Cooperation on Protecting Public Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic
based on Game Model
Yingxue Mi
, Mengqi Sun
and Zixuan Wang
Department of Political Economy, King’s College London, London, WC2B 4BG, U.K.
Department of Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, N2J 2Y2 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China
Keywords: Public Goods Game, COVID-19, UK Vaccination Uptake.
Abstract: This article discusses the application of the public goods game (PGG) under the ongoing crisis of public
health. We applied the traditional PGG to a case study of individuals’ choice to contribute to the provision of
public health because of COVID-19 and then introduced theory of three behavioral types. That is, a third type
of behavior exists aside from cooperating and defecting – called ‘conforming’, which describes one’s
imitation of the majority’s actions. In the empirical analysis, we chose to use the daily number of vaccinated
people reported by national public health organizations in the UK as a valid and reliable indicator for
differentiating individual behaviors. As illustrated by the data for British vaccination uptake between January
and July 2021, conformists tended to observe what the whole population has chosen at early stages of the
vaccinating process, before making their own decisions. The last portion provided possible explanations
behind the behavior of conformists, thus demonstrating the inadequacy of the traditional PGG in this context,
as the act of defecting does not always maximize individual utility in fact. Hence, we conclude that the mass’s
behavior during the COVID-19 crisis is more complex than the case described in the PGG. For instance,
cultural backgrounds and social infrastructures also play a critical role in the decision-making of individuals
responding to the provision problem of public health in different societies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging
public health systems in both developed and
developing countries since 2020. With a potentially
great risk of underproviding public health, people are
expected to cooperate and contribute to the provision,
whereas some may become defectors enjoying
benefits brought by others’ efforts. Through a case
study of UK people’s response to the ongoing
epidemic, this essay argues that the traditional public
goods game (PGG) model where players are required
to select from two strategies exclusively does not fit
the real case, due to the existence of conformists who
tend to imitate cooperation before making ultimate
The first section below is separated into two parts:
Firstly, we review the theoretical model of PGG by
interpreting the primary features of a public good and
Self-interests usually refer to money, but could be
happiness, pleasure, and others.
how public health can be regarded as a type of public
goods in the pandemic context; Then, we explain why
an extension theory to the classic PGG (Wu, Li,
Zhang, Cressman and Tao, 2014) fits empirical cases
more perfectly, after specifying how the concepts in a
PGG are applied to the pandemic. Next, we focus on
analyzing how empirical investigation supports the
existence of the conforming type of behavior as well
as potential reasons behind the conformists’ behavior
in this context.
Traditional economic theories were developed based
on the assumption that individual persons are rational
and self-interested. In other words, people are
assumed to act solely in pursuit of utility/payoff
maximization.1 This assumption has been applied to
Mi, Y., Sun, M. and Wang, Z.
Cooperation on Protecting Public Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic based on Game Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0011344200003437
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Public Management and Big Data Analysis (PMBDA 2021), pages 146-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-589-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
many branches of economics, and here we chose to
analyze one of the famous models in game theory,
namely, the public goods game (PGG). However, the
rationality assumption was not backed up with
empirical investigation before being applied to
answering economic questions. That said, this essay
aims to argue that the PGG fails to well interpret how
people in the UK have behaved during the COVID-
19 pandemic.
2.1 The Public Goods Game
In game theory, public goods have two defining
characteristics: nonexcludability and nonrivalry.
Nonexcludability means that the cost of stopping
nonpayers from benefiting the good or service is
prohibitive. In other words, once a good or service is
provided for one person, no one - e.g., those who do
not contribute to paying for it - can be prevented from
consuming it. The second aspect of public goods is
non-rivalrous consumption. That is, one person’s
consumption of a public good does not diminish the
amount of it available for consumption by other
people (Cowen, 2008). National defense is often used
as an example of public goods as it meets the two
components. Firstly, a citizen who has not
contributed to paying for it cannot be prevented from
enjoying the protection from national security
threats. Secondly, the fact that other citizens are also
getting the benefits does not mean a reduction in one
individual’s benefits from national defense (Dixit,
Skeath, Reiley, 2015).
Table 1: Payoff Matrix for The Public Goods Game.
Player 2
Cooperate Defect
Cooperate a, a c, d
Defect d, c b, b
Note: The PGG has a prerequisite: the following inequality
d > a > b > c has to be satisfied.
Game theorists proposed a theoretical model,
called the public goods game which involves
multiple players making decisions simultaneously.
Table 1 illustrates how the basic PGG framework
runs. Everyone in this game has two strategies,
namely, either to cooperate and contribute to the
provision of the public good or to defect at the cost
of others efforts. A payoff with a fixed value is
assigned to each players strategy given what his/her
opponents have chosen to do. However, the fact that
players are assumed to be rational and self-interested
determines that they will always choose the strategy
which yields a higher payoff given their fellows’
action. As a result, individuals in the PGG have
incentives to defect at the cost of other players’
contribution to the public good. Such a problem of
free riding indicates a Pareto inefficient outcome
i.e., it is possible to make everyone better off without
making anyone else worse off, have they chosen to
cooperate and contribute to the public good.
2.2 Public Health as the Public Good in
COVID-19 Pandemic Case
Since the coronavirus pandemic broke out in 2020,
how people in the UK have responded to the public
health crisis can be reframed in the PGG scenario. To
put it another way, we believe that the epidemic case
has all the three elements required in a PGG
experiment. Firstly, there are multiple players,
namely, a defined number of UK citizens across all
demographic features. Moreover, public health can
be regarded as a type of public goods. According to
Merriam-Webster, the definition of public health is
‘the art and science dealing with the protection and
improvement of community health by organized
community effort and including preventive medicine
and sanitary and social science’. An example is herd
immunity which is an essential goal to handle
pandemics usually achieved by vaccination.
However, one may argue that some goods or services
of public health do not fit nonexcludability and
nonrivalry of public goods, such as sanitation and
clean water. To avoid any vagueness caused by this,
we add two more features proposed by Dees (Dees,
2018) to the definition of public goods in this
context. In other words, public health constitutes four
elements: (i) it is a good; (ii) it is nonexcludable and
nonrivalrous; (iii) the public benefits from the good
via collective effort; and (iv) it is important enough
to warrant collective effort. Or in the words of Dees,
public health can be justified as a normative public
2.3 Theory of Three Behavioral Types
Compared to the feasibility of the PGG, a hypothesis
which divides participants’ behavior into three types
–namely, defecting, conforming, and cooperating
can better explain how people behaved in real cases
(e.g., Wu et al.). Firstly, players with the cooperating
type of behavior contribute the most to the public
good. Meanwhile, their contribution rises once they
find that their donations are below or as the same as
the group average. Furthermore, conforming is used
Cooperation on Protecting Public Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic based on Game Model
to describe the participants that are only willing to
donate the average amount to the public good. When
they realized that they contribute more than the
average level, they would reduce the amount of
contribution in later rounds of the game; vice versa.
Put another way, players with the conforming type of
behavior tend to observe the strategies of the vast
majority and then mimic their action, hence a
conformist is also called an imitator (Cartwright and
Patel, 2010). Another type of behavior is defecting
which refers to players who always contribute from
zero to less than the average amount. An essential
condition for the existence of defection is that the
majority chooses to contribute so that only a small
part can free ride on others' efforts. The table below
demonstrates the three types of behavior in the PGG.
Table 2: Description of Three Behavioral Types in Experimental Games.
Types of Behaviour Description
Cooperating Participants always contribute more than the group average to the provision of the
public good.
Conforming Participants are only willing to contribute the average contribution of all individual
players who have already acted.
Defecting Participants always donate less than the group average to the provision of the
public good, or even do not make contributions.
Source: Wu et al. (2014)
Under the ongoing pandemic, the strategy to
cooperate in the PGG corresponds to collective effort
on protecting public health. More specifically,
cooperating and contributing to public health is
primarily represented by the willingness to make
contributions that protect all the human beings from
the infectious disease e.g., wearing face masks,
obeying social distancing and other effective
measures suggested by the UK government and
public health organizations to decrease the potential
risk of infection. On the other hand, defection is
illustrated by those who firmly disagree with
protecting public health. For instance, police forces
have reported a rise in large illegal lockdown parties
since last year, while the UK government has been
imposing the ‘rule of 6’ that allowed up to six
individuals or two households to meet in person
during the pandemic (The United Kingdom
Government Website, 2021).
This essay utilizes COVID-19 vaccination rate of
getting at least one dose between January and July
2021 as the exclusive indicator for one’s contribution
to public health based on three considerations.
Firstly, vaccines are deemed as one of the most
effective means of slowing down the spread of the
virus, compared to other pharmaceutical methods.
Secondly, getting vaccine is voluntary in the UK,
which ensures treating vaccination rate as a reliable
and valid indicator of cooperation. Another factor is
because of a high accessibility of data collected by
national public health organizations. Hence, we
believe that vaccination rate is a justified indicator
for cooperation in this context given the limited
availability to other indicators.
The feasibility of three behavioral types being
applied to the public health crisis is justified by the
fact that the conceptions are comprehensively
explained in such a context. Firstly, cooperating
suggests one’s high willingness to contribute to
public health more than the population average.
Moreover, conformists tend to wait for others’ action
so as to maintain a group average contribution, whilst
defectors have no attempt to follow any rules and
regulations for protecting public health. For instance,
the latter refuses to wear face masks in public places
or to receive COVID-19 vaccines that primarily
benefit themselves. Hence, this group of people act
as free riders that enjoy the benefits from public
health protections made by other contributors. This
section focuses on how empirical investigation
supports the existence of three behavioral types as
well as potential reasons behind the conformists’
behavior in the pandemic context.
PMBDA 2021 - International Conference on Public Management and Big Data Analysis
Source: The UK Government Official Website 2021.
Figure 1: The number of people who have received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccination (daily reported).
Source: ibid.
Figure 2: UK Vaccination Uptake (daily reported).
3.1 Case Study of UK Vaccination Rate
in 2021
The two figures above demonstrate how the theory
of three behavioral types applies to the pandemic
context in the UK. As shown by Figure 1, the daily
number of UK first-dose recipients tends to be
steadily high during the first three months of 2021,
fluctuating around 400,000. This group of people are
those who played cooperation and contribution by
voluntarily taking the first dose of COVID-19
vaccines before the start of April. In other words,
they chose to contribute more than the mass average
to public health protections. By April 6, first-dose
vaccination uptake has reached 60% among the UK
population, while the number of people receiving a
first dose started to fall significantly around late
March. Such a significant decline in the daily number
of first time COVID-19 vaccinators has two
implications. On the one hand, the earliest group of
first-dose recipients was people with high
willingness to cooperate on public health protections.
The data for this crowd experienced a downward
trend in late March though still above zero, which
means cooperators have gradually finished their first-
dose vaccination by early April. On the other hand,
this is followed by those conformists who started to
get vaccination in early April. As taking COVID-19
vaccines has practically become the choice of the
majority at that moment, conformists that always
tend to maintain an average contribution appeared to
get vaccines as well. In other words, they waited to
observe what the majority has selected before
imitating. In contrast to both cooperating and
conforming types of players, how people defected is
not reflected in the number of daily reported first-
dose recipients as defectors would never do so.
Cooperation on Protecting Public Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic based on Game Model
3.2 Conforming Behavior in Getting
In the context of the pandemic, one possible reason
why conformists imitated the majoritys strategies is
out of safety considerations given unknown risk of
injecting a new vaccine. The UK government gave
first authorization to COVID-19 vaccines of the
Pfizer-BioNTech and the Oxford-AstraZeneca in
December 2020 and to Modena’s in a later month
as data showed very high levels of protection
against symptomatic infections with COVID-19 in
clinical trials (The United Kingdom Government
Website, 2021). However, slightly adverse reactions
and fatal side-effects of vaccination still occur at a
relatively high possibility among different age
groups. For instance, blood clotting that exposes
young healthy adults to danger might be the most
severe after-effect of injecting the AstraZeneca
vaccine (The United Kingdom Government Website,
2021). As an increasing number of people
especially those that conformists know have been
vaccinated (at least the sample size is large enough
for conformists to be convinced) without seeing a
wide range of side effects in the population,
conformists might rest assured to get the first dose of
vaccine. Therefore, conformists carefully chose not
to vaccinate first when the COVID-19 vaccines were
officially approved and put into use, due to any
unknown risks of getting fatal or lifelong side effects.
The second crucial factor for the conforming type
of behavior is because of opportunity costs. In the
long run, the failure of effectively controlling the
spread of coronavirus brings higher social and
economic costs than the foregoing of conformists’
short-term self-interests i.e., than to cooperate and
contribute to public health. If most people choose to
insist on their freedom of travelling or socializing
instead of complying with epidemic prevention
measures, the spread will become increasingly faster,
and thornier it will be to control. Meanwhile, the
COVID-19 pandemic has been hitting the global
economy very hard. According to the June 2020
Global Economic Prospects, the baseline forecast
envisions a 5.2% contraction in global GDP in the
year of 2020, by using market exchange rate weights.
This indicates the deepest global economic downturn
in decades. Moreover, these deep recessions
triggered by the ongoing pandemic are predicted to
‘leave lasting scars through lower investment, an
erosion of human capital through lost work and
schooling, and fragmentation of global trade and
supply linkages’ (World bank group, 2020). The
decline in consumer’s demand under national
lockdowns and government’s priority to public
health over economic growth have made small
businesses that could not afford operational costs
closed down and also hit middle to large businesses
hard as well. This, in turn, has caused layoffs and
thus rising unemployment. From this point of view,
conformists realize that the earlier the effective
control of the epidemic, the lower the cost of
recovery, and large-scale vaccination may be the
most effective pharmaceutical method to protect
public health.
By analyzing the British public's choice of
vaccinating against COVID-19, we have shown that
the rationality assumption in the PGG does not match
the reality. First, the definition of public goods in this
article has four dimensions: (i) it is a good; (ii) it is
non-excludable & non-rivalrous; (iii) the public can
benefit from the collective effort of the supply
contributed to it; and (iv) the justification of the
collective effort is important enough. According to
its definition, public health meets these four
characteristics. In the PGG, players are allowed to
choose between two strategies exclusively, namely,
contributing or not contributing to the provision of
the good. In the COVID-19 case, the corresponding
two strategies are cooperation on public health
protection - such as complying with measures
effectively preventing from the spread - and
defection, such as any violation against epidemic
prevention. According to traditional economic
theory, a rational player should never choose to
contribute as not contributing guarantees a higher
payoff/utility than contribution, no matter what other
people's choices are. However, such an assumption
cannot be warranted since there are more than two
types of behavior in real cases. A third type of
behavior exists, called conforming/imitating.
Through the analysis of UK COVID-19
vaccination in past several months, we found that a
group of people chose to wait until most people
received the first dose, instead of doing so in the early
stage when the vaccine was just approved for use.
Two possible explanations are provided: (i)
conformists were worrying about the unknown risks
from the new vaccine. Clinical trials show data for
reference that cannot speak for each individual's
situation; (ii) and the longer the pandemic, the more
serious the economic downturns will become. More
workers, especially those in the retail and other
service industries, will face unemployment. From
PMBDA 2021 - International Conference on Public Management and Big Data Analysis
social and economic perspective, conformist
ultimately chose to vaccinate.
This essay conducts a qualitative study, by using
the daily number of people receiving the first dose of
COVID vaccines in Britain, to demonstrate the
shortcomings of the traditional PGG. Further
research on this topic could develop from the
following two perspectives. First, more statistical
support for different types of indicators for
cooperation, especially experiment conducted on the
change in attitudes of conformists, are desired to
improve the validity of our argument. In addition,
researchers can explore the situation in other
countries in depth. Under different social
infrastructures, the reasons that play an important
role in the transformation of the subject's attitude
may be different. For example, citizens of most Asian
countries have relatively higher moral pressure from
the environment, which means mere observation of
one’s behavior may not help distinguish between
cooperating and conforming. Also, restraints made
by governments and authorities on citizens will lead
to further cooperation. Hence, some may treat these
as key variables that possibly affect how people
respond to public health protections in different
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Cooperation on Protecting Public Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic based on Game Model