Novelties in the Legal Regulation of Operational and Investigative
Andrey V. Nikulenko
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Operational-search activity; criminal legislation; circumstances precluding criminality of the act; lawful
infliction of harm.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the circumstances that exclude of the criminality act in the criminal legislation of the
Russian Federation and their role in determining the legality actions of law enforcement officers (operatives)
during operational search activities. Objective: to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the legal
regulation of operational-search activities from the point of view of the current operational-search legislation
and criminal legislation of Russia. Tasks: to analyze situations of legitimate harm in the implementation of
operational investigative activities and develop proposals for improving the current legislation. Methods:
research of the relevant norms using the system method, general scientific methods (structural and functional
analysis, comparison, logical method, content analysis of the courts practice and mass media). Main results:
the study revealed the advantages and disadvantages of the regulatory framework for conducting operational
search activities, as well as significant qualification errors in forensic investigative practice. Conclusions and
justification of the work novelty: the paper substantiates the insufficient effectiveness of the existing approach
to the problems of legal regulation of operational search activities and suggests ways to solve these problems,
including by modernizing the existing norms and introducing new ones in Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of
the Russian Federation. In view of the ambiguous and often inconsistent practice of applying the norms of
criminal law on the circumstances precluding the criminality of an act, it is proposed to use a casuistic
approach in the further reconstruction of the relevant norms to present the legislative wording of these norms
that allow causing legitimate harm to public relations protected by criminal law. At the same time, the wording
of the norms is created as clear as possible for the operative employee and the authorities controlling his
activities, as well as for citizens, which allows them to unambiguously assess the legality of their
implementation (operational search measures related to causing harm).
Turning to the topic of circumstances that exclude the
criminality of an act in the criminal legislation of
Russia, it is not difficult to notice their obvious
legislative imperfection, incompleteness, which gives
rise not only to numerous disputes in the doctrine of
criminal law (Савинский А.В., 2018) within the
framework of which a single view on the legal nature
of these circumstances has not yet been developed,
but also significant contradictions in investigative and
judicial practice, generating errors that seal the fate of
socially active people who sought to carry out
socially useful behavior. Against the background of a
reduction in the number of employees, primarily
police officers, who are directly obliged to counteract
socially dangerous manifestations, the importance of
the institution of circumstances that exclude the
criminality of the act is significantly increasing
(Organized Crime, Trafficking, Drugs, 2004). Citizen
is often in a situation when, in the case of criminal
threats, he must rely on their own strength and ability,
and which are significantly limited by the framework
of the current legislation, as usual, falling short of the
realities of modern criminal situation (Milyukov S. F.
and Nikulenko A.V., 2020).
However, often show a complete helplessness and
representatives of law enforcement agencies, which,
in our opinion, are deprived of even minimal legal
and regulatory framework, giving effective
Nikulenko, A.
Novelties in the Legal Regulation of Operational and Investigative Activities.
DOI: 10.5220/0010628600003152
In Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice” (CLOSA 2021), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-532-6; ISSN: 2184-9854
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
opportunities to counter criminal expansion
(Anderson E., 1999; Пархоменко С.В., 2018; T.R.
Oliveira, J. Jackson, K. Murphy, B. Bredford, 2018;
Milyukov S., 2021).
The methodological basis of the study was primarily
the following two methods. First, the dialectical
method of cognition of social and legal phenomena,
according to which the circumstances that exclude the
criminality of an act are considered in the unity of
their social content and legal form. Secondly, the
method of systematic analysis of actual situations of
legitimate harm in the implementation of operational
investigative activities and reflecting their norms.
The work uses private scientific methods: logical-
semantic, system-structural, grammatical, document
analysis, and others.
If we admit that the improvement of the Federal Law
"On Police" is still being demonstrated, then the
operational-search legislation froze at the level of
2006 (at that time, the adoption of the Law "On
Operational-search Activities" itself looked
progressive), when the presence of declaratory norms
was recognized as sufficient.
It is no longer possible to deny the close
relationship between the criminal legislation and the
legislation regulating operational and investigative
activities (Shkabin G.N., 2020). Moreover, the latter
cannot be legally implemented without taking into
account the provisions of the General Part of the
Criminal Code of Russia, not to mention the Special
Part. We are talking, first of all, about the norms
enshrined in Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation (circumstances that exclude the
criminality of an act), without which it is impossible
to determine the legality of almost any operational
search activity.
The current rapid development of public relations
requires new approaches to the current legislative
formulations of the norms on circumstances that
exclude the criminality of an act in criminal
legislation (Parkhomenko S. V. Milyukov S. F.,
Nikulenko A.V., 2019) and a significant
modernization of operational and investigative
legislation, as well as the practice of their application,
which cause well-founded criticisms (Козлова Н.,
2020; Жарких И.А. 2021).
Almost any operational search activity, in one
way or another, encroaches on the rights of citizens,
and the protection of which is proclaimed by the
Constitution of the Russian Federation. For example,
such "harmless" things as questioning citizens,
making inquiries without remorse invade the privacy
of a person whose inviolability is enshrined in the
basic law of the country. Obtaining information about
people, events, and facts, especially those of
operational interest, is always associated with a
certain invasion of a person's personal life. And only
the official position of persons who have the right to
carry out operational search activities requires that
this information be kept secret.
It is noteworthy that a citizen has the right to
receive information about the ORM carried out
against him. But how can he know that they were
conducted against him?
Coming to the main point, we note that the
conditions for the legality of any operational search
activity are not defined in legal regulatory legal acts.
Departmental instructions are hidden not only from
the public, but also from practicing lawyers-
interrogators, investigators, prosecutors and judges,
in fact, determining the question of the legality or
illegality of the actions of operational workers.
Such a situation leads to negative consequences,
both for the citizen (Humphrey J., 2006; Finn J.,
2004) in respect of whom operational measures were
carried out illegally or in violation of the conditions
of legality, and for the operative employee himself,
since his actions can be recognized as criminal a
The author critically assesses the current state of
affairs and believes that the possibilities of the
relationship between criminal law and operational-
search legislation have not even begun to work. Only
article 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation (extreme necessity) to some extent can
serve as a basis for determining the legality of the
implementation of a particular operational search
We believe that the modernization of the current
Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation is long overdue in terms of the need to
consolidate fundamentally new norms regulating the
specifics of conducting operational-search events.
The first step could be a norm that establishes the
conditions for the legality of an operational
experiment and a test (control) purchase the most
difficult operational search measures to implement,
affecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of
Novelties in the Legal Regulation of Operational and Investigative Activities
citizens and entailing (if successfully implemented)
criminal liability for the person against whom they
were conducted, and in this regard, causing a great
public outcry.
Subsequently, perhaps each operational-search
event can get its own legislative consolidation in the
criminal legislation, or certain conditions for the
legality of its conduct will be "embedded" in the Law
of the Russian Federation "On operational-search
In our opinion, it is necessary to construct the norms
of the articles of Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of
Russia as clear as possible for the law enforcement
officer (Nikulenko A.V., 2019), that is, an ordinary
citizen performing his civil duty related to the
implementation of socially useful behavior by
harming public relations protected by criminal law, as
well as for law enforcement officers performing their
official duty to combat crime. Moreover, it is much
easier to achieve compliance and enforcement of
standards that are clear to everyone (the operative
worker, supervisory and judicial authorities,
We present our proposed norm on the operational
"Article ... operational experiment.
1. It is not a crime to cause harm to interests
protected by criminal law as a result of an operational
experiment to expose a person guilty of committing a
crime and prevent the possibility of committing new
socially dangerous acts, if it was not possible to
expose such a person (persons) in this situation by
other means and at the same time there was no excess
of the necessary measures, that is, deliberate actions
that clearly do not correspond to the nature and degree
of public danger of the act committed by him and the
identity of the guilty person.
2. When assessing the legality of causing harm to
interests protected by criminal law, along with the
nature and degree of public danger of the committed
act, the person, methods of evading responsibility, the
reasonable need for causing harm to achieve the goals
of provocation and other circumstances related to the
fact of the operational experiment are taken into
3. Exceeding the limits of an operational
experiment is recognized as causing harm that is
clearly inconsistent with the nature and degree of the
threatened danger of the act committed (committed)
by the person in respect of whom the experiment is
being conducted. Such excess entails criminal
liability only in cases of intentional infliction of harm.
4. The provisions of Part 1-3 of this Article shall
fully apply to persons who have the right to conduct
an operational experiment in connection with their
professional or other special activities or official
(official) position. If the content of the norms of other
legislative or subordinate normative legal acts
contradicts, the provisions of this article shall apply."
In our opinion, the author's position on the
problem of law enforcement of the rules on the
circumstances that exclude the criminality of an act,
in our opinion, will increase the effectiveness of the
mechanism for countering socially dangerous
manifestations by applying the required and sufficient
criminal legal means. The use of offensive measures
to counteract socially dangerous behavior is justified
(Milyukov S.F., 2016, 2018, 2021). The proposal of
the author's version of the norm of the Criminal Code
of Russia on operational experiment will allow to
apply it more actively in the framework of such
operational search activities as operational
experiment and verification (control) procurement,
designed to assist in countering such socially
dangerous manifestations as bribery and trade in
narcotic and other dangerous drugs and substances, as
well as weapons.
Getting the necessary effective tools in the hands
of an operational employee will allow you to use the
offensive in the fight against crime and increase the
importance of active counter-criminal actions of law
enforcement officers. It is well known that without
carrying out operational search measures, it is
impossible to solve almost any pre-planned crime.
The author is grateful to Gennady S. Shubin, Chief
Researcher of the Federal Research Institute of the
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Doctor of
Law, Associate Professor for the suggestions and
materials that prompted the author to write this work.
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