Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene
Organ External Genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020
Restu Dinda Khairunnisa and Nur Asiah
Public Health Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keyword: Vaginal Discharge, Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior.
Abstract: Indonesia is a country with warm weather, so mushrooms are easy to live. resulting in high cases of vaginal
discharge for women in Indonesia, as many as 90% of women experience vaginal discharge. In Ari
Komariah's research in 2018 at SMAN 1 Tambelang Bekasi as many as 43 students experienced vaginal
discharge around 53.8% has low knowledge about the care of external genital organs. Based on a preliminary
study conducted by researchers at SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta, it was found that 70% female students experienced
pathological vaginal discharge and were wrong in how to maintain the cleanliness of the external genitalia.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior in
maintaining the cleanliness of external genital organs with the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge in
students of SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta. This research uses quantitative methods with a cross sectional research
design . This research was conducted at SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta in 2020. The population in this study were all
students of SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta, as many as 238 students. The sampling technique was Proportional
Stratified Random Sampling, which consisted of 85 students. Data collection with Google forms. Data
analysis carried out in this study was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. Univariate results showed that
respondents experienced pathological vaginal discharge (24.7%). Then the results of the bivariate variables
that showed a significant relationship with the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge were knowledge
( P-Value 0.000) and behavior ( P-Value 0.047).
Decree of the Minister of Health No. 97 of 2015
adolescent reproductive health is included in one of
the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
goal 5, namely, ensuring gender equality and
empowering all women as approved by the Program
of Action of the International Conference on
Population and Development and the Beijing
Platform for Action (Purwaningrum, 2017). Poor
female reproductive health problems have reached
33% of the total burden of disease suffered by women
in the world, one of which is vaginal discharge (Oriza
& Yulianty, 2018).
According to a World Health Study, adolescents
around the world experience sexually transmitted
infections, which is as much as 5% accompanied by
vaginal discharge. Indonesia is a country with warm
weather, so mushrooms live easily. resulting in high
cases of vaginal discharge for women in Indonesia, as
many as 90% of women experience vaginal discharge
(Abrori et al., 2017). Women aged 15-24 years will
face vaginal discharge around 31.8%, so that
adolescents have a greater risk of facing pathological
vaginal discharge (Azizah, 2015).
According to a study conducted by the World
Health Organization, women in the world do not pay
attention to hygiene and do not know about
reproductive health problems, resulting in
the genital organs of 100 million women, around 10-
15% of women who experience candida bacterial
infections and experience vaginal discharge (Abrori
et al., 2017).
The case of vaginal discharge in Indonesia is
increasing. Based on the results of the study, it was
stated that in 2010, 52% of women in Indonesia
experienced vaginal discharge, then in 2011, 60% of
women had experienced vaginal discharge, while in
2012 almost 70% of women in Indonesia had
experienced vaginal discharge, and in 2013 from
January to August almost 55% of women have
Khairunnisa, R. and Asiah, N.
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene Organ External Genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at SMK Al-Jihad Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020.
DOI: 10.5220/0010757600003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 151-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
experienced vaginal discharge, then in 2017 around
76.5% of women had experienced vaginal discharge
(Darma et al., 2017).
Based on the results of Annisa Nurhayati's
research in 2013 in the Pondok Cabe Ilir area, as
many as 73 female students experienced pathological
vaginal discharge around 56.2% (Nurhayati, 2013).
While on Study of Nur Fadilah rahma in 2017 on
students of SMAs / MA in PPM Rahmatul Asri
Enrekang obtained 46 students experiencing
abnormal discharge approximately 71.9% (Rahmah,
2017). Then in Ari Komariah's research in 2018 at
SMAN 1 Tambelang Bekasi as many as 43 students
experienced vaginal discharge around 53.8% this was
due to low knowledge about the care of external
genital organs (Komariah & Widaningsih, 2018).
From several research results, the authors can
conclude that it is important to maintain the
cleanliness of the external genital organs in
adolescent girls.
Based on a preliminary study conducted by
researchers, all students of Al-Jihad Vocational
School experienced vaginal discharge but did not
know about the problem of vaginal discharge, they
also had never received reproductive health education
and had never received counseling on adolescent
reproductive health, especially regarding the
treatment of external genital organs. So from 10
students of SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta, 7 students (70%)
experienced pathological vaginal discharge and said it
was important to maintain the cleanliness of their
external genital organs but they were wrong in how
to keep the external genital organs clean, among
others, using tight underwear, cleaning the female
area from the Anal canal forward, not copying the
shame every 4 hours in a day when menstrual
bleeding is heavy, not shaving pubic hair once a
month, not drying the vaginal area when urinating
and defecating and 3 (30%) of the female students
experienced physiological vaginal discharge and said
it was important in maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genitalia but not correct in how to clean it.
From this description, the researcher is interested
in knowing the relationship between knowledge,
attitudes and behavior in maintaining the cleanliness
of the external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge in Al-Jihad Jakarta
Vocational High School students in 2020.
This research is a quantitative research with a cross-
sectional research design. This research conducted
from September 2019 to June 2020. The source of
data collection in this study is primary data, using
questionnaires and google forms as research tools.
The population of this study were all 238 female
students of SMK Al-Jihad, North Jakarta.
Determination of the sample size in this study was
determined by proportional random sampling with a
sample of 85 students of SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta. After
the samples in each class were taken
took into
account the considerations of the elements
in the research population, then the collection
continued by random choice, namely the sampling
technique by drawing each group to be used as
research samples.
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: Results of univariate analysis of relationship
knowledge, attitude and behavior of the external genitalia
Organ Care Cleanliness By Vaginal discharge.
Variable n
Whitish Occurrence
64 75.3
Knowledge (High) 55 64.7
Attitude (Negative ) 49 57.6
Behavior (Good) 52 61.2
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
Table 2: Results of Bivariate Analysis of the Relationship
of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Maintaining
External Genitalia Organ Hygiene with Vaginal Discharge
in Al-Jihad Vocational High School Jakarta Students in
PR (95%
Yes No
Low 50.0% 50.0% 0.000
High 10.9% 89.1%
Negative 22.4% 77.6% 0.574
Positive 27.8% 72.2%
Bad 36.4% 63.6%
Good 17.3% 82.7%
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
3.3 Knowledge
Based on the table above, it shows the distribution of
respondents in Al-Jihad Vocational School Jakarta in
2020. In the low knowledge group, 50.0%
experienced pathological vaginal discharge. In the
high knowledge group, 10.9% experienced
pathological vaginal discharge. The results of the Chi
square test showed that there was a significant
relationship between the knowledge of students in
maintaining external genital hygiene and the
incidence of pathological vaginal discharge (P- value
<0.05). The results of the calculation of the
prevalence ratio (PR) stated that respondents with
low knowledge had a 4.583 times greater chance of
experiencing pathological vaginal discharge than
respondents with high knowledge (95% CI 1.987-
3.4 Attitude
Based on the table above, it shows the distribution of
respondents at Al-Jihad Vocational School Jakarta in
2020. In the group with negative attitudes towards
maintaining the cleanliness of the external genital
organs, as many as 22.4% experienced pathological
vaginal discharge. In the positive attitude group,
27.8% experienced pathological vaginal discharge.
The results of Chi square show that there is no
significant relationship between the attitude of the
respondents in maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge (P- value> 0.05). The
results of the calculation of the prevalence ratio (PR)
stated that respondents with a negative attitude had a
0.808 times greater chance of experiencing
pathological vaginal discharge than respondents with
a positive attitude (95% CI 0.385- 1.695).
3.5 Behavior
Based on the table above, it shows the distribution of
respondents in Al-Jihad Vocational School Jakarta in
2020. In the bad behavior group, 36.4% they
experienced pathological vaginal discharge. In the
good behavior group, 17.3% experienced
pathological vaginal discharge. The results of Chi
square show that there is a significant relationship
between the behavior of the respondents in
maintaining the cleanliness of the external genital
organs with the incidence of pathological vaginal
discharge (P-value <0.05). The results of the
calculation of the prevalence ratio (PR) stated that
respondents with bad behavior had a 2,101 times
greater chance of experiencing pathological vaginal
discharge than respondents with good behavior (95%
CI 0.996-4.431).
Every research is inseparable from the limitations and
w e a k n e s s e s o f t h e s t u d y . T h e l i m i t a t i o n s o f t h i s s t u d y
among others:
1. The type of research used is a cross sectional
design, namely the independent variable and the
dependent variable are studied at the same time,
so they cannot find a causal relationship and can
only show interest or relationships between
2. This data collection uses Google forms is
subjective. So the truth of the data in this study is
very dependent on the honesty of the respondents.
3. Determination of the incidence of pathological
vaginal discharge is not a definite diagnosis
because the data is based on Google forms. Then
in order to make a definite diagnosis, it is should
be carried out with supporting examinations such
as macroscopic and microscopic.
4.1 Pathological Vaginal Discharge
Based on research has been done on Students at SMK
Al-Jihad Jakarta in 2020, found that there were 21
respondents (24.7%) who experience vaginal
discharge pathological and 64 respondents (75.3%)
had no pathological vaginal discharge. Adolescents
around the world experience sexually transmitted
infections as much as 5% accompanied by vaginal
discharge. Indonesia is a country with warm weather,
so mushrooms live easily resulting in high cases of
vaginal discharge for women in Indonesia, as many
as 90% of women experience vaginal discharge.
From the results of the study, it was found that 21
respondents (24.7%) experienced vaginal discharge
accompanied by itching, odor, experienced changes in
the color of the vaginal discharge such as
yellowish/greenish/brown. Chances are pathological
vaginal discharge. This figure is still quite high
considering the attitude of maintaining the cleanliness
of the external genital organs, the majority of which
are in the negative category. This is because the
knowledge they have is not the same as their attitude
and behavior. Attitude is a person's belief in the
object and has a certain feeling to choose. Factors that
influence attitudes towards the object of attitude
include: personal experience, the influence of others,
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene Organ External Genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020
educational institutions and religious institutions,
mass media, cultural and emotional. Attitudes can
change according to the situation.
This study is in line with a research conducted by
Yuniati on FKIK students majoring in nursing at UIN
Alauddin Makasar in 2015 which stated that as many
as 27 respondents (21.8%) experienced pathological
vaginal discharge and 97 respondents (78.2%) did not
experience pathological vaginal discharge. However,
there are studies that are not in line with this study that
there are 73 respondents (56.2%) experiencing
abnormal vaginal discharge while 57 respondents
(48.3%) experiencing normal vaginal discharge
(Fallis, 2013).
Table 3: Pathological At SMK Al-Jihad School girl Jakarta
Variable n
Whitish Occurrence (No) 64 75.3
Knowledge (High) 55 64.7
Attitude (Negative ) 49 57.6
Behavior (Good) 52 61.2
The table above shows that respondents who did not
experience vaginal discharge were 75.3 %,
respondents who had high knowledge about
maintaining the cleanliness of external genital organs
64.7 %) respondents who had a negative attitude
towards maintaining the cleanliness of the genital
organs external as many as 57.6% and respondents
who have good behavior on the sanitation of the
external genitalia organs is 61.2 %.
4.2 Knowledge
Based on the results of research that has been
conducted on students at SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta in
2020, it shows that respondents who have low
knowledge are 35.3%. This study is in line with other
studies which found that respondents with low
knowledge were 4.8%, while those with high
knowledge were 95.2% (Yunianti, 2015). The results
of the bivariate analysis showed a p-value of 0.000,
there was a significant relationship between
knowledge and the incidence of pathological vaginal
discharge. With a PR value of 4.583 (95% CI 1.987-
10.571), this means that respondents with low
knowledge are 4.583 times more at risk than
respondents with high knowledge.
This study is in line
with other studies which say that
there is a relationship
between knowledge and the incidence of pathological
vaginal discharge with a p-value of 0.002 (Yunianti,
This shows that although adolescents have high
knowledge, they experience vaginal discharge this is
due to their negative attitude in protecting the genital
organs as a result of lack of understanding, because
knowing does not necessarily understand. Purwanto
(2010) states that knowledge alone has not become a
driving force, as is the case with attitude, knowledge
of a new object becomes an attitude if that knowledge
is accompanied by readiness and awareness to act in
accordance with knowledge of the object.
4.3 Attitude
Based on the results of research that has been carried
out on students at Al-Jihad Vocational School Jakarta
in 2020, it shows that respondents who have a
negative attitude are 57.6%. This study is in line with
other studies which found that respondents
who had a
negative attitude were 53.8%, while those
who had a
positive attitude were 46.2% (Fallis, 2013).
The results of the bivariate analysis obtained a p-
value of 0.574, which means that there is no
significant relationship between attitudes and the
incidence of pathological vaginal discharge. With a
PR value of 0.808 (95% CI 0.385-1.695) this means
that respondents who have a negative attitude are
0.808 times more at risk than respondents who have
positive attitude. The same study in other studies
found that there was no relationship between attitude
and the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge
with a p-value of 0.806 (Fallis, 2013).
Attitudes are not only obtained from high
knowledge, they can also be obtained from age,
education and economy which ultimately lead to
inappropriate attitudes.
4.4 Behavior
Based on the results of the study, which was carried
out on students at Al-Jihad Vocational School
in 2020, it showed that 38.8% of respondents
who had
bad behavior. This study is in line with other studies
which found that respondents who had bad behavior
were 40.7%, while those who had good behavior
were 59.3% (Adawiyah, 2015).
The results of the bivariate analysis showed a p-
value of 0.047, there was a significant relationship
between behavior and the incidence of pathological
vaginal discharge. With a PR value of 2.101 (95% CI
0.996-4.431) this means that respondents who have
bad behavior are 2.101 times more at risk than
respondents who have good behavior. The research is
the same with other studies that shows there is a
relationship between behavior and the incidence of
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
pathological vaginal discharge with a p-value of 0.007
(Adawiyah, 2015).
Behavior is a human response based on
experience or a person's reaction to external stimuli
then accompanied by human interaction in the form
of knowledge, attitudes and actions. Respondents
have high knowledge but some things have not been
practiced well. This can happen due to a lack of
motivation to practice the knowledge that the
respondent knows. In addition, there are several
factors that can influence this behavior, such as public
trust, socioeconomic level, availability of health
facilities and infrastructure for the community, such
as clean water.
Based on the results of research on "Relationship of
Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene
Organ external genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at
SMK Al-Jihad Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020" it can be
concluded that:
1. As many as 24.7% of Al-Jihad Jakarta
Vocational School students experienced
pathological vaginal discharge.
2. There is a significant relationship between
knowledge of maintaining cleanliness of external
genital organs and the incidence of pathological
vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta in
2020 (P-value 0.000).
3. There is no significant relationship between the
attitude of maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Jakarta in 2020 (P-value 0.574).
4. There is a significant relationship between the
behavior of maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Jakarta in 2020 (P-value 0.047).
It is necessary to provide information on how to
maintain good and correct hygiene of the
reproductive organs to young women and be given
encouragement to actively seek information about
reproductive health. For further research, it is
necessary to establish a diagnosis of vaginal
discharge based on clinical features and supporting
examinations to determine physiological or
pathological vaginal discharge with a wider variety of
characteristics and a wider location, so as to add more
accurate information.
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Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene Organ External Genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020