Prediction of Neurological Disorders using Deep Learning: A Review
Akhilesh Kumar Tripathi, Arvind Kumar Tiwari
CSED, KNIT, Sultanpur, India
Keywords: Deep learning, Machine learning, Multilayer perceptron, Auto encoders, Convolution neural networks,
Deep belief networks, Neurological disorder.
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that is efficiently as well as effectively used to
analyze composite health data and extract key association in datasets. Deep learning methods are field of
machine learning method that has received important consideration in methodical society. It varies from
straightforward machine learning techniques by desirable quality to study the most favorable illustration from
untreated data. Given its capability to find abstract along with intricate patterns, deep learning has been
functional in field of neuroimaging analysis of neurological diseases featured by delicate as well as disperse
changes. This paper presents a key aspect of deep learning along with review various past work that have
been used to move toward a different machine learning algorithms to forecast the neurological disorders.
Structural, metabolic, or electrical deviation of the
cortex, spinal cord, and nerves include neurological
conditions. The prevalence of chronic neurological
disorders has risen dramatically with the growing
population and aging, independent of reducing
mortality due to stroke and other communicable
neurological diseases. Diseases similar to the
marginal and central nervous systems are
neurological diseases. The disorder's popular signs
include muscle fatigue, paralysis, convulsions, pain,
short-term memory loss, and clouded mental states
(WHO, 2012).
Neurological diseases are among the most
prevalent nervous system disorders that involve
people of all genders, genders, and ethnic
backgrounds. In some instances, brain disorders can
have no detectable origin. Different syndromes for
neurological disorders are characterized based on a
particular symptom combination. We can analyze
medical data by machine learning methods, and the
issue can be diagnosed optimally. For examine the
efficiency of Machine Learning Methods,
neurological data sets are obtained from the
Neuroclinic Centre. Some of them were listed as
critical for diagnosing the problem, along with all
the attributes ordered. According to the author, the
findings show that the preferred ML techniques
provided more comprehensive outcome, and there is
only a small gap between their performances
(Ahammad, N.,2014).
Diagnosis of neurological conditions consists of
many phases since conditions such as epilepsy,
Alzheimer's, and schizophrenia are the most realistic
and unable to make the biochemical pathway
method simple. The diagnosis includes symptom
examination, medical history evaluation, and
physical testing. In neurological disorders, the EEG
test report is usually reported to forecast the usual or
pathological condition. To diagnose neurological
conditions, there are numerous psychological
measures, including behavioral neuropsychiatric
observation, audio estimation, and rational
coefficients (Helix, 2021).
Neurological disease diagnosis is a rising
problem and one of recent medicine's most daunting
challenges. According to a new study by the World
Health Organization, neurological diseases, such as
epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and headache stroke, concern
one billion people globally. Present diagnostic
technologies (MRI, EEG) provide vast amounts of
neurological disease identification and treatment
results. In general, to classify and explain the
anomalies, the study of these broad medical details
is conducted manually by specialists. According to
the author, it is hard for a person to gather, control,
examine, and understand such great quantities of
data by image inspection. Therefore, the experts
have attempted computerized diagnostic programs,
dubbed computer-aided diagnosis, to automatically
Tripathi, A. and Tiwari, A.
Prediction of Neurological Disorders using Deep Learning: A Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010564100003161
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE 2021), pages 135-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-544-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
diagnose neurological disorders automatically using
massive medical data(Siuly, S., 2016).
Data mining mechanism are being implemented
in biomedical sciences analysis for prediction and
deep understandings of diseases’ categorization are
done. The utilize of classification schemes in
medical analysis is increasingly growing. This recent
development in technology has required large
volumes of data to be recorded. To help the analysis
of such data for scientific choice making and
analysis, machine learning approaches have been
suggested. Promising prediction accuracy has been
obtained by several of these techniques. However,
on numerous pathologically untested data sets,
methods were assessed, making it impossible to
compare them. Other considerations have a
distinctive effect on prediction precision, such as
pre-processing, the quantity of critical attributes for
element collection, and class imbalance (Tejeswinee,
K., 2017).
Work on deep learning is currently on the rise. Deep
learning are based on artificial neural networks and
inspired by the brain's organization and operation.
Deep learning depends on supervised learning or
branded data for learning. Each layer of artificial
intelligence goes through the same process. It
comprises an algorithm that can be used to produce a
mathematical model as output. The methodology
utilizes covered neural networks proficient of
studying complex constructs and achieving high
degrees of pensiveness. Deep learning can be either
local or global, and it can be propagated across the
network in two different ways. In the feed-forward
process, information moves from the input layer to
the output layer in one direction. The recurrent
neural network approach helps the data from
previous input influence the current output by the
network. To facilitate information to remain
throughout the brain, neurons are linked in parallel
to one another. This enables the models to promote
the study of sequential data, such as expression and
vocabular (Vieira, S., 2017).
2.1 Data-driven Neural Network
A Convolution neural network performs the biased
process on an input image, which can then
distinguish one picture from another. CNN applies
the convolution operation in place of straight matrix
multiplication, and CNN is primarily used in areas
of unstructured data (e.g., image and video). 2D
CNN uses 2D kernels for segmentation prediction,
and it is a simple tool. A 2D CNN can affect aspects
of its spatial dimensions only. Since 2D CNNs only
see single inputs, they are incapable of extracting
meaning from neighboring inputs (Noor, M. B. T.,
2.2 Deep Belief Network or DBN
A recurrent neural network, also known as "deep"
neural network requires a diagram to store both the
going to and undirected edges. This network consists
of several layers of secret units and each layer is
connected with another. These networks comprise a
stack of restricted Boltzmann machines that connect
and previous layers. Both the nodes of the network
are not interconnected with each other proximal.
DBN can readily recognize, categorize, and describe
photos, videos, and motion data. Their
implementations are EEG, EEG. A tool to calculate
the electrical activity of the brain (Pinaya, W. H.,
2.3 Autoencoder (AE)
The unsupervised autoencoder traces out its input to
its output in an original way. To define the code, an
internal layer is used. An auto Encoder comprises of
two key parts; the encoder converts the input to the
text, and the decoder converts the code into the
origination of the original information. The three
variants of the artificial neural network are called
sparse, denoising, and contractive. The sparse
Attentional Element model includes more hidden
elements than input units. The secret units should be
triggered only a few times during the training period,
allowing the model to learn the input data's
statistical behavior. In comparison, denoising AE is
learned to recreate the original input and takes
skewed information. Contractive AE has the
potential to append explicit normalization to its
objective function that requires the model to
conform to minor inequality conditions for its
performance (Payan, A., 2015).
2.4 Multilayer Perceptron
The MLP consists of layers, where the number of
levels rises from the bottom to the top. The first
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
layer is where data is entered into the model; from
the input side. Neural data can be visualized as a
basic vector with each value corresponding to one
centric position. At the bottom of the process, the
output contains the likelihood of a given subject
becoming a member of one group or another. The
hidden layers and the percentages of layers are
meaningless. The number of hidden layers shows the
network's level of sophistication. In information
processing, each layer in the MLP includes a series
of interconnected artificial neurons or nodes, wholly
connected to all neurons in the previous layer. Each
relation is weighted such that the intensity and
direction of the input is expressed in the output.
Gradient descent-based algorithms can be used to
boost neural network function. Gradient descent is
an algorithm used to find the best solution for the
error (difference) between the expected result and
the actual result. Back propagation method will
predict how often the weights in the layers below
need to be modified by the algorithm. Next, neural
networks use random weights to create the training
set. This forward propagation propagates the data
during each of the layers' nonlinear mathematical
transformations. The result is compared to the
predicted outcome. There is a gradient in the
weights, and the errors are propagated into the
output. This allows the gradient descent algorithm to
change the weights as appropriate. As long as there
is an error, the process proceeds iteratively (Vieira,
S., 2017).
Centered on Tejeswinee, K,ShomonaGracia Jacob,
and other commented on the new data mining
methods being used in the field of neuro-
degenerative data. In the current data mining
algorithms, 93 percent of individuals were correctly
categorized using a selection technique based on
similarities. They presented a Selective Descent
Approach that offers a more optimal subset that
offers better precision in prediction (Tejeswinee, K.,
2017).Centered on Eugene Lin, Po-HsiuKuo, and
others, the research aimed to create deep learning
models that differentiate responders from non-
responders in major depressive disorder and use
these models to make predictions about treatment
outcomes. Their analysis suggests that the MFNN
model with two hidden layers has the most
significant predictive capacity for evaluating the
dynamic interaction between antidepressant reaction
and biomarkers (Lin, E., 2018).
According to Suk H-I, Shen's ADNI dataset
proposedapprox 95.8, 85.01, and 75.80 percent
effective at AD, MCI, and MCI translation,
respectively (Suk, H. I., 2013). According to B.A.,
Jonsson, G., Bjornsdottir, and all others, they have a
novel deep learning method for estimating a person's
brain age from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
scans of the brain. Their technique was learned and
tested on two datasets: IXI and UK Biobank. Their
technique was trained on a healthy dataset and
changed (Jónsson, B. A, 2019). According to Sandra
Vieira, Walter H. L. Pinaya, and other Deep
Learning has been extended to brain scans of
neurological diseases marked by fragile and sluggish
changes. They gave an introduction to Deep
Learning and provide a summary and overview of
Deep Learning science. Studies suggested that Deep
Learning is helping with the effort to classify
neurological diseases (Vieira, S., 2017).
Filippone et al.offeredan examination of the
various techniques of neuroimaging used to the
discrimination of three neurological conditions. The
paper illustrated the capacity for disease
identification by non-probabilistic classifiers
dependent on multiple modalities (Filippone, M,
2012). Gautam& Sharma offered a deep-learning
viewpoint that can be used to diagnose various
neurological disorders, including stroke, autism,
migraine, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,
epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. Their research
shows what neuroimaging software could be used to
detect different human neurological disorders.
Several papers are linked to using various deep
learning approaches for diagnosing neurological
disorders (Gautam, R., 2020). Yuhui Du and Vince D.
Calhoun published a summary paper that addressed
the different brain connectivity tests available and
the various ways those measures are categorized.
They offered a survey of the existing approaches for
FC analysis, including static and dynamic methods
and methods that have been introduced. Their
research analyzed representative applications for
mood and neurological disorders and showed
impressive classifications with precise precision (Du,
Y., 2018).
Based on Dr.SudhirG.Akojwar,
Dr.PravinR.Kshirsagar, the work integrated a
singular state signal. The comprehensive Radial
premise work method was better at work and
involves a significant number of its spread factor.
Choosing the most effective research strategy was
challenging and requires a great deal of analysis to
be done. The probability of the particles spreading
was dependent on how fast the particles travel.
Prediction of Neurological Disorders using Deep Learning: A Review
Combining PSO with GRNN significantly increased
the precision and efficacy of GRNN for complicated
neurological problems (Filippone, M., 2012). Hisham
and Magdy offered a novel seizure forecast method
based on deep learning and extended to durable
scalp EEGs. They offered a test method that
guaranteed a product's consistency. They obtained
the highest degree of the correct response, along
with the shortest false alarm rate and the earliest
seizure prediction time, rendering their proposed
system the most qualified among the state of the art
methods (Daoud, H., 2019).
According to Kaur and Malhi, advanced
machine learning technology has been used to
estimate the motor Unified Parkinson's Disease
Rating Score for the collected automated speech
procedures. For comparative research, they used
evaluation parameters such as similarity, R-Square,
RMSE. For assessing the results, the implications
from various ensemble models have been
recalculated. The K-fold cross-validation procedure
quantifies the robustness of the ensemble through
the statistical validation. A model that works with an
accuracy of 99.5 percent is adequate to identify
Parkinson's disease (Kaur, H., 2020).
NusratZerinZenia, MananBinthTaj Noor, and others
contrasted the latest available deep learning
techniques concerning neurological disorders. The
author addresses numerous diseases, including
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and schizophrenia based
on magnetic resonance imaging results obtained
using multiple modal imaging methods, including
functional and structural MRI. They investigated
how different neural network architectures operate
through a range of tasks and modalities. The
Convolutional Neural Network has outperformed
other structures for recognizing cognitive
impairments (Noor, M. B. T., Zenia, 2020).
Mohamad-ParsaHosseini, Hamid Soltanian-
Zadeh discussed a computer-based brain-computer
interface device aimed at exploring brain function.
An initial method of decreasing dimensionality is
built to improve classification correctness and
decrease training time. After a deep learning
approach and a stacked autoencoder approach are
educated, unsupervised feature extraction, and
classification results could be achieved. According
to the author, cloud computing is a solution for
processing large electroencephalograms at a real-
time scale. Their findings on a clinical dataset show
how the proposed patient-specific BCI system is
possibly the superior tool for treating epilepsy
patients and that it is intended to be useful in the
real-life cure of epilepsy patients (Hosseini, M. P.,
2016). Al-AmynValliani, Aly. Daniel Ranti
explained the various reasons deep learning has been
used in multiple fields, particularly in the healthcare
sector. The paper addresses the key obstacles that
remain in incorporating deep learning tools in the
clinical environment and sets out a plan for tackling
those(Valliani, A. A. A., 2019). Authors have
explained how a hybrid Artificial Neural Network
algorithm could be employed to identify and forecast
various neurological disorders. When doing their
analysis, the percentage of correctness, sensitivity,
and mean squared error is determined. Using this
modern method, electroencephalographic (EEG)
signals can now be identified with at least 99%
precision (
Kshirsagar, P. R., 2018).
Machine Learning (ML) is a field of computer
science that is efficiently as well as effectively used
to analyze composite health data and extract key
association in datasets. Deep learning methods are
field of machine learning method that has received
important consideration in methodical society. It
varies from straightforward machine learning
techniques by desirable quality to study the most
favorable illustration from untreated data. Given its
capability to find abstract along with intricate
patterns, deep learning has been functional in field
of neuroimaging analysis of neurological diseases
featured by delicate as well as disperse changes This
paper presented a key aspect of deep learning along
with reviewed various past work that have been used
to move toward a different machine learning
algorithms to forecast the neurological disorders.
Ahammad, N., Fathima, T., & Joseph, P. (2014).
Detection of epileptic seizure event and onset using
EEG. BioMed research international, 2014.
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Tejeswinee, K., Shomona, G. J., & Athilakshmi, R.
(2017). Feature selection techniques for prediction of
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ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Procedia
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Vieira, S., Pinaya, W. H., & Mechelli, A. (2017). Using
deep learning to investigate the neuroimaging
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Methods and applications. Neuroscience &
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in detecting neurological disorders from magnetic
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Using deep belief network modelling to characterize
differences in brain morphometry in schizophrenia.
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Payan, A., & Montana, G. (2015). Predicting Alzheimer's
disease: a neuroimaging study with 3D convolutional
neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02506.
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M., Kobayashi, M., ... & Kishima, H. (2019).
Automatic diagnosis of neurological diseases using
MEG signals with a deep neural network. Scientific
reports, 9(1), 1-9.
Lin, E., Kuo, P. H., Liu, Y. L., Yu, Y. W. Y., Yang, A. C.,
& Tsai, S. J. (2018). A deep learning approach for
predicting antidepressant response in major depression
using clinical and genetic biomarkers. Frontiers in
psychiatry, 9, 290.
Suk, H. I., & Shen, D. (2013, September). Deep learning-
based feature representation for AD/MCI
classification. In International Conference on Medical
Image Computing and Computer-Assisted
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Daoud, H., & Bayoumi, M. A. (2019). Efficient epileptic
seizure prediction based on deep learning. IEEE
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and prediction of brain disorders using functional
connectivity: promising but challenging. Frontiers in
neuroscience, 12, 525.
Filippone, M., Marquand, A. F., Blain, C. R., Williams, S.
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Probabilistic prediction of neurological disorders with
a statistical assessment of neuroimaging data
modalities. The annals of applied statistics, 6(4), 1883.
Filippone, M., Marquand, A. F., Blain, C. R., Williams, S.
C., Mourão-Miranda, J., & Girolami, M. (2012).
Probabilistic prediction of neurological disorders with
a statistical assessment of neuroimaging data
modalities. The annals of applied statistics, 6(4), 1883.
Gautam, R., & Sharma, M. (2020). Prevalence and
diagnosis of neurological disorders using different
deep learning techniques: a meta-analysis. Journal of
medical systems, 44(2), 1-24.
Hosseini, M. P., Soltanian-Zadeh, H., Elisevich, K., &
Pompili, D. (2016, December). Cloud-based deep
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prediction. In 2016 IEEE global conference on signal
and information processing (GlobalSIP) (pp. 1151-
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Jónsson, B. A., Bjornsdottir, G., Thorgeirsson, T. E.,
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... & Ulfarsson, M. O. (2019). Brain age prediction
using deep learning uncovers associated sequence
variants. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-10.
Kaur, H., Malhi, A. K., & Pannu, H. S. (2020). Machine
learning ensemble for neurological disorders. Neural
Computing and Applications, 1-18.
Kshirsagar, P. R., Akojwar, S. G., & Bajaj, N. D. (2018).
A hybridised neural network and optimisation
algorithms for prediction and classification of
neurological disorders. International Journal of
Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 28(4), 307-
Valliani, A. A. A., Ranti, D., & Oermann, E. K. (2019).
Deep learning and neurology: a systematic review.
Neurology and therapy, 8(2), 351-365.
WHO | Neurological Disorders: Public Health Challenges,
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Prediction of Neurological Disorders using Deep Learning: A Review