A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement
based on BPMN 2.0
Salma Ayari
, Yousra Bendali Hlaoui
and Leila Ben Ayed
Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
National School of Computer Science, University of Mannouba, Tunisia
BPMN, Refinement, Context-free Grammar, Syntax-directed Translation, Formal Semantics, Formal
This paper deals with the development by refinement of BPMN(Business Process Model and Notations) mod-
els. Indeed, Business Process (BP) development based on step-wise refinement (i) facilitates the understanding
of complex BP (ii) specifies all the BP semantics that the BPMN model has to describe by focusing on the
smallest detail of the BP since details are added gradually to the model under development.
Hence, we propose an approach assisting a business process developer to gradually build his/her BPMN model
ensuring an automatic syntax and semantic property checking. The approach allows in one hand a BPMN syn-
tax driven refinement based on a BPMN context-free grammar and in the other hand a formal verification of
semantic properties. To be validated, the proposed approach is illustrated throughout the development of an
on line flight booking BP.
As BPMN (Specification, 2006) is a standard used for
the modeling of business processes, we propose, in
this paper, an approach for developing and verifying
BPMN models based on automatic refinement pro-
cess and formal verification techniques (Ayari et al.,
2018). In this approach, business process develop-
ment starts with an abstract BPMN sub-process satis-
fying certain semantic properties represented through
its pre and post conditions. Hence, a BPMN sub-
process Sub P, is refined by a series of BPMN
constructs R
which should (i) preserve the initial
Sub P semantics by adding new semantics and (ii)
be syntactically correct accordingly to BPMN syntax.
Hence, at each level of the refinement, semantic prop-
erties and syntax rules have to be checked in order
to provide reliable, valid and correct refined BPMN
models. In fact, at each refinement level, develop-
ers add more relevant details with preserving semantic
properties of the model they refine in order to ensure a
correct by construction BPMN modeling. Therefore,
developers focus more on the BP smallest semantic
detail that the BPMN model should describe and rep-
resent. In addition, to maintain the BPMN syntac-
tic correctness of refined models throughout the BP
construction, we guide the developer in the model-
ing task by providing a set of BPMN refinement pat-
terns. These patterns are defined via a formal frame-
work to ensure the automation of the refinement pro-
cess. Hence, we have developed a context-free gram-
mar (Aho et al., 1986) which generates systemati-
cally refined models by choosing the kind of refine-
ment pattern. The developer intervenes in the refine-
ment process by choosing the right pattern to use, by
defining the BP tasks and by specifying semantic re-
quirements. Therefore, we ensure the development
of syntactically correct BPMN models. Moreover, at
each level of the refinement, we have to prove refine-
ment properties which ensure semantic coherence be-
tween two linked refinement models. These proper-
ties define the semantic relationship that should exist
between refined model and refinement model. To en-
sure the proof of the satisfiability of these properties,
we use Event-B (Abrial, 2010) formal method as it is
based on model refinement and allows the proof of its
correctness. In addition, certain functional properties
should be checked to ensure the reliability of devel-
oped BP models. In this aim, we use NuSMV model
checker (Cimatti et al., 1999) which verify the satisfi-
ability of these properties described by the CTL (Ku-
mar et al., 2004) temporal logic. Thereby, formal
BPMN model semantics are specified per a Kripke
structure (Kripke, 2007) as we use an event based se-
Ayari, S., Hlaoui, Y. and Ben Ayed, L.
A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement based on BPMN 2.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0010561404890496
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2021), pages 489-496
ISBN: 978-989-758-523-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mantics. This structure is ,systematically, provided by
a Syntax-Driven Translation (SDT) (Aho et al., 1986)
which is developed accordingly to the BPMN gram-
mar. Over this structure, event-B verifies the preser-
vation of semantic properties during the refinement
process and NuSMV checks BP functional properties.
This paper is structured as follows: In the follow-
ing section, we will explain the problem and propose
our solution (Section related work), in the third sec-
tion, we will define our approach of development by
refinement and the formal verification of BPMN mod-
els. In the fourth section, we will introduce the notion
of contracts based on the BPMN refinement. In the
fifth section, we will define the formal semantic’s of
BPMN with different refinement patterns. In section
6, an example illustration will be explained. And fi-
nally, in section 7, a conclusion is completed.
Refinement based business process modeling is one
of the key challenges that business process manage-
ment systems must meet. However, most of the exist-
ing approach restrict business process refinement to
the run-time. Furthermore, in our opinion, the re-
finement increases the business process quality not
only during the run-time but also during its devel-
opment. Nevertheless, we present and discuss the
most important existing approaches in this frame-
work. First, we discuss business process refinement
approach second we discuss business process veri-
fication approaches. Then, we discuss an approach
that combines business process modeling and verifi-
cation. Kubovy et al. (Kubovy and K
ung, 2014) pro-
vide a possible refinement of Business model and No-
tation (BPMN) Gateway activation concept for non-
event based Gateway. A decomposition of busi-
ness process model approach is proposed by Dra-
heim in (Draheim, 2014). Wisniewski (Wi
2017) carries out a decomposition of business pro-
cess models into reusable sub-diagrams. Gol Moham-
madi et al. (Mohammadi and Heisel, 2017) present
a framework for systematic refinement of trustwor-
thiness requirements to manage business processes.
They discuss trust issues in the context of business
process management using BPMN and i
. Indeed,
few work are regarding business process refinement
during the development stage. Most of them use re-
finement to increase the business process reliability
and efficiency during its running-time. However, the
work (Wi
sniewski, 2017) presents the refinement as
a decomposition technique to provide reusable pat-
terns to be used in further business process model-
ing tasks. The correctness of the integration of this
patterns into business model is ensured manually and
not systematically by the developer or the pattern
user. Morales et al. (Mendoza Morales, 2014) pro-
pose a systematic vision of analysis, design and veri-
fication of business processes by incorporating the use
of Timed Automata and model checking techniques.
Brumbulli et al. (Bouchaala et al., 2014) provide
a syntactic correctness to prevent the improper us-
age of the modeling elements.Dechsupa et al. (Dech-
supa et al., 2018) propose a formal verification tech-
niques for transformation of the BPMN model us-
ing a partitioning approach into Colored Petri Net
(CPN) (Peterson et al., 1980). Bryans et al. (Bryans
and Wei, 2010) describe a formal analysis of BPMN
models using event-B. The described approaches can
be considered as variations of either model checking
(Nusmv,UPPAL,CPN,···)Theorem proving event-B
or simulations. In particular, model checking is the
most often used to verify correctness problem ex-
pressed in LTL or CTL formula. Up to our best
knowledge, no attempts has been made to formally
define semantics of BPMN modeling language, per-
form verification for behavioral elements and prove
the preservation of specified requirements during the
transformation process from BPMN to formal or
model checker languages. In this work we provide
a BPMN refinement approach for modeling and ver-
ifying business processes. We use the refinement to
increase business model quality as we focus the small-
est detail in the modeling process. To perform correct
refinement, we are brought about defining a formal
framework in which we specify formally semantics
for BPMN models. Furthermore, the semantic link-
age between refinement levels is ensured through glu-
ing properties which are checked automatically us-
ing event-B to maintain semantic model coherence.
In addition, We consider a broad range of functional
and behavioral properties to be checked on the pro-
vided model using NuSMV model checker. BPMN
to NuSMV language transformation preserves seman-
tic coherence by defining syntax directed translations
(SDT) built on a context-free grammar that we have
developed to ensure not only a syntactically correct
BPMN refinement but also to provide refined model
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Refinement Level 0
BPMN Model
Fonctionnal Property
Formal Semantics Expressed in NuSMV
Refinement Level 1
BPMN Model
Fonctionnal Property
Refinement Property
Formal Semantics
Expressed in NuSMV
Expressed in event-B
Refinement Properties
Refinement Properties
Context-free Grammar
Based Refinement
Refinement Level n
BPMN Model
Fonctionnal Property
Formal Semantics Expressed in NuSMV
Refinement Semantic Properties
Context-free Grammar
Based Refinement
Figure 1: The proposed approach.
We propose an approach for modeling BPs based
on BPMN refinement and hierarchical formal veri-
fication. This approach guides developers to grad-
ually build correct and reliable BPMN models. As
Fig. 1 shows, a developer starts with specifying ab-
stract BPMN model, BPMN
, which belongs to first
level of refinement (Level 0). BPMN
semantics is
described via a set of properties in terms of pre and
post-conditions of the BP. To formally check the reli-
ability of BPMN
model, we formalize its semantics
over a Kripke structure (Kripke, 2007) model. Using
CTL temporal Logic (Kumar et al., 2004) and based
on semantic properties, we express functional proper-
ties which should be satisfied to verify BPMN
liability. Once specified, these properties are verified
using NuSMV model checker (Cimatti et al., 1999).
If the property is verified, the developer can refine
the BPMN
model otherwise, he/she has to correct
model in order to satisfy the expected func-
tional property. The refinement is decided by the de-
veloper and guided by the approach.
In this paper, we use the notion of system refine-
ment contracts(Le and Passerone, 2014) to ensure
the correctness of BPMN refinement. Hence, we
define (1)business process refinement basic contract,
(2)business process refinement behavioral contract
and (3)business process refinement synchronization
contract. These contracts are used to relate and trace
syntactic requirement mapping from the abstract busi-
ness process to the refined one.
4.1 Basic Business Process Refinement
Contract: The refinement is based on the Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) language con-
BPMN Specification. BPMN is a standard for
modeling business processes flow proposed by the
OMG (Object Management Group).
Definition 1. (BPMN Specification) a business pro-
cess BP is defined by: BP = (Objects, Artifact, Swim-
lane, Connection) is a business process with:
Objects = O
O is a set
of objects with:
1. O
= ε
, i.e.the set of events.
2. O
= O
, i.e. the set of
3. O
= O
, i.e. is the set of
Artifact is the set of artifacts used to provide ad-
ditional information. Also called notations, they
serve as special labels for objects and arcs be-
longing to the BPMN process.
Swimlane are rectangular boxes that represent
the participants of a business process. A lane can
contain flow objects that are executed by that path
Connection is a set of objects defining the se-
quence flow, message flow or association defining
the the sequencing order between different BPMN
constructs defined above.
A business process is initially grouped by a set
of related BPMN constructs designed for the purpose
of having an expected response from the process or
producing a value. It is a process initiated by an ini-
tial event and terminated by an End event. Thus, the
starting state of a business process is the initial event
. Then a specified execution stream Seq is triggered
from the start event to the Sub-P sub-process where it
can be triggered. This sub-process must confirm cer-
tain conditions. These conditions are used for trace-
ability purposes, so it is possible to check the different
levels of refinement. When the requirements change,
it is possible to know which sub-process might be af-
fected. In this thesis, we study these conditions by
A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement based on BPMN 2.0
way of the pre- / post conditions which surround a
sub-process (Pre Sub P and Post Sub P), as as
well as a transformation invariant, which defines a re-
sulting refinement relation between the abstract and
the refinement of a sub-process.
4.2 Behavioral Refinement Contract
contract: This contract defines the behavior of re-
finement and not the behavior of the business pro-
cess. Therefore, in a contract, we define a precon-
dition which, when satisfied, the refinement could be
performed. Further, in this contract, we determine
how to perform the refinement via a refinement in-
variant and specify the effect of the refinement on the
business process through a post-condition that must
be satisfied after the refinement. contract: The re-
finement is carried out accordingly for:
1. pre-condition: The refinement is applied only on
the construction of BPMN sub-processes.
2. Invariant: The refinement is performed accord-
ing to the BPMN syntax. We distinguish between
different types of refinement, namely, sequence
refinement, parallel refinement, exclusive refine-
ment and iterative refinement. For each type of re-
finement, we determine an invariant like a BPMN
pattern. Formally, we define a refinement invari-
ant as a rule for producing a context-free grammar
specifying the BPMN syntax. Therefore, each re-
finement invariant is syntactically correct.
3. Post-condition: is the effect of the refinement af-
ter having satisfied the invariant. Indeed, the satis-
faction of the invariant is the introduction of a rel-
ative BPMN refinement model in the initial busi-
ness process model. Post-conditions are specified
after analyzing the impact of the change on the
BPMN model after refinement. In the next sec-
tion, we establish this analysis.
A Sub-P sub-process is an abstract activity that
refines a collection of other tasks or / and sub-
processes. It specifies different scenarios, depend-
ing on the prerequisites and afterwards. Since each
sub-process is linked to some kind of pattern namely
sequence pattern SeqRef, parallel patternParRef, ex-
clusive pattern ExcRef or loop pattern LoopRef de-
pending on a Pre SeqP and a Post SeqP, Pre ParP
and a Post ParP, Pre ExcP and Post ExcP or
Pre LoopP and Post LoopP respectively for each
pattern. Each refinement model can initially be trig-
gered by the start event and end its execution with the
end event. A sub-process can also be refined into a
simple task which is an atomic task in which it looks
like it could be the last level of refinement. A simpleS-
Task depends on its Pre S Task and Post S Task
start with the start event and end with the end event.
4.3 Synchronization Contract
contract: Which is carried out to analyze the effect
of the impact of change and ensured by the prop-
erty link. This includes the synchronization of the
refinement according to the overall model. The de-
pendence between the activity under the BPMN pro-
cess and the different refinement models is repre-
sented by each refinement pattern (SeqRef, ParRef,
ExcRef or LoopRef ) can be presented by a sequence
of sub-processes, sub-processes which behave in a
parallel manner, an alternate execution flow of the
sub-processes according to system state conditions or
via an iterative task called a Task L-Task loop respec-
These contracts ensure that the link between the
abstract model and the refinement levels containing
the contracts correctly assembles and satisfies the re-
quirements. According to these requirements, we
are about to build BPMN processes using refinement
by formalization requirements adopted at each refine-
ment level in the form of contracts.
The grammar can be used as contracts that must
ensure consistency in terms of modeling BPMN pro-
cesses using refinement patterns. By a contract, the
developer, according to the result expected by a con-
tract, he can choose the patterns to use. A contract
consists of an input, verifying a certain syntax, and
transformation rules that guarantee a specific result.
The contracts we introduce are presented in (Ayari
et al., 2019) in the form of non-contextual grammar.
The semantic description is the behavior of the busi-
ness process described by the instantiation function of
the flow Object (O) and more precisely of the activ-
ity (task or sub-process) which shows the steps per-
formed in a process. The behavior is presented by a
sequence of allowed states {start subP, finishsub
P} S. The formal semantics of an activity belonging
to a BPMN process is defined as follows:
The Sub-P activity is triggered by the transition (idle-
subP), which allows to go to the begin event event to
order the sub-P activity to execute and goes into trig-
ger state. After the activity goes through the transition
(start-subP), its terminate event occurs and the tran-
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Pre Sub P Post Sub P
start event
terminate event
start subP
pre subP
f inish subP
post subP
start event
terminate event
start subP
pre subP
interru pt subP
exception subP
Figure 2: BPMN semantic activity.
sition (finish-subP)) is executed. The state start-subP
is labeled with the precondition pre-subP and the state
finish-subP is labeled with the post-condition post-
subP(see figure 2). Another execution scenario is pos-
sible when executing a BPMN sub-process. When the
activity is in active state, it may be waiting for the ter-
mination event but the system cannot respond to this
emitted event which may be caused by timed out or
other interrupt. Thus, the interrupt-subP event is ac-
tivated just after the start event start-subP. The order
of execution of a BPMN process is shown in figure 2.
A BPMN sub-process is decomposed into a set
of activities following one of the refinement patterns
presented in the previous chapter. It is refined, follow-
ing syntactic rules introduced through non-contextual
grammars, into a set of activities linked together by
a pattern. A BPMN sub-process invokes an activity
whose behavior is described in another BPMN pro-
cess (which refers to a business sub-process).
A BPMN process can contain a sequence pattern, a
parallel pattern, an exclusive pattern or an iterative
pattern. In our approach a BPMN sub-process be-
longing to an abstraction level i can be refined (de-
composed) by other activities belonging to the level i
+ 1.
Summary of the Properties to Verify. This section
summarizes the systematic properties defining exactly
what needs to be proven for this BPMN sub-process
to perform properly (see figure 3).
idle ¬start event(subP)
start subP start event(subP) pre subP
f inish subP end event(subP) post subP
(pre subP post subP)
interrupt subP exception subP
Figure 3: Properties to check for a BPMN sub-process.
Although the formal semantics of BPMN pro-
cesses follows that of Petri nets, we will adopt the
semantics of Kripke structures proposed for develop-
ment of BPMN processes. This is explained by the
fact that our business process system is a state / event
driven system whose behavior is seen as a set of states
and state transitions due to the occurrence of events.
Indeed, the semantics of this behavior is equivalent to
that of Kripke structures. From a BPMN model we
generate a model of the Kripke structure represent-
ing the denotation semantics of the starting model. In
order to provide generic semantics, relative to the re-
finement process, we generated for each BPMN re-
finement pattern, a model of the Kripke structure. We
illustrate this generation through the sequence and ex-
clusive pattern. The semantics of BPMN processes
with specified by refinement patterns is defined in
terms of Kripke structure. We will also focus on
the refinement properties of the BPMN model. We
will give their definitions, then explain how the re-
quired properties are described from the system be-
havior constructs of BPMN models with refinement
and how they can be formally stated. The table 1 gives
a semantic description of a BPMN sub-process named
A refined using Kripke structure.
Table 1: Semantics adopted for a refined sub-process A.
BPMN Object Kripke structure
Pre Sub P Post Sub P
start SubP
Pre Sub P
sh SubP
PostSub P
upt SubP
Exception Sub P
ˆ=(Pre(A) Post(A)) Functional property
Re f
0 Refinement property
5.1 Semantic Description of a BPMN
Sequence Refinement Pattern
The concept of refinement offered by BPMN is de-
fined in our approach following a specific pattern ap-
plied to BPMN process refinement. Figure 4 de-
scribes the semantics of the sequential refinement pat-
tern for BPMN processes. The pattern is composed of
two activities starting from the sequential behavior.
Each activity is labeled by the pre- and post-condition
assertions. When the process enters a relative state of
an invocation of the process with (idle), which allows
to go to the start event to order the activity sub-P01
to run and go into the trigger state. Once the activity
goes through the transition start-SeqP and if noth-
ing unexpected happens, intermediate-SeqP is trig-
gered. The termination event occurs and the transi-
tion (finish-SeqP)) is executed. The state start-SeqP
is labeled with the precondition pre-SeqP, The state
A Specific Language for Developing Business Process by Refinement based on BPMN 2.0
Sub-P01 Sub-P02
Sub P02
Pre SeqP
Post Sub
Post SeqP
end event
catch event
start SeqP
pre SeqP
interrupt SeqP
exception SeqP
Figure 4: Semantics of a sequential BPMN refinement pat-
idle ¬start event(SeqP)
start SeqP start event(SeqP) pre subP01 pre subP pre SeqP
intermediate SeqP post subP01 pre subP02 pre subP02 post subP01
f inish SeqP end event(SeqP) post SeqP (post SeqP post subP)
interru pt SeqP exception SeqP
Figure 5: Properties to check for a BPMN sequence refine-
ment pattern.
intermediate-SeqP is labeled with the assertion prop-
SeqP and the state finish-subP is labeled with the post-
condition post-SeqP. Figure 4 shows the formal se-
mantics of a BPMN sequence refinement pattern.
Summary on the Properties to Check. The se-
quence refinement pattern must ensure that the se-
quence of activities O
(i {1 ··· n}). Here we
have the activities Sub-P01 and Sub-P02 which re-
fines the BPMN sub-process SubP. A sequence re-
finement requires proving the following properties
(see figure 5).
Table 2 gives a semantic description of a BPMN
refinement with the sequence refinement pattern (>
, {B,C}) using the Kripke structure.
Table 2: Semantics adopted for the sequence refinement
BPMN objects Kripke structure
Sub-P01 Sub-P02
Pre Sub P02
Pre SeqP
Post Sub P01
Post SeqP
Start SeqP
{Pre SeqP}]
{pro p SeqP}
finish SeqP
{Post SeqP}
interrupt SeqP
{Exce ption SeqP}
Re f
ˆ=(Pre subP Pre SeqP)
(Post SeqP Post subP)
ˆ=(Pre SeqP Post SeqP) Pos SubP01 Pre SubP02
For lake of space, we have cited only the sequence
refinement pattern in this paper.
For the application of the refinement modeling pro-
cess to BPMN processes, we introduce the exam-
ple of online flight booking (Lam, 2010a), modeled
in BPMN. We will focus on the Client(Customer)
swimlane. The customer first enters the trip details,
scrolls through the flight information and decides if
they want to view more information about the flight.
6.1 Formal Verification with NuSMV
Figure 6 presents the development of Travel Agency
business process (Lam, 2010b) via the tool that we
have developed to support our BPMN refinement
based modeling approach. As figure 6 shows, the
developer starts the modeling activity by specifying
Travel Agency Sub Process which belongs to the
first level of refinement (level 0). The developer in-
teracts with the tool to specify the type of the BPMN
refinement pattern to use for refining Sub Process
and indicates the number of activities composing the
pattern. In this case, the developer use a refinement
sequence pattern composed of Check-flight and Con-
tinue reservation. At each level of refinement, the
developer describes pre and post conditions specify-
ing the semantic properties of the model. Accordingly
to figure 3, the tool displays the formal semantics of
Travel Agency Sub
Process and verifies automati-
cally the specified functional property using NuSMV
Model Checker:
which specify the safety functional condition mean-
ing that the reservation is terminate if the process con-
tinue the reservation.
6.2 Formal Verification using the
At the second level of refinement (Level 1), in addi-
tion to the functional property, the tool checks refine-
ment properties. These properties are defined follow-
ing a study of BPMN refinement change impact that
we have detailed in (Hlaoui et al., 2018). To prove
refinement properties relating check flight and Con-
tinue Reservation sequence pattern to Travel agency
sub-process, the tool checks the CTL formula
AG((TA1.requestTravelRef TA.requestTravel)
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Level 0 of the refinement
Refinement using Sequence Pattern
Level 1 of the refinement
Formal Behavioral semantic
Formal Behavioral semantic
Expressed in
Expressed in
Refinement property verification response delivered by NuSMV
Level 2 of the refinement
Figure 6: Travel Agency Business Process Development Based on BPMN Refinement verification using NuSMV.
stating that always if the pre-condition of check
flight, requestTravelRe f , is true, the pre-
condition of Travel Agency has to be true too
and in the future the post-condition of Continue
Reservation,reservationTerminate has to be satisfied
to verify positively the post condition of Travel
Agency, reservationDone. This formula is checked
True within 2.68 sec. Therefore, the developer could
continue the refinement task of the BPMN model.
To get a manageable complexity of workflow mod-
eling, we have introduced a BPMN modeling refine-
ment approach. This approach allows developers to
be more detailed in the BPMN models at each level
of refinement. In fact, we have proposed an automatic
refinement based on a BPMN refinement pattern. We
have introduced a set of rewriting rules called pro-
duction rules to define the refinement at each level
of abstraction. We defined a formal syntactic model
for BPMN processes using the context-free grammar
formalism and a formal semantic model through the
Kripke Structure. Based on this structure, we check
functional and refinement properties of gradually
developed BPMN models using NuSMV model based
on a hierarchical verification. Our future work is final-
izing the tool with the introduction of a quantitative
basis for design, development, validation and analy-
sis of business process models.
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ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies