Benefits of the Traditional Game of Gobak Sodor:
Improving Communication Skills and Social in Early Childhood,
Literature Review
Agung Himawan
, Andik Matulessy
and Abdul Muhid
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia
UIN Sunan Ampel, Wonocolo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Gobak Sodor, Communication Skill, Social Skill.
Abstract: The problem in this Literature Review is to improve communication and social skills in early childhood
through the traditional game of Gobak Sodor, in order to keep the nation's generation still having the national
character inherited from their ancestors and is a characteristic of the nation, as reflected in the nation's
philosophy, namely Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. This study aims to determine how the essence of the
traditional game Gobak Sodor in improving communication and social skills in early childhood. The research
method used is a literature review or literature study using library searches such as books and articles online
and in print, through databases such as Research gate, Spencer Journal and Google Scholar. Participants in
this Literature Review are early childhood. Data analysis technique with the following stages: collecting
articles, categorizing articles, compiling descriptions of the Gobak Sodor game, communication and social
skills then connecting with theoretical foundations, and drawing conclusions. Based on the articles collected,
it was found that the traditional game of Gobak Sodor can provide a stimulus in improving communication
and social skills in early childhood.
The character of the Indonesian nation inherited from
our ancestors has been developed and developed
since ancient times, namely the value of
communication, social values, mutual cooperation,
mutual cooperation, mutual cooperation, and the
spirit of community. The term national character is
synonymous with "National Character" and is closely
related to personality problems in social psychology
(Sampurna & Sapriya, 2018). For this reason, these
good noble values must always be used as guidelines
for life in the nation's generation and must be passed
on to the nation's next generation, so that a peaceful,
cooperative and caring society can always be created.
for others and not individualistic. This is also
reflected in the philosophy of the Indonesian nation,
namely Pancasila which is the guideline for daily life,
society and the Indonesian nation as a state (Yunus,
Children are the next generation of the country,
and the future of the country is very dependent on the
education provided to Indonesian children.
Therefore, Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is a
very valuable investment for the people of Indonesia,
and is the initial stage towards a higher level.
Education is the basic capital to form moral,
character, resource and superior quality human
beings. According to the "National Education System
Law", education is creating a conscious and planned
learning atmosphere and learning process, so that
students can actively develop their potential, have
religious spiritual strength, noble character, self-
control, personality, and their lives in society, The
state, and the state The intelligence and skills needed
in Basically learning must last a lifetime. To create a
generation of noble character, character, and quality
education must start from a very young age. the
golden age (Lickona, 2012).
In today's modern era, the communication skills
and social spirit of the nation's generation have been
eroded by the rapid modernization of technological
developments. Children no longer have to
communicate face-to-face with friends of their age
and with their neighbors, but can communicate
through social media gadgets. This can lead to the
Himawan, A., Matulessy, A. and Muhid, A.
Benefits of the Traditional Game of Gobak Sodor: Improving Communication Skills and Social in Early Childhood, Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010809800003347
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche 2021), pages 144-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-580-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fading of social interaction in children because they
no longer have to communicate directly with friends
and neighbors so that it also fades the communication
skills and social spirit of children, who are the future
generations of the nation and future leaders of the
nation. This is also very dangerous for the survival of
the nation's character. The changing times and
technological developments in the digital era have
made it easier for humans to carry out activities
independently, individually, without the help of
others. This can result in the erosion of the values of
communication, social, cooperation, and mutual
cooperation in children, who are the nation's next
Currently, the rapid development of technology
also makes traditional games increasingly
marginalized. Traditional games have several
advantages, especially in instilling character values in
children. Dharmamulya explained that traditional
games contain several positive values for the
development of children's character, including fun,
friendship, freedom, obedience, mutual cooperation,
responsibility and democracy (Munisa, 2020). The
purpose of early childhood education is for children
to become complete human beings with noble,
intelligent, and skilled personalities, able to
communicate, socialize, and cooperate with others,
and able to live in a society, state, and happy. based
on the characteristics of the Indonesian nation. Based
on these objectives, communication skills and social
skills are very important to achieve a complete
personality in accordance with the cultural
characteristics of the Indonesian nation.
Communication skills and social spirit are needed,
because humans are actually social creatures (zoon
The school environment is a suitable environment
for children to socialize. In a social environment,
children will learn to relate to peers, teachers and
people in the school environment (Istianti et al.,
2016). Character education is an educational concept
that is currently being implemented. Apply the
concept of moral education and shape the character of
students who have political ability and integrity.
Hariyanto explained that personality is the basic value
of every person, and is formed due to environmental
influences and genetic influences that shape
personality. Therefore, the cultivation of character
values must begin at an early age. Lickona revealed
that without character values, one cannot live happily
and social life cannot run smoothly. Without good
character values, humans cannot achieve a life that
respects the dignity of all people (Kirom, 2017).
Social attitude is personal awareness, which
determines the correct and repetitive behavior of
social objects. Social attitudes are not expressed by
one person alone, but are noticed by people in the
group. The object is a social object (many from a
group of people) and is stated repeatedly. If the social
environment in question encourages or provides
opportunities for children to develop actively, then
children will be able to achieve mature social
development. Conversely, if the social environment
is not good, then the child's social attitude will often
show deviant behavior. In schools, teachers play an
important role in fostering students' social attitudes.
In the classroom, the teacher plays an important role
in guiding students to achieve the goals to be
achieved, including the development of social
attitudes. The goal is to train students to become
human beings who believe and fear God Almighty,
have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and are democratic
and responsible citizens (Law of the Republic of
Indonesia No 20 of 2003).
In order to develop children's communication
skills and social skills in the learning process outside
the classroom, a traditional game that can improve
children's communication skills and social attitudes is
gobak sodor (Fakhriyani, 2018). The selection of the
Gobak Sodor game was based on various
considerations. As said by (Angraini & Nurhafizah,
2020), the Sodor game requires good strategy, agility,
cooperation, leadership, honesty and good intuition to
play. Gobag Sodor is a game played in a square-
shaped arena bounded by chalk lines. It consists of
two teams, each with three guards, one team as
guards, the other as players, and teams of alternate
players. Will try to hit the line. Behind the arena (the
door), a guard will stop him. If a player is touched by
a defender, the two teams will take turns as a player
and a defender (Ariani, 1998). Gobak sodo is a team
sport game that requires teamwork. In addition to
cooperation and community participation in teams,
the Gobak Soodor game is also a sport with complex
sports elements. In practice, the game of gobak sodor
involves mastering various elements of skills,
including mastery of technical skills, tactical skills,
physical and mental skills (Ariani, 1998).
Departing from the above phenomenon, the
researcher is interested in describing the children's
game gobak sodor to foster communication skills and
social attitudes. This is the reason why researchers are
interested in conducting research with the title "The
benefits of the traditional game of Gobak Sodor to
improve communication skills & social skills in early
Benefits of the Traditional Game of Gobak Sodor: Improving Communication Skills and Social in Early Childhood, Literature Review
This study uses a literature review method or
literature study, which is a research method that uses
literature searches such as books and articles as a
reference for reference materials both online and in
print. Books and articles referenced through the
database include Researchgate, Sciencedirect and
Google Schoolar, selected based on the topic in this
study, namely the benefits of the traditional game
Gobak Sodor in improving communication & social
skills in early childhood, so that they can continue to
compete in the current era.
The data collection in this literature review is
books and several journal articles based on searches
through databases, including Research gate, Science
direct and Google scholar. All reference sources used
as references in the literature review range from 2016
to the most updated, namely 2020. In the search for
articles, keywords related to the topic of literature
review are used, namely the benefits of the traditional
game Gobak Sodor in improving communication &
social skills in early childhood. Here are some articles
and books that the author used as a reference in the
preparation of this article, including at table 1.
According to (Inten, 2017), early childhood is
children in the age range of 0 to 8 years, who are in a
very fast and fundamental process of growth and
development, ready for the next life. At this time,
children are in the golden age, which determines the
greatest development of children in society.
According to (Syukur & Tefanai, 2017), young
children are defined as children aged 0 to 8 years.
They are included in child care (TPA), playgroups
(KB), kindergarten (TK), and early childhood
primary schools. (Setiyatna, 2017), implies the
characteristics of young children, namely: 1)
egocentricity, 2) the tendency to see and understand
things from a different perspective from adults, 3)
children think that the world is full of interesting
things, 4 ) children are social creatures, 5) children
form their self-concepts through social interactions,
6) children are unique, 7) children are full of fantasy
and like to do imaginative things, 8) children do not
pay attention, 9) children are learning potential.
Early childhood education is essentially a type of
education, the purpose of which is to support and
provide in order to enhance and stimulate all aspects
of the growth and development of the child as a
whole, and to develop the potential of the child in
terms of minors and environmental impacts. To
maximize the environment older childrens have the
principle of playing while learning, and playing and
learning, so that children who play are children who
are learning, and learning only depends on children.
Playing and teaching children We must equip
children with a really interesting way of playing,
which is a very interesting way to allow children to
do this in accordance with the principles of play
(Soetjoningsih, 2014) Playing provides opportunities
for children to develop social sensitivity and
empathy, hone social intelligence, the ability to
establish interpersonal relationships, talk, negotiate,
deal with conflict, tolerance, and so on (Suminarti,
Based on the above opinion, playing can develop
various aspects of children's development, playing is
something fun for children, group play can be done
by children so that children can adapt to the
environment. Group games can improve the areas of
communication skills, social skills, cooperation and
collaboration for early childhood such as the Gobak
Sodor game.
3.1 Benefits of Early Childhood
Communication Skills
Communication skills play an important role in
children's lives. Through good communication,
children can convey all their thoughts to others orally
and in writing. Good communication skills, this is
where other people can easily understand the written
and spoken language of the child. Children can
acquire good communication skills from activities
that are very close to their world, namely through
games. Play and communication skills are two things
children feel and do. Satria & Sari (2017) says that
through games, children can practice their skills and
abilities, as well as try, investigate and discover new
things, such as when parents invite their children to
have informal conversations while cooking,
gardening or eating. will create a more engaging,
more comfortable, and more meaningful parent-child
3.2 Social Skill
Social skills are personal behaviours that encourage
active interaction with other people and the
environment. Some of these skills include showing
empathy, participating in group activities, giving
generously, helping, communicating with others,
negotiating, and solving problems (Fitriana, 2016).
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
According to Junice J. Beaty, social skills are also
referred to as the main social behaviour and include
the following behaviours : a) Empathy, which is when
children pay attention to people who are frustrated
with their problems and reveal that others are
experiencing conflict. As a way for children to
understand other people's feelings, b) generosity or
generosity, where children share with others and give
some of their property, c) realize that children take
turns or take turns, they can voluntarily carry out
orders without causing fights, d) Providing
assistance, where children help others to complete
tasks and help those in need. Children who withdraw
from group activities may be told that they have poor
social skills. Social skills are part of a developmental
task and must be completed and formed through
childhood habits. In order to complete developmental
tasks and so that children have higher social skills in
the future, it is necessary to conduct coaching and
development in improving children's social skills.
3.3 Dimensions of Social Skill
The first dimension of social skills that emerges is
adaptive behaviour. Adaptive behaviour is the
behaviour of individuals who carry out daily activities
in general according to their age and social maturity
and related to the culture of the group (Pramana et al.,
2016). Adaptive behaviour is divided into two
categories, including personal life skills and social
life skills. Personal life skills are adaptive behaviours
that are manifested by individuals in managing
themselves independently, such as eating
independently, dressing, and taking care of
themselves. Social life skills are social skills
possessed by individuals, such as the ability to
interact with friends or adults, pay attention to
behavior, and participate in groups (Pramana et al.,
According to Hurlock (2013), social development
is the ability to act according to the needs of society.
“Socialization is the ability to act according to social
norms, values, or expectations.” To become a socially
capable individual, three socialization processes are
required. This socialization process seems
independent but is actually interrelated, As Hurlock
says, it is as follows. Learn to act in a socially
acceptable way. Learn to play a social role in society
(Hurlock, 2013).
As for the group of non-social individuals, they
are people who do not reflect the three processes of
socialization. They are individuals who do not know
what is expected by social groups, so that their
behaviour is not in accordance with social
expectations. As a result, these anti-social people are
rejected or rejected by social groups. The second
dimension of social skills that emerges is cooperation.
Cooperation is the spiritual and emotional
participation of individuals in group situations,
encouraging them to contribute to the realization of
group goals and take responsibility (Goleman, 2020).
Cooperation is human nature as a social human being.
According to (Snow et al., 2021), cooperative
learning can be defined as group work or a structured
learning system, which includes five main elements
in its structure, namely active interdependence of
personal responsibility, personal interaction,
collaborative skills. and group presentations.
Based on some previous views, it can be
concluded that the development of children's social
skills has been integrated in their learning, therefore
the development of social skills can be done through
various methods and strategies, including games.
There are games that can develop children's skills,
including the traditional game of gobak sodor which
is now starting to be abandoned.
3.4 Benefits of Collaboration for Early
At a very young age, children begin to have the ability
to adapt (ego-centric), cooperative or social- centric
(willing to pay attention to the interests of others). By
encouraging students to learn actively when working
together, not just passively, learning to work together
can prepare children for their future in society. This
will motivate students to achieve better academic
achievement, appreciate differences and improve
social skills. All of these will develop collaborative
skills such as communication, interaction,
collaborative planning, sharing ideas, decision
making, listening, wanting to change, exchanging
ideas and synthesizing ideas (Mubarok, 2012)
Another benefit of cooperative learning is: it can
grow students in all aspects of moral and social
interaction, because through cooperation, children get
more opportunities to interact with other children, and
prepare students to learn how to gain diversity for
themselves and their teachers. information. Friends,
teaching materials or other learning resources to
improve students' ability to cooperate with others in a
team, form an open personality and accept differences
that arise, and ensure children remain active and
creative throughout the analysis and development
process (Mayasari, 2018).
Benefits of the Traditional Game of Gobak Sodor: Improving Communication Skills and Social in Early Childhood, Literature Review
Table 1: List of Reference Sources.
The perspective of expert thought on civic
education in the development of the
nation's character
(Sampurna & Sapriya, 2018)
Unitirta Civic
Educational Journal
Local cultural values as an effort to
build the nation's character building
(Yunus, 2018) Google Scholar
The effect of using gadgets on early
childhood social interactions
(Munisa, 2020) Google Scholar
Development of social skills to shape social
behavior, early childhood
(Istianti, 2016) Google Scholar
Instilling the Value of Character
Education in Students Through
Literature Learning With the Gobak
Sodor Game Model
(Kirom, 2017) Google Scholar
Cultivating cooperative behavior in early
childhood, through traditional games
(Aqobah, 2020) Google Scholar
Improving early childhood
communication skills
(Setiyatna, 2017) Google Scholar
Development of Early Childhood
Communication Skills
(Inten, 2017) Google Scholar
Improving early childhood
communication skills
(Syukur & Tefanai, 2017) Google Scholar
Improve early childhood communication skills (Faizah & Simatupang, 2016) Google Scholar
Cultivating cooperative behavior in early
childhood through traditional games
(Aqobah, Ali, Decheline, & Raharja,
Google Scholar
Development of early childhood social skills
through traditional games
(Fakhriyani, 2018) Google Scholar
Development of Early Childhood Social Skills (Rachman & Cahyani, 2019) Google Scholar
Based on the previous view, it can be concluded
that the benefit of children's cooperation is to foster
children's trust in groups and the social environment
in which they play with their peers, because children
with high cooperative abilities can easily adapt to the
environment and are good for family, school and
friends. In other words, children can learn to
understand the value of giving and receiving from an
early age, and children will also learn to appreciate
the gifts of others, even if they don't like it. And
accept the kindness and attention of others. friend.
With good cooperation skills, children can enjoy their
childhood. You will soon become an adaptable adult
and your life will be happier.
3.5 Benefits of Collaboration for Early
The purpose of children's cooperation According to
(Mayasari, 2018), the objectives of children's
cooperation are: a) To better prepare students in
various new skills so that they can participate in a
world that is constantly changing and developing. b)
Shaping the personality of students to grow the ability
to communicate and cooperate with others in various
social situations. c) Invite children to take the
initiative to build knowledge, because in cooperative
learning (cooperative), kindergarten children not only
gain knowledge from the teacher, but also students
continue to develop knowledge so that children
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
become active participants. d) Can strengthen
personal interactions between children and between
teachers and students. In addition, the purpose of
children's cooperation is to shape the child's
personality so that they can develop communication
skills and work together with others in various
situations, strengthen personal interactions between
children and their peers or owners, and establish
social interactions (Dubé & MacDonald, 2017).
Based on some previous views, it can be
concluded that the purpose of cooperative capacity is
for children to be tolerant, help each other and share
opinions, so that students can have psychological
trust and make it easier for them. adapt to the new
environment Increase environmental socialization by
3.6 The Role of the Traditional Game
Gobak Sodor in Improving
Communication Skills & Social
Skills in Early Childhood
Dipper (Nurhafizah & Azlina, 2015) “The traditional
game of Gobak Sodor requires good strategy, agility,
cooperation and leadership, honesty and “Gobak
Sodor is a game played on a square field bounded by
chalk lines. It consists of 2 groups of 3 guards each,
one group is a guard and the other is a player. Each
member of the group of players will try in turn to
reach the line. Behind the scenes (entrance) and
members of the guard team stopped him. If a player
is touched by a defender, the two groups take turns as
player and defender (Ariani, 1998). Gobak sodo is a
team sport game that requires teamwork. In addition
to cooperation and individual participation in teams,
the game of gobak sodor is also a sport with complex
sports elements. In practice, the Gobak Sodor game
involves several elements of skill mastery, including
mastery of technical skills, tactical skills, physical
and mental skills (Ariani, 1998). Based on the views
above, it can be explained that the game gobak sodor
can provide many benefits for children, such as
developing children's social attitudes and
communication skills.
The Gobak Sodor game is also known as Galah
Asin, this game is a group game that is divided
equally by the number of players. Before the game
starts, first make a rectangular field and make a line
from front to back. Then a lottery was held to
determine the guard group and the attacking group.
The line guard group is tasked with blocking the
attacking group from crossing the line. If the guard
group hits the attacking group, then the attacking
group is considered dead (cannot continue the game).
And so on until the attack group runs out. After
running out and then rolling, the guard group
becomes the attack group and vice versa. In this
game, it educates children to work together and
communicate in order to win with honesty (Erdiana,
Based on the above discussion, the traditional game
Gobak Sodor is very useful for improving
communication skills and social skills in early
childhood. In this case, communication skills and
social skills are needed by early childhood for later
life, both in society, nation and state. It is hoped that
in the future, with expertise in communicating and
socializing, it can make it easier to complete all work
and get happiness and success in social life.
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ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies