A Survey on COVID-19 Disease Detection using Advanced
Sunil Dalal
, Arvind Kumar Tiwari
, Jyoti Prakash Singh
Computer Science Department, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, UP, India
Computer Science Department, National Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, India
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning,COVID-19
Abstract: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become the most dangerous pandemic in worldwide. The World Health
Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as an outbreak that has placed a heavy burden on all nations.
Health sector has included the help of emerging technology including Machine Learning, Artificial
intelligence, Deep Learning, Internet of Things, Block chain and etc. to battle and look ahead against the new
diseases. In recognizing and recommending the production of a vaccine for COVID-19, various advanced
technologies may play a vital role. In this paper, we provide a brief survey on COVID-19 detection of disease
based on 75 collected papers. Furthermore, a study on recently used techniques, their limitations and
applications is also included in this survey.
The advent of the second decade of the 21st cen-tury
is marked by the outbreak of extremely contagious
and equally dangerous Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome-Corona virus (SARS-CoV). The epicenter
of the COVID-19 is found to be Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China, in the sea food market and traces its
origin in Bats. With time, for the last few months this
epicenter has shifted it’s allocation toItaly and now is
reaching America and other continents. This has led
to declare COVID-19 as pandemic and a situation of
Global Health emergency. To combat this new threat
India has already taken various steps and has gone
under complete lockdown. This move is seen as a step
to flatten the curve of this pandemic to release
pressure on the medical infrastructure and to allow for
its containment. The demand for medicines and
medical types of equipment such as Ventilators has
been skyrocketing and India is trying its level best to
match the need. Intensive care units are being built to
ensure the safety of the people. According to WHO,
this pandemic will have huge repercussions shortly
and can come down heavily on the health
infrastructure and economy of various nations. It is
expected that it will grow in the recent future but in a
In this paper, our aim is to provide the answer of
following questions:
What are the recent techniques used in the
COVID-19 disease detection in computer science
What are the limitations of techniques in the
COVID-19 diseasedetection?
What are the applications in COVID-19 disease
For this, we have collected 75 published papers
based on COVID-19 disease detection. After that,
based on the keyword and abstract, we categorize all
papers into various category. Figure 1 elaborates the
total numbers of papers in different category. Here,
ML, DL, and AI denote machine learning, deep
learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) respectively.
IoT and BC identify the internet of things and block
chain respectively. Remaining part of the paper is
elaborated as: section 2 highlights the related work on
COVID 19. Furthermore, related work includes the
comparative study of recent works on COVID-19. In
section 3, we provide the brief information about
techniques used in COVID-19 diseas prediction.
After that, limitations of various techniques are
discussed in section4. In section5, we provide the
various applications of AI. At the end, section 6
concludes the paper.
Dalal, S., Tiwari, A. and Singh, J.
A Survey on COVID-19 Disease Detection using Advanced Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0010564500003161
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE 2021), pages 159-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-544-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Distribution of selected papers.
(Wu et al., 2020), December 2019 saw an out break
of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) coro In
this paper (Zhangetal.,2020), the rationale behind
SARS-CoV using ACE2-receptor as a point of entry
into cells is observed and studied. Benvenuto et al.
have proposed to study the evolution and spread of
COVID-19 (Benvenuto et al., 2020). The Johns
Hopkins epidemiological data isused in ARIMA
model to predict the pattern of growth of COVID-
19.The work of Liao et al. (Liao et al., 2020) is to
prepare Intensive Care Units (ICU) in such a way that
they can be used to isolate and treat extreme cases of
COVID-19. The extreme cases pose serious threat to
other people and hence need to be handled properly.
Shanmugaraj et al. (Shanmugaraj et al., 2020) have
provided a constructive discussion on the outbreak of
COVID- 19. (Al-Qaness et al., 2020) have introduced
a modified form of the flower pollination algorithm
(FPA) is used along with the salp swarm algorithm
(SSA). It is called FPASSA and improves the
performance of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system (ANFIS) by determining optimal values of the
parameters. Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2020) have published
a systemati-cally review on COVID-19 and then
compare between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 in
the matter of their originations, incubations, treatment
methods and di-agnosis, pathogenic mechanisms, and
proteomic and genomic sequences is the goal of this
paper. Gralinski and Menachery (Gralinski and
Menachery, 2020) have given stress to use historical
pandemics data with latest tools to handle group 2B
In paper corona virus in the Wuhan, Hubei
province, China. The ability of the virus to spread
from animals to humans highlights its threat to global
health. Looking at the gravity of corona virus crisis, it
is the moral responsibility of all academic journals,
websites to share the data related to COVID-19 for
research and prevention measures (Wu and Poo,
2020). This is a technical guidance created for
instructing centres to controll disease at all possible
level sand describe the procedure for conducting
laboratory testing of the unexplained pathogens
causing viral pneumoniain Wuhan, China (National et
al., 2020). Andersen et al. have reviewed and studied
the discovery and development of broad-spectrum
antiviral agents (BSAAs) and identify different drug
combinations for the treatment of various viral
infections (Andersen et al., 2020). With the death of
Dr. Li Wenliang, the doctor who first found SARS-
Cov-2 in Wuhan, China; the threat posed by SARS-
Cov-2 to the clinicians treating people and to the
frontline workers has become evident and needs to be
handled very efficiently (Petersen et al., 2020). Wang
et al. (Wang et al., 2020) have mentioned that The
outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan should
continuously be monitored and necessary and strict
public health measures should be implemented in
phased manner till the infection reaches to an ideal
level. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2020) have reviewed that
the average basic reproduction number (R0) of
COVID- 19 is 3.28 which over whelmingly exceeds
WHO estimates of 1.4 to 2.5. Abbad et al. (Abbad et
al., 2019) have provided the trend of an emerging
Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus
(MERS- CoV). The first case of Coronavirus was
observed in Nov, 2019 in Wohan, China. In this
research paper the author (Schwartz and Graham,
2020) have mentioned about the effect of on infection
of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV on women during
their pregnancy.It is mentioned how pneumonia is
dangerous for pragnent women. According to this
research paper the major couse of indirect metarnel
death is pneumonia. Out of all the pragnent women
who are suffering from pneumonia there are 25%
pregnant women who need to be hospitalized and
their care to be taken. The observation of this research
is that pregnant women need extra care during the ir
pregnancy so that the risk of infection in pregnant
women can be reduced. For identifying the cases of
COVID-19,the idea of using the algorithms of
machine learning has been proposed (Rao and
Vazquez, 2020); In order to decrease the chances of
spread, the population with high risk can be
quarantined earlier as compared to population with
mid-risk or low-risk. The population with high-risk,
mid- risk and low-risk can be identified using AI by
collecting the details of previously affected cases. As
of February 20, 212 cases has been tested, out of
which only one case was positive and 211 cases
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
showed negative result in Nepal (Shrestha et al.,
2020). The confirmed case in Nepal is a 32 year old
male student studying in China, who returned to
Nepal for winter holidays on January 9. The Nepal
Government has taken several steps to take care and
many centres have been constructed. Several satellite
hospitals and network of five hubs has been
constructed in Kathmandu, at hub hospitals 55
isolation beds has been provided. In paper (Al Kahlout
et al., 2019), it is hard to identify from where the virus
has arrived. It is hard to identify its original source.
According to the analysis of phy-logenetic, the corona
virus is categorized as: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and
delta-corona viruses.
In 2012, in the kingdome of Saudi Arabia, the
human beta-coronavirus (HcoV) which is a Middle
East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
was identified. Until 2017, 21 cases have been
identified, in the state of Qatar. Out of these 21 cases
33.33% (7cases) results to death. Among all 21 cases
20 were male and only one female case was reported,
in Qatar. Isolation was initially done in Qatar. In this
research paper (Reusken et al., 2020), the idea for
molecular test of 2019-nCoV has been discussed. It is
mentioned that out of 30 EU/EEA countries 24
countries has already implemented the above test. In
this research paper (Nishiuraetal., 2020),there
analysis of spreading of coronavius is done.
Epidemiological Analysis isdone by analyzing
epidemic curve in three steps. As a result it has been
observed that epidemic curve is consistent. It is hard
to say that there is any zoonotic transmission occurred
because there is no proof that the virus in animal sold
on the market. According to this research paper (Ji et
al., 2020), there are 70641 cases of corona virus are
confirmed by February 16, 2020, out of these 70641
cases 1772 are deaths.2.5% is the average mortality,
while the mortality rate of Wohan is greater than 3%.
New local medical facilities are built by China
Government. Kock et al. (Rahimi and Abadi, 2020)
have mentioned that the humans affected by corona
virus may suffer from cold. The genome of 2019-
nCoV are related to the bat corona viruses and SARS-
CoV. The main reason of spreading 2019-nCoV is
considered the seafood abdanimal market in Wohan,
China. In spite of this, Table 1 shows the comparative
study of some recent papers that use various
algorithms/techniques (Bhattacharya et al., 2021; Suri
et al.,2021).
From literature review, we observe various
techniques used in the COVID-19 disease prediction.
Machine learning: The aim of machine learning is
to develop algorithms that can learn and create
mathematical models for data processing and
prediction. On the basis of the data presented, the
ML algorithms should be able to learn by
themselves and make specific predictions without
having been specifically trained for a given task. In
recent years, not only computer scientists and AI
algorithm manufacturing specialists have seen rapid
development beyond theoretical developments in
the application of machine learning, but also other
researchers in different fields who are applying
these techniques for their own purposes. Chemical
and material sciences have been affected by the
usage of machine learning to speed certain
analytical activities or to solve problems for which
traditional simulation methods are ineffective,
among many other fields of research. A subset of
machine learning based on artificial neural
networks (ANNs), deep learning is targeted at
further escalating AI developments.
Deep learning: Deep learning is an AI function
that emulates the functions of the human mind in
the analysis of image classification data, voice
recognition, translation of expression, and
strategic thinking. Deep learning AI is capable of
learning without proper supervision, trying to on
both unstructured and unlabeled data. A deep
neural network is an ANN with several layers
between the input and output layers (DNN). Each
architecture has found success in specific domains.
Unless they have been tested on the same data set,
the performance of different architectures cannot
always be correlated.
Artificial Intelligent: AI refers to any human
thought exhibited in computer science by a
computer, robot, or another machine. AI refers to
a computer or machine’s ability to imitate the
human mind’s commonly used abilities, to learn
from illustrations and knowledge, to recognize
objects, to interpret and respond to language, to
make decisions, to solve problems, and to
integrate these and other abilities to perform tasks
that a person might perform.
Blockchain: Blockchain’s implementation seems
to be complex, which it can undoubtedly be, but the
core principle is indeed very clear. A blockchain is
a form of a ledger. In order to be able to grasp the
blockchain, you first need to understand what a
network actually is. Blockchain systems
for the difficulties of security and
A Survey on COVID-19 Disease Detection using Advanced Techniques
Table 1: Table for covid cases
and confidence in many respects. First, there is
still linear and chronological storage of fresh
blocks usable. That is, the ’end’ of the blockchain
is still attached to them. You can find that each
block has a ”height” location on the chain when
you look at the Bitcoin network.
The Internet of Things (IoT): It comprises a
system of interconnected, internet-connected
devices that can capture and transmit data across a
wifi connection without human interference.
Endless individual or company possibilities exist.
Adevice can apply to a connected medical
system, a biochip transponder (think livestock), a
solar panel, a connected car with sensors that warn
the driver to a number of potential problems (fuel,
tyre pressure, maintenance needed, and more) or
any object fitted with sensors that can collect and
relay information through a network.
Figure 2: Mutation stages of COVID-19
The problems and problems related to DL integration
for computational biology for COVID19 disease
outbreak management in green infrastructure are
described below:
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
Table 2: Applications
Privacy Availability of large data and greater
collections from COVID-19 is a significant
obstacle given medical customer privacy.
Pattern The spread and outbreak of the disease
does not have a simple pattern. This has got a very
complex and different behavior from country to
country and time to time as covid-19 virus mutates
Applications of the latest Techniques has been given
in the table 2.
This paper provides a brief survey on COVID-19
disease detection. For this, we have collected
various papers from different domains. Filtering
has been done based on the keywords well as abstract
of the collected papers and then selected the papers
from computer science background. We have
discussed the different works done using various
techniques and algorithm from machine learning,
deep learning, artificial intelligence, internet of things
and blockchain. Inspite of this, we have also
discussed bottleneck for these techniques and
algorithms. Applications of these techniques in
detecting COVID-19 have been analyzed. The
advantage of our survey is that it covers various
parameters and research directions for beginners.
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ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering