Text Recognition using Deep Learning: A Review
Shalini Agrahari, Arvind Kumar Tiwari
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur, India
Keywords: Deep Learning, Text Recognition, Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, LSTM.
Abstract: An active field of study, in the domain of text recognition in images, is trying to develop a computer
application with the capacity to read the content automatically from images. There is currently a massive
demand for the storage of available data on paper records for later use in a machine-readable form. Due to
font style, image quality issues, the computer is unable to recognize text. There have been different
machine learning and deep learning techniques suggested for text recognition. Current research papers
illustrate how different functions boost efficiency and performance in the pattern recognition file. This paper
explores and presents the various techniques and to encourage researchers in the field. This paper evaluates
and analyzes various techniques for recognizing text from various sources.
The text recognition system is a fundamental system
used in many applications nowadays. Due to
digitalization, there is a huge demand for storing data
into the computer by converting documents into
digital format. It is difficult to recognize text in
various sources like text documents, images, and
videos, etc. due to some noise. The text recognition
system is a technique by which recognizer recognizes
the characters or texts or various symbols. The text
recognition system consists of a procedure of
transforming input images into machine-
understandable format (K. R. Singh, 2015; Polaiah B,
2019; Yogesh Kumar D, 2018). There are two types
of recognition: online text recognition and offline
text recognition whether online recognition system
includes tablet and digital pen, while offline
recognition includes printed or handwritten
documents. Also, offline text recognition is further
divided into handwritten text recognition and printed
text recognition. A text recognition procedure is
carried out by some phases: first is pre-processing to
enhance the quality of input image by doing some
operations like noise elimination and normalization
etc., second is segmentation to segment the input
image into single characters, third is feature
extraction to extract important information from the
input image by applying different feature extraction
techniques such as Histograms, etc., forth is
classification or decision-making phase which
compares the extracted input feature to the stored
pattern, and assigns them into correct character class,
and the last one is post-processing which improves
the recognition rate by filtering and correcting the
output obtained by classification phase (Ayush
Purohit, 2016; Manoj Sonkusare, 2016).
Many machine learning algorithms, deep
learning algorithms, and datasets are used to detect
and recognize text. The idea of developing a
predictive model based on experience is involved in
machine learning. The deep neural network can
model convoluted and non-linear connections and
the creation of models. Many researchers are
researching this field to find an accurate system for
recognizing text.
Deep learning's objective approach is to solve the
complexity of the sophisticated factors of the input
through using high–level features. The notion of
deep learning technology is that there is nothing that
inherently challenges the software to increase
performance, e.g. handwriting recognition of the
machines achieves human performance levels. There
are numerous types of structures and algorithms that
are useful in the formulation of the deep learning
Agrahari, S. and Tiwari, A.
Text Recognition using Deep Learning: A Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010563300003161
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE 2021), pages 106-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-544-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Some of the deep learning's important
approaches are:
2.1 Convolutional Neural Network
CNN (Edward Grefenstette, 2014) is a specialized
type of neural network model which is designed for
working with image data. CNN is widely used in
image recognition, image classification, object
detection and face recognition, etc. In CNN, the
input image passes through a series of convolutional
layers, pooling layers, fully connected layers, and
finally produces an output which can be a simple
class or probability of class that best describes the
image. CNN can learn multiple layers of feature
representations of an image by applying different
techniques. In this approach, a computer performs
image classification by looking for low-level
features such as edges and curves and then building
up to a more abstract concept through a series of
convolutional layers. CNN provides greater
precision and improves performance because of its
exclusive characteristics, such as local connectivity
and parameter sharing.
2.2 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
RNN (Junyoung C., 2014) is useful when it is
required to predict the next word of sequence. If we
are trying to use such data where sequence matches,
we need a network that has access to some prior
knowledge about the data. In this approach, output
from the previous step is fed as input to the current
step. The architecture of RNN includes three layers:
input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The
hidden layer remembers information about
sequences. RNN model has a memory that
remembers all the information about what has been
calculated. Application areas of RNN include
sequence classification such as sentiment
classification and video classification etc.; sequence
labeling such as image captioning and named entry
recognition etc.; and sequence generation such as
machine translation etc. Recurrent Neural Network
is useful in time series prediction and it has
flexibility for handling various types of data.
2.3 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
LSTM (S. Hochreiter, 1997) overcomes the
problems of RNN model. RNN model suffers from
short-term memory. RNN model has no control over
which part of the information needs to be carried
forward and how many parts need to be forgotten. A
memory unit called a cell is utilized by the LSTM
which can maintain information for a sufficient
period. LSTM networks are a special kind of RNN,
capable of learning long dependencies. LSTM has a
cell state which carries information throughout the
processing of the sequence. This model contains
interacting layers in a repeating module. Forget gate
layer is responsible for what to keep and what to
throw from old information. The input modulation
gate layer and input layer are responsible for what
new information is stored in the cell state. And last
output layer gives output based on cell state.
In literature, there are various researchers have been
proposed a deep learning-based approach for text
recognition. A multilingual handwriting recognition
system has been proposed using gated convolutional
recurrent neural networks (Blutche T., 2017). In this
model, a convolutional encoder, an interface that
converts 2D images into 1D representation, and a
Bi-LSTM layer were used. The given architecture
was faster than multi-dimensional-LSTM for text
recognition. On IAM dataset, the character error rate
(CER) was improved by 3.2% on line level and
3.3% on the paragraph level. (Reeve Ingle, 2019)
have described a model for online handwriting data
recognition, named “A Scalable Handwritten Text
Recognition System”. Gated recurrent convolutional
layers (GRCLs) were used in this model. GRCL
blocks are useful for large amounts of data.
Historical documents and IAM dataset were used for
training data. This model improved character error
rate (CER) by 4.0 to 12.4% and word error rate
(WER) by 10.8 to 30.1%. (Chung J., 2019) have
introduced a framework to recognize offline
handwritten text. Text localization and text
recognition processes were used to localize
handwritten test and converted images of words into
strings. In this model, CNN-biLSTM network was
implemented. For evaluation, IAM dataset was used
in which CER improved by 6.4 to 28.3%.
Computational cost was reduced, if compared to
previous methods. (Carbonell M., 2018) has
proposed Joint recognition of handwritten text and
named entities with a neural end-to-end model. In
this model, CNN, BLSTM, and CTC model were
combined together for performing handwritten text
recognition (HTR). 4 convolutional layers and 3
stacked BLSTM layers were used in this
architecture. Marriage records were used as a
Text Recognition using Deep Learning: A Review
dataset. (Bluche, 2016) has proposed a model which
is a modification of Multi-Dimensional Long Short-
Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
(MDLSTM-RNNs), for processing of handwritten
paragraphs without an explicit line segmentation.
IAM database was used as a dataset. CER improved
by 6.8 to 8.4%. The CTC error at the paragraph level
is minimized by line segmentation. (Moysset, 2019)
have discussed Manifold Mixup improves text
recognition with the CTC loss model. Manifold
Mixup is a data augmentation method that features
maps to images. This model performed experiments
on the Maurdor dataset (french) and IAM dataset.
9.39% (without mixup) and 8.9% (with mixup)
improvement were achieved on maurdor dataset, and
on IAM dataset, 4.68% (without mixup) and 4.64%
(with mixup) improvement were achieved. This
model significantly enhanced text recognition results
on various sets of handwritten data of different sizes
and languages. (Wenniger, 2019) have proposed a
model named, No Padding Please: Efficient Neural
Handwriting Recognition Model. For neural
handwriting recognition (NHR), efficient MDLSTM
based models have been developed. This example-
packing proposed method replaced stacking of waste
padded examples with efficient tiling in a 2-
dimensional grid. For evaluation, IAM dataset was
used. Speed improvement was achieved in this
model. (Louradour, 2014) have introduced an active
curriculum learning model, which was used to
recognize the text for localization and classification.
In this paper, stochastic gradient descent was easily
accelerated and short sequences were recognized
before all training sequences were trained. IAM,
RIMES, and OpenHaRT were used for experiments.
CER% was dropped from 22% to 17% on IAM
dataset. A slight improvement has been achieved in
both RIMES and OpenHaRT datasets.
(Poulos, 2019) have proposed a model i.e. called
Character-Based Handwritten Text Transcription
with Attention Networks. An attention-based
encoder-decoder network was used to train to handle
sequences of characters rather than words for
handwritten text transcription. In this model,
BLSTM as an encoder and gated recurrent unit
(GRU) as a decoder were used. This approach
achieved the lowest test error and outperformance
than other RNN based models. For evaluation, IAM
databaset was used as dataset. CER = 16.9%
achieved in this model with softmax attention.
(Aradillas, 2018) have described an approach to
enhance the recognition of handwriting texts in
small databases with neural networks. CNN,
BLSTM, and CTC algorithms were used to reduce
training data for handling offline handwritten text
recognition. The transfer learning approach was used
for learning parameters form a bigger database. IAM
dataset, Washington and Parzinal were used as
datasets; CER=3.0% achieved on IAM dataset, and
this model obtained good results from Washington
and Parzinal database. (Chowdhury, 2018) have
proposed a model to recognize the offline
handwritten text from images. The Encoder-Decoder
network was being used to plot text in the image to a
character sequence; BLSTM and LSTM were used
as encoder and decoder respectively. Beam Search
algorithm was applied for searching the best
sequences. IAM and RIMES datasets were used for
experimental results. Word level accuracy was
achieved by 3.5 % on IAM dataset and 1.1 % on
RIMES dataset. (Puigcerver, 2017)have proposed a
model in which a multidimensional recurrent layer
might not be necessary. Convolutional layer, 1D-
LSTM layers, and RmsProp algorithm were used in
this method. RmsProp algorithm updated the
parameters of the model incrementally. Two widely
used datasets- IAM and RIMES dataset were used
for experimental results in this method. CER
dropped from 8.2% to 6.3% on IAM dataset and
3.3% to 2.6% on RIMES dataset. (Michael, 2019)
have introduced a method; attention-based sequence-
to-sequence method. It was encoder-decoder-based
network in which deep CNN and BLSTM
algorithms were used in encoder and LSTM
algorithm used in decoder. Here, 6 different types of
attention mechanism were tried. Different datasets
like IAM Handwriting Database, ICFHR2016
READ data set (Bozen), and StAZH data set was
used in this method. It achieved an average CER of
4:66% on bozen dataset and CER of 4:87% on IAM
dataset. (Lei Tang, 2009) have suggested the
MetaLabeler model to automatically determine the
appropriate dataset. MetaLabeler model has divided
into three versions: score-based, content-based, and
ranked-based. Content-based MetaLabeler
outperformed than other methods. With
MetaLabeler, both measures micro-f1 and macro-f1
improved by 1-9% at a different level concerning
hierarchical models. (Alex Graves, 2014) has
introduced an LSTM-RNN based method that
generates complex, real and discrete sequences with
long-range structures. Prediction network was for
predicting text; this model was also used for
recognizing online handwritten text. IAM database
was used as a dataset to define the character
sequences. LSTM and RNN algorithms were used in
this model. This system generated highly realistic
cursive handwriting in a wide variety. (Vu Pham,
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
2014) have proposed a model in which DropOut and
DropConnect methods are used. LSTM and RNN
algorithms were also used in this method for text
recognition. Three handwriting datasets were used
for evaluation Rimes, IAM, and open heart.
DropOut improved error rate always.
(Khaoula, 2011) have introduced a model in
which text can be detected and recognized in digital
videos. A full Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
System was developed for text recognition in videos.
The segmentation method has been applied to
segment images into single characters and to
recognize them. This OCR-based system
outperformed in style and size variabilities,
background complexity, and indexing multimedia
videos. French TV news videos database was used
as a dataset in this model and CER improved by
95%. (Voigtlaender, 2016) have introduced GPU
based model that lowers training times. CUDA,
cuBLAS, and MDLSTM were directly used to
implement this model. For result evaluation, IAM
and RIMES datasets were used. We achieved a
WER of 7.1 % on IAM dataset. (Doetsch, 2016)
have introduced a method to recognize offline
handwritten text. The Proposed model was a
bidirectional decoder network which was superior to
a unidirectional decoder network. A Recurrent
encoder, bidirectional decoder, and content-based
attention mechanism were combined for consistent
improvements. RIMES database was used as a
dataset for experimental results. This model
achieved WER of 3.6% CER of 1.3%. (Zhuoyao,
2015) have given a model which used GoogLeNet
and Directional Feature Maps for high performance
in HCCR. A deep architecture has been used for
high performance; in which multiple layers were
used to implement HCCR-GoogLeNet. In this
model, ICDAR 2013 dataset was used as an offline
HCCR competition dataset. HCCR-GoogLeNet
achieved a recognition accuracy of 96.35%.
(Baoguang, 2016) have proposed a technique to
recognize scene text in image-based sequence
recognition. The network architecture of this model
was based on CRNN which is a combination of
DCNN and RNN algorithms. Different datasets were
used for performance evaluation. By the result,
given by the CRNN based model, made this
proposed model compact and efficient.
(Zheng Zhang, 2016)have described a model to
detect text in natural images. For text blocks
detection, Text-Block FCN was used. Character-
Centroid FCN eliminated false text line candidates.
Two multi-oriented text datasets- MSRATD500 and
ICDAR2015; and one horizontal text dataset -
ICDAR2013; were used for result evaluation. In the
handling of multi-oriented text, this model usually
accomplished the state of art efficiency but did not
achieve a perfect performance. (Swapnil, 2016) have
introduced a model to recognize Hindi handwritten
words based on HMM and symbol tree.
Segmentation and classification method were used
for text recognition. In this model, the symbol tree
has been created by possible sequences of
recognized text. HMM was used for robust
classification. Akshara's Segmentation is critical
work to generate accuracy. This method gives 89%
accuracy on 10,000 words. (Saumya, 2014) have
described a method to Multi-script Identication from
Printed Words. For script recognition at the word
level HoG was used. LPG was used to capture image
texture. Both HoG and LPG-based classification
were used as feature descriptors for the word image.
MILE database was used as a dataset in this model.
This model gives 97.7% accuracy on MILE dataset.
(Hung T. N, 2019) have proposed a model for text-
independent writer identification. The CNN-based
approach was used to extract local and global
features. To create a high volume of data, a random
sampling method was also used. JEITA-HP database
and IAM database were used in this model as
datasets. This method achieved a 99.97%
identification rate on JEITA-HP database, and also
obtained 91.5% accuracy higher than handcrafted
features. (Nam-Tuan Ly, 2017) have introduced a
method to recognize Offline Handwritten Japanese
Text. DCRN approach was applied which was a
combination of CNN, BLSTM, and CTC decoder
algorithms; CNN for feature extractor, BLSTM at
recurrent layer, and CTC decoder for translating
prediction into sequences. TUAT Kondate database
(a Japanese texts, images, etc. database) was used as
a dataset. This DCRN based model consistently
outperformed than other segmentation-model in both
sequence error rate and label error rate. (Weixin
Yang, 2015) have introduced an approach to
recognize Chinese characters using domain-specific
information. The proposed method was generally an
enhancement of the DCNN approach. This method
included non-linear normalization, deformation,
imaginary strokes, and path signature, etc. Hybrid
serial-parallel (HSP) strategy with DCNN
significantly improved state-of-the-art. In this
method, accuracy was achieved by 97.20% on the
CASIA-OLHWDB1.0 dataset and 96.87% on
CASIAOLHWDB1.1. (Irfan Ahmad, 2014) have
described their model for Arabic Text Recognition.
This proposed model was based on sub-character
HMM models. This recognizer allowed to share
Text Recognition using Deep Learning: A Review
common patterns and Arabic characters between
different shapes and different characters
respectively. This sub-character HMM model
included space and connector model; where space
model provided flexibility. By this method, a
compact, efficient and robust model has been
developed. IFN/ENIT database was used for
evaluation and it achieved recognition rates of
85.12%. (Gernot, 2016) have introduced their
investigations for text recognition using class-based
contextual modeling. There was a problem of
inadequate training using the Contextual HMM
model for recognition. Three processes data
preparation, model training, and decoding were used
in the proposed model. IFN/ENIT databases were
used as a dataset; which gives better results than
standard contextual HMM systems. (Minghui,
2017) have introduced a TextBoxes model for scene
text recognition. This textboxes model included text
detection, word spotting, and end-to-end recognition
steps. SynthText, IC13, and Street View Text
datasets were used for text localization performance.
This model gives text localization performance with
high accuracy and efficiency but there were
problems in overexposure and large character
spacing. (Baoguang, 2018) have suggested a scene
text recognition model based on attention with
flexible rectification. This technique included a
rectification network and a recognition network
where it was the responsibility of the rectification
network to correct text in images, and the
recognition network estimated plain text from the
corrected image. This proposed model was trained
on SynthText, IIIT5k-Words, and Street View Text
(SVT) datasets. This model addressed the issues of
irregular text recognition problems and gave greater
efficiency in the recognition of cropped text.
(Xiang Bai, 2016) have investigated a method for
script identification that finds script in natural
images. Discriminative clustering has been applied;
by which this model was called Discriminative
Convolutional Neural Network (DisCNN) system.
For validation, a SIW-13 dataset was evaluated. This
technique did not include processes such as
binarization, segmentation, or hand-crafted
characteristics. This method effectively performed
script identication in images, videos, and documents.
(Xiang Bai,2017) have introduced a model for
classifying images whether it contains text or not. A
CNN-based model variant called Multi-scale Spatial
Partition Network (MSP-Net) has been developed.
This process categorized images very efficiently in a
single forward propagation by foreseeing all sections
at once. This method included TextDis benchmark
database, the ICDAR2003 database, and Hua's
database as datasets for evaluation. This text/non-
text image classification method gives effective
results compared with other methods. (Sheng Zhang,
2018) have introduced a new Feature Enhancement
Network for accurate scene text detection. Text
Detection Refinement algorithm was used for
refining text. In this model, FE-RPN enhanced text
features, and Hyper Feature Generation module was
used for text detection refinement. Two ICDAR
2011 and ICDAR 2013 datasets were used for
proving the effectiveness of this approach. The state-
of-the-art outcomes are ultimately achieved by this
technique. (Xiaoxue Chen, 2020) have proposed an
Adaptive embedding gate (AEG) module to address
the problems of improper use of previous predictions
in the scene text recognition attention decoder. By
using character language modeling, the AEG module
adaptively strengthens the current prediction in the
decoding stage. Two components: a convolutional
encoder and recurrent attention-based decoder
network were used to generate target sequences.
Several datasets were used for result evaluation. The
efficiency of state-of-the-art outcomes is
consistently improved by this AEG module.
(Shangbang Long, 2018) have presented a
framework for arbitrary shapes text detection. The
proposed method TextSnake tackled the problem
generated from free-form text instances. A fully
Convolutional Network (FCN) algorithm was used
for attribute estimation. This method gives a flexible
representation of arbitrary shapes text instances.
SynthText was used for the pre-training network.
TotalText, CTW1500, and MSRA-TD500 datasets
were used for achieving result performance. Text
detection-based TextSnake outperformed on
TotalText dataset. (Christian Bartz, 2017) have
introduced a model for language identification.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems
detected languages but this proposed model solved
the problem of images, not the audio domain. This
model used a hybrid algorithm based on CRNN, a
combination of CNN and RNN. YouTube News
dataset and EU Speech Repository etc. were used as
datasets whether datasets are split into training,
validation, and testing sets. This algorithm
recognized a wide variety of languages.
(Shangbang Long, 2020) have introduced a
UnrealText which renders realistic images via a 3D
graphics engine. This engine showed real
appearances of both text and scene both. The
viewfinder module was used for exploring the
camera’s location, viewpoint, and rotation from 3D
scenes. Based on UE4.22 and the UnrealCV plugin,
ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
this proposed engine has been developed. This
method adopted the techniques of ASTER model.
Synthetic datasets were used for training such as
Synth90K and SynthText. To detect and recognize
texts, this method provided effectiveness. (Christian
Bartz, 2018) have described a deep neural network-
based model called, SEE. It is a semi-supervised
method of detection and recognition of end-to-end
text. For text detection, a spatial transformer is used
which is a combination of localization network, grid
generator, and differentiable interpolation method.
SVHN dataset and FSNS dataset are used for
showing the performance of the proposed method.
In-text detection and recognition, this paper
outperforms but is still unable to identify text in
irregular places. (Joseph Bethge, 2019) have
mentioned a strategy for scene text detection which
consisted of off-the-shelf building blocks for neural
networks. There were two parts to this network
system, one was the localization network and the
other was the recognition network. Localization
included ResNet based feature extractor and spatial
transformer, and recognition network included
ResNet based feature extractor and transformer.
Datasets such asICDAR 2013(IC13), IIIT5K,
SynthText, SVTP, and CUTE80 were used for result
evaluations. In comparison with other approaches,
this proposed work outperformed the state results.
(Maroua Tounsi, 2016) has introduced a model for
scene character recognition(SCR). The proposed
model was based on a Bag of Features (BoF) model
that uses supervised learning dictionaries. This
method also used the strategy of a sparse neural
network model for character recognition. Chars74K,
ICDAR2003, and ARASTI datasets were used for
proving this technique. The experimental results
demonstrated the performance of the method
(Ikram Moalla, 2016) have been suggested as a
technique to recognize text in captured images by
camera. This model extended the features of BoF
based model using deep learning for SCR. To
improve recognizer performance, a deep Sparse
Auto-encoder (SAE)-based strategy was also
adapted. Datasets such as Chars74K, ICDAR2003,
and ARASTI were used for evaluation. This deep
learning-based architecture gives better
representation and better recognition accuracy. (Fei
Yin, 2017) have described sliding convolutional
character models for STR. This method uses a
strategy of a Convolutional feature map. CTC
algorithm has been applied for normalizing and
decoding character outputs on sliding windows. This
proposed method avoided character segmentation
difficulty and gradient exploding. Different datasets
such as IIIT-5K, SVT, ICDAR03/13, and TRW1
were taken in this technique to show the
performance of the proposed method. The
recognizer was fast and provided state-of-the-art
techniques with a competitive advantage. (Yi-Chao
Wu, 2018) have suggested an approach to do text
recognition similar to the human reading
mechanism. The process of SCAN recognizer was
like the movement of the human eye during the
reading text. This recognizer included a sliding
window layer, a convolutional feature extractor, and
a convolutional encoder-decoder. This proposed
method was evaluated on IIIT5k, SVT, and ICDAR
2003/2013 datasets. This recognition method gives
high interpretation and high performance. (Praveen
Krishnan, 2016) have described a deep
convolutional feature representation model for
spotting words and recognizing texts. HWNet
architecture was used for word spotting. It was a
CNN-based network, with concepts of query-by-
string and query-by-example. IAM Handwriting
Database was used as a dataset for result
evaluations. Word error rate (WER) improved by
6.69% and character error rate(CER) improved by
3.72% in the proposed method. (Kartik Dutta, 2018)
have investigated an End2End embedding
framework for text recognition and word-spotting in
text documents and images. HWNet embedding
architecture and CRNN algorithm were used for
word-spotting and word-recognition respectively in
this method. IAM handwritten dataset was used for
experimental results. Word spotting has been
evaluated using mean average precision (mAP) of
0.9509 for query-by-string. CER and WER
improved by 2.66% and 5.10% respectively on
word recognition. (Minesh Mathew, 2018) have
proposed a modified version of CNN-RNN hybrid
architecture for handwritten recognition in offline
document images. Different procedures like
synthetic data for pre-training, image normalization
method, and data transformation and distortion were
jointly used for recognition in this technique. Two
modern datasets IAM and RIMES, and one
historical dataset, George Washington (GW) dataset
were used for document analysis. This proposed
method significantly improved the recognition rate
at line level and word level. (CV Jawahar, 2016)
have introduced a framework for data generation in
documents. A data augmentation scheme is used for
rendering synthetic data. Synthetic data is created
based on fonts and style for the word images. IAM
handwriting dataset and IIIT-HWS dataset are used
for experimental results. This framework gives good
Text Recognition using Deep Learning: A Review
performance in recognition but does not address
problems of the cursive property.
(Siddhant Bansalhave, 2020) given a word
recognition method using deep embeddings
representation. CNN-RNN hybrid architecture was
used to convert the content of images into text
forms, and fusion and re-ranking methods were used
for word retrieval. In this paper, Hindi documents
were used as a dataset to validate this method.
Average and max fusion were used, while retrieving,
for result improvement. In the mAP, the word
recognition rate increased by 1.4 percent and the
recovery rate by 11.13 percent.
Text recognition is a challenging task due to
different writing styles in different languages. In this
paper, we have studied how several steps such as
segmentation, feature extraction, and classification
have been used in text recognition. Here deep
learning approaches have been also discussed which
helps recognize text. This paper analyzed and
explored in direction of text recognition. The
analysis in this paper showed that there is still scope
to improve the algorithms, as well as improve the
recognition rate of words.
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ICACSE 2021 - International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering