Indian Sign Language Recognition using Fine-tuned Deep Transfer
Learning Model
Chandra Mani Sharma
, Kapil Tomar
, Ram Krishn Mishra
and Vijayaraghavan M. Chariar
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, Dubai, U.A.E.
Keywords: Transfer Learning, Indian Sign Language, DCNN.
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 5% of the world population suffers from hearing
impairment. There are over 18 million hearing-impaired people living in India. In some cases, deafness comes
from birth, hampering the speech learning capabilities of a child. Therefore, for this type of population, it is
difficult to use spoken languages as a medium of communication. Sign languages come to the rescue of such
people, providing a medium of expression and communication. However, it is difficult to decode sign
language for other people who do not understand it. Computer vision and machine learning may play an
important role in understanding what is said using sign language. The Indian sign language (ISL) is very
popular in India and in many neighboring countries. It has millions of users. The paper presents a deep
convolutional neural network (DCNN) model to recognize various symbols in ISL, belonging to 35 classes.
These classes contain cropped images of hand gestures. Unlike other feature selection-based methods, DCNN
has the advantage of automatic feature extraction during training. It is called end-to-end learning. A light
weight transfer learning architecture makes the model train very fast, giving an accuracy of 100%. Further, a
web-based system has been developed that can easily decode these symbols. Experimental results show that
the model can classify Indian sign language symbols with accuracy and speed, ideal for real-time applications.
Sign languages have existed since ancient times.
Almost every country has its own sign language.
There are 150 recognized sign languages (David et al,
2021). The total number of sign languages may be
more than that. Sign language is a mechanism of
expression by means of signs. Mostly, hand gestures
and facial expressions are used for communication.
Similar to any spoken language, sign language is also
a form of natural language (Ghotkar, 2014). Sign
language has its own set of alphabets and vocabulary.
In deaf cultures, sign languages have played a
significant role in connecting people based on
ethnicity and cultural similarities.
Sign language relies heavily on hand gestures,
body movements, and facial expressions.There could
be thousands of words, expressions, and their
associated meanings in ISL. However, numerals and
alphabets are the basic building blocks for spelling
out complex words using ISL. Fig. 1 shows some of
the symbols in ISL (Prathum Arikeri, 2021).
A language is a medium used for communication
between two people by sharing their information with
each other (Gupta & Kumar, 2021). Similarly, sign
language is used for communication by mentally
impaired people (Rao & Kishore, 2018). Languages
such as Hindi or English use a structured way for
verbal and written communication, while sign
languages use facial expressions and signs shaped by
hand movements for communication (Rao & Kishore,
2018). Various researchers targeted the impaired
people of the country and tried to develop an
automation system using various methods and
technologies that can use one hand and two hand
symbols for communication (Sharma et al., 2020).
The Sign language recognition (SLR) system
measures and predicts human actions (Kishore et al.,
2018).This automated system can be used by
differently-abled people for communication using
Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Various types of sign languages are used across
the world, such as American Sign Language (ASL),
Sharma, C., Tomar, K., Mishra, R. and Chariar, V.
Indian Sign Language Recognition using Fine-tuned Deep Transfer Learning Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0010790300003167
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Computer and Information Science (ICICIS 2021), pages 63-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-577-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Some Representative Symbols in Indian Sign Language (ISL).
British Sign Language (BSL), German Sign
Language (GSL), and Indian Sign Language (ISL),
etc. All these languages are different from each other
in terms of symbols, syntax and morphology (Hore et
al., 2017). Even in India, due to being a diverse
country, many languages exist. So, recognition of
sign language has been a major challenge and an area
of research in the last few decades (Badhe &
Kulkarni, 2020). Researchers have published various
studies on sign languages other than India. (Beena et
al 2019) used the Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) on
American Sign Language (ASL). They extracted
important features using a variety of techniques,
including HOG, LBP, and 3D-voxel. Similarly,
(Quesada et al. 2017) worked on American Sign
Language (ASL) to recognize the finger-spelling
alphabets automatically. They also used Support
Vector Machines (SVM) to classify the gestures. And
(Raheja et al., 2016) used Support Vector Machine
(SVM) as a classifier to classify the input gesture
from the sign database. (Ghotkar, 2014) used
computer vision and natural language processing
(NLP) to get the meaning of hand gestures.
Sign languages rely on gestures and shapes made
with one or both hands.of automated sign language
systems can be divided into three parts, such as
training, testing and the recognition phase (Dixit &
Jalal, 2013).
The efficiency of a sign language recognition
(SLR) system depends on how fast and accurately it
tracks the features and orientations of the hand (Rao
& Kishore, 2018). There are many algorithms for
machine learning and for feature extraction. The
Convolutional Neural Network (CCN) is one of the
best algorithms used in feature extraction in the area
of deep learning (Islam et al., 2018). Sign languages
are the most common application of the vision-based
approach. Earlier, many researchers used the Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) in sign languages to extract
handcrafted features. But due to the recent success of
deep learning techniques in the area of object
identification, image classifications, natural language
processing and human activity recognition, recently,
many researchers have used deep convolutional
neural networks (DCNN) in sign languages for
feature extraction (Al-Hammadi et al., 2020)
(Oyedotun & Khashman, 2017).
The Sign Language Recognition (SLR) system
proposed by (Rao & Kishore, 2018) gave an average
85.58% performance for Word Matching Score
using a minimum distance classifier (MDC)
and performance increased up to 90% for Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) after making some little
variations. It is possible to obtain more accurate
classifiers using neural networks (Rao & Kishore,
2018). (Gupta & Kumar, 2021) found in their study
that the highest accuracy for ISL recognition can be
achieved using Label Powerset (LP) based SLR with
the lowest error of 2.73%. (Sharma et al., 2020)
developed the dataset manually and used pre-trained
VGG16 for training. More than 150,000 images of all
26 alphabets were included in the dataset. To keep the
data consistent, the same background was used for
each image.94.52% accuracy was obtained using the
Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) for
ISL recognition (Sharma et al., 2020). Tracking of
hands, shapes made by fingers, head movement, and
recognition of patterns from the database are the
limitations of the Automated Sign Language
Recognition (ASLR) system (Kishore et al., 2018).
The accuracy of the ASLR systems mostly depends
on feature extraction (Tyagi et al., 2021). Enhancing
the feature extraction technique (Rajam &
Balakrishnan, 2011) achieved 98.125% in their
proposed model. Machine learning is widely used in
various applications to extract features from a dataset
(Oyedotun & Khashman, 2017).
ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science
Table 1: Approaches for Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Paper Ref
Algorithm or
Dataset Accuracy Limitations
(Rao & Kishore,
Artificial Neural Network
Dataset of 1313 frames. 90.58 %
Number of hidden
layers and
utational time
(Kishore et al., 2018)
Kernel Matching
Mocap dataset 98.9 %
Missing Nodes and
inaccurate features
(Gupta & Kumar,
LP-based SLR
20,000 samples collected
with multiple sensors
97.27 %
Categorization of the
(Sharma et al., 2020) Hierarchical Network
Manually prepared
dataset (150,000 images
of all 26 categories)
98.52% - one-hand
97% - for both hand
Classification of sign
(Badhe & Kulkarni,
Artificial Neural Network Created own dataset
Training accuracy -
98%. Validation
- 63%
Small size of used
(Dixit & Jalal, 2013)
Multi-class Support
Vector Machine
720 images, data set
96 %
(Rajam &
Balakrishnan, 2011)
Image Processing
Created own dataset of
320 images for 32 signs,
10 ima
es for each
No standard Dataset
for south Indian
(Yuan et al., 2019) Deep Learning
Created Chinese Sign
Language Dataset
(CSLD) by discussing
with expert
Not Mentioned Accuracy of Data
(Aly & Aly, 2020)
Multiple Deep Learning
Architectures (deep Bi-
directional Long Short-
Term Memory (BiLSTM)
recurrent neural network)
Arabic Sign Language
database for 23 words
89.59% Segmentation of data
3.1 Software Tools and Setup
For deep learning model creation, compilation and
training, the Python deep learning library Keras (with
Tensorflow as a backend) was used. The training was
performed in the cloud on an Nvidia K80 graphical
processing unit. For creating the web application, the
Python web framework Flask was used. The system
was set up on the Heroku cloud platform.
3.2 Dataset
The Kaggle Dataset (Prathum Arikeri, 2021) was
used to train the deep learning model for ISL
recognition.This dataset is available openly under
creative commons licensing and can be accessed
easily. The dataset contains 42,745 RGB images
belonging to 35 sign classes. There are 9 numeral
signs (1-9) and 26 alphabet signs (A-Z). The number
of samples in the ‘C’, ‘O’, and ‘I’ classes is 1,447,
1,429, and 1,379, respectively. Each of the remaining
classes contains 1200 images.The samples have been
resized to a common dimension of 128x128.
3.3 Transfer Learning Model
In order to save time & computational sources, the
transfer learning approach is very popular. It solves
pattern recognition problems in various domains.
There are a variety of pre-trained deep learning
models that can be used after solving a given problem.
However, it is unlikely that a model can solve all
problems all the time. Fine-tuning is the process of
finding out the optimal values for a given set of
variables (hyperparameters). We tested various
custom models on the ISL dataset, and found that one
fine-tuned variant of the MobileNetV2 model is ideal
for our purpose. It is a deep learning model, pre-
trained with a huge ImageNet dataset.
The first half of the layers of the model were
frozen (N1), and the rest of the layers (N2) were
Indian Sign Language Recognition using Fine-tuned Deep Transfer Learning Model
unfrozen to update their weights during training. One
custom output layer was added with 35 neurons,
representing each of the categories of ISL symbols in
the dataset. Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of the
model. In order to avoid overfitting, data
augmentation was used. The images were randomly
rotated, shifted, sheared, and cropped.
Initially, the number of epochs was set at 10. A
call back function was used to update the
hyperparameters listed in Table 1. The initial learning
rate was set at 0.001. Later on, the factor to reduce it
was set to 0.25. A rule of adjusting monitor accuracy
when train accuracy is less than the threshold,
otherwise monitoring the validation loss, was applied.
Table 2: Hyperparameters for Monitoring Training Process
#epochs #patience #stop_patience threshold factor dwell freeze
10 1 3 0.85 0.25 True False
Figure 2: ISL Classifier Model Training.
Figure 3: Loss and Accuracy Curve of the DCNN Training & Validation Phases.
ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science
Fig. 3 shows the loss and accuracy curves of the
trained model on the ISL dataset. The left part of the
figure shows the training and validation losses, drawn
against each epoch. The best epoch, from the loss
minimization point of view, happens to be the last
one. Further, it is evident from the accuracy graphs
that the model starts with an approximate accuracy
score of 0.75, and improves to reach the perfect score
of 1.00. The model converges from epoch number 3,
as evident from the given figure. Experimental results
show that the proposed technique can recognize the
ISL symbols with promising accuracy. In the future,
the work could be extended to recognize a wide
variety of words with a few more applications.
Further, the comparison with other classification
algorithms is shown in Fig. 4. The other classification
algorithms, used for comparison, are the Neural
Network (NN), Genetic Algorithm (GA),
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA), and Particle Swarm
Algorithm (PSA) to recognize Indian Sign Language
(ISL) gestures. A k-fold cross validation was
performed to calculate the accuracy of a total of 35
gestures and 30% of data of each gesture was used
to analyze the performance. The data set is divided
into two parts, such as training and testing. 70 % of
the data set is used for training and the remaining data
was used for testing the Neural Network. A
comparison of accuracy with respect to multiple
parameters is shown in Fig. 4 with the help of a bar
Figure 4: Accuracy of the suggested methodology.
Modern technological advancements can assist the
hearing and speech impaired population to effectively
communicate, and connect with other people.
Automated sign language recognition is one such area
that has attracted researchers from multiple fields of
study. In this work, a computer vision based deep
learning approach has been used to recognize ISL
primitive symbols from 35 different classes. The
model can achieve 100% accuracy on unseen test data
and has similarly good loss & accuracy during
training. It can be used as a useful tool to enable
hearing or speech impaired people to communicate
with the rest of the world.
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ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science