Automatic Detection and Classification of Cognitive Distortions in
Journaling Text
Mai Mostafa, Alia El Bolock and Slim Abdennadher
German University in Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Cognitive Distortions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
Natural Language Processing.
Abstract: Cognitive distortions are negative thinking patterns that people adopt. Left undetected, it could lead to
developing mental health problems. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to correct and change
cognitive distortions that in turn help with the recovery from mental illnesses such as depression and
anxiety, overcoming addictions, and facing common life challenges. The aim of this study is to provide a
machine learning solution for the automatic detection and classification of common cognitive distortions
from journaling texts. Relatively few works have focused on exploring machine learning solutions and tools
in the context of cognitive-behavioral therapy. And, given the rising popularity of online therapy programs,
this tool could be used for instant feedback, and would also be a helpful service for therapists and
psychiatrists to initiate and ease the detection of cognitive distortions. In this study, we provide a novel
dataset that we used to train machine learning and deep learning algorithms. We then employed the best-
performing model in an easy-to-use user interface.
Cognitive distortions describe the dysfunctional core
beliefs and misconceptions a person might have, that
control the way people feel towards themselves and
the world around them. These maladaptive
cognitions highly influence the way people react
emotionally, psychologically, and how they behave
(Beck, 2011). For example, “The plant I just got
died, I will never have a beautiful garden because
everything will die” is a type of cognitive distortion,
because it reached a conclusion about a single
isolated negative event, and applied that conclusion
on all future plants. Cognitive distortions are
commonly grouped into 15 types (Beck, 1976).
However, there is no evidence-based way to classify
cognitive distortions. And it’s important to recognize
that there is a degree of overlap between them.
Moreover, a single sentence can exhibit multiple
types of cognitive distortions. For example, “I failed
this interview, I’ll probably fail all interviews I get”
can be classified as overgeneralization, as well as
magnification, and catastrophizing. For these
reasons, we have decided to pick only a couple of
types of cognitive distortions for the purpose of this
study. Definitions and examples of the cognitive
distortions covered in this study are provided in
table 1 (de Oliveira, 2012).
In many cases, cognitive distortions result in
feelings such as anxiety and depression. Beck’s
cognitive theory for depression suggests that people
with inaccurate and negative core beliefs are more
susceptible to depression. This cognitive theory is
based on the grounds that an individual’s affect and
behavior are largely determined by the way in which
they structure the world (Beck, 1987). Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach
that is derived from Cognitive Therapy model theory
(Beck, 1976; Beck, 1987) that helps patients
recognize and identify their own thinking errors and
distorted view of reality. They are then helped to
correct these thinking errors, and are taught
cognitive and behavioral skills so that they can
develop more accurate beliefs and adopt a healthier
way of making sense of the world around them.
CBT was attributed to help with the treatment of
anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, bulimia,
anger control problems, and general stress (Hofmann
et al., 2012). This approach holds people
accountable to their own thoughts and feelings, and
rather than only delve into the past to know the
reasons for their thought fallacies, the goal is to
Mostafa, M., El Bolock, A. and Abdennadher, S.
Automatic Detection and Classification of Cognitive Distortions in Journaling Text.
DOI: 10.5220/0010713000003058
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), pages 444-452
ISBN: 978-989-758-536-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Cognitive distortions, definitions and examples.
Cognitive distortions Definitions Examples
1 Overgeneralization I take isolated cases and generalize
them widely by means of words such
as “always”, “never”, “everyone”, etc.
“Every time I have a day off from
work, it rains.” “You only pay
attention to me when you want sex”.
2 Should statements
(also “musts”,
“oughts”, “have tos”)
I tell myself that events, people’s
behaviors, and my own attitudes
“should” be the way I expected them
to be and not as they really are.
“I should have been a better mother”.
“He should have married Ann instead
of Mary”. “I shouldn’t have made so
many mistakes.”
identify and correct them. Recently, online therapy
programs have gained a lot of popularity. These
programs are developed to accompany, or replace in-
person CBT (Ruwaard et al., 2012) One of the main
reasons that make it unique and important is because
it can be more frequently accessed, which was found
to be one major component for the effectiveness of
CBT and leads to a more rapid recovery (Bruijniks
et al., 2015).
This study is conducted to develop methods for
the automatic detection and classification of
cognitive distortions found in mental health journals.
It will be of assistance to therapists in online therapy
programs. Providing detection and instant feedback
and allowing them to scale more easily. Only a few
machine learning studies were conducted in relation
to mental health. Fewer in the context of cognitive
behavioral therapy. The goal of this study is to
collect a novel dataset to be used to explore ways to
detect and classify cognitive distortions, and provide
machine learning and deep learning methods for the
detection and classification of two common
cognitive distortions. As well as develop a user
interface to visualize the performance of the tool and
put it to use. Which would be highly beneficial and
easy for therapists to use in online therapy programs.
2.1 Data Collection
There is a wide variety of choices when it comes to
data collection. Most papers studying sentiment
analysis and emotion recognition have used already
existing datasets that are publicly available to
conduct their research. Unfortunately, due to the fact
that cognitive distortion detection and classification
is still not widely researched, we haven’t been able
to find an available dataset. In this subsection, we
discuss multiple sources for data collection.
2.1.1 Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing platforms are used as a means to
collect data from a large group of paid participants.
For the purpose of collecting texts portraying
cognitive distortions, participants are given a brief
description of a cognitive distortion, then asked to
mention a situation or event, where they have
exhibited that type of thinking (Shickel et al., 2019).
2.1.2 Online Therapy Partnerships
datasets have been collected in partnership with
Koko (Morris et al., 2015). Which is an online
therapy program that is based on peer-to-peer
therapy. As well as TAO, an online therapy program
implemented in various universities across the USA.
As part of the program, students are requested to fill
out journals and logs to track their progress. Texts
collected from actual journals are argued to be a
more accurate representation of the cognitive
distortion than those collected by crowdsourcing.
Since the authors of those text passages weren’t
specifically asked to recall a situation where they
exhibited a certain way of thinking (Shickel et al.,
2016; Shickel et al., 2019; RojasBarahona et al.,
2.1.3 Social Media APIs
Social media and Twitter in particular is an ideal
platform to collect data from. As it provides texts
with the same natural expression of cognitive
distortions as those in journals. Meaning that the
authors of the texts are not asked to specifically
recall a situation where they felt they were thinking
in a specific manner. In addition to the easy, free of
charge use of the application programming interface
(API), it can provide big volumes of data in a short
amount of time. Due to the popularity of the
platform itself, and the ease of data collection, many
academic research studies have employed the
Automatic Detection and Classification of Cognitive Distortions in Journaling Text
Twitter API to build their dataset. (Hu et al., 2019)
(Mozeticˇ et al., 2016)(Cliche, 2017)(Chatterjee et
al., 2019). (Campan et al., 2018) Have shown that
using Twitter API is a reliable way of collecting data
for research purposes.
2.2 Methods for Detection and
Cognitive distortion detection and classification
tasks are similar to the tasks of emotion detection
and sentiment analysis. In a way, emotion
classification and cognitive distortion classification
are tasks to classify different negative sentiments.
We have compiled and referred to a few studies in
these areas in this section.
2.2.1 Rule-based Approach
Rule-based knowledge consists of grammatical and
logical rules to follow. The approach may rely on
dictionaries, lexicons, and ontologies.
Keyword Recognition: The task is to find
occurrences of certain keywords in a sentence. These
keywords are stored in a constructed dictionary or
lexicon.(Bracewell et al., 2006) presented an
emotion dictionary, where emotion words and
phrases were gathered from different sources
including news articles. These words were then
labeled either positive or negative. An emotion
classification algorithm is then used on news articles
to classify the overall sentiment. The algorithm
counts the number of positive and negative emotion
words, and a simple equation is used to determine
the article’s emotion.
Ontological Knowledge: Gruber defined an
ontology as “an explicit specification of a
conceptualization”(Gruber, 1993). Ontologies offer
meaning to terms and address the relationship
between them. Most medical ontology applications
follow a symptom-treatment or symptom-diagnosis
categorization. Some are used to assist health
professionals in clinical decisions by making
evidence-based inferences. These inferences are
delivered by providing knowledge through the
ontology regarding treatments, symptoms, diagnosis,
and prevention methods(Yamada et al., 2020),
therefore require limited options for input.
Nonetheless, ontologies were used to assist with
natural language processing (NLP) applications
when it comes to categorizing a natural language
text, or with Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots.
One such ontology is introduced in (Estival et al.,
2004) as part of a virtual environment project.
Where the NLP unit receives input from the user and
builds a natural language query. The reasoning
subsystem with the help of the ontology evaluates
the query and delivers a natural language answer.
(Shiv-hare and Khethawat, 2012; Minu and
R.Ezhilarasi, 2012) were able to classify emotions
from natural language texts based on an emotion
hierarchy defined by the ontology. Ontologies are
also utilized to understand and recognize the way of
speaking when feeling a certain emotion, and to get
the similarity between sentences, not just to classify
the emotion based on keywords (Haggag et al.,
2.2.2 Learning-based Approach
Traditional Learning: The automatic detection and
classification of emotions from texts are in great
demand. A lot of papers have studied multiple
approaches and techniques to be able to perform
such a task. One of the methods is classifiers such as
Support Vector Machine (SVM) that are trained to
be able to detect emotions (Teng et al.,
2006)(Balabantaray et al., 2012)(Hasan et al., 2014).
(Asghar et al., 2020) applied and compared different
machine learning algorithms, which are Na¨ıve
Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine
(SVM), Logistic regression, K-Nearest neighbor,
and XG boost to try and suggest the algorithm with
the best text classification results. The algorithm that
performed best with respect to the accuracy, recall,
and precision was the logistic regression algorithm.
Detecting and classifying cognitive distortions is an
important task for the improvement of online
therapy services. Both tasks of detecting whether a
text contained cognitive distortions or not, and
classifying a text known to contain a cognitive
distortion into one of fifteen cognitive distortions
have been performed. After testing out multiple
classifiers, it was found that logistic regression
performs best for a relatively small data set (Shickel
et al., 2019).
Deep Learning: Given a large data set, deep
learn-ing techniques can outperform and scale more
effectively with data, than traditional machine
learning techniques. In addition, given the fact that it
requires less feature extraction and engineering, it is
increasingly being adopted for natural language
processing tasks. One such task is SemEval 2017
task 4. Which includes Twitter sentiment
classification on a 5-point scale (Rosenthal et al.,
2017). The best performing system belonged to
(Cliche, 2017) which uses Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Network (CNN) models. For the participation of
(Baziotis et al., 2018) in SemEval 2018 Task 1,
which included determining the existence of none,
one or more out of 11 emotions in Twitter texts.
Bidirectional LSTM were trained by a fairly large
data set of around 60,000 annotated tweets. LSTM
models were also used by (Cachola et al., 2018) who
focused on the effect of using vulgar words and
expressions on the perceived sentiment.
Using a large data set, deep learning models
were trained, and unsupervised learning for a large
quantity of unlabeled data was utilized to classify
cognitive distortions, as well as emotions and
situations (RojasBarahona et al., 2018).
3.1 Data Collection and Annotation
Due to the fact that cognitive distortion detection
and classification tasks are not widely researched
topics, there is no publicly available dataset
containing text with labeled cognitive distortions.
Hence, we collected and annotated a novel dataset.
The dataset contains text passages labeled into one
of three categories. Namely, overgeneralization,
should statement, and non-distorted. A
summarization of the dataset is provided in table 2.
Each collected entry was reviewed for relevance and
annotated by the authors and a life coach with a
Meta coaching certification. The life coach was
presented with the text data in a shared excel sheet.
The sheet contained the sentences, the given label,
and a checkbox. There was another column next to
the checkbox that was left blank to be filled with the
correct label in case the given label was incorrect.
Corrections to the dataset were applied according to
the excel sheet.
Twitter API: We decided to collect data from
Twitter. The social media platform provides an easy-
touse API that can be deployed to collect big
volumes of data in a short amount of time. Using the
API, we only collected the body of the tweet, no
demographics or any other information about the
author of the tweet were collected. Search words
were required for filtering relevant tweets. From the
examples provided by (de Oliveira, 2012), we have
been able to deduce a pattern or form that sentences
exhibiting a certain cognitive distortion usually
acquire. One example, “Every time I have a day off
from work, it rains” the sentence form that could be
derived is “Every time . . . , it . . . Where
something negative happens after “it”. Overall, 1122
entries were collected using the API, and they were
reviewed for relevance and labeled.
Web Crawling: Examples of cognitive
distortions are provided on most websites and blogs
about cognitive behavioral therapy. we collected
some of these examples, as well as examples
provided in research papers. (Beck, 1970; Yurica
and DiTomasso, 2005; de Oliveira, 2012).
Survey: We also constructed and distributed a
survey. We first presented the participants with a
short description of the cognitive distortion and
provided two examples. We then asked the
participants to recall a time in their own lives when
they exhibited the described pattern of thinking, and
provide examples of what they might have said to
themselves, or to others. We encouraged participants
to provide multiple examples or paraphrase the same
example. The survey was distributed on different
social media platforms, and participants were
requested to share it. In total, we were able to collect
147 entries from 49 responses. These responses were
reviewed for relevance and labeled.
HappyDB Dataset: We utilized (Asai et al.,
2018) data set to collect non distorted texts.
HappyDB was collected using crowdsourcing,
where the workers were asked to answer either:
”what made you happy in the last 24 hours?” or,
”what made you happy in the last 3 months?” We
added 1101 answers to our dataset and labeled them
as nondistorted. These entries were again reviewed
for relevance. It’s important for the research to
collect nondistorted texts, as the goal is to create a
tool that can automatically detect cognitive
distortions. So providing plenty of nondistorted
examples was crucial to be able to separate distorted
and nondistorted texts.
Preprocessing: We performed common
preprocessing techniques, including converting all
text to lower case and removing punctuation and
emojis. For the machine learning models, a couple
of vectorizers were used. Namely, tf-idf vectorizer,
and count vectorizer. These vectorizers transformed
our dataset textual entries into sparse vectors.
Multiple n-gram ranges were tested using these
vectorizers, to find that, in general, unigrams and
bigrams performed the best. We also utilized
multiple dense embeddings that are most popular in
similar NLP tasks for the machine learning models,
such as GloVe, Bert, and Flair. For our deep
learning models, we train 100 and 300 dimensions
for GloVe embeddings, as well as BERT
Automatic Detection and Classification of Cognitive Distortions in Journaling Text
Table 2: Summary statistics for the dataset.
eneralization Should statements
Twitter API 178 518 426
Web crawlin
18 21
65 82
DB 1101
Total 1279 601 529
3.2 Models
We define our task to be the ability for a model to
distinguish between nondistorted text, and text
containing one of two cognitive distortions. This
task creates an all-inclusive model for the detection
and classification of two common cognitive
distortions. This is important from a mental health
point of view because it can alert the practitioner to
the presence of cognitive distortions, and guide the
patient’s treatment options. We experimented with
multiple machine learning models. Including logistic
regression (LR), support vector machines (SVM),
and Naive Bayes (NB). As mentioned in the
preprocessing part of section 3.1, features were
extracted via term frequency-inverse document
frequency (tf-idf) vectorizer, or count vectorizer. We
also experimented with different word embeddings
for the LR and SVM models. Optimal
hyperparameters were tuned via grid search and
included model regularization and solvers.
Convolutional neural networks (CNN), and long
short-term memory (LSTM) were applied to
construct the deep learning models. The
architectures of the CNN and LSTM models can be
seen in figures 1 and 2 respectively. We perform an
80/20 split of the data to train and test sets, setting
the random state to a constant to ensure the same
train and test sets for every model. Three layers of
CNN along with their max pooling were applied. We
used filter windows of 3, 4, and 5. These layers were
then concatenated and flattened. A dropout layer was
added, then a dense layer. For the LSTM model, a
spatial dropout layer is placed after the embedding
layer and before the LSTM layer with a drop rate of
0.2. For both models, we tuned hyperparameters by
trying different values for each hyperparameter. We
set the best performing value of one hyperparameter
before tuning the next one. The results of these
experiments are discussed in section 4.
3.3 User Interface
Functionality: The purpose of developing a user
interface (UI) is to create human interaction with the
Figure 1: Proposed CNN model architecture.
Figure 2: Proposed LSTM model architecture.
model. This UI is intended for psychiatrists,
therapists, or life coaches. Who receive journals
from patients via online therapy programs, or in any
other electronic way. Once the model is provided
with text passages, it goes through the passage
sentence by sentence, automatically detecting and
classifying cognitive distortions in the text. If any
cognitive distortion is detected, the sentence that
represents one of the cognitive distortions in the text
would be highlighted with a certain color. The user
is informed what color belongs to what distortion.
This makes the user instantly aware of the presence
of cognitive distortions in the text. This tool is very
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
easy to use, saves time when it comes to detecting
cognitive distortions, and ensures that no cognitive
distortions will be left undetected. The website first
presents the user with instructions on how to use the
tool, as well as a color map for highlighting the
cognitive distortions. A text box is provided for the
user to enter text passages. Once the text is
submitted, it gets copied on the side of the text box,
with the sentences that contain cognitive distortions
highlighted in color. No information submitted
through the website is saved in any way.
Development: We developed this website using
the Django framework. Django framework is a
python-based free and open-source web framework.
Figure 3 demonstrates the architecture of the
website. The input text provided by the user is
preprocessed and vectorized using the same
techniques as the data in the dataset when the model
was being trained. The model can be easily loaded
onto the folder where the website is being
developed. This gives plenty of room for model
improvements and updates. Once the model is
loaded onto the script, it can be used for
classification, provided preprocessed and vectorized
text. The input text is displayed for the user
highlighted with the color associated with the
cognitive distortion, or not highlighted at all in case
the sentence didn’t exhibit any cognitive distortions.
The project after development was deployed on
Heroku, a container-based cloud Platform as a
Service (PaaS), with the domain
Figure 3: Proposed UI architecture and flow.
In this section, we report the performance of both
our machine learning and deep learning models. Our
task consists of the detection and classification of
two types of cognitive distortions. In our dataset,
each entry is labeled as nondistorted, contains
overgeneralization, or should statement. Our dataset
has a noticeably higher number of nondistorted
examples than examples containing a cognitive
distortion due to the assumption that texts containing
a certain cognitive distortion mostly share a number
of keywords or sentence structures. Unlike
nondistorted verbal expressions that have wider
ranges of sentence structures and expressions. As
mentioned in section 3.2, we experimented with
different vectorizers to extract features for different
n-gram ranges, to find that for both vectorizers,
unigrams and bigrams resulted in the best
performance. We attribute this to the common use of
words or small sequences of words in texts
containing cognitive distortions. An example would
be the common use of the words “Never will” or
“Always” when overgeneralization is being
expressed. In table 3, we report the precision, recall,
and F1 scores for the machine learning models. It’s
clear to see that logistic regression and SVM models
perform almost the same. Both yield an F1 score of
0.95. We attribute this to the similar nature of the
algorithms. We also include comparable results
obtained from training with different word
embeddings. BERT embeddings performed the best,
yielding an F1 score of 0.93, with weighted
precision and recall of 0.93 for both.
Table 3: Machine learning models results.
Model Precision Recall F1
0.95 0.95 0.95
LR-BERT 0.93 0.93 0.93
0.87 0.87 0.87
LR-GloVe 0.82 0.82 0.82
0.95 0.95 0.95
SVM-BERT 0.92 0.92 0.92
0.87 0.87 0.87
SVM-GloVe 0.83 0.83 0.83
0.93 0.93 0.93
As mentioned in section 3.2, we experimented
with different pre-trained embeddings for the
embedding layer of each deep learning model. Table
4 shows the precision, recall, and F1 scores of the
two deep-learning models with different
embeddings.For both CNN and LSTM models,
GloVe dimension 300 performed significantly better
than GloVe dimension The F1 scores for the CNN
model are 0.42 and 0.55 for the 100d and 300d
GloVe embeddings respectively. For the LSTM
Table 4: Deep learning models results.
Model Precision Recall F1
0.77 0.30 0.42
0.82 0.42 0.55
CNN-BERT 0.52 0.52 0.52
0.85 0.80 0.83
0.94 0.92 0.93
LSTM-BERT 0.51 0.38 0.41
Automatic Detection and Classification of Cognitive Distortions in Journaling Text
model, the F1 scores are 0.83 and 0.93 for the 100d
and 300d GloVe embeddings respectively. For each
of the best performing models in table 4, which are
the CNN-GloVe300d and LSTM-GloVe300d, we
tune the epoch number, batch size, activation
function, and optimization function. Epoch is the
number that is used to separate the training into
different phases. The best results were produced by
using 15 epochs for both models. Batch size is the
number that the training data will be divided by. We
experimented in the range from 10 to 35, to find that
the best batch sizes for the CNN model and the
LSTM model were 10 and 25 respectively. Softplus
and Softmax activation functions produced the best
results for the CNN model and LSTM model
respectively. As for the optimization functions,
RMSProp and Adam performed best for the CNN
model and LSTM model respectively. The results in
table 5 were yielded by tuning all the
hyperparameters as discussed in this section.
Table 5: Deep learning models results after tuning.
Model Precision Recall F1
0.98 0.93 0.95
0.97 0.97 0.97
We presume that the performance of the machine
learning models was comparable to the performance
of the deep learning models for our particular task
due to the relatively small size of our dataset. A
difference in performance is expected to be
noticeable if the size of the dataset was larger than it
currently is. As well as the number of cognitive
distortions. We hypothesize that due to the relatively
small size of the dataset, as well as the common
structures and keywords between sentences
expressing a cognitive distortion, it was easy for the
machine learning algorithms to build a distinction
between verbal examples of cognitive distortions.
We also attribute the similarity in performance
between the logistic regression model and the deep
learning models to the similarity between the
algorithms. (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002)
found that logistic regression and neural networks
perform on the same level for the majority of the 72
papers that were analyzed. Deep learning can be
used to estimate many more parameters on a larger
number of permutations than traditional machine
learning algorithms. To be able to gain such an
advantage, a good ratio between data entries and
parameters is required. That’s why given a larger
dataset with more cognitive distortions than what is
currently available, will allow deep learning models
to have deeper structures, and to show distinction in
results from machine learning algorithms (Young,
2017). Saving the model and loading it into the UI is
a simple procedure. Which makes the tool easy to
Cognitive distortions put people at risk of
developing and sustaining serious mental illnesses.
Maintaining unhelpful and negative assumptions
affects the overall quality of life. Over time, this
sequence among thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
can cause or maintain symptoms of depression.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are aimed
at recognizing and correcting the patient’s
misconceptions and maladaptive core beliefs. Our
tool can be used to help therapists pay attention to
the existence of distorted thoughts that the client has
to direct treatment options. It’s important to
maintain assessments over the course of the
treatment, as it can provide the therapists with
information about whether the treatment is effective,
and to identify if the patient starts developing other
cognitive distortions. This tool can be integrated into
the assessment and treatment courses seamlessly
without any extra steps. Due to the fact that patients
already engage in verbal behavior, whether that is
verbal communication with the therapist, or through
journals. Another useful aspect of this tool is that the
patient’s verbal behaviors can be monitored through
their journals, not just during the therapy session.
In this study, we report the application of
machine learning and deep learning techniques
toward detecting and classifying cognitive
distortions in journaling text. Currently, there is a
significant lack of annotated datasets in this domain.
Therefore one of our main contributions is the
collection and annotation of a novel dataset. We then
trained multiple word embeddings and generated a
variety of distributed representations of sentences.
Which were used to train different machine learning
and deep learning algorithms, in order to produce the
best performing model. Finally, we developed a
user-friendly UI in which the model is integrated.
The lack of access to an annotated dataset
formed a setback for this research, in addition to the
scarcity of resources for the collection of mental
health journals. The tool is targeted for detecting and
classifying cognitive distortions in journaling texts,
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
so having a dataset that is collected from real-life
mental health journals would improve the accuracy
of the tool. Due to the shortage of time and
resources, we decided to initiate the study with only
two common cognitive distortions. Which makes
this study the starting point to an all-inclusive tool
for the detection and classification of cognitive
distortions. Areas of future investigation definitely
include the collection and annotation of a larger
dataset, which would improve the accuracy of the
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