Chemical Analysis of Iron, Vitamin C, Tannins and Total Flavonoids
in Ethanol Extract of Jamaican Cherries Fruits
(Muntingia calabura L) for Development of Antianemia
Noor Khalwati Afdhaliya
, Dono Indarto
2,3,4 b
and Brian Wasita
2,5 c
Postgraduate Student of Human Nutrition Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Postgraduate Program of Nutrition Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Biomedical Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Vitamin C, Iron, Flavonoids, Tannins, Ethanol Extract and Jamaican Cherries.
Abstract: Various natural sources such as red guava, moringa leaves and snake fruit seeds have been developed for
anemia treatment. Fresh Jamaican cherries is known to have 178.96 mg / 100 g vitamin C of and 0.10 mg /
100g Fe. Flavonoids, especially chrysin and quercetin are bioactive compounds, which have an important
role in improvement of haemoglobin (Hb) levels. The aim of this study was to extract Jamaican cherries fruits
and to analyse that extract in terms of vitamin C and iron concentrations, total flavonoids and tannins. Ripe
fruits of Jamaican cherries were collected from Sleman, Yogyakarta and dried cherries were extracted using
the maceration method with ethanol solvent. Chemical analysis of vitamin C and flavonoids was carried out
at the Integrated Laboratory of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan while Fe and tannins concentrations were analysed
at the Food and Nutrition Research Centre, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. We got 34% ethanol
extract of Jamaican cherries fruits. The highest chemical concentration was tannins (2.96 ± 0.01%), followed
by Fe (0.104 ± 1.05%), vitamin C (0.09 ± 0.01%), and total flavonoids (0.0012 ± 0.56%). In conclusion,
ethanol extract of Jamaican cherries fruits becomes a promising nutraceutical for anemia treatment in future.
Iron deficiency anemia persists a nutritional health
problem in the world by which becomes one of the
main causes of Global Disability Adjusted Life Years
(DALY's) in adolescents (Vos et al, 2020). Iron
fortification and supplementation are recommended
to overcome this problem. However, some
adolescents with anemia have minor responses to
those treatments.
Medicinal plants are a very popular alternative
treatment in some countries. Data from WHO (2018)
have indicated that 85% African and Southeast Asian
countries, 63% western Pacific regions and 43%
eastern Mediterranean regions use traditional
medicine for treatment of human diseases (WHO,
2019). Iron deficiency anemia is one of human
diseases, which can be treated using natural sources
such as red guava, moringa leaves or snake fruit seeds
extract. However, research evidence is still required
to figure out efficacy and safety for long term use
(Yusnaini, 2016; Arini, 2018; Ristanti, 2019).
Jamaican cherries (Muntingia calabura L) for
example, it easily grows in any type of soil in
Indonesia and produces its fruits in all seasons
(Ningsih, 2016). Many people believe that the
Jamaican cherries have beneficial effects for human
health (Mahmood et al., 2014). Previous studies have
reported jamaican cherries extracts derived from
roots, leaves and barks as alternative treatments for
diabetes, microbial infection and inflammation.
Generally, 100g fresh fruits of Jamaican cherries
contain 178.96 mg vitamin C and 0.10 mg Fe
Afdhaliya, N., Indarto, D. and Wasita, B.
Chemical Analysis of Iron, Vitamin C, Tannins and Total Flavonoids in Ethanol Extract of Jamaican Cherries Fruits (Muntingia calabura L) for Development of Anti Anemia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010756700003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Makahity et al., 2019). In addition, 1g dried fruits of
Jamaican cherries consists of flavonoids, which are
equal to 1.84-21.80 Myricetin Equivalents (ME)
(Nurholis & Saleh, 2019). Unripe and ripe fresh fruits
of Jamaican cherries also contain large amounts of
flavonoids such as rutin, myricetin, luteolin,
quercetin, apigenin, and kaempferol (Kubola et al.,
2011). Some studies have used flavonoids for anemia
treatment (Borawska et al., 2014) and a recent study
reported that administration of 50 mg / Kg BW
quercetin increases hemoglobin and serum iron levels
in mouse model with anemia (Mazhar et al., 2018).
Some previous studies related to extraction of
Jamaican cherries fruits have been done. For
example, Gomathi et al (2012) reported the extraction
of Jamaican cherries fruits using a mixture of
methanol, acetone and water. Meanwhile, Novita
(2016) extracted Jamaican cherries fruits with ethanol
or waters solvent. In addition, Subagya (2019)
extracted Jamaican cherries fruits with 70% ethanol
for anti-bacteria and Sujono et al (2021) reported the
extraction of Jamaican cherries fruits using a ethyl
acetate or methanol solvent for identification
phytochemical profile. From some research studies,
they did not measure Fe, total flavonoids and tannin
levels. In addition, only Novita’s study has measure
vitamin C level in the extract but it used the
iodometric titration method. Therefore, the aim of this
study was to extract Jamaican cherries fruits with
ethanol solvent and to analyse that extract in terms of
vitamin C, iron, total flavonoids and tannins
2.1 Jamaican Cherries Extraction
Ripe Fruits of Jamaican cherries were collected from
street side in Ambarketawang, Sleman, Yogyakarta
for around 2 months. Washed Jamaican cherries were
then dried using cabinet dryer at 60
C for 26 hours
and then were grounded using a grinder with a 80
mesh sieve at Rumah Berkah Herbal Group in
Jamaican cherries fruits extracted with the
existing maceration method by Ristanti (2019) for
extraction of snake fruit seeds. A total of 300g flour
of Jamaican cherries was extracted using the
maceration method with 1.5L 70 (volume/volume) %
ethanol (p.a merck, Germany) at room temperature
C ± 2
C) for 3 days. Furthermore, the solution
was filtered using 40µm Whatman filter paper to
separate the residue and filtrate. Furthermore, the
residue was re-macerated using the same solvent with
1:3 ratios for 2 days at room temperature. The re-
suspended solution was filtered again using the 40 µm
Whatman filter paper to obtain the second filtrate.
The first filtrate was combined with the second
filtrate and then was concentrated with a rotary
vacuum evaporator (Rotavapor R215) at 60
C, 60
rpm and 175 mbar. Finally, Jamaican Cherries extract
was kept at refrigerator until further analysis.
2.2 Determination of Extract Yield
The yield of Jamaican cherries fruits extract was
calculated using the following formula:
% Yield
  
  
x 100%
2.3 Micronutrient Analysis
Measurement of vitamin C and total flavonoid levels
in Jamaican cherries fruit extract was carried out at
the Integrated Research Laboratory, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta
while Fe and tannins levels were analysed at the
Laboratory of the Center for Food and Nutrition
Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada. 100 mg Jamaican
cherries fruit extract was dissolved in distilled water
and were then analysed using the UV-Vis
spectrophotometer with 200 - 400 nm wavelength
(Makahity et al., 2019).
For measurement of Fe levels, 25 mg Jamaican
cherries fruits extract was dissolved in distilled water.
A total amount of 0.1 ml dissolved extract was
reacted with 1.1 ml of 100 ppm Na
, 1.10 ml of
1,000 ppm phenanthroline solution and 1.5 ml acetate
buffer pH 4.5. After that, 5 ml of acetone and distilled
water was added into the above solution and was
incubated at room temperature for 120 minutes. The
solution was analysed using the UV-Vis
spectrophotometer with 400 - 800 nm wavelength
(Makahity et al., 2019).
2.4 Determination of Total Flavonoids
and Tannins
To determine total flavonoids, 25 mg Jamaican
cherries fruits extract was dissolved in 25 ml of 96%
ethanol. Then, 1 ml dissolved extract was reacted
with 3 ml of 96% ethanol, 0.2 ml AlCl
and 0.2 ml
sodium acetate. Furthermore, it was
spectrophotometrically measured at 430 nm
wavelength (Winahya et al., 2018). Meanwhile,
tannins measurement used 1 mg Jamaican cherries
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
fruits extract, which was dissolved in distilled water
to reach 10 ml (100 ppm). After that, 9 ml the solution
was re-dissolved in distilled water until 10 ml (90
ppm). Next, the solution was mixed with 1 ml folin-
denis’ reagent for 3 minutes. The mixed solution was
then added with saturated Na
and was incubated
for 40 minutes. Furthermore, it was
spectrophotometrically measured at 650 nm
wavelength (Pratama et al., 2019).
In the Table 1, we have extracted local Jamaican
cherries fruits with the existing maceration method
for extraction of snake fruit seeds (Ristanti, 2019).
Previously, we also calculated the yield value of
Jamaican cherries fruit flour to see the weight loss of
Jamaican cherries fruit due to the drying process. The
high water content of Jamaican cherries fruit a low
flour yield. The yield of this method extraction was
34 (weight/weight)%, which was slightly greater than
another previous study (32.68%).
Table 1: The Yield of Jamaican Cherries Extract.
Sample Yiel
Jamaican Cherries Fruits
Jamaican Cherries Fruits
The difference in the extract yield was caused by
maceration time and frequency. In our study, we
macerated Jamaican cherries fruits for 3 days while
Subagya study macerated them for 2 days. In
addition, the residue of Jamaican cherries was re-
macerated for 2 days. A research conducted by
Subagya, Jamaican cherries fruits extract was used to
inhibit Porphyromonas gingivalis proliferation
(Subagya, 2019) while our study used the ethanol
extract of jamaican Cherries for iron suplementation.
In this present study, we have firstly documented
the iron level in the ethanol extract of Jamaican
cherries fruits. Table 2. indicated micronutrients and
phtochemicals analysis in the ethanol extract of
Jamaican cherries fruits. The highest level of
chemical compounds in the extract was tannins (2.96
± 0.01%), followed by Fe (0.104 ± 1.05%), vitamin C
(0.09 ± 0.01%), and total flavonoids (0.0012 ±
0.56%). Because we used a polar solvent, it is not
surprising that our extract contains tannin. The result
of tannin analysis in our study is accordance to other
studies (Krishnaveni & Dhanalakshmi, 2014 ; Hadi &
Permatasari, 2019), but their studies only used a
qualitative method. Tannins are an important
chemical compound in the most plant kingdoms
because of their role for predator protection and
regulatory growth (Das et al., 2020).
There is a limited study that reported a
disadvantage effect of tannin for inhibition of Fe
absorption. Based on Greger et al (1988),
administration of tannic acid or black tea
consumption impairs iron bioavailability and status,
in anemia rats. In contrast, administration of
condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins) and Soybeen
seed ferritin (SSF) has slightly different effects of
ferritin and iron serum levels in rats with anemia,
compare to rats with anemia treated with SSF only
(Yun et al, 2011). In addition, epidemiological
studies and long-term trials show that individual iron
status is not affected by tannin consumption because
the human body has the adaptation mechanism such
as chloric acid in gaster and the present of vitamin C
from daily intake to minimize the anti-nutritional
effect of tannins (Delimont et al, 2017). Due to the
high present of vitamin C in our extract, we believe
that the anti-nutritional effect of tannin will be
neutralized by vitamin C although we need further
Table 2: Results of Vitamin C, Fe, Total Flavonoids and
Tannins Levels of Ethanol Extract of Jamaican Cherries
Chemical Analysis Mean ± SD (%)
Tannin 2.96 ± 0.01
Fe 0.104 ± 1.05
Vitamin C 0.09 ± 0.01
Total flavonoids 0.0012 ± 0.56
Our research finding showed that iron is the
second highest level of chemical compounds in the
ethanol extract of Jamaican cherries fruits. This result
of the present study is different from a previous study
by Makahity et al (2019). They reported that 100g
fresh Jamaican cherries fruits were collected from Air
Louw, Nusaniwe, Ambon contains 0.10 mg iron,
343,39 mg carbohydrates, 178,96 mg vitamin C and
1,48 β-carotene. Using the same extraction method,
Ristanti (2019) reported that ethanolic extract of
snake fruit seeds has higher iron level (211 mg/100g)
than simplicia of snake fruits seeds (26.88 mg/100 g).
Therefore, this shows that the extraction process
using 70% ethanol solvent can dissolve iron
effectively. It potentially becomes an important
source of iron for anemia treatment.
In contrast to tannin and iron levels, vitamin C in
the ethanol extract of Jamaican cherries fruits is lower
than the fresh Jamaican cherries fruit (178.96 mg /
Chemical Analysis of Iron, Vitamin C, Tannins and Total Flavonoids in Ethanol Extract of Jamaican Cherries Fruits (Muntingia calabura L)
for Development of Anti Anemia
100 g), reported by Makahity (2019). The decreased
level of Vitamin C in our extract is due to the drying
process that using a constant temperature (60
C) for
26 hours. The longer heating time is associated with
the higher degradation of vitamin C (Igwemmar et al.,
2013). Furthermore, our research finding of vitamin
C level in the Jamaican cherries fruits extract is higher
than that of Novita study (2016) which found that the
vitamin C level in her extract was 17.64 mg/100 g.
The discrepancy of different vitamin C levels may be
caused by the different analytical method. We used
Uv-Vis spectrophotometrical analysis while she used
the iodometric titration method, which is less
The total flavonoids levels in Jamaican cherries
fruits have been reported by some researchers.
According to Senet et al (2017), they found that total
flavonoids level in fruits of Jamaican cherries ethanol
extract are 134.4 mg/100 g and 29.9 mg/100 g of
Jamaican cherries ethyl acetate extract, higher than
total flavonoids level in our study (12.25 ± 0.56
mg/L). The huge differences in flavonoid levels result
from the pre-extraction process. The fresh fruits of
Jamaican cherries were firstly soaked for 9 days and
directly macerated gradient maceration method using
n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol as solvents with
2 litres of solvent replacement every 3 days. The
longer time for soaking will get the higher amount of
phytochemicals during maceration process (Wijaya et
al., 2018).
Recently, the total flavonoids level is considered
as a new perspective for anemia treatment. Quercetin
and chrysin for instance, has been administered to
mouse model with anemia and normal rats.
Administration of 50 mg / Kg BW quercetin and 50
mg / Kg BW FeSO
in rat with anemia significantly
increase haemoglobin and serum iron levels for 30
days, compared to normal and anemic groups treated
with FeSO
only (Mazhar et al., 2018). In addition to
quercetin, administration of 100 mg/Kg BW chrysin
was reported to increase Hb levels in normal rats for
7 days, compared with the control group (Borawska
et al., 2014). However, the limitation of our study is
we did not quantify the quercetin and chrysin levels
in our extract.
Extraction of Jamaican cherries fruits using 70%
ethanol yields 34% extract. The ethanol extract of
Jamaican cherries fruits has 0.104% Fe level which
becomes a promising nutraceutical for anemia
treatment. However, further studies are required to
analyse quercetin and chrysin levels in ethanol extract
of Jamaican cherries fruits and to figure out the
synergetic effect of those flavonoids and Fe level to
increase haemoglobin level in anemia rats model.
We would like to thank all staff in the Integrated
Laboratory of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan for
extraction of Jamaican cherries fruits, testing vitamin
C and flavonoids levels. We also thanks to the
Laboratory of Food and Nutrition Study Center,
Universitas Gadjah Mada for testing tannin and
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Chemical Analysis of Iron, Vitamin C, Tannins and Total Flavonoids in Ethanol Extract of Jamaican Cherries Fruits (Muntingia calabura L)
for Development of Anti Anemia