Spatial Analysis of Water Resources Carrying Capacity based on
Available Amount of Effective Water Resources: A Case Study of
Taizhou City, China
Fen Zhou, Mengxuan Jie, Jing Wei, Chuanchong Tian, Liting Wang and Yujie Li
Zhejiang Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power, Zhejiang Hangzhou 310002, China
Keywords: Water resources carrying capacity, Available amount of effective water resources, Taizhou City
In view of the uneven distribution of water resources in time and space and the prominent problems of water
environment, this paper puts forward a calculation method of Available Amount of Effective Water
Resources considering the guaranteed rate of incoming water and the rate of reaching the standard of water
quality. Taking Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province as an example, the Water Resources Carrying Capacity
was analyzed. The results show that the current water resources carrying capacity in Taizhou is generally in
a loose state, but there is a serious problem of uneven spatial distribution. On the Spatial Balance Principle,
strengthening water saving from the demand side and increasing the available water resources from the
supply side are important measures to improve the carrying capacity and promote spatial balance.
Water resources are an indispensable precious
resource for human survival and development, but
the amount of water resources is limited. How much
economic and social scale can be supported by water
resources in a region has always been one of the
core contents of water resources research, and it is
also an important constraint factor for the
development of a region (Ren et al., 2016; Dou et
al., 2015; Xia & Zhu, 2002). Chinese researchers
first put forward the concept of Water Resources
Carrying Capacity (WRCC) since the late 1980s,
which is a threshold for measuring regional
economic and social development restricted by
water resources (Zhao et al., 2021; Yang et al.,
2019). However, there are many discussions about
the concept and calculation method of water
resources carrying capacity in academic circles, and
a complete theoretical and methodological system
has not yet been formed
(Peng et al., 2021).
The existing quantitative calculation methods of
WRCC include empirical formula method,
comprehensive evaluation method and system
analysis method
(Yang et al., 2015; Song et al.,
2011). The empirical formula method is relatively
simple and easy to operate, and its shortcoming is
that it pays less attention to the relationship among
resources, environment, and economy. The
mathematical theory of comprehensive evaluation
method is deeply applied, but the selection of
indicators and the determination of weights are both
important and difficult. The system analysis method
considers the mutual feedback relationship between
water resources and economy, society, and ecology,
but the deficiency is that the calculation method is
complicated (Cheng et al., 2018).
Based on relevant research, this paper puts
forward an analysis method of water resources
carrying capacity based on available water resources
for areas with uneven spatial and temporal
distribution of water resources and outstanding
water environment problems, and makes an example
calculation in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province.
Taizhou City is in the southeast coast of Zhejiang
Province, with an area of 9411 km
and an average
annual surface water resource of 8976 million m
Jiaojiang River is the main river in Taizhou, and
there are many small rivers flowing into the sea
alone. According to the third national water
Zhou, F., Jie, M., Wei, J., Tian, C., Wang, L. and Li, Y.
Spatial Analysis of Water Resources Carrying Capacity based on Available Amount of Effective Water Resources: A Case Study of Taizhou City, China.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021), pages 65-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-560-9; ISSN: 1755-1315
๎€ 2022 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resources survey and evaluation, Taizhou is divided
into six water resources four-level subareas, namely
Yongan River (YR), Shifeng River (SR), Ling River
and Left bank of Jiao River (LRLJR), Wenhuang
Plain (WP), Yuhuan Island (YI), Xiangshan Port and
Sanmen Bay (XPSB).
The WRCC usually refers to the population scale
supported by the maximum load that water resources
can bear on the economy and society under the
premise of meeting the reasonable water
consumption of river ecological environment in the
foreseeable period, combining with other resources,
intelligence, and technology
. From the
definition, the core of WRCC is the number of
people supported by water resources in a region with
the cooperation of other resources. Therefore, the
calculation method of regional WRCC is as follows.
๐‘Š๐‘…๐ถ๐ถ ๎ตŒ
where ๐‘ž is per capita water consumption;
Available Amount of Effective Water Resources
(AAEWR) and could be calculated as follows.
where ๐‘Š
is the average amount of water resources
for many years; ๐›ผ
is availability of water resources
and could be obtained by dividing the annual water
resources availability after frequency elimination by
the multi-year average; ๐›ผ
is the reduction factor of
water resources quality and defined as follows:
meet the standard
meet the s
where ๐ฟ
is the river length of water functional area;
refers to the compliance of water functional areas
(WFA). Based on the natural attributes (resource
conditions, environmental conditions and
geographical location) and social attributes
(development and utilization status, water quality
and quantity demand) of water resources, WFA
divides the use functions of water bodies in various
river basins in Zhejiang Province according to
certain indicators and standards, and reasonably
determines its water quality protection objectives, so
as to ensure that the development and utilization of
water resources can bring into play the best
economic, social and environmental benefits.
Meanwhile, Water Resources Overload Degree
(WROD) is also proposed to measure the current
situation of water resources carrying potential as
๐‘Š๐‘…๐‘‚๐ท ๎ตŒ
๎ต 1 ๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘ก ๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ž๐‘‘
๎ต 1 ๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ž๐‘‘
where ๐‘ƒ is the total population corresponding to the
evaluation time. The larger the WROD value, the
greater the bearing potential.
For the parameter
mentioned above, taking YR
as an example, the availability of water resources
with 50%, 75%, 90% and 95% guarantee rates are
32%, 24%, 17% and 15%, respectively. Obviously,
50% of the incoming water conditions are too
optimistic, while 90% of the guaranteed water
conditions are too harsh. This time, 75% of the
guaranteed water availability is used to analyze the
water resources carrying capacity. Meanwhile,
Taizhou City is divided into 113 WFA. In 2017, 73
WFA were monitored, and the water quality of 55
WFA reached the target requirements. According to
the catchment area and length of WFA, the water
quality compliance rate of WFA was weighted and
averaged, and the parameter
was obtained.
Further, the results shown in the following Table 1
can be obtained by calculation.
From the perspective of Taizhou city, its WROD
is 0.90, indicating that the city's WRCC is generally
loose, and there is still a surplus carrying capacity of
nearly 700,000 persons, leaving room for Taizhou's
future economic and social development. However,
from the perspective of each water resources
subareas, YR, SR and XPSB have strong WRCC,
and the WROD of YR is as low as 0.25, which is the
highest in the city. The water resources carrying
capacity of WP and YI, located in the southeast
coast of Taizhou, is seriously overloaded, among
which the former is the core area of Taizhou's
economic and social development. However, the
WROC is as high as 2.70, and the AAEWR are far
from supporting the economic and social
development of this region.
WRE 2021 - The International Conference on Water Resource and Environment
Table 1: The WRCC of Taizhou City (2017).
Subareas Topography
10^8 m
10^8 m
10^4 person
10^4 person
YR Hill
2357 23.2 0.235 1.00 5.45 303.7 179.5 44.8 0.25
SR Hill
1485 13.05 0.286 1.00 3.73 288.3 129.52 51.6 0.4
1485 14.42 0.328 0.54 2.56 280.4 91.26 86.8 0.95
2101 20.72 0.422 0.37 3.22 275.6 116.82 316 2.7
576 4.51 0.353 0.48 0.76 297.7 25.47 44.1 1.73
1408 13.86 0.227 0.84 2.65 182.8 144.83 68.5 0.47
Taizhou 9412 89.76 0.305 0.66 18.37 270.1 680.07 611.8 0.9
Water resources are an important basic resource for
the development of national economy. To realize the
sustainable development of economy and society,
the prerequisite is to realize the sustainable
utilization of water resources and enhance the
supporting capacity of water resources for the
development of national economy. From the
previous analysis, due to the mismatch between
water resources endowment and the layout of
cultivated land, population and productivity,
Taizhou City has insufficient carrying capacity in
some regions and surplus in others. In the future, it
is necessary to follow the Spatial Balance Principle.
On the one hand, it takes the regional WRCC as a
rigid constraint to scientifically plan the scale,
structure, and layout of economic and social
development; On the other hand, by strengthening
water saving on the demand side and increasing
AAEWR on the supply side, the WRCC can be
improved, and the balance between water resources
and regional population and economy can be
promoted. Taking subarea of WP as an example,
there are three ways and measures to improve the
(1) Improve water quality. The
in WP is 0.37,
which indicates that the water quality in the water
functional area is poor. If the water quality
compliance rate in the water functional area is
improved by strengthening pollution control and
will be increased to 0.9 in the future, the WRCC in
WP can be increased to 2.86 million people, and
WROD can be reduced to 1.11, correspondingly.
(2) Advocate water-saving actions. The annual per
capita water consumption in WP is 275.6 m3/person,
who is basically the same as the average level of the
whole city. If the per capita water consumption is
reduced by 10% by strengthening water saving in
the future, the WRCC in WP can be further
increased by 3.18 million people, and the annual
water resources are basically not overloaded at the
current level.
(3) Implement water diversion project. WP is
originally a river network area, and its water
resources development and utilization conditions are
relatively poor. After the completion of the Taizhou
North-to-South Water Transfer Project (i.e., from the
YR Basin with relatively rich water resources to the
WP), it can increase the available water resources by
100 million m3. At that time, the WRCC of WP can
be further increased by 3.58 million people, and the
WROD from overload to looseness, increased to
1.13, leaving a certain development space for the
economy and society.
In this paper, a calculation method of AAEWR
considering the guaranteed rate of incoming water
and the standard rate of water quality is put forward,
and based on this, the WRCC of Taizhou City,
Zhejiang Province is analyzed. The research shows
that the current WRCC is generally in a loose state,
but there is a serious problem of uneven spatial
distribution, especially the WRCC in the subarea of
WP located in the southeast coast is serious. On the
Spatial Balance Principle, it is suggested that
measures such as improving water resources quality,
Spatial Analysis of Water Resources Carrying Capacity based on Available Amount of Effective Water Resources: A Case Study of Taizhou
City, China
advocating water-saving actions, and implementing
water diversion projects should be taken to improve
the WRCC in WP and promote the balance between
water resources and regional population and
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WRE 2021 - The International Conference on Water Resource and Environment