Personality Shifting Agent to Remove Users’ Negative Impression on
Speech Recognition Failure
Tatsuki Hori
and Kazuki Kobayashi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Nagano 380-8553, Japan
Academic Assembly, Shinshu University, Nagano 380-8553, Japan
Conversational Agents, Experiment, Voice Interfaces, User Experiences.
In this study, we propose a method to shift an agent’s personality during speech interaction to reduce users’
negative impressions of speech recognition systems when speech recognition fails. Although spoken dialog
interfaces, such as smart speakers, have emerged to support our daily lives and the accuracy of speech recog-
nition has improved, users are burden with rephrasing commands for these systems because they fail. Speech
recognition failure makes users uncomfortable, and the cognitive strain in rephrasing commands is high. The
proposed method aims to eliminate users’ negative impression of agents by allowing an agent to have mul-
tiple personalities and accept responsibility for the failure, with the personality responsible for failure being
removed from the task. System hardware remains the same, and users can continue to interact with another
personality of the agent. Shifting the agent’s personality is represented by a change in voice tone and LED
color. Experimental results with 20 participants suggested that the proposed method reduces users’ nega-
tive impressions by improving communication between users and the agent, as well as the agent’s sense of
responsibility, and that users felt that the agent have emotions.
In recent years, spoken dialog technology has been
widely used and is becoming a part of people’s daily
lives (Guam
an et al., 2018). Smart assistants based on
speech interaction technologies such as Google Assis-
tant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri have been de-
veloped and installed on smartphones, smart speak-
ers, cars, and so on. A survey on smart speaker
penetration (Philpott, 2018) rates reported that 21%
of homes in the US have smart speakers, and in the
four years since the release of the first smart speaker,
Amazon Echo, smart speakers have reached a level of
adoption compared to other smart home devices such
as security webcams and smart thermostats.
The research field of speech interaction includes
speech synthesis (Hojo et al., 2018) (Bulut et al.,
2002), the implementation of dialog models (Ya-
mamoto et al., 2018), and speech recognition (Kato
et al., 2008) (Le et al., 2019), all of which are primar-
ily focused on improving the experience of natural in-
teraction between users and devices. Although speech
recognition techniques have progressed through vari-
ous studies, it is difficult to completely prevent speech
recognition failures because of noise in complex real-
world environments, different accents, user speech
problems (stuttering, word swallowing, etc), an ex-
cessively narrow database (in its vocabulary), and so
on. When speech recognition fails, users have a nega-
tive impression of the speech recognition device, and
it would have a negative impact on its continuous use.
It is necessary to appropriately remove negative im-
pressions of users when recognition fails because hu-
mans are more persistent in negative impressions than
in positive impressions and are less likely to over-
ride negative impressions (Fiske, 1980). As a method
to prevent users from having negative impressions of
speech recognition devices, a method to present the
internal state of a robot (Breazeal et al., 2005) (Ko-
matsu et al., 2018) and a method to apologize when
the robot fails (Engelhardt et al., 2017) have been pro-
posed. However, other than apologies, no method for
accepting responsibility through specific actions has
been proposed. The ability of a system to perform its
responsibilities is an important part of human-system
interaction (C¸
u et al., 2010) and is a complex
issue that requires a contextual understanding of the
interaction (Webb et al., 2019).
This paper proposes a speech interaction agent
with multiple personalities within a single device to
Hori, T. and Kobayashi, K.
Personality Shifting Agent to Remove Users’ Negative Impression on Speech Recognition Failure.
DOI: 10.5220/0010687400003060
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2021), pages 181-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-538-8; ISSN: 2184-3244
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Table 1: Agent’s appearances and behavior in each state.
State Appearance Personality Behavior
Standby All The upper and bottom parts
remain gray colored in each
Listening All The upper part blinks red at 30
fps in each personality
Speaking Personality A
The bottom part blinks blue at
30 fps
Speaking Personality A
The bottom part blinks yellow
at 30 fps
Speaking Personality A
The bottom part blinks green
at 30 fps
properly handle the responsibility of failure. In the
proposed method, when speech recognition fails, the
personality of the agent is replaced with another one.
Although speech recognition failure leaves a user with
a negative impression of the system, it is possible to
prevent users’ impression from deteriorating because
by replacing the agent’s personality with another per-
sonality, the agent accepts responsibility for the fail-
ure. The proposed method can display a scene in
which the current personality of the agent is changed
to another personality during speech recognition fail-
ure, with an indication of the agent’s internal state it
and an apology as a specific action to accept responsi-
bility. As interacting with multiple agents has a high
cognitive strain (Yoshikawa et al., 2017) (Nishimura
et al., 2013), our proposed method allows only one
agent to respond at a time, which has the advantage
of preventing confusion during speech interaction.
The proposed personality agent is a speech interac-
tion agent that interacts with a user by representing
different personalities by combining factors such as
the agent’s appearance color and voice tone.
2.1 Agent Behavior
The agent’s personalities are implemented in a single
device, and one personality is expressed at a time. The
expressed agent’s personality is replaced with another
one when speech recognition fails. Speech recogni-
tion failures often leave users with a negative impres-
sion. However, personality shifting by the agent can
suppress users’ negative impression because the cur-
rent personality accepts the responsibility for the fail-
ure and is dismissed from the task. Each personality
expresses a combination of factors such as the agent’s
appearance color and voice tone and speaks a com-
mon predetermined content. The personality names
are not presented to users and the agent always starts
the personality change with ”Next is my turn.
Table 1 shows the appearances and behavior of the
agent in each state. The agent has three personalities
and states, respectively, and expresses them by chang-
ing its color. The states are standby, listening, and
speaking, and the personalities are A
, A
, and A
. In
the standby state, the color of the agent is gray be-
cause no color is changed. In the listening state, the
upper part of the agent blinks (30fps) red according
to a user’s speech input. In the speech speaking state,
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Table 2: Example of dialog between user and agent.
Recognition Dialog
Success User: Turn off the TV.
Agent: Yes, I’ll turn off the TV... It’s off.
Failure User: Turn off the air cleaner.
Agent: I’m sorry. I did not catch that.
(Then Shifting Personalities)
Agent: Next is my turn. Your orders, please.
User: Turn off the air cleaner.
Table 3: Audio settings of agent personalities.
Vocaloid Name Takahashi Tsudsumi Suzuki Sasara Satoh
Gender Male Female Female
Volume 0.00 0.00 0.00
Speed 1.00 1.21 1.00
Pitch 0 0 0
Quality 0.00 0.00 0.00
Intonation 1.00 1.00 1.00
Special features Energetic: 0.00 Cool: 0.47 Energetic: 1.00
Normality: 1.00 Embarrassed: 0.53 Normality: 0.00
Depressed: 0.00 Anger: 0.00
Sadness: 0.00
the bottom part of the agent blinks (30fps) the color of
the personality, i.e., blue, yellow, or green, according
to the agent’s speech. The color change represents the
internal state of the agent, to avoid speech collisions,
and expresses the differences in the personalities of
the agent.
Table 2 shows examples of successful and unsuc-
cessful speech recognition of dialog between users
and the agent. Personality is shifted only when speech
recognition fails, and the next personality appears and
waits for commands. Personality shifting is cycled
in one direction, A
, A
, and A
Personality shifting is immediately after the agent in-
forms users of its failure and apologizes. Each per-
sonality is expressed through synthetic speech sounds
generated by the speech synthesis software CeVIO
Creative Studio Ver. 6.1, which includes three voices:
Takahashi, Suzuki Tsudumi, and Sato Sasara. Table 3
shows speech sound settings for A
, A
, and A
The experiment aims to evaluate users’ impression of
the personality shifting agent. The effectiveness of the
proposed method is analyzed using the agent’s per-
sonality shifting factors as independent variables and
users’ impression as a dependent variable.
PC Monitor
Air Conditioner
Ceiling LightStand Light
Air Cleaner
Figure 1: Voice control home appliance simulator.
3.1 Voice Control Home Appliance
Figure 1 shows the developed voice control simula-
tor for simulating home appliance operation through
voice commands. The simulator operates home appli-
ances based on voice commands from a user and visu-
Personality Shifting Agent to Remove Users’ Negative Impression on Speech Recognition Failure
Table 4: Voice command list.
No. Voice Command Trigger Keyword Recognition Feedback
1 Turn on the Ceiling Light Ceiling / light / Lighting / Room/ Flu-
orescent / Turn / On / Power / Switch
/ Start / Begin / Bright
2 Turn off the Stand Light Stand / Indirect / Light / Off / Stop /
End / Dark
3 Turn on the TV TV / Television / Turn / On / Start /
Switch / Project / Power
4 Turn off the Air Cleaner Air / Cleaner / Purifier / Turn / Off /
Stop / End
5 Turn on the PC PC / Personal / Computer / Turn / On
/ Start / Up / Boot / Fire / Power
6 Turn on the Air Conditioner Air / Conditioner / AC / / Heater /
Conditioning / Turn / On / Start / Be-
ginning / Power
7 Turn off the Ceiling Light Ceiling / Light / Lighting / Room
/ Fluorescent / Turn / Off / Stop /
Switch / End / Dark
8 Turn on the Stand Light Stand / Indirect / Light / On / Switch
/ Start / Bright
9 Turn off the TV TV / Television / Turn / Off / End /
10 Turn on the Air Cleaner Air / Cleaner / Purifier / Turn / On /
Power / Start / Clean
11 Turn off the PC PC / Personal / Computer / Turn / Off
/ Shut / Down / Shutdown / Power /
12 Turn off the Air Conditioner Air / Conditioner / AC / Heater / Con-
ditioning / Turn / Off / End / Stop /
alizes the behavior through animation. As a front-end
system, Processing 3.5.3 is used to develop the simu-
lator and as a back-end system, a web application is
also developed with the Web Speech API for speech
recognition. The Web Speech API is a JavaScript
API that enables developers to embed speech recog-
nition features in web applications. In our experi-
ment, Google Chrome serves the JavaScript runtime
to support the Web Speech API’s speech recognition
function. A web server runs on the Processing, and
the developed web application calls the API to ob-
tain the recognized text of a user’s speeches. The
obtained text data are sent to the front-end system
through WebSocket communication. When the front-
end system receives the text data from the back-end
system, it checks the data against the predefined dic-
tionary. If the text data contain keywords listed in the
dictionary, the agent responds to the user, and the sys-
tem begins to operate the home appliance according
to the command. If the received text data do not con-
tain the keywords, it is considered speech recognition
failure, and then the agent’s personality is shifted.
3.2 Experimental Conditions
The experiment includes two conditions: an agent
with personality shifting and without it. We used a
between-participants experimental design. In the per-
sonality shifting condition, the agent shifts its person-
ality when speech recognition fails, as shown in Ta-
ble 2. In the non-shifting condition, the agent says
”I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that. if speech recognition
is successful, the agents behave similarly in both con-
ditions. In the experiments, we designed the simula-
tor behavior so that speech recognition always fails at
a specific time, even when it is successful. Twenty
participants (19 male and 1 female) were used in the
experiment. All participants were Shinshu Univer-
sity’s students and the average age was 22.2 years old
(S.D. = 0.73). Specifically, to ensure that the partic-
ipants experience the agent’s personality shifting in
the personality shifting condition, the system was pro-
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
grammed to intentionally fail in speech recognition
for 6 of the 12 commands that the participants were
required to execute.
3.3 Procedure
The participants were briefed about the experiment on
the simulator and only participated in the experiment
if they agreed to it. They were led to a private room
and given headphones equipped with microphones. A
voice command list that contains the order of voice
operations was given to them, and they were told to
give commands to the simulator’s home appliances
based on the list. The voice command column in Ta-
ble 4 shows the voice command list provided to the
participants. The table also includes trigger keywords
that trigger the agent to respond to the voice command
and the success or failure result, as predesigned recog-
nition feedback. Speech recognition always fails at
least once for the entry labeled ”Failure” in the ta-
ble. The trigger keywords in the table such as nouns
and verbs are originally in Japanese because the par-
ticipants were Japanese. The same voice command
list was used in both conditions. After instructing the
simulator with the voice commands, the participants
completed a questionnaire on their impressions of the
3.4 Evaluation Indices and Participants
Table 5 shows the questionnaire on their impression
of the system, which consists of 26 items. Item 1 has
a choice between 1 and 10. Items 2-26 are 7-point
Likert-scale items. The number is large if the partici-
pant’s impressions match the question; otherwise, the
number is small. The questionnaire includes a sec-
tion in which the participants can freely express their
opinions and impressions of the experiment. Among
the 20 participants, 10 people experienced the person-
ality shifting condition and the other 10 people expe-
rienced the non-shifting condition.
Table 5 shows the result of the questionnaire and sta-
tistical analysis. The sample size for each condition
is 10, which may not guarantee normality in the pop-
ulation. Therefore, we use Mann-Whitney’s U test,
which is highly reliable even when the sample size is
small (Nachar, 2008).
The significant difference between the conditions
in the mean value of Item 9 (U = 23.50, p = 0.040)
and Item 17 (U = 23.00, p = 0.041) was found. This
suggests that the personality shifting method leaves
a stronger impression of good communication and
shows a greater sense of responsibility than the non-
shifting method.
In Item 1, the participants were asked how many
talkers were in the system, and the results show that
seven of ten participants answered 3, two answered 4,
and one answered 2 in the personality shifting con-
dition, implying that all participants were aware of
the agents’ personality shifting. Most of the partici-
pants in the non-shifting condition, on the other hand,
thought the talker was one. This suggests that the
participants were aware of the characteristics of each
condition as we intended.
5.1 Effect of Personality Shifting
The statistical analysis suggests that personality shift-
ing can provide stronger impressions of good com-
munication (Item 9) and a greater sense of respon-
sibility (Item 17) than the non-shifting method. For
Item 9, notably, the participants interpreted that they
could effectively communicate with the simulator
even though the agent’s extra speech during person-
ality shifting may have negatively impacted dialog
rhythm. For Item 17, the participants felt that the
agent accepted the responsibility for failure in the per-
sonality shifting condition, which may have empha-
sized a sense of responsibility because what the agent
says corresponds to what it does. In other words, say-
ing sorry and resigning to accept the blame may give
the impression that it is keeping to its word. However,
this may be culturally dependent because all partici-
pants were Japanese.
Although there is no statistically significant dif-
ference in Item 2 (I felt emotions from the system),
there is a significant difference between the experi-
mental conditions. The score of the condition using
the proposed method is higher than the condition not
using it, which indicate that the proposed method may
have emphasized emotional expressions. Agents that
express emotions (George, 2019) are expected to play
an important role in speech interaction in terms of em-
pathizing with users and conveying non-verbal infor-
mation. Although the proposed method does not di-
rectly deal with emotions, the behavior of personality
shifting may affect emotional information in speech
interaction. How such words and behaviors are inter-
preted as emotional information by users needs to be
investigated in the future.
Multi-person dialog systems have limitations such
Personality Shifting Agent to Remove Users’ Negative Impression on Speech Recognition Failure
Table 5: Questionnaire items and experimental results.
No. Questionnaire
Personality Shifting Non-Shifting
U d. f . p
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
1 How many talkers are in the system? 3.10 0.57 1.20 0.63
2 I felt emotions from the system 3.90 2.02 2.20 1.62 28.50 18.0 0.089
3 I felt blamed by the system 1.20 0.63 1.20 0.63 50.00 18.0 1.000
4 I felt my instructions were well re-
ceived by the system
4.70 1.25 4.50 1.65 48.00 18.0 0.905
5 My own instructions were appropri-
5.30 1.06 4.50 1.65 38.50 18.0 0.394
6 I felt that the system was stable 4.30 1.49 4.50 1.08 47.50 18.0 0.876
7 I felt that the system was confident 3.90 1.10 4.00 1.56 47.50 18.0 0.877
8 I felt that the system asked me so
many time to repeat the command
4.50 1.35 3.90 1.52 37.50 18.0 0.353
9 I was able to communicate well with
the system
5.30 1.34 4.10 1.29 23.50 18.0 0.040
10 I felt that the system was friendly 5.40 1.35 4.60 1.51 34.50 18.0 0.246
11 I felt that the system was noisy 3.40 1.90 2.10 1.29 29.00 18.0 0.109
12 I felt frustrated using the system 2.40 1.51 3.30 1.70 33.50 18.0 0.216
13 I felt that the system was complicated 2.70 1.70 2.60 0.97 49.50 18.0 1.000
14 I felt that the system understood my
5.70 1.16 5.00 1.25 33.50 18.0 0.216
15 I felt that the system was obedient to
my instructions
5.70 1.34 6.00 1.05 44.50 18.0 0.692
16 I felt that this system was not per-
forming well
3.30 1.77 2.90 1.29 45.50 18.0 0.757
17 I felt that the system had a strong
sense of responsibility
4.50 1.90 2.60 1.71 23.00 18.0 0.041
18 I could quickly figure out how to tell
the system what to do
6.30 0.95 5.90 1.60 45.00 18.0 0.707
19 I could understand the meaning of
the system’s statements
6.70 0.67 6.60 0.70 45.50 18.0 0.690
20 I understand how to use the system 6.70 0.67 6.60 0.52 42.00 18.0 0.480
21 I felt that there was a calm atmo-
sphere during the experiment
6.00 1.33 6.80 0.42 32.00 18.0 0.118
22 I felt the pleasant atmosphere during
the experiment
5.00 1.63 4.40 1.17 36.50 18.0 0.308
23 I felt that I could easily control appli-
ances in a similar experiment
4.70 1.77 5.20 1.69 40.50 18.0 0.485
24 I can trust this system 4.70 1.25 5.00 1.15 40.00 18.0 0.452
25 I felt the system considered my feel-
4.30 1.64 3.70 1.89 41.50 18.0 0.539
26 I want to use this system on a daily
4.50 1.65 5.00 1.33 38.00 18.0 0.367
p < 0.05
as the loss of speech opportunities and the complex-
ity of dialog (Nishimura et al., 2013). Although the
proposed method also provides multi-personality, the
mean values of the experimental results for the feel-
ing of being blamed by the system (Item 3), frustra-
tion with the system (Item 12), and the complication
of the system (Item 13) were all less than 4. Thus, the
proposed method would avoid this type of problem
because a user interacts with only one agent at a time.
However, Item 11 suggests that the personality shift-
ing condition may provide a noisier impression for
users than the non-shifting condition. The average ut-
terance time in the personality shifting condition was
approximately 1 s longer than that in the non-shifting
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
condition because of the additional utterance of ”Next
is my turn. Your orders, please. In addition to that,
participants may have perceived a collective presence
of multiple personalities even though they did not ap-
pear at the same time.
Since questionnaire results in this experiment
were rated on a 7-point Likert-scale, a rating of 4 is in-
terpreted as neutral. Although neither Item 8 nor Item
25 showed a significant difference in the statistical
significance test, notably, the results of each of them
are divided between the conditions with the evalua-
tion value of 4 as the boundary. Item 8 is a question
about the annoyance of the system. The personality
shifting condition may be rated more negatively if the
number of times the agent asks the participants the
same question in both conditions is the same. On the
other hand, Item 25 is a question about the system’s
consideration of user’s feelings, and it might be seen
that the personality shifting condition was rated more
positively. A participant responded, ”I felt like the
agents were helping each other well by shifting per-
sonalities” as a free comment. By shifting personali-
ties, it appears as if agents recover the failure caused
by other agents. In the experiment, the relationship
between the agents is not clearly expressed; however,
it may be interpreted on the basis of Balance Theory
for agents (Nakanishi et al., 2003). The design of the
relationship between agents as well as the expression
of individual agents may bring beneficial effects to
This suggests that the agent’s personality shifting
improved the impression of speech recognition failure
and users’ interaction experience.
5.2 Limitations
The results of this experiment were obtained under the
constraint that the participants only interacted with
the agent for a short period, approximately 10 min.
Therefore, it is unclear whether the same effect will
be observed when the proposed method is used for
a longer period. The effect of habituation through
long-term interaction between users and agents (Leite
et al., 2013) should be investigated in the future, con-
sidering real-world scenarios.
The agent personalities used in the experiment had
one female and two male voices, with the combina-
tion and shifting order fixed. Therefore, the effect of
the ratio and gender distribution of the agent’s per-
sonalities, as well as the order of alternation, is un-
known. It is technically possible to shift the agent
personality according to a user’s gender, and such de-
sign guidelines and effective functions should be fur-
ther investigated in the future. The results of this ex-
periment were obtained under some constraints that
the combination and order of the male and female
voices of the agents were fixed, that the interaction
period was short, insufficient number of participants,
and that the participants were immersed in Japanese
culture. These are subjects for further study.
The experiment was restricted to Japanese partic-
ipants and the Japanese language. Different nuances
of cultural pragmatics and politeness are emphasized
in different cultural spheres in terms of their influence
on experimental results (Haugh, 2004). Therefore,
the experimental results may be strongly influenced
by Japanese culture and language. In particular, it is
contentious how personality shifting behavior is in-
terpreted in other cultures, and this is a subject for
further study.
This study proposed a method for shifting an agent’s
personality during speech interaction to reduce users’
negative impressions of speech recognition systems
when speech recognition fails. We developed a
voice control simulator to simulate the operation of
home appliances through voice commands and im-
plemented the agent’s personality shifting through
the change of voice tone and LED color of a smart
speaker. The experimental results suggested that the
proposed method can provide stronger impressions of
good communication and a greater sense of responsi-
bility than the non-shifting method. Although speech
recognition failure is uncomfortable and the cogni-
tive strain of rephrasing commands is high for users,
personality shifting could solve this type of problem.
The proposed method has the advantage of allowing
the agent to apologize and accept responsibility for
speech recognition failure by taking the concrete ac-
tion of dismissing the failed personality. This would
be an important point for users and may become an
essential element for various interactive systems.
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CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications