SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence
Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection
Binh Dang
, Tran-Thai Dang
and Le-Minh Nguyen
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
Vingroup Big Data Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
Sub-word, Topic Modeling, Sentence Transformer, Bi-encoder, Semantic Similarity Detection.
Topic information has been useful for semantic similarity detection. In this paper, we present a study on
a novel and efficient method to incorporate the topic information with Transformer-based models, which is
called the Sub-word Latent Topic and Sentence Transformer (SubTST). The proposed model basically inherits
the advantages of the SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) architecture, and learns latent topics in the sub-
word level instead of the document or word levels as previous work. The experimental results illustrate the
effectiveness of our proposed method that significantly outperforms the SBERT, and the tBERT (Peinelt et al.,
2020), two state-of-the-art methods for semantic textual detection, on most of the benchmark datasets.
The Semantic Textual Similarity Detection (STS) is
a crucial task in the Natural Language Understanding
(NLU). This aims to determine the semantic correla-
tion between a pair of sentences. STS was applied
in a lot of NLP application ranging from information
retrieval to paraphrase detection. An example of the
STS is shown in Table 1.
So far, there are various studies on the STS. Wu
et al. (Wu et al., 2017) utilize various features (e.g.,
words, topics, lexical features, etc) with the convo-
lution neural network (CNN) for classifying pairs of
sentences in the SemEval-2017 Task 3 CQA compe-
tition. In (Tan et al., 2018), four attention functions
are used to match sentence pairs under the matching-
aggregation framework. The SBERT (Reimers and
Gurevych, 2019) combines the pre-trained contextual
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) network and Siamese net-
work (Schroff et al., 2015), which achieved a signifi-
cant improvement on this task.
The effectiveness by using latent topic informa-
tion as features for information retrieval, recommen-
dation system, and STS has been pointed out in sev-
eral studies (Qin et al., 2009), (Ovsjanikov and Chen,
2010), (Tran et al., 2015), (Dang et al., 2020) and (Wu
et al., 2017). In addition, the topic embedding is
concatenated with the sentence embedding produced
by the BERT, which is called tBERT (Peinelt et al.,
2020). This helps to improve the BERT’s perfor-
mance for STS and illustrates the efficacy of topic in-
formation as well.
Table 1: Example of semantic similarity detection.
Sentence pair
How do I get funding for my
web based startup idea ?
How do I get seed funding pre
product ?
What is ecstasy ?
non - similar
How addictive is ecstasy ?
In this work, we propose a novel method for en-
hancing the capacity of Transformer-based models for
the STS by incorporating topic information over sub-
words. The method is called the Sub-word Latent
Topic and Sentence Transformer (SubTST). The ma-
jor contributions of our work are as follows:
The SubTST essentially uses the SBERT archi-
tecture (a.k.a., bi-encoder). In this method, the
latent topics are learned over sub-words instead
of documents/words as in previous work. In ad-
dition, we transform a concatenation of output
vectors generated by the topic model and the
Transformer-based model by a transfer layer. Our
approach is essentially different from the tBERT’s
approach (Peinelt et al., 2020) - a state-of-the-
art method of using the topic information with
Dang, B., Dang, T. and Nguyen, L.
SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0010775100003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 91-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
BERT for improving the STS performance. In
the tBERT, a sentence pair is concatenated by
adding the CLS token before being embedded by
the BERT encoder (a.k.a., cross-encoder). The
document/word topic embedding vector is con-
catenated with the output of BERT encoder before
being fed to a softmax classification layer.
We demonstrate that the proposed model promi-
nently outperforms two state-of-the-art methods
for semantic textual detection, the SBERT and
tBERT, on most of the benchmark datasets (sec-
tion 3).
Figure 1: SubTST architecture with softmax objective func-
The key idea in our work is to unify the utiliza-
tion of the lexicon unit for learning both topic-based
and BERT-based sentence embedding vectors. That
means both topic-based and BERT-based vectors are
drawn from the same distribution of lexicon units.
Hence, we learn latent topics at the sub-word level
and use such information with the bi-encoder archi-
tecture for semantic similarity detection. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the architecture of our proposed model.
Given a pair of sentences (sentences A and B), we
encode each sentence individually by using both topic
model and Transformer-based model. In the topic-
based representation, each sentence s is characterized
by a topic-term matrix of size k × N
, denoted by M
where k is the number of latent topics and N
is the
number of sub-words in each sentence:
= TopicModel(s) R
The LDA (Blei et al., 2003) is a popular topic model
to learn latent topics. In this work, we use the ver-
sion of LDA presented in (Hoffman et al., 2010). We
denote the output of pre-trained Transformer-based
models given a sentence s by M
where m is
the internal hidden size of transformer model. In the
SubTST, we utilize the BERT
model for encoding
= Trans f ormer(sentence) R
To aggregate the topic information with the output
of Transformer-based models, we concatenate M
into M
as the following:
then feed M
to a transfer layer as illustrated in Fig-
ure 2. The transfer layer is constructed by a Feed-
forward network with the Dropout and Layer Normal-
h = W M
+ B
h = LayerNorm(Dropout(h))
Figure 2: Combination of topic embedding and word em-
Similarly to the SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych,
2019), we add the pooling layer that helps to combine
sub-word’s vectors into an unique sentence’s vector.
In our work, we experiment two pooling strategies
that are the Mean-strategy and Max-strategy. Given
h R
, the embedding of sentence u R
is estimated by:
u = MEAN(h) (5)
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
u = MAX(h) (6)
Outputs of two pooling layers, u, v are diffused by
additionally estimating |u v|, then a concatenation
of u, v, and |u v| is fed to a softmax classification
layer (Bishop, 2006):
O = so f tmax(W
(u, v, |u v|))
with W
where m+ k is dimension of sentence embedding; l is
size of set labels.
3.1 Experimental Setup
We evaluate the performance of SubTST on the se-
mantic similarity detection by using three datasets
Quora, MSRP, and SemEval CQA with statistics in-
formation shown in Table 2.
Quora: The duplicated questions dataset contain-
ing over 400,000 question pairs with two labels (du-
plicate:1 or non-duplicate: 0). The task is defined as
same as a classification task. The train/dev/test sets
are divided according to (Wang et al., 2017).
MSRP: The Microsoft Research Para-
phrase (Dolan and Brockett, 2005) dataset that
consists of over 5000 sentence pairs collected
from news. Each pair has an annotation indicating
paraphrased or non-paraphrased pair.
SemEval CQA:
(Nakov et al., 2015),(Nakov
et al., 2016),(Nakov et al., 2017) The SemEval CQA
is the combination between 3 subtasks A, B, and
C base on questions and answers on Qatar Living
forum. In this paper, we only evaluate subtask A
and subtask B. Subtask A(Question-Comment Sim-
ilarity) give a question and its first 10 comments in
the question thread, rerank these 10 comments ac-
cording to their relevance with respect to the ques-
tion. Subtask B(Question-Question Similarity) gives
a new question and the set of the first 10 related
questions, rerank the related questions according to
their similarity with respect to the original question.
However, both of them are organized as a classifica-
tion rather than a ranking problem. Each question-
comment pair in subtask A may be in one of the la-
bels(“Bad”/“PotentiallyUsefu”: 0, “Good”: 1). In
subtask B, set label for question-question pair are “Ir-
relevant”: 0 and “Relevant”/“PerfectMatch”: 1. Sub-
task C (Question-External Comment Similarity) is the
same subtask A: with a new question, 100 comments
(each related question in subtask B has 10 comments)
evaluate their relevance concerning the original ques-
Table 2: The information of benchmark datasets.
Dataset #length #samples #topics
Quora 13 404000 90
MSRP 22 5000 80
SemEval CQA (A) 48 26000 70
SemEval CQA (B) 52 4000 80
SemEval CQA (C) 45 47000 70
We quantitatively compare the SubTST with sev-
eral previous systems for semantic similarity de-
tection based on the accuracy and F1-score. The
baselines include: (i) SBERT
; (ii) tBERT; (iii)
SwissAlps (Deriu and Cieliebak, 2017) - a method is
built on a siamese CNN architecture and evaluated on
the SemEval CQA; (iv) KeLP (Filice et al., 2017) - a
refinement of the kernel-based sentence pair model-
ing. In which, the SBERT and tBERT are built based
on the pre-trained BERT
As mentioned in section 2, each input sentence
is encoded by the BERT
, and the LDA is used
for learning latent topics, which is better than other
topic models such as GSDMM (Yin and Wang, 2014)
as mentioned in the study on tBERT (Peinelt et al.,
2020). The best number of topics for each dataset is
considered based on an analysis of the tBERT. The
SubTST uses as same number of topics as the tBERT
(mentioned in Table 2). Regarding the pooling layer,
we apply both Max-strategy and Mean-strategy in our
experiments. We setup two configurations for the
topic-based sentence representation, one is that the
tensor of topic embedding is learnable (denoted by
SubTST-mean-train topic, SubTST-max-train topic),
the other is that such a tensor is frozen (denoted by
SubTST-mean, SubTST-max).
3.2 Experimental Results
We make a comparison between the proposed method
and baseline systems that is shown in Table 3.
Overall, the SubTST significantly outperforms
baseline systems (including state-of-the-art methods
such as SBERT and tBERT) in most of the benchmark
datasets. The experimental results prominently show
the effectiveness of SubTST. In addition, we observe
that the mean strategy is more appropriate for seman-
tic similarity detection than the max strategy because
it often gives a better performance than the max strat-
SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection
Table 3: Results of methods on datasets: MSRP, Quora, SemEval based on Accuracy and F1-score (use BERT
). *: the
results that reported in paper.
Accuracy F1
MSRP Quora
subtask A
subtask B
subtask C
MSRP Quora
subtask A
subtask B
subtask C
Previous system
SwissAlps* - - - - - - - - 43.3 -
KeLP* - - - - - - - 69.87 50.64 -
tBERT* - - - - - 88.4 90.5 76.8 52.4 27.3
Our implementation
SBERT - mean 71.6 89.9 76.7 62.2 67.0 80.9 89.9 76.9 47.9 32.14
SBERT - max 69.7 88.7 77.3 60.2 66.7 80.1 88.4 77.0 33.9 31.89
SubTST - mean 69.6 89.9 76.6 64.8 67.1 79.0 90.1 76.5 61.2 32.28
SubTST - max 71.4 89.2 77.5 61.4 67.0 80.9 89.1 77.7 44.7 32.22
SubTST - mean - train topic 72.2 90.5 78.2 69.2 67.3 82.3 90.7 77.8 54.2 32.58
SubTST - max - train topic 70.8 89.2 77.5 61.1 66.8 81.1 89.0 77.2 45.7 32.04
Figure 3: Performance of SubTST and baselines on dev set on datasets.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
To verify the likelihood of our hypothesis on the
efficacy of using sub-word latent topics, we compare
the SubTST with/without finetuning topic-subword
matrix with the tBERT. The experimental results in
Table 3 show that: (i) for the SemEval subtasks A, B
datasets the SubTST with both configurations for the
topic-subword matrix results in better F1 score than
the tBERT; (ii) for the Quora dataset, the SubTST
with frozen topic-based embedding is competitive to-
wards the tBERT, and our model performs better
than tBERT when setting the learnable topic-based
embedding in the training process. In conclusion,
these empirical experiments demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of combining sub-word topic information
with Transformer-based models for semantic similar-
ity detection.
When comparing with tBERT on the MSRP
dataset, our proposed method is worse. In fact,
the MSRP dataset contains a small number of sam-
ples with a lot of named entities, which poses a big
challenge for classification systems. As mentioned
in (Humeau et al., 2020), the cross-encoder is often
better than the bi-encoder due to the full self-attention
mechanism, however, the cross-encoder is too low in
practical use. Hence, for such data, the tBERT has
more advantages than our proposed method due to us-
ing the cross-encoder architecture. For other datasets,
in spite of using the bi-encoder architecture that is
weaker than the cross-encoder one, the SubTST out-
performs the tBERT. Therefore, this demonstrates the
power of incorporating latent topics learned from sub-
In the evaluation on Subtask B, the SubTST
with frozen topic-based embedding is better than the
SubTST with learn topic-based embedding (trainable
topic embeddings - 54.2 F1 and their frozen - 61.2
F1). We can understand this phenomenon. For Se-
mEval subtask B, this task is to compare the semantics
similarity between question and question. The length
of each sentence in a pair is often too long. This is a
special characteristic of subtask B. We think that it is
the reason for the difference.
Figure 3 depicts our analysis of the training pro-
cess through each epoch based on the development
set. We visualize the fine-tuning process of the
SubTST with tBERT and SBERT over 6 epochs. We
found that the SubTST achieves the peak of the F1
score after 1 or 2 epochs, in the next epochs, the
change of the F1 score tends to be monotonic with
a small amplitude in comparison with tBERT. Hence,
this shows the stability in the training SubTST which
is basically resulted from unifying the lexicon unit for
topic models and Transformer-based models.
3.3 Discussion
As experiments, we can see that the power of a trans-
former model based bi-encoder with topic informa-
tion based on sub-words. In some previous researches
as SBERT(Reimers and Gurevych, 2019), the authors
detailed that the complexity for finding the foremost
comparable sentence match in a collection of 10,000
sentences is diminished from 65 hours with BERT
to the computation of 10,000 sentence embedding
(about 5 seconds with SBERT) and computing cosine
likeness (about 0.01 seconds). This is proof of the
ability of the bi-encoder as SBERT or SubTST when
applying in real.
Normally, it’s easy to understand the practical
meaning of the latent topics over words/documents.
However, topic modeling on sub-words can bring a lot
of benefits instead of words/document: (i) The model
can reduce the number of unknown words ( the out
of vocab words) in the usage process. When using
a topic model, the vocab of the topic model often fits
with the corpus. So when applying for another corpus,
the number of unknown words could be very large .
Using latent topics over sub-words sure significantly
reduces ”out of vocab”; (ii) With transformer-based
models such as BERT, sub-words are the base unit of
a sentence when processing. To easily combine topic
models and transformer-based models, we decided to
use sub-words for topic models.
This paper presents a new method for incorporating
latent topic information with Transformer-based mod-
els, called the SubTST. This method aims to unify
the lexicon unit for both the topic model and the
Transformer-based model. The experimental results
show that our model outperforms all baseline models
including state-of-the-art models in semantic similar-
ity detection. Hence, this indicates the effectiveness
of our proposed method. In addition, the SubTST is
built based on the bi-encoder architecture, so it has
more advantages in practical applications (e.g., infer-
ence time) in comparison with tBERT. Moreover, the
fine-tuning process of SubTST is fairly fast to reach
the peak performance, and stable. Our work also re-
veals the effectiveness of unifying the data distribu-
tion (a.k.a, using the same lexicon level) for learn-
ing topic-based and Transformer-based sentence rep-
resentations, which will support further studies on this
SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection
This work was supported by JSPS Kakenhi Grant
Number 20H04295, 20K20406, and 20K20625.
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SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection