Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow
Pedro Almir M. Oliveira
1 a
, Evilasio Costa Junior
1 b
, Rossana M. C. Andrade
1 c
Ismayle S. Santos
1 d
and Pedro A. Santos Neto
2 e
Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Systems (GREat), Federal University of Cear
a, Cear
a, Brazil
Laboratory of Software Optimization and Testing (LOST), Federal University of Piau
ı, Piau
ı, Brazil
eHealth Trends, Stack Overflow, Mining Software Repositories, Topic Modeling.
Over the past decade, we have seen growth in the usage of technologies in health. However, few papers
are addressing the perspective reported by practitioners during the development of healthcare solutions. This
perspective is relevant to identifying the most used strategies in this area and what challenges persist. Thus,
this work analyzed eHealth discussions from Stack Overflow (SO) to understand the eHealth developers’
behavior. Using a KDD-based process, we got and processed 6,082 eHealth questions. The most discussed
topics include manipulating medical images, electronic health records with the HL7 standard, and frameworks
to support mobile health (mHealth) development. Concerning the challenges faced by these developers, there
is a lack of understanding about the DICOM and HL7 standards, the absence of data repositories for testing,
and the monitoring of health data in the background using mobile and wearable devices. Our results also
indicate that discussions have grown mainly on mHealth, primarily due to monitoring health data through
The eHealth was defined in 2001 as a research field
resulting from the intersection of medical informat-
ics, public health, and business (Eysenbach, 2001).
Since then, this research area has been strengthened
as a more significant population-share turns their at-
tention to well-being and health issues (Black et al.,
2011). Furthermore, the increase of computational
paradigms such as the Internet of Things (IoT) also
contributed to the eHealth strengthening. In IoT, for
example, things like smartwatches can monitor an el-
derly in his/her house, sending relevant information
to physicians for improving the user care (Almeida
et al., 2016) (Andrade et al., 2017). Also, there is a
large number of initiatives in several subareas, e.g.,
image processing, electronic health records, mobile
health, and machine learning applied to health.
These initiatives usually result in new technolo-
gies with direct benefits for their users’ quality of life
(Gaddi et al., 2013), and their development creates
many other valuable data such as the crowd knowl-
edge built from technical discussions among practi-
tioners working in this area (Ponzanelli et al., 2013).
This knowledge is helpful in many ways, whether
to boost the development overcoming issues already
faced by other developers (Silva et al., 2019), or even
to highlight demands to be addressed by researchers
(Barua et al., 2014). Unfortunately, this crowd knowl-
edge is often diffused in different software reposito-
ries (Kitchenham et al., 2015), and it needs to be sys-
tematically mined to become intelligible.
Among these repositories, the Question & Answer
(Q&A) websites have a significant relevance due to
their use by practitioners to discuss strategies to solve
programming challenges (Beyer et al., 2019). A strik-
ing Q&A website is the Stack Overflow (SO), which
had one of the largest technology enthusiasts commu-
nities. Also, SO data is public and can be accessed
through the Stack Exchange Data Explorer tool
. In
addition to being the widely used tool by technology
professionals, SO is significantly used for scientific
studies (Uddin et al., 2021).
Despite the relevance and applicability of the
knowledge found on this kind of website by technol-
ogy professionals who work directly with eHealth, we
Stack Exchange Explorer: data.stackexchange.com
Oliveira, P., Costa Junior, E., Andrade, R., Santos, I. and Neto, P.
Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow.
DOI: 10.5220/0010801000003123
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2022) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 45-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-552-4; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have not seen studies aiming to systematically mine
the knowledge that emerges from the discussion of
eHealth topics in Q&A websites. In the literature,
most studies have used public databases to analyze
and predict trends in this area from the perspective of
eHealth end-users (Kwon et al., 2020), or from the
researchers’ point of view (Anonymous, 2020).
In this way, this paper presents an exploratory
analysis on the eHealth Stack Overflow discussions
aiming to understand the eHealth development com-
munity behavior considering the ICT profession-
als’ perspective. This investigation can support re-
searchers in understanding the difficulties faced by
eHealth developers. It can also be helpful for prac-
titioners who want to know which technologies are
most used in eHealth. Thus, three Research Questions
(RQ) were designed to guide our study:
RQ1: What technologies have been discussed in
Rationale: This question is essential to analyze
the software engineering artifacts used by eHealth
developers. This information can assist practition-
ers in choosing the most suitable technologies for
new eHealth projects.
RQ2: What eHealth subjects have been discussed
in the Stack Overflow?
Rationale: Our interest with this question is to
find hot topics related to eHealth discussions.
Moreover, these topics can be used as a taxonomy
to organize the knowledge present in the Stack
Overflow about eHealth development.
RQ3: What types of questions asked by develop-
ers related to eHealth are most recurrent on Stack
Rationale: This question aims to investigate what
kind of questions are demanding more attention
in this community. These demands can point out
interesting challenges for future studies.
We highlight that this work contributes to re-
searchers and practitioners, pointing out trends and
open demands after ten years of eHealth develop-
ment. For example, our data analysis shows a need
for improvements in image processing and health
records standards and mHealth frameworks optimized
for background monitoring.
The paper outline is: in Section 2, we present a
background on the strategies used in this research; in
Sections 3 and 4, we detail our study design and dis-
cuss the results, respectively; in Section 5, we dis-
cuss some challenges and limitations; in Section 6,
we bring the related works; and, finally, in Section 7,
we present our final considerations and future works.
EHealth has the potential to reduce costs and improve
the quality of healthcare services. However, there are
still open development challenges like high availabil-
ity, scalability, fault tolerance, data management, in-
teroperability, security and privacy, and user experi-
ence (Oliveira et al., 2021). This paper aims to an-
alyze the eHealth community using Stack Overflow
discussions and, consequently, observe how develop-
ers deal with these challenges.
We used the discussion definition proposed by
(Bandeira et al., 2019) to filter our target questions
in SO. This definition excludes questions that have
not received answers and questions in which all an-
swers were provided by the same user who asked the
question. The rationale for using this definition is that
we understand that questions classified as discussions
represent relevant topics for the community.
Regarding Stack Overflow, we decided to focus
on this database because of its strength and represen-
tativeness for the software development community
Figure 1 presents the essential elements of the ques-
tions and answers on this platform.
Figure 1: Q&A structure in SO (Mumtaz et al., 2019).
The title and the body contain information about
the problem faced by the user. In addition, Q&A have
tags used to categorize them and assist their retrieval.
A question can have several answers provided by dif-
ferent users. The user who asked the question (the
author) can accept one of the answers. Although it
cannot be considered the best answer, the accepted
answer usually represents the most suitable solution
considering the author’s opinion. Both questions and
answers have a score computed by the difference be-
tween the up-votes and down-votes. In this work, we
consider the question score to filter our dataset be-
cause it measures the relevance of a post to the com-
munity. Since this work represents an initial step in
understanding this community, we have not consid-
ered the difference between up-votes and down-votes.
Weighted correlations of these votes can be investi-
gated in future work.
SO Survey: insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2019
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
Select target data using
tags related to eHealth and
remove duplicates
Filter thediscussions
by popularity, apply NLP
techniques, and do the
manual data extraction
Execute the LDA Algorithm,
and build the graphs using
Tableau and LDAvis
Posts:5608 Posts:1076 Topics:45 Topics:19
Analyze the results to find
trends and demands in the
eHealth discussions
Figure 2: Our study design.
This paper presents an empirical study focused on
the discussions of the eHealth developers commu-
nity. Thus, our study design was defined based
on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) pro-
cess (Fayyad et al., 1996). KDD was chosen given
the need to extract knowledge from an unstructured
database. Then, guidelines for data mining stud-
ies in software repositories were considered to adapt
this process for evidence-based software engineering
(Kitchenham et al., 2015). The following subsections
detail the phases of our design study, which is illus-
trated in Figure 2.
3.1 Selection
We selected the English version of Stack Overflow as
the data source due to its relevance to researchers and
technology professionals (Beyer et al., 2019).
After the data source definition, we defined the
search strategy. This activity required many trials to
find a suitable strategy because i) it was not possible
to use the main SO search field (that considers title
and questions’ body) since it can return inconsistent
data; ii) the terms commonly used in the literature as
synonyms for eHealth (according to MeSH controlled
) did not return any data; iii) and there is
no specific tag that characterizes eHealth questions.
After a comprehensive analysis, we realized a di-
vergence between the MeSH terms and terms used by
practitioners to categorize eHealth issues in SO. For
example, the question How is it possible that Google
Fit app measures number of steps all the time with-
out draining the battery? that should be classified
MeSH: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh
as mHealth in MeSH was tagged with the technol-
ogy (Google Fit) and the platform (Android). We also
tried many other tags defined by our expertise, but
they did not return eHealth posts.
Thus, after this empirical analysis, we decided to
use the term “health” as the starting point to execute a
snowballing (Wohlin, 2014) search for tags. Initially,
we searched for all tags related to the term “health”
using Stack Overflow’s tag search system
. For each
tag found, we analyzed its definition to check if it is
related to eHealth. The selected tags are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Tags used to query the target data.
Subareas Tags Posts
DICOM dicom, pydicom, fo-dicom, evil-dicom, di-
comweb, niftynet, dcm4che
EHR healthvault, intersystems-healthshare, hl7-fhir,
ccd, cda, hl7, hapi, mirth, mirth-connect, hl7-v2,
hl7-v3, hl7-cda, c-cda, hapi-fhir, fhir-server-for-
azure, fhir-net-api, smart-on-fhir, openehr, nhapi,
dstu2-fhir, hapi-fhir-android-library, snomed-ct,
mdht, btahl7, medical, icd, hit
mHealth health-kit, hkhealthstore, google-health, samsung-
health, flutter-health, mapmyfitness, withings,
heartrate, fitbit, hksamplequery, hkobserverquery,
pedometer, google-fit, researchkit, samsung-gear-
fit, strava, google-fit-sdk, wearables, hapi-fhir-
android-library, carekit, medical, icd, hit
Total of Questions 6,082
Total of Questions without Duplicates 5,608
We found 6,082 questions using the selected tags
(without date filters), and we got 5,608 after duplicate
removal. The tags presented in Table 1 were classi-
fied into three subareas: DICOM, to represent ques-
tions about digital medical image processing; EHR,
for issues focusing on Electronic Health Record; and
mHealth, for questions about the development of Mo-
bile Health applications. The authors proposed this
classification following the tags’ similarity and their
SO tag search system: https://stackoverflow.com/tags
Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow
community definitions. For sure, these are not the
only subareas in eHealth. However, the tags found
indicate that these three are the most discussed by de-
velopers on Stack Overflow.
3.2 Processing
After data collection, we performed three pre-
processing activities. First, we carried out a filter
considering the question popularity and the discus-
sion definition (Bandeira et al., 2019). For the pop-
ularity filter, we used the third quartile of the question
score. This filter’s rationale is to reduce the noise that
can be included by less popular questions or questions
that only one user sent answers (Kavaler et al., 2013).
We also adopted the third quartile to avoid bias re-
garding the definition of a hard threshold. Hence, our
analyzes consider the questions that the community
itself deemed most relevant. These filters reduced the
number of questions from 5,608 to 1,112, implying a
considerable data reduction. However, we decided to
continue as our focus was on the most relevant ques-
tions using criteria defined by the eHealth developer
community. Further analysis without this filter can be
carried out in future works.
In the second activity, we performed a man-
ual analysis to extract valuable data from each dis-
cussion. This process was conducted by two re-
searchers with meetings to do the agreement check.
This manual analysis was necessary because there
is no automated method for classifying the ques-
tion type and this information is essential to our
research questions. For this classification, we de-
cided to use the well known taxonomy proposed by
(Treude et al., 2011) due to its characteristic of be-
ing able to be used in different study areas. This tax-
onomy has ten different types: how-to, discrepancy,
environment, error, decision help, conceptual, review,
non-functional, novice, and noise. For each discus-
sion, we also done an open coding (Stol et al., 2016)
to assist in identifying developers’ concerns.
This manual analysis reduced the number from
1,112 to 1,076 due to the classification of 36 questions
as noise (questions not related to eHealth but tagged
with any of the tags defined in Table 1).
Since we are working with unstructured data, in
the third activity, we used natural language process-
ing techniques to improve LDA results (Thomas et al.,
2014). These included removing code snippets, non-
ASCII characters, punctuation, and words with less
than three characters. Afterward, we chose the set of
stop words from (Puurula, 2013) due to its size and
availability on the Internet. Finally, we did not use
word stemming algorithms because, in our empirical
analysis, we realized that this process increases the
difficulty of interpreting the topics.
3.3 Data Mining
For data mining, we performed a topic modeling with
the LDA algorithm implemented by the Mallet tool
(McCallum, 2002). As the number of topics depends
on the problem investigated, and it is hard to define an
idea number, we created models with different num-
bers of topics to empirically evaluate the most suit-
able one. We configured the tool to optimize hyper-
parameters every ten iterations and to train with 500
iterations. In the end, the chosen model had 15 top-
ics for each eHealth subarea. The researchers hardly
defined this number after a manual analysis of the
models generated by the LDA, taking into account the
trade-off between the model complexity and its repre-
3.4 Evaluation
In the evaluation phase, all results were analyzed by
two researchers. The process of consolidating our
open coding was carried out to define meaningful
expressions that could characterize each discussion,
highlighting recurring patterns.
Regarding LDA, initially, each researcher ana-
lyzed the topics independently using the LDAvis tool
(Sievert and Shirley, 2014). Then, the divergences
were discussed in meetings. Finally, after interpret-
ing the initial 45 topics (15 topics for each eHealth
subarea), we decided to group some of them, consid-
ering their semantic similarity. For example, Google
Fit, HealthKit, Core Motion, and ResearchKit were
grouped into mHealth Frameworks.
We started our analysis considering 6,082 posts. Af-
ter removing duplicates, we got 5,608. Then, apply-
ing filters related to popularity and the discussion con-
cept, we obtained 1,076 relevant posts (our complete
dataset can be accessed by bit.ly/3cHPEPL). From
these posts, it was possible to create 45 topics later
refined to meaningful 19 topics.
Before discussing the RQs, it is essential to high-
light the increasing number of questions, especially in
2015 and 2016 (Figure 3.A). To better understand this
behavior, Figure 3.B presents this data separated by
the subareas: DICOM, EHR, and mHealth. Based on
these graphics, we noted that the number of questions
about DICOM and EHR presents a linear growth.
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
In contrast, between 2013 and 2015, the number of
questions related to mHealth grew very sharply. This
growth is probably associated with the launch of two
frameworks to support mobile applications’ develop-
ment focused on healthcare: HealthKit (launched in
September 2014) for the iOS platform and Google Fit
(launched in October 2014) for the Android platform.
Figure 3: A. The number of eHealth questions over years.
B. The distribution of questions considering the subareas. In
this graphic, we considered the complete set with all ques-
tions to overview trends without filters.
4.1 RQ1: What Technologies Have Been
Discussed in eHealth?
Regarding RQ1, we performed a manual data extrac-
tion to characterize the technologies discussed in this
area. For this, we used an extraction form contain-
ing many fields, but not all fields presented signifi-
cant data, probably because they are discussed in a
transversal way. Thus, we discuss in this subsection
the data for programming languages, operating sys-
tems, frameworks, API, libraries, and platforms.
As regard programming languages, the three most
used languages for DICOM are Python (Van Rossum
and Drake, 2011), C# (Hejlsberg et al., 2006), and
Matlab (Herniter, 2000). But, many questions ad-
dress Java (Arnold et al., 2000) and C++ (Stroustrup,
1984) too. For EHR, the most discussed languages are
Java, C#, and Javascript (Flanagan and Matilainen,
2007). For mHealth, Swift, Java, and Objective-C
(Knaster and Dalrymple, 2009) stand out. We ob-
served that language usage is directly related to the
development tools available in each subarea, as is the
case of EHR with the HAPI Java API. Also, Python is
widely used for image processing (Van der Walt et al.,
2014). Swift and Objective-C are the basis for iOS
development and Java for Android development.
Concerning operating systems and frameworks
data, we found a few posts (27) in the DICOM and
EHR subareas from which it was possible to extract
these data. Hence, it was not possible to draw conclu-
sions linking these technologies and subareas. How-
ever, for the mHealth subarea, we found a significant
number of discussions bringing information about the
used operating system and framework.
In the case of mHealth discussions considering
operating systems (OS) and frameworks, we found
213 of 380 (56.05%) questions about Health Kit
and 110 (28.95%) related to Google Fit. Together
these frameworks represent 85% of mHealth ques-
tions. Both frameworks seek to facilitate the man-
agement of health and fitness data for users of smart-
phones and wearables. The ResearchKit framework,
despite the low number of related questions, deserves
attention because it is an open-source framework cre-
ated to support medical research. However, we also
realized that the framework is directly related to the
operating system. Thus, we found a more significant
number of questions about iOS, followed by Android
Finally, Table 2 summarizes the eHealth APIs,
platforms, and libraries more discussed in Stack Over-
flow. The sum of questions in this table is lower
than the 1,076 used in the analysis because there are
questions in which we could not extract all the data.
Besides, to improve the table visualization, we sup-
pressed technologies with just one question. How-
ever, our complete dataset is available online. This in-
formation can help practitioners choose the most suit-
able artifact, depending on the project’s context.
4.2 RQ2: What eHealth Subjects Have
Been Discussed in Stack Overflow?
For RQ2, we used the LDA to get the hot topics re-
lated to eHealth discussions from SO. As a result,
we obtained a multidimensional model that correlates
words and documents. Usually, the evaluation of this
type of model is performed by specialists using the
terms present in the topics. However, this activity is
error-prone (Sievert and Shirley, 2014). Thus, many
authors have proposed visualization methods to facil-
itate the evaluation of LDA models. Here, we used
LDAvis (Sievert and Shirley, 2014).
We identified 45 topics, and they were refined to
19 more meaningful topics. In Figure 4, these criti-
cal topics are represented by the first tree level. The
second level was used to give more details about the
subjects. Together, these topics provide a high-level
view of the subjects discussed by eHealth developers.
Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow
Regarding the DICOM subarea, most discus-
sions deal with aspects such as Image Manipulation
(34.81%) and Data Handling (22.24%). However,
there is still a significant percentage of discussions
about libraries (13.79%) and the DICOM Standard
(Mildenberger et al., 2002) (13.77%), more specifi-
cally about Data Representation and the usage of UID
tags. The python language is so prevalent in this sub-
area that we found a specific topic of questions about
its application in medical image processing. We also
identified a group of questions about extracting health
information from images; questions focused on com-
munication between DICOM servers, and discussions
about the libraries used in this subarea.
Regarding the EHR, the most discussed sub-
jects are HL7 (28.78%), Data formatting, storage
and encoding (16.60%), and Communication issues
(16.55%). We also have topics about Medical in-
formation (13.80%), FHIR (12.63%), Interoperability
with Mirth Connect (6.70%), and OpenEHR (4.94%).
As expected, we found many discussions about the
HL7 and FHIR standards. These standards’ relevance
is due to their adoption by healthcare companies and
by governments of many countries (Bender and Sar-
tipi, 2013). FHIR emerged as an evolution for HL7v3,
but due to difficulties in migrating to newer versions,
many developers still use HL7v2 and HL7v3. An-
other important subject related to the standardization
of electronic health records is OpenEHR. It provides
open-source specifications for EHR systems (Kalra
et al., 2005). This model has been strengthening as
consumers, and healthcare professionals understand
the benefits of a free and safe health data exchange.
For mHealth, the most discussed subjects are
Framework (39.56%), Data Monitoring (26.81%),
Development Issues (19.77%), Wearables (10.81%),
and Security and Privacy Policies (3.05%). In this
subarea, the step counting subject calls our attention
due to its large number of questions. This behavior
was unexpected once a large number of commercial
applications already have this functionality. It was ex-
pected that this topic would be a consolidated knowl-
edge in this community. Therefore, we can raise
two hypotheses related to this concern: i) different
mobile hardware generates different health measures,
and commercial apps address these specificities inter-
nally; ii) there is a lack of approaches to ensure the
correctness of measurements obtained by these apps.
Another subject that deserves attention is the dif-
ficulties faced when the developer needs to perform
tasks in the background. Many developers still have
problems using this feature, indicating a need for im-
provements in mHealth frameworks. We also ob-
served a significant interest in monitoring health data
such as heart rate and sleep using wearables. In fact,
many studies have used wearables to detect atypical
health conditions (Almeida et al., 2016). With the
gradual transfer of this knowledge to the industry, dis-
Table 2: APIs, Platforms and Libraries discussed in eHealth subareas.
Subareas Name Description # of questions
HAPI HAPI is an open source HL7 parser for Java. 23
nHAPI It was developed from HAPI project to help .Net developers to manage HL7 messages. 5
FHIR .Net API It is used by developers to build FHIR client/server applications. 2
Fitbit API API that enables the communication with Fitbit devices like Fitbit Ionic. 7
Withings API This API allows the development of apps using the Withings devices. 4
Strava API It enables the development of apps that use the Strava athletes data. 2
Google Fit REST API This API helps developers to manage health data from Google Fitness Store. 2
.Net .Net is a Windows platform used to build different types of applications. 11
ClearCanvas Platform for viewing, management, and distribution of DICOM images. 10
NiftyNet Open source CNN platform based on TensorFlow for medical image analysis. 6
Mirth Connect It is used to connect healthcare systems using standard like HL7, FHIR, and others. 35
.Net .Net is a Windows platform used to build different types of applications. 10
Node.js Node.js is a platform to support the development of server-side JS applications. 6
Node.js Node.js is a platform to support the development of server-side JS applications. 5
Xamarin Xamarin is a .Net platform and enables the development of native mobile apps. 3
Ionic Platform for web developers who wants to build cross-platform mobile apps. 3
.Net .Net is a Windows platform used to build different types of applications. 3
pydicom Python library to work with medical image datasets. 22
dcm4che Set of libraries used in DICOM healthcare applications. 12
Fellow Oak DICOM DICOM library in C# for .Net Platform. 12
Simple ITK Set of tools for image analysis and was originally developed in C++. 5
GDCM Grassroots DICOM (GDCM) is an open source library to work with DICOM standard 3
JAI ImageIO Java library that provide methods for image processing and image analysis. 3
pynetdicom Python implementation of the DICOM networking protocol. 2
Papaya Javascript medical image viewer. 2
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 4: Most discussed topics in Stack Overflow by eHealth developers.
cussions about wearables should increase.
Finally, we expect that the number of user inter-
face discussions (4.5%) should increase in the follow-
ing years from the understanding that the user experi-
ence is a crucial factor in the acceptance of these new
healthcare technologies (Zapata et al., 2015).
4.3 RQ3: What Types of Questions
Asked by Developers Related to
eHealth Are Most Recurrent on
Stack Overflow?
Due to the Stack Overflow community’s strengthen-
ing, the answers found in this website can be seen as
an extension to the formal documentation for many
technologies (Treude et al., 2011). However, an es-
sential step in understanding the dynamics for a par-
ticular area is to observe what type of question devel-
opers ask (Beyer et al., 2019). In our case, we chose
the taxonomy proposed by (Treude et al., 2011).
Thus, the first step to answer RQ3 was focused on
the type of question that eHealth developers ask. Fig-
ure 5.A presents the types of questions considering
each of the subareas. As expected, in all subareas, the
how-to type presented the most number of questions.
In fact, many developers use SO to find instructions
about how to do a specific task, e.g., “How can I con-
nect to the FitBit Zip over Bluetooth 4.0 LE?”.
After the how-to type, the distribution of the other
types for each subarea was different. For the DICOM
subarea, the second question type with the highest
number of questions was novice. We observed dur-
ing the manual analysis that a large number of ques-
tions contain passages such as “I’m new to process-
ing DICOM images”. This can indicate a substan-
tial difficulty in starting working with medical image
processing due to the complexity of the technologies
and standards present in this area. The third biggest
question type was decision help. Many DICOM ques-
tions seek opinions on the use of technologies or the
best way to architect a solution (see Question ID:
Figure 5: A. discussions by the question types; and B. ques-
tions with accepted and no accepted answer.
Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow
10390121). We found similar behavior in the EHR
area, differing only in the order of the decision help
and novice types.
For EHR, we also highlight a large number of
questions of the conceptual type, e.g., “What Differ-
ence HL7 V3 and CDA?”. For the mHealth subarea,
we found 64 questions classified as error and 46 clas-
sified as a review. For this subarea, the questions are
more practical, focusing on errors faced during devel-
opment or requesting assistance with code review. For
instance, we identified questions such as “Why am I
getting the error with the Ionic plugin healthkit?”.
Figure 5.B shows the number of questions with
accepted and no accepted answers considering each
subarea and the global set. The hypothesis related to
this information is that the higher the percentage of
questions with an accepted answer, the more mature
the community is about technologies that are being
discussed. In this regard, DICOM has the most sig-
nificant number of questions with accepted answers
(64.39%), followed by EHR (56.52%) and mHealth
(52.63%). Actually, mHealth is an area that has been
gaining prominence in the last ve years, and many
aspects of the development of this type of solution still
have not a community consensus.
Another finding of the RQ3 refers to the low num-
ber of questions focused on non-functional require-
ments (only 11 questions - 5 related to security and 6
related to performance). This fact is worrying due to
the criticality of healthcare systems. These systems
are expected to be developed with non-functional re-
quirements such as security and performance.
After analyzing which type of discussions the
eHealth developers are asking, we decided to deepen
the investigation by conducting a pair-reviewed open
coding process. This process aims to extract and sys-
tematize knowledge from textual data.
In DICOM, the main concerns are the use of
unique identifiers (UID) of the DICOM standard, data
for testing and validating applications, meaning and
purpose of DICOM tags, manipulation of 3D images,
and visualization of medical images in web browsers.
As an example of questions related to these concerns,
we have: “Is it true that DICOM Media Storage SOP
Instance UID = SOP Instance UID?” (which has a
score equals to 7 and 2,358 views); “Where is possi-
ble download .dcm files for free?” (with 30 as score
and 58,540 views); “How to decide if a DICOM se-
ries is a 3D volume or a series of images?” (which
has 9 as score and 3,767 views).
For EHR, the two main concerns are about the
HL7 standard. First, similar to the DICOM, in EHR,
there is a concern about data for testing and validat-
ing applications. Moreover, interoperability and the
different versions of the HL7 standard still generate
discussions. An interesting question to show these
concerns is “What Difference HL7 V3 and CDA?”.
Regarding mHealth, the main concerns are asso-
ciated with HealthKit usage, heart rate monitoring,
security issues, and best practices to recover health
data. In addition, we highlight the concern of deal-
ing with data acquisition in the background due to its
criticality for this type of application, its complexity
related to battery consumption, and the recurrence of
problems reported by developers. For example, the
following question had more than 12,180 views and
still has no accepted answer: “Healthkit background
delivery when app is not running”. Another exam-
ple of discussion close related to the main concerns
in mHealth is “How is it possible that Google Fit app
measures number of steps all the time without drain-
ing battery?”, which was visualized more than 74k
times. By the way, this was the question with the most
views in our dataset.
4.4 Findings Summary and Practical
In this work, we analyzed ten years of the most popu-
lar eHealth discussion in the Stack Overflow. Our re-
sults can be used to understand the trends and difficul-
ties faced by eHealth developers. It can also be help-
ful for practitioners who want to know which tech-
nologies are most used in the eHealth subareas. In this
subsection, we summarize our findings and present
their practical implications.
Concerning technologies (RQ1), each subarea has
more adopted tools and, consequently, more discus-
sions on Stack Overflow. For example, DICOM has
as reference the library written in Python called py-
dicom. On the other hand, EHR has many ques-
tions about the open-source Java API called HAPI.
Moreover, for mHealth, two frameworks stand out:
HealthKit for the iOS operating system using Swift
and Objective-C and Google Fit for the Android op-
erating system using Java.
Regarding the subjects discussed in this area
(RQ2), the results present many DICOM questions
about image manipulation and data handling. In EHR,
the most frequent subjects are the HL7 standard, data
formatting, storage and encoding, and communica-
tion issues. For mHealth, we have discussions about
frameworks (mainly Google Fit and HealthKit), data
monitoring, development issues, wearables, and secu-
rity and privacy policies.
In RQ3, we found that how-to questions are preva-
lent in all three subareas considered in this study.
DICOM and EHR have many questions classified as
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
decision help and novice. This can indicate a greater
barrier for developers who are starting in these sub-
areas. mHealth, differently, has many questions that
present specific errors or that request code snippets re-
view. Another point that deserves attention is the low
number of non-functional questions, which may indi-
cate a low interest for non-functional requirements.
Deepening the RQ3 analysis, we found the follow-
ing concerns: i) interpretation and usage of the DI-
COM and HL7 standards; ii) manipulation of 3D im-
ages; iii) DICOM web viewer; iv) data for testing and
validating both DICOM and EHR applications; v) in-
teroperability using Mirth Connect; vi) data types and
background execution with HealthKit; vii) heart rate
monitoring; viii) authentication and permission, and
ix) best practices to query health data.
Finally, in addition to present a systematic analy-
sis for the eHealth knowledge mined in SO and dis-
cuss a snapshot of ten years of discussions in this area,
this study also has other practical implications:
Research Opportunities: this study can also repre-
sent a kick-off for further investigations regarding the
gaps that were found, such as surveying with eHealth
developers to understand better the difficulties faced
when working with mHealth; or propose testing ap-
proaches focused on health tracking apps.
Towards an eHealth Development Taxonomy: our
analysis pointed out that the eHealth discussions can
be grouped into three major groups: DICOM, EHR,
and mHealth. Specializing in this analysis, we found
the topic tree (Figure 4). These topics can be used
as a reference to classify new questions in order to
improve the solution recommendations. For example,
it is possible to use our LDA model to label GitHub
eHealth open-source repositories and use that infor-
mation to suggest possible solutions whenever a new
question is registered on SO. This can increase the
synergy among these software communities.
Beginners Guide: for practitioners who are starting
to work with eHealth, this paper can support the deci-
sion about which tool to use. We have seen a strength-
ening of Python tools to deal with medical image pro-
cessing, the consolidation of Java tools for EHR, and
polarization between HealthKit and Google Fit for
mobile health.
The discussion of limitations and threats is essential
when conducting evidence-based software engineer-
ing studies (Kitchenham et al., 2015). It helps to un-
derstand the outcome of confidence. In our study, we
identified some threats to validity and sought to miti-
gate them through the conducting phase.
The first threat showed up during the selection of
the data source and target tags. Despite the choice
of just one database, we consider that the English
version of Stack Overflow has high representative-
ness about developers’ discussions. This website has
also been used for the development of many scientific
studies (Chen et al., 2019) (Beyer et al., 2019).
We sought to follow a systemic approach to re-
duce bias to choose the tags to compose our query.
Initially, we considered eHealth synonyms defined by
the MeSH vocabulary as tags. This controlled vo-
cabulary has significant relevance for indexing papers
in the life sciences, and it is used as a reference to
support the building of search strings for systematic
reviews (Lynch et al., 2019) (Salvador-Oliv
an et al.,
2019). However, we faced a limitation concerning the
different terminology used by researchers and practi-
tioners. When we tried to use the terms suggested by
MeSH, no results were found. With that, we decided
to use a snowballing strategy to include all health-
related tags. This strategy returned a significant num-
ber of questions. We understand that this decision can
raise another threat once some questions could be left
out of the study. However, after a detailed analysis
of the questions, we considered them suitable to draw
our conclusions. Also, the manual analysis removed
noises, i.e., questions whose tag does not match the
content of the question. In this step, we found and
removed 36 discussions classified as noise.
Regarding data volume, the filters applied in this
study followed criteria already validated in the liter-
ature (Kavaler et al., 2013) (Bandeira et al., 2019).
We chose to analyze only the most relevant questions
for the eHealth community using the distribution of
score metrics. Although small, we argue that our fi-
nal dataset (1,076 questions) is highly representative.
Further investigations can use the complete dataset.
We also sought to mitigate threats related to man-
ual data extraction bias involving two researchers in
this activity. We held meetings to discuss the results
and the topic interpretation. In these meetings, we
noticed some limitations. For example, the technolo-
gies identified in the Stack Overflow questions were
classified in API, frameworks, libraries, or platforms,
considering their description. However, we noted that
these descriptions do not always follow definitions al-
ready established in software engineering. Thus, it
would be interesting to adopt clear definitions for each
type of software artifact in future work.
Another limitation of our analysis concerns the
developers’ profiles. In practice, there are several
types of developers (such as mobile, web, and full-
stack developers), and we did not make any distinc-
Ten Years of eHealth Discussions on Stack Overflow
Table 3: Comparison among our proposal and the related works.
Work Method/Technique Data source Perspective Results
(Drosatos et al., 2017) Topic Modeling with LDA PubMed Papers Researchers Literature trends
(Drosatos and Kaldoudi, 2020) Probabilistic techniques PubMed Papers Researchers Literature trends
(Ahmed et al., 2019) Systematic Review of Reviews Review Papers Researchers Challenges
Our work Topic Modeling with LDA Stack Overflow Questions ICT Professionals Trends and Demands
tion between these profiles. Nevertheless, this point
can represent an interesting opportunity from compar-
ing our results, taking into account these profiles.
Regarding the topic interpretation, we sought to
improve its reliability by conducting with two re-
searchers an evaluation using different topic num-
bers. This evaluation considered the trade-off be-
tween model complexity and the topic’s representa-
tiveness, and it was performed using the LDAvis.
In the literature, several papers use data mining tech-
niques to analyze patterns in software repositories.
There are also many studies seeking to map eHealth
papers systematically. However, we did not find pa-
pers focused on observing this area’s behavior from
ICT professionals’ perspectives and using the Stack
Overflow as a data source. Thus, the papers listed in
this section are related to our work by the research
method or the study area.
The work developed by (Drosatos et al., 2017) has
an objective similar to that proposed in our work. The
authors modeled topics based on the PubMed Digi-
tal Library papers to extract trends in this literature.
They used the MeSH controlled vocabulary to build
the search string. They recovered 25,824 publications
until December 2016. After the refinement stage, they
got 19,825 papers. The LDA was applied on the titles,
keywords, and abstracts, considering a number of 160
topics, which experts later reviewed. The most fre-
quent topics found were wearables, randomized con-
trol trials, legal issues & ethics, eye disease, and tele-
consultation. The difference to our approach lies in
the purpose of characterizing the area from the pro-
fessionals’ perspective.
(Drosatos and Kaldoudi, 2020) used probabilis-
tic techniques to analyze the literature related to the
eHealth field. The authors considered the titles and
abstracts of 23,988 articles (collected in PubMed Dig-
ital Library between December 31, 2017, and May
8, 2018) to compose the study corpus. The topic
modeling identified 100 meaningful subjects into the
service model, disease, behavior, and lifestyle cate-
gories. The results indicated a shift in focus from the
DICOM to the mHealth subarea. We also observed
an increase in Stack Overflow discussions focused on
mobile health development, reinforcing this trend.
The work written by (Ahmed et al., 2019) presents
a systematic review of reviews (i.e., a tertiary study)
carried out to identify research opportunities in this
area. The authors analyzed 47 papers published in
several digital libraries between January 2010 and
June 2017. As a result, they highlight five challeng-
ing areas (stakeholders and system users, technol-
ogy and interoperability, cost-effectiveness and start-
up costs, legal clarity and legal framework, and lo-
cal context and regional differences) and four areas
of opportunity (participation and contribution, foun-
dation and sustainability, improvements and produc-
tivity, and identification and application).
Regarding the stakeholder and system users’ chal-
lenges, the authors mentioned the need to better inte-
grate functional and non-functional requirements to
the design and implementation of eHealth applica-
tions. Our results corroborate this point of view since
there are still few discussions about non-functional re-
quirements for eHealth within Stack Overflow. Con-
cerning the technology and interoperability chal-
lenges, the authors noted that despite standards such
as FHIR, its adoption is still slow and requires much
effort. In fact, our data shows many questions in
which the developers are looking for support to make
decisions about EHR standards. There are also many
discussions reporting difficulties with legacy systems
that use older versions of HL7. Finally, unlike the
other papers, our work performed a topic modeling
with LDA to find trends and demands in Stack Over-
flow eHealth questions, taking into account the per-
spective of ICT professionals. Table 3 presents a com-
parison among our proposal and related works.
The eHealth term was defined more than 15 years ago.
During this period, this area faced several changes
driven by the emergence of new healthcare technolo-
gies. Recently, with the cost reduction of wearable de-
vices and due to its ability to monitor many different
aspects of its users’ health, this area has gained new
momentum. Thus, it is possible to find many papers
proposing new technological artifacts and other stud-
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
ies that seek to map these advances systematically.
This work proposed an investigation into the dis-
cussions associated with eHealth development, con-
sidering the practitioners’ perspective and using the
Stack Overflow as the data source. Initially, we got
6,082 posts. Then, after removing duplicates and ap-
plying popularity filters, we found 1,076 discussions.
So, we used manual extraction and topic modeling to
understand the behavior of eHealth developers in SO.
In this first study, we have done a descriptive analysis
to understand the eHealth area from the developers’
point of view. Using our results, it is possible to con-
duct further in-deep investigations on this area.
Moreover, we observed a growing trend regard-
ing mHealth discussions. The data also revealed
three clusters of questions in SO: DICOM, EHR, and
mHealth. The most frequent discussions in the DI-
COM (that includes questions about digital medical
image processing) and EHR (with issues focusing on
Electronic Health Record) is related to the decision-
making process during the development of solutions
and the assistance to novices. In mHealth (that in-
cludes questions about mobile health applications),
the discussions are more technical and specific, fo-
cusing on error resolution and code review. We also
found just a few issues associated with non-functional
requirements despite the relevance of safety, perfor-
mance, and usability for health applications.
Regarding technologies, there is a direct correla-
tion between programming languages and the most
used artifact in the subareas. Python and the py-
dicom library for DICOM, Java and the HAPI API
for EHR, Swift, and the HealthKit framework for
mHealth stand out. After interpreting LDAs topics,
we concluded that the most discussed subject in DI-
COM is image manipulation. In EHR, it is the HL7
standard, and for mHealth is the framework for devel-
opment. Finally, the most significant concerns that
arise from conceptual issues are understanding DI-
COM and HL7 standards, data for testing and vali-
dating, and the monitoring of health data in the back-
To conclude, we argue that this work can help
practitioners know trends in this area, like the most
used technologies. It can also help researchers iden-
tify opportunities such as improving DICOM and
HL7 standards, the development of more suitable
techniques for testing healthcare applications, the
availability of datasets that assist these activities, and
the investigation of why there are few questions about
non-functional requirements in this area. Another re-
search opportunity would be to investigate a tool to
help developers deal with monitoring data in the back-
ground and optimize battery consumption.
All codes and data are publicly available. The SO
query can be accessed at the link: data.stackexchange
.com/users/32389. Codes used to build the LDA
models are available through the link: github.com/
pedroalmir/trends-ehealth. Also, it is possible to ac-
cess the images attached to this paper (with a higher
resolution) through the link bit.ly/3lhKhvP.
The authors would like to thank CNPQ for the Pro-
ductivity Scholarship of Rossana M. C. Andrade DT-
2 (N
315543 / 2018-3), for the Productivity Scholar-
ship of Pedro de A. dos Santos Neto DT-2 (N
/ 2018-4), and CAPES that provided to the Evilasio C.
Junior a Ph.D. scholarship.
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