The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts
of Cookies
Putri Hana Yuliana, Ahmad Mujaki Diwan, Kartika Desy Permatasari, Gita Dwi Lestari, Rahma
Hariyanti, Serly Eka Puspita, Winda Nurtiana, Zulfatun Najah
Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Jl. Raya Jakarta Km 4,
Pakupatan, Serang City, Banten, Indonesia
Keywords: Chicken Eggshell Flour, Cookies, Calcium, Waste Utilization.
Abstract: ........According to Central Statistics Agency, chicken egg production in 2020 reached 5,044,394.99 tons. 10% of
whole chicken eggs are shells that just become waste. The calcium content in eggshell is about 19.20%.
Therefore, chicken eggshell flour has the potency to be used as material in food processing, one of that is
cookies. Cookies is one of the bakery product made from wheat flour which tastes sweet and is very popular.
The aim of this study were to determine the effect of chicken eggshell flour addition to the chemical,
microbiological, and sensory characteristics of cookies. The study carried out with three attempts and two
repetitions, with 5%, 8%, and 10% chicken eggshell flour addition to wheat flour to make cookie dough.
Based on sensory analysis, the best attempt was cookies with 5% chicken eggshell flour in addition in wheat
flour. This cookie contains 4.22% water, 6.73% protein, 25.14% fat, 2.38% ash, 61.53% total carbohydrates,
and 0.72% calcium. The microbiological characteristics showed the TPC number was 4,42x10
cfu/g and no
colonies were found in the EMB test. The results of hedonic test showed that the panels slightly liked the
taste, color, texture parameters, and liked aroma and overall parameters.
Cookies are a type of biscuit made from soft dough,
high in fat content, relatively crunchy when broken
and the cross section of the piece has a dense texture.
(BSN, 1992). Cookies are flour-based bakery product
which are generally made from flour, chicken eggs,
vanilla, powdered sugar, margarine, baking powder,
corn starch, and instant milk powder. (Mutmainna,
2013). Cookies generally have a crunchy texture and
are not easily crushed like other bakery products.
Cookies are one of the snacks that people are
interested in, known by many people, both children,
teenagers and adults, who live in rural and urban areas
(Mutmainna, 2013).
Food fortification is a common thing to do, the
purpose of food fortification is to add important
micronutrients such as vitamins or minerals to food,
so that it can improve the nutritional quality of food
(WHO, 2006). One of the food products that can be
fortified is cookies. Fortificant that can be added is
calcium. Calcium is one of the most important
micronutrients in the body. The benefits of calcium in
the body are playing a role in the process of growing
bones and teeth, the process of blood clotting, and
helping the function of muscles in the body including
the heart muscle and the respiratory muscle system
(Shita and Sulistiyani, 2010). Calcium consumption
in Indonesia is still relatively low at only 254 mg/day
(Ministry of Health of Indonesia, 2015) compared to
the Calcium Nutrient Adequacy Rate which ranges
from 1000-1200 mg/day (Yulia and Darningsih,
One source of calcium that is not utilized and only
ends up as waste is chicken egg shells. One of the uses
of chicken egg shells in food is to make flour. The
shell that encloses a chicken egg weighs 9-12% of the
total egg weight and contains 94% calcium carbonate,
1% potassium phosphate and 1% magnesium
carbonate (Hadi, 2005). Another study states if one
medium-sized chicken egg shell produces about a
teaspoon of chicken eggshell powder will provide
about 750-800 mg of calcium. (King’ori, 2011).
Therefore, chicken egg shells can be used as a
good source of calcium fortificant in cookies. Beside
that, the use of chicken egg shell is also expected to
reduce waste that is not utilized. The aim of this study
Yuliana, P., Diwan, A., Permatasari, K., Lestari, G., Hariyanti, R., Puspita, S., Nurtiana, W. and Naja, Z.
The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts of Cookies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010757900003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 234-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
were to determine the effect of chicken eggshell flour
addition to the chemical, microbiological, and
sensory characteristics of cookies.
The research on making cookies with the addition of
eggshell flour was carried out experimentally with
three attempts and two replications.
2.1 Materials and Tools
The ingredients used in making cookies with the
addition of chicken egg shell flour are wheat flour,
chicken egg shell flour, chicken eggs, baking powder,
powdered sugar, salt, margarine, skim milk, vanilla
powder, and chocochips. The materials used for
proximate, calcium, and microbiological analysis
were methyl red, sodium oxalate, CH
, KMnO
, HCl, aquades, hexane,
ammonia, boric acid, HCl, sulfuric acid, NaOH,
butterfield's phosphate buffered (BPB) solution,
nutrient agar (NA), plate count agar (PCA), Eosin
Methylene Blue (EMB), ammonium oxalate, and
The tools used are oven (Kirin), mixer (Phillips),
woks, pans, brushes, spoons, plastic spatulas, plastic
gloves, analytical balance (Excellent), furnace
(Thermo Scientific), desiccator, oven (Memmert), a
set of soxhlet, a set of kjeldahl, porcelain cup,
Erlenmeyer flask, dropper pipette, volumetric pipette,
burette, stative, refrigerator, mortar and pestle, beaker
glass, measuring cup, funnel, test tube, petri dish,
incubator (Memmert), micropipette (DLab), Vortex
(DLab), a set of sensory test equipment such as
booths, glasses, plates, and spoons.
2.2 Research Steps
The steps of this research are making of chicken
eggshell flour, formulation of cookies, sensory
analysis, proximate, calcium, and and
microbiological analysis.
2.2.1 The Making of Chicken Eggshell Flour
The making of chicken egg shell flour was carried out
based on the research of Rahmawati and Nisa (2015).
The following is a diagram of making chicken egg
shell flour which can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Flowchart of making chicken egg shell flour
(Rahmawati and Nisa 2015).
2.2.2 Cookies Formulation (Dewi, 2018)
Making cookies with the addition of chicken egg
shells flour using three formulations, there are adding
chicken egg shell flour 10%, 8% and 5% to the weight
of wheat flour. Figure of cookies can be seen in
Figure 2 and the stages of making cookies can be seen
in Figure 3. The three formulations of cookies can be
seen in Table 1.
Figure 2: Cookies with the addition of chicken egg shell
Drying in oven T: 180°C,t: 3 hours
Crushing with grinder
Chicken Eggshell Flour
Sieving (100 mesh)
Boiling T: 100°C, t: 30
Chicken Eggshells
The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts of Cookies
Table 1. Cookies formulation with the addition of eggshell
Ingredients F1 F2 F3
Wheat Flour :
90 grams : 10
92 grams :
8 grams
95 grams : 5
Egg A whole A whole A whole
Baking powde
0,25 grams 0,25 grams 0,25 grams
35 grams 35 grams 35 grams
Margarine 55 grams 55 grams 55 grams
Skim Milk 4 grams 4 grams 4 grams
0,25 grams 0,25 grams 0,25 grams
Chocochips 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams
Salt 0,25 grams 0,25 grams 0,25 grams
The decision of the best formulation of cookies is
done through a hedonic test on panelists which
includes taste and texture. The formulation preferred
by the panelists was used as the main formulation and
continued with sensory comparison tests with cookies
on the market, proximate and calcium tests, and
microbiological tests.
2.2.3 The Making of Cookies
In making the cookies, the first step is mixing
margarine, powdered sugar, skim milk and chicken
eggs until they are homogeneous and the color
turning to pale white in. Then slowly add the flour,
chicken egg shell flour, baking powder, and
chocochips. Next, the dough is formed on a baking
pan, and baked in an oven at 160
C for 30 minutes.
The making cookies can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Flowchart of Making Chicken Eggshells Flour
Cookies (Dewi, 2018).
2.2.4 Sensory Analysis
Sensory analysis in this study was carried out in two
stages. The first stage was a hedonic test to determine
the best formulation decision on 15 panelists with
taste and texture parameters. The results of this test
were further tested by Duncan with a level of 5%.
The second stage of sensory analysis to determine
the level of preference of the selected formulation
compared to cookies on the market. This analysis was
conducted on 15 panelists with parameters of taste,
aroma, color, texture and overall. The results of this
test were further tested by t-test with a level of 5%.
The hedonic test assessment format is carried out
according to Simanungkalit et al. (2018) which
consists of 7 scale acceptability, score 1 = very
dislike, score 2 = dislike, score 3 = slightly dislike,
score 4 = neutral, score 5 = slightly like, score 6 =
like, and score 7 = very like.
2.2.5 Water Content Analysis (AOAC 2007)
In determining the water content, the direct method is
based on weighing the weight of the sample. The
difference between the initial weight of the sample
and the dry weight is the water content. The dry and
clean porcelain was kept constant in the oven,
followed by weighing 2 grams of the sample in the
porcelain. The sample in the porcelain is dried using
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
an oven at 105
C for 4-6 hours until a constant weight
is obtained. The formula of water content:
𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡
    
  
x100% (1)
2.2.6 Ash Content Analysis (AOAC 2007)
Ash is an inorganic substance obtained as a result of
burning an organic material. Ash in the material is
determined by weighing the remaining minerals as a
result of burning organic sample at a temperature of
550°C. The porcelain to be used must be constant,
then the weighed sample is added and burn in the
furnace until white ash is formed (4-6 hours), and
weighed until it is constant. The formula of ash
Ash Content =
  
  
𝑥 100% (2)
2.2.7 Fat Content Analysis (AOAC 2007)
The fat or oil fraction can be separated by extracting
with a fat solvent such as petroleum ether, ethyl ether,
chloroform, hexane, and benzene, then evaporated
and the fat content calculated.
The dry sample was weighed and then put into the
hull. The sample in the hull is inserted into the
Soxhlet apparatus and 50 ml of hexane is added. This
analysis is carried out until all the fat in the sample is
extracted. The extracted fat was then dried to remove
the solvent and weighed to a constant. The formula of
fat content:
Fat Content =
 
 
𝑥 100% (3)
2.2.8 Protein Content Analysis (AOAC
Protein determination is based on the oxidation of
carbonaceous materials and the conversion of
nitrogen into ammonia. The ammonia reacts with acid
to form ammonia sulfate. The solution is made
alkaline and the ammonia is evaporated and then
absorbed in a solution of boric acid. The nitrogen
contained in the solution can be determined by
titration with 0.1 N HCl.
Samples of 0.5 grams, 2 grams of selenium
mixture, and 10 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid were
put into a Kjeldahl flask and then destructed in an acid
chamber until a clear green color. The sample was
cooled and transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask
and then adjusted to the line with distilled water. 25
ml of boric acid and 3 drops of N indicator were put
into the Erlenmeyer as a distillate container. Into the
distillation apparatus, 10 ml of sample and 20 ml of
30% NaOH were added. The sample was distilled
until all the NH
was accommodated in the
Erlenmeyer. The accommodated distillate is titrated
with HCl 0,1 N until it turns to pink. The formula of
protein content:
𝑁 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 
  ,
 
𝑥100% (4)
Protein Content= N Content X Coversion Factor (5)
2.2.9 Carbohydrate Content Analysis
(AOAC 2005)
Carbohydrates are a group of compounds consisting
of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Carbohydrate analysis was carried out using the by
difference method. The formula of carbohydrate
Carbohydrate Content (%) = 100% – (water content +
protein content + ash content + fat content) (6)
2.2.10 Calcium Content Analysis (Mursyidi
and Rohman, 2006)
Analysis of calcium content using the
permanganometry method. The principle of this
method is the oxidation-reduction reaction. The
standard solution used in this titration method is
potassium permanganate (KMnO
), KMnO
is a
strong oxidizing compound. First, the sample is
ashed, then the ash is dissolved with concentrated
HCl, and calcium is precipitated as calcium oxalate,
then the precipitate is dissolved with sulfuric acid
(1:4), and titrated with potassium permanganate (0,1
N). The formula of calcium content:
𝐶𝑎 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡
     
 
𝑥100% (7)
2.2.11 Total Plate Count Analysis (AOAC
The purpose of the Total Plate Count (TPC) analysis
is to detect the presence or absence of total microbes
in chicken egg shell flour cookies. The working
principle of TPC analysis is the growth of
microorganisms after being incubated in Nutrient
Agar media at 37
C for 48 hours, then these
microorganisms will grow and forming colonies that
can be directly counted.
2.2.12 Analysis of Coliform Bacteria (AOAC
Coliforms are excreted from the digestive tract of
animals and humans. The purpose of the coliform
analysis is to determine the presence or absence of
Escherichia coli bacteria in chicken eggshell cookie
The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts of Cookies
products. Coliform analysis using Eosin Methylene
Blue (EMB) agar media. This method is carried out
by taking 1 ml of a suspension of cookies product that
have been diluted in BPB then put into an empty petri
dish and then poured EMB agar liquid media and
homogenized. Then the petri dishes were incubated at
C for 24 hours.
2.3 Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this research is cookies with the
addition of chicken egg shell flour will be accepted
by the panelists, beside that the chemical and
microbiological qualities will close to the cookies
quality that set by Indonesian National Standards.
3.1 Sensory Analysis to Determine the
Best Formulation
Based on the results of the sensory test with hedonic
which includes texture and taste then further tested
with Duncan with a level of 5% showing the selected
formula is formulation 3. The results of the hedonic
test can be seen in the table. 2.
Table 2. Hedonic test results to determine the best
Parameter F 1 F 2 F 3
Taste 1,9
Texture 1,4
Based on the results of the hedonic test analysis of
the three cookie formulations and continued with the
5% Duncan test, the three cookie formulations have
significant differences. The cookies that were
preferred by the panelists were formulation 3 with the
addition of 5% chicken egg shell flour to the wheat
flour. These results are in accordance with the
research of Rahmawati and Nisa (2015), cookies with
the addition of chicken eggshell flour as much as 5%
have the best sensory properties (Rahmawati and
Nisa, 2015). The addition of 5% chicken egg shell
flour to the wheat flour produces cookies with a
crunchy texture and better taste. So that formulation
3 is used for further testing.
3.2 Proximate and Calcium Analysis
Formulation 3 which is the best formulation was
tested for water content, ash content, fat content,
protein content, carbohydrate content and calcium
content. Proximate and calcium test results can be
seen in Table 3.
The water content affects the quality of the
cookies, if the water content is too high it will
decrease the crunchiness of the cookies. This is due
to the large amount of water bound to the
carbohydrate matrix (Basrin et al., 2016). Based on
table 3, the water content of cookies with the addition
of chicken egg shell flour is 4.22%. This in
accordance with the requirements for the quality of
cookies based on the Indonesian National Standard,
which is maximum of 5% (BSN, 2011).
Table 3. Results of Proximate Analysis and Calcium
Cookies Chicken Eggshell.
No. Parameter Results
1 Wate
4,22 %
2 Ash 2,38 %
3 Fat 25,14 %
4 Protein 6,73 %
5 Calciu
0,72 %
6 Carbohydrate 61,53 %
Ash content shows the total mineral content of a
product. Based on table 3, the ash content of cookies
with the addition of chicken egg shell flour is 2.38%.
The composition of cookies is dominated by wheat
flour. The ash content of wheat flour allowed is a
maximum of 0.7% (BSN, 2009).
The fat content of cookies with the addition of
chicken egg shell flour is 25.14%. The high fat
content in cookies is influenced by the addition of the
ingredients, margarine, skim milk, eggs, and
chocochips. Margarine generally has a fat content of
80-81%, skim milk 14-16% (Ulfa et al., 2017), and
chicken eggs have a fat content of 12% (Nova, 2014).
The protein content of cookies with the addition
of chicken egg shell flour is 6.73%. This is in
accordance with the requirements for the quality of
cookies based on the Indonesian National Standard,
which is at least 5% (BSN, 2011). Widiantara et al.
(2018) stated that the factors that affect the high
protein content are the composition of the ingredients
for making cookies such as skim milk, eggs,
powdered sugar, margarine, flour, and others.
Carbohydrate content in cookies with the addition
of chicken egg shell flour is 61.53%. This is in
accordance with the requirements for the quality of
cookies based on the Indonesian National Standard,
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
which is at least 70% (BSN, 2011). Nurdjanah et al.
(2011) stated that one of the factors that affect
carbohydrate content is wheat flour as the main
ingredient in cookies. In addition, Fatkurahman et al.
(2012), stated that the carbohydrate content
calculated by difference is influenced by the content
of other macronutrients such as protein, fat, water,
and ash, if the other nutritional components are lower,
the carbohydrate content will be higher.
Cookies with the addition of chicken eggshell
flour have a calcium content of 0.72%. The Food and
Drug Supervisory Agency (2018) states that products
that may include claims for calcium sources must
contain calcium not less than 15% ALG/100 grams
(in solid form) or equal to 165 mg/100 grams. As for
the high calcium claim, it contains calcium not less
than 2 times the amount for the calcium source claim,
which is 330 mg/100 grams, and for the general
requirements for the packaging label claim, the
serving size is 30 grams. In cookies with the addition
of chicken eggshell flour if based on a per serving (30
grams) is 216 mg/100 grams, then these cookies are
not allowed to include a "high calcium" claim.
3.3 Microbiological Analysis
Microbiological analysis on cookies with the addition
of chicken eggshell flour was the total plate count and
coliform bacteria. The number of bacteria contained
in a product can be determined by examining the total
plate count (Mursalim, 2018). The total plate count
can be related to shelf life, quality and hygiene at the
time of production but this is not related to the food
hazard and safety of a product. (BPOM, 2012).
Based on the results of the analysis that has been
carried out, the total plate count on cookies with the
addition of chicken egg shell flour is 4,42 x 10
According to the requirements of Indonesian National
Standard on cookies, the total plate count in cookie
products should not be more than 10
cfu/g, so that
the cookie production process has implemented good
manufacturing practice.
The coliform test is an indicator to determine fecal
contamination in water (Putri and Pramudya, 2018).
One of the main ingredients for making cookies is
water. Cookies with the addition of chicken egg shell
flour showed a negative coliform test result.
According to Indonesia National Standard on
cookies, the maximum amount of coliform in cookies
contains <20 APM/gram, so that chicken eggshell
flour cookies are safe for consumption.
3.4 Hedonic Test
To find out the level of consumer preference for the
selected cookie formulation, a comparison test was
carried out with cookies on the market. The test
results can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Results of Hedonic Test of Cookies with Addition
of Chicken Egg Shell Flour and Cookies on the Market.
The results of the hedonic test followed by a t-test
with a level of 5% showed that cookies with the
addition of chicken eggshell flour and cookies on the
market had no significant difference. However, the
graph and the score results showed cookies with the
addition of chicken eggshell flour are slightly more
preferred in taste, color, and overall parameters than
cookies on the market.
3.4.1 Taste
Taste is one of the most important factors in
determining the consumer final decision to accept or
reject a food (Thariq et al., 2014). The results of the
hedonic test for taste parameters showed that the
panelists liked cookies with the addition of chicken
egg shell flour with an average value of 6.2 compared
to cookieson the market with an average value of 5.6.
Market cookies show a very sweet taste, while
cookies with chicken egg shell flour are not too sweet,
so the panellists were preferred that.
The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts of Cookies
3.4.2 Color
Color is an important criteria for the acceptance of
food products and is one of the main criteria (Rymbai
et al., 2011). The results of hedonic test for color
parameters showed that panelists preferred cookies
with the addition of chicken egg shell flour with an
average value of 5.93 than cookies on the market with
an average value of 5.67. From the results of the test,
it can be seen that eggshell cookies are preferred by
consumers because they have a brighter color than the
color of cookies on the market.
3.4.3 Texture
Texture is a feature of a material as a result of a
combination of several physical properties such as
size, shape, amount, and elements of the formation of
materials that can be felt by the senses of touch and
taste (Midayanto and Yuwono, 2014). Based on
Figure 4, the panelists liked the texture of cookies on
the market with an average of 5.80 compared to the
texture of cookies with the addition of chicken egg
shells with an average of 5.67.
Panelists do not like the texture of cookies with
the addition of chicken egg shells flour because these
cookies have a harder texture. According to research
of Suryati et al. (2019), the addition of more chicken
eggshell flour is directly proportional to the hardness
of cookies. This is because chicken egg shell flour has
a coarse texture and low water content of 0.996%
(Syam et al., 2014).
3.4.4 Aroma
Aroma is in the form of molecules of volatile
compounds that are inhaled by the sense of smell
which play an important role in consumer acceptance
(Bahmid et al., 2019). The results of hedonic test for
aroma parameters, the panelists like cookies on the
market with an average of 6.47, compared to the
aroma of cookies with the addition of chicken egg
shells with an average of 6.07. Panelists do not like
the aroma of cookies with the addition of chicken
eggshell flour because the original aroma of cookies
is slightly lost due to the addition of chicken eggshell
flour. According to Merta et al. (2020), chicken
eggshell flour was not able to attract the panellists
preference because chicken eggshell flour did not
have a distinctive aroma. According to Mardini et al.
(2007) the raw materials used in the manufacture of
the product will affect the aroma of the final product.
3.4.5 Overall
The results of the hedonic test for the overall
parameter, showed that the panelists preferred
cookies with chicken egg shell flour with an average
of 6.40, compared to market cookies with an average
of 6.1. Overall, the panelists liked cookies with the
addition of chicken egg shell flour due to the existing
sensory attributes such as the taste and color
preferred. According to research conducted by
Suryati et al. (2019), the final product of cookies is
influenced by the materials used and will affect the
panelists preference for cookies.
Based on the hedonic test on the three formulations,
it showed that the panelists preferred cookies with the
addition of chicken egg shells 5% to the wheat flour.
Cookies with the addition of chicken egg shell flour
5% to the wheat flour contains water 4.22%, ash
2.38%, fat 25.14% protein 6.73% calcium 0.72%
carbohydrate 61.53%, total plate 4.42 x 10
and showed negative results for the coliform test.
Based on the hedonic test by comparing cookies with
the addition of chicken egg shells 5% to wheat flour
with cookies on the market showed there is no
significant difference in the parameters of color, taste,
aroma, texture and overall.
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The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Flour Addition on the Charactericts of Cookies