Electronic Commerce Adoption through Social Commerce:
A Literature Review
Isaac Kofi Mensah
and Deborah Simon Mwakapesa
School of Economics and Management, Jiangxi University of Sciece and Technology, Ganzhou, China
School of Civil and Surveying Engineering, Jiangxi University of Scieence and Technoglogy, Ganzhou, China
Keywords: e-Commerce, Social Commerce, Literature Review, Behavioural Adoption.
Abstract: This paper conducted a literature review on the adoption of e-commerce adoption through social commerce.
The factors driving the adoption of social commerce is very important since it provides the needed
background information for policymakers to help regulate the e-commerce and social commerce industry.
Technology adoption theories were also reviewed. Some of the adoption theories or models used to explain
the adoption of e-commerce and social commerce among users are Diffusion of Innovation (DOI),
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Reason Action (TRA), Technology, Organizational, and
Environment (TOE), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT). These theories are vital in understanding the reasons accounting for the uptake of
social commerce.
The era of social commerce has come to stay due to
the thriving presence of social media systems. The
increasing use of social commerce is also hinged on
the increase in the number of social media users
across the world. Social commerce is considered an
extension of electronic commerce (e-commerce).
Social commerce is defined as an e-commerce site
that is integrated with social media and web 2.0
technology to empower purchase online and
interactions with consumers before, during, and after
the transaction process (Hossain & Kim, 2020;
Meilatinova, 2021).
The objective of this study is to undertake a
literature review of e-commerce adoption via social
commerce system. Social commerce is a new
system that is driving the major shift in the e-
commerce structure and systems. It has brought a
new impetus and life into the traditional concept of
e-commerce. It provides wider integration of users
into the e-commerce concept through the good
environment of social media. This literature review
does will provides some ideas into the drivers of e-
commerce adoption through social commerce.
The rest of the paper is prepared in the order as
follows: a literature review that looks at e-commerce,
social commerce, information technology adoption
theories, and recent studies on e-commerce and
social commerce. This is followed by discussions and
2.1 e-Commerce
The introduction of technology-related applications
in the buying and selling of goods and services is
termed e-commerce. It is defined as the use of
internet-enabled technology to drive the exchange of
product, order, payment, and shipping information
during a business transaction process (Mangiaracina,
Perego, Seghezzi, & Tumino, 2019; Visser &
Lanzendorf, 2004; Zeng, Jia, Wan, & Guo, 2017).
E-commerce can be classified into forms such as
business to business (B2B), consumer to consumer
(C2C), and business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce
transactions (Salsabila & Saraswati, 2021; Visser &
Lanzendorf, 2004).
E-commerce can drive diverse effects in the
supply chain processes: access to information of
many other actors in the chain, shopping and
associated travel consumer behavior, activity
patterns and related travel consumer behavior,
residential and work location choices of consumers,
Mensah, I. and Mwakapesa, D.
Electronic Commerce Adoption through Social Commerce: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010828300003168
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Finance, Information Technology and Management (ICFITM 2021), pages 16-22
ISBN: 978-989-758-576-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the volume and nature of consumer demand and the
spatial patters of distribution systems (Giuffrida,
Mangiaracina, Perego, & Tumino, 2017; Visser &
Lanzendorf, 2004). A framework of the impact of e-
commerce B2C transactions on mobility and
accessibility is displayed in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: A framework of the impact of B2C e-commerce
transactions mobility and accessibility (Visser &
Lanzendorf, 2004).
Some constraints prevent successful e-commerce
transactions, especially from B2C e-commerce.
These constraints can be put into social and
economic factors which relate to issues such as
motivation, attitudes, and features of consumers and
data needed for shopping online (Kumar & Kaur,
2021; Visser & Lanzendorf, 2004).
The social constraints dimension is associated
with consumers’ ability to participate in e-
commerce transactions (B2C) and the elements
driving the readiness to undertake e-commerce
activities. As well widely known e-commerce
transaction is dependent on quality availability of
internet access both at home and that the workplace.
This may be a challenge for areas with less internet
connectivity. The constraints are this stage could be
technical, educational, financial, and spatial in form
(Visser & Lanzendorf, 2004; Wang, Yu, & Jin,
2019). Issues of security in payment over the virtual
environment are a type of technical constraint. In
addition, without adequate education (literacy)
among the people, the ability of users to operate e-
commerce equipment and services will be a major
challenge. Also, the financial constraints in e-
commerce are associated with buying and
maintaining equipment (e.g. anti-virus software),
cost of internet subscription and access, and
payment of yearly fees and income for the
acquisition of credit card systems (Khosla &
Kumar, 2017; Visser & Lanzendorf, 2004). The
spatial constraints have to do with the availability
and quality of virtual infrastructure and education
(Visser & Lanzendorf, 2004). For instance, age can
be a constraint when it comes to the adoption of e-
commerce activities, especially between the
younger and older generation. Younger ones are
term to be very active as compared to the aged ones
when it to comes interaction through the internet.
The second set of constraints concerns the
economic perspective in terms of the kind of product
provided on the internet amid the potential of e-
commerce to reduce transactional cost
(Mangiaracina et al., 2019; Visser & Lanzendorf,
2004). The idea is that e-commerce transactions
(B2C) empower both the buyer and seller to
undertake business transactions more effectively and
efficiently resulting in better outcomes at the lowest
cost (Giuffrida et al., 2017; Mangiaracina et al.,
2019; Visser & Lanzendorf, 2004).
2.2 Social Commerce
Social commerce is viewed as a sub-domain of e-
commerce. The popularity of social commerce can
be attributed to the constant rise in Facebook and
other social media systems which are making people
spend more time interacting on social media (Linda,
2010; Salvatori & Marcantoni, 2015). It can be
distilled into two components such as social media
and commercial activities (Liang, Ho, Li, & Turban,
2011; Zaglia, 2013). Social commerce is defined as
an internet-powered social media that drives
people/users to engage in the selling and marketing
of products and services in virtual
society/community and market areas (Lin, Li, &
Wang, 2017; Stephen & Toubia, 2010). It can also
be explained as the promotion and execution of e-
commerce transactions via social media and web 2.0
software(Han, Xu, & Chen, 2018; Sivaji, Downe,
Mazlan, Soo, & Abdullah, 2011). Social commerce
developed via two dimensions of mass
communication that ensures that sharing of products
or information is communicated directly between the
mass media and the consumers and the word of
mouth communication enabled between consumers
(Ho-Jung & Cho, 2016; Yahia, Al-Neama, &
Kerbache, 2018). Two kinds of social commerce
have been projected: a) social networking sites that
incorporate commercial features to allow
transactions and advertisements and b) traditional e-
commerce websites that add social tools to facilitate
social interaction and sharing (Huang & Benyoucef,
2013; Lin et al., 2017).
The phenomenon of social media in e-commerce
provides the foundation for empowering both
Electronic Commerce Adoption through Social Commerce: A Literature Review
businesses and consumers. For firms and businesses,
they can acquire more profit through good
recommendations by clients or consumers of its
brand or services which attract new consumers to the
company (Lin, Wang, & Hajli, 2019; Schaupp &
Bélanger, 2019). On the other hand, consumers are
enriched with sufficient and succinct knowledge and
expertise to make informed decisions about products
and services (Chen & Shen, 2015; Kim & Park,
Some characteristics of social commerce (web
2.0) (Linda, 2010) are:
·Harnessing collective intelligence: it provides a
competitive advantage of social commerce systems
(web 2.0) due to the presence of huge sellers and
· Architecture participation: based on social
commerce web computing technology, it makes use
of algorithmic data management and customer-self
entered services that can spread through the whole
·Viral marketing: Social commerce through web
2.0 is depends on word-of-mouth marketing
interaction. This empowers consumers to advocate
and promote their services/products through the
sharing of their experience with such services. This
can form a form of lasting (longer) consumer
relationship and deeper attraction.
·Market disruption: Social commerce via web 2.0
creates a difference in reaching out to consumers
and business clients alike and thus can contribute to
businesses to generate more profits.
Based on the huge reliance of social commerce on
friends/family/acquaintances recommendations, the issue
of trust is very vital. Thus a synergy effect is developed
through the combination of mobile-based interactivity
like smartphones and social media and hear-say (Ho-
Jung & Cho, 2016; Yahia et al., 2018). The success of
social commerce is thus dependent on factors such as
credibility, product power, brand awareness, number of
members, and contents (Chang & Li, 2019; Ho-Jung &
Cho, 2016). It is a business concept/model that cannot
survive without an adequate component of trust and
credibility (Ho-Jung & Cho, 2016; Sharma, Menard, &
Mutchler, 2019).
2.3 Second Section Information
Technology Adoption Theories
There are several information systems adoption
models and theories are used to explain the factors
driving the use of information technology systems.
The many models are vital since no single can provide
all the elements that can drive the understanding of
enabling the adoption of innovation systems (Gangwar,
Date, & Raoot, 2014; Straub, 2009). Some of these
theories/models are The technology acceptance model
(TAM) (Davis, 1989; Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw,
1989), theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991),
Diffusion of innovation (DOI) (Rogers, 2003), unified
theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)
(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003), Theory of
Reason Action (TRA) (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1977) and the
Technology, Organizational and Environment (TOE)
(Tornatzky, Fleischer, & Chakrabarti, 1990).
The various technology adoption models and
their major constructs are represented in the figures
2.3.1 Diffusion of Innovation (DOI)
Figure 2: Diffusion of Innovation (DOI).
2.3.2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Figure 3: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
2.3.3 Theory of Reason Action (TRA)
Figure 4: Theory of Reason Action (Fishbein & Ajzen,
2.3.4 Technology, Organizational, and
Environment (TOE)
Figure 5: TOE framework.
2.3.5 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Figure 6: Theory of Planned Behavior (Adjzen & Fishbein,
2.3.6 UTAUT
Equations should be placed on a separate line,
numbered and centered. An extra line space should a
table with two columns is advisable.
Figure 7: UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
These theories have been applied in various contexts
to provide useful illustrations of drivers for the use
of information technology systems. It has been
applied in areas such as e-commerce (Chandra &
Kumar, 2018; Ocloo, Xuhua, Akaba, Shi, &
Worwui-Brown, 2020), social commerce
(Handarkho, 2020; Sarker, Hughes, & Dwivedi,
2020; Williams, 2021), e-learning/education(Al-
Emran & Teo, 2020; Al Kurdi, Alshurideh, &
Salloum, 2020), e-tourism (Loc, Tuan, Dat, & Liem,
2020; Vila, González, Vila, & Brea, 2021), social
media(Al-Qaysi, Mohamad-Nordin, & Al-Emran,
2020; Salloum, AlAhbabi, Habes, Aburayya, &
Akour, 2021), marketing (Misganaw & Singh, 2020;
Mooya & Phiri, 2021) and mobile banking (Ho, Wu,
Lee, & Pham, 2020; Owusu, Bekoe, Addo-Yobo, &
Otieku, 2021). These studies cited above do
demonstrate that these theories and models are still
relevant especially in the context of providing
policymakers and practitioners with the needed
guidelines to regulate and promote the adoption of
new forms of technology innovations.
In a study that sought to determine the dividends that
farmers get from e-commerce adoption in the
context of China, it was revealed that e-commerce
adopters had higher incomes than non-adopters (X.
Li, Guo, Jin, Ma, & Zeng, 2021). The large income
was attributed to increasing sales volumes (X. Li et
al., 2021). Another study that analyzed the influence
Electronic Commerce Adoption through Social Commerce: A Literature Review
of market orientation with e-commerce adoption
towards SMES’s business performance found out
that there was a significant interaction between
entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and
e-commerce adoption (Octavia, Indrawijaya,
Sriayudha, & Hasbullah, 2020). In efforts to
understand the extent of vegetable e-commerce
adoption, it was discovered that factors such as
usefulness perception, logistics service quality, and
nearest vegetable market distance had a direct
influence on the willingness behavior towards
vegetable e-commerce adoption (B. Li et al., 2020).
In terms of social commerce studies, a study
demonstrated that to purchase on social commerce is
driven by trust in sharing commerce system and
perceived privacy risk while trust in sharing
commerce system influence perceived privacy risk
(Bugshan & Attar, 2020). Additionally, social
commerce information sharing activities influenced
both trusts in sharing commerce systems and
perceived privacy risk (Bugshan & Attar, 2020).
Furthermore, in Saudi Arabia, research results from
181 SMEs showed that trading partners' pressure in
the environmental context, top management support
in the organizational context, and perceived
usefulness in the technological context had a direct
significant impact on the behavioral adoption of
social commerce (Abed, 2020). Investigating the
factors influencing the repurchase and word-of-
mouth intentions on social commerce, Meilatinova
(2021) showed that repurchase and WOM intentions
are positively influenced by trust and satisfaction
while trust and satisfaction are affected positively by
repurchase and information quality.
E-commerce has taken a new dimension due to the
innovations in social media that empower users to
purchase through social commerce. Social
commerce has widened and expanded the nature of
trading and transactions that is undertaken in the
traditional concept of e-commerce. It has given
people more tools that enable the fulfillment of
individual and co-operate goals. Government and
policymakers must create a congenial environment
for e-commerce through social commerce for it to be
successful. The needed infrastructures and systems
should be put in place to facilitate the growth and
expansion of social commerce. Reduce the cost of
mobile handsets, reduced cost of mobile
broadband/internet connection, higher/faster internet
connection, and mobile technology infrastructure are
some of the basic infrastructures required for social
commerce to flourish. In addition, the promulgation
of policy regulations to regulate the nature of
business transactions that occurs on social
commerce systems can help protect both the
consumer and merchant in case of a dispute. It is
important to stress that e-commerce cannot work
properly with the full backing of the government and
its relevant agencies and department.
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