The Association between Household Food Security with Stunting
Incidence in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Sukaluyu and
Srikamulyan Village Karawang Regency
Alfi Fairuz Asna
, Praudya Denisa Ramadhanty
, Tri Marta Fadhilah
Public Health Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Nutrition Program, STIKES Mitra Keluarga, Bekasi, Indonesia
Keywords: Household Food Security, Stunting, Children Aged 6-23 months.
Abstract: Stunting is the impact of malnutrition in a long period of time which ultimately causes linear growth
retardation in children under two years old. A number of the causes of stunting is that access and affordability
to food are still low. This study aims to determine the relationship between household food security and
stunting in children aged 6-23 months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan Village, Karawang Regency. This study
used an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The sample of this research were 144 children aged
6-23 months. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate. Statistic test in bivariate analysis used
spearman correlation. Bivariate analysis showed that food security of the household had no correlation with
stunting incidence children aged 6-23 months (p = 0.457). There was no significant correlation between
household food security and stunting incidence in children aged 6-23 months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan
Village, Karawang Regency.
Stunting is the impact of malnutrition, occurring over
a long period of time which ultimately causes linear
growth retardation (Schmidt, 2014). One of the
assessments of nutritional status based on the WHO
classification is to use indicators of PB/U (body
length according to age) or TB/U (height according to
age). TB/U indicator with cut-off point z-score in the
short category of -3SD to ≤-2 SD and very short, it is
<-3 SD. This indicate of chronic nutritional problems
as a result of long-lasting conditions that result in
children becoming short. Based on basic health
research data (Balitbangkes, 2013) the prevalence of
stunting in Indonesia nationally in 2007 (36.8%) and
2010 (35.6%) and an increase again in 2013 (37.2%).
Basic health research data shows that there was a
decline in stunting in 2018 to 30.8%. According to the
results of Riskesdas (2013), the prevalence of
stunting in West Java is 30-40%. According to the
National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty
Reduction (TNP2K) the prevalence of stunting in
2013 in the Karawang area was 34.87%. Factors
related to the incidence of stunting such as low
maternal education, low maternal knowledge, so that
the parenting pattern of mothers to infants and
toddlers becomes less precise. In addition, low family
economic factors can lead to low family nutritional
adequacy, especially infants and toddlers (Beal,
Tumilowicz, Sutrisna, Izwardy, & Neufeld, 2018)
Household food security is one of the factors for
fulfilling the nutrition of family members. The
emergence of various malnutrition problems is
caused by not achieving nutritional security as a result
of unfulfilled household food security. The novelty
element of this research is that the researcher collects
data on the stunting locus area set by the government.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between
food security and the incidence of stunting in children
aged 6-23 in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan Villages,
Karawang Regency
This study used a cross-sectional design. The study
population was all children aged 6-23 months in
Sukaluyu Village and Srikamulyan Village,
Karawang Regency. The sample size of the study was
144 children 6-23 months, consisting of 48 children
Asna, A., Ramadhanty, P. and Fadhilah, T.
The Association between Household Food Security with Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan Village Karawang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010758300003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 43-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
who were stunted and 96 were not stunted. The
sample was selected by simple random sampling
technique. The dependent variable in this study was
stunting, while the independent variable was
household food security.
Data collected by interview using a questionnaire
includes data on the characteristics of children under
two such as age and gender, and data on family
characteristics such as education of the head of the
household, education of housewives, age of head of
household, number of family members, occupation of
head of household, income of head of household.
Data on maternal nutritional knowledge, and
nutritional intake were also taken.
The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
questionnaire used to measure household food
security which consists of 9 questions is also taken.
Each question in the questionnaire was given a score
of 1. Categorization of family food security, namely
food security was given a score of 0-1, slightly food
insecure 2-7, moderate food insecurity 8-14. Stunting
and non-stunting children were assessed using the
PB/U index and anthropometric measurements of
body length were carried out using a length board
with an accuracy of 0.1 cm. The statistical analysis
used the Spearman test to analyze the correlation
between household food security and stunting.
The research has obtained approval from the
research ethics commission of the University of
Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA (KEPK-
UHAMKA) Jakarta with number 03/18/.12/034.
Meanwhile, consent to participate in the study from
children 6-23 months was obtained through informed
consent signed by the mother or family.
Characteristic data taken include the age and gender
of children, family characteristics data such as
education of the head of the household, education of
housewives, age of the head of the household, number
of family members, occupation of the head of the
household, income of the head of the household,
knowledge of maternal nutrition, and nutrient intake.
The most education of the head of household was
middle education (46.5%) and the most housewives’
education is low education (52.8%). The age of the
head of household is mostly at the age of 31-49 years
(61.8%), the greatest number of family members is
the small households (66%), and the work of the head
of household is mostly on employees. The income of
head of household in the high category that was
86.1%. Mother's nutritional knowledge on the
question of the definition of nutrition who answered
correctly was 53.5%, the definition of nutritious food
who answered correctly was 86.1%, and the source of
carbohydrates who answered correctly was 74.3%.
Most of the respondents (52.5%) were male, and aged
0-12 months (55.6%).
Table 1: Socio-economic characteristics of the family and
the characteristics of the respondents
n %
Head of household education
No school
Low education
Middle education
higher education
Housewife education
No school
Low education
Middle education
higher education
Age of head of household
16-18 years old
19-30 years old
31-49 years old
ears ol
Number of Family Members
Small household <4 people
Medium household 5-6 people
Large household >7 people
Head of household job
Not Working
Head of household income
Child gender
Child's age
0-12 months
12-24 months
Based on the table 2, it shows that the highest
prevalence is in the slightly food insecure category,
which is 45.8%. The results of the analysis of the
nutritional status of PB/U (stunting) show that there
are 33.3% of children aged 6-23 months who are
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 2: Distribution of respondents by food security and stunting
n %
Food Security
Severe food insecurity
Moderate food insecurity
Slightly food insecure
Food Secure
Total 144 100
Table 3: Proportion of adequacy level of household nutrient intake based on food security
Nutrient Intake Food Secure Slightly food
Moderate food
Severe food
n % n % n % n %
Good (>80% AKG) 21 14,5 19 13,1 3 2 2 1,3
<80% AKG
33 22,9 44 30,5 17 11,8 5 3,4
Protein (
(>80% AKG) 39 27 37 25,6 7 4,8 2 1,3
AKG 13 9 28 19,4 13 9 5 3,4
Fat (g/hari)
>80% AKG
14 9,7 14 9,7 5 3,4 2 1,3
Poor (>80% AKG) 39 27 50 34,7 15 10,4 5 3,4
Carbohydrate (g/hari)
>80% AKG
13 9 19 13,1 5 3,4 1 0,6
Poor (<80% AKG) 40 27,7 45 31,2 15 10,4 6 4,2
Table 4: Household food security with stunting
Food Security
Total P-value
Stunting Normal
n % n % n %
Severe food insecurity 2 33,3 4 66,6 6 100
Moderate food insecurity 10 50 10 50 20 100
Slightly food insecurity 19 28,7 47 71,2 66 100
Food secure 17 32,6 35 67,3 52 100
Based on Table 3, it shows that the highest low energy
intake, low fat intake, and low carbohydrate intake
were in households slightly food insecure (30.5%,
34,7%, and 31,2%). The highest low protein intake is
in households’ food secure 27%.
The results of the Spearman correlation test show
a p-value of 0.457 which means that there is no
significant relationship between household food
security and stunting (p>0.05). The data above shows
that households with severe food insecurity and
experiencing stunting are 33.3%, households with
moderate food insecurity and experiencing stunting
are 50%, households are slightly food insecurity and
experience stunting 28.7%, and households are food
insecure and experienced stunting 32.6%.
4.1 Respondent Characteristics
This study took data on family characteristics, namely
parental education, age of the head of the household,
The Association between Household Food Security with Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan
Village Karawang Regency
occupation of the head of the household, monthly
income, household size, knowledge of maternal
nutrition. The results of the analysis of household
social characteristics show that the highest education
level for the head of household is SMA/SMK at
46.5%, the mother's education is SMA/SMK 34.7%.
The work of the head of household is mostly
owned by the respondents, namely employees by
41.7%. This is in line with the research of Utami and
Sisca (2015) in Bogor, West Java, most heads of
households have an employee job of 46.2% (Utami &
KP, 2015). According to Baliwati et al. (2015) that
the economic status of a household is determined by
the type of work (Baliwati, Briawan, & Melani,
2015). Heads of poor households who live in urban
areas are more likely to have status as laborers/
employees/ employees/ others. In addition, the heads
of poor households in rural areas tend to work in the
agricultural sector (Sugiyarto, Mulyo, & Seleky,
The variable age of the head of the household is at
most 30-49 years old at
61.8%. Most of the age of the
head of the household belongs to the middle age
group. The characteristics of the monthly income of
the head of the household are seen from the Poverty
Line. In Karawang Regency the average respondent
is included in the non-poor household with a high-
income category of 86.1%. According to Rachman
and Supriyati (2005), the income level in rural areas
is much lower than the income level in urban areas
(Rachman & Supriyati, 2005). When a household is
in the poor category, it will be constrained in meeting
food needs because of limited income which leads to
hunger and food insecurity (Damayanti, 2018).
Income affects food security (Shisanya &
Mafongoya, 2016); (Herawati, Ginting, Asngari,
Susanto, & Puspotawati, 2011); (Mohammadi, et al.,
2011); (Shoae, Omidvar, & ghazi-tabatabaie, 2007).
The characteristic of household size is mostly owned
by respondents, namely 3-4 people in one family by
66%. This is in line with Ashari's research (2017),
most households fall into the small household
category of 82.4%. This is in line with what (Olaniyi
A., 2014) stated that household size is related to
household income. High-income households tend to
have small household sizes and vice versa (Olaniyi
A., 2014). The characteristics of the nutritional
knowledge of mothers who answered correctly were
mostly on the question of the definition of nutritious
food, namely 86.1%. According to
Yuliana et al.
(2013) knowledge of nutrition of housewives has a
positive effect on household food security (Yuliana,
Zakaria, & Adawiyah, 2013).
4.2 The Relationship between Food
Security and Stunting Incidents in
0-23 Months Children
The results of the data show that households with
severe food insecurity have 33.3% stunting children,
while food insecure households have 32.6% stunting
children. Based on statistical tests, there is no
significant relationship between household food
security and the incidence of stunting as shown by the
results of the Spearman correlation test (p>0.05). The
results of the study (Saaka et al. 2014) a study
conducted in Northern Ghana stated that there was no
relationship between the nutritional status index
(stunting) and household food security. This study
also states that household food security is not a
sensitive indicator for children under 2 years of age
(Saaka, 2014). Emiyas and Mengistie's research
(2017) reveals that there is no relationship between
food security and stunting, because malnourished
children are children whose nutritional status is poor
as a result of inadequate care and poor child health,
not only in terms of food. Emiyas and Mengistie's
research findings (2017) point to the fact that food
security is a necessary but not sufficient condition to
ensure good nutritional status (Mulu & Mengistie,
According to research (Spiro et al. 2010) in
Kailali Nepal stated that there is no significant
relationship between food security and the incidence
of stunting, because not only food access affects
stunting but also family socioeconomic welfare, low
birth weight, infectious diseases and diarrhea,
hygiene and sanitation, mother's education, mother's
knowledge about optimal nutrition
, non-exclusive
breastfeeding parenting, incomplete immunization
status (Osei, et al., 2010).
Based on the results of the research and discussion in
the previous chapter, the researcher can conclude that
there is no significant relationship between household
food security and stunting. The prevalence of stunting
under two children was mostly found in food insecure
households, namely 33.3%, while stunting children
under five in food insecure households was 32.6%
prevalence of stunting under children aged 0-24
months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan Villages,
Karawang Regency is 33.3%.
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The Association between Household Food Security with Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Sukaluyu and Srikamulyan
Village Karawang Regency