textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social
Media Data
Rob Churchill and Lisa Singh
Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Text Preprocessing, Topic Modeling, Data Science, Social Media, textPrep.
With the rapid growth of social media in recent years, there has been considerable effort toward understanding
the topics of online discussions. Unfortunately, state of the art topic models tend to perform poorly on this
new form of data, due to their noisy and unstructured nature. There has been a lot of research focused on
improving topic modeling algorithms, but very little focused on improving the quality of the data that goes
into the algorithms. In this paper, we formalize the notion of preprocessing configurations and propose a
standardized, modular toolkit and pipeline for performing preprocessing on social media texts for use in topic
models. We perform topic modeling on three different social media data sets and in the process show the
importance of preprocessing and the usefulness of our preprocessing pipeline when dealing with different
social media data. We release our preprocessing toolkit code (textPrep) in a python package for others to use
for advancing research on data mining and machine learning on social media text data.
With over 500 million tweets (InternetLiveStats,
2021), over 300 million Facebook Stories, and 500
million Instagram stories daily (Noyes, 2020), social
media represents a large stream of new data creation.
Even smaller social media sites like Reddit sees bil-
lions of posts and comments every year (Foundation,
2021). People are publicly sharing their thoughts
and opinions on different topics of interest. Unfor-
tunately, it is challenging to determine the topics of
these public posts because of high levels of noise,
varying grammatical structures, and short document
Figure 1 shows examples of topics identified from
tweets by state of the art topic models during the 2016
US Presidential election. When the entire tweet is
used as input into a topic modeling algorithm (the first
three word clouds in Figure 1), we see that the top-
ics contain stopwords, hashtags, user handles, plural
words, and even misspellings. The last word cloud
(bottom right) uses preprocessed tweets and does not
contain the same amount of noise. We can determine
that it is about Trump refusing to release his tax re-
turns. While a great deal of effort has been spent cre-
ating topic models with social media data in mind,
little attention has been paid to the impact of prepro-
cessing decisions made prior to generating topic mod-
Researchers have found that many traditional state
of the art topic models perform poorly when lit-
tle or no preprocessing occurs. Some topic models
miss topics entirely. Others find topics, but the top-
ics are often polluted with a large number of noise
words (Churchill et al., 2018). To further exacerbate
the situation, even though there are vast semantic dif-
ferences in the types of data topic models are used on,
research papers do not preprocess data consistently,
and sometimes fail to say whether they do at all. This
gives the impression that preprocessing does not mat-
ter for topic modeling. Or at a minimum, the choice
of preprocessing does not matter.
This paper investigates the role of preprocessing,
specifically for identifying high quality topics. Given
a document collection D, for each document D
D, we tokenize D
on whitespace to get a series of n
tokens D
= {d
}. Tokens may be terms,
punctuation, numbers, web addresses, emojis, etc.
We ask two questions. First, which tokens should be
removed prior to topic model creation? Second, how
can we determine if we have done a good job prepro-
cessing? To help systematically conduct preprocess-
ing and assess the effectiveness of different prepro-
cessing decisions, we present textPrep, a toolkit for
preprocessing text data. Second, to demonstrate its
value and the importance of preprocessing, we iden-
tify preprocessing rules and arrange these rules into
preprocessing configurations that generate different
data sets for use by topic modeling algorithms.
We find that preprocessing has significant effects
Churchill, R. and Singh, L.
textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social Media Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0010559000600070
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2021), pages 60-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-521-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on topic model performance, but that models and data
sets are not equally affected by the same amounts and
types of preprocessing. Some models and data sets
are more positively affected than others, and in some
cases, preprocessing can hurt model performance. In
general, for our case studies, doing more thorough
preprocessing helps model performance far more than
it hurts. Finally, we find that while certain prepro-
cessing methods can appear to produce similar quality
data sets, the quality of topics that are generated on
these data sets can diverge quickly for less apt con-
figurations. Our hope is that by building an easy to
use toolkit and demonstrating the impact of certain
preprocessing rules and configurations on the quality
of topics generated by state of the art topic model-
ing algorithms on noisy social media data sets, more
data scientists and researchers will add preprocessing
analysis to their topic modeling pipeline, thereby en-
hancing their understanding of the role played by pre-
Figure 1: Topic Word Clouds.
The Contributions of this Paper are as Follows: 1)
we make available a Python package for topic model
preprocessing that gives users the ability to easily cus-
tomize preprocessing configurations 2) we define and
formalize a preprocessing taxonomy that combines
useful preprocessing rules and configurations, 3) we
propose a simple preprocessing methodology that ap-
plies configurations of rules to document tokens to
generate better quality data sets that can be used by
topic modeling algorithms, 4) we conduct extensive
empirical case studies of preprocessing configurations
on three large social media data sets, and evaluate the
data quality and topic quality of each configuration
using three different topic models, and 5) we sum-
marize our findings through a set of best practices
that will help those less familiar with topic modeling
determine which approaches to use with which algo-
Preprocessing. In the early 2000s, there were a hand-
ful of papers related to data preprocessing from the
database community that focused on enabling users
to better understand the quality of their data set (Vas-
siliadis et al., 2000; Raman and Hellerstein, 2001),
and describing data quality issues focused on storage
and pruning (Rahm and Do, 2000; Knoblock et al.,
2003). More recently, researchers have shown the
impact of preprocessing on text classification (Sriv-
idhya and Anitha, 2010; ?). Allahyari et al. mention
text preprocessing in their survey of text mining, but
do not evaluate any methods (Allahyari et al., 2017).
Our work considers a much larger set of preprocess-
ing approaches and focuses on an unsupervised topic
modeling task as opposed to a supervised text clas-
sification task. Denny and Spirling analyze the ef-
fects of preprocessing political text data sets on mul-
tiple different text classification tasks, including topic
modeling (Denny and Spirling, 2018). However, they
only analyze the effects on Latent Dirichlet Alloca-
tion (LDA), and the data sets that they use are smaller
than our study, with 2000 documents being the largest
data set size in their study. The authors main goal is
to analyze the difference between supervised and un-
supervised learning on political texts.
In the only other paper related to preprocessing
and topic model performance, Schofield et al. an-
alyze the effectiveness of removing stopwords from
data sets before performing topic modeling (Schofield
et al., 2017). They find that stopword removal is very
helpful to topic model performance. This approach is
informative but only assesses one preprocessing rule
and uses speech and newspaper text, not social media
text. Our work extends this literature by providing an
in-depth analysis of different preprocessing configu-
rations on topic quality in noisy, shorter data sets.
Topic Models. There are many types of topic mod-
els ranging from generative to graph-based, unsuper-
vised, semi-supervised, and supervised. In this paper,
we focus on the most widely used type, the unsuper-
vised generative topic model.
The most prevalent topic model in the unsuper-
vised generative class of models is Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (Blei et al., 2003). LDA has inspired the
vast majority of generative models since its inception.
It uses a bag-of-words model, with the goal of finding
the parameters of the topic/term distribution that max-
imizes the likelihood of documents in the data set over
k topics. LDA has inspired the vast majority of other
generative models, including HDP (Teh et al., 2006),
DTM (Blei and Lafferty, 2006), CTM (Lafferty and
Blei, 2006), Twitter-LDA (Zhao et al., 2011), Author-
textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social Media Data
less Topic Models (Thompson and Mimno, 2018),
and Topics over Time (Wang and McCallum, 2006).
Another model, Dirichlet Multinomial Model
(DMM) (Nigam et al., 2000), also known as the mix-
ture of unigrams model, was conceived before LDA
and differs in one main aspect. Whereas LDA works
under the assumption that every document is gener-
ated from a distribution of topics, DMM is simpler; it
assumes that each document is generated from a sin-
gle topic. While LDAs ability to generate documents
from a mixture of topics is superior for most tradi-
tional types of documents such as books, research pa-
pers, and newspaper articles, the simplicity of DMM’s
generation makes it well-suited for use in social me-
dia posts, which are much smaller and therefore more
likely to truly be generated from a single topic. DMM
was improved, optimized, and brought back to life by
Yin and Wang in 2014 (Yin and Wang, 2014).
More recently, language models have been incor-
porated into topic models in an attempt to make them
more coherent. Word embedding vectors, such as
word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013), are the most preva-
lent language model to be incorporated. In mod-
els such as lda2vec (Moody, 2016), GPUDMM and
GPUPDMM (Li et al., 2016), ETM (Qiang et al.,
2016), WELDA (Bunk and Krestel, 2018), ETM
(Dieng et al., 2019a), and D-ETM (Dieng et al.,
2019b), the language model does not replace the topic
model so much as it augments the topic model. As
their names indicate, GPUDMM and GPUPDMM
are derived from DMM, holding on to the assump-
tion that documents are generated from a single topic.
GPUDMM uses word embeddings in a unique way. In
LDA and DMM, when a word is sampled from a doc-
ument, its frequency is incremented in the topic/term
distribution for the topic that was drawn for its docu-
ment. In GPUDMM (and GPUPDMM), when a word
is sampled, not only is its frequency incremented, the
frequencies of those words closest to it in the embed-
ding space are incremented as well. This creates a
”rising tide lifts all boats” effect, raising the likeli-
hood of words similar to the sampled word, and the
coherence of topics.
In our study, we use LDA (Blei et al., 2003),
DMM (Yin and Wang, 2014), and GPUDMM (Li
et al., 2016). These three were selected because
they represent the different generative approaches
well. LDA is the traditional, ubiquitous topic
model, DMM represents a social media-tailored ap-
proach, and GPUDMM represents the newer word-
embedding aided methods.
3 textPrep: PYTHON
To encourage more consistent preprocessing for topic
models, we have created a Python preprocessing
toolkit for Topic Modeling (textPrep).
The toolkit
includes each preprocessing rule we use to cre-
ate our configurations, as well as a streamlined
pipeline for creating other configurations. The toolkit
takes advantage of other standard text processing li-
braries, including NLTK (Bird et al., 2009), and Gen-
sim (
rek and Sojka, 2010). The rules can be eas-
ily added to configurations, or used standalone on a
single document or a whole data set. Furthermore,
because rule modules are designed to be used on a
single document, they are ready out of the box for use
in preprocessing text using PySpark pipelines.
The preprocessing pipeline is designed in a modu-
lar way that allows for others to add their own prepro-
cessing rules and use them in place of or alongside the
rules that are provided by default. The only require-
ment for a rule to be compatible with the pipeline is
that a rule must be passed a document in the form of
a list of strings, and return a document in the form
of a list of strings. This format allows for pipelines,
which also are passed and return a document in the
same form, to be stacked, allowing one to connect
multiple small pipelines in testing environments, and
combine them into a larger pipeline for production en-
vironments or final stage experiments.
In addition to the preprocessing pipeline, textPrep
includes data quality metrics that we use to evalu-
ate data and topics in this paper. They include vo-
cabulary size (unique tokens), total tokens, token fre-
quency, average token frequency, average document
length, average stopwords per document, and token
cofrequency. These data quality metrics are useful
when deciding on the preprocessing configuration for
a given data set or experiment. It is important to bal-
ance data quality metrics. High average token fre-
quency only matters if there is still a considerably
high vocabulary size – we do not want a data set with
a small number of very frequent unique tokens, nor
do we want a data set with a million very infrequent
unique tokens. Attaining better data quality can save
time and resources before ever running topic models.
textPrep can be found at https://github.com/GU-
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: The Preprocessing Pipeline.
A preprocessing rule, r
, is an operation that changes
or removes a token. We apply a configuration of
rules C
= r
to the set of n tokens in D
to generate D
. As an example, a punctuation re-
moval rule would return a document with all punc-
tuation characters removed from each token. When
the rules in C are applied to each document in D, the
result is a modified document collection D
(see Fig-
ure 2). A topic model M generates a set of m topics
T = {t
|1 < j < m} that represent the themes present
in D. Each document, D
, will be used by M to gener-
ate topics T. In our case studies, we will use different
preprocessing configurations to show the importance
of good preprocessing when performing topic model-
ing on social media data.
We divide sixteen different preprocessing rules
into four different preprocessing classes: elementary
pattern-based preprocessing, dictionary-based pre-
processing, natural language preprocessing, and sta-
tistical preprocessing. Table 1 presents the prepro-
cessing rules (Rule), an explanation of each rule (Rule
Description), and also gives a simple example of how
each preprocessing rule works.
Elementary Pattern-based Preprocessing: focuses
on reducing the number of tokens (e.g. punctuation
removal) and the variation (e.g. capitalization normal-
ization) in tokens by searching for known patterns in
tokens that may indicate noise in the context of topic
identification. It also includes rules that join existing
tokens to improve the semantic quality of the token
(e.g. n-gram creation). Typically, these rules are im-
plemented using regular expressions. Two rules - the
hashtag removal and the user removal rules - within
the elementary pattern-based preprocessing category
are specific to Twitter data sets since both have special
meanings on that platform. The rules in this category
tend to be the basic, standard ones that researchers
generally apply.
Dictionary-based Preprocessing: focuses on us-
ing a predefined dictionary (typically manually cre-
ated) to remove tokens (e.g. stopword removal), stan-
dardize tokens (e.g. synonym matching), or maintain
tokens (whitelist cleaning). Typically, these rules are
looking for tokens that match words/phrases in their
Natural Language Preprocessing: leverages NLP
techniques to normalize or remove language tokens.
These techniques tend to reduce the size of the to-
ken space by understanding the linguistic similarities
and differences of tokens in each document. Within
this class of preprocessing, we consider three rules:
lemmatization, stemming, and part of speech (POS)
removal. Lemmatization identifies linguistic roots of
tokens and translates each token to that root. In or-
der to accomplish this, algorithms consider the con-
text and POS of the token. Stemming considers only
a single token at a time (ignoring its context) and re-
moves inflections to obtain the root form of the token.
Finally, POS removal uses NLP to narrow down our
vocabulary to certain parts of speech, e.g. only main-
taining nouns.
Statistical Preprocessing: computes statistics
about tokens using information about the entire col-
lection to determine tokens that should be maintained
or removed. In this class of preprocessing, we con-
sider two rules: collection term frequency cleaning
and TF-IDF cleaning. Collection term frequency
cleaning refers to removing terms that have a particu-
larly low frequency in a data set (minimum DF), or a
particularly high one (maximum DF). TF-IDF (Term-
Frequency, Inverse Document Frequency) looks at
term relevance in a collection and removes tokens
with a low relevance.
Defining this preprocessing taxonomy provides us
with a second way to interpret the collection of rules
that are most and least beneficial for topic modeling
textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social Media Data
Table 1: Preprocessing Rules.
Rule Rule Description Example Tokens
Elementary Pattern-based Preprocessing
URL Removal Removal of tokens containing URLs Removed Token: http://aaa.com/index.html
Capitalization Normalization Make all tokens lowercase or uppercase Original Token: Tree Final Token: tree
Punctuation Removal Removal of all tokens that are punctuation Removed Token: !
Hashtag Removal Removal of tokens beginning with the hashtag (#) sign Removed Token: #ilovechocolate
User Removal Removal of tokens beginning with the @ sign Removed Token: @hillary
Malformed Word Removal Removal of tokens accidentally created because of other rules Removed Token: http
N-gram Creation N tokens are joined together to form a new token Original: i love cats Bigrams: {i love}, {love cats}
Dictionary-based Preprocessing
Stopword Removal Removal of common words that do not add content value Removed Token: the, is, am
Emoji Removal Removal of emoji and emoticon tokens Removed Token: :)
Synonym Matching Replace tokens that match a synonym in a given dictionary Synonym: obama=barack obama= barack
Whitelist Cleaning Retain only tokens that appear on a pre-created list Whitelist: [‘covid’, ‘masks’, ‘vaccine’, ‘pandemic’]
Natural Language Preprocessing
Lemmatization Shorten a token down to its lemma using NLP Original Token: better, Final Token: good
Stemming Shorten a token down to its base by removal of suffixes Original Token: giving, Final Token: giv
Part of Speech (POS) Removal Removal of tokens that are tagged as a certain part of speech Remove all adjectives
Statistical Preprocessing
Collection Term Frequency Cleaning Removal of tokens with a low frequency count in the data set Remove tokens that appear less than α times
TF-IDF Cleaning Removal of tokens with a low TF-IDF score Remove tokens with a TF-IDF score below β
This section presents case studies that use our prepro-
cessing toolkit to assess the value of preprocessing for
topic modeling.
5.1 Data Sets
For our empirical evaluation, we analyze three data
sets from different social media sites: Twitter, Reddit,
and Hacker News. By using three different platforms,
we can better understand how similar preprocessing
rules are across social media sources. This analysis
focuses on English post content.
The first data set, collected from Twitter between
October 2020 and February 2021, contains tweets
about the Covid-19 pandemic. Tweets were collected
using the Twitter API, using 26 unique hashtags re-
ferring to Covid-19. The hashtags used to collect the
data set were the English hashtags used by Singh et
al. (Singh et al., 2020). This data set contains over
500,000 tweets.
The second data set, collected from Reddit, con-
tains posts about the 2020 United States Presiden-
tial Election. This data set was collected using the
pushshift.io library (Pushshift.io, 2021). Reddit posts
were collected from subreddits related to U.S. poli-
tics and the election from September to election day
on the first week of November 2020. This data set has
over 1 million posts.
The third data set contains comments collected
from the Hacker News platform (Moody, 2016).
Hacker News is a technology and entrepreneur-
ship news site that allows users to comment and
discuss articles. Collected by Moody for testing
lda2vec (Moody, 2016), comments were only col-
lected if the article had more than ten comments, and
if the commenter had made more than ten comments
in total. Overall, there are over 1.1 million articles and
comments. The properties of each data set are shown
in Table 2.
5.2 Preprocessing Configurations and
To demonstrate the functionality of textPrep, we cre-
ate a set of preprocessing configurations and compare
the similarities and differences in the resultant vocab-
ulary set. We choose a lightweight and heavyweight
configuration for each data set, and compare each to
two baseline preprocessing configurations. The first
baseline consists only of tokenization and punctua-
tion removal. This is the bare minimum that one
can do to prepare data for topic modeling. The sec-
ond baseline is a common set of rules used to pre-
pare data for topic modeling, as used in the python
library SciKit Learn (Buitinck et al., 2013). It entails
tokenization, punctuation removal, capitalization nor-
malization, stopword removal, and the removal of to-
kens that appear in less than five documents.
lightweight configuration consists of the following
rules: 1. URL removal, 2. Punctuation removal, 3.
Capitalization normalization, 4. Stopword removal.
The difference between the lightweight configu-
ration and the second baseline is that we drop fre-
quency thresholding and introduce of URL removal.
The heavyweight configuration consists of all of the
rules in the lightweight configuration, plus: 1. Short
word removal, 2. Lemmatization, 3. N-gram creation.
The minimum number of documents varies by author,
but usually lies between 2 and 10.
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Data Set Properties.
Data Set # Docs # Tokens Tokens/Doc Stopwords/Doc Unique Tokens Token Frequency
Hacker News 1,165,421 80,604,631 69.16 28.95 1,613,253 49.96
Reddit 1,022,481 28,947,427 28.31 11.54 296,132 97.75
Twitter 565,182 12,826,812 22.70 6.46 558,189 22.98
For n-gram creation, we used a minimum fre-
quency of 512 for n-grams to replace their component
words. To choose the threshold for n-gram creation,
we tested values ranging from 64 to 1024 (powers of
2), and found that 512 offered the best balance be-
tween speed and number of n-grams created. If the
threshold is set too low, it will take too long to create
n-grams and too many n-grams will be created. If the
threshold is set too high, few or no n-grams will be
created. Both configurations for the Twitter data set,
which we consider to be a special case, also include
hashtag removal.
5.3 Evaluation Methods
Given that the goal of our experiments is to evaluate
the effects of preprocessing on topic models and on
data quality, we separate our evaluation into intrinsic
and extrinsic methods. The intrinsic evaluations are
meant to directly assess data quality, and the extrinsic
evaluation entails evaluating the effects of preprocess-
ing through the downstream task of topic modeling.
Intrinsic Evaluation Methods: Our primary ap-
proach for evaluating data quality is by counting the
number of tokens that are removed by preprocessing.
Comparing the size of the vocabulary before and af-
ter applying certain preprocessing rules can show the
relative impact that these rules have on data quality.
Since all configurations except for the first baseline
remove stopwords, the number of stopwords per doc-
ument drops to zero for those configurations. We cal-
culate the average frequency of individual tokens be-
fore and after certain preprocessing steps. A higher
average frequency of tokens indicates that preprocess-
ing rules are successfully removing noisy or less fre-
quent tokens without having to use a minimum fre-
quency threshold such as in baseline 2. Furthermore,
smaller vocabularies coupled with higher average to-
ken frequency make for better topic modeling condi-
tions. A smaller vocabulary (filled with good content
words) means that less memory is required to train
a topic model. Topic models also have fewer words
to choose from, meaning that they will be less likely
to make mistakes. A higher average token frequency
means that relationships between words can be more
easily reinforced in the topic-word distribution, lead-
ing to more accurate and coherent topics.
Extrinsic Evaluation Methods: We use the
downstream task of topic modeling to evaluate the
effect of preprocessing on data quality. We use
LDA (Blei et al., 2003),
DMM (Yin and Wang,
2014), and GPUDMM (Li et al., 2016).
These three
topic models represent different approaches to gen-
erative topic modeling, as discussed in Section 2. In
order to evaluate the quality of topic modeling results,
we use topic coherence and topic diversity.
Topic coherence, or a model’s ability to produce
easily interpreted topics, can be computed using nor-
malized pointwise mutual information (NPMI) (Lau
et al., 2014). NPMI uses word co-occurrences to cap-
ture how closely related two words are. Many recent
topic modeling papers have employed NPMI or one
of its variants to assess the coherence of their mod-
els (Dieng et al., 2019a; Dieng et al., 2019b; Qiang
et al., 2016; Quan et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016). For a
pair of tokens (x,y), we define the probability of them
appearing together in a document as P(x, y). We use
this probability to compute the NPMI of a topic t T
as follows:
NPMI(t) =
Higher mutual information between pairs of
words in a topic is reflected in a higher NPMI score
for the topic. A high NPMI indicates high topic co-
The interpretability of topics is a moot point if a
topic model discovers the same coherent topic over
and over again. To detect redundancy in topic mod-
els, we employ topic diversity. Topic diversity is the
fraction of unique words in the top 20 words of all
topics in a topic set (Dieng et al., 2019b; Churchill
and Singh, 2020). High topic diversity indicates that
a model was successful in finding unique topics, while
low diversity indicates that a model found a small
number of topics multiple times.
5.4 Reddit Case Study
Table 3 shows the data quality statistics for each con-
figuration on the Reddit data set. The Avg. Freq.
specifically the Mallet implementation of LDA (Mc-
Callum, 2002)
the implementations from the Short Text Topic Model
survey (Qiang et al., 2019)
textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social Media Data
Table 3: Data Quality Statistics for each preprocessing con-
figuration on the Reddit data set.
Configuration # Tokens Unique Tokens Avg. Freq.
Baseline 1 28,947,427 296,132 97.75
Baseline 2 15,267,929 246,307 61.99
Lightweight 14,053,743 51,399 273.42
Heavyweight 11,776,937 326,874 36.02
column shows the average frequency of a token in the
data set after being preprocessed using the configura-
tion. The Reddit data quality shows that the configu-
ration with the smallest vocabulary is the lightweight
configuration. This seems counter-intuitive at first,
because the heavyweight configuration includes the
entire lightweight configuration, and the heavyweight
configuration has over two million fewer tokens in to-
tal than the lightweight configuration.
The difference is n-gram creation. N-gram cre-
ation is one of the few preprocessing rules that adds
unique tokens instead of removing them. While it
may reduce the total number of tokens even further
by combining multiple tokens into one, this process
also adds a unique token for each n-gram that it cre-
ates. N-grams can help identify very valuable content,
but they are not always a good thing. Given that most
topic models excel when there is a smaller vocabu-
lary and word co-occurrences are less sparse, creating
so many n-grams may negatively impact topic model
performance in the end.
In order to determine if the heavyweight con-
figuration is negatively affected by the introduction
of so many n-grams, we turn to topic quality met-
rics. Figure 3 shows the performance of each model
on each configuration. Topic coherence is plotted on
the y-axis, and topic diversity is plotted on the x-
axis. LDA is represented by circles, DMM is rep-
Figure 3: Topic Coherence (y) and Diversity (x) Scores on
the Reddit Data Set.
Figure 4: Topic Coherence (y) and Diversity (x) Scores on
the Hacker News Data Set.
resented by triangles, and GPUDMM is represented
by squares. Baseline 1 is colored purple, baseline
2 is blue, lightweight is green, and heavyweight is
red. We see that the heavyweight configuration does
not necessarily give worse topics than the lightweight
configuration. In LDA and DMM, heavyweight gets
a slightly higher topic coherence than lightweight and
baseline 2. In GPUDMM, lightweight wins on co-
herence, but gets a lower diversity than heavyweight.
Another important point that we see in Figure 3 is that
preprocessing can effect models differently. In LDA,
which earns the best coherence and diversity scores,
baseline 1 is competitive with the rest of the config-
urations. However, in DMM and GPUDMM, using
more thorough preprocessing configurations is impor-
tant, and lifts coherence by 45-57%, and diversity by
5.5 Hacker News Case Study
Table 4 shows the data quality statistics for each con-
figuration on the Hacker News data set. Hacker News,
despite having only about 140,000 more documents
than the Reddit data set, has over 80 million tokens,
making documents over 69 tokens on average. This
difference in initial data size leads to different results
in data quality after configurations are applied. The
heavyweight configuration can only reduce the total
number of tokens to 34 million, still over five mil-
lion more tokens than the unprocessed Reddit data set.
Second, the lightweight configuration fails to signif-
icantly lower the number of unique tokens compared
to baseline 2. In fact, the two configurations lead to
nearly identical data quality statistics.
Figure 4 shows the topic coherence and diver-
sity scores for LDA and DMM on each preprocess-
ing configuration. GPUDMM is not shown because,
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 4: Data Quality Statistics for each preprocessing con-
figuration on the Hacker News data set.
Configuration # Tokens Unique Tokens Avg. Freq.
Baseline 1 80,604,631 1,613,253 49.96
Baseline 2 39,943,951 135,754 294.24
Lightweight 39,991,122 134,609 297.09
Heavyweight 34,374,771 1,196,609 28.72
Table 5: Data Quality Statistics for each preprocessing con-
figuration on the Twitter data set.
Configuration # Tokens Unique Tokens Avg. Freq.
Baseline 1 12,826,812 558,189 22.98
Baseline 2 7,983,422 505,170 15.80
Lightweight 7,270,421 62,879 115.63
Heavyweight 6,323,070 337,741 18.72
as a word embedding aided model that relies heav-
ily on memory, it failed to complete on a server
with 77GB of memory due to the size of the Hacker
News data set. Focusing in on the baseline 2 and
lightweight configurations, Figure 4 shows us that
the lightweight configuration edges out baseline 2
for LDA and DMM, while the heavyweight config-
uration performs the best overall. The reversal of
the lightweight and baseline 2 configurations on the
Hacker News data set is another mark of how differ-
ent it is from the Reddit and Twitter data sets. As we
saw in the Reddit data set, and as we will see in the
Twitter data set, the lightweight configuration beats
out baseline 2 on these noisier data sets that consist of
smaller documents and more URLs.
5.6 Twitter Case Study
Table 5 shows the data quality statistics for each con-
figuration on the Twitter data set. Similarly to the
Reddit data quality, we see that the lightweight con-
figuration produces a far smaller vocabulary and a far
higher average token frequency than any other con-
figuration. Again, the heavyweight configuration pro-
duces the least number of total tokens, but a large vo-
cabulary (although not as large as in Hacker News).
Figure 5 shows the topic coherence and diversity
scores for each topic model and configuration com-
bination. We see similar results to those of Reddit,
indicating that they have similar characteristics rela-
tive to Hacker News. However, in the Twitter data
set, there is a clear benefit to thorough preprocessing
for every model including LDA. Every configuration
improves over baseline 1 in terms of coherence for
LDA and both metrics for DMM and GPUDMM.
In order to show the flexibility of the preprocess-
ing pipeline, we delved deeper into configurations for
the Twitter data set. What if we could reduce the size
of the vocabulary to a number similar to that of the
Figure 5: Topic Coherence (y) and Diversity (x) Scores on
the Twitter Data Set.
Table 6: Data Quality Statistics for TF-IDF configurations
on the Twitter data set.
Configuration # Tokens Unique Tokens Avg. Freq.
Heavyweight 6,323,070 337,741 18.72
TF-IDF 10 5,143,060 7,292 705.30
TF-IDF 1 5,756,844 29,101 197.82
TF-IDF 0.5 5,885,067 46,091 127.68
TF-IDF 0.25 5,968001 64,950 91.88
lightweight configuration, or even more? In order
to do this, we add to the heavyweight configuration
a TF-IDF rule. The preprocessing pipeline’s stack-
ing ability allows us to stack another pipeline con-
taining a TF-IDF rule without having to put the data
through the rest of the pipeline, so we can quickly iter-
ate through different thresholds for TF-IDF to get the
data qualities that we desire. We tried using a TF-IDF
Figure 6: Topic Coherence (y) and Diversity (x) Scores on
Twitter Data Set, using TF-IDF rule.
textPrep: A Text Preprocessing Toolkit for Topic Modeling on Social Media Data
rule with a threshold of 10, 1, 0.5, and 0.25.
Table 6 shows the data quality metrics of each of
these configurations compared to the original heavy-
weight configuration. The thresholds of 10, 1, and 0.5
were all too high, and produced very small vocabular-
ies compared to the lightweight configuration. How-
ever, the threshold of 0.25 produced a vocabulary that
is similar to that of the lightweight. The total num-
ber of tokens is similar for thresholds between 1 and
0.25, so the real difference in data quality exists be-
tween threshold 10 and the rest. We can see that while
the threshold of 0.25 produces a similar size vocabu-
lary to the lightweight configuration, its average token
frequency is about 20% lower. With the preprocess-
ing pipeline, we were able to quickly tailor the data
qualities to our desired levels, allowing us to get to
topic modeling faster.
Figure 6 shows the results when using the TF-
IDF thresholds of 10 and 0.25, compared to the
lightweight and heavyweight configurations. In the
case of LDA, the TF-IDF threshold of 10 produced
better coherence and diversity than the rest of the con-
figurations. Only DMM sees a better topic coherence
for the threshold of 0.25. Every model benefits most
in terms of diversity when the threshold is set to 10.
In this case, having the lowest number of total tokens,
smallest vocabulary, and highest average token fre-
quency resulted in the best topics.
After seeing the effects of preprocessing on three
unique social media data sets, it is safe to say that
preprocessing is necessary, but what is the best con-
figuration? Due to the vast differences in social media
platforms in terms of data quality, we do not believe
that there is truly one best configuration. Data sets can
be preprocessed with a set of safe preprocessing rules,
but there might be a better configuration out there that
offers some significant improvements in model per-
formance. As we saw in the Twitter Case Study, the
best configuration might not be one of a few likely
choices. In comparing the Hacker News data set to
the Reddit and Twitter data sets, we found that what
is best for one data set is not necessarily the best for
the next data set. However, if we need select a ”gen-
eral purpose” model, LDA typically performs better
than DMM and GPUDMM. This is surprising given
that the latter two models should in theory be better
suited for short texts.
With the textPrep preprocessing pipeline, it is
much easier to quickly iterate through preprocessing
configurations, assess data quality, and produce better
topics. To begin the process of finding a good pre-
processing configuration, we recommend an iterative
strategy that begins with a configuration similar to the
lightweight configuration and stacks or removes one
rule at a time until the data quality and vocabulary
seems reasonable. The ability to filter by token fre-
quency as in baseline 2 is built into the pipeline, as
well as all of the rules that we used in these exper-
iments. textPrep also allows for easy integration of
new rules as new social media platforms with new
types of text post content emerge.
In this paper, we present textPrep, a text preprocess-
ing toolkit for topic modeling, and demonstrate the
value of good preprocessing in topic modeling. We
define preprocessing rules and aggregate them into
preprocessing configurations that generate different
data sets for use in topic models. We add preprocess-
ing analysis to the topic modeling pipeline by pro-
viding easy to use data quality metrics in textPrep.
Through three case studies on different social me-
dia data sets, we show the value of the textPrep pre-
processing pipeline and its usefulness in quickly cus-
tomizing and iterating through preprocessing config-
urations to get the best data quality possible for build-
ing topic modelings. We make this toolkit available
to other researchers as an attempt to begin standard-
izing and elevating the importance of preprocessing
for different text mining tasks. We hope that this en-
courages the data science community to share prepro-
cessing configurations in their experimental results so
that experiments can be replicated, and we can bet-
ter understand the variability in data preparation for
different data mining and machine learning tasks.
This work was supported by the National Science
Foundation grant numbers #1934925 and #1934494,
and by the Massive Data Institute (MDI) at George-
town University. We would like to thank our funders.
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