The State of the Residential Real Estate Market of the Russian
Federation: Problems and Prospects of Development
Galina Pivovarova, Tatiana Tretyachenko and Svetlana Sogomonyan
Department of Commerce and Logistics, Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: Escrow accounts, primary market, mortgage lending, sales volumes, project financing.
Abstract: Indicators that characterize the current state and dynamics of the development of the residential real estate
market are not considered by a number of subjects of the Russian Federation when developing regional
development programs as factors that not only determine the level of business activity and social stability of
the territory, but also carry systemic risks for the stability of the regional system. The article analyzes the state
and development of the residential real estate market of the Russian Federation in the pre-pandemic period,
when the transition to project financing using escrow accounts was carried out, and the conditions of the crisis
of 2020. The article reveals the possibilities of using the results of the analysis of the indicators of the
residential real estate market, based on the established relationship between the indicators of project financing,
price, mortgage rates and sales volumes of primary market objects, to regulate the level of social stability and
business activity in the region, to minimize the risks caused by the uncertainty of the external environmen.
Be advised that papers in a technically unsuitable
form will be returned for retyping. After returned the
manuscript must be appropriately modified. Based on
the opinion of Atif Mian, professor of Economics,
public policy and Finance at Princeton University,
and a number of other foreign and domestic scientists
(Mian, Sufi, 2009., Barrell, Davis, Karim, Liadze,
2010., Kotlyarov, 2015), the residential real estate
market should be considered as a complex and very
significant element of the economic system. The
degree of development of the residential real estate
market is an indicator of the level of business activity
in the country and its regions, the social attractiveness
of a particular territory, as well as the trends emerging
in the development of the economy, which is
especially relevant for Russia, since"it is the real
estate market that creates the material basis for the
functioning of the labor, capital, goods and services
markets" (Tretyachenko, Pivovarova, 2020). Objects
of the residential real estate market are immediately
erected where only the birth of social or economic
activity becomes barely noticeable. The importance
of the residential real estate market, which acts as an
effective indicator of the state of the economic system
of the region, an additional assessment of the level of
development of the subject of the Federation and its
stability, requires a study of the state and dynamics of
its development not only on a permanent basis, but
also from the standpoint of the system paradigm. The
COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on
the implementation of infrastructure projects in many
consumer-oriented industries. For the residential real
estate sector, 2020 was not only difficult, but also far
from unambiguous. Unlike other industry markets,
the Russian residential real estate market was
influenced not only by restrictive measures caused by
the new coronavirus infection, but also by new
requirements for organizing financial relations with
buyers of construction-in-progress objects. These
circumstances determine the necessity and relevance
of this study.
The article reveals the opportunities that are laid
down in the norms of Federal Law No. 214, which
determine the transition of the construction industry
to project financing using escrow accounts; their
impact on the indicators of the residential real estate
market in the pre-pandemic period and in the context
of the crisis associated with the spread of the new
coronavirus infection COVID-19, taking into account
the state support measures provided in this regard. It
contains proposals for the introduction of regulatory
instruments based on the indicators of the
development of the residential real estate market in
Pivovarova, G., Tretyachenko, T. and Sogomonyan, S.
The State of the Residential Real Estate Market of the Russian Federation: Problems and Prospects of Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0010695200003169
In Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Ensuring the Stability and Security of Socio-Economic Systems: Overcoming the Threats of the Crisis Space" (SES 2021),
pages 144-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-546-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the activities of the subjects of the Russian
Issues of the real estate market have become the
subject of attention of many Russian scientists, a
systematic approach to its development was
considered in the works of A. N. Asaul, V. A.
Goremykin, V. V. Grigoriev, A. I. Ostrin, A.V.
Rudnev, V. I. Buzyrev, (Asaul, 2017, Buzyrev, 2016,
Goremykin, 2018, Grigoriev, 2001). N. Ya.
Kovalenko (Kovalenko, 2018.), A. M. Platonova
(Platonov, 2004.) .
In his work "Analysis of the real estate market for
professionals", the chief analyst of the Russian Guild
of Realtors, G. M. Sternik, defines the real estate
market as "a sector of the national economy that
combines the elements of "subjects", "objects",
"processes" and "functions" of their management"
into a complex socio-economic system " (Sternik,
In the textbook "Analysis and evaluation of
income-generating real estate", the authors D.
Friedman and N. Ordway define the real estate market
as "an interconnected system of market mechanisms
that ensure the creation, transfer, operation and
financing of real estate objects" (Friedman, Ordway ,
The opinion of scientists about the real estate
market only confirms the authors ' idea of the need to
apply a systematic approach to the analysis of the
residential real estate market, considering the state
and level of its development in relation to internal and
external factors that have both direct and indirect
influence on it. This approach will allow us to more
accurately assess the opportunities that are inherent in
the real estate market indicators for analyzing and
forecasting the economic development of the subject
and minimizing the risks associated with social
stability and business activity in the region.
For the mutual benefit and protection of Authors and
Publishers, it is necessary that Authors provide
formal written Consent to Publish and Transfer of
Copyright before publication of the Book. In this
study, the authors focus on two factors that have a
significant impact on the state of the residential real
estate market and sales volumes in its primary
segment: the introduced project financing is the first
factor, and the level of mortgage rates is the second
factor, distinguishing them from the system of
indicators as significant in the conditions of 2020.
The misuse of equity holders 'funds in the
construction of residential real estate has led to the
appearance of"defrauded equity holders". The
intensity of the issue of "deceived shareholders",
which is of a social nature, reached a peak by 2019,
and the mechanism for protecting participants in
shared-equity construction was fixed by amendments
to the law on participation in shared-equity
construction of apartment buildings and other real
estate objects in July of the same year. According to
the new interpretation of the 214-FZ, the developer
can conduct its activities using the bank's credit funds,
and access to the money of shareholders accumulated
in escrow accounts will appear after the developer
fulfills its obligations to the shareholders, i.e. puts the
object into operation. The introduction of project
financing and escrow accounts caused a lot of
discussion in the professional community, the central
issues of which were the possible increase in the costs
of developers under the new rules and the associated
decline in sales. According to the parties, the use of
credit funds should definitely lead to an increase in
the cost of construction projects and an increase in the
offer price, which, in turn, will affect the volume of
sales and cause changes in the state of the residential
real estate market, up to its stagnation. The experts '
conclusions were partially confirmed in the behavior
of the residential real estate market: the observed
changes in prices for residential real estate on the
primary market during 2020 differed from the price
dynamics during 2019. At the end of 2019, the price
growth of 1 m2 in the primary housing market was
5.52%, and in 2020-already 10.48%. However, the
market has not stagnated, but continues to develop
Figure 1: Dynamics of changes in the price of 1 sq. m. in
the Russian Federation as a whole for new buildings in the
quarterly section for 2019-2021 (Fedstat, 2021).
The dynamics of changes in the offer price in the
domestic residential real estate market for 2019-2021
is shown in Figure1.
The State of the Residential Real Estate Market of the Russian Federation: Problems and Prospects of Development
Analysis of quarterly changes in the median price
of 1 m2 in the domestic primary housing market
showed that in the first quarter of 2020, the price
increased by 17.78%, in the second quarter of 2020,
the price growth was 19.18%, in the third quarter
21.1%, in the fourth quarter 23.32% compared to
the same periods in 2019. It is worth noting that in
2019, the price growth in the second quarter relative
to the indicators of the Second Quarter was 1.5%, in
the third quarter relative to the second quarter
2.06%, in the fourth quarter relative to the third
quarter – 1.85%; and in the first quarter of 2020, the
price growth was 11.62% relative to the fourth quarter
of 2019. Price growth in the second quarter of 2020
relative to the second Quarter 2.7%, in the third
quarter-3.7%, in the fourth quarter-3.7% (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Dynamics of changes in the price of 1 sq. m. in
the Russian Federation as a whole for new buildings in the
quarterly section for2019-2020. (Fedstat, 2021).
It becomes legitimate to ask how the price
increase will affect sales volumes, given that the
demand in the real estate market is elastic, and
potential customers are very sensitive to price
changes. According to Rosreestr, the share of
registered equity participation agreements
(hereinafter referred to as DDS) in the Russian
Federation with the involvement of escrow accounts
in 2018 was 0.04 %, in 2019 – 5.59%, in 2020-
37.35%. The percentage of registered DDS using
escrow accounts, broken down by federal district, is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Share of equity participation agreements using
escrow accounts in the total volume of registered equity
participation agreements by federal districts for 2019-2020,
% (Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and
Cartography, 2021)
As follows from the data shown in Figure 3, from
July 2019 to December 2020, the share of using
escrow accounts in the Russian Federation was
37.55%; the maximum value was recorded in the
Volga Federal District – 53.43%, the minimum value
in the North-Western Federal District 20.22%.
Ensuring the protection of the interests of
shareholders is, of course, an important issue, but the
issue of housing affordability for the citizens of the
country who need it is no less important. To
understand the results of the transition to escrow
accounts in terms of its impact on the degree of
housing affordability, it is necessary to analyze the
sales of primary market properties. Figure 4 shows
information on the number of registered DDS in the
Russian Federation for 2019-2020.
Figure 4: The number of registered contracts for
participation in shared-equity construction in the Russian
Federation as a whole for 2019-2020 (Fedstat, 2021)
Comparing quarterly 2020 and 2019, we can draw
the following conclusions.
In the first quarter of 2020, when the share of
escrow accounts was 23.84%, and the price increase
was 17.78%, the drop in sales was 26.17% compared
to the first quarter of 2019, when the share of escrow
accounts was 0.41%.
In the second quarter of 2020, when the share of
escrow accounts was 28.54%, and the price increase
was 19.18%, the drop in sales was 46.35% compared
to the second quarter of 2019, when the share of
escrow accounts was 1.01%.
A completely opposite picture can be observed in
the third and fourth quarters of 2020. The growth of
escrow accounts in the third quarter of 2020 was
460.17% from 8.01 % to 36.66%, price growth-
21.1%, and sales volume - 29.01% compared to the
same period of 2019;the growth of the share of
escrow accounts in the fourth quarter of 2020 was
314.97% from 15.63% to 49.23%, price growth
23.32%, and sales volume growth was 56.07%
compared to the same period of 2019.
What is the reason for this situation, when in the
first and second quarters of 2020 there is a sharp drop
in sales, and in the third and fourth quarters of 2020
we see their active growth? Is sales activity related to
an increase in the share of escrow accounts and a
decrease in risks in the primary market, or is it the
influence of other factors?
At the end of the first quarter of 2020, a pandemic
of a new coronavirus infection was declared. The
global coronavirus outbreak has triggered a global
crisis. Sanitary force majeure caused by COVID-19
caused not only a recession in the global economy,
but also in national economic systems (Glazyev,
2020). Restrictive measures have also affected the
residential real estate market.
The lockdown introduced in April-May 2020
paralyzed development activities, restrictive
measures were introduced in 44 regions, and
construction activities were completely stopped in
Moscow and the Moscow Region. As a result, sales
volumes began to fall in the first quarter of 2020; the
trend continued in the second quarter. The drop in
sales, triggered by the increase in the supply price due
to the introduction of project financing, was
exacerbated by the restrictive measures associated
with the pandemic; and the result of these two factors
was a record drop in sales in 2020 46.35%. The
current situation posed a real threat of bankruptcy of
many construction companies and the appearance of
"deceived shareholders"on the market.
The point of view expressed by the chief analyst
of the RGR, Gennady Sternik, regarding the measures
taken by the authorities during the crisis of 2014 is
also relevant for the crisis of 2020: "from the point of
view of the model of economic development that the
authorities are trying to implement, the reaction is
competent. It is based on the fact that it is necessary
to stimulate not demand, but supply – production and
construction. After all, only the real sector can lead to
the creation of new jobs, income growth and,
ultimately, demand" ((Sternik, 2015). The opinion of
the scientist, who has been analyzing and forecasting
the situation in the residential real estate market for
many years, was supported by Russian President
Vladimir Putin, when speaking at a meeting on the
construction industry, he noted: "We will definitely
support the construction complex. Moreover, at the
stage of economic recovery, it is construction that
should become one of the engines of growth, which
will pull other sectors along with it" (Putin, 2020) ,
One of the measures of state support for the
industry was the implementation of the Program of
subsidizing mortgage rates at 6.5% per annum of
preferential mortgages. The preferential program was
launched in May 2020 and in October of the same
year was extended until the end of the first half of
2021 (Decree of the Government of the Russian
Federation No. 1732 of October 24, 2020), allowing
citizens to purchase residential real estate on the
primary market.
The implementation of the program of subsidizing
mortgage rates against the background of the
weighted monetary policy of the Bank of Russia, the
programs led to a decrease in mortgage market rates,
during 2020, the average mortgage rate decreased by
1.64% (from 9.05% at the beginning of the year to
7.36% on 01.01.2021), in the primary housing
market, the decrease in the average housing rate for
this period was 2.46%. During this period, there was
an increase in the weighted average term of mortgage
lending from 215 to 222 months, which, along with a
decrease in interest rates, led to an increase in the
availability of mortgage lending. In 2020, the growth
in the number of mortgage loans issued for the
purchase of housing in new buildings compared to
2019 amounted to 142.4 %, the increase in the amount
of loans issued for this period amounted to 62.0%. In
2020, more than 484 thousand rubles were issued.
loans in the amount of about 1.5 trillion rubles.
The share of transactions under the Mortgage Rate
Subsidy Program, according to the Financial Institute
for Housing Development DOM.RF, increased from
51% in 2019 to 66%in 2020. During this period,
348,900 loan agreements for the purchase of housing
in new buildings were issued under the preferential
mortgage program with a supply of no more than
6.5%, which is 45.8% of the total number of
registered DDU (Review of housing markets, housing
construction and mortgages in 2020). It is precisely
the measures of state support for the construction
industry introduced in time in the form of preferential
mortgages that explain the recovery in sales volumes
in the primary residential real estate market in the
third and fourth quarters of 2020.
The anti-crisis measures proposed by the Russian
government in the form of a preferential mortgage at
6.5% for the purchase of housing in new buildings
reoriented demand from secondary housing to the
segment of new buildings, since the weighted average
mortgage rate for the secondary housing market was
8.33% in January 2020, and 8.04% in December, with
a mortgage rate in the subsidized segment of 8.0%
and 5.8%, respectively. The existing preferential
mortgage on the secondary housing market is
available to a limited number of families families
with children and children with disabilities, which,
together with the observed dynamics of real estate
prices for months, when prices for primary housing
are lower than for secondary housing (especially in
Moscow), exacerbates the existing problems and
pushes the buyer's demand in the segment of new
The State of the Residential Real Estate Market of the Russian Federation: Problems and Prospects of Development
The package of anti-crisis measures announced by
the Government of the Russian Federation in mid-
March 2020 to support the housing construction
sector contained special approaches to the application
of financial sanctions under the legislation on shared-
equity construction for the failure of developers to
meet their obligations during housing construction in
2020. In addition, a temporary moratorium was
introduced on the recovery of funds for enforcement
proceedings related to improper performance of
obligations by the developer, and a temporary ban on
the inclusion of apartment buildings in the register of
problematic objects was established. The list of
strategic organizations included 54 construction
organizations that meet such criteria as the volume of
construction of residential and non residential
buildings of at least 400.0 thousand square meters and
revenue for 2019-at least 10 billion rubles. The total
volume of objects under construction at the
organizations included in the list amounted to 53.5
million square meters.
Along with the factors that positively affected the
recovery of the residential real estate market, there
were also negative ones, which, first of all, include
the reduction of wages and the loss of jobs. "Real cash
income (income minus mandatory payments taxes
and fees, interest on loans, etc., adjusted for inflation)
in 2020 fell by 3.5% after an increase of 1.0% in
2019." (Fedstat, 2021).
The current situation in the residential real estate
market makes us seriously think about the question
that the solution of the social issue with "deceived
shareholders" through project financing, which leads
to an increase in prices, reduces the availability of
housing and regional development. Therefore, for the
implementation of the national project "Housing and
Urban Environment", according to which it is
necessary to ensure the availability of housing for
middle-income families using mortgages with a rate
of less than 8%, as well as to ensure the construction
volume of 120 million square meters. in a year" [20],it
is necessary to develop and implement a set of state
support measures aimed at both developers and target
customers. A striking example was the mortgage at
6.5% per annum, which became the driver of the
industry and allowed us to achieve sales volumes
almost as in 2019.
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