Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient
Context-preserving Subdivision
Avi Bleiweiss
BShalem Research, Sunnyvale, U.S.A.
Question Answering, Evidence Natural Split, Transformers, Language Model, Deep Learning.
Recently published datasets for open-domain question answering follow question elicitation from a fairly small
snippet of Wikipedia content. Often centered around an article section, the evidence is further subdivided
into context-unaware passages of uniform token-lengths to found the basic retrieval units. In this study we
hypothesized that splitting a section perceived as an opaque text fragment may hinder quality of answer span
predictions. We propose to dynamically draw content corresponding to an article-section url from the most
updated online Wikipedia rather than from an archived snapshot. Hence approaching space complexity of
O(1), downward from O (n) for a dataset that is fully populated with static context. We then parse the url
bound content and feed our neural retriever with a list of paragraph-like html elements that preserve context
boundaries naturally. Using knowledge distillation from a sustainable language model pretrained on the large
SQuAD 2.0 dataset to the state-of-the-art QuAC domain, shows that during inference our natural context split
recovered answer span predictions by 7.5 F1 and 4.1 EM points over a synthetic distribution of fixed-length
Open-domain question answering (QA) is the task
of answering assertion queries by searching a large
knowledge base, typically unstructured text corpora
such as Wikipedia, and finding the answer text span in
an article (Chen et al., 2017). Together with recent ad-
vances in neural architectures (Vaswani et al., 2017)
that let the network learn from massive amounts of
unstructured text, the use of self-supervision in lan-
guage models have proven pivotal to a major qual-
itative shift for various natural language processing
(NLP) tasks. These achievements have pushed state-
of-the-art (SotA) open-domain QA systems, replacing
traditional information retrieval (IR) methods with
dense representations and devise end-to-end training
of the context retriever and the machine reader com-
Modern approaches to various NLP tasks are
based on pretrained language models with deep con-
textualized word representation that do not require
labeled data. Fine-tuning these pretrained language
models was shown to be an effective strategy to rein-
state the SotA for literally all open-domain question
answering tasks (Li and Choi, 2020). Based on the
transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017), the
pivotal BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) is pretrained on a
massive corpus for two unsupervised tasks: a masked
language model (MLM) that reconstructs a partially
masked segment of input text based on immediate vis-
ible context, and next sentence prediction (NSP) in
a text sequence. Improving significantly on the per-
formance of BERT by applying longer training to the
same MLM objective, RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) uti-
lizes an auxiliary binary classifier to predict whether
a question is answerable or not. AlBERT (Lan et al.,
2019), also a variant of BERT, introduces factorized
embedding parameterization and cross-layer param-
eter sharing to achieve a marked network parameter
efficiency. AlBERT also replaces NSP with sentence
order prediction (SOP) and centers on modeling co-
herence of inter-sentence relation.
Our work followed prior research of dense pas-
sage retrieval, however, we challenged the retriever
splitting of Wikipedia web pages into text passages of
unified lengths. We conjectured that straddling an-
swer spans across non or overlapping passages are
harder to predict. In our evaluation, we used the more
sustainable AlBERT model,
pretrained on the SQuAD
2.0 (Rajpurkar et al., 2018) dataset that was first to
We obtained our AlBERT models from the repositories
available on https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.
Bleiweiss, A.
Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient Context-preserving Subdivision.
DOI: 10.5220/0010815700003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 276-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Our dynamic QA data example: highlighted in gray are system inputs, as the article and section titles are combined
to retrieve naturally split context. Paragraph count and text are then fed to the reader that predicts an answer span. Shown are
three out of five context preserving paragraphs, along with the answer span that extends the entire passage (check marked).
Article Title Ian McKellen
Section Title Charity work
Question What charity work did he do?
Paragraphs 5
Natural Context
× In April 2010, along with actors Brian Cox and Eleanor Bron, McKellen appeared in a
series of TV advertisements to support Age UK, the charity recently formed from the
merger of Age Concern and Help the Aged. All three actors gave their time free of charge.
X A cricket fan since childhood, McKellen umpired in March 2011 for a charity cricket
match in New Zealand to support earthquake victims of the February 2011 Christchurch
× Together with a number of his Lord of the Rings co-stars (plus writer Philippa Boyens and
director Peter Jackson), on 1 June 2020 McKellen joined Josh Gad’s YouTube series
Reunited Apart which reunites the cast of popular movies through video-conferencing,
and promotes donations to non-profit charities.
introduce unanswerable questions, and ran inference
on the QuAC validation set (Choi et al., 2018). Our
contribution is threefold: (1) we propose variable-
length context preserving splits of input section se-
quences rather than fixed segments and show through
quantitative analysis plausible quality gains of an-
swer prediction, (2) we motivate a trade-off between
a light context-less QA dataset and compelling inline
retrieval that sustains only a slight runtime overhead,
compared to a costly fully-loaded dataset, and (3) we
provide a qualitative empirical review of paragraph-
level answerability in natural evidence split.
Lee et al. (2019) presented end-to-end jointly learned
retriever and reader from question-answer string
pairs. Using a retriever pretrained to predict the
evidence context given a sentence, their method
was shown to outperform a BM25 (Robertson and
Zaragoza, 2009) baseline by 19 exact match (EM)
points, when considering questions of unknown an-
swers. Similarly, rather than capture world knowl-
edge concealed in parameters of ever-expanding net-
works, Guu et al. (2020) introduced pretrained rep-
resentations that augment a language model with a
learned textual knowledge-retriever to perform rea-
soning over a corpus of broad-based evidence during
inference. By using Maximum Inner Product Search
(MIPS) to select top-matching evidence passages, the
authors addressed the major computational challenge
for incorporating a large-scale neural retrieval mod-
ule. Leveraging a standard pretrained transformer
model along with a question-passage encoder archi-
tecture, Karpukhin et al. (2020) devised a dense em-
bedding representation of passages that uses a low-
dimensional index for efficient retrieval. While Seo
et al. (2019) proposed a hybrid approach using both
dense and sparse indexable representations for run-
time optimization of training and inference.
Recognizing the need to address questions users
want to know the answer to but do not know the
answer yet, the research community recently re-
sponded with high-quality datasets of information-
seeking question-answer pairs, including the Stanford
Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD 2.0; Rajpurkar
et al., 2018), Question Answering in Context (QuAC;
Choi et al., 2018), Conversational Question Answer-
ing (CoQA; Reddy et al., 2019), and Natural Questions
(NQ; Kwiatkowski et al., 2019). The work on Open-
Retrieval Question Answering in Context (OR-QuAC;
Qu et al., 2020) extends QuAC by drawing a large
passage collection from the entire Wikipedia. All
aforementioned datasets present a model that pairs
a question along with static content obtained from a
Wikipedia article. Given a list of article passages, the
QA model predicts an index of the passage that an-
swers the question, as well as a start and end token
indices of the minimal span that completely answers
the question.
The impact of article splitting into text segments
Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient Context-preserving Subdivision
on the quality of QA systems has been studied to
a fairly limited extent. The following review ap-
plies mainly to the retriever, as the language model
architecture presents a not-to-exceed sequence size
constraint the reader module must comply with.
Wang et al. (2019) experimented with fixed-size non-
overlapping passages and concluded that a basic re-
trieval unit of 100 token long performed the best.
However, they note that answer spans which border
passage boundary may lose vital context. Using in-
stead overlapping passages with a sliding window
of 100 tokens and a 50-token stride— half-window
size— mitigated the shortfall of a non-overlapping
passage split and resulted in a performance gain of 4.1
F1 points. On the other hand, Karpukhin et al. (2020)
observed inconsequential performance gains when
using overlapping passages and resorted to uniform-
length distinct passages of 100 tokens each. In a sim-
ilar vein, Choi et al. (2018) validated the QuAC dataset
by dividing the evidence text of a section into twelve
chunks of equal size, however, this partition mainly
aided multi-turn conversations, as answers to a chain
of free-form questions progress through neighboring
In their work, Yu et al. (2019) propose sentence
extraction from evidence for the task of multiple-
choice machine reading comprehension (MRC). They
applied distant supervision to generate imperfect sen-
tence labels that are further used to train the sentence
extractor. Labels are denoised by a deep probabilistic
framework (Wang and Poon, 2018) that incorporates
both sentence-level and cross-sentence linguistic indi-
cators. They used GPT, a pretrained transformer base-
line (Radford et al., 2018) shown to improve F1 scores
by 2.2 percentage points over the previous highest
score. The approach Yu et al. (2019) present fits well
multiple-choice MRC tasks that are sentence bound
in context. However, span based question answers
require multi sentence reasoning and are unlikely to
necessarily align with any of a sentence head or tail.
Our approach to apportion input text greatly dif-
fers and avoids any context-unaware chunking. We
rather abide by the Wikipedia source split of a given
article section into html paragraph elements, which
leads to a highly efficient retriever that loads at most
one section at a time.
Owing to its simple and consistent style, English
Wikipedia, an ever growing source of knowledge
base, satisfies the task of large-scale open-domain
QA. Formally, given a set of n Wikipedia articles
D = {d
, ··· , d
}, each typically divided into m sec-
tions S = {s
, ··· , s
}, and each section over a cer-
tain length is split up into l paragraphs, or passages
P = {p
, ··· , p
}. Our language model is presented
with a question q along with the content of an article
section comprising a list of paragraphs p
(i, j)
, where
1 i n, 1 j m, and 1 k l. Our retriever
parses a series of variable-length paragraphs p
represents a single article section s
, and in this for-
mulation a reference answer span is bound to never
straddle across paragraphs. The task of our QA reader
is to iterate over the list p
and predict for each pas-
sage a start and end token indices {1, ··· ,
} of
a minimal span that answers the question fully, or re-
turn Null if it is not possible to generate an answer.
We refrained from commonly using over two-
year-old static html backup of Wikipedia wikis (Lee
et al., 2019; Seo et al., 2019; Karpukhin et al., 2020;
Guu et al., 2020), and chose instead to expose our re-
triever to dynamically load the current most updated
article version online, thus obtaining a highly sustain-
able QA dataset.
The new QuAC dataset (Choi et al., 2018) facilitates
learning from information-seeking dialogs.
tended primarily for multi-turn interactions, QuAC is
a large-scale dataset comprising 14,000 dialogs and
approaching a total of 100,000 questions. QuAC is
sought to bridge the gap between dialog and QA, thus
answering a series of questions in a conversational
manner. To the extent of our knowledge, QuAC is cur-
rently the only dataset that provides Wikipedia arti-
cle and section titles in a QA object, both essential
to our retriever for acquiring html paragraphs online.
Evidently section content often tend to cover a rela-
tively narrow selection of topics. In his critical re-
view, Yatskar (2019) provides qualitative comparison
of SQuAD 2.0, QuAC, and CoQA, and shows pretrained
models can transfer between domains while yielding
moderate performance gains. Motivated by this anal-
ysis, we hypothesized that distilling knowledge from
a rich QA domain is more favorable to demonstrate
the quality advantage of natural evidence text over a
synthetic split. Our language model is thus pretrained
on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset (Rajpurkar et al., 2018) and
we ran inference on the QuAC development set.
As a preprocessing step, we repurposed QuAC con-
versational examples of the validation set to fit our
retriever that obtains content by inline parsing html
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in sections of Wikipedia articles. Our QA data ob-
jects are thus considerably more light weight as we
dropped the QuAC static context of evidence entirely
and only use a handful of meta-data fields. The arti-
cle and section titles are concatenated to make up a
hash tag url,
alternatively we search a section ID at-
tribute of an html heading tag. Our reader is provided
with the first question of a dialog chain, and the orig-
inal answer span is used as a gold reference. In Table
1, we show our QA example along with the extracted
natural section paragraphs.
Table 2: Statistics summarizing natural passage retrieval.
Min Max Mean SD
paragraphs / section 2 10 4.5 1.3
tokens / section 136 1495 377.3 140.4
tokens / paragraph 2 449 84.5 55.8
QuAC validation set (Choi et al., 2018) contains
one thousand questions obtained from 1,000 unique
Wikipedia sections, of which 67 questions, a share of
6.7 percentage points, are unanswerable, and the re-
maining 933 questions are answerable. In addition,
the QuAC set has 68 affirmation questions, or 6.8%,
with 63 and 5 yes and no answers, respectively.
Our model expects to return a Null answer for affir-
mation questions. Table 2 reviews summary statis-
tics for our retrieval of natural paragraphs from one
thousand distinct sections, suggesting a maximum of
449 tokens per paragraph that is well under the reader
maximal position-embeddings constraint of 512 ele-
ments. In Figure 1, we show the distribution of nat-
ural context with about eighty percent apportioned to
sections comprising three to five paragraphs,
in a
range of two to ten paragraphs per section.
In the most prevalent practice, the size of a section
base-unit split is an ad hoc choice based entirely on
heuristic shortcuts, and thus the reader is often prone
to predict suboptimal answer spans. To make the eval-
uation reproducible across QA systems and impartial
to a fixed or natural subdivision choice, we reformu-
lated the selection of a split base-unit as a section-
A section hash-tag url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Ian McKellen#Charity work.
We note that the QuAC paper (Choi et al., 2018)
cites larger portions of both unanswerable and affirmation
questions— 20.2 and 22.1 percent, respectively.
QuAC crowdworkers often use a subset of a section con-
tent, however we consistently acquire the entire section.
paragraph sampling problem. In this framework, the
size of a split base-unit is declared private and de-
fined distinctly for each section, rather than specify-
ing a global split parameter which affects the entire
Wikipedia domain. In addition, the QA dataset pro-
vides in each example a section sampling-window s
property with a size that amounts to the token-length
of the shortest section paragraph p
= argmin
f (
where f is an optional user function that defaults
to a division by two to sustain a minimal sampling
rate. Figure 2 presents visualization of a uniformly
sampled section showing the progression of a non-
overlapping sliding window across the section para-
graphs and their corresponding reference answer-
Given a fixed length split and a variable number
of non-overlapping section splits n, the time com-
plexity for searching a unified split section to derive
the answer span is linear with the number of non-
overlapping splits O(n). Although the computational
path is identical, the alternative method of a sliding
window with a fifty percent overlap incurs nonethe-
less a runtime cost that doubles compared to the non-
overlapping approach. Space complexity is O(1) for a
split unit that fully contains a reference answer span,
however an answer span might straddle two or more
splits that the retriever has to concatenate and avoid
partial answer spans, thus leading to a worst case
space complexity of O(n).
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 1: Distribution of natural paragraphs in a section.
Conversely, natural split of a section is more
efficient, as searching an html element by ID can
safely assume O(1) on a modern browser with a hash
table— a perfect data structure for element mapping.
The time complexity of simple queries for looking up
a class or a tag name is not worse than O(n), and re-
questing an html element by a tag name is in many
cases O(1). Space complexity is consistently O (1) as
Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient Context-preserving Subdivision
2 2 3 3 4
l l
Figure 2: A uniformly sampled section by the retriever: shown are variable-size paragraph distribution (top), reference answer
spans each confined to a distinct paragraph and may overlap either partially or entirely with the paragraph extent (middle),
and a non-overlapping sampling window s
sliding across paragraph spans identified by their indices (bottom).
the retriever retains a paragraph-worth text sequence
of variable length.
Our QA neural architecture uses an AlBERT (Lan
et al., 2019) language model pretrained on a large
Wikipedia knowledge base that is shared between
an effective inline retriever and a reader. We chose
AlBERT for its inter-sentence modeling that benefits a
downstream QA task with multi-sentence inputs, and
moreover, AlBERT addresses BERT scalability shortfall
by lowering memory cost and improving runtime ef-
ficiency via parameter-reduction techniques. Follow-
ing standard BERT-style transformers (Devlin et al.,
2019), we concatenated spans of text by applying to-
kenization, delimiting sequences with [SEP] tokens,
prefixing a [CLS] token, and appending a [SEP] token.
Formally, the BERT function takes one or two string
arguments x
) = [CLS] x
, x
) = [CLS] x
and returns vector embeddings corresponding to rep-
resentations of the [CLS] pooling token and each of the
input words.
In a span-based QA system, the model is fed with
a question q and a paragraph p
retrieved from a
Wikipedia article section s
. Presuming p
the answer, our task is to predict the answer as a con-
tiguous sequence of tokens confined to the paragraph
. To AlBERT we represent the input question and
the paragraph as a single packed sequence preceded
by the [CLS] pooled token, and the underlying trans-
former outputs two hidden vectors R
= BERT(q, p
= BERT(q, p
where START and END are token indices of the span
endpoints, and START END. Applied to each
section paragraph individually, candidate spans are
scored with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP)— the
simplest form of a feed-forward neural network—
configured with four layers and 64 hidden units over
the concatenation [h
] (Lee et al., 2019; Guu
et al., 2020), and the highest scoring span is used as
the answer prediction. During inference, the language
model outputs the answer string a
of the highest scor-
ing derivation f (θ, q)
= text(argmax
f (θ, q)),
where θ is a three-tuple construct of the indices
— identifying a section paragraph
and span endpoints — that we iterate over the predic-
tion scoring function.
We analyzed the quality impact of natural context
split on span-based QA systems, and compared our
performance with the more established fixed-length
and non-overlapping passage approach. Our results
found no appreciable performance advantage to over-
lapped context splits, and concur with a similar obser-
vation made by Karpukhin et al. (2020). We note that
in unified split mode the sampling window w
is set to
half the number of tokens provided in the context field
of a QuAC example, and the base unit size resolves to
min{100, s
In our evaluation, we combined AlBERT language
models pretrained on the large-scale SQuAD 2.0 (Ra-
jpurkar et al., 2018) corpus with knowledge distilla-
tion to a downstream inference task on our adaptation
of the lower-resourced QuAC development set. An ap-
proach that was recently upheld by Yatskar (2019) ex-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
1 50 100 150 200
uniform natural
(a) .
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Uniform (F1)
Natural (F1)
(b) .
Figure 3: Inference F1 scores for (a) tracking and (b) correlating uniform and natural-grain context retrieval.
periments of knowledge transfer from a model pre-
trained on SQuAD 2.0 to the QuAC validation set,
showing scores improving by about 2 F1 points com-
pared to a BiDAF (Seo et al., 2017) baseline model
augmented with self-attention (Clark and Gardner,
2018). Posed on a set of Wikipedia articles, the latest
version of the SQuAD dataset has 150,000 questions of
which 50,000 are open-ended and unanswerable. Pre-
senting a much more realistic task, QA systems cross-
evaluated on SQuAD 2.0 must not only answer ques-
tions when possible, but also indicate that no answer
is possible by a single section paragraph and refrain
from answering the question altogether.
We used token-based F1 score as our primary
evaluation metric, where precision and recall are com-
puted by considering the intersection of answer to-
kens in the prediction and reference text sequences,
after removing stop-words. Our system assigns no an-
swer questions an F1 of one if it correctly predicts no
answer, and zero otherwise. We compute the maxi-
mum F1 among all paragraphs of a Wikipedia article
section, and return an average section F1 over the en-
tire dataset examples.
In our experiments, we report QA performance
results using AlBERT-base-v2 and AlBERT-xlarge-v2
models. The network configurations, short of added
customization, point to a defined contrast between 12
layers with 768 hidden units and 24 layers with 2,048
hidden units for the base and xlarge network archi-
tectures, respectively. The AlBERT models we used
constrain the length of input text sequences to 512 to-
kens. However, both a retrieval of a fixed split into
100 token-long passages and natural paragraphs that
top 449 words (Table 2) are clearly immune to this
limitation. To improve visualization clarity of our re-
sults, we resorted to rendering a subset of randomly
selected 200 samples from our flattened QuAC devel-
opment set that comprises a total of 1,000 examples.
Table 3 summarizes our experimental results in
percentage points providing F1, exact match (EM),
and unanswerability rates. The pretrained xlarge
model configuration consistently improves scores by
about 3.5 F1 points compared to the base model.
Moreover, a natural context split gains on average a
marked 7.5 F1 points over a fixed passage retrieval
and across both AlBERT architectures. Similarly, EM
scores improve by up to 4.1 points using a natural con-
text split, with the observation of a fine drawn perfor-
mance edge to favor the xlarge model. Natural para-
graph subdivision on AlBERT-xlarge achieved our best
scores of 26.5 F1 and 8.5 EM.
In contrast to a generic AlBERT model pretrained
on SQuAD 2.0 with cross domain transfer to a low-
resourced QuAC validation set of 1,000 question-
answer pairs, when trained on its native training set
of 100,000 pairs using a highly customized BiDAF
model, QuAC achieved a reasonable modest F1 score
of 51.8 for no dialog context (Choi et al., 2018).
Whereas Yatskar (2019) attained a cross transfer F1
score of 34.3 without fine-tuning on the QuAC train
set, more in line with both our setup and results.
Table 3: Scores comparing fixed-length with natural con-
text splits. The higher the score the better for F1 and EM
metrics and conversely for unanswerability.
Fixed Split Natural Split
AlBERT Model base xlarge base xlarge
F1 15.5 19.2 23.1 26.5
EM 4.2 4.5 8.3 8.5
Unanswered 26.3 24.1 8.5 7.2
We compared the distribution of F1 scores be-
tween uniform and naturally-split context retrieval.
The plots in Figure 3a visually identify natural split to
outperform uniform subdivision with an area-under-
curve of 0.67 vs 0.55, thus improving scores on av-
erage by about 22 percentage points. Additionally,
we conducted qualitative error analysis and in Figure
3b, we review F1 score correlation between fixed and
Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient Context-preserving Subdivision
natural section splits on the AlBERT baseline model.
Notably there are 52 correct answerable questions in
a natural split predicted unanswerable with fixed-size
text sequences. On the other hand, there are only 17
answered questions in a uniform split deemed unan-
swerable in a context preserving split.
We compared our system performance with external
baselines at two levels. First, we ran inference using
a large BERT model that has 334M network parame-
ters and was pretrained on SQuAD 2.0. This proved
to fairly match our performance on an xlarge AlBERT
model with only 60M parameters. Second, we sought
to contrast our performance against existed open QA
systems. However, ORQA (Lee et al., 2019), Multi-
Passage BERT (Wang et al., 2019), DPR (Karpukhin
et al., 2020), and REALM (Guu et al., 2020), all use
SQuAD 1.1 that has no generalization of unanswer-
able questions. Unlike SQuAD 2.0 that incurs a much
larger gap between humans and machine comprehen-
sion (Rajpurkar et al., 2018), thus making it challeng-
ing to compare performance evenhandedly. For ex-
ample, combining BERT with QANet (Yu et al., 2018)
in (Wang et al., 2019) achieved a 27.8 F1 score com-
pared to 26.5, our best.
Table 4: Statistics summarizing paragraph answerability in
a section context.
Paragraph Min Max Mean SD
answerable 0 10 1.6 1.5
unanswerable 1 12 5.6 2.2
In this section, we follow with a brief review of
paragraph answerability. Our proposed natural split
approach suggests at least theoretically a more sim-
pler task for distinctly selecting the section paragraph
that completely answers the question. Ideally, our
system would only point to a single paragraph that
contains the answer span, along with the rest of the
section paragraphs predicted as no answer and thus
returning [CLS]. Table 4 shows statistics of paragraph
answerability to support our conjecture with 1 to 2
and 5 to 6 answerable and unanswerable paragraphs
per section, respectively. Figure 4 expands visually
on the distribution of paragraph answerability.
Our work motivates inline retrieval of article sec-
tions from Wikipedia rather than scraping an outdated
dump. To parse a section html we only make use of
the article and section title fields defined in a QuAC QA
object, but except the dialog context text altogether.
This on its own reduced the memory footprint of our
QA dataset by about 89% to found effective commu-
nication between the retriever and the reader. Run-
time wise, we observed on average 1.59 and 1.72 iter-
ations per second for reading context from local files
and issuing online Wikipedia requests, respectively.
Although the section paragraphs we retrieved never
exceeded the neural reader input constraint of 512
token-length, our system provides paragraph simplifi-
cation in the event it does, to avoid further chunking.
0 50 100 150 200
Answerable Paragraphs
Figure 4: Distribution of answerable paragraphs.
Using natural section paragraphs is markedly
more intuitive in the challenging task of multi-turn
question answering. In this scenario, each answer to a
conversational question expects span-based reasoning
in a context-preserving passage, and not only that, re-
trieved section paragraphs present a dependency con-
ditioned on previously obtained paragraphs. Hence
models must render a well-defined pattern to access
the entire dialog context (Choi et al., 2018).
Similarly, context-aware retrieval has the advan-
tage of seamless integration into structured reason-
ing using knowledge graphs (KG), where entities are
represented as nodes and relations between them as
edges. To this extent, our QA data example (Table
1) facilitates KG representation by implicitly retain-
ing the links of a section to both its parent article and
down to the paragraph siblings at the leaf nodes. Rea-
soning over KG has been recently explored by Asai
et al. (2020), who uses recursive retrieval of reason-
ing paths over Wikipedia hyperlinks, and Yasunaga
et al. (2021) leverage both MLM and KG to address
negation in questions.
The section title in a QuAC QA object often overlooks
annotations that we edited manually. For example, replac-
ing a hyphen with an n-dash in a year-range expression.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In this work, we presented the more theoretically-
sound context-aware partition of Wikipedia article
sections for span-based question answering. We
showed favorable quality gains to context-preserving
over incidental context-unaware passages, even after
recasting the latter for robust sampling. Our empiri-
cal analysis of an information-seeking QA task sub-
stantiated our contention that a pivotal answerable
paragraph is distinctly identified among the remaining
section paragraphs predicted unanswerable. Using a
sustainable context-less QA dataset proved to incur an
inconsequential runtime cost of inline queries.
We look forward to the research community for
a broader acceptance of data split as a core retriever
functionality, and follow with the endorsement of nat-
ural context retrieval that deems essential for dialog
and multi-hop QA. We envision the incorporation of
neural text simplification to further improve the effi-
cacy of QA tasks.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their insightful suggestions and feedback.
Asai, A., Hashimoto, K., Hajishirzi, H., Socher, R., and
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