Criminological Support of Operational-search Activity on
Counteraction of Criminal Leaders in Places of Deprivation of
Alevtina Yurievna Kripulevich
and Isa Khamzatovich Dakashev
Federal State-Owned Institution of higher education "Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service", 24v,
Rylskaya St., 443022 Samara, Russia
Keywords: Operational-search activity, criminological support, criminal leaders, penal system, penitentiary crime.
Abstract: Correctional institutions have a well-functioning organizational and management structure, the main goals of
the activity of which are the relaxation of the rules in the regime of serving the sentence, committing crimes
on the territory of correctional institutions, as well as ensuring control over the collective of convicts and
maintaining the influence of the criminal subculture on them. These structures are headed by the so-called
criminal leaders, with whom the employees of penitentiary institutions are fighting, where the main role in
countering them is assigned to the operational units. The research carried out within the framework of the
article was carried out in order to substantiate the possibility and necessity of using criminological information
in the activities of operational officers of places of deprivation of liberty for more effective work to counter
the illegal activities of criminal leaders. To achieve this goal, there were solved the following tasks,
demonstrating, among other things, the close relationship of such sciences as criminology and operational-
search activity. The specificity of the projection of these branches of science in relation to each other provides
new opportunities, methods, tools, tactical devices that allow fighting against organized crime more effective.
The article presents the conclusions about the possible results contributing the more effective work based on
criminological support of operational-search activities in the fight against criminal leaders. The
methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of studying social processes and phenomena.
In the course of the research, we used such methods of collecting and analyzing information as statistical;
analysis and synthesis; specifically sociological, method of modeling.
Today, one of the effective problems that affect the
functioning of institutions of the penal system of the
Russian Federation is the suppression of the activities
of representatives of organized crime in places of
deprivation of liberty.
The problems of increased public danger of
criminal leaders have been raised at the state and
departmental level for a long time. It is relevant today
for the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service
to take measures against this category of persons in
order to suppress their illegal activities in places of
deprivation of liberty, as well as to neutralize the
influence on the bulk of convicts, suspects and the
accused. Describing the current state of the illegal
activities of criminal leaders in places of deprivation
of liberty, one should note not only their ever-
increasing activity but also the desire to create
organized groups in correctional institutions with
non-public power. Leaders cooperatively with
negative group members extol immediate criminal
goals, based on the conditions conducive to the
intended acts and the circumstances of the
functioning of places of deprivation of liberty.
When implementing operational-search measures
aimed at combating criminal leaders in penitentiary
institutions, operational officers use a criminological
system of preventive activity, which is aimed at
achieving common goals and objectives,
demonstrating, among other things, the close
Kripulevich, A. and Dakashev, I.
Criminological Support of Operational-search Activity on Counteraction of Criminal Leaders in Places of Deprivation of Liberty.
DOI: 10.5220/0010643200003152
In Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice” (CLOSA 2021), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-532-6; ISSN: 2184-9854
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
relationship of such sciences as criminology and
operational-search activity. The specificity of the
projection of these branches of science in relation to
each other provides new opportunities, methods,
tools, tactical devices that allow fighting against
organized crime more effective.
The methodological basis of the research is the
dialectical method of studying social processes and
phenomena. In the course of the research, we used
such methods of collecting and analyzing information
as: statistical (in the study of quantitative data);
analysis and synthesis; specifically sociological
(when questioning and interviewing), modeling
(when drawing up a criminological portrait of a
criminal leader).
Criminal leaders are the so-called fundamental
central element of the penitentiary crime since we are
talking about the category of persons who are the
most stubbornly opposing themselves to the norms
and rules, the rule of law established by the legislation
of the Russian Federation, the values of society and
involving, persuading new persons into organized
crime (Burlakov, 2019). Most convicts, suspects and
the accused in correctional institutions are negatively
influenced by criminal leaders and the members of
negative groups, including attempts to make
correctional institutions a base for recruiting and
training new members of extremist and terrorist
groups. Not insignificant is the fact that the criminal
activities of criminal leaders in Russia have their own
specifics, which are constantly changing and adapting
to the developing economic, political and socio-legal
spheres of the state (Sokolov, 2004). The main task of
law enforcement agencies in modern conditions is to
understand and explain crime, predict its level, in
order to influence it with the help of effective
institutional solutions (Smith, 2017). Recently, an
effective toolkit has been created for searching and
processing various information data, including
information about criminal leaders (Sukhodolov,
Ivantsov, Molchanova, 2018).
As a result, they acquire antisocial characteristics,
and measures of educational influence, regime
restrictions and operational-preventive activities do
not produce the desired effect on them, the goals of
punishment are not achieved. The environment of the
penitentiary community, where criminal leaders play
a key role, contributes to the quickest acquisition and
assimilation of criminal skills and experience by
convicts, negatively affects the process of correction
and their return to society. As a result of the negative
influence of criminal leaders, the convicts' thinking
changes (being in a group, there is a feeling of
security, therefore the convicts respect the majority
opinion or the leader) (Guseva, 2020).
It should be noted that, according to many
domestic and foreign scientists, the illegal activities
of the leaders of the criminal environment in modern
Russia are implemented both at the local and state
levels (Shelley, 1994), having a negative impact on
all spheres of social life and the state (Waller, 1994).
Based on the performance indicators of the penal
system of the Federal Penitentiary Service, published
annually by the department, the number of persons
registered as leaders and active members of negative
groups in penitentiary institutions in 2015 was 1,398
people, in 2016 - 1,398 people - 1,380 people, in 2017
- 1,463 people, in 2018 - 1,299 people, in 2019 - 1,608
people, in 2020 - 1,642 people. The presented
statistics data show that the number of this category
of persons is increasing despite the fact that the total
number of people serving sentences in places of
deprivation of liberty has decreased in recent years.
It should be noted that the increase or decrease in
a crime depends on purposeful work with criminal
leaders, both in penitentiary institutions and in the
country as a whole. To substantiate and support the
adoption of managerial decisions to counter criminal
leaders and prevent the criminalization of society, law
enforcement agencies need to take into account the
opinion of both specialists in the field of science and
representatives of public organizations (Sukhodolov,
Marenko, Bychkova, Lozhnikov, 2020).
Of course, the questions of creating a unified
policy to counter their illegal activities in penitentiary
institutions require deep scientific understanding, as
well as improving the activities of departments and
services of correctional institutions, where the main
work on prevention and counteraction should be
carried out by operational units.
A number of scientists who are the founders of the
theory of operational-search activity (A. I. Alekseev,
D. V. Grebelsky, A. G. Lekar, V. A. Lukashov, S. S.
Ovchinsky, G. К. Sinilov and others), in their first
fundamental works in the 1970s, noted the need for
the widest use of criminological knowledge in the
development of the theory and practice of
operational-search activity (Isichenko, 2001).
Let us consider the influence and interrelation of
these branches of science in countering criminal
leaders in prisons, paying attention to the
criminological support of an operational-search
activity, which is carried out by operational devices
in penitentiary institutions.
In the work on countering criminal leaders in
correctional institutions, operational units solve the
following tasks:
carry out the collection and analysis of
information to identify the leaders of the
criminal environment and, if necessary, put
them on a preventive record;
implement measures aimed at neutralizing the
negative influence of criminal leaders and
active members of negative groups on other
take measures to prevent the spread of criminal
ideology among the bulk of convicts;
reveal the true intentions of the convicts upon
arrival at the correctional institution and report
this information to the chiefs of the detachment
in order to provide the most complete picture
of the convicted defendant's correction.
The implementation of these tasks is impossible
without the analysis of criminological information,
which has its actual embodiment in the operational
service of such criminogenic objects as penitentiary
When assessing the operational situation,
operational officers must analyze the totality of
criminological indicators:
the state, structure and dynamics of criminal
acts of this category of persons, which
characterize organized crime in general;
mechanisms for committing illegal acts,
allowing to identify the dynamics and functions
of the activities of criminal leaders in places of
deprivation of liberty;
characteristics of the personality of criminal
leaders, including a combination of factors
(economic, social, demographic, ethnographic,
geographic, etc.).
Analysis of the state, structure and dynamics of
criminal acts of this category of persons makes it
possible to determine and predict the likely
manifestations of organized crime in a correctional
institution, which will make it possible to make a
choice of deployment options at certain facilities that
require operational protection. This is contributed,
among other things, by statistical information that
shows tendencies in the manifestation of certain
illegal acts related to the activities of criminal leaders
and should be used as a tool for anticipating probable
processes in a correctional institution. Holding the
necessary criminological information, operational
officers can use it in a predictive sense to form an
approximate model of the manifestation of illegal
activities of criminal leaders in prisons.
A well-functioning organizational and
management structure has developed in penitentiary
institutions, the main purpose of which is easing of
some requirements of serving sentences and
committing crimes on the territory of institutions, as
well as ensuring control over the collective of
convicts and maintaining the influence of the criminal
subculture on them. The main place in the self-
determination of penitentiary crime is belonging to
criminal ideology, which they present as an example
of universal human moral values (honesty, justice,
mutual respect, mutual support, etc.).
In modern Russia, there is a fairly large group of
people of operational and preventive interest (Bykov,
Zenin, Kudryashov, 2018). The most important and
relevant element of organizing the activities of
operational units is, first of all, an assessment of the
operational situation, which is formed and based on
criminological knowledge (Gaikov, Galkina, 2013).
It should be noted that the possession of up-to-date
information characterizing the operational situation
should not be limited to the penitentiary institution. It
is necessary to pay attention to the fact that
correctional institutions are not isolated from the
outside world. Finding the necessary information in
relation to criminal leaders and their closest
associates makes it possible to assess the operational
situation not only in a particular correctional colony
or pre-trial detention center, but also in the area where
they are geographically located. Criminal leaders who
are at large provide tremendous assistance in
obtaining material assets obtained by criminal means,
including replenishing the so-called mutual
assistance fund for representatives of the criminal
world ("common fund") (Agildin, 2019). Within the
participation in such actions, a criminal ideology is
formed among those sentenced to imprisonment, a
stable picture of the world is acquired with a priority
in favor of criminal values. In this regard, according
to their capabilities, levels of competence, operational
units should have information about the state of the
operational situation not only in the institutions of the
penal system, but in the direction of the work of other
law enforcement agencies carrying out operational-
search activities in relation to criminal leaders.
Operational officers use criminological
techniques in their activities that help to understand
the mechanisms of committing crimes; to form an
approximate portrait of the face; to realize the degree
Criminological Support of Operational-search Activity on Counteraction of Criminal Leaders in Places of Deprivation of Liberty
of criminality of the studied space, objects of
operational service; explore illegal behavior as a
process that takes place in spatial and temporal
dimensions; understand the preceding determinants,
phenomena that affect the unlawful behavior of a
person or a group of persons (Shkabin, 2020).
Criminological knowledge helps in the formation of
forecasts and construction of strategies of behavior
according to the assumed versions in relation to the
considered category of persons ((Eminov, 2020).).
Criminological data on a criminal leader
personality in places of deprivation of liberty make it
possible to assess the object of operational service,
understanding the mechanisms of his committing
illegal acts (Simonenko, 2013). Personality
characteristics include a set of information of a socio-
demographic, criminal-legal, criminological,
psychological, penal and other nature, the registration
of which will allow operational employees to most
effectively use measures in the prevention and
suppression of illegal activities of this category of
persons (Antonyan, Kudryavtsev, Eminov, 2004).
According to the research results, by questioning
convicts, employees of the penal system, we
established an approximate criminological portrait of
a criminal leader in places of deprivation of liberty,
which was formed from the following data: persons
aged 27-42 years - 71.3%, persons aged 22- 27 years
old - 12.1%, persons aged 42 years and older - 16.6%;
lived in cities - 69.1%, in villages - 28.4%, without a
place of residence - 2.5%); educational and cultural
level of leaders among convicts is above average -
71%. It should be noted that among these persons,
before conviction, 69.5% were not officially
employed, 2% were employed and 27.5% were
engaged in shady business. Most of them have
sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years, 82% of criminal
leaders in correctional institutions are repeated
criminals. The majority of persons in this category do
not have any incentives during their stay in
correctional facilities - 95%; the absolute majority of
them adhere to the norms and traditions of the
criminal (prison) subculture - 98%; 60% of them have
been convicted of violent crimes. Among the types of
sentences imposed by the courts, imprisonment
prevails in the absolute majority - 95.5%; most of the
respondents are not married and have no children -
Summarizing the personal qualities of a criminal
leader, it should be assumed that this is, first of all, a
man aged 25 to 39 years, has a high educational level,
is not married, has no children, and is not employed.
A person has been convicted two or more times, most
often for violent and economic crimes. The motive for
crimes is self-interest. They are powerful, purposeful,
daring, enterprising, decisive, cruel people, they have
a strong-willed character, the ability to subordinate
other people to their will. They are distinguished by a
pronounced legal nihilism, a persistent antisocial
attitude without any internal self-condemnation, a
high degree of criminogenic infection of personal
In correctional institutions, criminal leaders carry
out the so-called informational, organizational,
strategic, disciplinary and regulatory functions. The
implementation of these functions should be
suppressed by the operational staff of the institution.
This activity will be most effective if the operational
staff have criminological information about the
identity of the criminal leader.
Data on the motivation of illegal behavior of
criminal leaders are of particular importance in the
study of their personality, which helps in the
development of tactical directions of operational-
search activities in relation to a specific person.
Having data on the intentions and responsibilities of
specific criminal leaders and members of the criminal
environment, it is possible to organize a special
transparent control over the activities of these
persons, excluding their implementation.
To build a strategy for combating criminal
leaders, criminological information can be obtained
by operational officers from the following sources:
materials of criminal and personal files of
criminal leaders;
materials of service checks;
complaints and statements of convicts and their
relatives, other persons; employee reports;
information contained in the media, the Internet,
social networks;
statements by victims and witnesses;
the results of using special technical means;
information obtained as a result of operational-
search measures from persons from among the secret
apparatus, etc.
A special place in the above list of sources of
information rightfully belongs to persons providing
secret assistance, therefore there is always an acute
question of the availability and selection of a
qualified agent apparatus by operational employees.
The received and studied criminological
information will allow operatives to:
identify the motives and designs of criminal
to identify the personal properties of a criminal
leader, details of the biography for the possible
obtaining the information of compromising nature,
which may undermine the informal leading status in
front of convicts, suspects and the accused;
determine the degree of influence and danger of
the criminal leader for the functioning of the
register the identified criminal leaders;
on the basis of compromising information, it is
more efficient to recruit criminal leaders and active
members of negative groups into the secret apparatus;
to carry out purposeful work on the formation of
a secret apparatus capable of providing information in
relation to this category of persons;
use criminal leaders as agents of influence;
in the presence of reliable data on the illegal
activities of criminal leaders, aimed at organizing
active opposition to the administration of the
correctional institution, the pre-trial detention center,
crimes and violations of the regime, operational units
carry out a set of operational-search measures within
the framework of operational development.
Criminological support of operational-search
activities in relation to criminal leaders in places of
deprivation of liberty will allow:
take into account certain aspects when improving
federal and departmental legislation in the framework
of countering criminal leaders in places of deprivation
of liberty;
to develop and use effective criteria for assessing
the effectiveness in the fight against criminal leaders
in places of deprivation of liberty;
to increase the level of training and knowledge of
operational officers of the Federal Service for the
Execution of Punishments in their tasks and
capabilities in operational-search prevention against
criminal leaders;
to interact with the operational units of the Federal
Service for the Execution of Punishments with other
law enforcement agencies in the fight against the
illegal activities of criminal leaders in prisons.
The system of criminological prevention and
operational-investigative counteraction to criminal
threats from criminal leaders is complex and requires
deep scientific understanding, as well as the
development of measures to improve the efficiency of
operational and service activities of operational and
security facilities of correctional institutions and pre-
trial detention centers (Goryainov, 2010).
Consequently, the use, interaction of such scientific
areas as criminology and operational-search activity
in the work of operational employees will allow to
more effectively carry out the fight against organized
crime in places of deprivation of liberty.
The criminological indicators distinguished above,
representing the totality of information, methods
studied by the science of criminology, made it
possible to clearly show how operational-search
activity relies on the knowledge presented by this
science, which helps in the fight against illegal acts of
criminal leaders in places of deprivation of liberty. Of
course, the criminological support of operational-
search activity is not one-sided. In turn, the latter
allows criminology to study the mechanisms of
committing a crime from the inside, relying on hidden
processes that can occur and be known to an
absolutely limited circle in the face of operational
employees. And this interaction of two fairly young
scientific directions makes it possible to most
effectively fight against crime and, in particular, with
criminal leaders, who affect the crime situation not
only in places of detention, but also in the state as a
whole and beyond.
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