The Correlation of Emotion Regulation and Learning Agility on the
Academic Self-efficacy Level of Junior High School Students during
the Covid-19 Pandemic
Teguh Lesmana and Gustina Ahmad
Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universitas Bunda Mulia,
Lodan Raya Street No 2, Ancol, North Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Learning Agility, Academic Self-efficacy.
Abstract: The difficulties experienced by junior high school students in online learning during the pandemic may
indicate a problem with academic self-efficacy. Academic self-efficacy can be determined by external
factors such as students' ability to manage their emotions. In addition, the new learning style during the
COVID-19 pandemic indicates that students must be able to adapt to follow this new learning style so that
they do not have to repeat classes. Based on this phenomenon, the purpose of this study was to determine
the effect of emotional regulation and learning agility on academic self-efficacy in junior high school
students during the covid -19 pandemic. Researchers used non-experimental quantitative research methods
in this study. This study uses a type of correlational research with data collection through questionnaires
distributed online. The results of the study using 400 respondents showed that there was a significant
positive relationship between emotional regulation and learning agility with academic self-efficacy. With
the results of this study, educators can find out what things can contribute to student adaptation in
participating in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and it is hoped that the results of this
research can be a source of information for educators and parents of students.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis that has
occurred since the end of December 2019 in Wuhan,
China and has now spread to almost a number of
countries in the world. Covid-19 is an infectious
disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2) (Setiawan,
Puspitasari, Sunariani, & Yudianto, 2020). The
nature of the virus, which tends to be very easy to
spread and contagious, and deadly enough to
paralyze almost all sectors in society, is no exception
in the field of education. So, on March 4, 2020,
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization) suggested the use of
distance learning and opened an educational
platform that schools and teachers can use to reach
students remotely and limit educational disruptions
(UNESCO, 2020).
In connection with these developments, the
Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud)
has also adopted policies as a guide in dealing with
the disease at the education unit level
(Kemendikbud, 2020). Thus, to suppress the spread
of COVID-19 in the educational environment,
distance learning is the main solution. to overcome
all the difficulties that exist in carrying out face-to-
face learning. This will give challenges to all
elements and levels of education to keep the class
active even though the school has been closed
(Herliandry et al, 2020). Online or distance learning
is done by utilizing technology, especially the
internet. So that teachers or educators are required to
be creative and innovate. Internet-based media offers
advantages that are able to overcome several
learning problems such as the lack of meeting hours,
limited sources of printed material and being able to
overcome long distances (Sari, 2015).
In addition to offering these advantages, online
or internet-based learning also has an unfavorable
impact, one of which is that students can become
less active in conveying their aspirations and
thoughts, so that it can result in boring learning
Lesmana, T. and Ahmad, G.
The Correlation of Emotion Regulation and Learning Agility on the Academic Self-efficacy Level of Junior High School Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010809100003347
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche 2021), pages 85-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-580-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Rimbarizki, 2017). Meanwhile, a survey conducted
on students found the fact that most of them felt that
distance learning activities were more difficult than
conventional learning activities, distance learning
materials were also more difficult than face-to-face
learning materials due to limitations, as for the gap
between the policies and operations of distance
learning implementation at every level of primary
and secondary education (Adit, 2020).
Wisma (2021) states that there are 2,300 junior
high school students who are indicated to experience
problems and difficulties during distance learning
out of a total of 21,228, in the midst of the covid-19
pandemic, with various problems that occurred in
students during distance learning, such as not
collecting assignments so that teachers take action
by not giving grades to students, problems during
distance learning take place thousands of junior high
school students are stuck in school because of
incomplete grades, this causes a high grade the
students become empty, distance learning online
resulted in some of the students having to take report
cards offline due to various obstacles.
The number of problems that occur in junior high
school (SMP) students, especially in online learning,
is because at this time students are in a transition
period from children to teenagers. According to
Papalia and Feldman (2012), adolescence (teenage
years) is a transitional period of development that
lasts from the age of about 10 or 11 years to the end
of 19 years or the beginning of the age of 20 years
which is characterized by the need for physical and
psychological changes, including completing the
developmental task in adolescence is the search for
self-identity. Besides that, adolescence is also seen
as a period in which adolescents are faced with
various things and challenges, including the
demands of completing academic tasks, demands in
friendship relationships, and in relationships with
parents at an early age. Based on a survey conducted
by Hilda (in Wahyuni & Dahlia, 2020) which states
that in six major cities in Indonesia, namely
Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta,
and Medan, it was found that almost 70% of
respondents answered that they had cheated when
they were still in school. This fact shows that school
students lack confidence in themselves and have
problems with academic self-efficacy so that they
have to cheat during the exam. From other studies
conducted by Alemany-Arrebola et al. (2020) it is
known that the pandemic situation causes anxiety in
university students and this then also causes students
to feel that they do not have a sufficient level of
academic self-efficacy. Thus, during this pandemic,
it can be concluded on the phenomena that have
been discussed that students can experience
problems with their academic self-efficacy.
Based on previous research (Onuigbo, et al.,
2019) it is known that academic self-efficacy can be
predicted by good emotion regulation, and this is
because the ability to regulate emotions when faced
with challenges will increase self-confidence to
complete academic tasks in school. In addition to
good emotional regulation, there are also other
variables that can help the growth of academic self-
efficacy, namely learning agility. Although there is
no research that links learning agility with academic
self-efficacy, researchers assume that the two can be
related. This is based on previous research (Bedford,
2011) which examined the role of learning agility on
workplace performance and employee career
advancement where learning agility can help
employees get better at work and even increase
opportunities for employees to experience career
advancement. In the results of this study, if it is
assumed that schools are the same as workplaces
where students have to learn new things and when
they are able to master these new things, they will be
able to advance to class or experience career
advancement in the workplace, then the researcher
feels that learning agility can also be investigated on
the concept of student learning. at school during the
online learning period.
This research was conducted to better understand
the psychological impact experienced by junior high
school students who study online during the
COVID-19 pandemic, where junior high school
students when studying online at home must quickly
adapt to cope with the demands of many online
learning tasks. The number of tasks that must be
done by students can affect the level of stress when
studying online and reduce students' confidence in
completing their school assignments. On the other
hand, online learning at home is the only option to
maintain health and avoid the COVID-19 virus
outbreak. Thus, this research is also to broaden
insight and research in educational psychology and
positive psychology issues by fulfilling the research
objective, namely to determine the relationship
between emotional regulation and learning agility
with academic self-efficacy.
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
2.1 Emotional Regulation
Rahmawati and Saptandari (2020) define that
emotion regulation is an individual process in
understanding the emotions they feel and knowing
when they occur and how they experience or
express their emotions. Thompson (in Rasyid,
2012) defines emotional regulation as a process
inside and outside the individual that is responsible
for motivating, evaluating, and modifying
emotional reactions intensively and specifically to
achieve goals. A person's inability to control
emotions does not mean he is experiencing a
psychological disease, but this inability is related to
emotional goals and if a person fails to achieve his
goals, it can be said that he is unable to regulate his
emotions (Thompson, 2011).
Gratz and Roemer (2004) explain that there are
four aspects that reflect the regulation of individual
emotions, namely: (a) Acceptance of emotional
response (acceptance of emotions). It is an
individual's ability to accept an event that causes
negative emotions and is not ashamed to feel these
emotions when facing problems. (b) Strategies to
emotion regulation, namely the individual's belief
to be able to overcome a problem, have the ability
to find a way that can reduce negative emotions
and can quickly calm down after feeling excessive
emotions. Belief that there are no limitations in
managing emotions effectively when faced with
situations with negative emotions. (c) Engaging in
goal directed behavior (involvement of purposeful
behavior) is the ability of individuals not to be
affected by the negative emotions they feel so they
can concentrate, think and do things well. (d)
Control emotional responses, namely the ability of
individuals to be able to control the emotions they
feel and the emotional responses displayed
(physiological responses, behavior and tone of
voice), so that individuals will not feel excessive
emotions and show appropriate emotional
2.2 Academic Self-efficacy
Yokoyama (2019) states that academic self-efficacy
is one of the most important factors or predicates for
student learning success. According to Prihastyanti
and Sawitri (2018), it is stated that students'
academic self-efficacy is needed because students'
academic demands are high while students' abilities
are varied, such as demands in the learning process
on exact subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry,
biology) and English which are carried out using
English. Bong Skaalvik (in Saraswati, 2015), states
that academic self-efficacy is an individual's belief
in his ability to complete a given academic task
successfully at a specified level.
According to Bandura (1997) academic self-
efficacy in each individual will differ from one
individual to another based on three aspects, namely:
(a) The level of difficulty of the task (Magnitude) is
related to the degree of difficulty of the task. (b) The
area of the task (generality) relates to the area of the
task of behavior in which the individual feels
confident in his abilities. (c) The level of stability,
confidence, strength (Strength) is related to the level
of strength of the individual's beliefs or expectations
about his abilities.
2.3 Learning Agility
Lombardo and Eichinger (2000) define learning
agility as “the willingness and ability to learn new
competencies to perform under first-time, difficult,
or different conditions”. They formulated a
conceptual framework for learning agility consisting
of the following four factors: (a) People agility
considered to be the degree to which individuals
know themselves well, learn from experience, treat
others constructively, and are cool and resilient
under pressure of change. (b) Change agility refers
to individual curiosity level, passion for ideas, likes
to experiment with test cases, and engage in skill
development activities. (c) Results agility defined as
the degree to which individuals get results under
difficult conditions, inspire others to perform beyond
the norm, and demonstrate the kind of presence that
builds trust in others. (d) Mental agility considered
to be the degree to which individuals think about
problems from a new perspective and are
comfortable with complexity, ambiguity, and
explaining their thinking to others.
2.4 Research Question and Hypothesis
Based on the description of the phenomenon and the
literature review that has been submitted, the
research questions to be answered in this study
consist of:
1. Is there a significant relationship between
emotional regulation and academic self-
efficacy in junior high school students during
the covid-19 pandemic?
The Correlation of Emotion Regulation and Learning Agility on the Academic Self-efficacy Level of Junior High School Students during the
Covid-19 Pandemic
2. Is there a significant relationship between
learning agility and academic self-efficacy in
junior high school students during the covid-19
Thus, the hypothesis in this study consists of:
H1: Emotional regulation has a significant
relationship with academic self-efficacy
in junior high school students during the
covid-19 pandemic.
H2: Learning agility has a significant
relationship with academic self-efficacy in
junior high school students during the
covid-19 pandemic.
Researchers used non-experimental quantitative
research methods in this study. This study uses a
type of correlational research which is a study that
measures two or more measured variables to obtain
a series of scores from each individual and to
identify how strong the relationship between the two
variables is (Gravetter & Forzano, 2016). The
population in this study is all junior high school
students who participate in online learning in DKI
Jakarta, with an age range of 10-20 years. In relation
to BPS, the number of junior high school students by
gender and school status is around 372,859
(Kemendikbud, 2020). So that the number of
samples used in this study amounted to 400
respondents taken from the population of the Jakarta
The data collection technique used in this
research is probability sampling with purposive
sampling. The sample criteria used for this research
are (a) teenagers aged 10-20 years, (b) keeping up
with distance learning during the pandemic, (c)
domiciled in DKI Jakarta. In this study, researchers
measured emotion regulation using the Difficulties
in Emotion Regulation Scale based on the
dimensions according to Gratz and Roemer (2004)
which have been converted into aspects of a positive
assessment of emotional regulation ability. This
scale consists of 36 items including: (a) 6 items of
acceptance of emotional responses, (b) 5 items of
engaging in goal directed behavior, (c) 6 items of
control of emotional responses, (d) 6 items of
adequacy of emotional awareness, (e) 8 items of
Strategies to emotion regulation and (f) 5 items of
adequacy of emotional clarity. This scale uses a
Likert scale with 5 points, namely, 1 Strongly
Disagree (STS), 2 Disagree (TS), 3 Neutral (N), 4
Agree (S) 5 Strongly Agree (SS). This measuring
tool was adapted from English to Indonesian by the
translator, then adjusted to the participants who
would fill it out.
To measure Academic Self-Efficacy using a
measuring instrument that the researcher made with
reference to the previous ASES measuring
instrument, namely the Academic Self-Efficacy
Scale (ASES) (Kunnathodi, & Ashraf, 2006). In this
study, researchers measured ASES based on aspects.
The measuring instrument made by the researcher
consisted of 31 items, including 14 items of
Magnitude, 6 items of Generality, and 11 items of
Strength. This scale uses a Likert scale with 5 points,
namely, 1 Strongly Disagree (STS), 2 Disagree (TS),
3 Neutral (N), 4 Agree (S), and 5 Strongly Agree
(SS). The average score per item will be added up to
represent the individual's belief in that specific
aspect. For each subscale, higher scores indicate
stronger feelings towards each domain.
In this study, researchers measured learning
agility using using the Learning Agility Self-
Assessment based on the dimensions according to
Gravett and Caldwell (2016). This scale consists of
25 items including: (a) 6 items of mental agility, 6
items of people agility, (c) 6 items of change agility,
and (d) 7 items of result agility. This scale uses a
Likert scale with 5 points, namely, 1 Strongly
Disagree (STS), 2 Disagree (TS), 3 Neutral (N), 4
Agree (S) 5 Strongly Agree (SS). This measuring
tool was adapted from English to Indonesian by the
translator, then adjusted to the participants who
would fill it out.
At the testing stage, 30 participants were used
to measure the reliability of the three measuring
instruments. Based on the test results of measuring
instruments, it was found that the three measuring
instruments had good Cronbach’s Alpha reliability
and could be used for field data collection. Some
items must be discarded because they have a
corrected item total correlation value that is less
than the standard at 0,3, so the items used for field
data collection are items that are already valid by
meeting these standards. The results of the
reliability of the measuring instrument can be seen
as follows:
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
Table 1: Results of Testing Reliability of Emotion
Regulation Scale.
Aspects Cronbach’s Number of
Alpha Valid Items
acceptance of 0,873 6
emotional responses
engaging in goal 0,837 4
directed behavior
control of emotional 0,799 6
adequacy of 0,691 3
emotional awareness
Strategies to emotion 0,821 8
adequacy of 0.844 5
emotional clarity
Total 32
Table 2: Results of Testing Reliability of Academic
Self-Efficacy Scale.
Unidimensional Cronbach’s Number of
Variable Alpha Valid Items
Academic Self- 0,910 28
Efficacy (magnitude,
generality, strength)
Table 3: Results of Testing Reliability of Learning
Agility Self-Assessment.
Types Cronbach’s Number of
Alpha Valid Items
Mental Agility 0,685 4
People Agility 0,632 5
Change Agility 0,737 4
Results Agility 0,701 5
Total 18
The research will be conducted by distributing
questionnaires to active junior high school students
who take part in online learning during the pandemic
in Jakarta. The questionnaire is made in the form of
a google form and will be distributed online on
social media. The data selected are data from
samples that match the criteria for the research
sample. The results of the data obtained were then
analyzed to obtain a descriptive picture and test the
correlation of the two variables. Data processing is
carried out using SPSS 21.
Respondents involved in this study came from the
city of Jakarta consisting of initials, gender, grade
level, and domicile. All respondents involved in this
study amounted to 400 people. All respondents
involved in this study have filled in the four initials,
gender, grade level, and domicile.
Table 4: Demographic Overview of Respondents.
Amount Percentage
Male 256 63,5
Female 146 36,5
Total 400 100
Grade Junior High 156 39,0
Grade Junior High 118 29,5
Grade Junior High 126 31,5
400 100
North Jakarta 91 22,8
West Jakarta 82 2,05
South Jakarta 72 18
East Jakarta 65 16,3
Central Jakarta 90 22,5
400 100
The results of the analysis show that the
academic self-efficacy value is in the high category
because it has an empirical mean that is greater than
the hypothetical mean which uses a median value of
3 on a scale of 1-5. Thus this shows that respondents
have high confidence to complete the tasks and
The Correlation of Emotion Regulation and Learning Agility on the Academic Self-efficacy Level of Junior High School Students during the
Covid-19 Pandemic
academic challenges faced in learning activities at
school. Meanwhile, the value of all types of learning
agility is in the high category level because it has an
empirical mean that is greater than the hypothetical
mean which uses a median value of 3 on a scale of
1-5. These results indicate that respondents do not
experience problems in learning new things and are
able to adapt to existing changes to produce the
desired results in the learning activities carried out.
In the emotional regulation value of the six
aspects, it was found that there are 3 aspects that are
in the high category level (Control Of Emotional
Responses, Adequacy Of Emotional Awareness,
Strategies To Emotion Regulation) because they
have an empirical mean that is greater than the
hypothetical mean which uses a median value of 3
on the scale. 1-5. Thus, this shows that respondents
are able to realize and manage their emotions with
appropriate emotion regulation strategies.
Table 5: Descriptive Results of Research Variables.
Min Max Mean
Emotional Regulation
Acceptance Of 1 5 2,87
Emotional Responses
Engaging In Goal 1 5 2,64
Directed Behavior
Control Of Emotional 1,17 5 3,02
Adequacy Of 1,33 5 3,54
Emotional Awareness
Strategies To Emotion 1,38 5 3,22
Adequacy Of 1,20 4,80 2,73
Emotional Clarity
Learning Agility
Mental Agility 2 5 4,11
People Agility 2 5 3,72
Change Agility 2 5 3,71
Results Agility 1,4 5 3,69
Academic Self- 2,14 4,71 3,70
The test used in this study is the product moment
correlation namely Spearman correlation test
involving 11 variables, namely 6 aspects of
emotional regulation, 4 types of learning agility and
academic self-efficacy. The test results show that
there is a significant positive relationship between
aspects of adequacy of emotional awareness and
academic self-efficacy (p = 0.00 <0.01; r = 0.340**)
and there is a significant positive relationship
between strategies to emotion regulation and
academic self-efficacy (p = 0.00 < 0.01; r =
0.187**). The results of the correlation analysis also
found that four other aspects of emotional regulation
did not have a significant relationship with academic
self-efficacy, namely: acceptance of emotional
responses (p = 0.382 > 0.05; r = 0.044), engaging in
goal directed behavior (p = 0.707 > 0.05; r = -0.019),
control of emotional responses (p = 0.383 > 0.05; r =
0.044), adequacy of emotional clarity (p = 0.624 >
0.05; r = -0.025).
Table 6: Correlation Matrix between Emotional
Regulation and Academic Self-Efficacy.
Accept Goal Control Awareness Strategies Clarity
Academic ,044 -,019 ,044 ,340** ,187** -,062
In other correlation analysis results, it was found
that all four types of learning agility had a
significant positive relationship with academic self-
efficacy, namely: mental agility (p = 0.00 <0.01; r =
0.396**), people agility (p = 0 ,00 < 0.01;nr =
0.188**), change agility (p = 0.00 < 0.01; r
=0.180**), and results agility (p = 0.00 < 0.01; r
Table 7: Correlation Matrix between Learning Agility and
Academic Self-Efficacy.
Mental People Change Results
Academic ,396** ,188** ,180** ,177**
There are several aspects of emotional regulation of
respondents in this study that tend to be high
(control of emotional responses, adequacy of
emotional awareness, and strategies to emotion
regulation), therefore the respondents in this study
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
tend to be able to realize their emotions and be able
to manage their emotions with the right strategy. The
high value of emotional regulation is then also
followed by a high value of academic self-efficacy,
where from the results of the correlation analysis it
was found that there are 2 aspects of emotional
regulation that are significantly positively related to
academic self-efficacy. The results of a positive
relationship from the aspect of adequacy of
emotional awareness with academic self-efficacy are
in line with the results of previous research
(Grahetepeh et al., 2015; Azis, et al., 2020; Yazici,
et al., 2011) which showed that emotional
intelligence which is included in the ability to realize
emotions can contribute to the formation of self-
efficacy in students. In this study, it is not emotional
intelligence that is being studied, but one aspect of
emotion regulation in this study is included in the
notion of emotional intelligence. Therefore,
someone who is able to realize his emotions better,
will be more able to have confidence in himself to
complete academic tasks.
The results of another significant positive
correlation from the aspects of strategies to emotion
regulation with academic self-efficacy are also
supported by the results of previous research
(Supervía & Robres, 2021) which explains that
emotional regulation can improve academic
performance through the relationship with self-
efficacy. From the results of this study, it can be
concluded that emotional regulation has a significant
relationship with self-efficacy in an academic
context and these results are in line with the research
conducted by the researchers in this study. It was
further explained that one of the reasons why
emotion regulation can increase self-efficacy in an
academic context is because through good emotional
management, students can be calmer and less
anxious in dealing with stressful situations and can
then help students have confidence to complete their
academic assignments.
The results show that there is a significant
positive relationship between all four types of
learning agility with academic self-efficacy, where
the results of previous studies that support this
research have not been found by researchers.
However, the researchers found that there were
previous studies that could be considered to explain
the results in the research conducted by the
researcher, namely the research conducted by Kim et
al. (2018) where in the study it was explained that
students' belief in having digital competence was
based on learning agility. Students' belief in
mastering digital competencies in this study (Kim et
al., 2018) is indeed not the same in theory as
academic self-efficacy studied by researchers in this
study, but the concept of belief in mastering an
ability is the same as self-efficacy in academic
context so that researchers feel the results in this
study can still be supported by the results of the
study. It was further explained that the cause of
learning agility can help students have confidence in
mastering certain abilities because in learning agility
there is a desire to always apply the knowledge
gained so that it is in line with the concept of self-
efficacy whose goal is to master certain abilities.
This study shows that there is a significant
relationship between emotional regulation and
academic self-efficacy in junior high school students
during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this
study also found that there was a significant
relationship between learning agility and academic
self-efficacy in junior high school students during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it can be concluded that
the hypotheses (both H1 and H2) in this study are all
accepted. This study shows that the more students are
able to manage their emotions well and have an open
attitude to new things, the more students' confidence
will be in completing assignments from online
learning during the covid-19.
Suggestions for further research is to examine
other factors that can affect academic self-efficacy
apart from the factors discussed in this study.
Suggestions for junior high school students are to
have the right emotion regulation strategies and
learn to have an open attitude to learn new things.
This is because if junior high school students are too
anxious and have unstable emotions, it will make it
difficult for junior high school students to adapt to
new learning styles that are carried out online during
the covid-19 pandemic. Junior high school students
also need to have an open mind to always learn new
things because someday in the future there will be
many new things to learn as they grow older and
adaptation to new learning styles done online is the
first step.
This research was made possible thanks to the
support from Universitas Bunda Mulia which
provided funding for this research to be carried out
The Correlation of Emotion Regulation and Learning Agility on the Academic Self-efficacy Level of Junior High School Students during the
Covid-19 Pandemic
and the researcher is also grateful to research
colleagues in the psychology department who helped
provide input in the implementation of this research.
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