Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks
Andreea Coaj
1 a
and C
alin V. Rusu
1,2 b
Department of Computer-Science, Babes¸-Bolyai University, Romania
Institute for German Studies, Babes¸-Bolyai University, Romania
Machine Learning, Prediction, Image Recognition, Classification.
In this study we propose a method for quantifying student attention based on Gabor filters, a convolutional
neural network and a support vector machine (SVM). The first stage uses a Gabor filter, which extracts in-
trinsic facial features. The convolutional neural network processes this initial transformation and in the last
layer a SVM performs the classification. For this task we have constructed a custom dataset of images. The
dataset consists of images from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces dataset, from actual high school on-
line classes and from volunteers. Our model showed higher accuracy when compared to other convolutional
models such as AlexNet and GoogLeNet.
E-Learning offers students a quick and comfortable
way of accessing online teaching sessions and learn
at their own pace, using a large variety of resources
(Deng and Wu, 2018). It has in recent years seen
rapid development, especially with the explosion in
popularity of learning platforms such as Udemy and
Coursera. The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has
additionally forced schools and universities to quickly
adapt and change how they teach students, driving in-
terest in E-Learning further.
At the same time society puts an ever-growing em-
phasis on social media over traditional, in-person in-
teractions. Nowadays people are spending substantial
amounts of time on social media, with 16 to 24 year
olds investing the largest amount, around 3 hours a
day (Padmanathan et al., 2020). This shift has also
sparked an increase in interest into developing ma-
chine learning based systems that are able to augment
these interactions, such as systems for detecting fa-
cial emotions. Choudhury et al. (Choudhury, 2019)
offer a comprehensive review of how face detection
methodologies have evolved in the last 40 years and
which are the state-of-the-art techniques suitable for
face detection. This suggests that artificial intelli-
gence has the potential to further improve E-Learning
in the near future.
In this new normal, heavily driven by online inter-
actions, student engagement is crucial for successful
learning (Ellis and Bliuc, 2019). It is however hard
for students to pay attention without interruptions
throughout an entire lecture. Direct student commu-
nication, quizzes, and project work together with the
use of engaging teaching methodologies can partly
help students stay attentive however student attention
remains a challenge in the virtual classroom. This is
further complicated by the fact that in online teaching
there is no easy way for the instructor to see the entire
classroom or communicate with individual students.
This separation between instructors and students has
changed the way instructors evaluate and teach stu-
dents. Recent studies have shown that oral presenta-
tions and exams are no longer used by the instructors
for evaluations, with importance given to more inter-
active teaching methods and project-related evalua-
tions (Motogna et al., 2020). Such changes might not
be sufficient to keep students continuously engaged
and attentive as studies suggest that students not only
do not pay attention in the first and last few minutes
of a lecture but also they do not pay attention continu-
ously for 10-20 min and their engagement level alter-
nates between attentive and not attentive throughout a
lecture (Bunce et al., 2010).
With studies also showing that student-centric in-
teractions at different times throughout a lecture, not
only decrease student attention lapses but also to in-
crease interaction (Bunce et al., 2010), student atten-
tion during online lectures can be a good indicator of
a, A. and Rusu, C.
Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010816500003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 293-299
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the impact, quality and efficiency of online teaching.
Methods capable of quantifying the attention level
of a student based on video information from online
lectures can form the basis of a system that is able
to help instructors adapt their style and methodology
throughout a lecture (Robal et al., 2018).
1.1 Related Work
Attention tracking is a complex task that has been
extensively studied, with several successful methods
being developed in recent years (Mass
e et al., 2017;
Robal et al., 2018). Smith et al. (Smith et al., 2003)
proposed a system for analyzing human driver visual
attention based on global motion and color statistics.
The system computes eye blinking, occlusion and ro-
tation information to determine with reasonable suc-
cess the driver’s visual attention level.
Another interesting approach is introduced in
(Eriksson and Anna, 2015) where the authors tried
to detect if a student is attentive or not by using
two distinct face detection methods implemented in
OpenCV: the Viola-Jones method and the multi-block
local binary pattern. Both algorithms obtained similar
values for sensitivity and precision on images where
the subjects were required to only look towards the
front of the lecture hall. This posed a limitation on
their approach as it generated high numbers of false
positives when subjects were repeatedly performing
poses with their faces tilted downwards. This essen-
tially suggests the subject is not attentive when he or
she is looking down, which is not always the case as
students could in such situations be taking notes.
Robal et al. (Robal et al., 2018) proposed an eye
tracking system to detect the position of the subject’s
eyes in order to quantify attention. Two different ap-
proaches were tested: a hardware eye tracker, Tobii,
and also two software trackers, namely WebGazer.js
(Papoutsaki, 2015) and tracking.js (TJS) (Lundgren
et al., 2015). The hardware-based system achieved
the highest accuracy 68.2%, followed by TJS with a
recorded average performance of 58.6%.
Another approach was proposed in (Deng and Wu,
2018), where a comparison between different combi-
nations of machine learning algorithms, such as Prin-
cipal Component Analysis, Gabor feature extraction,
K-nearest neighbors, Naive Bayes and Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) is presented. The most accurate
combination was found to be Gabor feature extraction
and SVM, with an accuracy of 93.1%.
Deep learning is a class of machine learning al-
gorithms with a deep topology that are used to solve
complex problems. It has in the last decade gained a
lot of attention and has been used in computer vision
with a high degree of success (Pak and Kim, 2017).
The most distinctive characteristic of a deep learn-
ing approach is that it can automatically extract the
best image features required for recognition directly
via training, without the need of domain expertise or
hard coded feature extraction. Convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) are special types of artificial neu-
ral networks that satisfy the deep learning paradigm
and have won numerous image recognition competi-
tions in recent years (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Szegedy
et al., 2015). Schulc et al. (Schulc et al., 2019) devel-
oped a deep learning approach that detects attention
and non-attention to commercials using webcam and
mobile devices. The model combined a CNN with
long short-term memory (Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber, 1997) and achieved an accuracy of 75%.
For the past few decades, banks of Gabor filters
have been widely used in computer vision for extract-
ing features in face recognition tasks. They are based
on a sinusoidal function with particular frequency and
orientation that allows them to extract information
from the space and frequency domains of an image.
A few works have explored the integration of Gabor
filters and CNN with promising results (Alekseev and
Bobe, 2019).
In this paper, we propose a system that uses a
CNN for the task of detecting attentive and not at-
tentive states during online learning. The input im-
ages are put first through a Gabor filter, which ex-
tracts intrinsic facial features and servers as the in-
put for the CNN. The last layer is a SVM that pre-
dicts the label. Our contribution is as follows: (i)
we have build a dataset containing images from real
online lectures; (ii) we have showed that a convolu-
tional neural network can be effectively applied to the
task of quantifying attention; (iii) we have showed
that our method has significantly better performance
when compared to other approaches or well-known
convolutional neural network models such as AlexNet
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012) and GoogLeNet (Szegedy
et al., 2015).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
the next section we discuss CNNs, Gabor filters and
the SVM. Section 3 describes our dataset, highlights
our proposed solution and reports the obtained results.
A discussion with some conclusions follows in the
last section.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.1 Convolutional Neural Networks
Neural networks have attracted great interest in the
scientific community for decades as they are theoret-
ically able to model any linear or nonlinear relation-
ship between input and output given sufficient data.
Recently deep learning and in particular CNNs con-
sisting of large numbers of hidden layers area able
to successfully select the best features of the input
data directly by propagating the training of a classifier
back through the convolution layers without relying
on domain expertise (Pak and Kim, 2017; Krizhevsky
et al., 2012).
CNNs are thus special models of deep multi-layer
neural networks. They are inspired by the visual cor-
tex of the human brain and have been proven to be
particularly effective in image processing tasks, such
a image classification and object recognition (Rawat
and Wang, 2017). At its core a typical CNN con-
sists of a stack of different layers, typically convo-
lutional and pooling. The networks performs convo-
lutions on input images with multiple filters to form
feature maps. This is typically followed by a pooling
operation, where only the relevant information of the
feature maps are pooled together. Such layers eventu-
ally transition to a fully connected layer at the end to
produce the final result of the task, such as a label.
The convolutional layer is a key part of a CNN,
with most of the computational effort taking place
here. It is essentially a feature extractor and is ca-
pable of extracting fundamental features from an im-
age such as edges, objects or textures (Rawat and
Wang, 2017). It consists of several filters that are the
same size but smaller than the input image. Each fil-
ter slides across the input image step by step and the
dot product between the input and filter is computed,
which results in an activation map. Then these activa-
tion maps are added together to form the output of the
The pooling layer performs a down-sampling op-
eration and summarizes rectangular patches into sin-
gle values. It reduces the number of parameters, the
size and noise of data and retains only the relevant and
important features of the input by applying different
activation methods, such as average activation, which
takes the average value of each patch in the feature
map or maximum activation, which takes the maxi-
mum value. This essentially helps reduce overfitting
and makes the output more invariant to position.
In image classification, a typical CNN transforms
the original image layer by layer from pixel values
into assigned scores for each class. Each unit in the
final output layer stores thus a probability for one par-
ticular class.
2.2 Support Vector Machine
The support vector machine (SVM) was developed
for binary classification and has shown significantly
better classification performance on reasonably sized
datasets (Vapnik, 1995). Given training data and
its corresponding labels (x
, y
), n = 1, . . . , N, x
R, t
{−1, +1} the objective of a SVM is to find the
optimal hyperplane that separates two classes by solv-
ing the following unconstrained optimization prob-
w +C
0, 1 w
where w is a weight vector, C is a parameter that de-
termines the trade-off between the maximization of
the margin and the minimization of the classification
error. Since Equation 1 with the standard hinge loss
is not differentiable a common alternative is based on
the squared hinge loss (Rawat and Wang, 2017):
w +C
0, 1 w
Equation 2 is not only differentiable but at the
same gives more weights to errors and is known as
the L2-SVM.
2.3 Gabor Filters
Gabor filters were proposed in 1949 by Denis Ga-
bor and are typically used for the analysis of two-
dimensional signals such as images in order to find
local regions that have certain frequencies. The use
of Gabor filters is mainly motivated by the fact that
they offer maximum resolution in both space and fre-
quency and they can extract spatial frequency infor-
mation with minimal uncertainty. They haven proven
to be particularly useful in object detection (Jain et al.,
1997), face recognition (Chung et al., 1999) and
movement analysis (Chen and Kubo, 2007).
The Gabor function is essentially a sinewave mod-
ulated by a Gaussian:
g(x, y, θ, λ, ψ, σ, γ) = exp
+ γ
+ ψ
where x
= xcosθ + y sin θ and y
= xsinθ +
ycosθ, λ and θ represent the wavelength and orien-
tation of the sinusoidal factor, ψ is the phase offset, σ
Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks
Figure 1: Examples of Gabor filters (left). Filtered images
(right). The top row show the input images.
is the standard deviation of the Gaussian and γ is the
spatial aspect ratio.
The response of a Gabor filter is computed by con-
volving the filter function with the image. Some ex-
amples of Gabor filters with different parameters and
the corresponding filtered images are shown in Figure
3.1 Data
For other classification tasks such as facial expression
recognition there are a few readily available datasets.
For attention recognition there is however no publicly
available dataset that contains data labeled as attentive
and not attentive. We have manually built a dataset
having three major sources of data: (i) from the
Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) dataset
(Lundqvist et al., 1998) we have taken pictures fea-
turing front and side-views of subjects; (ii) online
video recordings of lectures from the ‘Eudoxiu Hur-
muzachi’ National College in Radauti, Romania; (iii)
volunteers from the Babes-Bolyai University. The
volunteers received specific instructions in advance.
These instructions entailed the specific expressions
they are required to pose during the photo session.
Figure 2 shows a few examples of attentive and not
attentive pictures for one particular subject.
After data collection was completed labels from
one of the two categories were manually assigned to
each picture in the dataset. When the level of attention
Table 1: Eligible positions for attentive and not attentive
neutral emotion (front)
smile (front)
teeth smile (front)
frown (front)
neutral emotion, eyes to the left (front)
neutral emotion, eyes to the right (front)
smile, eyes to the left (front)
smile, eyes to the right (front)
teeth smile, eyes to the left (front)
teeth smile, eyes to the right (front)
hand on the forehead (front)
No Attention
looking down (front)
looking down (right-side)
looking down (left-side)
neutral emotion, looking forward (front)
smile, looking forward (right-side)
smile, looking forward (left-side)
hand over the mouth, looking forward (front)
hand over the mouth, looking down (front)
hand over the mouth, looking up (front)
Figure 2: Attentive (left) and not attentive (right) positions.
could not be reliably determined, the respective image
was discarded from the dataset. Table 1 summarises
the eligible positions for each state.
3.1.1 Data Organization
The dataset thus combines images from actual online
lectures with images from volunteers to obtain a total
of 16347 photos. To avoid overfitting the dataset was
artificially augmented using label-preserving trans-
formations. We employed two distinct forms of data
rotate by -10 degrees
rotate by 10 degrees
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Original photo (left) Log-polar photo (right).
3.1.2 Data Preprocessing
The input images were scaled down to 50x50 and the
faces of subjects were extracted using the DNN Face
Detector from OpenCV (Liu et al., 2016). Because
in some real life online learning scenarios images do
not always have excellent quality we are also inter-
ested in seeing how a loss in image quality affects
the classification accuracy of our model. To this end
we have additionally created a low-resolution dataset
where images were scaled down in size and quality
using log-polar transformations. This was achieved
by remapping the picture from a 2D Cartesian coordi-
nate system (x, y) to a 2D log-polar coordinate system
(ρ, θ) using the following equations:
ρ = log
+ y
θ = arctan
Figure 3 shows such a compressed image together
with the original.
3.2 Model
In this section we present our model based on a con-
volution neural network for attention detection. Our
solution uses features based on Gabor filters instead
of raw pixel values as the input for the CNN and in
the last layer a L2-SVM to predict the label. The
choice of implementing Gabor filters is biologically
motivated since they are modelled after the response
of cells in the early visual cortex. They additionally
remove variations in light and are robust to shifts and
deformations. Other studies have also explored Gabor
filters for CNNs and have reported better performance
across several datasets (Alekseev and Bobe, 2019).
The architecture of the model, including the number
of layers and the size of the kernels implemented in
each layer are summarized in Table 2.
3.3 Results
Table 3 shows the average results for different values
of hyper parameters in our model. The best combi-
nation of parameters achieved an accuracy of about
Figure 4: Samples of detection errors. Labels indicate the
predicted (mistaken) class probability.
95%. The two-layer CNN performed slightly worse
than the four-layer CNNs. With respect to kernel size,
3 × 3 was the best. All parameter variations were
tested using the same dataset.
We divided the dataset into six sets: five sets were
used for training and one for testing. We conducted
6-fold cross validation. The hyper parameters marked
with “*” in Table 4 were used for the CNN model.
All models were tested on both datasets: the origi-
nal and the low resolution one obtained using the log-
polar transformation. Table 4 summarizes our results.
The CNN achieved a 95.15% accuracy, which is sig-
nificantly higher than that of the AlexNet and higher
than the one obtained by GoogLeNet. As expected
all models performed worse on the LogPolar dataset
however AlexNet showed a greater decrease in per-
formance with about 15% compared to the 8% de-
crease for our model and 3% for GoogLeNet, which
performed best on this dataset. Our results matched
other studies that have also reported improved clas-
sification accuracy by replacing the softmax operator
with a SVM (Rawat and Wang, 2017). Figure 4 shows
samples of incorrectly labeled images by our model.
These images would be a challenge to classify, even
for human observers.
In this paper, we have outlined the effectiveness of
convolutional neural networks in detecting attentive
and not attentive states for online teaching. First, our
results show that CNNs are capable of achieving very
good classification results on datasets consisting of
recordings in real-life teaching scenarios. Second, we
created a proper dataset with images from actual on-
line classes and volunteers. Third, we built a CNN
model for classifying attentive and not attentive states
and evaluated its performance. Lastly, we have found
that our model outperforms other convolutional neu-
ral models such as AlexNet and GoogLeNet.
We are additionally working on implementing an
application that is able to label attentive states in live
Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks
Table 2: Model architecture.
Number of layer Type of layer
1 Input 50*50*3
Convolutional nr=96, size=3*3,
kernel initializer=custom gabor
3 Convolutional nr=32, size=3*3
4 Max Pooling size=2*2
5 Convolutional nr=32, size=3*3
6 Convolutional nr=32, size=3*3
7 Max Pooling size=2*2
8 Batch Normalization
9 Flatten
10 Dense units=1024
11 Dropout rate=0.2
12 Dense units=1, linear, regularizer=l2(0.01)
Table 3: Experimental results for different hyper parameters.
Layers Nr. of kernels Size of kernels Avg. accuracy
4* 96-32-32-32 3*3, 3*3, 3*3, 3*3 95.76%
4 96-32-32-32 5*5, 5*5, 5*5, 5*5 95.18%
3 32-32-32 3*3, 5*5, 5*5 93.37%
2 32-32 3*3, 3*3 95.63%
Table 4: Comparison between CNN, AlexNet and
GoogLeNet on both datasets.
Method Dataset Accuracy
CNN normal dataset 95.15%
GoogLeNet normal dataset 92.54 %
AlexNet normal dataset 85.75%
CNN LogPolar dataset 87.97%
GoogLeNet LogPolar dataset 89.05 %
AlexNet LogPolar dataset 72.16%
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plan to integrate such an implementation of our atten-
tion detector in online lectures and measure the im-
pact of attention on the learning performance of stu-
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Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks