Semantic Analysis of Chest X-Ray using an Attention-based CNN
Rishabh Dhenkawat
, Snehal Saini
, Nagendra Pratap Singh
Department of CSE, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (H.P.),India
Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (H.P.),India
Keywords: CNN, LSTM, Deep Learning, Additive Attention, Teacher Force.
Abstract: The world today is suffering from a huge pan-demic. COVID-19 has infected 106M people around the
globe causing 2.33M deaths, as of February 9, 2021. To control the disease from spreading more and to
provide accurate health care to existing patients, detection of COVID-19 at an early stage is important. As
per the World Health Organization (WHO), diagnosing pneumonia is the most common way of detecting
COVID-19. 172K deaths were reported in the USA between February 2020 and January 29, 2021, that was
caused by pneumonia and COVID-19 together. In many situations, a chest X-ray is used to determine the
type of pneumonia. We present a deep learning model to generate a report of a chest x-ray image using
image captioning with an attention mechanism.
Computer vision-based diagnosis provides an
automatic classification and suggestions for
reference to improves diagnosis’s accuracy and
efficiency. In the past few years, many deep learning
and machine learning algorithms are used for the
classification of medical images, SVM, K-nearest
neighbors, random forest, and other techniques are
included. They can be used in a variety of medical
image processing applications.
Using old machine learning methods poses two
major difficulties. First, the inaccurate results due to
the limited processing of large input. Secondly, the
use of manual feature extractions instead of learning
valid features. Thus, deep learning methods are
preferred for medical image processing.
learning’s technology has a wide variety of
applications in healthcare image processing, such as
diagnosis and organ segmentation. The convolution
neural network cnn has been used extensively in
several pieces of research that include reading and
interpreting ct images for medical applications. Deep
learning is a representation learning technique that
connects different layers and nonlinear components
efficiently to obtain various representation levels.
Deep learning algorithms have two essential
characteristics: local connectivity and shared
weights (CNN). Deep learning is widely used in
image analysis because of all these features, which
make it much easier to handle complex data
processing tasks. Convolution layer, pooling layers,
and fully connected layers are the three layers that
make up the CNN architecture. Convolution layers
extract features from the previous layer, pooling
layers minimize computational complexity, and
completely connected layers, eventually, are used to
extract features from the previous layer. A recurrent
neural network (RNN) is used to process sequence
data in order to recognize things. Since words in a
sentence are semantically related, word generation
uses previous word knowledge to predict the next
word in the sentence. In RNN, the current output of
a sequence is related to the previous output, enabling
word relationships to be determined. It is used to
model temporary sequences and their long-range
dependencies because of the property of feedback
In this paper, we propose a CNN-LSTM chest-x-
ray image semantic analysis focused on an attention
process to produce a description of the chest x-ray
images. In the deep learning model, we used the idea
of the attention to highlight the infection regions in
the lungs. Two types of attention mechanisms in
deep learning are local attention and global attention.
In our pour model, we used Local Attention, also
known as additive attention or Bahdanau Attention.
Dhenkawat, R., Saini, S. and Singh, N.
Semantic Analysis of Chest X-ray using an Attention-based CNN Technique.
DOI: 10.5220/0010567200003161
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE 2021), pages 218-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-544-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As a result, the model assists in the analysis and
clarification of chest x-ray images, automatically
supplying doctors with valuable knowledge about
the input x-ray image. Two types of chest x-ray
images available are frontal and lateral sides. Using
these two types of images as data, our model
generates a report for these chest x-ray images. To
construct a deep learning model, we present a
predictive model that uses both image and text
processing. This paper uses chest X-ray images from
Indiana University’s large Chest X-Ray dataset to
describe the model’s architecture and detection
Figure 1: Model Flow
2.1 Overview
We have used an encoder and a decoder architecture
with an attention mechanism and compared it with
encoder and decoder architecture without attention.
Here Convolution Neural Network is taken as an
encoder to extract visual features, this encoder will
output image feature vectors. Resulted feature
vectors will be taken as input to an additive
attention-based LSTM decoder. LSTM decoder took
image feature vector and sequence vec-tor to process
reports. An image classification using InceptionV3
model over chest dataset is used with this
classification model the weights were saved over the
training and later used in Encoder feature extraction
by using the saved weights to InceptionV3.
2.2 CNN Encoder
The Convolution Neural Network is popular in deep
learning due to its ability to learn and represent
image feature vectors. Many frameworks like
VGG16, Resnet, Inception, and Densenet are trained
on Imagenet Dataset containing 1.3 million natural
images. Due to the difference between medical chest
images and natural images, In-ceptionV3 is again
trained on labeled chest x-ray images to improve
transfer efficiency. The encoder is a single linear
model which is fully connected. The input X-ray
image is fed to InceptionV3 which extracts the
features of two images are adds them. Then they are
input to the FC layer and an output vector is
obtained. The encoder’s last hidden state is
connected to the Decoder.
2.3 LSTM Decoder
Recurrent Neural Networks models the non-static
behavior of sequences through connections between
different units. LSTM is a type of RNN which have
3 added states as forget state, input state, and output
gates. Hence the LSTM layer is present in the
decoder which does language modeling up to word
level. The first step receives encoded output from
the encoder and the ¡start¿ vector. The input is
passed to the LSTM layer with additive attention.
The output vector is two vectors one is the predicted
label and the other is the previous hidden state of the
decoder, this feedback goes again to the decoder on
each time step
2.4 Attention Mechanism
Attentive neural networks are used in wide-ranging
applications like summary formation, translation,
photo captioning, etc. They act as tools to take
account of hidden feature maps which make
networks analyze important regions. It provides
weights to each channel in the feature map.
Attention is of 2 types:
Global Attention (Luong’s Attention): Attention
is placed on each and every source position.
Local Attention (Bahdanau Attention): Only
some of the source positions receive attention.
In this work, we are using Local Attention(
known as Bahdanau Attention) or additive attention
which is placed only on a few source positions. As
Global attention takes account of all sources side
words for all target words, it becomes
computationally very expensive and not efficient
when translating long sentences. To address this
Semantic Analysis of Chest X-ray using an Attention-based CNN Technique
problem, additive attention is employed, which
focuses only on a small portion or subset of the
encoder’s hidden states per target word.
Figure 2: LSTM with attention
2.5 Model Architecture
The model proposed in this paper contains five
components: Input layer input labels are given to the
model and then summed with the image feature
vectors. The embedding layer is then used to map
each label to a low-dimensional vector. LSTM layer
is used to get high-level features, from step these
LSTM layers are repeated twice to understand
features in more depth. A weight vector is provided
by the Attention layer, and it also merges word-level
features from each time step into a sentence-level
feature vector, by multiplying the weight vector.
Finally, the sentence-level feature vector in the
output layer is finally used for relation classification.
3.1 Dataset
We have used Indiana University’s vast chest X-rays
dataset provided by the Open-i service of the
National Library of Medicine. The dataset contains
7000 chest x-rays from various hospitals along with
3,900 associated radiology reports. Each report is
associated with two different views of the chest, i.e.,
a frontal and a lateral view. The associated tags
contain the basic findings from the x-ray images
which are used to train the model so as to generate
image captions later on.
3.2 Exploratory Data Analysis
Before jumping to the main code, we analyzed the
dataset to visualize some of its important
characteristics. For eg, by performing text analysis
on the impression column target variable we got the
bar plot of the most unique sentences for indication
in the x-ray reports and the frequency of their
By generating a word cloud we can see the most
occurring words in the sentences present in x-ray
reports. Some of these words are chest pain,
shortness, breath, male, female, dyspnea, and
indication. The word cloud is used to represent the
words having the maximum word count in the
impression column target variable.
Further, we visualize the word count distribution
plot for the impression column target variable. This
plot offers better insights to see the minimum and
maximum word count. From the plot, we conclude
that the minimum word count is 1, the maximum
word count is 122 and the median word count is 5.0.
Further, we analyze the distribution of image
count per patient using a bar plot and we see that the
minimum image count is 1 and the maximum image
count is 5.
Since two types of chest x-ray images are
available to us which are frontal and lateral view. By
selecting a sample data point we find out the total
number of images present for that particular patient,
its findings, and impressions. From here, we analyze
that there are multiple images associated with every
Figure 3: Bar Plot of unique sentences for
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
Figure 4: Word count distribution plot
Figure 5: Word cloud for impression column
Figure 6: Results for a sample data point
Figure 7: Model Accuracy for prepossessing
3.3 Pre-processing and Training
The transfer learning method is used for the image to
feature vector conversion and text data tokenization
is used for dataset preparation. InceptionV3 model
trained on imagenet is used. A classifier to detect
which type of disease the person is suffering from
was made. Once classification was done weights of
the trained model were saved in hd5 format.
Figure 8: CNN-LSTM without attention architecture
3.4 Model without Attention
3.4.1 Encoder Architecture
Single fully connected layer linear output is used.
Before we pass to the FC layer, two image tensors
were added and pass to FC layer. This layer outputs
the shape of batch size and embedding dimension.
Semantic Analysis of Chest X-ray using an Attention-based CNN Technique
3.4.2 Decoder Architecture
It contains an embedding LSTM layer and dense
layer which outputs shape (batch size, vocab size).
3.4.3 Model Training
In the training phase, the Teacher forcing is used. for
training recurrent neural networks that use the output
from a previous step as an input. In training, a
“start” token is used to start the process and the
generated word in the output sequence is used as
input on the subsequent time step along with other
input like an image or a source text. Until the end,
the same recursive output as the input method is
used till better results are generated.
Figure 9: CNN-LSTM without attention loss
Figure 10: CNN-LSTM without attention accuracy
Figure 11: CNN-LSTM without attention resulted report
Figure 12: CNN-LSTM with attention architecture
3.5 Model with an Attention
The encoder part is the same as the previous model
architecture and summed image vector with a single
fully connected layer. In the decoder part lstm with
attention is used. Here additive attention (Local or
Bahdanau attention) is used.
Figure 13: CNN-LSTM with additive attention resulted
3.5.1 Model Evaluation
Beam search-based teacher forcing method is used
to find the resulting sentence. Beam search is used
here, as it chooses the most probable next step when
the sequence is made. It uses all possible next steps
and takes most likely k. Here k is user-specified and
controls the number of searches.
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
Figure 14: CNN-LSTM with additive attention accuracy
Figure 15: CNN-LSTM with additive attention loss
By comparing the results, Model Architecture of
attention-Based Long Short-Term Memory
Networks for Relation for the Classification worked
well in classification tasks than without attention.
Loss is converged to 0.3with an accuracy of 89
percent train and 92 percent validation from the
result we can see there is a similarity between each
predicted and actual output. Thus, by using the
attention mechanism, along with conventional deep
learning methods, we can improve the accuracy of
the model.
This paper and the research behind it would not have
been possible without the exceptional support of my
supervisor, Dr. Nagendra sir. His enthusiasm,
knowledge, and exacting attention to detail have
been an inspiration and kept my work on track from
our coding to the final draft of this paper. The
magnanimity and proficiency of one and all have
enhanced this study in innumerable ways and saved
us from many errors.
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Semantic Analysis of Chest X-ray using an Attention-based CNN Technique