Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with
Honeypot Users
rej Luk
and Sebastian Garcia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Generative Models, Autoencoders, Active Directory, Honeypots, Deep Learning.
Active Directory (AD) is a crucial element of large organizations, given its central role in managing access
to resources. Since AD is used by all users in the organization, it is hard to detect attackers. We propose to
generate and place fake users (honeyusers) in AD structures to help detect attacks. However, not any honeyuser
will attract attackers. Our method generates honeyusers with a Variational Autoencoder that enriches the AD
structure with well-positioned honeyusers. It first learns the embeddings of the original nodes and edges in the
AD, then it uses a modified Bidirectional DAG-RNN to encode the parameters of the probability distribution
of the latent space of node representations. Finally, it samples nodes from this distribution and uses an MLP
to decide where the nodes are connected. The model was evaluated by the similarity of the generated AD with
the original, by the positions of the new nodes, by the similarity with GraphRNN and finally by making real
intruders attack the generated AD structure to see if they select the honeyusers. Results show that our machine
learning model is good enough to generate well-placed honeyusers for existing AD structures so that intruders
are lured into them.
From the range of attacks that organizations face,
those to the internal network are the most critical.
Companies such as Sony, Austria Telekom, NTT,
and Citrix have been compromised in their internal
networks (Zetter, 2014; Cimpanu, 2020b; Cimpanu,
2020a; Whittacker, 2019). These attacks are usually
to their Active Directory (AD) to gain access to in-
ternal resources (Crabtree, 2020). AD stores sensitive
data, and since it is used by all internal users, it is
difficult to detect attacks in the AD by differentiting
between normal and attacker behaviors.
There are three common defenses in AD. First,
to stop attackers from accessing the AD by using
network segmentation, by limiting access (Metcalf,
2015), by hardening AD configurations, or by moni-
toring system events (Nurfauzi, 2020; Metcalf, 2015).
Second, to detect anomalies in the use of AD(Karlin
et al., 2018). Third, to use honeyusers.
A honeyuser is a fake user disguised as a real user
and designed to attract attackers (de Barros, 2003).
Since users should not interact with honeyusers, any
interaction triggers a detection. Honeyusers have
been used for fake bank accounts and database, but
rarely in AD. To maximize the chance of being at-
tacked, the correct placement of the honeyuser in the
AD is essential.
We propose a deep learning variational autoen-
coder model which generates both features and place-
ment location of honeyusers in AD graphs. First, a
graph representation of an existing AD is extracted.
Second, the graph is encoded using a Bidirectional
Directed Acyclic Graph Recurrent Neural Network
(DAG-RNN). The latent space of the encoded graphs
is represented by a multivariate Normal didstribution.
Third, new nodes are sampled from the probability
distribution and a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is
used to predict their position in the extended graph.
The model outputs a set of nodes to add to the AD,
their features and where (to which nodes) they should
be connected.
Since AD data is difficult to obtain, we gener-
ated syntetic graphs by boosting them with a small
sample of real AD structures. These syntetic datasets
were used to train and evaluate our model against the
GraphRNN technique (You et al., 2018). We also
evaluated the quality of the honeyusers by publishing
a game to attack a real AD on the Internet. This game
helped understand if real attackers are more lured into
Lukáš, O. and Garcia, S.
Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with Honeypot Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0010556601400147
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2021), pages 140-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-526-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the honeyusers placed by our model.
Results show that the DAG-RNN model can gen-
erate new honeyuser-enriched AD graphs that are in
average 80% similar to the original graph. It can
also place honeyusers in organic positions 94% of
the time. Preliminary results from the real-life game
are inconclusive but suggest an attackers’ tendency to
prefer the DAG-RNN generated honeyusers.
The contributions of this paper are:
A DAG-RRN autoencoder for extending AD
graphs with honeyusers.
The first Bidirectional DAG-RNN models applied
to the domain of honeyusers generation.
An evaluation with real-life attackers.
A public implementation of the DAG-RNN model
that only depends on Tensorflow 2.
A sythetic dateset of AD graphs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the related work; Section 3 describes
the generation of the dataset; Section 4 describes the
deep learning method; Section 5 describes the evalu-
ations of the model; Section 6 shows the results; and
Section 7 makes the conclusion.
Active Directory (AD) has been analyzed as a target
due to its importance inside companies (Case, 2016),
with the most common detection approach being to
search the AD logs for anomalies (Matsuda et al.,
Common protecting AD solutions include hard-
ening and monitoring tools (Grimes, 2006), with the
main tool for detecting malicious activities being the
Advanced Threat Analytics by Microsoft (Microsoft,
2015), which detects abnormal activity. Some tools
manage fake accounts (Berg, 2019), but do not gen-
erate new honeyusers. The DCEPT tool (Bettke and
Stewart, 2016) creates fake accounts in memory of
end-points. To our knowledge, there is no research
to automatically generate honeypots in AD (Valicek
et al., 2017).
In other areas, automation and machine learning
methods were used to design honeypots. Techniques
include state machines to generate scripts (Leita et al.,
2005) for the honeypot honeyd (Provos, 2003). Rein-
forcement Learning has also been used for generating
honeypot responses to extend the duration of the at-
tack (Dowling et al., 2018). Game Theory was also
used to place honeypots as a two-player interaction
game (Tian et al., 2019).
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) were used for de-
tection, generation, and classification of graphs. A
prominent work is GraphRNN (You et al., 2018),
where the graph is iteratively created using two re-
current modules, one for nodes and one for graphs.
GraphRNN outperforms Graph convolutional neural
networks on the generation of undirected graphs.
Graph Variational Autoencoders were used to gen-
erate small undirected graphs in molecule modelling
with success (Simonovsky and Komodakis, 2018).
The method, however, lacks good scaling and prede-
fines the maximal size of structures.
Graph Recurrent Attention Networks (Liao et al.,
2019), showed success in modeling protein data, ex-
ceeding both GrapVAE and GraphRNN. The tech-
nique combined recurrent GNN with attention layers.
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) were used with
custom RNN cells to analyze a DAG structure and
produce simplifications of formulas (Kaluza et al.,
2018). A DAG-to-DAG also learnt the satisfiability
of formulas in propositional logic (Amizadeh et al.,
2019). Both works used the Encoder-Decoder archi-
tecture on top of graph recurrent cells. As far as we
know, there are no publications using generative mod-
els for honeypot generation.
Production AD environments have sensitive Person-
ally Identifiable Information (PII) from users, therfore
it is hard to obtain good datasets of real AD structures.
We solved the issue by obtaining few real AD
structures by signing Non-disclosure Agreements
(NDAs) and using these samples for boosting the gen-
eration of artificial datasets. These datasets maintain
the same characteristics of the real AD, with the help
and verification of security experts.
We created four artificial datasets which differ in
the number of nodes and edges. Each one contains a
large number of graphs with similar number of nodes.
All graphs are valid Directed Acyclic Graphs that fol-
low the restrictions of the real AD, such as which
groups have more users.
3.1 Extracting Active Directory Data
The structure of real AD has to be extracted to be used
in our model. We used the tool Sharphound (Vazarkar,
2016) for this.
We filter the real ADs to only retain five node
types and their edges. The types used in our datasets
are: User, Computer, Domain, OrganizationalUnit
Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with Honeypot Users
(OU), and Group. The number of edges for the indi-
vidual graphs is sampled from a Gaussian distribution
using parameters estimated from real AD structures.
To generate our four artificial datasets, we then
used the random DAG generation of the NetworkX
library (Hagberg et al., 2008). All generated graphs
in each dataset have the same node-to-edge ratio and
node type as the real AD structures. Table 1 shows
the properties of the datasets. The main difference
between them is their size.
Table 1: Artificial datasets with number of graphs, num-
ber of nodes, mean amount of vertices and mean amount of
Dataset graph
# sam-
|V |
AD15 15 2,000 12.51 19.02
AD50 50 2,000 39.88 65.49
AD150 150 2,500 115.11 192.49
AD500 500 1,000 353.36 600.17
We assume that the number of edges to other
nodes is an important criterion that influences why an
attacker chooses that user. Therefore, the usefulness
of a honeyuser node for being a good target is related
to how many connections it has and to which nodes.
Each of the artificial datasets was splitted for train-
ing and validation (4/5), and testing (1/5). The test-
ing was not used until the final evaluation. The train-
ing/validation sets were shuffled.
Our framework starts by creating a graph representa-
tion from the AD structure. Then, the graph is en-
coded into a latent space using the node type em-
beddings and our bi-directional DAG-RNN encoder.
From the encoder, new nodes are sampled and used as
input for the decoder, which predicts their placement.
Lastly, we generate attributes of the new nodes before
inserting them back into the AD. Figure 1 shows a
diagram of the framework.
4.1 From AD to Graph Representation
The first step is representing the AD as a directed
acyclic graph(DAG). Only six basic node types re-
lated to users are present in the graph (Section 3). The
acyclicity allows for topological sorting of the nodes
in the DAG, which is essential for the encoding pro-
cess. Each graph is represented by A, and adjacency
Figure 1: Diagram of our framework. First, from an AD to
graph. Second, embedding of nodes. Third, process nodes
with a DAG-RNN Variational Autoencoder. Fourth, pre-
dicts locations of nodes. Fifth, enrich the features of nodes.
Sixth, inserts the nodes as honeyusers in the AD.
node matrix, A
its transposed version for reverse
directionality, and a matrix X that represents one-
hot encoded node features. These matrices are zero
padded to align the shapes in the mini-batch during
the training. The padded nodes are masked during the
whole training. The matrix X is input to an embed-
ding layer that outputs the matrix X
with the embed-
dings that represent similarities between the nodes.
4.2 DAG-RNN Variational
The node embeddings and structural information in A
and A
are used in the autoencoding process (Kingma
and Welling, 2014). The topology-aware, RNN-based
Variational Autoencoder (DAG-RNN VAE) shown in
Figure 2 learns latent space representation of each
node in the graph and can generate new nodes with
similar properties.
The DAG-RNN VAE inputs matrices X
, A and
and outputs matrix
A, which contains the place-
ments of the proposed nodes. A multi-variate Gaus-
sian parametrizes the latent space z in which the En-
coder represents the original nodes. Such architecture
allows sampling of the latent space representation of
new nodes. The MLP Decoder predicts the probabil-
ity of the presence of an edge between a pair of nodes.
During the training phase, the model attempts to re-
construct the original adjacency matrix. During gen-
eration, edges from the original nodes to newly sam-
pled are predicted.
4.2.1 DAG-RNN Encoder
The DAG-RNN layer contains bi-directional Gated
Recurrent Units (GRUs), which process the nodes se-
quentially following the ordering given by A and A
Unlike a traditional GRU, the output of a DAG-RNN
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Overview of the VAE. Inputs are, matrix X (one-
hot encoded node types), adjacency matrix A, and its trans-
pose A
. Rows follow a topological ordering. The VAE
consists of an Encoder (Embedding layer and DAG-RNN
layer) which projects the inputs in a latent space z, and a
Decoder (MLP) which reconstructs the adjacency matrix
is not fed back as recurrent input, but stored in the ma-
H (
H for the unit processing the reversed graph).
In a directed graph there can be multiple previ-
ous states (a node can have numerous direct predeces-
sors). Let G = hV
, E
i be a graph used as input for
our method, with V
the set of vertices of G and E
the set of edges. By topologically ordering the nodes
of G it is guaranteed that v
, all of its predeces-
sors have been already been processed in timestamps
t < i and their latent space representation is stored in
H .
When computing the previous state for node v
we use the corresponding slice of matrix A to create a
mask for
H . With the mask, we can combine the hid-
den states using summation which results in the pre-
vious state for the GRU. Similarly with the reversed
graph, we use A
for masking
H .
The aggregation of hidden states forces the nodes
to be connected in a similar way as nodes in the AD.
This makes it possible to generate honeyusers that
will be part of the most populated groups.
As a last step, we sum the directional results in
H using to obtain a single output matrix H.
Apart from matrix H, which contains the latent
space representation of all nodes in the graph, the
Encoder outputs vectors µ and σ - the parameters of
a multivariate Normal distribution which regularizes
the latent space. Each of the parameters is estimated
by a single MLP. These parameters are used for (i) la-
tent loss computation, (ii) sampling of the new nodes
to be added in the graph.
4.2.2 Decoder
The decoder samples one node from the probability
distribution for each pre-required honeyuser. The ma-
trix of all requested nodes is Z. Then, it pairs the sam-
pled new nodes with the existing nodes doing a Carte-
sian product between Z and H. Each pair is input to
Figure 3: Bi-directional DAG-RNN layer. The inputs to
the GRU cell are the embeddings of the node X
and the
aggregation of previous states following the topology of the
graph. Matrices A and A
are used to mask the previous
states stored in
H and
H . The outputs of both directions
are combined using sum.
an MLP that estimates if the pair should be kept, stor-
ing this estimation in
A. The sigmoid activation of the
MLP has a threshold value of 0.2.
4.2.3 Loss Functions
Since the model is trained all at once, we used a com-
pound weighted loss that is the sum of two functions:
a reconstruction loss and a latent loss.
The Reconstruction Loss estimates the auto
encoder information loss using the Sigmoid Focal
Loss(Lin et al., 2017) (Equation (1), which is a mod-
ification of the binary cross-entropy loss for highly
imbalanced classes. In our model, the presence or ab-
sence of an edge in
A is treated as a binary classifica-
) = α
(1 p
) (1)
FL is a modification of binary cross-entropy us-
ing the parameters α and γ to address the imbalance
and the different difficulty of classifying classes. The
γ parameter scales the classification difficulty of the
minority class. In FL, (1 p
is a modulating fac-
tor, while pt is a notational convenience defined as
= p if y = 1 and p
= (1 p) otherwise. Where y
specifies the ground-truth class, p is the prediction.
The Latent Loss estimates the difference between
the distribution of the latent space and the Normal
distribution. We used the Kullback-Leibler Diver-
gence (Joyce, 2011) (Equation 2). D
measures the
distance between the latent distribution Q and another
distribution (Normal for us) as the prior P.
(PkQ) =
) (2)
Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with Honeypot Users
Where X is the probability space, and P = N(0, 1).
The loss function is a weighted sum of the Focal
loss and the Latent loss, shown in Equation 3.
L =
+ |z|D
, z
kN (0, 1)
Where n is the number of nodes, A is the adja-
cency matrix,
A is the estimated adjacency matrix,
and z
and z
are the estimated parameters of the nor-
mal distribution. The Focal Loss is divided by two
since we only estimate half of
A, that is a lower trian-
gular matrix.
4.3 Honeyuser Attributes Generation
For each newly generated node, we still need to gen-
erate its AD attributes before adding them to the fi-
nal graph. For the attributes dependent of the posi-
tions, such as Distinguished Name (DN), it is neces-
sary to build it based on the position path. For the
attributes that are independent of the position, they
are randomly generated using external tools such as
Faker (Faraglia, 2012). We verify that the properties
of an AD are not violated.
Once the attributes were generated, we insert the
extended AD graph back into the original AD server
using Powershell cmdlets or LDAP addition queries.
4.4 Implementation and Complexity
The DAG-RNN framework was implemented based
on Tensorflow 2 and Keras so it can be used in CUDA
GPUs. As far as we know, it is the first complete Ten-
sorflow 2 implementation available.
Sequential processing of the nodes based on the
topological ordering results in time complexity O(N).
Since a node v can only be processed after its prede-
cessors have been processed, each pair of nodes (u, v)
must processed, which means the memory complex-
ity is quadratic in the size of the input.
The model was evaluated in three different ways.
First, on its ability to encode and reconstruct graph
structures. Second, on its ability to extend graphs us-
ing the DAG-RNN VAE. Third, on its capacity to gen-
erate honeyusers that attract attackers in real-life.
5.1 Experimental Setup
The hyperparameters of the model were trained with
a mixture of grid search and heuristic expert knowl-
edge. The dimension of the embedding layer is 6. The
GRU cell in the encoder consists of 64 units, while the
two MLPs that estimate µ and σ have 32 hidden units
The MLP encoder has 3 hidden layers with 64, 64
and 32 units respectively, and it uses ReLU activation.
The output uses a sigmoid activation.
The Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) optimizer is
always used for the training with an exponentially de-
cayed learning rate. The initial weights of the DAG-
RNN and Decoder MLP are obtained using the Glorot
uniform initializer (Glorot and Bengio, 2010) except
for the hidden dense layer for estimating σ where the
initial weights are 0.
The model was trained in a computer with 32 GB
of RAM and an Nvidia Titan V GPU card with 12 GB
of RAM. All code is free software
5.2 Graph Reconstruction
The first evaluation was on graph reconstruction.
We measured the generation power to create similar
graphs to the original AD by an element-wise compar-
ison of the input embedding adjacency matrix A with
the reconstructed matrix
A. The confusion matrix was
created by comparing the same element (position i, j)
in both matrices: if A
i, j
i, j
= 1, it is a TP; if A
i, j
i, j
= 0, it is a TN; if A
i, j
= 1 and
i, j
= 0 it is a
FN; if A
i, j
= 0 and
i, j
= 1 it is a FP.
The final metrics used were recall, F1 score, and
area under the Precision-Recall Curve (PR AUC).
5.3 New Nodes Generation
The second evaluation was on the generation of new
nodes, and used two metrics: Edge Validity Ratio
(EVR), and Mean Edge Count Ratio (MECR). They
were chosen because in generative models, there is no
ground truth to compare with (Guan and Loew, 2019).
Edge Validity Ratio (EVR): is a ratio between
the amount of valid edges (possible in an AD) gen-
erated for a node and the total amount of generated
edges for that node. Equation 4) shows the EVR,
where δ
(v) is the amount of incoming edges of node
v and δ
(v) is the amount of valid incoming edges.
The final EVR of the graph is the average EVR of all
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
EV R(v) =
Mean Edge Count Ratio (MECR): is a ratio be-
tween the mean amount of incoming edges in nodes
of the original graph (δ
), and the mean amount of
incoming edges in nodes of the generated graph (δ
The ratio uses the minimum of these two values as nu-
merator and the maxium as denominator. The mean
for the original nodes is defined in Equation 5 and for
the generated nodes in Equation 6.
(n) (5)
) (6)
The best value of MECR is 1, where the user nodes in
the extended graph have in average the same number
of incoming edges as the original.
We compare our method with GraphRNN (You
et al., 2018) on the 2D grid dataset using their pro-
posed Wasserstein distance of node degree distribu-
tions between the original and generated nodes.
5.4 Evaluation of Nodes as Honeyusers
The third evaluation was on the positions of the nodes
as good honeyusers; that is nodes selected by attack-
ers in an AD system. For this we executed a real-
life attacking game with two Windows AD systems
on the Internet with 100 users. One AD has the hon-
eyusers placed by our model (edges and features), and
the other AD has the same honeyusers but placed in
random positions.
The protocol of the game was as follows: First,
users were directed to a webpage where the game was
. Second, one of the two AD is selected
randomly and given to the user, where they played
by connecting to it with their tools. Third, the user
answers three questions with usernames from the AD.
The game used two features from behavioral eco-
nomic science: first negative rewards (wrong answers
decrease the money obtained); second, we donate the
final gained money to a charity.
A question is correct if the selected user is a legit-
imate domain account, if it is not a honeypot, and if
it fulfills the given question. A task is incorrect if the
selected user is a honeyuser or a legitimate domain
account that does not fulfill the given question.
Results of Graph Reconstruction. There are four
sets of results for each of the datasets: AD15, AD50,
AD150 and AD500. Table 2 shows that our model
achieves 80% precision in the testing set of AD15,
AD50, and AD150. However, it only reaches 51%
precision for large datasets of 500 nodes, suggest-
ing that in larger graphs the ability to reconstruct
the graph degrades. The F1-score reaches 84% for
middle-size graphs and is close to 60% for large
graphs. Figure 4 shows a comparison of precision-
recall curves, where it is seen that the largest dataset
AD500 has a drop in performance.
Results suggest that our method can reconstruct
graphs with enough precision up to 150 nodes and are
useful in the generation of new users, but it struggles
with large graphs.
Table 2: Graph reconstruction evaluation metrics.
Dataset Precision Recall F1-score
AD15 80.93% 94.5%6 87.22%
AD50 79.94% 89.48% 84.44%
AD150 80.38% 45.53% 58.13%
AD500 51.85% 72.6% 7 60.52%
Figure 4: Graph reconstruction evaluation comparison with
Precision-recall curves. Only graphs up to 150 nodes have
enough reconstruction precision to be useful.
To compare with GraphRNN we trained with
2,000 nodes and evaluated with 500, extending the
graphs of size 50 with 5 new nodes. Our average
Wasserstein distance is 0.99 (better closer to 0) for
only the extended nodes, which is better than all the
baselines reported in (You et al., 2018). Taking all
the nodes into account (original and new) it is 0.15.
Figure 5 shows an example extended grid.
Results of New Nodes Generation. Table 3 shows
the EVR and MECR metrics for each datasets. EVR
was better for graphs of 50 nodes, with a precision of
80% and an F1-score of 84%. Graphs of 150 and 500
nodes had an F1-score close to 60%, meaning that for
larger graphs we are not generating the same amount
of edges or they are connected differently.
However, with an F1-score 84%, we can expect to
Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with Honeypot Users
Figure 5: Example of node generation on a 2D grid dataset
from GraphRNN. For the DAG-RNN VAE, we added di-
rectionality and used nodes of the same type. The Wasser-
stein distance of node degree was used in the experiment.
Our method achieved 0.99 which outperforms all baselines
listed in GraphRNN paper. However, the DAG-RNN VAE
does not improve the result of the GraphRNN. The other
two metrics used in that paper are not applicable to our
generate new nodes for graphs of middle size that are
organic enough to be very similar to the other users
of the original graph.
Table 3: Node generation evaluation metrics.
Dataset EVR MECR
AD15 68.38% 77.53%
AD50 72.21% 95.42%
AD150 69.18% 92.42%
AD500 58.86% 95.23%
Our worked on graphs up to 150 nodes with good
results. This was possible because our specific task of
honeyuser generation needed less precision to work.
Figure 6 is an example of a generated graph of 50
nodes with honeyusers inserted. Newly added users
are depicted in red.
Results of Evaluating Nodes as Honeyusers. This
result has been hard to measure since it is hard to find
real attackers to play the game. With ten participants
in the study so far, the results are not statistically sig-
nificant, but they show trends that we expect to con-
tinue for the whole experiment.
For all three questions, both groups (random AD
and generated AD) selected a honeyuser 25% of the
time. At first glance, this may seem to suggest that
there is no difference in the generation of edges. How-
ever, for the first question participants playing in the
generated AD selected honeyusers 25% of the time,
compared with the participants in the random AD that
selected honeyusers 12.5% of the time. This last re-
sult suggests a possible tendency of attackers towards
Figure 6: Example generated graph (right) from an original
graph (left) from dataset AD50. There are five user nodes
(ids 50-54 in red) inserted. Node 54 is disconnected from
the graph and is to be discarded.
our generated honeyusers.
Given 100 original and 20 honeyusers, the prior
probability of choosing a honeyuser was 16.6%.
However, for the first question, the generated AD
reached 25% of honeyusers hits, suggesting that hon-
eyusers generated by our model may be selected more
than expected. The random AD was below this thresh-
old with 12.5% of honeypot hits.
We presented a deep learning method that ingests Ac-
tive Directory (AD) structures and generates a similar
structure with inserted honeyusers (fake users). The
method chooses the position of honeyusers in the AD
with a bidirectional topologically sorted DAG-RNN
Autoencoder. The model was evaluated in four ways.
First, by generating similar graphs, showing 80% pre-
cision in graphs up to 150 nodes. Second, by placing
nodes organically, showing a Mean Edge Count Ra-
tio of 92%. Third, by comparing with GraphRNN in
reconstructing grid graphs and being better than base-
lines. Fourth, by generating honeyusers that are at-
tractive to attackers in a public real game, showing
inconclusive results given the small number of partic-
ipants, but with preliminary results that seem to sug-
gest that the nodes placed by our RNN are selected
slightly more.
The contributions of this work are (i) an applica-
tion of DAG-RNN in the cybersecurity domain; (ii)
a free software implementation of DAG-RNN VAE
with GPU acceleration; (iii) a synthetic Active Direc-
tory structure dataset; (iv) a framework for real-life
AD honeyuser evaluation.
Future Work to improve the experiments with
real attackers, to estimate the node type from the
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
embedding, and to include the attractiveness of AD
We acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation
with the donation of a Titan V GPU for this research.
We would also like to thank the Stratosphere team for
their support.
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Deep Generative Models to Extend Active Directory Graphs with Honeypot Users