied.
In this paper we present first results from our
newly-developed ABM which is inspired by and com-
plementary to that of Lomas & Cliff. Like Lomas
& Cliff, we study populations of opinionated agents
Guzelyte, R. and Cliff, D.
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange.
DOI: 10.5220/0010834800003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 1, pages 225-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that interact with one another via an exchange, how-
ever in our research the exchange is not a financial
exchange, but is instead a betting exchange. Betting
exchanges, an innovation from the dot-com boom of
the late 1990s, have been a massive disruptor of the
global betting/bookmaking industry over the past two
decades. The primary innovator in this space was
the British company called Betfair, whose founders
recognised that just as a financial exchange acts as
a platform that enables traders to seek and identify
potential counter-parties to trade with (i.e., the ex-
change matches buyers to sellers, and sellers to buy-
ers), so the same technology could be used to enable
bettors to seek and identify potential counter-parties
to a bet (i.e., the exchange matches bettors who want
to bet that some event E will happen, to bettors who
want to bet that E will not happen). The development
of high-technology online betting exchanges enabled
further innovation, introducing a new type of betting
that would have been difficult or impracticable to im-
plement without computerised technology: specifi-
cally, betting exchanges developed the capability to
offer so-called in-play (or in-game or in-race) betting,
where bettors can continue to bet on the outcome of
an event such as a horse-race after it has started, with
betting continuing potentially right up until the mo-
ment that the event ends and the winner is known.
As with the work of Lomas & Cliff, we use estab-
lished methods from the OD literature to give change-
able opinions to the agents in our ABM, but our
agents are opinionated bettors rather than Lomas &
Cliffs opinionated traders. To do this, we have used
a newly-developed ABM of a betting exchange with
in-play betting on track-racing events such as horse-
races or sports-car races. This model is the open-
source Bristol Betting Exchange (BBE) described by
(Cliff, 2021; Cliff et al., 2021), various implementa-
tions of which are freely available on GitHub. BBE
offers a minimal abstract simulation of a track-race
event, sufficient to make the dynamics of the simu-
lated betting exchange interestingly realistic, and in-
cludes a base set of types of different betting strate-
gies: bettor-agents can each be instantiated with one
of these strategies, which vary in their degree of ra-
tionality and in their accuracy of predicting the final
outcome of the race.
The behavior of human bettors, as individuals and
in aggregate (i.e., as populations of bettors) has long
been studied by economists and psychologists inter-
ested in how we make economic decisions in situa-
tions of risk and uncertainty. An extensive literature
survey is presented in (Cliff, 2021) which reveals that,
to the best of our knowledge, the work we report here
is the first ever ABM exploration of narrative eco-
nomics and opinion dynamics in a betting context.
In our model, over the duration of any one experi-
ment, each agent interacts with some number of other
agents in the population, with each atomic event being
a pairwise interaction between two agents. When two
agents (denoted here as A1 and A2) interact, the opin-
ion of A1 might be altered in response to the opin-
ion of A2, and/or the opinion of A2 might alter in re-
sponse to the opinion of A1. Whether the opinions of
A1 and/or A2 alter at all, and how much they change
by if they do, depends on the particular OD model in
use. This approach, of agents privately communicat-
ing with one another in pairs and their opinions pos-
sibly altering in response, is entirely standard within
the OD literature: indeed, in the vast majority of OD
papers, that is all that is studied. The link between
this mainstream style of OD and narrative economics
was established by (Lomas and Cliff, 2021) to which
the reader is referred for further details. Because in
this paper we move beyond the mainstream OD ap-
proach, we will denote this aspect of the OD model in
our system as the local opinions for each bettor: that
is, this influence on the bettor’s opinion comes from
local interactions with other bettors. However, in our
model this is not the only influence.
In real life, we might meet a friend for a chat over
morning coffee, and our friend might tell us her hot tip
for which horse is going to win a race tomorrow; in
the course of the rest of the day, we might meet other
people and pass on our friend’s tip to them: in the
course of these interactions, peoples’ opinions about
the outcome of tomorrow’s race are altered via their
private local interactions. However, surely this is not
the only factor of significance. There are two other
additional factors that we model here.
The first additional factor is one that we refer to
as the global opinion available to an individual bettor.
In contrast to tips passed among friends, anyone who
looks at the betting exchange’s real-time information
about the market for tomorrow’s horse-race can read-
ily see the aggregated opinions of very large numbers
of bettors, each of whom is sufficiently sure of their
opinions that they have put money down, i.e. paid a
stake for their bet into the exchange, in the expecta-
tion that their personal opinion is correct. In this way,
an individual bettor’s opinion can be influenced by the
combined opinions of everyone who has placed a bet
in the exchange’s market for that event, i.e. the over-
all market sentiment. If our friend’s hot tip is that
horse H1 will win the race, but currently the vast ma-
jority of bets, or of total money wagered, is indicating
a common belief that a different horse H2 will instead
win, we may well come to doubt the wisdom of our
tipster friend, and so in this way our opinion can be
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
changed to some extent (maybe more, maybe less) by
the global information available to us.
The second additional factor is specific to the na-
ture of gambling (and is shared in the financial mar-
kets for tradable financial derivatives such as futures
and options contracts), and that is the finality of the
outcome of the event becoming known: eventually,
one horse or another crosses the finishing line first,
and the race is over, and the winner is known. Our
opinion of which horse will win might change from
time to time in the run-up to the start of the race, as
a consequence of the effects of local and global opin-
ion influences, but once the race is actually running,
once it is in-play, we can see for ourselves how each
horse is doing: our opinions of which horse will win
could change much faster during the race itself, and
yet eventually all rational observers of the race con-
verge on the same opinion of which horse will actu-
ally win, because at the infinitesimal moment before
the first horse crosses the finish-line all rational ob-
servers must hold the opinion that the lead horse will
in fact win the race.
We refer to this as the influ-
ence of the event on the agents’ opinion, or simply
the event-opinion.
The novel contributions of this paper are centred
on the extension of OD methods to situations in which
there is a mix of local and global influence, and in
which uncertainty progressively reduces to zero. Our
focus here is solely on the opinion dynamics of in-
play betting. Source-code for our ABM has been
freely released on Github for other researchers to
replicate and extend the work reported here.
ther discussion, and extensive additional results are
available in (Guzelyte, 2021), from which this paper
is abridged.
In Section 2 we give more details of the back-
ground of this work. Section 3 reviews the few
papers in the OD literature that are relevant to
the issues that we face in our ABM (the num-
ber of papers is small because the vast majority of
BBE ignores the real-world phenomena of photo-
finishes and dead-heats: in our ABM we know the position
of the competitors, their distances along the track, to arbi-
trary spatial accuracy and no two competitors can ever be at
exactly the same position.
See: OD.
Both authors worked on this research in the UK where
gambling as described herein is entirely legal, and where
the major betting-exchange operators pay corporate taxes to
the government, which contribute to the funds available for
enabling research such as this to be conducted in publicly-
funded universities. We recognise that in other countries,
in other cultures, gambling is viewed as immoral and/or is
illegal, and that readers from such backgrounds might find
the morality of the work described here to be questionable.
work in the OD literature seems to be focused on
agents whose opinions are never objectively evalu-
able as either true or false). Section 4 explains our
OD model of bettor-agents with opinions dynami-
cally influenced by other agents’ locally-expressed
and globally-expressed opinions, and by the event-
opinion. After that, we briefly show illustrative results
from our system in Section 5 and then draw conclu-
sions in Section 6.
2.1 Betting and Exchanges
In 2020 the global gambling industry had reportedly
reached a value of US$67billion and was projected to
more than double by 2028 (Fortune, 2021). While
the growth of the industry is largely driven by the
general increase in popularity of digital technologies
and its associated benefits, the COVID-19 pandemic
has notably accelerated the adoption of internet-based
gambling with government-mandated restrictions and
temporary closures of non-essential services includ-
ing casinos, betting parlours and other offline gam-
bling sites. At the time of writing this paper, gambling
in the USA is being significantly liberalised, with re-
strictions being lifted and new markets opening up.
The introduction of electronic betting exchanges
in the late 1990s proved to be a major disruptor for
the global betting industry, which previously relied al-
most exclusively on traditional bookmaking. Unlike
bookmakers, a betting exchange does not take the op-
posing view of customers, but rather acts as a facil-
itator platform that aggregates all bets placed on an
event and efficiently matches bettors with competing
views on the outcome, in exchange for some commis-
sion fee (typically fees are charged only to winners of
bets). The way betting exchanges operate is closely
analogous to stock exchanges, where instead of buy-
ing and selling stocks, people can place bets that are
referred to either as backs (wagers that some outcome
of an event will happen) or lays (wagers that an event-
outcome will not happen). In much the same way that
a financial exchange publishes a global (available to
all) real-time display of aggregated and anonymised
orders currently sat at the exchange and awaiting ac-
ceptance by a counterparty, so betting exchange plat-
forms also provide customers with a public summary
of placed bets over all available outcomes this is
referred to within the gambling industry as the mar-
ket for that event. In addition to the introduction of
in-play betting, described in Section 1, another im-
portant innovation enabled by electronic betting ex-
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
changes allows bettors to gamble on the movement of
odds and changes in the distribution of stake-money
for a particular event.
Notably, most betting exchanges offer their users
charge-free API access, which can be utilised for cre-
ating custom automated betting strategies. Given his-
toric time-series data on different event markets, cus-
tomers may apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ma-
chine Learning (ML) approaches for developing and
testing various approaches for profitable future bet-
ting. Methods that are commonly and successfully
used for similar tasks like identifying trading signals
in financial markets such as Deep Learning Neural
Networks (see e.g. (Goodfellow et al., 2017)) re-
quire access to large quantities of training data to
learn from. Such data is available from some betting
exchanges, but it is usually offered at a premium fee
and, for some machine learning methods, even if all
of the data held by the exchange was available at zero
cost, there may simply be insufficient data to effec-
tively train a large network. That is, given the relative
recency of the introduction of betting exchanges, the
right kind of data can be unattainable at any price, due
to the massive volumes required.
Shortages of training data are not uncommon in
contemporary ML, and in various application areas
the introduction of synthetic data generators (SDGs)
has proven to be a successful remedy. In brief, an
SDG is a source of ML training data that is synthe-
sized, but which is statistically such a close match
to the relevant real-world data-sets that from the per-
spective of the ML system the fact that the data is syn-
thetic makes no difference to the outcome. For further
details and examples of SDGs, see (El Emam et al.,
2021; Cao et al., 2021; Wood et al., 2021). The open-
source Bristol Betting Exchange (BBE), described in
the next section, is a recently-introduced SDG for in-
play betting-exchange data, which we use here as the
platform for our experiments in studying opinion dy-
namics in populations of bettors.
2.2 BBE
BBE was introduced in a paper by Cliff (Cliff, 2021),
where it is classed as a constructive SDG model, i.e.
one which is intended to generate data-sets that pre-
serve the original data’s key statistical features, and
for which the ground-truths are known and explain-
able. This means that in addition to providing de-
sired quantities of synthetic betting data it also sim-
ulates the sports event that generated those particular
betting outcomes. Currently, BBE consists of simu-
lated track-racing (e.g., horse racing) events only and
includes the betting-exchange matching-engine and a
Figure 1: Competitor distance-time (d
/t) graph of a 2000m
two-competitor race. Competitor C0 (dashed line) wins the
race, reaching the race-distance first, and then ceases to
move (creating the horizontal trace at the end of its d
plot), while competitor C1 (solid line) initial leads the race
but eventually comes in second place.
population of agent-based bettors that can post backs
and lays on the exchange’s market for that event.
The rationale for, and architecture of, BBE are docu-
mented at length in (Cliff, 2021), to which the reader
is referred for full details.
BBE models some number of competitors (e.g.,
horses) racing along a track that is topologically lin-
ear, so that the primary variable of concern for any
one competitor is how far along the track it has trav-
elled: once that distance exceeds the race-distance,
that competitor has crossed the finish-line. We use
(t) to denote the distance travelled along the race-
track by competitor c at time t. Each competitor is
modelled as a point on the line (i.e.. it has no spatial
extent) but the speed at which a competitor C1 moves
forward can be affected by the distance between it and
any nearby competitors in front (which may block
C1, slowing it down) and behind (which may “spur
on” C1, causing it to deliver a burst of speed as they
close in). Figure 1 visualises a two-horse race as a
plot of distance over time (d
/t) for each of the com-
petitors, but this wastes a lot of whitespace. Fig-
ure 2 shows a different projection of the same race-
data, in which all competitor’s race-distances at each
timestep of the simulated race are treated as a cloud of
data-points, and the linear regression line is calculated
for that cloud: the linear-regression line is then sub-
tracted from each competitor’s d
/t data, to show the
residual distance (RD); in the RD plot the moment-
by-moment changes in relative distance between the
competitors are much easier to see. The coincident
nature of the plots for C0 and C1 in Figure 2 around
t = 100 to t = 110 show C0 being blocked by C1,
something that is much less clear in Figure 1.
A variety of simple types of BBE bettor-agent
strategy are described by (Cliff, 2021): these vary in
their sophistication, and in the accuracy of their pre-
dictions. The simplest strategy of all is the Zero In-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Competitor residual distance (RD) graph of the
same 2000m two-competitor race as shown in Figure 1. The
residual distances are calculated as the difference between
each competitor’s distance at t and the linear regression
(LR) line at t where the LR line is created ex post from all
competitors’ positions for each time-step in the race. This
visualisation method better illustrates fine-grained changes
in relative distance between the competitors, for instance
the period where C0 (dashed line) is blocked by C1 (solid
line) from t = 115 to t = 135 is much clearer in this plot.
telligence (ZI) bettor, which selects one competitor
at random, using a uniform distribution (i.e., so the
choice of competitor is equiprobable over the set of
competitors for a particular race), and sticks with that
choice for the rest of the race. ZI is very simple to im-
plement, and is very often wrong. At the other end
of the BBE spectrum is a Rational Predictor strat-
egy known as RP(d), because this strategy makes d
attempts at simulating the race, given all available in-
formation, and then estimates each competitor’s prob-
ability of winning the race using simple frequentist
statistics (e.g., if d = 20 and competitor C0 wins the
race in 3 of the 20 simulations, then the RP(d) bet-
tor’s estimate of C0’s probability of winning the race
is 3/20=15%). For in-play betting, RP(d) bettors can
re-calculate their d simulations at any time that the
race is in progress, simulating the race forward in
time from its current state, and magically taking no
simulation-time at all to do so in this sense, they
are as wholly unrealistic as the assumptions of ratio-
nality in most economist’s models prior to the reali-
sations that actual human rationality is bounded, and
that much of human behavior is irrational.
A follow-up paper (Cliff et al., 2021) sum-
marises three separate BBE implementations using
varying levels of technical complexity developed
by (Hawkins, 2021), (Keen, 2021), and (Lau-Soto,
2021), and each of these presented their first empir-
ical results. In the work we report here, we adapted
and extended the (Keen, 2021) BBE implementation,
integrating OD for bettor-agents.
2.3 Bettor Opinion Dynamics
Cliffs (2021) paper that first introduced the BBE plat-
form proposes that such interactive agent-based simu-
lated betting environments are well-suited as test-beds
and experimentation platforms for studying narrative
economics as a form of opinion dynamics (OD); the
links from OD to Shiller’s narrative economics were
first argued for by (Lomas and Cliff, 2021). OD is a
socio-physics sub-field mainly aimed at understand-
ing the way group opinions are formed, how they
evolve, and whether a consensus is reached. One
novel contribution of our paper here is that it describes
the first attempt to integrate opinion dynamics into
the BBE platform by implementing a way for bet-
tors to record, share and update their sentiment about
the event market (an opinion about whether a specific
competitor is going to win the race or not). Specif-
ically, six classes of agent bettors with zero or min-
imal levels of intelligence, which are present in the
BBE platform, get integrated with a way to initiate
independent opinions for each agent and update those
initial opinions using one or more of three previously-
established OD models: Bounded Confidence (BC)
(Krause, 2000; Hegselmann and Krause, 2002); Rel-
ative Agreement (RA) (Deffuant et al., 2002; Mead-
ows and Cliff, 2012) and Relative Disagreement (RD)
(Meadows and Cliff, 2013).
These three models have previously been ex-
plored in the OD literature mainly for understand-
ing how groups reach consensus under various sce-
narios, which ignores any situations where a ground
truth opinion is ultimately established and shared with
the population: much of the OD literature seems cu-
riously fixated on the dynamics of opinions in situ-
ations where the opinions of the agents are entirely
subjective, and can never be proven true or false, right
or wrong. Certainly there are some important aspects
of real-world opinions, such as politics or religion, or
which is the greatest of all time football team, etc,
where there is no objective test that can be applied to
establish truth or falsehood. But it seems strange that
so little work has been published in the OD literature
in which the opinions are actually about something
tangible, opinions that can subsequently be proven
to be right or wrong. In addition, the existing OD
models allow the population of agents to converge to
multiple final opinions, forming a different consen-
sus shared within each group. Since in our track-
race events at the end of each race a single unique
winner is almost always established, OD models for
bettors have to take this into consideration. For ex-
ample, during in-play betting for horse-racing, as the
race progresses bettors’ opinions on which horse is
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
going to win will change based on the observable evo-
lution of the race. In every case, as the race comes to
an end, each individual bettor’s opinion should con-
verge to the same ground truth that one particular
horse won and that none of the other horses did. Be-
cause of these considerations, for our work the BC,
RA and RD models are used only to represent the in-
fluence on opinions of private bettor-to-bettor conver-
sations, the local opinion factor. Additional factors
affecting bettor opinions are introduced to create our
novel OD model that tends towards the final ground
truth (the winner being known) with varying levels of
confidence given the information available to the bet-
tor at that time. In our survey of the OD literature
we have found only one related idea, first explored
by (Hegselmann and Krause, 2002), which involved
the introduction of truth-seeker agents. A full review
of literature that discusses opinion dynamics with the
presence of truth is included in Section 3.
Once the mechanism for tracking bettor sentiment
is established, the integrated BBE environment is then
used to explore the evolution of bettor-agent opin-
ion dynamics for various specific event scenarios and
bettor populations. The controlled and reproducible
nature of BBE simulations allows the exploration of
how different bettor groups react in the same event
market (i.e., keeping the track-race evolution con-
stant) and how the presence of other bettor classes
influence the opinion dynamics.
Space constraints prevent us from providing a com-
prehensive review of all relevant literature: for in-
depth reviews that form the background to our work
reported here, see (Cliff, 2021) and (Guzelyte, 2021);
and for an extensive review of opinion dynamics
research see (Dong et al., 2018), which cites 157
sources and the text of which does not include the
word “truth” even once. Here we focus on review-
ing the small number of papers in the large canon of
OD work that deals with truth-seeking agents.
3.1 Ground Truth in Opinion Dynamics
The well-known opinion dynamics models provide a
reasonable approach for exploring consensus and po-
larisation cases among voters or followers of religious
faiths, where opinions are personal, subjective, and
largely unaffected by references to objective truths.
These models, however, do not consider the presence
of a ground truth opinion in their logic. Specifically,
the BC, RA and RD models have no mechanism that
would represent the truth or falsehood of an opinion,
which means that while the agents will converge to
some final opinion or multiple fragmented opinions,
it cannot be used to study social exchange processes
that involve discussions about a known fact.
To explore the opinion dynamics of bettors, the
concept of ground truth is relevant because each BBE
event that is bet upon has a defined end-time when
some winner is announced. Regardless of what each
individual bettor thought the winner would be at the
start, as the race progresses all bettors have to update
their opinions incorporating new information about
the advancing race and then as the winner crosses the
finish line finish the population of agents should all
share the same single opinion, the true opinion, about
who the winner is. Below is a brief overview of aca-
demic literature that extends opinion dynamics mod-
els to include a notion of truth.
3.2 Truth-seeking Agents
Hegselmann and Krause (Hegselmann et al., 2006)
extended and modified the BC model by introducing
a new type of truth-seeking agent. They analyse the
chances of agents reaching the truth under a cognitive
division of labour, where some number of individuals
in the population are truth seekers. To account for the
true opinion, the extended BC model introduces two
parameters: the true opinion T [0,1] R; and α
strength of “attraction” to the truth for i
agent. This
gives the following equation for the Hegselmann-
Krause Bounded Confidence (HKBC) truth seekers in
a population of N
(t + 1) = α
T + (1 α
) f
(t));1 i N
. (1)
Here, the opinion of agent i is given by two compo-
nents: α
T , the objective component (how attracted
the agent is to truth); and (1 α
), the social compo-
nent (how easily the agent is socially influenced from
truth) given f
as the function of current opinion pro-
file x
(t). When α
= 0 Equation 1 gives the origi-
nal BC model specification (Krause, 2000), where the
agent’s opinions are updated following only the so-
cial process and the truth does not play any role. With
reference to the terminology we have developed for
our model of OD in populations of bettors, HKBC’s
social component corresponds naturally to our local
component; and our global component corresponds
to something conceptually part-way between HKBC’s
objective (1 α
) and social α
T .
HKBC assumes that the truth T is one and only
one, which is a reasonable assumption for modelling
our agent bettors as there is only ever one winner of
a race in BBE. HKBC also assumes that truth is cer-
tain from the outset and does not change through time,
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
which fares poorly in any attempt to map HKBC onto
a betting event (i.e., an opinion about who will be the
winner of the race is eventually either true or false;
a bettor might plausibly hold a true opinion about
which competitor has the highest likelihood of win-
ning at current time in the race given all currently
available information). So, clearly our chosen prob-
lem domain stretches HKBC beyond breaking point,
and something better is needed.
(Malarz, 2006) extended the RA model (Deffuant
et al., 2002) using the same logic as HKBC by in-
corporating truth and showed that quantitatively both
models give the same results. HKBC was also later re-
visited by (Liu and Mo, 2018), who explored the role
that information noise plays in populations with truth-
seeking agents, and concluded that small amounts of
noise help agents achieve the truth while higher noise
obstructs the truth-seeking process.
3.3 Truth Persuasion
(Friedkin and Bullo, 2017) explored how truth
is reached during intellectual group debates, and
showed that for intellectual debates with some true
opinion, a deeper level of persuasion is associated
with truth statements. The authors argue that those
agents that hold the factually correct opinion will as-
sert a higher level of persuasion over other agents
during discussions where agents share not only their
opinions but also the underpinning calculative logic
of those opinions. This was shown to be true for de-
centralised populations split into independent groups
with one-true versus many-false calculative logics
present, given that individuals understand the rele-
vant science and mathematics for that logic. How-
ever, Friedkin and Bullo conclude that the truth does
not win when large-enough social movements elevate
the presence of some false calculative logic, due to
majority influence. (Tsang et al., 2015) also proposes
that a higher-level of persuasion is present with truth
statements, attributing this to the power of the righ-
teous argument: “it is easier to convince someone of
the truth than the falsehood”.
4.1 A Three-factor OD Model
Earlier in this paper we introduced the distinction
between three influences on a bettor-agent’s overall
opinion: local, global and event. It is reasonable to
think that each of these factors would have a differ-
ent impact on individual bettors, that the bettors’ in-
dividual sensitivity to these influences would be het-
erogeneous. For example, some bettors might be very
susceptible to the conversations they are having with
other bettors about which competitor is likely to win,
while other bettors might be more easily swayed by a
change in the overall market sentiment about the com-
petitors (e.g., by observing a sudden increase in back
odds for a competitor).
For simplicity in the explanation that follows, we
talk in terms of a single bettor b forming an overall
opinion about a competitor of interest, a single spe-
cific competitor in the race. The model we describe
here in those terms generalises naturally to multiple
bettors each forming an opinion on multiple com-
petitors. Also, note that one bettor’s overall opinion
about a specific competitor of interest can intuitively
be viewed as their estimated probability of that com-
petitor winning the event (see (Guzelyte, 2021) for
further explanation).
In our model the opinion of bettor b at time t is
denoted by o
(t) and is a weighted linear combination
of all three elements of opinion-influence: the local,
denoted by Λ
(t) [0, 1] R; the global, denoted by
(t) [0, 1] R; and the influence of the event itself,
denoted by E(t) [0,1] R.
The overall opinion of bettor b at time t + 1 can
then be defined as follows:
(t + 1) = α
(t) +
(t) +
Where the α
(t) [0,1] R; i {1,2,3} are time-
varying weights that the bettor places on their local,
global and event opinion-influences at time t respec-
tively, such that:
(t) = 1.
4.2 Event Opinion
Unlike local and global impact on overall opinion,
which could stay consistent throughout the race, the
event opinion element is expected to have an increas-
ing impact on bettor’s opinions as the event proceeds
towards its ending. This is because any distance dif-
ferences between competitors become more material
to the outcome of the race as it is coming to the end.
As such, in our model the impact of event opinion
on overall opinion is increasing throughout the race.
Since at time=0 the race has not yet started and at fin-
ish time a winner is established, the impact of event
opinion should start at 0 and reach 1 (100% of over-
all opinion), which can be interpreted as every bet-
tor’s opinion at the end of the game matching the
actual outcome of the game. As the weight α
creases, the ratio between α
and α
could stay the
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
same or vary for each bettor during the race. In
the work reported here the ratio between local and
global weights (α
and α
) is kept the same, while
the event opinion weight (α
) increases according to
(t) = d
, where D
is the total length of
the race-track and:
(t) = max(d
(t) : c) (2)
i.e., d
(t) is the distance of the competitor in the
lead at time t. This gives α
(0) = 0 and α
) =
1, where T
is the time at which the first competitor
crosses the finish line, i.e. for which d
) = D
4.3 Global Opinion
The global element of the overall bettor’s opinion
models the extent to which they are influenced by the
overall market sentiment. Betting exchanges offer all
bettors publicly accessible information on the aggre-
gated odds at which each of the competitors are being
backed and laid at any given time. Since the over-
all opinion of the bettor can intuitively be viewed as
their estimated probability for a competitor of interest
to win, the global opinion element could be defined
as the market’s estimated probability of the competi-
tor winning as inferred by the bettor. Given that each
bettor has access to the best (lowest) odds at which
each of the competitors is being backed, their global
opinion can be defined as follows:
(t) =
Where bβ
(t)c denotes the lowest back-odds offered
in the betting market for competitor c at time t. Since
all market participants will observe the same market
odds, the global opinion component of individual bet-
tor opinions will not vary per bettor.
4.4 Local Opinion
Local opinion represents a bettor-specific channel of
information that is private to them. In our model this
factor is split into two segments: the bettor’s default
strategy (i.e. how it forms an opinion in the absence
of any local OD interactions with other agents) and
the OD effects of private conversations with other
agents. Specifically, the bettors will engage in agent-
to-agent conversations about the competitor of inter-
est and update their opinions using one of the well-
established opinion dynamics models BC, RA, or RD
as discussed above, following the same logic as in the
opinionated traders introduced by (Lomas and Cliff,
2021). For increased realism, bettor-to-bettor con-
versations are set to be between two individual bet-
tors and the duration of any one conversation is some
number of seconds set by a random function, such that
the durations of all conversations are IID.
All opinionated bettors that we have experimented
with thus far have as their default strategy, their
default opinion-formation mechanism, the method
known as RP(d) introduced by (Cliff, 2021) and
described above in Section 2.2: this strategy uses
simple frequentist statistics to calculate probability
mass estimates over the space of possible outcomes
from d IID race-simulations. As this can be quite
computationally-intensive, an RP(d) bettor also in-
cludes a specification of how frequently it is to up-
date its estimates: useful results can be had when
the updates occur once every few seconds, although
for more responsive bettors the frequency can be in-
creased, at the expense of overall simulation runtimes.
Therefore, our opinionated bettors have two lo-
cal opinion factors running in parallel: the conver-
sations (OD interactions) that run continuously, but
take a specified length of time to have an impact on
the local opinion; and the RP(d) repeated simulation
runs that impact the local opinion whenever new odds
are estimated. To describe the process of updating lo-
cal opinion of a bettor, two functions are introduced:
(t) for assigning the influence that update in strat-
egy has on local opinion and C
(t) for assigning the
influence that a conversation has on local opinion.
The influence of strategy on local opinion for bet-
tor b will be defined by a strategy weight, denoted
by σ
. Given a strategy weight of 0, the bettor’s lo-
cal opinions will completely ignore any information
from strategy and represent only the impact of conver-
sations, while with strategy weight equal to 1, every
time the bettor updates their strategy, previous local
opinion is completely ignored and becomes equal to
strategy opinion. S
(t) for bettor b can therefore be
expressed as:
= σ
+ (1 σ
Where Γ
(t) is the lowest back-odds bβ
(t)c con-
verted into an opinion value, per Equation 3.
A conversation’s impact on local opinion will be
calculated using one of the opinion dynamics models,
either BC, RA, or RD as introduced in Section 2.3.
An example using the BC model is shown below for
bettors b1 and b2:
= wΛ
+ (1 w)Λ
, (4)
s.t. Λ
δ, for δ defined per the stan-
dard BC model.
The full process of updating local opinion using
functions S
(t) and C
(t) is then outlined in pseudo
code in Algorithm 1, in which U(r
) is used
to denote a random variable drawn from a uniform
distribution over the range [r
] R.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: Calculate local opinion
Require: t < T
Ensure: 0 <= local opinion
<= 1
if t = 0 then
local opinion
neutral opinion
n 1
U(2, 6)
k 0
local opinion
local opinion
(t 1)
conversation end time
if t = conversation end time then
local opinion
(t) C
n n + 1
U(2, 6)
end if
if t = s × k then
local opinion
k k + 1
end if
end if
Where s is set time time interval for RP(d) strategy
refreshes, n is the index-count of the current conver-
sation, and r is the length of the current conversation.
The random generation of conversation length here is
limited to be between 2 and 6 seconds, however this
can be varied as appropriate.
4.4.1 Event Opinion, Revisited
The event-influence on the bettor’s overall opinion
models the bettor’s observation of the ongoing race
and their interpretation of how each of the competitors
is performing. Given the speed and distance position
of each of the competitors at time t of the race, an es-
timate of which competitor is most likely to win the
race can be derived. For simplicity, as a first approxi-
mation, the event opinion is calculated as a function of
competitor cs distance along the track at time t (i.e.,
(t)), time elapsed (i.e., t itself), and total length of
the race (denoted by D
). Since the significance of
differences between competitor distances at time t is
dependent on the total length of the race track, the
value of interest is the proportion of distance remain-
ing for each competitor at t; this value is squared to
introduce a nonlinear exaggeration of the differences
between the competitors as they are nearing the finish
(t) =
The values of v
(t) for each competitor are then used
to determine the function for event opinion as the pro-
portion of all squared distances remaining by each of
Figure 3: Time-series from the opinionated bettors in the
population gambling on the race illustrated in Figures 1 and
2, showing the bettor’s opinion of competitor C0. Local
influence on opinions is updated using the Relative Agree-
ment model. Bettors are initialised with random variation
in their various weight coefficients, giving rise to variation
in initial opinions, but as the race progresses, opinions con-
verge and the variance reduces, until the point where C0
crosses the finish-line, at which point all bettors hold the
identical (ground-truth opinion) that C0 is the winner.
the competitors from the total, as shown below:
(t) =
The event opinion for each competitor is then de-
cided by using function f
(t) until the first competitor
crosses the finish line. Once a winner is established,
the event opinion is equal to either 0 or 1 based on the
outcome of the race:
(t) =
(t), if d
(t) < D
1, if d
(t) = d
(t) = D
0, otherwise.
Here we present only a single set of illustrative re-
sults to demonstrate the rich opinion dynamics that
our ABM is able to exhibit: for extensive illustration
and discussion of this and several other related sets of
our results, see (Guzelyte, 2021).
Figures 1 and 2 showed a race over 2,000m, be-
tween two competitors C0 and C1, first as a conven-
tional distance-time plot, and then as a residual dis-
tance plot, respectively. Figure 3 shows the time-
series for the opinions of each of the opinionated
bettors active on the betting exchange during the in-
play betting over the duration of this race, in the case
where C0 is the competitor of interest. As can be seen,
the spread of opinions tightens as the race progresses,
and when C0 crosses the finish line as the winner,
each bettor holds the same opinion, the ground-truth
provided by the event having been resolved.
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
Figure 4: This plot shows the same set of time-series as
Figure 3, but with the temporal evolution of one randomly-
chosen bettor’s opinion over the duration of the race high-
lighted, for clarity.
Figure 5: Overall bettor opinions density plot for competitor
C0, a different projection of the data shown in Figure 3. The
population’s collective opinions are displayed as a gray-
scaled density plot over time, and a white line shows the
average opinion over time.
Figure 6: Event-opinion for competitor C0 over the dura-
tion of the race illustrated in Figures 1 and 2; see text for
Figure 3 is something of a spaghetti-plot, with the
nature of an individual bettor’s opinion evolution over
the course of the event being obscured, and with no
clear indication of the central tendency of the popula-
tion. To remedy this, Figure 4 shows exactly the same
data as in Figure 3, but with the temporal evolution
of the opinion of a single randomly-chosen bettor
highlighted for clarity; and Figure 5 is the same data
as in Figure 3, as a grayscale density-plot and with the
population’s mean opinion value shown by the
pale line.
To help disentangle the spaghetti-plot of Figure 3,
in Figure 4 we highlight the opinion of a single ran-
domly chosen opinionated bettor from Figure 3. Fi-
nally, Figure 6 shows the event-opinion for C0 in this
race: for the first half of the race this holds steady
at approximately 0.5, but once C0 pulls into the lead,
the event-opinion for C0 rises steadily until C0 actu-
ally crosses the finish line, at which point the event
opinion jumps to one.
For comparison, we can separately re-run exactly
the same race, in terms of the moment-by-moment po-
sitions of the competitors, and instead compute and
record the opinion dynamics in the population of bet-
tors when they are focused on C1 (who initially leads
the race, but is overtaken and finishes in second place)
as the competitor of interest. This requires a second
separate simulation session, because our ABM is cur-
rently configured to only ever record the bettors’ opin-
ions on a single specific competitor of interest. Fig-
ures 7 to 9 show a single bettor’s opinion on C1, a
plot of the population density and mean opinion for
C1, and the event-opinion for C1, respectively.
Figure 7: Temporal evolution of whole-population (gray)
and single-bettor opinion (black) for the race of Figures 1
and 2, re-simulated with C1 as the competitor of interest.
Figure 8: Population opinion density plot for competitor
C1, plotted as for Figure 8.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 9: Event-opinion for competitor C1 over the duration
of the race illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.
To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to
describe the application of long-established opinion
dynamics (OD) models within an agent-based model
(ABM) of a contemporary sports-betting exchange.
Motivated by Shiller’s work on Narrative Economics,
and by Lomas & Cliffs paper at ICAART2021, our
ABM serves as a platform for exploring the interplay
between the opinions that bettors hold about the out-
come of an event that they are betting on, where those
opinions can be expressed both locally (i.e., as nar-
ratives, as stories or statements, that the bettors pri-
vately tell each other about their belief in which out-
come will occur) and globally (i.e., as monetary bets
on specific outcomes, placed at the betting exchange,
and visible in aggregate and anonymised form to all
participants in the exchange’s ‘market’ for that event,
showing the distribution of bets over the space of pos-
sible outcomes for the event). If one bettor saying to
another “I am sure horse H1 will win” is a (local, pri-
vate) expression of an opinion, then surely if that bet-
tor instead says nothing at all while silently placing a
$100 back-bet on H1 at the exchange then that bettor
is still expressing an opinion: the placing of the bet is
a private act, but the existence of the bet immediately
becomes globally visible to all (albeit in anonymised
Although our ABM of a betting exchange is min-
imal, even with such a simple model it is necessary to
extend OD methods beyond those that have been pre-
viously published, and not only because in our model
the bettor-agents need to balance the influence of lo-
cal and global expressions of opinions: the other fac-
tor that takes our model beyond the confines of tra-
ditional OD models is that our bettor agents need to
deal with the realities of the event itself, which is ini-
tially uncertain but will eventually have a definite out-
come. As the event progresses, the space of possible
outcomes progressively reduces in scope, until only
one outcome (the actual outcome) has nonzero prob-
ability. We know of no OD models that have been
developed which explore and accommodate the inter-
play between local and global opinions about the out-
come of some uncertain future event, and the actual
event outcome itself, in the way described here.
In this paper we have reported our earliest results,
and this model remains very much a work in progress
that we will be developing further in coming months:
there are many avenues of future work that we in-
tend to explore within the context of this model, and
we have made our source-code freely available on
GitHub to enable other researchers to replicate and
extend the work described here.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence