Blockchain Potential for Supply Chain Reconfiguration in Post
COVID-19 Era
Marco Ardolino
, Beatrice Marchi
, Maciel M. Queiroz
, Andrea Bacchetti
and Simone Zanoni
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Brescia,
via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Paulista University, Postgraduate Program in Business Administration, 04026-002, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Brescia,
via Branze 43, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Covid-19, Blockchain.
Abstract: The spread of the coronavirus has had a major impact on the global economy, highlighting the shortcomings
and weaknesses of global supply chains. Major issues such as supply disruptions, shortages of raw materials
and spare parts, restricted transport, and ineffective exchange of information between actors within the supply
chain have resulted. The empirical evidence of these events is widely discussed in the literature, which has
brought out the urgent need to rethink the configuration of customer-supplier relations at an overall level. One
technology that is much discussed in the literature and potentially useful in supporting supply chain processes
is the blockchain technology. Blockchain has been gaining attraction across different sectors, even if there are
still few applications in supply chain management, most at an experimental level. The aim of this paper is to
analyse the potential applications of blockchain to support supply chain processes, to fill the gaps highlighted
during the Covid pandemic. Through the analysis of the literature, the authors aim to give a preliminary
overview on the relationships between Covid-19 impacts and benefits achievable by the application of
blockchain technology in the supply chain, for an effective supply chain reconfiguration in a post-covid era.
The diffusion of COVID-19 started in China in the
late 2019, and after few months, it was declared a
world pandemic by the World Health Organization.
This pandemic has caused unprecedented outbreaks
in the supply chains of several industry sectors, with
important economic effects at a global level
(Chowdhury et al. 2021; Queiroz et al. 2020). Supply
interruptions, extended lead times, information
asymmetry between parties and a drastic change in
consumption habits have led to a real-world crisis
(Ino and Watanabe, 2021). In most cases supply
chains have not proved enough resilient to this strong
external shock, despite the continued and pervasive
deployment of digital technologies that could
potentially have significantly mitigated these effects
(Belhadi et al. 2021). Indeed, supply chain
management has been revolutionizing by the
introduction of more and more sophisticated ICTs and
overall digitalization (Zheng et al. 2020). Among the
various digital technologies mentioned by the
literature, there is blockchain technology (BT)
(Queiroz and Fosso Wamba, 2019). The intrinsic
characteristics of Blockchain - reliability,
transparency and security - can effectively support the
various transactions that take place between the
various actors involved (Wang et al. 2019). Despite
these potential characteristics for improving supply
chain management, many firms are still either
Ardolino, M., Marchi, B., Queiroz, M., Bacchetti, A. and Zanoni, S.
Blockchain Potential for Supply Chain Reconfiguration in Post COVID-19 Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0010676300003062
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics (IN4PL 2021), pages 100-107
ISBN: 978-989-758-535-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sceptical about blockchain opportunities in the supply
chain management (Frizzo-Barker et al. 2020).
Therefore, while the scientific literature provides
many contributions aimed at highlighting the great
potential of blockchain to support supply chain
processes, there are very few applications in practice
and scepticism still prevails. This paper presents a
preliminary study aimed at bridging the gap between
research and practice regarding the adoption of
blockchain for supply chain management. The main
objective is to highlight the relationships between the
potential benefits of blockchain implementation
versus the weaknesses highlighted during the covid-
19 pandemic. In terms of organization, Section 2
highlights the main impacts of COVID-19 on the
supply chain management while Section 3 presents an
overview of the main features of blockchain
technology and a list of its main applications to
support supply chain management. Section 4
discusses the findings presented in the previous
sections, preliminarily highlighting the links between
the impacts of covid-19 and potential applications of
blockchain. Finally, the practical and scientific
challenges are depicted.
The impacts of COVID-19 have not only been health-
related, but also economic, as the pandemic has
simultaneously impacted the global supply chain in
all its nodes (Paul and Chowdhury, 2020). Figure 1
presents the main impacts of the diffusion of Covid-
19 on the worldwide supply chain activities.
Figure 1: Covid-19 impacts on supply chain management.
Several companies around the world have
experienced supply chain interruptions because of the
Covid-19 outbreak, mainly caused by production
disruption of raw materials and spare parts, and
setbacks in logistics (Taqi et al., 2020). At the
beginning of the pandemic, managers of
manufacturing companies experienced challenges,
especially in obtaining inputs for production
processes (Rapaccini et al., 2020). Therefore, Covid-
19 has represented an external shock of
unprecedented magnitude, affecting the supply and
demand sides alike, and revealing the fragility of most
supply chains (Harris et al., 2020). Moreover,
disastrous have been the impacts for all those
companies engaged in exclusive agreements with
suppliers (Juergensen, Guimón, and Narula, 2020).
The spread of Covid-19 had also a significant impact
on society and the lifestyles of people worldwide,
fostering behavioural change in consumers (Ivanov
and Dolgui, 2020; Queiroz et al., 2020). People
drastically reduced the number of visits to physical
shops due to the fear factor by increasingly exploiting
shopping online (Borsellino, Kaliji, and Schimmenti,
2020; Seetharaman, 2020). Therefore, Covid-19
pandemic effects have also shed light on the need to
think about the social impacts of individuals. One of
the most important emotional impacts has
undoubtedly been panic buying, that is an
accumulation of goods that happens in periods of
severe uncertainties which increases the demand for
certain essential items (Borsellino, Kaliji, and
Schimmenti, 2020; Ibn-Mohammed et al., 2021). The
spread of Covid-19 virus has also pushed
governments to introduce policies addressing the
national control of supply chains in unexpected ways
through, for example, export restrictions on some
medicines and medical equipment (Xu et al. 2020).
Crisis response arose in the worldwide mass
production of single-use and other disposable
products such as gloves, masks, face shields, and
other equipment (Diaz-Elsayed, Morris, and Schoop
2020). This massive source of plastic waste could
become an environmental disaster if not managed
effectively. Moreover, an increase in online shopping
has also provoked a surge in the production and
demand for packaging materials, thus causing a
significant increase in the amount of waste generated
(Liu et al. 2020). In some cases, emergency and
supply shortages have led to the relaxation of certain
product controls to facilitate rapid procurement. The
relaxation of regulations has certainly brought
benefits, but there is also the other side of the coin
since fraudulent products claiming to cure, treat or
prevent COVID-19 have been on the rise (Fairgrieve
et al., 2020).
Blockchain Potential for Supply Chain Reconfiguration in Post COVID-19 Era
3.1 Blockchain Technology
BT is a decentralized peer-to-peer system without a
central authority, which can disrupt traditional
operations management by providing a transparent,
open, trusted platform (Hibbert, 2017; Yoo and Won,
2018). The chained structure consists of a time
sequence of blocks, which are a collection of data
containing transactions-related information and
records. The key concepts of blockchain are (Marchi
et al., 2019): (i) peer-to-peer distributed shared
ledger, (ii) consensus, (iii) cryptography, and (iv)
smart contracts. Several benefits can be introduced
using the blockchain technology (Hibbert, 2017),
such as transparency of trades tracking (automation
allows the real time updating of transactions
information), data protection, accuracy, and security
(providing a single shared view of information in the
nodes, stored transactions cannot be duplicated,
altered, or deleted without parties’ consensus which
foster trust among them), resilience (the distributed
nature of blockchain allows to avoid single points of
failure), efficiency (reduced transaction-related cost
mainly due to the absence of third-party
intermediaries and to the reduction of the complexity
that should be managed), risk reduction (shared
information allows to better manage risks and to
reduce their impacts). Furthermore, faster
transactions can be enabled, reducing the probability
to incur in delays which come at a cost. BT has, thus,
a great potential to support companies in managing
the complexity and to change the human-to-human
and business cooperation model.
3.2 Blockchain Applications in the
Supply Chain
BT has a wide range of application and the
potentialities to disrupt several sectors (Figure 2).
Specifically, in the supply chain and logistics
activities, it can offer new ways of monitoring and
managing the different flows (i.e., materials,
information and financial) through the entire lifecycle
of the goods.
Product Traceability. Given its unique
characteristics, blockchain help managing product
traceability within the supply chain (Behnke and
Janssen, 2020). In some contexts, the need to
implement a traceability system within the supply
chain is crucial. Consumers’ sensibility is increased,
Figure 2: BT applications in supply chain management.
especially in food and pharmaceutical sector (Behnke
and Janssen, 2020). For this reason, in many cases,
national and international regulations have become
much stricter with improved quality controls.
Therefore, suppliers might want to show their
products’ origin and quality to consumers and to
comply with regulations. Traditionally, traceability
has been managed by independent actors whose task
was to carry out the appropriate checks and verify the
authenticity of the information provided (Lu & Xu,
2017). These solutions generally rely on centralized
systems and are characterized by the high risk of
suffering of data manipulations because of lack of
transparency and trust. The blockchain overcomes
these problems as all blocks are cryptographically
connected, minimizing all possible risks of data
manipulations (Sunny et al. 2020). In addition, since
it is a distributed ledger, it is possible at any time and
in real time to find out information about a product
and its entire history such as: timestamps, location,
and environment characteristics (Kim et Laskowski,
2017). Therefore, BT has the potentiality to improve
traceability of products thanks to the immutability of
stored transactional data, and the maintenance of only
one version of the transactional database without a
third-party intermediate “accountant” (Tapscott and
Tapscott, 2016).
Transparency and Visibility. The traceability
applications offered by blockchain technology have
positive repercussions in supply chain transparency
and visibility (Kamble et al., 2020). Traceability
helps gathering the history of a product within the
supply chain and this might drastically improve
visibility (Agrawal, Sharma, and Kumar, 2018).
Transparency involves the overall visibility of the
supply chain among the different players and is
enabled by traceability through tracing and tracking
(Sunny et al., 2020). Transparency is guaranteed by
complete visibility, that is the capability to access or
IN4PL 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
share information across the supply chain. Ben-Daya
et al. (2019) describes supply chain visibility as “the
ability of a firm to collect, access, assess and share
useful, accurate, trusted, secure and timely
information across its internal functions as well as the
supply chain partners and market”. Supply chain
visibility does not involve only information
availability but requires accuracy of data and a shared
structure that enables all the nodes to make decisions
in a timely manner. Traditional centralized systems
are generally inefficient in achieving an adequate
supply chain visibility. Indeed, third-party
involvement might cause longer transaction times and
high cost with several issues concerning integration
of physical and digital worlds (Reddy et al. 2019). In
a global context where business environments are
becoming more and more decentralized, blockchain
applications may create collaborative environments
for improving supply chain performances (Sunny et
al. 2020). BT also helps improving transparency by
eliminating the lack of trust in the supply chain
(Kamble et al., 2018). The potential benefits are
evident in the management of the delivery cycle,
reducing discrepancies regarding information flow,
and the quality of product delivered (Haoyan et al.
2017). Therefore, structural characteristics of the
blockchain are set in a way such that security and
transparency is effectively achieved (Dutta et al.
2020). BT thus improve visibility, making the supply
chain reactive to external changes.
Business Model Innovation. Business model brings
together the main features of a business through
which inputs are transformed into outputs creating
and delivering value for customers (Teece, 2010).
Generally, it is crystallized using specific tools (e.g.,
the business model canvas) that help practitioners
assess the business and evaluate appropriate
innovations (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). The
impact of BT on the configuration of a business
model can be potentially disruptive, offering the
opportunity to create genuine new business. BT might
transform the business model enhancing the whole
process in a transparent and trustworthy way
(Shahzad, 2020). Parida et al. (2019) focused on the
potentialities of blockchain in innovating the value-
capture component of business model exploiting the
characteristics of smart contracts. BT also offers the
opportunity to revolutionize the world of the sharing
economy by ensuring greater reliability and security
in the exchange of information between the actors
involved. A further potential application of
blockchain is to support businesses that offer the
sharing of production resources through paradigms
such as distributed, cloud or shared manufacturing
(Yu C. et al., 2020). It is therefore possible to have
considerable improvements in efficiency, avoiding
brokerage expenses, especially in those contexts
where two parties are involved, such as a buyer and a
seller (Morkunas et al., 2019). This, together with the
functionality of smart contracts, provides
opportunities for general innovation in value
propositions in different areas, based on the provision
of product and advanced services combinations
(Wenngren et al., 2020). In fact, in recent decades,
there has been an increasing development of the
mindset that exploiting the opportunity, to earn
revenue for non- physical aspects of products, such as
consulting and maintenance. This phenomenon goes
under the term of servitization (Vandermerwe and
Rada, 1988), which then, following the introduction
of digital technologies, evolved into the concept of
digital servitization (Kohtamaki et al. 2019; Eloranta
et al. 2021). The adoption of blockchain in this sense
can be of enormous value as it guarantees a more
effective management of information relating to the
state of the machine in maintenance contracts (Chang
et al., 2021).
Supply Chain Finance. Supply Chain Finance (SCF)
can be defined as “the inter-company optimization of
financing as well as the integration of financing
processes with customers, suppliers, and service
providers in order to increase the value of all
participating companies” (Pfohl and Gomm, 2009).
SCF, through the joint coordination of the financial
flow together with the product and information flows,
allow to provide visibility and control over all cash-
related processes within a supply chain, to optimize
the management of financial flows at an inter-
organizational level and to implement a set of
solutions which can result in lower debt costs, new
opportunities for obtaining the required capital
(especially for weak supply chain players), improved
profitability and reduced working capital within the
supply chain (Wuttke et al., 2013, Caniato et al.,
2016). The SCF mechanisms can be grouped as
(Marchi et al., 2020): supplier-based finance (e.g.,
trade credit), buyer-based finance (e.g., reverse
factoring), or both depending on the specific case
(e.g., revenues sharing contracts). Traditional
solutions of SCF can be further improved when firms
make better use of digital technologies (Gelsomino et
al., 2016). Advanced use of those technologies will
result in innovative solutions and more benefits to the
supply chain. BT can support SCF by securely
storing, selling, and accessing the huge volume of
data generated through IoT devices in the supply
Blockchain Potential for Supply Chain Reconfiguration in Post COVID-19 Era
chain, speeding up cash-flow exchanges, and
allowing instant payments with smart contracts which
shortens the cash payment cycle (Wang et al., 2019).
In practice, some application of BT-SCF can also be
observed (Li et al., 2021): Chained Finance, launched
by Foxconn, the financial services arm of iPhone
manufacturer, and Dianrong, the Chinese online
lender, claims to be the first-ever blockchain platform
for SCF by securing funding for SMEs in China that
were otherwise unable to secure needed capital. IBM,
together with the Chinese firm Sichuan Hejia Co.,
Ltd., in 2017, launched a BT-SCF platform for
pharmaceutical procurement to improve efficiency,
transparency and operation of SCF. This platform is
beneficial to SMEs which often find it difficult to
raise funds due to underdeveloped credit systems and
a lack of established credit evaluation and risk
control. Research that bridges blockchain and supply
chain finance is nearly non-existent. Hence, it
represents a noteworthy research stream that should
be investigated.
Sustainability and Circular Economy. Supply
chains are experiencing a high pressure from the
society to implement sustainable business practices.
BT can offer a great potential for bringing supply
chain to higher levels of sustainability in terms of
reduced environmental and social impacts. Thanks to
the enhanced traceability, BT allows to effectively
reduce waste using smart contracts, to trace
dangerous products and materials preventing
environmental damages and to monitor the
environmental compliance along the supply chain
(Kouhizadeh and Sarkis, 2018). BT can also trace
defected items precisely, so the need of rework and
recall can be reduced, which means decreased waste
and resource consumption (Saberi et al., 2019). The
tracing of the materials, the authentication of
involved actors for recycling purpose, and the use of
smart contracts for financial transactions support
reverse logistics and facilitate circular economy
activities (Kouhizadeh and Sarkis, 2018; Böckel et
al., 2021). BT also offers a solution for the energy
management that fits the new energy paradigm and
allows to increase the energy efficiency of the system
by automating the process of energy supply contracts,
and lowering energy losses and, consequently,
consumptions, and to increase the shares of
renewable sources (Marchi et al., 2019). Since
information in blockchain cannot be altered without
the permission, BT can improve the social dimension
of sustainability (i.e., social justice) preventing the
corruption of individuals, governments, or
organizations from seizing the assets of people
unjustly. Moreover, it can provide better assurance of
human rights and fair work practices. For example, a
transparent record of product information assures
buyers that the product being purchased is supplied
and manufactured from a verified ethical source
(Mahyuni et al., 2020).
Supply Chain Relationship Management.
Blockchain, thanks to the distributed ledger and the
smart contracts, enhances the ability to communicate
and collaborate between supply chain actors and
fosters interactions among the entities in the system,
without any need of intermediary in the market
system (Kasten, 2020). This will address the
asymmetrical issues among economic participants
and allow peer-to-peer asset trading reducing the
operational costs and increasing the speed of
transactions. BT allows also to increase the trust
between SC partners, which has a positive impact on
supply chain relationship management and on the
risks associated with collaborative activities (Wang et
al., 2019). In a blockchain platform, entities
spontaneously interact in a well-defined context, and
are prevented from behaving unethically or
opportunistically since any corruption or unethical
behaviour will be readily visible to al network
participants. The increased trust supporting
collaboration between participant can also support the
implementation of SCF solutions.
The previous sections have shown the main effects of
COVID-19 on the supply chain, highlighting the
causes that led to a global crisis that affected so many
sectors of the manufacturing world and beyond. In
fact, the spread of the coronavirus has highlighted
many potential weaknesses in global supply chain
management. The potential adoption of blockchain in
this area could have partially mitigated this impact.
The trust and reliability that characterises the
blockchain technology makes the relationships
between actors involved within the supply chain more
effective, facilitating the exchange of information and
reducing potential opportunistic behaviour. The
applications supporting traceability also ensure full
real-time knowledge of the positioning of incoming
goods, providing all the information needed to take
corrective action in the event of delays in the lead
times. BT also supports Supply chain Finance and
supplier development which allows to reduce the
IN4PL 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
financing issues, especially for SMEs, by providing
the platform and by increasing trust and collaboration
among SC partners. Lack of supply of some nodes of
the supply chain can lead to an increase in
indebtedness, causing outbreaks that can have
cascading repercussions on the entire supply chain,
with significant effects on SMEs. The application of
supply chain finance, with the support of blockchain
technology, can certainly mitigate these effects.
Traceability applications in the blockchain are also
useful in effectively identifying the introduction of
counterfeit products, or products that have not passed
any quality controls. This is especially important for
health products or even in the agri-food sector.
Certainly, in very chaotic contexts such as that of a
pandemic, having a reliable technology at one's
disposal can prevent the introduction of potentially
harmful products onto the market. This opportunity,
however, is always valid especially in those contexts
where the supply chain is very long and the possibility
of having an effective control is scarce. This reduces
the likelihood of the so-called bullwhip effect. These
applications also reduce the need for national control
by governments, avoiding restrictive policies that
occurred during the covid-19 pandemic. The use of
BT-enabled smart contracts is an important resource
with precise clauses linked to the fulfilment of certain
conditions set by the parties involved. The adoption
of blockchain can also be a valuable support for the
continuing waste increase, the repercussions of which
have been stressed even more by the pandemic
measures of social distancing and use of personal
protective equipment. It is therefore clear that the
application of blockchain technology has the
potential to strengthen and make more effective those
elements of supply chain management that have been
challenged by the deployment of covid-19.
This paper aims to present the results of a
preliminary study whose objective is to bridge the gap
between research and practice regarding the
application of blockchain technology to support
supply chain management processes. The main
limitation of this paper lies in the methodological
framework of the preliminary study, as the
relationships between the impacts of COVID-19 and
blockchain applications are not supported by any
reference framework. Moreover, the considerations
made are purely theoretical, without concrete
validation through empirical methods. Future
research directions will be addressed to make the
methodology of this research more robust, with the
aim of demonstrating empirically how blockchain
technology can support the reconfiguration of the
supply chain in the post covid-19 era.
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Blockchain Potential for Supply Chain Reconfiguration in Post COVID-19 Era